1 ,11 HIJI'I'MKII ItV TIIK HNITKD I'UKHH NKWN AMIS' WK Bat ftjiittig fB UtM. EVKNIXO NKYVBPAI'SHJI PIIINT TIIK NKW8, NOT HMTORr Hltth Ymi No. I.MO KLAMATH VA1.1M, OHKOON, HATIJHOAY, JULY (I, IIMil Price, Fife Cesrta COMMISSION IS AGAINST CHANGE MAJOIIITV OPI-ONE IIEIiWTIOX OK LICKNNK l'iminillnnei' Htmie Willi I In I'm i murage TuiirlMa niiil NMirtauieti In I 'mill' llrrr. mmiI Aitlr HI long IV. I II Inn Knim ltelilenl nf County. Wklng Mprclnl Flali ami llmiii' Im fur Klamath County Attorney 0. F, tllnu, who hue r turned friiiu the meeting uf Hi (lull nml game roinmlnle.ii In Portland, steles Dial tho riimmlaalon It divided mi lint question of reducing thn non re .Idrnt nun license to llm same nliiiiillil aa that of residents of tho lulu. Tim matter wm conaldsrsd. Iitii tin majority warn opposed In any change. Mr. Hlune bellevcia, Willi lliu major ity of llm sportameti of thla aectluu, Hint Ilia alatn would bn much more benefited If llio hunting ami flailing reaourrra were mure t liorouxlilr ml vrrliaed ami sportsmen from all over the United Htalra were enrmiragod In rome here, hi.trad of being liter ally fliied, aa nl prcaeut Millions of lolUra roulil be hioughl Into the late without depleting tin- Hah ur Kainn, or reducing tin- prevent r re turn from llrona-. Tht. average tinn-realdenl on n va ration does not aprlnl oer ll few dsya ur a week In earh year rlabloa or hunting, liul In that lima they will spend on an average of 1 100 to ai man. It they ara held up (or II or 110 for a few day a rUhlng they arui not going In romp, ami Hip atnln will' not gat Ihp benefit of IliU eiuirmuus nimmnt of now money. ' Till la particularly trim of that Kl.uiialh country One uf thi' groat1 Fire Destroys a Block of Build ings at Bend 'I I ip town of lleud (-mini near lining wiped nut hy iim on Ihn Fourth, ac cording to Ilia following illinlrli to llm Portland Jourunli In thn nilil-l of n hlg Fourth rein- liintlon, lleud wns visited hy n rirn that wiped out a block of boslueai liouaes nnrly last evening, Tim loaa Is about .16,0(l(l. Tim flames tnrliil from an overheated mnvn in n harbor nhoi bathroom, Mt, A, II. Ilrown of Nnwlon, Iowa, nu aged woman hern on n vUlt, barely mrMiil, being taken mil of an upper alury window, A volunteer fireman sustained severe hurna, anil la In llm hospital. Til u buildings were all frnnm ami burned fiercely, Absence of wlml aavril llm town. llm following ilarra wnri wlpi oui I'liaiofflrn, Owl pharmacy, Innpa A llavlilann bnrhiir ahon. Mrn. Mrln toali'a mllllniTy hIioi, Mra, A. II. Illack'a milliner)' ahon, O. A. Thor. aon'a Jimplrr aiuri. Iluntcr llroa.' nlnt ahop, Central Orrgon Trucking rompany, Orrgon l.nml ami Immlgrn Hon rompany, M H. Uttln Co.V urtlct-a, ImlgP hall litpil by four Imlgfa' ami Ihp rootna of apveral famlllra up. Inlra. W. C. MrCulatou'a grocer atorp waa partly itmlroyvil, All ttr mall nml piMiomro fixture wprp aavml, Tim oa U half rovprnl by linuranca. . GIGANIC LINER RUNS INTO MUD 'dlml I'riM Krrvlin Ni:V YOltK, July ll. Tim llnoi'. MANY DEATHS IN I EAST FROM HEAT WANTS SECOND BOUT WITH RIVERS Olympic, wlilln molding thn yacht X'IUIiik. atruck 11 muilhank. Tugi pulloil Imr on unliijiiriid nftnr aomu hour. ii:.tiim IICI'OIITIIII IS WKHT, AI.MO MIIII,K Mr. nml Mra. IMwIli Kink of Metis, Tiiaa, who hnvn lupti vlalllug Mra, din