Chickens Old Young and Middle Aged por Your Sunday Dinner 'IMIWCHHIONAI, (!AIUH " . A. lUMl'.u Dentin All Wink Uiiiriinln.i Odd Fell. ... Ilnom 'J h , t fl t It .11 " blildw. or .. ,il ', ''W'wl.KlnimUli Kill In. Klui.inth County, Ore n n, ,, ,, o ,,"'l,, ''"'"" "f mM imHt ,ftt'J'1 Moy iy. ; 7 ;v ,":1' ?.,-,,!''-' ": 'I".1 ",,,"lc'1""" '" III..M...I. . . . .."' ' '! .11. II2. w itin n ii in hi uui.i .i.... rn ll ll v I tllMll'H II. WllsMON ILUlllV D. MII.IX t'hll Lngliicr.., Hiirvcjors I "17 M!. Htrot MiHci:i.ia.M.,i)iH " " UAMNIIVH i:Hll.hM I If you wnui ),ur flllff ,.,, ; rul muted ,,,,1,1,, ,,,, (nlIhl , Kxprras lo ,) I (,, H..Mtilh I mil Main H. Mt ftmti.. nil "'"'ii I 'K I Iut ' ruing foul,' 3 ill ' ' '"ify mi id ik ! Will llilcrent, (.ml ' ""'I llalniriiiiiiii.iii. W. II. IIAUNKH, i Sheriff of Kliuiiittl, County. I llyilllO W. IIAYIKW. Deputy. , ' . I.'I.I.IOTT. Attorney for Plaintiff I .M0-I7-2M Ii HTONIJ tc IIAIIHKTT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 7-M.21.28.r.-12li I:kii(oi Notlrr GENERAL NOTICES hi tlir County Court or the Btute of) Oregon, for Hi. i County .f K1mti- nth. : Notice Notlco Ii hereby given that thero nre funds In (ho city treasury for the redemption of wnrnnU protested up to nml Including Beptcmbor 8, 1909. Intercut ceases from (Into hereof. Dated at Klamath Falli, Oregon, thin 10th day of .luno, 1912. J. V. B1KMENB, City Treasurer. 4n C MoiikoIiI, Deceased. ti.ll.eiil h,. h) Itifiri,. I in inn i limit I 'mi n . ii... u.... ...I v, i. ... . ... .. ". "i.iir hi """ i injrcuy given oy me un- '"egmi, for Klamath County. J, executor of tlio estate of lloslni. Mario J,,,.r nll, Jiwi.-s ( Mongold. deceased, to the Karl UVrkert. Plaintiffs, creditors of ami all persons having .. . . " 'claims iiKulnat the aald deceased, to J red Uwki.rl. IMomliitit. exhibit ,ueh clulma, with tho neces- tiMiirit ! iiiirt.iiv .in... ii. ..i i -- ... , ,,,,f , un i inn If you wnnt what tho ere nrn(I mil nn Tr llApman In the Matter of the L'slnt. of James Ibis OptlcnM'arlors In IVIIv'n J.w1p store, ri.i Main jttroct. I Herald Want Ads von HALK FOll ' SALE Complete furnishings for two housekeeping rooms, $75; terms; rent $975, Including lights and water, between Fourth and Fifth on Main, inuulre at Herald office. r-VJIt sAj;r Klamath Fills Meat Co. 0KTtln: l anil Hair MarhrU I'MO.Nr.HIMII ft7l L KMI'MIVMK.Nr Call up COMHrOCK. f,if, ;mi want l(1y kind of HKI.p It'KliHr at the COLMrnt'C Miu Kant employment For Halo Forty ncrcs of timber In 8w. H. Eighty acres of timber In Bee 22, All In T. 38 8., It. 9 K. This should toll for $2, COO. but tu sell fjulck and for cash, prlco 11,200. e-zz-tr fJEO. TIIKH.V, Artcnt. II I M.tllAM ami I'lUlf. IMIMs Miim in anil 'lilt i.mhI1i I'utr corii, liuiiloim ami In HruHlnx t'mintlls Mini. Tim mi i"p Imlr Noiu fnllinr. out In fl ttrnliupiita. atnl n pirum niiiiiiiil i urn for ilaiiilrurr (lit., ii a rail Nn. -17 liliiniitlli Air III Mir. KlirV ' outliers. Within ufr mnntha nt. imtuBiif n il.,r.,., mnili, ami nitiTi-illliT the llrst publication of tbla no-! Ill lll.l (llJIIM. Clllllllll I (ill 1 1 nml ,. tttll to thu .r.l.l nt (I.. m ,n tin. 2ith ,jr f jnMf., .Jl2( f. of Merrytnan & Duncan, 219 Odd Fel-i AUCTION 8AI.K of now and aecond, aH will s(. t1P' lows' bulldltiK. Klamath Falla, Ore-' ,iand 800,l, al ,,une McBrldes, pmiiiln.i lu.r..nnft,.r di-scrlbed, at I K". hlth aahl olllco tho underalgn-' ,2" Mn,n troct, ucroas from the public nurtion, lo tb,. liKlif-Ht bidder, I - "elects as his placo of business lnW,,lto ''el,can "otelj beginning Mon itor rnsb, surh nle lo In. mini.