The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 03, 1912, Image 1

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VBwv '
MJMIi Year No. I.7MI
Prtc Wre Cssrto,
Five Thousand
Telegrams for
Itrvan in a Day
Houlhetii 1'iiilHr la Hrlilnit llu Xrtt
Ttwna Knglnrrn. Ar Miirvrylug
Fish Lake, (liMI lk attil Ctiwnl
l.aar, All ..I Whirl Mr Adjacent l
itml AImi- llir Klevallnit iif llir
Town, fur Hrarrvtilr Hllr
I'nlloit I'm Hnrvlrv
IIAl.TIMOItK. July 3. HiiiIiik Urn
' c mnvmilUm it liorfi'i-I'MAV NTAHT AX AHMIXIHTHATIO.V
unitigo hi until mill telegrams iircnr-'
led Thi lender received n goodly
lri ill lllla, lull (lin diilngntea not
llirlr share. Ilrynn gut 5,ouo trie
irnim In one day. Something over
200 wrrn rut In Ihn Oklahoma dele
gation, Olio of thrill mlaalvr was
alined h)' 1,000 rltllelia,
A boil)' of 30,000 acre of luml
lying along the Ntnm cut-off of the
Southern Purine: between Odnll l.ake
ml the Ktumath ImtUii reservation
It bring piepnrrti (or agricultural de
velopment with the advent of Hi
now railroad, which Is now under con
trurtloti twrnly-twu miles south of
the tract, four townaltrs that have
u.lrady lir-rn located tir thn mllroitJ
tnmpany w BB hn opened simultaneous
ly with tlio lamia, ami will roiitrol
the Iraitn nf a Urge illatrlrt In North
rm Klamath rounty.
Charles HtinihneU Jr ami (' M,
llynkrll, who arn dlrnrinra In the- coin
Pny that imni llir- lain), lintn left
Th team rrprramllng the Odd
Fellow a easily won th three game
howling rnntrst laat rvrnlng from
Ihn Knights nf Pythias. Tim rlrat
Kanm wna won by fiJ points, thr noc
mill liv If.T unit l)i third liv 119.
Portland for Uilirltll. whrrr the, Thl, ,.,,,,. ,, w. i.,,,,.!,..,,...,,.! on
. -J..-.. .. .!., l.l 1' '
iirauifuai ifm hi vunr iiiiii'hh7 navi-
coit thriHlghuut Northern Klamath
county, aa the formal loll la practical
ly thr amn, There arn Indlratlona
that tin underground wator rom
from tlin In lira and anow wator supply
higher ii jn thr inountalna. Flah
l.akn In 1,000 fact abovn Ihn tump
ny'a laud In thr vicinity nf l.onroth,
Arrmiiit nf lark ,if nrifMirtiinltv tar
l.n natAlillalinl. In IimiU nft,r Him' ...
- - 'I'railico, anu aian nrratian ni Hating
lalopmnl work Ihry now hatr on
drr way. Tory tmik a I'nprvllartforil
timdaUr, and will in ovrrland for
Ihn purpoa of maklna n tlioroiinn
tit rrplain anmn of thrlr Iram with
now niMi, Thr phtyrra on thr trama
K nf I' (lullirlita. Ilrrnmr. Km.
iii.tvocnou i.i rrop ,.iiprr,. ....Kii (tcic. Whlllufk, Jobnaon and I'rlndlr
It... r.lloi, that I. brhiK arltlrd In ,,,, Krllowa-Hitlltb, lllrr. Math' Crook and .Sntllmm KIiii.Wi( Hm) ,, allpt,Ui
nth rounllr,
Tbt hlxtiMt nvrrajtn waa niadr by
Tliry havr anrna-liirrrliiKtri'W mi-'ni.r of tlin Odd Krltnwn. which waa
RililrrlliR r'lali l.akr, Oilrll l.aVr and 7 (Milnta.
