'V tvwuuu air tun VNITKII PIIKW MWH M.HVICI! Hlith Vcei ' i"T P e Petting Befafo. 1 fr EVEMXO NKWITAPBM PRINT THK NRWS, NOT HMTOKT KLAMATH PALM, OMNMInIJ MONDAY1, JL'LV Iff, IUU rrit. riv cne Athletes Lose to Death in Hot Marathon Race; 6000 KOTO ROAD WORK STARTS ON Death and Famine W TO CITY STREET PAVfN6i in Wake of Floods Winner Grosses Line Frothing at the Mouth AMERICANS HOLD FRONT POSITIONS WILL BE A BIG DEMONSTRATION IIIHTimCXK UU.VMKH IHKH TlltlHI.K IIVMHIUM IX M?re of Hit- .Iff Who Pinnated Are HrplHr Willi (IrrKMimr Details or the Mugi-rlng. of Parllrlpaal -TIm TrMprrattirn Around ion lb grers, ami Meal Win TerrlaV for iOimrr Initsd I'm Hervtc ntockholm, nwe-Js, Jnty in. With American away hi tfci lead for In pUrr, lh (HjmmV aaase mIM aaVUIIy rail tonight, wnen'iha king tessal the prise In lb rdadtnnt KolilrouWti mom the IJI efrat, llli Anderwm, ol Eke, KwtMSvn second. Koliluiamn U In Intra aswfeMliiwal anil lk America. untehtainmknt I'laxxKii POHTI.IXIMU'KMT Foil DORRIS BOO j.MOt i:.MKXT OX FOOT TO ;HANf.K,l'I.AYT FOREMAN' AMI CltKW AH I'ACIFMJ ROUTE HIVE FROM PORTLAND f ARE ON THE MOVE i:vi:iiv effort will in: made, TO HAVE HTATK HIOHWAY TO PAHH THIIOt (ill THAT PLACE. EX IIOI'TI. TO KM MATH I'AM.H .Mrn Will llol.l Public llrrrpOon dnl IUaart (or Visitor Tneada) Evening, unit mi Exrimloti Parly r r'lfl) or Morr Automobile Will Make Trip Tl.it...!. Hie lUrli ln. saint Hallow Following MomliiR rim committee In charge of the ar rangvmtiilM (or tl.n entertainment of llir Pethrtndrr parly ruel Haturday rnln a Mil decided on ihrlr prelim inary plana, the drlatta are In be worked nut ul a aoon a tnforma- Win la received a In thn exact lima hn arrival of ihn parlr filled Pre "tarrl" STOCKHOLM, Julr li.TroUlaa il la diouIIi llkn a mail dog, Ken stay Kane McArlhur, an Irishmen or South Africa, eruued over Ih linn a laair In the marathon rare of tho OljraipU limn, while behind him trtrnr of aurfrrlnic Inn grewaoma lo rtlttr. f. I- Aiare, the only Portuguese raarathoner entered, illfd In terrible xony, stiuullngi "I'm tho wlnuerl I'm th- wlnnerl" I'hrilclan attribute his Jnath lo uMtroi HUilk, a llohomlan, la dylni. o irat a Ihn haal and lulrmo Ilia dnlrn on thi part or Iho ron InUnU lo will, that the well trained athltlM literally ran thamialtrca da HrlotM. Tt itorlea n( tho thirty"." mvn ho Bnlibfd are rtplata with grw on iltlalli, Thn auffarlnc of the participant wrrj. Irrrlflc. The winning tlmo waa 1:3. 0. W. (llUhaw of Houth Africa waa tond, ami llaaton Hlroklno or Tat Icrton, N. J., waa third. Of tho tlrt twenty runnrra to Hn Ub, tan wcrt American. Th r.tamnla or thor Inn mail u timarkalili-, rpiclnlly thrt Inlonaa t. around 1 00 di-graoa In lha ., rnrc.l tlm runnrra rront Iho outh, TIip Dorrla liomlcm nti- 'gottlng huy, with a vlw or ntabilahfng a atatc hUhway through that rtly. The ItarrU Aihocnto bflluuti ths chancia are rtcrllent ror auccwi Tha rutlowlng l from that paper Oorrla may yrt bn on Iho line or thn atale highway hurtnlng north, Wn are aitvlaiil that Iho aUtn high ( rominlMlnn will glre another I raring on thn matter of locating lha lair highway In iho nrar future, and Hint thrre U atrong probability of thn route bring changed lo what la known a the rant route, which would bring It by way or Dorrla to the alati Una near Klamath KalU. It I atatrd that II.U U the moil practical route, and that the road can bn built through hrre at n aavlng to the alala of morn than hair a million dollar!, whlli the gradra would be much llghtrr than on the weal d l'roporl lloail.ltun From Weed lo Oorrla and Then on lo ThU City - Wlllamrllo Vallry May lie Itearlied I Thm