- f,t 10 1'iH matters connected with said es.l,ln, Juno 2t nl "'3( !' m.. and con- jonnrB a in. on Tm-sda). Urn 23d t"l" "f Juuies C. Mongald, deceased. lmul"K vory evening until slock la day of July. 1 Ola. nt tint front door, V. U, FOUNTAIN, exhausted; nothing reserved every- ;of ilii. i .nit l boiiio of a,,. court. In Executor of the Ilatate of Jamea C. l,l,"K n"",t K' Rc'n"'," ! time, itiainolli lulls. ICIniiiHlh muni). On- Mongold, Deceased. place nnd.opportunlty. f.-22-tf lK"" i Merry man & Duncan, Attorneya for . . Tim property tu l,i. sold bHiii; oar- 8ald Kxccutor. - 7t'ninlc theater. Untmwi dally. 2:30 I Hcularly ilmrrllicd us follows, to-wlt , Dated and lint published nt Klam-j ''" "'" K,cnl"". performanco i Th.. filiv, of NlJii nml tho NIHj nth Falls, Oregon, on this 12lh day! lr' r'mtlnu'"' iirui.i', or Hit I; theHWli of NV i; of June, 1912. ?Tnuol)og' gelillngrs years old, 1,150 pounds; sound us a dollar, gentle as n cow and pretty as picture. Call at Oregon House or Mammoth stable: 24-tf FOIt HAI.K Dest reslauranUn city": will sell cheap as owner has other buslneaa. Inquire J. Tatlock, Saddle Hock restaurant. MI8CKLLANKOUM Anyone having land for Ml will do well to send full description, prlie and termi to h. Jacobi, room 4 It, Hallway Kxchang building, PortUmd, Oregon. 17-tf WANTED Olrl for general home work, 30 pet; month. Phone 1808. 6-24-tf W ANTED A 3 or 4-room unfur nished house closo In. Address A. V. T.. Herald. U-Xt Parcel Delivery Ptiooe 1701 M7 buys 1909 model automobile; AUTOS for hire, sale or trade, 1170 can be put In first class condition at very smalt expense. Klamath Falls Auto Co. , 6-10-tf Main street. 5-ll-tf TESTED MATERIAL FOR HOME BUILDING appeals to the rotiarrvatlve msii or. mine It offers a tangible basis i.inu which In reckon. Take lumber for liislanrr, and you .an nn pililciiii' mi all allies wiiarr holiM' tlmt werr built of m.niiI haf. outlasleil n genera. nn and ill" today (It the; listv lirrit Kleii proper rare) I. I. ( A I N 0 1 I C I. S nl tin. NWH of HWil of Her. 3. all I In Tnuiiahlp 37, h. It. !i. 1: jj. 'in Kliiimitli county, OrcKou. Daleil this 21th day of June, 1912. t) A KltAfHi:, , 2M-1.IR.22 I, liefer.'? I MEHHV.MAN & DUNCAN, Attorneys for Bald Executor. 12.19.20-3-10 11 Nntlin nf Sheriff' Kale ! In the Circuit Court of the HUte of Mini V. Slough. Plaintiff, Vol he of Sheriff's Male In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon, for Klamath County. . Wo liavo some very (Halriblo 0th Mtrei-t property for sale Htopbeni ' Hunter Itealty Co- "I have been somewhat costive, but i Doans Iteguleta gave Just the results ; dealrcd. They net mldly and regulate of 1 the bowels perfectly." George B. Krnuae. 306 Walnut av Altoona, Pa. FOIt HUNT FOIt KENT 8-room house, bath aid toilet, Juit acroia from the poit- offlce, 26 -per month. See It P. (ialarneaux, room 220, Odd Fellows' building. l-H-tf t'6l HETJt Hcven-room now bunga low. Inquire Mrs. It. Dolvln. 