( ircont l.akr, all or whlrh ll ndjit
I rnl to ami ulntp llir rlrvmlon of
th lamia, and formlnit ndinlrnbti,
(tnrai rrrroli, Thr Inirntlon la
to build dama and conarrtr Ihn nond'
waltra, and thoa obtain an umpln anp
ply of watar for future Urination If,
It ahould bn found upon nipnrlmnnta
lion that tlin normal prrclpltatlon In I
thla rilon la luaufflcUnt for amirlnc
thv lirat rraulta from farmlnc. Thr'NtlyH
lamia narr a Hint growth of lodft
polr plnn that lllrvta Ihn aoltlnr'
nrnila for rouatriictlon iiialrrlnla fori
frnrlnc, ahnla, barna and limina, and,
alio for furl, and It la aald thr aoll la
aiillable for prnducInK (rain and for-
r cropa, Tim country offrra coun-,t nltcd I'rwa Scrvlcr
Irr attraction for Urn rlaaa of Amor- HAI.TIMOUH. July 3. Thr drU-
Iran farmera who havn hltlirrlo bn ,, ., , ,
, , ., . , , ., , , , khIiw w nri all aAtlaflrd with thr arljc-
looking toward Canada and llrltlah
Columbia with thr vlrw of (retiring ,,,m ,,f Wllaon.
i heap landa. U'lirn tlio nnmlnntlnn of ( oM-rnir
Amima- olhrr drvrloiimrnla to bn Mrahall nf Indiana for vice pr-f I lent
limlrrtaknn la that of undnrarouud ! I'ractlcnlly aamimd on llio vrond
waler. Y. C. Ilarllny, who haa br.n,,'llo, ,,r',, "r,,,, ,,, ',,,'"l
nprrallng a wq ilrllltr In tlin vlcln.hv'" ' "'"f1" lotana withdraw
lly nf Kort Klamath, haa born ni- "wrt, o inai iaranan a nominaiion
tv im itKAi.i.Y tiii: dm: or
AulalMiil MrtrHary nf Trt-rtalir) Hrnda
III lti-aliiatlon on llniirt, ami
U'rllen. Titfl Tlmt MrVragli H
Hail Tniubln Willi Ktrry Hnavd of
llurrau lit thr lriarltiirnl llouar
May llltrallgatr
lllltml 'ria Hrlc
U'AHHINUTON, I), C, July 3.
Aaalatnnt hacrotary of tho Treasury
Andrawa rmlgiiinl today lu a letter
rniilnliilug atlnglng crltlclatn of Hrc
rttitty of the Trnaaury MncVnagh,
which may atari an ndtnlnlalratlon
Audrnwa wrotn to I'rraldrnt Taft
and MnrVoagh, rrlllclilug llm latter
for "IndrclMon In hla attltuda of hoa
llllty tnwarda tho drpurtinvuta and
minor nmclala." Ho declared that
frurllcnlly rvrry bureau head had
had Itnubtn with MaeVcagh. The
W'hllr llouae Imiud tho following
"Audrnwa' rralgnatlon waa rvqueat-
rd, aulimltled and arceptrd brrauao
of hla fallurv to obey order given
him by Ihn aermtary of the treasury."
Invratlgatlon of llm treaaury de-
tartintiil la propoard In a rraolutlon
Introdiirrri Itf thohoiiao by Heprraen
tallvo Cox. It waa referred to tho
liouin rulre committee, who wilt re
port It hack lo the houan. Cox waa In
flurnced III lila action by the letter
written by Andrew.
The program for th niinunl re
union nf ploneera nf tlio Klamntl:
llnaln, which la to be held In Klamath
I'nlla nu July 4, hn been arranged. '
l)iiner will bo thn flrat feature nf JMfc'lllfJA.V (iOVKIIXOH WOfl.O
the program, and will bo acrvrd In! .-...'
Ihr court houan park. All peraon.i ",.vnmr. .r.....
having baskela will pleaae bring thorn 4
to the hall by 11 n. m. or .nowr. If llM. , ,r , who lt
wivjr ran, aou aeiivor mem 10 1110
commltteo. All tieraona who wlih to'
dluo with tho ploneera will plena 3
Johnson is StiJI
in Favor of New
Darariansasaafk Diaaaa
Mr. Klorrnco Kwell Atklna, who
la one of the apvakrra of the Chautau
qua courar In Aihland, la coming to
Klamnth Kalla, and will rak hero
Holiday evrnlug at Ihn Pavilion, un
der tint aiiaplrea of thn V. C. T, If.
Mra. Atklna la one of the brat known
nratora nf the Mouth, and la noted na
nnr nf thr mutt able tentperanco
aprakera nu the public platform.
I'lami Inalrurlor
II. I. Miller, formerly of Chicago.
la In thn city, and wilt havo an office
at the Klamath Kalla Mualc Home.