Kink at hi-r Klnrnnth niiiim hoiiif, pft lnl nlghl on their home-1 want Jourupy Mr. ami Mr. Kluk lime Hindu nu i.'Jtennlvp trip allien1 liarlnr. thulr Tiuua houiv, tlaltlng' nearly alt of Dm UYatcrii nml Mhlillu WVnt atnlra, ami will return to their I liuiim ln Han Kranrlaco, Im Angelea, Halt Ukn City, tho cltlea of Wyoming, Vonlnna, llm Dakolaa nml MlnneaoU, I lfli-.ii Oralha Miner Hot Wart) HUrt United I'reaa Serrlce I.OH AKOKI.KH, July fi-Wolgaat 'today nnounced Hint ho will meet Jo j libera ngaln for a C,000 bet. Mc- Carey la trying to arrange thn bout for ltbor Day. Mrt'nrey roaated tho Wolch derl alon, and may yet give the belt to Hirer. Conservation of Vast Forests in Czar's Domain .I In Chicago YrMrnlar. anil M,t.MKIIHOV MAY MKKT tOIUIKH liinl Xumbrr of J'rualrat.ona FIIATIIIIHWKIOHT CIIAMPIO.V llarlliiliL TihIm l.lla.t.lJ JOHNSON WIL RETIRE I SOON Ul I' ' iiuu Anueraon may aoon get a chnncp to ahow what he can do In CbiiiiKP In TniiiH-raliire lcal ,a"1 foralia'')r' Wek Donald, hla manager, announced laat night that 1 ho had about concluded arrangements I 11II0.I I'rra rtrltr jf()r fiKhi betwpcn Anderaon and Abo CIIK'AOO, July .- Fifteen deatha, Attrll to occur thn latter part of thla In whlrli l.n.,r .n,i..ii,..v i.r h,.i,'I"vp been reported alnee tho hot wave month. two children with relallrea while on "f-,l yealcrday, nml fifteen proatra-, , Anderaon, Oonald and Fred An- ii,tp ...iw.r.i i...... In..... 1 .. i- ..... 1 j diraon left thla morning for Medford, limir ouiwiiril Journey, Itloiia havo been reported a nc day- t ....... ' , ' where n fight will be arranged. - light. United I'reaa Herrlco WA8HINOTO.V, I). C, July . An Intercatlng story of tho conacrra tlon of tho forests In fluasla comott from Consul John II. (Irout, stationed nt Odessa. That the ttusilans, hack ward In many things, have long ben foraeelng In tho matter of timber sup ply Is told by Orout, who says: "While the privately owned wood lland of Itussla Is being annually re duced In area, the extenslro state for eats are but gradually be In brought Into uae, and for a long time to come they will contlnuo to bo an Important! reierre timber aupply of the world.. Theai- forests cover 937,000,000 acrea.l'n'leil I' REBEL CAPITAL NOW AT JUAREZ I'HTOM HOL'HK CO.WKItTKO INTO HTATK CAI'ITOI, Tliem Are .Voir Hit ThnauuuMl lUbcla at JmurrM, anil Oroeo la IMrlaa; All of the Caltle From that Hur roumllng Itanrlirw Into the City. Mailerlsta Oiirernmrnt lUubllalietl at Chihuahua City. SYDNEY WINS HENLEY REGATTA I'lllIX AVAIIIti:i ITIIHO.V HY ki.vo (ireiuii: ami yi':i:. .MAHY at i:ii of Tin: (Wit. MV.ll. OF NfOllTM t tilled I'reaa Herrlco ! rilll.ADKI.I'IIIA, July C Two IiIIihJ from heal today, making a total jof eleven doaths slnre tho hot wate alarled SANDERSON IS LAID TO REST a proportion of which Is well stocked. The Increasing utilization of state for eats Is shown by Increasing receipts rrom the salo of timber, which hare rlaen from 19,4(8,300 In 1890, to f i:,r,2C,610 In 1911 CURRENCY IS NOW LAUNDERED luNTIIIK CITY FAYS ItKXI'F.CT TO MKMOIIY OF TIIK DKI'AltTKD KA'-MAYOIt UIM1KS, CITY OF FICIAL AMI lOI.ICti I.V I.I.VK TO OFFICKKH KIM.F.D WHKX AKROI'I.AXK Ttlt.VH TVIITI.K t.'nlled I'reaa Service SALIsnUHY. England, July Captain K. II. Ixirralns of Orenadaler Guards and Sergeant Major Wilton were