HDITMKI) IIV TIIK IINITKH PIIK8M NKMH MKItVIOIC fie ttmituj ji rfnli. KVKMXG NKWftPAP I'lll.M TIIF. NKWft. NOT KHTORT Mlttli Year No. 1,1101 KLAMATH FALL. OIIHMON, MONDAY, JULY , 1MB PHee, Pit (Mi RECLAMATION OFFICE BUSY a'lFishing Trip , from Palo Alto MINING OWN (niii.Mi iihahy hiii UNIT L.VTMIAI.M Aflor mi ii Joynlitn (rip fruui I'alo ' ( Alter. Calif, Amlrnw J Cltniln and' Nt'CONDi"""' Tl11" CIHWe, nrnveii in iwamaui I'nlla Saturday evening mi n fishing Wi.il. I Hlvlilnt lull Heieral rtmnll silirttulm In Afford Nil OpMHlUlltly Ini 'riiier ami ImhI Contractor , , n liltrlie Will Irrigate lill They lull (lilr rnr hero nitd J went In I'cllrnii liny Lodge by Uk" till HMtrfif iik "V,i were well pleaand with tlm iiiaiU" ald Mr. Clunle, "We hail an tlelpilted ImvltiR nil klmU of trouble. I but failed to elicouulor ntiytliltiK ex- linotillunry In fact, tin- entire trip IISfWIPED our lill'. HWIX'IW lU'HI.NChH MIXTION or tonopaii DAVIS MARRIES BESSIF. McCOY iidfil I'rta Servile (IIIIIIINWICH. Conn., July , Itlchard Harding Davie and lleiale McCoy worn married ln-r today. I'.thel Hnrrymoro tided an bride timid ntul Juitlcn of I'oarn Hunge Officiated WOOL NOW BEING SHIPPED EAST Fifteen States Have Selected Sites at Fair Mh.iiI H.iMHI Arte Will IWgldlwiik quite pleaaant " s.Min iki funnel Work (lirntrr I'm I of Vftml.i Tumi l In' I Allf KM (III ll.ollll nf n lltriu ('onflnKrntloit Whlrh Hnel tlir llllaflli- Hrclliiii, lrlri)llil( -'t(t,. imhi In rniHTt) Mining 1'n.prriy .Vol Affrflrl COURT HONORS MEMORY OF LATE EX-MAYOR r',irmera with Kilrn team and (oral rutitixrlnra will be afforded au oppor tuiill) to bid In aili Milage mi con- tiiirtlim work or the econd unit Ist-J vrnU of Hi" Klamath Reclamation i pr J"'' Thla la a roult of ttio order iu r.r.K that Itm work bo divided Into. ifif.nl amall chedule, and inany pe. ,ilr In til vicinity am already equipped for the carrying on of the enrk without any extra delay flm work will Involve. Hi" moving nf apprmluutely Sto.ono cubic yard nt matrrlal, anu wnen rompieieu win irrigate about fi.Rni) arrra of addl uuiial ground. M ll. local office of iIik reclema lln erfflre great nrllvlty la evident in the .r,'paratlon for tlm atarllug of ll, r aitual rnnatriirllon work The l.wldiallni.a arr riperleil III a few J II ("Harney"! Chainbflra, of lli dun Htor, and F. I., llpaon, who own. it poitltiK iooiU atom In Hacriniiil.i, l nil id I'riNia Mrvlni lift Hunday inornlna for Hprlna: Crmi, i TONOI'AII, Nur., HI' n lianma I rip. NVITES PEOPLE TO LAKEVIEW July H Tim nrrntiT inrt of tint town In In bsIim, na tho mult of n 1200,000 Ore which awfpl llm bualnraa acctlon With hla characttrlitlc aympathetlc llipimlllnn and thouKhtfulncaii, Cir cuit Court Judgo Id I.. Ilenion paid a liiilubln tribute to tlm Ifttv former TWII.NTV-FOL'lt 1,'AIW WIM. HIIIITKU FltOH IIKItK UimiI l Arriving al IahuI VanU for Hlilpmrnt from IPniaiiM, Mi-rrlll, Kniii NprliiK nnil .'lnaMnu rnn ;lli from llir Iji llrl Hr- lion Ha Atrraanl Mnn I'oiindi l Hip Hliww. MAKES REQUEST FOR L0N6 TERM Tho aecond ahlpineut of wool from Mayor Handeraon by adjournlnic tin-1 Klamath Palla Ibla acaaon waa com rourt from Friday to Monday, ao na pleted today when two elKht-horwi Hpcclnl to The Herald HAN PHANC1HCO. July 8 Thua IIKfar Orecon, Nevada, Vahlnton, Montana, Idaho, Utah, flouth Dakota, li'hlllpplne Island, Mlaaourl, Hawaii lalanda, Nebraika, Kentucky and Illl-i Ktt-Ilit j nola hnvo aelccted altea for their jJixeph C atsica pariicipaiion in me iiu uni 'vuraat Hipoaltlon. On July Sth, I'cnnaylranla and Arlxona wero added to tfala Hit. Tacniy-nlne atatea have appointed! commllonori to come here and ae- ilect altca. Compared with other ex- ipoaltlona thla allowing la conaldered, remarkable. Japan will be the flrat foreign coun- MAS PIIOM KLAMATH WANTH TO OO TO I'lllHOX llaron, Arrrotnl Hrrn for SrlllnR Vthlakey to an lawUaa. I'lraila Oullly ami Telia Judg That Clgarrttea ami Whhiky Have Beea Ilia Kola and Keqtieata Loas Term lo Kaable II hn to Kecover Joaeph C. Bacon, who waa arretted try to poled Ita alte the latter part of In Klamath FalU recently on a charge Itlil month. Canada'a representative inc wnugey to an inaian. aaa not to conflict with tlm funeral on' team arrived and unloaded at the . tUo ButhorUcd to eccl , ,,e for'aent to PortUnd, pleaded nlltr aa4 ... .