Mr Miller will act a demonstrator of
thr piano department of thn mualc
huiiao, and will give prhate Instruc
tions nn the piano.
bring their basket and do their part
In aervlng the; meal.
Thn afternoon program will be
practically as follows, some details to
br worked out later,
1 Hinging America.
2 -AddreWnf Welcome I'realdent
3 Hinging Oreitoii, My Oregon.
I Heading Motile fleames Jen
S Holo 'Mamie lloyd Wagner,
fi Hinging The Tie That Hinds
7 Heading Oram
8 Annual Election.
Ii Holo Mlas louis Lee.
10--Cloo by singing Klamath ver
alon of "A 11 Id Ung Hynr."
Ho aa not to Interfere with tho pro-
iiirt-il HooM-relt lo llrrome aa
Aetlvr Candidate Kipnasii the
Htr That the Colotael Will Alxoi
Inn I'lan for Xer I'rogTvtaalve
I'aHy anil Xoi Ho Caavdldaite ,
tlulled I'rrsa Hervlce
I.ANHINO, Mich.. July 3. In
statement today Governor Oaborn of
Michigan voiced bla sentiments
jngalnst a third party, and expressing
I tho ho no that Itooaevelt would abas-
I ilfttl It 11 titu ltB fki4 tiSTtt IumiMii sa neaa. I
...... .-.. ....... .uu ...... v.,...v -..r-- .
Mckersonlldentlal candidate.
Oaborn Is one of the seven govern
urn who requested Roosevelt to be
come) on active candidate.
United Tress Service; I
hACRAMKNTO, July is-dovornor
Johnaon made the following state-j.KW OVVXKftM MAV
ment teday: , 1
"Hn far aa I knnw lh nnnlnatlnn "' MACMI
of Wood row Wilson by the democrats
will make absolutely no difference In
tho plans of the progressives."
Miss Lillian, and Josephine Van
Riper have gone to Blsson for a visit
with relatives.
So I'aavr Tosnorrow
In order to permit the ewploye
of the offlco to take part la the cele
bration or the day of Independence,
there will be no Issue of the Herald
tomorrow, Thursday, evening.
Are lo IMJver Aboe Pirtec-a
feet of Box Wioeka Year, Wkleh
I Large Ccmtnut fllvea oa tha
Coast to Oaa Coarara laaaksr to
. .He HroaKht Here From Sit. Heats
aarl Dorrla for Maaaaetats)
Oaborn for Wilson
I.ANHINO, Mich., July 3. Oover-
gram of thn Itedmen wo hope to begin nor Oaborn cornea out flatly for WIN
promptly, so'a to conclude by 3 p. m.lson.
O. A. 8TKAHNB, President. I
Whereas. The death of fred T.
'Sanderson, formerly a member of the
Hoard of Directors of School District
No. 1, haa called from our citizenship
a man who gave much time to public
servlco and the general welfare of
Klamath Falls and School District No.
1, Ktamath county, therefore, be It
Resolved. That It la hereb) or-
IIKHIIIK TIIK OKXr.lUL FUtiMCj ,,., ,., ,,,. .- ., ,. r.,rili
HK.tLI7.KH IT. THKXKWTIWXK-lschool building be kept at half mast
....-..v nve ... ...- .-.. I'" memory of the late Fred T. San
' ' 1 derson for a period of ten days. And,
I'LKTKU -. ... be It farther
. Rrvolrrd, That a copy of this res-
VAI.K. July 3. Thlrleen miles nf O,utlo ,P.rcd n rord "
steel rails for thn Oregon Kaatern ""'' "" "" ' '
railroad are rxiecled In n day or two
at Vnle hradquartvrs, and track lay
Klamath Lodge No. 18, K. of P.,
will Install tbj! following officer to
night for the term ending January 1:
Dr. C. A. Rambo, chancellor com
mander: W. II. 8faw, vice chanceller:
A. K. Klder. keeper of R. and 8.;
Olen Johnson, master of exchequer;
M. R. Doty, prelate: C F. De Lap,
sergeant at arms; Wm, Hill, Inner
guard, tnd D. F. Suten. outer guard.