24t FOIt IlENT Modern 6-room houie completely furnlihed; cloae In; $20 month. It. E. Smith Realty Co. Bcreeni and all kinds of ihop work. Phone 1251. Shop Sixth and Klam ath avenue. 12tf AA CHICKS $8 per 100, lhlpp4 anywhere; 33 varieties thorough bred chickens, ducks and eggs; free circular. Ingleslde Hatchery. 807 Mt. Vernon ave . San Fraaclaco. Cal. 6-1-8-1 FUIt.MHHi:!) ROOMS Hock- Ori'Kim. for Klamath County Wllllm a Hlnugh, Plaintiff, Mario I. lllfford nml t'liaa N. Tib belts. Defendiinta Notice Is hnreliv clten llml (it vlr. Nut in. ii (Urn that lloi tu.-of an eiiititlon and order of sale,l,""rt n'"1 """ "' 17th day of V I'Atltt. llll(- IIIHllllIllC lllMriHM IS .lillv I I ..,,1 .. ll... -I .1.1- 1 MllM. Ill" ill,,.,, ,tArr. mn.ln a.,, I ... -, .-. .. ..... 1., .in. .uuic niiiuiQii - -.---. -,-... .. ..v.vv ...Huu ...... Mmiutli ttfu, ori-gan. did on the rourt sml ciuao on the llth day of entered of record In aald court on tho' .4.1.111, .11 'ri.miii.r.i-Jii.nieiniiiis Jut,,.. ;i2, upon n diree made and '" 'ny of June. 1912, In fnvor of Mlllt'i: I tilt t'I'MI.II'V I ION I Not I'iiaI IwiiiiIi) iNpartmrnt of the Interior, Culled Hlatrs Uitnl (inira nl l.akele, )rr(im. Mny 28. 1912 Mnrln I,. (Ilfford and Albert J Ing, Defendants. Notice Is hereby given that, by vir tue of nn execution nml order of sale, duly linuril out of the above entitled A specific lor pain Dr. Thomas' L'clcctlc Oil, strongest, cheapest lini ment ever devised. A household rem. cdy In America for 25 years. Tempi uiealrr, Mstlnee dull) 2 3 P m Evening, first lierfottnnnce 7! 15, continuous a A COIID Fresh lC-lneh slab wood dumped Into your wagon at Ackley -..... .. ... . -- nrni nun 11 u-rii i,nv i-mt ti .. in si kimmI as new Wood has "'" ""' aiuii-metii ami nppllcn- imtered of record In said court on the l,,lp nhon-imtned plaintiff, directing .. ", . ""-'"'""' .tmid the leal, and I... utlllied '" " "23. to purchati. thmuth da) of June. 1912. In favor of the aale of the premise therein and! A ... IP '" "W"1' .lj.iAtlmj1 t IBlltfll fttv." Iixlsr as rcoiinmlcnlly m any ilhrr tnalrrlal. nitialdereil from a. I pnlnU niiiMrniiie. dura bilili and I'iMtllifulneia In Its uiii hat ) pleci'dcnci lo go hf Whut lillirt" lmr done iili it ti ecu do, nml the lum brr p Inui'llr theie itaya la the (irn.liirt of Hip heal "iilsllty" nulla In Hik I'nllid Slates It'a .N , S",. hKllon 22. town- tli,. uboie named plaintiff. dlrecllng,,,cr'ln,,flt'r 'leacrlbcd, to satisfy tho ship 3. south ranicn 9 eaat. Wlllam- tlc .-,!,. f ,c premises therein and 'um of $I.000,wlth Interest thereon at rttu Airriumu. ami Hie timber tlierron herrlunfter dtvcrlbed, to aatlafy tho'1''0 rn,c of percent per annum slnco under the priulsloiia of the act of .urn of J3.000 on mUi interest there- October 29, 1909; the further mm of Juno 3. 