- a .m .11 if tl... Il..l. ..!. .!... fan nnuirtiny. i no recti rn ui nairjuni'inuuiiicrn itii unmi. uc.w "Uhal country' ptrtlclpAtlon it rni nrr inpn n nuuiic uociiineni. aiuuiie iiu iwu uinuum "'iij -iiv No mining property aufferiHl and ,)m r,i,,r Bl) wrm0 by Judgo Ilenion ' Kant from thla point, and the aecondi llm atock market I" unaffected. tl'lHHIMJ AMI HU.NTIMJ l.ll'i:HIM I.N flKMAMF ntllNIIMII.I.CII H,H i'ai.us Hiiiu'i.ii ni:m laiuii ui:i,miatio to m:vi:wii'' IKT I.KAIiL'K .Mi:i.TI.N(J lilnmelf la Inicrlbed In the Joiimnla ahlpment will go forward probably of tho county, reading n follewa: tomorrow, and will comlit of two rar "Whereaa, Hon. Kred T. Hander ion, a former mayor of the city of Klamath KnIU, haa departed thla life: and, "Wherena, Hla fune.rol U to take plaoi tomorrow nt S o'clock p. m.; Now, therefore, It la hereby order- Tlilrty-uliiK fluhlng and huntlug llCflix- llM hern granted by the KltAMATH'cotinly clerk alnc July I, and the do iiiand la growing greater every day alum the tourlut travel began. Thel following ten llrenii were liaued on t'1"1 " of reapeel to the memor .! m ii 'f aitrtlfiaanl anil tjrfiflliv tlllJn nmf calumny, nan oeing inr pormiMinii."" -m- ...., v...... --,. ,..., u.rrllt Knn Rnrlnr , i . uBll .. n.l. e H. Kevlta. omclal of aald city, tl.li court iand,rn-.,l0M,,M- M""" Ken0 Bprlw John niijourneu iiniii Miinunjr juij mil, hi loadi. Commercial Agent J. Ilaltey of the Southern Pacific eatlmatea that there wilt be at leant twenty more carloada of wool loaded for ahlpment at thla point. The wool received for tho iccond ahlpment came principally from Dave Kdler and I. D. Applegate. It waa " (Iihi (1 Heed. J i:. Hodge Kred Cruliemlller, tegUter of tbo urillmi, ii Kralnl.. H. Union. C. N. 0 o'clock. iU)i, and etery oppnfliinlty HI t"Bi mre at Ukevlew and owner of -Oelmom, J. K. Hallard, I. I' (Ireen "Done In open court, thla flth day a!nrdid rmpeclhe lildderi I" ar- ,i, W(B County Hiamlner, wa In a, rril Drowning of July, 1911." ijjalnt themielvea wltli llie retlireiir cjr jrraterday on Ilia return from mriila of llm government The bldi ,t ,, u,t home al Port Klain- ileM: WOIIK HKUWH wilt be oiH-neit Aiiguil 2D ' nt ll He loft thla morning for I'orl- WOIIK O.V IH'II.HINOH A ramp liaa been eitabllilied by tleall ( krnd th Klka (Irand lidge governmanl forrei l Olene, and In n; ur, ('rouemlller eiprrned tlm Tlm wnrkuim on tho brick and day or ao work will l atarted on the,, -i,Bl Klamalh Kalla would land n,r,rnter work on the now Mcllinie eiravallon ol tlm rtii in u.e ea.i ,r, Oelegatlou to Ijikevlow to l-.niin(;. have hod to be laid off for branch of the canal In Oletie. There ., i, ,,irrtltig of Itm Central Ore- - fw dara awaiting llm completion of the rock work for the plera. For thla work tho native granite from the Hear liland quarry ' being uaed. Thla la a very aupeVlor quality nf atone, and U atmoit ai hard ai flint. Ii about one-third of a mile yrl to be -,, Onriopmeul League, which rompleted. ineela In Auguit, ai he bellevea It I'lana are aim undrr way lo itart w,t U to the Intareit of both com- lha work on Hie ronrrrtu ilera and mnntea If an ffnrt waa mad to e- fmillnaa for the (llelie rrixilllg When rrrt . mortt frlxnillv fpollna nnil CO- ' .-...-. - .... . .. pi.,,,.-. m,i. .....'