K.igrd to liiauguralo drilling 'opera
linn on llm cnmpauy'a landa In the
Mclnlty of Lonrolh, thn mining wrek,
llnttley has been securing flowing
wells of purr, rold watnr at depths
minting from 70 feet to N0O feel In
Northwretcrii Klamath county, III
llm vicinity of Fort Klamath there
lire mm- 41 nf thran flowing wnlls, se
cured at an average cost of $100 per
wrll, It Is believed flowing welts
will hn serured within rewsnuabln
would bo unanimous
In rrsponsr to rails for n speech
Hryan aald: "Ho who fight must
boar I lie sear. Any regret I may
hnui had I wiped out by the rrallia
Hon that I can fight lu tho coming
campaign as 1 .'icer fought before, t
will be able to show that no selfish
Interest Is actuating my course. I
hope In demonstrate to Ihn people
that the party we lovn so well Is In
reality Hit party nf progress."
Ordinance Prohibits the Discharge
of Fireworks Anywhere in City
II seems lo ho the general Inipres-iiilin tho law lu reaped to tho ills.
Ion that alt of the city except Mntn chiirgn of llrotvork for their own
mid Klamath street are to bn thrown I protection a well a tho protection
opnu to the discharge of UrnwoVks' of thn property of the outlre elty.
iiiul nxploslve on tlio Fourth of July,
huh probably ha beon caused by
do petition made to the council by
1 lie Fourth nf July committee, asking
'it order prohibiting tho illschnrgn of
"revnrkH nu these itrool.
Chief of Pollco Smith stated today
Hint there was an ordlnanco which
prohibited tho usa of explosive nnd
lunwork which covered tho whole
'lly. This ordlnanro was passed by
"in lounrll to protect the property of
'Itlzuns from flro and damace. and Is
(oIhi enforced. -Tho firework dlsnlnv I FOIt HKNT Nkelyiiriilshnil room,
I to tako place on Lake Kwauna. "'Illi balh, for 90 or two gentle
F'rewnrks In nnvnf lli thleWlv aal.illlOII. 1 1 1 3 mullltrool. 3-tf
led port Ions of the eltv would hn
Mil) (Juaiter lllnck
W, I. Clark yesterday purchased nf
J. I,. Cuanlnghani thn quarter block
on tho corner of Klamath avenue and
Third street. Mr, Clark U .convinced
that ho haa mad it good purchase, a
ho believes that With tho opening of
Hcrond itnd Third Ntrcot thl loca
tion wilt ho n valuable ono.
ry dangerous, and would probably
"'""it lu n heavy loss or property,
Ml of the cltlxeas are asked to recog-
FOR HAI.H Whlto sowing,
child's Iron bed and mill
Mulii straet,
-A M
aa, IMS
The Oiirrniment Hrinaml "Jl,0(K
fur Hniuggllng Xrcklace, Hut the
I'uulllat Would CompromUe on it
l,xier Amount
Culled Pit-as Hervlce
CIHCAflO, uly 3. A writ author
lilng tho solturo of the diamond neck
lace which tho government allege
that Jack Johnson, the heavyweight
pugilistic champion, smuggled Into
tho country from Kuropo, I out to
day. It was Issued by Federal Judge
Carpenter. The government demand
ed $30,000 from tho pugilist, nnd h'j
asked the authorities It they would
rompromlan on n lesser amount. Ills
off or wn declined, and a warrant for
hi arrant wna Issued several day ago.
KaMeru Klar, At lent Ion
The members of Aloha Chapter,
O, H. S., will assemble at tholr hall
at 1 1 30 Saturday afternoon and at
tend In a body tho funeral of tlelr
lato brother, Fred T. Sanderson.
lly order of tho Worthy Matron.
FKK8NO, July 3, Tho atuto con
vention of the Christian Kndeavor So
ciety today elected tho following oftl
cers: President, A, O. Onttcr of l.os
Angeles; corresponding secretary,
Luela M- Mlnter of Sail Diego; trenn
urer, M. P. Rankin of Santa Ana.
Lo Angel waa aelected aa the
1913 mooting placo. Resolution wero
adoptod supporting the anti-saloon
movomout and condemning the itate
fair board tor holding It fair on Sun
Ing la scheduled for July ftth.
Hlnco tho rush order for comple
tion of the Vale-Dog Mountain dltl-
alon of the Oregon Kaatern railroad
were sent out about n week ago, the I
engineer in charge of construction'
on the new trans-Oregon lino havo
been putting alt available forces oti
the big Job. A score of contractors
have secured sub-contracts, and now
;i"t It (lying thick nnd fast from V.tlu
In Riverside, 8 mites west.