by MeVrral (lood BoajU Judge UatHt aiea View om Ux MaUvr aad Htaita Herman Force la llack Work for Warren Company on OtuhanMtag mill I'Unl Work on Ura4aa and Imj. Ins Pavement on Faalanada. and lloaxl HireHa Maria HhorUy I W. Caul Johnaou will trarel by route, SHALL DEBT LEADS 10 FOUR-ROUND SET-TO lo MHford tin. prim ring ban an attracted Intercut that It la now being ''ortfd to by cIHiciih lo enforce col "tloiu. Tho Mrdford Mall Trubunn "Porta tlm !fttaHt prUeflght Ihero a fi'llowi; 'or a uurae of I2.B0, Kid Wnler ., " ' rlvef t n local livery fur, ami "" I'hlppa wont rour rotinda to n J! V,,lon "'r tho Wnahliigton achool rr a.y , oiling, wmorman waa na 7 v, !lor' bul ' n" 0- ' '' """HI without aundry m.rka. n,. '?T "m VMW w Walor. . 1 lM '"r mito hire. There waa auto to Illy In meet the party on their Htuni from (.akevlew, which h ex peeled lo be on Tueeday. Other par ilea arriving In aulomoblle will go to llonama, the flap, end other polala olond the road. It la eipecttd that the party will arrive hrre Tucade ftr: noon A public reception by tbr wo men and men of thn city will b. giv en the iarty at tho White Pelican hotel, followed by a banquet begin ntng about o'clock. It. II. Dunbar will officiate aa loMlmailrr. and the liddreaa of welcome to thn vUltora Kill be given by Judge Henry I, lien ton. An addrea wilt be gltcn b) Mayor r r. Nlchotaa, and a talk on "(lon-l I'ondi" by Judge H. Wor.len. ThU will be all of Ihn local aenkera, the other lalka being made by C. C, Chapman, I'hlt H. Ilalra and nthem or thn vlattlng party. The Klamath Mllltar) band wilt be aaked lo hold their regular open air concert on Tucaday evening In rront of tho hotel, rather than the uaual place In the court homm aquarr, Thla will begin at :3ft, nnd will petmlt Ihn clty'a gtirata In aecure a good nlghl'n real after their long trip from l-akevlew. It la planned to hotd'thn party over nt lea it until the afternoon or Wed neaday, nnd n tour or tho Irrlgnllon lection aouth or Klamath Knlla will ho taken In the forenoon. Tho gueata wilt bn divided among thn clllten who have auloa and Die parly, will, about fifty rhnchlnei, will atari from lha hotel at a;30. After a parade through tho bualneaa atreeta the trip I will bo made to Merrill, where nr-' 'rangementa hnvu been made tor light refrer.hmentK, and tho party will re turn by different route, arriving here about noon. , ,, . It la probably Hint tho vlallnra will ko lo either 1'cllcan Day or Port Klamath lo remain over night, and from there etnrt north thn following day The commltten haa beon greut'y encnnragt'il by tho enthualaam ahown by the cllliena In their nfforta In nmko thla one nr Iho moat aucce.nf.il ilemonatrAlloiiN over undertaken In thla city, It la dealred to properly Impreaa thoao ofllelal rprcenlntlvc of Ihn varloim public organlintlona of( DorrU nnd all or llutto Valley would be greatly benefitted by thla change In Ibe prnpoecd ttate rj.ml, uxe wmim. . a'- " t OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT HAI.KM.J uly 16. Advice, have been received here thai the aecretary of thn Interior haa rrtponded to a pe tition presented to him by Congreaa man llawley, asking that about 71,- 000 acres of land near Arrow and Fort Hock, Lake county, be thrown npm to settlement, and they will bo made subject to entry July SS, under thn provisions of the enlarged home stead law The land Is of n aeml-nrld rharntcer. I), II. Daly of l.nkovlow pasted through the clt) Invt night, en mute homo nrter a trip to Portland, Dr. T. K. Johnson nnd wife or Mer rill and II. Fisher and wire of Mar cold. Ore., arrived In tho city last night after a