killed today near Stonehcnge, when the sides of an army aeroplane became warped and the machine turned turtle. I nlled I'ri-ai Hen Ire LONDON. July 0. -The llentay r- I'.atln endiil today with the. personal presentation by King (leorge and Qiieeu Mary of the principal urliea to tlm wluiilmj oarauieii. The king and CIIAMI'IO.V A.VXOt'.VCKM III! VII.I.Il'rem Joined the great water carol- uvirr si.vl'ii iii'i.'iiiiL. tiim, ul In tlm ancient nival Urn. whips' iiav. tvit i-iii.'; iifrinu u.,.n. a built for William III., which has IU.NCJ HIJHF 1 '"' Uern ' nearly a "indredlu.oul The funeral servlco of the late Fred T. Sanderson was held this af ternoon, during which tlmo nil of thn (HIM: OF KI.Vp l TIIK WOltl.O sloritt and business Iiousm of the city I'UII TAKI.NO DIItT AND aKum'x,fT c,o,0d' rrlt at the houne ,ere conuucicu oy iter. ueo. 11. reeo r! tho Grace Methodist KpUcopnl (liurch. At the grave tho ritualistic iKervlces of the Masoru waa used a . The body waa followed to the ceme V. . t'MTKO STATKH HAH ONXY MA FIUIM I'AI'KK MO.VKY ,t'nltil I'reaa Her Ire WAaillNOTON, u a.. Juty r.ot heen unm! for nearly a hundred I unt.nl.i . ,.......... i .. ,,i,lrl' "T on " largest gatherings wa, k-.'iaMtv.s. 1 - v IM lug NUIIII !. !. . I a 1. la 1h.b.rgpw..gorgeu.eeflrat.;.r.r.ng and printing, the M,JSS&Stl e-l In red nml gold, and was manned '"-wo l- wvernment turn, out tho , unlform , ' hem feel Ihat the) nm helng xrafle.1 larrlrr.1 In Chicago todar. re.11len.lent !' ,,",,, 'l'r W. (I. Kaal and l ' ' ""' '"' ' ' '' """ c'' ;"" alao the members of the Masonic Or- when they are force.1 to pay IB forllu a white suit and diamonds. Heu o( the king's wntermen clnd In nn- ,lon ,,f Mvf bnIi , u(e (, Uc( Ihp lirlvltptfn uf lhkllitf 11 aAtiliiir riiillpkt.l ! ku ....l.l I...A.1, t-t. ...I.. r...i..a ....it........ i. . . --- 1 - - -" - - - ""-I-- ' ! "li.-i-. rijuii im. ...... . u..wi uuiiuiiiii., i.ir.i mr, crumpled, worn ami gerni'lm en nn .. . ... . . j - ii.wnwi- niijr limp, t-ttresnurc) of thla ntlon Is tin. hunting and flahlug romhlnrd with I iiltcHl I'reaa Service the lake re.orla, Tnurlata who comet CIIICAOO. Jlllr 6 Jack Jnhaaoa will mrml Caller or any nihvr re, Hill. iIimiii iit Ili-tlp imllnM " ""- -., .., 0 per rent nf them never hnvn pa-' iienra enough lointrh n nah.yet Clityj,,forM u,,r lHy ,,, , w, ould not nbJeriMn paying ft for '" Imiro." igiit 111 try. , . Mr. Htmm bellnies thnt It might bvinlU( j,... nirirn im-.II.Ip to get llm rommlaaloii lo ni-'SllX HIV lilTIFS pmve n law making the llcenae unl.un,u unl U",LU form In Klnrnnth county by aecurlnit' alrnng petition from Ilia people of till krllou, A petition algnvd by 2,(m)0 or 3,00(1 peiipto nf the county. would hne conalderable weight with the rommlaalon. If this law Is se ruled for Klnrnnth county, Mr, Htone la ronndenl that other counties of tlm ilnie will not In lung In seeing Ilk nihaulagv, nml will demand n change Hi iircnrdanre. At tho meeting of the rommlaalii.i 11. Portland nn appropriation of HUD QUIET FOURTH!:,- walking In coronation nml funeral ploresloua, this Is the first real Job Hit mynl watermen hate hnd for many years, but they nn- nil (elected Kntmcti, ami hnd little dinicully In handling tho uuwteldly craft. Their majesties were memloua welcome by . . , ... , , .. . oi'o ue ruemoers 01 toe m. phi fir iftli.nw.A linu I.M..n II.M .im.iM- m .. ..