Railroad laborer seem to bo scarce
and several hundred more could be
used oh the Oregon Kaatern today.
Although during tho past week labor
ers In squads of 2S to TS have been
coming to Vale, contractor say they
ore not coming fait enough
The extent of the work oven lu the
Vale material yards, which arn now
being made ready to receive the Ilea
nnd steel rails due here, I shown by
tho fact that Construction Knglneer
Oaborn hn it (landing order for 200
men lo handle right along the ma
terial that will bo (hipped here, be
ginning tho first ot tho week.
Thlrty-ulno mile of roadbed on'
tho tram-Oregon line west of Vale I
already completed and grading work
Is being pushed with nearly 1,000
men from mile Vost 39 to Riverside
at mile post DO. Sa well are oper
ations going that higher official have
Just uunounced train servlco will be
put on a far a the big tunnel at mile
pobt 3!) thl fall. Tho Valesllog
Mountain division of ISO mile may
bo completed within a year.
The 2,00 foot tunnel I now 10
per cent completed. A BOO horse
power compressor left yesterday for
this tunnel, nnd will bo used for gen
erating electric power to drive the
drill and provide light for the night
shifts that are to be put on at once.
The second tunnel, at mile poit 36,
la threo-qunrlor completed.
Crews are now building bridge
between tho big tunnel and this city,
two large Bteol span, ono at mile
post 13 and tho other at mile post 14,
A pile bridge Is being erected across
Dully Creek nnd unothej bridge gang
Is oroxstlng spans across the Miller
and Hog creek,
For tho freighting of the heavy
materia,! nnd supplies to tho canyon
en nips, new wagon roads have had to
bo built. Tho one at Juntura, 50
mllos west of Vale, haa Jutt been
completed, and the road gang haa
boon Btarted on a new wagon road
from Junturu to Riverside, 30 mtlea
further west. The freighting haa
been heavy since the rush orders,
P. L. FOUNTAIN, Director,
O. A. STKARNS, Director,
W. A, DKLZKL. Director,
J. W. SIKMKN8. Clerk.
Mr. and Mrs. n. J. McDougall,
Miss Helen and Mis France McDou
gall, arrived last evening from San
Francisco for a visit In the city and
at Pelican Lodge. Mr. McDougall Is
one of the best known architects ot
the Hay City, and Is the man who fur
nished the plans for the White Pell
can Hotel. He Is also Interested In
property In Klamath Falls.
8EAOIRT, .N. J., uly J. The
Texas delegation visited Wilson to
day. The lawn of the Wilson home
I covered with reporter' tents, and
the place resembles an army camp.
Many New Jersey, Tennessee. Penn
sylvania and delegate from other
ststrs also called on Wilson.
The bos factory at Shleelagtea.
which was purchased a for days ajr.
by the Klamath Manufacturing coat-'
pany. will start maniac wKk fair
rapacity on Monday, according to W.
I 'lark. Mr. Clark states that the
foitury has been closed down for a
few days, so as to overhaul the ma
chinery and get It la shape. Retort
A. Johnson, president of the compa
ny 1 to remain la Klamath falls, aad
will give his personal attention to the
management of the business. There
Is to be no other changes In the em
ploye of the factory. The company
I to commence Immediately on tho
construction of a large warehouse.
"I wish to thank the people of
Klamath Falls." said Mr. Clark tV
day, "for their offer of a free He
for our contemplated factory la the
city. Our mala object la desiring i
location In the south end of the city
was on account of a contract we had
with the. Meadow Lake Lamber com
pany. We had 41,000,000 feet of
lumber still to come, aad It was
cheaper to deliver K hero than oa
the Upper Lake. About the time wo
bad arrangement well under way
for our factory, we discovered that
there was a probability, that tho con
tract would not ae ailed, aad aa wo
already had entered lato a four-years'
contract with the California Fruit
(Canaers' Association for ben (hooks.
we had to have a factory so that wo
could begin delivery, nnd so decided
to purchsse the Sblpplngton plant.
"Our contract with tho Canaers'
Asoclatlon will mean the delivery of
about 15,000,000 feet ot lumber each
year. This Is the largest contract
ever made on the Coast with one Irm.
