Ha s ll .1 rw imusements W!f9 MAJESTIC, "How She Married," I "A Niagara Honaymoojf acnle vlewa of Niagara FaltsyWrapped In a beautiful drama; "Ticked Through tha Deaert," a Weafcrn drama; "The WtaBlMot Lalltfa," aaother one of thoae AnwlcanAveatern dramai. Matinee Ire afternoon at 2:30. Pregram cMogee Monday, Wedae dar. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Our Business In flood) Om fimtnmcra are Hood! Because our Groceries are Good j tj . '."" J k . . H. 1' ". t. '. ' V a a v uaa reuows And Rebekahs - ONLY - 1 A rompllinetilnr)ordcr will convince jroii Jericho Club! 4- r .... .., . ai . , r -. v i L .w f w f Vllllfa a 1 Bttt til 111 A fid It I 'rut r Mil '- I'liiiovi fnnnarci iirncerv Try n rnu of 4ur Id basement of I. O. O. F. Tern. ..i.touwm.r" ilo. Bowling, llllllardi. Peel. .. . C.rd Uuun. Heading llooms. V Sm" "c,,,,, I'ritote Sitting ltonm for He- Phone llW l"tht onlr. i Visiting Brothci n and Sitter I i I wways welcome. I "aviwon FISHING TAflaE r j f Wo hare overyjplng )ou f mod for that IWiIng trip: 5k f lit ok, line. ids, reels, "" ba kcti. etc Wo rent XV teiits, gum 1ml camping jg I otitflti. I l ... ...-.. THfiNuill STORF. ! WKIINKAIIAV 1 --- .T ---.-- J. It. iIMMIiKI.S "7 Phone .n X Jcol t'.lk. CAT MirtAV 'I Nlglts ' Qaatla-Miit 1 Ladlea Free I . I Ladies r"'Ha7far o Tonifcht . II """ 7 'I an- lBBS5gS5rr""'MT?SS?al I , , . f I Ladies bxcMange II We make a spatially of iiii imported swiis tmoroid- ce nil "y I I German Bands and Laces iiii mK. A.j-UUi.K II i2 W. FoWh St. II M-BM 1 1 f i i - I THE EVENING HERALD W. O. .SMITH, Kdltor nnd Proprietor PublUhed dally except aundny at 115 Fourth Ptrect tubn plnyeyr. Whenever there waa n real thla fame tubn player snt on hU horn. Tim clarionet player tiled tt do the same, but ho did not sit real comfortable. Rntered at the poitoOee at Klamath Falli, Oregon, for tranamlaalon Ihrouch the malts m second-class matter. Subscription term by mall to any ad- dreti In the United Btatea: One year It.OC One month .BO KUIMATM F.M.I.H. OIIKUON I'lUDAY, JULY 0. tUliS MIXING UP lly Joe Hush new cmmi win soon ADOPT GOVFRNMENT FORM SPORTS 601 THEIR full mm WORTH "HiiiI" Anderson Kaally Proven HU Siipeiloill) llolli n n Fighter and n Clever Hover liilerratlng Pre-llmltutrlc A Helpful Substantial Store Servh Dependability Aourteoumcsii, Intelligence audfexperlence are molded rightInto the very foundation of this establish racnt nil combining with fair prices, glvoyou this helpful, trustworthystore service. And It fc to give you still pjore thlf storo Is continually better It secklnK ig all that will mike merit your cen- pctronage striving t and ptnnnfa this possple fldtnee ana v V Kvihikltv .f.it S.ml.0111 1Ai ,, per Bros. I ne 85 i fur Cliakc A mid uViffwii. Ice Cream Tl thta- to ralal ate inome - H wmlrly Fan& 1 ricks ALL THK. Just the your evening these bricks flavors for prl Take one IME complete We freeze all sites and orders. Toalgbt Klumath hasta Hoxey Oregon RADIANT GRILI l'iimou 'Colorite' Metal' W. M. TIMJVy feieral Huse Cleftliing Electric Vmcujhi Carpet -at Drapery! Cleaning We remove! all spots and dirt froilNaipetJand rugs by .(he electric vlMis process rnoue (Ml. once 817 Wauiuili We Im.o some rory street prupcity Hunter Uealty Co. lr vter tan. 1 " iTiITT :t l lsSHii 'isjf --- wyr ' Most popiMar Utensil of Cfal Electric Devices demonstration artrir 1 n KwVII 1W W hOnel50l "Ught" flio speaker wnn n great, big man IK' bad long bnlr and woro a suit of clntliPH nil ragged around the edges lie ulo had feathers on his head, leather things m his feet instead of shoes, nnd his faco was all streaked up with red, white and blue. A little girl stood looking up at him. "Po you like this town?" nuked the maiden. "Ugh!" answered the nig Chief, fur it Vin tho big one. "What do you meant" persisted tho tittle girl. "I mean, my dear," responded tho cMeftlan, "that I have come here f 1 om the south, two days In mnrrf Irp. and by the railroad 86 miles, and the big 'Ugh!' I have been grunting Indicates that Klamath