1171. and acta atucndatorj, ,, ,,t the rate of S per cent per nn- 1 .000. with Interest thereon, nt tho 'known in the Timber and Htoni- num since March S, 1909, the aum of rat" of s l'r rent l,fr annum ilnco Law." at audi talun aa might be filed J3uo 00, nttnrneyn' fees; the aum of December 14, 1908; the further sum by uppraliement. and that, pursuant ' J35 r.0, toata and dlabiiraementa, nndl"' 'L000. wltli Intoreat thereon at ' ni such application, the land and tlm- the accruing coata. tlio rote ot S per cent per annum tier thereon hale been nppralacd at a Now. therefore, by lrtue of nl,)1"11"1' December 11, 1909; the sum of a uleaiure to show It ns well s!,,,", "' "'n' the timber ettlmnted at execution, and In compliance with 3fl(i. nttorne) feel, nml for tho sum lo talk Its larloua iiaer. und we MO.ouii board fet al It nn per aald writ, I hae duly levied nn aald ot IS-"", coats and illahuriements, are at )our aervlre from 7 to '. and the land at $20 00; that ,remlaea. nml will on Monday, the nd accruing coats, ilailr Come In ll'1 applicant "111 offer final proof In Slh day of July. 1912. nt 10 o'clock Now- therefore, by virtue of said lauppnrl of hla appllcatlnu and aworn n m of audi day, nt the front door'',,t'"t'0" nm' '" fompllanco with " - ' s"- atateinent on the I2lh day of AiiKuat. f id,, county coutt houae, In Klain-I"11'1 wr"' ' linN0 ,lll,)' 'evled on said "riiero'a No Placr l.lki lloine" 101;. brfore C It Dalsn. county ..11. Pn. K't.m.ti. fmfniv. rr.nn PlemUea, nml will on Thursday, the . , . n t,rrk of Klamath count) . til Klamalli mil at public auction, to tho highest !lsih day of July. 1912. nt 10 o'clock MVIOM HrOS. Llimber L0 Falls Oregon b..l.ler. for rash, all the right, title'"' ' " of ''" ' la"' n h' front door of rto (.rmuii nt iinciu in piuirii nun inieroai 01 me auoie-nnmeu ae - - - "i Hil purchaae before entry, or Inltlaiu fnidnnls, and each of them. In and to ln Klamath Fnlla, Oregon, sell, nt Hie following deii-rlbed real property. I,,u",r """ion. 10 1110 nignesi omuer (l, Wt. for null, nil the right, title nml Inter- ThoNVi of Sec IS.Tp 41. S. It ivil "f lhr "''Otc-nnmed defendants. s. K. W M . in Klamalli County Ore-i"'"' ch of ,."em' ,n .nl"1 l0 ,,l fo1' lowing uescrioeti rem property, to- Phone 1341 Mil St. at S. I track NEWPORT BEACH LOTS Rentals Insurance RICKMAN & SMITH Newport Oregon NICELY furnlahed rooms at the Ore gon Houae, Sixth and Klamath FOIt UENT The City View apart- menti; modern; furnlahed; real- onable ratea. Phono 933. 18-61 Dyapepala Ii our national allmeat. tlurdock Illood Bitten Is the tuttloaal cure for It. It itresgtheni itonuch membranea, promotes) flow of dlgs tlve Juices, purines the blood, bntll you up. Are you Interested In KLAMATH COUNTY? If so. see the Stephen. Hunter Itealty Co-, They have lonit food bargains. AO'ligAT display orF5u7thot"jiny shoes at the Sample Shoe Store; prlcea low. 717 Main street. "S--fT Corner Willi and High Sis KUMATH BURIAL CO. Hubert Itiyncr, Fiinrriil Dlrett or formerly of l.o Angelea .Mml comniqdloua Chapel In the city Lady Attendant, Phono 1 193 a rumen at nnr lime neiore pmem loauea, by filing a mrrnboralcd altl lull la this cfflre. alleging farts Willi Ii would defeat entry A W OIITON. S-7-J-9 Ii Heglater Sullii- uf Slirtltl' Siile ll.'uulty No. 309) W. M. TIMMS Scncral House Cleaning .'ccfrc Vmcu m Carpet nml Drapery Cleaning gou. Or so murh thereof ns may be nee esnry to satlafy aald execution. The proceeda of aald anle will be applied In Hie antlafacllon of aald ox- ...... SI. . ..b.l-.M ... .I..AB-A.. Itlt Jiaddl III the County Court of the Statu of eiimini. ui.1.1 .... wurr, iu... Oregon. In and for Klaiu.tu '!' "' dlaburiements. and uccru- ' cmnty l,IK ro'' "l"1 ,he "rlli If nr .Waller II H.t)r... Plaintiff. 