We have entered Into a contract for
the entire output of the Mt. Hebron
Lumber company, also with TnaTs V
Wetter and George H. Kesterson of
Dorrts. This means that much asw
hays That He Waata Jack to He at
Hl Heat. He WHI Not Have
Any Kxt-uae to Offer When He Ha
l.lcknl Him
United Press Service
LAS VEGAS. N. M., July 3. The
crowd already here for the big John-son-Flynn
right It tho illmett of any
Jprevloua contest. Things look dubi
ous for Thurday's fight. There I IpuRPtitH HKArsairACtrKma
. i-
business for Klamath Falls. All of
this lumber wilt be manufactured la
this city, where heretofore It was be
ing manufactured at Weed and other
town further sooth."
I 'ilir J l'riK Servlco
LAS VKGAS, July 3. Tom Flana
gan, trainer of Johnson, and Jim
Flynn chanced to meet today In Jack
Curley.'s office, tho latter kidding the
Toronto bonlface. "How's your manT"
askel Flynn. "Fine," was the reply.
"Glad to hear It," wa Flynn's
comeback. "I want him to be at hi
best, so ho will have no excuse to
offer after 1 lick him."
After Flynn' departure Flanagan
expressed surprise at the Puebloan't
appearance. ''I thought all along,"
he said, "that the stories about him
were bunk. 1 expected to see htm
wolghtng about 175, but his appear
ance today convince me that he I a
legitimate heavyweight. Ill appear
ance force me to admit thn) he has
worked hard, nnd Is tit."
over CO freighting outfits have been
leaving tho Vale headquarters every
Corey's crew, one of the largest
sub-contractor on the job, has left
for mile posts 73, 7 4 'and 75, where
they will take the Riverside end ot
tho present work.
Few people outside of Vale are
uwnro of the amount of work being
done ton tho new trans-Oregon line,
and betoro people at large know It
tho Harrlman people will have con
nected their Cooa Day and Southern
Pacific lines In this short transconti
nental combination.
not sufficient money In the treasury
to pay Johnson.
L'nltcd Press Service
uomlnatluK committee of Women's
Club were unable to agree, and nomi
nated both Mrs. Pennypacker and
Mrs. Carpenter. Ballottlng thla af
ternoon. The result will be known
C. J. Ferguson will leave la the
morning for Portland to make ar
rangements and prepare the head
quarters at tho Imperial Hotel of the
members of the Local Lodge of Elks.
It I expected that there will bo forty
people from Klamath Falls attend the
Grand Lodge gathering In Portland,
and the Southern Pacific has arrang
ed for two 18-berth Pullmans for
their accommodation. One and one
third fare for the round trip haa
been made.
Boxing Exhibition Tonight Will
Determine Northwest Championship
If you accept the word of the local
sporting Maternity the twenty round
boxing contett which will take place
tonight at Houston's between Bud An
derson ot Vancouver aud Roughhouse
Charlie Hums ot Oakland will bo the
greatest and best exhibition ever ern
In Klamath Fall. Anderson has thn
largest number of followers, prob
ably for the reason that he Is better
known here, and the local fans have
hud an opportunity to see jutt how
strung he Is, It cannot he denied
bi.t that he Is fast climbing to the tui
In the lightweight class, and he has n
rromlfhtg future-at stake In his con
test with, Durns tonight.
While tho Burns following may not
be ao large aa that ot hla opponent,
yet they make up In confidence and
enthuslaitn for what they lack. In,
numbers, and they are so sure of a
victory for their favorite tonight that
they are already planning hit future
conquests until he reaches the top o'
the ladder and takes on Wolgast.
The general opinion Is that the re
sult, whichever way It may go, will be
a great victory for the winner.
The preliminary event Is creating
equally as great an Interest as tho
main event. This la scheduled to be
a ten-round contest between Fred
Anderson, brother of Bud, and Fred
McLellan. Both of the boys are clov
er, and have been trained to do fast
work, and the fans are a anxious to
wltnes this exhibition as they aro the
tain bout.
' Last night Anderson ws a 1-to-l
favorite, several ot the local fan
pledging their coin that ho would be
the winner, and this waa readily ac
cepted by the Burns men, but today
the complexion of affairs haa,saa4jk'.
lallv ihanaii In tho itlraettnat asf TO "'
".. M AtftfWn,
waaisHu sua. t