visit with relatives In tho Fort Klamath country. Meeting l'olioned Thn I'ythlan Klstcr will hold their regular meeting Friday evening of this week, Instead of tonight. Hiuto w It payment, and thn It j . ---rangeu n halt o lo settle tho near . "l. llicy met nir th W..h. It ..?, ,Cl1001' n Proceeded to have Ll 1B,rlht Marqul of Queen- !hTB ,". ,,,,a of lh four' ro" no.?. hl,1w dMW th ho had la w : m "Pn Payment of ft.SO "'Nice lnvnt1mtHl. but did not '"any UP.,. -.... .. -jnii. me men. TOURIST TRAVEL IS PICKING UP MANY AllTOMOIIII.K I'AIITIKS All IIIVK IN THK KLAMATH COUX THV FOI.WIWIXO ANXOUXCrV MF.XT OF I'AUK OI'KXIXO Judgu A, I.. Uavllt. who I greatly Interested In securing connection with tho California highway through Klama'h county, la of tho opinion that tho greatest argument thla sec tion could offer would be the benefit lo the resldenta.of California who dealre to make thla trip, by tho con struction of a road from Weed to Dorrl. Judge l.oavlU iato that there la already good road rrom Weed to tho north west of .the Cascades, and with the eitenilon or the highway lo Dorrls thn tourist travvl would then have a choice of the two routee, which would be or greater benefit lo Iho re Idenla of California than would aim ply one road. "Wo are lo commence wnrk anthe pavement or llroad. Wall and Cenk nado atreeta at once," was the an nouncement or Herman Force, local representative or the Warren Con struction company, who, returned rrom IVrtland Runday evening. He bus been In Portland consulting with! tho officials or Iho company, and In cidentally attending the Elks Orand l.odgo celebration Mr. Force brought with him a crew or eipert workmen, Including the foreman or tho plant who began work thla morning getting things ready ror actual Improvement or the streets. I The plant Is to be overhauled, and 'It la eipected to begin within a row days on the grading or the streets pre BEGIN MOVEMENT TO CHANGE LAW HTATK HOAKD OP FIHH A.t OAMK COMMJHHIO.V ACTIVE Hnggratloaa From IndlvldaaU and As sociations of Hportsmen Are Nought lly Hie Htale OaVlals Plan I to Make Chances in Hie KUUs Re-pi laUons for Hporlaaien Pnlfi Ucenaes Huggested. In n communication to the Herald paratory to tho laying of the pave " iwtiu aaye. jmenL. uutaian or a rnw company It developed at the White Pelican I men familiar with the work, pnctlc- ainner last week that thn northern ally nil local workmen will be em termlnua of the California atale high-'ployed on the contract. 4 With tho announcement that tho Mopping plncoH In tho vicinity of Crater l.nko nro now open ror busi ness, nn Impetus hns been given tho tourist trnlllc, und estorday tho roads lending to this country wore mlrly Iho metropolis or Oregon, with the overrun wmi o....iuw ....... Imporlanco or Klnmnth Falls nnd, A numbor or part es spent last Houlhoaslom Oregon, which ban ko I night In this city, and this morning lar boon practically neglected by, slnrted out ror tho different resorU. Portland Among Parties were Iho follow- Ing: ..I a at l..m.!AA.t anil M I tit nt I at II flvkea Hamuker ronor a thai the " ")" """ """ mammoth traction onglno engaged In.nlngs. I.a.i M. J. Knox and wife of hauling lumber from tho Donn-Hor- Blsson, Calir.i Hob.rt Coulter and ton mill wa. loaded Monday and left wlfo of San Francisco; il. J neetor with about SO.000 feet of lumber for nnd wife or Nevada City, Calif., John the Bavldge Bros.' yard at Klamath h. i.nruo, " " ""? "' "" Falla. Tho engineer had tlm jnlsfor- monto; a. iv. ,, - mil fir vniinnii a vj vwkvmvj wlfo and W. A. Bago and wire oi sac-. ino wruor mm mo urewM ui vi ramenj Dr. Wm. W. Kin nnd wife Ifornln