Falls Is alt right, nnd I wish I lived here." This Is conclusive proof that the local Itedmen know how to entertain their vltltlng brethren. And Teddy, nnd Tnffy and Wilson were forgotten yesterday. Uut It w.is slurtous to be a tledman. lien- was but a single mystery In tho 1 made. A couple of ladles drove along In n well decorated turnout. There was not n sign to bo seen. Ev eryone know that this was Intended to typify the beauty of Kastern Ore gon. No guessing nbout this. Then there w. n dray loaded down with a piano. Kveryone knew that some en terprising piano salesman had taken advantage of this opportunity to ad vertise his wares. Hut there was n mystery. A wngon loaded with beer kegs. or kegs of beer: which was It? A lot of dry people did not know; oth erwise) that wagon might have been turned out of the regular line of march. And then came the ball game. Thero were those who proclaimed vie-1 lory ror Individual clubs even before the flrt,t Inning had been concluded. Hut there wns unu mail from Keno. I kno this, because of what he said: "This Isn't fair. Two men throw ing balls Is against all rules of the game." The writer was not certain, so he Innulred: What do you mean, sir?" If there ain't two men In tho pitcher's box out there I never saw a ball gome." was tho reply. The writer arrived at tho conclu slon that the speaker had never be fore seen a ball game, nnd also that the town of Keno wns numbered among those In which It Is against the law to dispense strong alcoholic stimulants. Otherwise, ye wise men, explain the two pitchers nnd the two ball. United Press Service PKIvl.N. July 6. Theoretically th iintlonnl convention to bo called to gether probably within tho next fe weeks will adopt n form of govern-' motit tor "New China,' but really provisional President Yuan Shi Kal will have things practically his own way. The president's plan for n permanent government, which Is b-j llaed eertnln of ndoptlun. Is ns fol lews: The lawmakers will be divided Into Outclassed and outpointed nt ov er)' turn of the game, Oharley (Itoiiiihhouse) Hums suffered defeat, which he niuuiunced himself nt the conclusion of tho eighth round, at tho opera house, before u tnree-iourin house The light Proved that llud Anderson bns det eloped much Im proemenl, nnd ptneos him In n posi tion to gain a metropolitan reputa tion, which In this Instance means ittan Krnnclsco, The tourunment opened with two A Glean Scalp And HealtUSir Many of mir filends lum- immd Ihul IV'11 '"" " two groups, senators nnd represent.!-1 V """" " ' " " " "" " tUcs. the former serving six nnd the''1"" " """ """ -"" ',' v V 1. ....... ..... ....I-,.. -1 Ifiided In a four round bout. No de- NT of senators will bo equal In men I' ,,,m " 'TlT " "l 'tM ?! province, but the representatives will10, ,U?M " m,,Jp " Mhl' l-o rhoseu according to popuUllou ,l,l,',m ?'""' ,,f ,h-1,,",nlB' , . i .1....1 i.u m ..i... ereil Anderson and oung Mcl.el The provincnl assemblies will select senators from their own membership, 'the voters of the various perfectures Ml! choose electors, who will meet nt Inn then had n "go" ns the chief pre liminary Anderson Is much heavier and stronger thnu Mctallan, hut tha the mlona capitals to elect repre.en '"" '""V ""n,ip,Jr' ",n'1 '". "" I lt inmii't ixv.i 11111 innv ill iiii1 ii.iiiiii riniiHi, urn iniue siuriivtn; uncn, umy ti tile from enih province. The ballot will bo given to every 1. .al Chinese above the age of 15 who pns n specified tax, can rend and " rite. The exemptions from this class are criminals, bankrupts, the Insane, opium smokers, soldier at rultor actually In service, studentr, monks, priests or prenchers of re ligion uiitl ndmlnlstrstlve, Judicial or police officer In liberal circles grave objection Is inlFcd to the fact that the franchise Is not only considerably restrlrtej tint Mint voting Is far from direct. Tho common view Is that President Yu.ni is trying to concentrate political pov er In a small group under his own tontrol. The Perfect Way to be In 11 moment