-1 1 111. ... . b .1 1 . Iur Woodmen of tho World and other on of new bllle to take the placo of ., , , .... .... . , i"r.v iv -.111111 in? tievvaacu lie longed. per money, sent In for redemption, It hus had sufficient use to prove Its success In taking the wrinkles and dirt and germs nut of badly used cur rency. Two young ladlea have been Placed In charge of the laundry. One I feeds the soiled money to -one of tho awarded nnn("lnl, "' " other stneks the lli.. Minna. I-"""' "' i"ereu uoies wuen .Mll.VhOX TKI.I.M 1'iaXS OF CAI.IFOItMA I'ltOCRKSHIYKS llinv rtin.A llim,ii.t. I .. ....-.. .. , ,-... ..... "' w.-.W .MIWHM. in 111 -iuujiiiii'n nnu aocieii iuih M lli. Il.m. ....! ll.M ..'A I. alii.. Alex, Martin, Hr arrived !( nve- King from his home nt Oakland, and , , elpacta to remain here tlm greater Hjilnr) re ln nart of the aumnmr looking nfn.p I.U rll' H)dney crew won tho lualll hu.lnes. nml i.ronerlv her... Mr. v.r. H""1 UX H'rcu-ijunrter of a length. ( nlted I'rrss Servlco SACIIAMKNTO, July 6. Oorernor .'nhuson lnued n long statement tc ilay that the progressive conference decided that the Taft and Itooserelt light would be made oror candidates MMY CHANGES MADE III NATIONAL FOREST I'M-ftluYnt Taft Has F.llinlaated Maay TliouumU of Arren of Land Froen 1 h Uorrrnment ForeaU Iteaerrea In DlfTerent Htatra resa Serrlce KI, I'AHO, Texas, July 6. Oorer nor Felix Oultterez has re-established the rebel government of Chihuahua at Jaurcr., making tho aurex customs house tho state capltol. There are now 6,000 rebel at Jau rx. General Oroxco la driving all the cattlo from the Terrains ranches Into Jaurei. Governor Abratn Gontales has re established the MaderUU state gov ernment at ChlhuaUua City. Ill CITY ON HIKE FROM SPOKANE TO 'FRISCO ll.oiiil was voted for tho purpose, of leaning u regulation llah car from tho Hoiithern I'aclflu for n period of ten OLYiJClAlES AT tin states that Han Frnuclatn and Onk Inml linil the quleteal Fourth of July Hint he hna ever seen. "Why," snld Mr. Mnrtlu, "there nra mors) people tin tlm streets In Ktnm uth Tails than I saw either In San Frnnclaro or Oakland nu tlm Fourth." In the rnro for thn diamond sculls K, W I'owell defeated A McCultoch ODD FELLOWS INSTALL NEW OFFICERS TONIGHT STOCKHOLM ICV.NKYI.VANIA ATHI.KTK MAKKM XKW ItKCOItlf FIYF. AMKIll t'AXN QUALIFY FOU HHI MKTF.lt IINAIJ4 Hulled I'resa Service HTOCKIIOI.M July 6. Klvo Amor. iuih iiualllted for 100 meter flnnls tomorrow. Donald l.lpplncotl of tho I nlverslty of I'ennsylvnnlu, mmlo it " Olympic rocord of 10 a-fi sec 'mls, Thn othors who (uallfled urn V V Delolo of Chicago, Howard Drew "' prlngllold, Mass,; AIvaIi Meyer of 'c-v York nml Kalph Crnlg of I)e- Hun, Gerlmrt of Hnn Francisco wna heal 1 ii lu lliu aoml-flnnls, Threo thousnnd Athlvtoa marched I'ihi King Oustav when tho pistol nhut "Peiieil tho Olympic gnmes. Twenty-six nations wero icprosent 'i llio Americans helng fourth In tlm Hiii) of march. Iin Courlnoy of Henttlo mid I'olo 'lerhnrdt of San rranclaco wore '"'loin those qualifying for the opon iik heat of 100 meter. MARTIN VICE-PRESIDENT OF FU6ENE SAVINGS BANK Alox Martin, Jr., who ranted from Klamath Falls to Kit-1 gene, hns been elected vice president of the Kugcue l.onn nml Savings bunk, nml hns taken nn nrtlvo part lu the business of the concern. 