a a date and of IU northern tuno to cut off hi linger whllo cut ting some wood for the engine It waa dressed by T)r. Harris. Ilonamn llulletln. " I l " 1 J f;i VcrJtCMT CSATCH iam M 1 MATlOKI.1. PHF, I V iXLAMATH Mt. oMftiT, PACIFIC HIGHWAY AND KUMAIH FALLS ROAD ' SHOWING MAIN AUTO KOADS TIIUOUOH OUEOON AND I'KO POSI'.D HinilWAY FROM WRKD TO MT. HBBRON way waa of considerable Importance lo Klnmnth and tho counties north on tho east sldo of the Cascades. Or egon liau mndo no provision for the construction of a state highway, nor do 1 know of any con certed action looking to the con struction pf such a highway, conse quently Iho committed In charge of tho expenditure or the California ap propriation nro froo to select their point or northern termination purely and simply rrom tho standpoint of tho eternal fitness of things viewed from that state' standpoint and the dealre of the automobile travel leav- nig tho principal cities of that state for northern runs. It Is the Idea of ramento; or flan Francisco. traffic over the propoied highway can boat bo served by making the termi nus nt Dorrla, on tho lino or tho Cal ifornia nnd Northeastern railway; then tho travel over the highway reaching n point as far north aa Bls son or Weed could divert lUolf at plonsuro either reaching Portland or the Willamette cities via Montague. Yreka, Agor, Hornbrook, Ashland, Medford, Oranta Pass, etc, or reach ing Portland via Dorrls, Klamath Falls, Crater Lake, etc. A terrains Hon west or Dorrla would deprive the automoblltst, tourist and other mavetera from making that selection, but given tho opportunity of select ing either of tho two routes mention ed upon arriving at Weed or Btsaou, the traveler would instantly com mend the judgment of the commission. i no state ooara or run ana uame commissioners have undertaken a thorough revision of the present sys tem of the game laws. The Idea !s to present a code for adoption 'at the next legislature, which iff 111 give, mora ocinplcte protection to fish and game. and correct numerous errors In the present system of laws. The commission desires In making up this new game code to get a thor ough expression of public opinion be fore the code Is presented, to the legislature. For this reason the mem bers or the commission ask that resi dent In different parts of tho state, especially farmers, fruit growers, a well as sportsmen, send In any sug gestions, so that the commission may act upon them. Suggestion are also sought from the granges, commercial bodies, rod and gun club and other organisations". In order to get a game coda suitable foe different parts ot the state. -i-AH commnnleatloB 'and sugges tions should be sent to Mr. J. P. Hughes, secretary- of the fish and game commission. Salem, Oregon. At present there are a number of question under discussion that will be of Interest to sportsmen In differ ent part of the state, such a the question of bounties on predatory animals. The commission Is In favor of a more rigid effort to exterminate cougar and wolves. Tho question has been agitated In certain parts ot the state to reduce the non-resident hunt ing and fishing license to the samo price as the resident license. Many sportsmen are also In favor of reduc ing the limits on deer and other game. MEXICAN STATE IS GREAT LOSER OXK THOl'HA.VD I.IVKH AKK POKTaa ID Ml IflMT Properly Rentage la KhUd a W.eee.eee Many PaaaaWea At Homeless) awl flrrat Hnffrrtng HesmJtlng Denver la Aim VMMi by Terrrble Mors and Uvea Lent The S. United Pre oenrtea MKXICO CITY. July IS. Om thousand or more are believed to have perished and a property loss a ob tained of 