knocked out nnd tnklug the count. In the main eu-iil ttu contestants entered tho ring nt 10; to. In the tlrst round Anderson forced the light, luttlctlng some terrific body blows, IHirns In this round, ns In all the others, was merely reaching for An- ! dentin's face and head, looking for knockout. In the second round Anderson led with breast, faco and kidney blow, Hums tumbled Anderson off hi feet with 11 violent blow on the head. Tha crowd rhevred tho activity of tha third round, In whldi Hums suffered 1 111 nil' luiuisiimeni, nnu which Auuer son commenced the Indies that won III tit the battle, fierce blows 00 tha jbnek of the neck, succeeded by kid nej blow. Thl was the scheme of things to I tho conclusion of the bout. Hums was iorerKUnulli Fall .;iils-nIUr wot,by from that point forward. Learned It though he still persisted In seeking by Infighting and near clinches to 1. ,0.1 sunor rro.n uacnaciie. i-B, ,,, trutM tmMh. ...ere . n,y one way 10 cure II. ' A, ,1(. rtll r , -liMi, roUM1i 10 The perfect wny Is to rurJlhe kid- tuiKiiltiil with the referee. Jaek luilr suit mid gloss)- and n sralp fno fumi didruff, will result from tho use of Jr NYAI.'rl IIHIMUTIIN This I Iho procedure- - f Wash tho hair with warm wnlrr nujf n imrit soup- rlnsn th'ii (uiglilyruli tho scalp with n sllit linilli npply lllrsiilono ruh It Hi well and dry the hair boforocoinbw4. Ptaaaa iirfa-r.imiil tlmt II isuliflin is nut merely u iimr wnsu It la a t'jnlo a mine ii 1 smuum"1 -"-"-. " "-- ..---" lerlal action noWl-lic. nuil nlliiiiilnti'M tho mmi of the lialr rrmovea allmnli 1 prevents lis return ml pr-srnea the iintHinrWnitl Mini ilnr of the Iwlr. Nyal's lllrsiilmie slioilW e 1 n )oiir drestltig table. It sells nt (0 rents mid M.V" M" bottle U IV J 15 I XV O O I 3e)S. A bad bark means Neglect It, urln&Ty tri Ooan's Kidney PUP klilnos only. Are endorsed byKlamath peoplt. .N. .Marchand. Wf nn n.v. Klum llh Falls. Ore., tits: "About iwi. lldneys. les follow made foi Falls t'rnwford nf Merrill, and then an uoiinreil that he could not stand the pressuru any longer, and expressed tils sorrow In the niidlenre. The rtow.l rhe-rcd. Young Jack Johiisiin accepted :. cnallenge from Frank Msntell, the clininplou wellerw eight of the world l.-ck l.lnkt'iibark referred the pre Qvn Blectrli Link River 3rd and Main Wood V I Wood WOTW0iU ., ' U S3 Cd cr v i - II r w.u vu sir&ble Otr Stephens A specific tor pain Dr. Tboma' Eclactlo Oil, strongest, cheapest lini ment ever devised. A household rem edy In America for 25 years. RlnrL- Wnnil Uox ariwn n wiru Fact'y Dry Slab Wood " " " 4ft Limb and Boy wood i iWlZin Leave orders at O.K. Transfexfio. or Phone 871 C8V. 6and Main Oregon harness Co. Phone 574 P. C. Carlson' And to show that we are all hums and that It Is not only on the Na tion's blrthdny that we are prone to look upon the wine when It Is red, or beer, let us remember tho story of the grand old father who uttempted to start his son on the path of recti- tudo and hobrlety. "Now, my son," said tho Orand Old Man, "I want you to profit by my experience. J have made It a rule that whenever f see double It U tlmo for ma to go to bed. For Instance, my uoy, you seo those two handsome women approaching us from tho ele vator? If It seemed to mo that there were four women, I would be sure that my bedtime had arrived." "Hat, father," the anxious youth spoke up, "there Is but one womnn coming this way from tho elevator. All of which goes to show that ev erybody bad a good time yesterday. Also, who did not envy that youth who piayea the star part In the pa rade of buttoning up the shoes of that charming young lady? o The Haymakers' band got mixed up In the repertoire of pieces selected for the parade because 0110 of the members Insisted on ploying through his nose. The rest of the bunch couldn't toll whether It was "Dixie" or "Marching Through Oerogla" that was intended. Anyway, the Hoy. makers" got by. ,'er.M ngn I flirt tJMIrcd symptoms of Mliiilnnrl.