1 On account of thu celebration uf the Fourth, tho regular Friday night Imeetliig of Klamath Lodge No. 137, 'l O, O, F was postponed until this veiling, when tho new otTlcer-i for the recently ,orm '-Ihk January 1, 1913. will bo iii.iiiiieu, oisirici uepuir tiranu Muster I'erclvnl Shnll will bo tho In stalling otllrcr. Tho offlfra elect who will take, thulr chnlrs tonight ale Thomns Gruhb, Noble Grand; Fred llremer, Vlco Grand; George It. Humphrey, acrelnry nml 1'. I.. Foun tain, treasurer. yearn. Through hla bualuvss rela tions with tho railroad rompany Mr. Htonn wiih uhle IjbHPCtiro u proinlso of the ear, which Is to ho built specially for the purptum by August. Tho com mission will thou hnvo 10,000,000 trout fry for distribution over thu statu hy that time, nud Klamalli county will got u good share. Unfortunately tlm recent Hhlpmenl, About Ihlily members of tho Klki Which rnmo In (nnu, worn In bail -lodge. an their Indies left this morn slinpe, nml It vnn nuresiinry to place lug on tho special I'ttllmnns to ABOUT THIRTY GO ON PORTLAND EXCURSION llefore thn mnchlnp hml I.pph inlnced In i.ractlcal servlco llm rl.lm. , for ,ho -claturc. Progressive can- made for ll attracted thn ntipntlnn nf -- nro to be pledged to vote for government offlclnls In several Euro-'ircsldentlal electors who will vote for penn countries. They sent over tX- '"N1"11' ' excoriated tho Taftltes nmnlcs uf much nbuaed currenev. ami rnJ -'"trick Calhoun. Tho protrea wero delighted In the condition lnl"m wl" "Uo cfcu' PUt.cm to which It wns returned to them. I'"" '-"o-ovelt electors on the ballot, Hundreds of people have seen the ,n nny eVfnt' mnchtno In action. Many of those who laughed nt the Inventor and others nssoclatod with him In his effort to put such n machine on the market nrel today toud In their pralsea for the wonderful piece of machinery. It la estmntcd thnt In olght hours 30,000 nnd Sfi.OOO old bills can be laundered. National bank presidents bare been, asked to sign notes from their Insti tutions In strong Indelible Ink, so that. when such bills are put through the I laundry the Ink will not fade. Aa It Is today bank presidents sign notes I with any kind of Ink, from plain polk berry Juice up to ordinary five-cent Ink. Thoso fade In the laundry ma chlno. tlurgess Smith, n native of Macon, Gn., but for tho past eight years a scientist at tho bureau of engraving and printing, Is the designer of tho now mnchln.0. He Is rather timid In regnrd to accepting tho prntse due to him, and It wns only after much questioning thnt his friends could es tablish the fact thnt he wan tho In ventor. Snmucl Kldor of Philadel phia, for fourteen years n machinist nl tho bureau, followed tho designs of CONGRESSMAN KENT WILL SEEKJE-EIECTION He III Make His Campaign aa a Fro Kmulrr Without Xomlnation aud I'npledjpNt to the Ilepubllraa Tarty hi Any Way Mr. Smith, nnd made thn mnclilnn. t ll lllll 11 u t HAn alu t .ul I .1 t Jll t n iki.lll .. S t .. .. .1 tlm O , I 1 rt.t rmj. ..!. !. .... . - ! IM a . - - . ii vim iii atiiuiiiin niiiiiiMiiiiiajii ajas iiiuii u ittm tiiii iiiiiiti iiuumv. wiiiuii uuuiH i iiihv wirn imitrnnf hi. nur nnvi' i mv i iiinrnrv nnu miairni iiiirinm aj .. a ...