. " ..... - ....... tti ronrrele work I completed, tqen,prami between the people of take- T(l, ,.oni, niaaona arc at work today framing and erection or llm rroaaing )- n, Kmalli Palli. itiniilug the Hone for llm plera and will Ive ttarted. Till" Invnlvea tho Con- i . while we ma) not bo growing iil,,B triictlun of J00 feet of high treatlefa,, M Klamath Palla," aald Mr . ml 4 fret of Howe triiM. CriKinemlller. "Ukevlew Ii allowing, It haa not yel uevaioeu wiiemer-. vtry nroiperoua condition, anu I TEACHERS ALSO PROGRESSIVE and Chowaucan Alt of the wool for ahlpmont from here waa bought by Frank E. Rickey, and will be aent to Klieman Droa. of lloilon, Man. Mr. Hlckey la atlll In tho field buying wool and concluding hla builneaa arrangementa. He la at prenent In hakevlew. . The wool aold by Mr. Applegate came from ihcep grated In the lara bed country. He atatea that the aver ng from hla aheep waa nine pounda, un exceptional high average. CANDIDATK O.V TICKin A.VNOl'M'KD roll IIK.tll OF NATION A I. IMMCATIOXAI, AhHtM'IATIO.V IMKHlllKJiHIVK . Mr. and Mra. Merle S. Ktlgore ar rlted In the city Sunday, en route home, after a vlilt lo Aabland. Mr. Kllgoro It a farmer residing near the WlUon bridge. any ettra leama will be neetle,! on the work being carried on dlreclly by the government. The material Ii hard and nifflrlent proipecllng work haa tint been carried on to Indicate Juit i-hat will be required, For the work on Iho flume all ir the cruihed rock required hai been prepared and delivered at Otrne halng aome flrit clan bulldlngi erected One of the new ouea ivIII coal 1100,000, and U built of itcl and brlrk." TRUSTEE VISITS LAND OF ESTATE f 'of Marrleil on I lie Fourth A California groom and an Oregon " In hi lolemnlted their nuptlala with1 I mm RETURNS FROM VISIT TO ROSEBURB Klillixl I'reii Service CH1CAUO. July . B. T. Falrchlld Knuiaa, atnte auperlutendenl of public Initriirtlon, la announced at a progreultc candldolo for president of the National Kduratlonal Axioclatlou, oppoilng (Irnre Hlrachan of (he New York board of director executive committee. In the committee meet ing n fight ngalnit Secretary Irwin Hhepard la expected. It U believed J K Aranl rteiirned Hunday een- mine loiemniieu iiieir iimih,i - - - . . .1 patriotic devotion on the Fourth of Ing from Itinehurg. wlmre lie went to) July In thla clly In tlm circuit court, jcloie ideal for the aalo of property, n.n ..mri.iin. knot.blnder being which belonged to hi father, and, W I' Hop ,.M. I HOPKINS SPKXIW FIVK Wi:i:KK .MAKI.M, TllOltOt'OII ,11ml Shepard will rrlllrlio Mra. Kiln .. tiMvt-mv in.- immi-:nhk :' Voung. who Uprcildent. In hla .................... ,.. ..- , TIMIIKIt IIOI.HIMiS annual report. MANY FIREWORKS STILL AT DEPOT CiaiMs MADK THAT KKDMKN WKItK HU.NCOKIi IX DIBPIiAV ON FOUHTII OAHK MAY OKT INTO COUHT Judge Henry I.. Ilenion. The con- which had been taken under n pre trading couple were W. T. Wllaon of cniptlun rlghl t9 )ear ago. Hliklyou. who holda a reiponalblo roe- Mr. Aranl expert to go to Crater rhanlral po.lt Ion with the Southern 'Uke nboul Wednesday. He atnlra I'aclne company, and tlm bride Mil Hint ho rerelve.1 n letter from Mr. Mary K.dleavea, daughter of a prom-'Momeyer. who la nt tlm camp, who Inent Jackion county rancher. ml- y Ihnl there I allll conildernble turiM and charming young lady. janow In tho park, and In aome place . ilbert are quite heavy drift. Ilnjojr Visit lo Hoaanta ' " t'harli-a . Iloberta, wlfo and raiilli" Mr, nnil Mra. A.,C. aden and ion . .. . . . . f tl...tl-...l -III i-tJ llm alltlllllAr al ir and Frank Wllaon made a irip 10 01 1 niunnu mn pr hi linnama country Sunday by aiito irnblle. Thla la tho flral visit nmde 1 1 llouantu by Mr. Itnberta' mot'licr hi iwenty-flvo year, although aha Ima i.ein a realdtnt of Klamath Falla dur- .ik nil nf that