120,000,000 aa a result of n cloudburst In the atale of Guana juato. The cropa In an area of 1,000 squaro mile have been ruined and all foodstuffs destroyed. Dsnger of famine Is threatened. Thousands of people are hungry and unclothed. Word Is brought from the scene ot the disaster of robbery of the) dead bodies, and the Madero cabinet hi planning to rush troop and relief trains to the atrlckea district MlwHNiri Staffers tmm I United frees service ' -syr-iAitM luiciaiv-ic: a a-v..., ,-.., . and wind storm which swept thai section yesterday and did l,e,tM damage, Ponr peopla were drawned at Alton. III. Wonder What? United Press Service DF.NVER, Colo., July IS. In the greatest flood In the history of tk city since that of 1864, one man I known to be dead and two men are missing. A woman and a boy were seen to fall Into the water, and It is believed that there have been .many other fatalities. The property loss Is tear 11,000. 000. Four square miles of ground I under water, and 500 families are homelesa today. Caatlewood Lake, eighty mite nslk -. TAahiia, Ik talala-a "I a jlataara C. II. Lowery of Klamath Falla vl-i, "" . 7"'"- " "" "" "" ...1 i-... i- ... .-. i. U threatening to go out any moment ,r "v.... ,.,.. .. -u.,, uu . lied our reporter report Recording to the L olden Rule. Mr. Lowery Intend to take back to the Falls more than fish when ho returns. Dorrls Advocate. Material Arrive The remainder ot the new steel bridge arrived Monday, and Is now waiting the crew to place the work to gether and put It on the new concrete abutment. Uonnnxa Bulletin. ANSWERS CALL OF KLAMATH SECTION 8ACRAMEXTO MAX UXAULK TO UKHIHT COMIXa HERE AGAIN TO 8PF.XD H1H HUMMER VACA TION MAY INVEST IX REALTY The dam Is one of the largest la the world. It it break Denver will be flooded much worse than on Bun-day. Hnch n IMfferemce Edler' wool team are busy now hauling the clip to Klamath Falla. How different now from a few year ago, when these teams had to make Ager or Reno with the clips ot wool. Now they are loading It on the cars at Klamath Falls, and next year they can load It In Ronanxa. Bonan za Bulletin. W. F. Hopka, although he has vis ited thla city every summer for tho pnst four years, nnd had no intention ot coming hero thlr summer when ho lctt Sacramento on a two weeks' va cation, arrived here last night, and will spend the balance ot his vaca tion In this vicinity. "I could not resist the temptation to come here," said Mr. Hopka, "es pecially after I met on the train C. R. Webb of this city, who waa returning home from a visit to Marysvllle, and who recalled the, Klamath country 'a n recreation Held." Mr. Hopka U with th well known II rm ot Welnstock-Lubln, and nt one time owned property in this city. He Is pleased with the prospect hero, and epecta to make soma Investmsnts aoon. mm runs haid TIME FOR WHICH According to report from Dorrls, Jack Llnkenback is scheduled for a strenuous time in thst place on the evening of August 17. Tommy For-, ban, who Is backed to fight Llnken back, Is planning all sorts ot surprises. Forhan's wife and two children have arrived In Dorrls from Redmond Ore., and with these to encourago him, tho welterweight expects to have more than the usual Incentive to bring home the bacon. Odd Fellow a. Attention The drill team of Klamath Lodge No. 137, 1. O. O. V., will hold n prac tice meeting tomorrow night. Every member of the team I requested to be on hand at 8 o'clock sharp, and all other member of the order who can do so are requested to attend. W, B. C, Net The Woman' Relief Corps will hold Its regular meeting Tuwoajr af ternoon at S o'clock In ktbrary hall.