- and l)nv llurlln. was the Mila'y trouble, fly back pained me, nnouncer Dirk Donnelly wns Hie lntenely. and I Aas obliged to arlto.chlef nlde of both the Anderson b.iys. many times ntiilght, owing to toom the prellmlnnrle Hllrk Wilson wis frequent pnssaA-s of kidney secrc- In the other corner, tlons. Often ily back was so weak, inai 1 noil to nait work. Doan Kid- fmirt Hear Demurrer ne) nils wereBlnally brought to myi The only business In circuit court attention, nnd II begnn using them. Wednesday was the henrln- bv Judce ire) restored till' kldllCtS to n nor. tlMUon ol ntmimMil mi il.miirr.r In mnl condition iiu removed the paint 1 tho case of 8. II. flrlffllh against the in imih. 1 kivo uoans Kiunoy. Water Users Assoc Intlnn. It n Pills credit for buy cure, and highly demurrer founded on the assertion reoemmend tliei to other kidney suf. that a romplalnt was not fully specl ferers." "V 1 ',, For tale 5w all dealers. I'rlco 60 cents. FostcrJuAliiirn Co., Hiirfolo, "I have been somewhat costive, hut Now York, sole Mnts for the Unltol Dnuns Itegutets gave Just the remit u,c, A ,deslred. They act mldly and regulate Hcniomberlhenie Donn's snd'the bowels perfectly." (leoiao II. fake no ether. Kruuse. 30C Walnut nv.. Altnonn. I , ..... ... -., .. NEWPORT or YAQUI)Hr BAV OREQON'S IDEAL SUAlMftfr PRAOUT I BUAsliNQ SWIMMIHO FISHING HUNTING Deep Sc EXCURSIONS ALL SEASIDEDIVERSIONS Low excursion rates i all roads. First class accomodations FKEB4fXUSTIcr0 UOOKLET, AOUKUSS SECRETAItYCOMMERCIAL CLUB A National Bai Among those present and who walkod In the bl- narade wuh ih Is a bank cbartarad by and conducted In accord n niu bonded for tho full their duties, and evcitl ernment represenlntl United HtatM government with It laws. Its officer ill and honest performance of mes n year account to a gov- - V lilt HKS STANLEY TOOI The standard in ovrpenter toola the "Stoiiif Age" hai had Stanley'a brand on them. Your ned them, and they are Deiitr man ever now. vm. e. IIUWN smce rtrandldthert hQm one A ad on You Know Him Ybo4r Snouhl Knew Him 'i hi: i:pi:iit wati.iimakkh. j(-:ui.i:ii ami i:.(iii.m:it Heirn liumlrwt petiple have uim Mm ll.elr rruilr Murk aliwe the llrl of the yr II11) he iloneVi lieriiuyrHi: KNOW HIM fi.r liU ability, I r III iniirlriitliiiu milk, fur bJN li.inet prlir. Ill mirk I. a Miurtew wfniiliiii In M 1 n.liiinrt. limit', Hue a ciuliiiner nla) h iWwinei. lllie I1I111 11 trial, HU iil ttlll p('Me )nu, He "III ui.ariiiilri 1. hi .illfiiilliiii ur iiiime) reniiuleil. MMMIHaa-H- MI ISverytliiiiu; in IM&mIo (UBBBBWI 'PSHHS JUt1 rwde Uf'nUIIe of lierni Play k fu.'s Piano, It n Htyfuway nod iilher leading pUurf. Other UMkrt at mod. lylii rlies, Tuning ami ivpslrs f .tgenry fur win 1 1 m:wi.n MArniMvN. ni.ivni tvpi:whiti:h ami Virion T.U.KIM. MU'HI.Vi: IIimiI.., Sliilliinri) mnl Picture I1IMAIH FAILS MUSIC KttU Two door rt of PiMtotrtrr II, MAIWII.V. Pioprlrlor 015'r or,si3S) IN TIME All) rr.i 11 Im nmli glae ul nil, ne.ilveiii Ju.t a iulrkl) mrj mn lie nan. lleimiM-railiila) Dial I. alli.iieil In T Inrrra.r tlm trouble jii.i nun nturli inorr. Me have .1 frr aervlie of ISmiilil.u, llrl(. ml j, lttr miy iiimi rrrjlHMl, f W'v employ only Itio iiut unsfToml iiir4lnal r..r in ,i. -, ami rrauua are always wiuyiliey almiilil lip. Take ailranltt of our offa LVIiitorM il Opllrlnn. nulla are alws adranlaa of 1 iiSj (iinilunte nnd Slnle lleifkte DON .1. 7.l'.MV,lr, Prealilei.l. i;. . , Vlie-PrvAiJ Tre..,. I Hk'HT , uiriiHitii j V 9 "iiiiiiinnnn'iirji Klamath County Abstract Co ABSTRACTING Surveyors and irrigation EtifUneera hai. vMsh, iii.uKiyY Kw. KJamath Falls, Oregon TIONAL BANK Capital 1100,000 t .. ..1 w-X yMUS MmLz -j-rii -. r X- Uncle Saa has Noiey In blinks nil overffir country Ho doesn't iilUnTu Horvants lo keep monHii siifuri, or cash boxes, Jttiii inn ileiiend on his lilinwlffK his IiuhIiii'ss, HuppoK.i iiiu-Mnke ilm lilnt, mid doposlt "Tir iiiniuiy in, tin, .ril Trust ftud Havings Hunk. Open nn nrrounl now- so your money will bo Mnfo from Fourth of llll) lllKIIOHlhllHIo. First Truaid Savings Bank Klamahilalli, Oregon V