time. She waa agree ibly aurprlaed ntt he oi'ntry. the homo of Mr. Yaden'a parent, r ntul Mr. J. C, llutcnlc. Null I lUil l The Hull of McConnell . K. II. Henry, which wna ael for trial till change In the morning, wna aeltled out of court nnd dlimlaied without coh to eltner pnriy. Many Klamath Falls Citizens Make Sunday Trip to Wood River Valley M.m of tlm peoplo of Klatnntli their fniiillle nnd friend to llm Tails who arc forttumte In owning northern part of llm county Sunday niiliimobllea are enjoying the gooiliwem! Marlon HnnkH. Dr. Hamilton, madi nnd aconery of tho county, uml I JuiIku I.. F. Wllllta. Fred Schnllock. ery Sunday onto parllea mnko ox-J. V, (looller, It. K. Wnltenburg. K. I. ruralona to tho aurroundlng point, of Honry nnd l.etor linrron. Inlereit. Including Merrill, llnnnnin, ert B. Wlthrow nnd family went C'lillnquln, Spring Oroek nnd Fort to Spring Creek Saturday and remnln Klanuth. pd over Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Cho. Sunday the Wood lllvcr country Martin nnd pnriy of frlonda went up liew the largeit uumbor of vleltora.'Bundny, nnd G. II. Daggett nnd party The valley alt hla aeaaon la beautiful, ient Sunday at Chlloquln. with Ita green fitlda and cold alreama and mountain water, and tho road Joe Kociol of Dairy, who Ima boon kill one of tho truite44 of the llopkltu 1 atnte, relurnod lo Klamnth Fall lait evening from a () week' May III I 'to limber In the I nkeRnmn dlitrlC He waa brought In by S, ri. Hill, caretaker, who re lile on the trait uml look after the ptoperty for the eilale. Mr. Ilopklm w with her luuband In the timber "11101 of the lime, nnd returned here by train from Aihland. Mr. Ilopkln' homo I In the tnte of New York, and thla la hi Ural llt to Klamath county. He came hero 'nboul fhi week ngo, nnd ln that 1I1110 ha inailo it thorough examina tion of tho holding of tho etnte, of which the late J. (1. I'lerce iu ono of tlm (mated. Kvery portion of the entire tract wa lilted, and eatlmatea imuln of mnny lectlona, o that Mr. Ilopkln haa acquired a thorough nnd pergonal knowledge of tho nlue and nmount of timber on the land Tho trad, which la located partly In Juckwnn nnd partly In Klamnth roun He, eontnln about 39.000 ncre ofl timber, and I considered the beit tract of standing limber, quality con aldered, In the United State. Tho larger portion of the timber Is sugar plno. It I esllmnted thnl the entire tract will average R0.000- feet lo tlm acre., Tlm heaviest Umber I In tho whlrh I moHtly "FATHER OF POE VALLEY" IS HERE Oil BUSINESS waa aentenced to thirteen montba at McNeil' Island at hla earneat aollclta ' tton for a lone sentence. The follow- Ing account of the ease appear In the Oregenlan: 'Thla la the flrat time In my Judi cial experience that such a request haa been made of me," aald Judge Bean In the United Bute dlatrtet court yesterday when Joaeph C. Ba con, pleading guilty to aelllng liquor to an Indian, aaked that he be aen tenced to Imprisonment at the McNeil Island federal penitentiary for ai !sag ClTtKSia period as the offence permitted. After being arraigned and pleading .guilty he waa asked the uaual quei- jtton If be had anything to aay before "Klamath Falls dUpIaya more ac- aentence was pronounced. He ap- tlvlty than any of the towm I havelproacbed the bar of the court, and been In recently. In either Northern with perfect pose and an excellently California or Southern Oregon." . modulated voice, with a alight South- Thla waa the positive declaration era accent, said: "Your honor, clg- of 1- F. Andrews of San Francisco, arettes and boote hare been the ruin- KLAMATH FALLS BEATS THEM ALL VIHITOII KIIOM TIIK HAY CITY HKKH MOIIK ACTIVITY HKRK THAN IN ANY OF THK IIB HAH HTOPPKO AT who la visiting the city. He haa via- Ited about every town of any alte In the Sacramento