-. arrival, which waa Into In tho livening, lu Portland, beginning Monday. Qultu'nro enjoying together tho victory they carried out. and tho day waa spent In 'mated from tho 'coronado national WASHINGTON. D. C, July 6. Congressman Kent has announced he umld campaign for re-clectlou aa a progressive, without a party nomina tion and unpledged to the republican party. BIG 6ATHERIN6 HAS FINE TIME IN POE VALLEY A good old fashioned Fourth was spent Thursday at Foe Valley, when over 100 ranchers gathered at tho John Van Motor grove for n picnic. A literary nnu musical program was I nlled Press Bervte' WASHINGTON, D. C, July . President Taft has Just made consid erable changes In national forests In Montana, Arlxona, Nevada, Utah and California through presidential proc lamations modifying the boundary lines. Ily theso. change nearly 176, C00 acrt-n of land are eliminated from the forests, about 65,000 acres are added, nml about 55,000 acre are transferred between two forests, while n new forest Is created by the division of an old unit Into two. The net result Is to bring down the totul .irons area of tho national for esta to aboue 187,400,000 acres, of which nearly 17.000,000 acres are In Alnskn. To a considerable extent, however, the reductions, so far aa Isnrt actually owned by the govern ment Is concerned, are apparent rath er than real, owing to heavy aliena tions In the tracts eliminated. Some 22.0ll0.000 acres of the national for est gross area are not owned by the government. The high water mark of the nation al forest gross area was reached In 1909, when the forest boundaries In cluded over 194,000,000 acres. It was then realized, however, that In tanking the examinations on which thu presidential proclamations creat ing tho forests were based the work had been too rapid to Insure In all! enhea the best boundaries. Some times land which should have b.een Included' was loft out. while at other times land waa taken In which was not best suited to forest purposes. Consequently n complete overhaul- Inr .stitl ti-ctlflcatlon of the foreatj boundnrlei4na planned, and has been) going on ever since, uy successivo proclamations President Taft has eliminated nearly 11,000,000 acres. while he has added about 4,000,000 acres. In Montana the new proclamations eliminate a total of 116,370 acres from six forests, the Custer, Absa- rokn, Illackfeet, Kootenai, Lewis and Clark, nnd Flathead, while. 14,600 ."cies vie transferred from the Black- feet to the Kootenai and 40.64Q from tho Kootenai to the Illackfeet, to facilitate administration. Footsore, but enthusiastic, Harry J. Kinnody arrived la Klamath Fall last night en route to San Franclov. He has traveled the entire dlsunce from Spokane, Wash., to this city on foot, and. In spite of the fact that he Is pleased with thla section, be will continue on bis Journey southward as soon as he has rested his weary pedal extremities. "I left Spokane June Id." said Mr. Kennedy "and I hare not rested a single day. It la true that some days I did not walk more than ten or twelve miles, but there hare been days when I made mora than forty miles. 