and Willamette Vat leya during the past month. atloa of my life, and I want to be locked up as long as possible to see If f cannot recover from their evil effects. Jenny Creek district Hiignr pine. Mr. nnd Mra. Hopkins nro stopplnr nt tho White Pelican, nnd expect to remain In the city for a week or ten dny. Whether or not a bunco game was perpetrated on the residents of Klarn ath Falls by the Pain Fireworks com pany on tho evening of July 5th may be made a Judicial matter, and pre' ent Indications are that the courts Kdwnrd Freuer. who U rightfully' will bo called upon to answer either termed the "Father of Poo Valley." "c or "no." I In tlm cltv today from his ranch on It ns ascertained Hit afternoon n hn.lnnaa trln. Mr. Freuer haa been thai evidence I being collected by it resident of Poo Valley for the past prominent Ilcdruon with a view of es- thirty years, nnd Is tho oldest settler tabllsuing tue mat me nreworaa of that section of tho country. "Not people displayed here only a portion ono-f the ranchers who wero In tho f tho performance agreed upon. It volley when I came thero are left," developed that two cases of fireworks 11I1I Mrt Freuer. "They are either ! one large bundle of frames. In dead or have moed away, nnd their tended for the Klamath exhibit, nre place have been filled by never set- still In tho Southern Pacific freight Wpta," depot. Thla portion of the pyrotech- nlcnl entertainment only arrived Sat- IIAWMU'IIKT HOYH OO TO urday morning, It Is claimed, tho dnv TAKK CHAHOK OF ItAXCII following the advertised exhibit. Many who had road tho advertised The two sons of J. W. Hawxhurat 1 program for the evening of July 5th lme gono to tho ranch recently bought reserved seats to wltneaa tho bought by their father near Mt. He- display. Only those who had tho pa bron. In California, nnd will tako Hence to wnlt until after X0 o'clock rl.nri-., nf llm nrimerlv at nnee. .lit lllght BnV any of the exhibit It will be remembered that this .Most or them were 100 urea 10 cnec nriiiiorlv was recently sold through n up tho program, but it I claimed that little advertisement In tho Herald. several of tho Interested Redmen did Mr. nnd Mra. Hawxhurat and their ,o, nnd found the program short, daughter will remain In the city. Then It was ascertained that part of tho fireworks shipment still re- I.OCAI. ,M KUCHA XT 18 iranined In tho railroad depot here. IXIIHKD WITH HATCHRT,ftnd ateps were taken to prevent tho .payment of the money promised to . '.. t .1... .41., "Business la alwaya a little alack at 1 "i was born In Texas. 14 years ago, thla time during a presidential elec-jand have an honorable discharge from tlon year," Continued Mr. Andrews, ' the Infantry service at the completion ' and I am surprised to note the actlv iof the 8panIih-Amerlcan war, serving Ity evident here. In other towna of I in Luton. For the last eleven years the same alxe as Klsmath Falla that I J have wandered up and down the have recently been In there la a not" coast, employed Irregularly as a cook, able business stagnation, tlutldlngjand I am a good one, but after every operations aeem to be at a standstill, pay day I would have one day of get and there appears to be but little ting drunk and serve a time In sosse money in circulation except In the city or county Jail. A short sentence regular and neccasary channel. would do me no good, and I want a "Here 1 find things quite active. It long one to get the boote and cigar Is true that there la no Indication of a'ettes out of my system, 'boom here, but a good, substantial ,-j.j,, charge agalnat me of selling growth Is notable." " liquor to an Indian at Klamath Falla jli true. I was there, hungry; after a UlTinUII IIIIUIPIDll idrunk, and accepted S5 cents from an nnllUnnL UHIUrAL !" payment for buying him some wnisaey. 1 wouiu uaie iwuiui him poison Just the same It he prom bed me the money. Your honor may think me craxy, but I am not, aa I have been In Jail alnce early In June, and the effects of the drugs have nearly paased away. I want to be- LEAGUE OPENS TONIGHT United Press Service l.OS ANGELES, July 8. The an mini ennvnntlon of the National Muni clpal league opened with a parade. "come entirely cured, by my own ef- auto trips and a civic exhibition. Pros Ident William Dudley Foulke will call the convention to order at tl o'clock tonight, dovernor Johnson will ad dles the delegates. Scrapper In Town Tommlo Forhan. welterweight, who fought Llnkenback to a 20-round drnw In Dorrl July -t, is in me cuy looking for a match. He Is booked for u return mill with Llnkenback In Dorrls August 17th. forts, and then, when released, devote the rest of my life to telling the world of my life experience and warn ing others to escape such an exist ence." Judge Dean pronounced a sentence on hlra of Imprisonment of thirteen months In tho McNeill Island peniten tiary, for which he was gratefully thanked by Daon. Material la being hauled on the ground for the new creamery building Forhan la a new man In thU sec- on Klamath avenue, and work of con- tlon. He comes from Missouri, where' atructlon will be started aa toon as ho haa mixed up In pretty fast com- posalble. The Oarrett Conatruetlon (niiy. company haa the contract. ("rough the timber nround Modoc I'olnt makes a very pleasant drive. Among the auto owners who took lu tho city tho pnt two week under (ho caro of Dr. Wright. getting bet ter, nnd I able to be out. John Cnmpbell. a well known local hardware merchant, suffered a severe Injury Sunday when, while chopping wood at hla residence on the Hot Springs nddltton the hatchet got 'cniight In a clothes line, and through some moans sprung back on hla head, Inflicting a lover gain. Dr. Gilbert dressed the wound. Contract for Heating Plant The contract waa let today to Dax tor & Malone and John II. Shannon tn- inuinlllnor the ateam heating plant In the Now Melhaso store and hotel I J. A, Paddock, the well known building. Work on the piping will sheop mnn. Is making a short buitness commence at once. I visit In the city. tho firework company for tho dls piny. Thla waa to have been 11,000. Tho ropreacntatlve of the fireworks Party Leaves for Crater Lake To Open Hotel for Tourists After waiting here eight days forjtlng through with their packs. a favorable opportunity, Mr. and Mrs I.. Ward and George E. Wheeler of Portland, loft this morning In an at tempt to reach Crater Lake with sup plies and material for opening up the The snow has been late In melting this year. and. a a result, the tourist season will be considerably delayed. It haa boon possible to "mush" through the last threo miles of the trail for several days, but It waa not deemed practical to get through with supplies. camps this year. A very busy aeaaon is anucipaieu Last week Alfred L. Parkhurst. the .the lake. Reports from transports- general manager of the Crater Lake tlon companies Indicate that there been given as agreed upon. It was Hotel company, and R. r. Hay warn, win oe many nmia . - said that fireworks to take tho place manager ot the Park hotels and al park this summer, and every ettort nt it. ri.i.v..! .hinmnnt had been r-!camna. started frotu Medford for the will be - to provide g- celved here by express on the after- lake. It Is not known as yet whether I eoo4tlo by the hotel M noon of July 6th. or not they were successful In get-1 people. eomnanv. L. Klrchner. Is atlll In tho two tourists camps. They will be In city, but It waa Impossible this after-(charge ot both the Rim and the Lower noon to secure a statement from him. Howerer, one of his acquaintances do clnred that the entire program had