'This is not a walking trip on a bet. If I could get a chance to ride with some farmer I would take ad vantage of It, but so far I have not secured a single 'lift.' It seems that my luck has' been bad. Every pass- Ing team was either headed In the op posite direction or so heavily loaded that It would have been useless to ask for a ride." Mr. Kennedy, while not overbur dened with this world's wealth, baa ample funds to see him through. He expects to engage In some business In the Golden Gate city, and reap a for tune during the forthcoming exposition. XKOItO HAXGFIt UY MOB FOR KILLING OFFICF.lt LITTLE HOCK, Ark.. July 6. - John Williams, a negro, waa hanged at Plummervllle near here forVlttlmc Special Deputy Paul Nlsler. Mrs. Florence K. Atkins of Nash ville, Tenn., will speak at 8 o'clock at a union meeting at the pavilion. Everyone Invited. II wiih ImiiosMtblo In tnko nnv to u number who had iilniuind In ir.i hv. vnn Spring Creek or nny of tho more ills- worn uunhln in leuo nt thu Invt mo-1 gnmes, races and tho amusements usual nt picnics. Tho main address forest. In Nevada 49,840 acres are eliminated from the Humboldt and 55.840 acres added, of which 13,800 tnnt streams, mm Hnvorul enns of tho ment, so tho excursion party was not TVi:.TV-HKVKX lKAI wiu delivered by Albert K. Elder of larger fry wore empties In the rlvorlas Inrgo us expected. 8omo have, IX I'ASSKXGKH WHF.CKithls city, while tho Declaration of In-.,. em. , tu,-A . .i wns only prompt already gone ahead, and tho who , dependence wna read by 11. V. Alex-'v.iion.i ,... M...i.. ...ii" .- ivnro nvneetnrl tn irn from t.Mlrulaiv 1'i.ltml IIvau. D.ti lf n..AH npi.i ...- i .... I .... . ' !'' " " "" ...,-..-. v.. . ...ft. ...... .,.- her lu town. II pet Ion that saved llio ahlpmont. W. V Johnson wn ul Pollcan liny, mid "went hy way of liend whan notified of the condition of thn A stop will ho mndo nt Mod ford, fry ho eumo down with his launch nt whoru tho party will bo ontortulitod. bight, nnd took n number of tho causlThn roarhoa will then be attael.wl lo ii tn the bay nt .1 o'clock In thntho Med ford special train, will, Mi monlng. will hnvo about 100 people. liaONU.ll, Pa.. July ii. Twenty- seven dead, thirty Injured, somo fatal ly, tn the, telescoping or n passenger train of 'tho Wllpen branch of tho I.lgonler Valley railroad late yesterday. under. This waa followed by songs, of that part of tho old Humboldt lying The plcnlo continued until the dark-'south of the Southern Paclflo rail neiis of oveulng. All of the good road, things Imaginable wero provided to m Utah 1.340 acres &r Hmin.rf nppeiuo the hunger Incident to the, from the Sevier, white In California mreuuuu. nines oi nn au-uay outaoor 8,640 acre are added to the qhasta p,ca,c 'and 480 acre to the Klamath. PROSPECTS FOR FAIR DOUBTFUL II. 8T. GEO. IIIHHOF HKS1GNS AN I'llF.HIDKXT AND MANAGER OF KLAMATH COUNTY AGHICl'L TVIUli ASSOCIATION 1L St. Geo. Illshop was tn tho city today, but left this afternoon fur his homo, "The Cedars," on Upper Lake. When asked whut were tho plant! of tho agricultural association for thn fall fair, Mr, Illshop said: "I do not know, as I havo resigned as president and manager of tbo Klamath County Agricultural Asso ciation. I don't know if (ho others will do anything or not." Arrangements for n fall fair aud agricultural exhibit had been partial ly under way, but Just whnt the re sult of Mr. Illshop's action will be la not known. It is probahlo that cither the association will bo reorganised and go ahead wltlraajta fair, or else some other organltatloii may take up the work. ""l l -i i aVi