't 1. "l " lM Into wld court 1 lo bo further applied, na by law ill- illrorgoW Carrlck and Jes.Ie CnrrlcK. " , Hiiabaml and Wife,, Defendants. e.. ii..iir... u Citrrlck unit Jeaaio Car- Husband and Wife und lo "" '" "" I 4 1-- !-.- - 11 Dated this 14th day of June, 1912. W. II. IIAItN'KH, Sheriff. rick. All Whom II May Cencern: rmlernuil by Urtuoof uivrlnln ex 1 H'Utlou Issued out of the olllco of. and SUMMONS iindir the seal of tho clerk of tho In the Circuit Court of tho Slate of bote immc.l court, under dale of May Oregon, for Klamath Coutfv a .-. II II.... 1.1 lllalntlfV 23d. 1912, upon a Judgment renuereu i.rmu 11. iiuiiam, u...., nml docketed III said court on tlio .. .... ,, .,...,. .reiinlti suit wherein Waller ll. siuyro from carpet, and rugs by Hie ,, p,,,,,,, Iim (leorge W Carrlck and electric vacuum process. (, ,.,,., ,an.l nnd wife, are wit- : Tho SWli of Section 12, Township 41, S. It. S, K. W. M., In Klamath' county. Oregen: I Or 1.0 much thereof as may bo necea-' nary to satlafy said execution. Tlio proceeds uf said sale will be applied In tho satisfaction ofs aid ex ecution, order and decree, Including prlnclpnl sums. Interest, costs nnd dis bursements, attorney' fees, and nc crulug costs, nnd the overplus, If any there be, will be paid Into said court to bo further npplled, as by Invv di rected. Dated this 1 St Ii day ot June, 1912. W. 11. 11AKNE9, Sheriff. lS-2S.2-9.lGh .NOTICE FOIt PU1H.H7ATIOX Gas in Your Stomach Not Always Dyspepsia It's Nervousness Yw.r.Xrm my Un null your Stomach irrlulli. It niMi to work; tooJ don out llit tad Gt f.vma. T!it'oo.UD.lofD)nvimUNrnwuUiJ,lJuJ Ua4 you na curt only r a RisxJy lint irU dimtly oa tU Swmith Ntntt. rulmiu'iCti-Tiblitiilotliiitorticuoa. Totyut miJi niwUily for 0.1. Tiny id oa your Stoauch Xima, Uxy qukt til Irriulk rWoui ii formic Plomirk,ul MoalyitliCTt,tMl curt Gil rertuaratlr. Itnlly it areas a jrtr it you lurTrr from Oil la III Flooiicb aaj IVtU do! It try nulmau'i Gii-TiUrti. TUt picuUir tiUrti in ml J for SOU by nwy Jmjtiit, iroJ Jinct to lUlnmuno llumAry, 33ft Sotlrr St, Sia rrtanani,- DON J. .LMWALT, President. K. M. I1LIIII, Vlce-Pre. nnd Trrae. IIKItT K. WITIIROW. Secrrtnry. Klamath County Abstract Co" ABSTRACTING Surveyors and Irrigation Englneeri MAPS, PLANS, BLCKPRI.VT8, ETC'. Klamath faila HE IS THE MAN v.,. .1,,.. ,.r v..miier. 1911. in that J. It. Itankln. Defendant. We remove all spots and dirt ,,.,, ,,,, .reln Waller II. Sayro To J It. Itankln, Defendant Above .Miineu: n the name of the State of Oiegoir . .. i tit k v.iii iitm neri r rniiuiii'ii u III toe aum . - ,.,. . . .1.. . . ,, nrf,,. ,. IIIO COlUPiailll HIW.I-11, CIllUll, I.IIIWW UIUHB .,MM..a I'Ii.iiii. Ml, Ofllco S1I7 Klaimilli leas defemlnlits (Not Coal Lands) Department ot tho Interior, United States Laud Olllco at Lalcevlew, Oregon, Moy 17, 1912. Notlco Is hereby glten that James Ice Cream Bricks ALL THE TIME -lust tho thing to complete your owning meal. Wo frecxo I lime, bricks In nil sires und Ihuors for private orders. Tu k n nm, lliinin Tonight Tlio StlifiHtn Formerly lloxey Khuiiath Falls, Oregon ...... i 1...1 ,i t"r.n no nttnriier ii tin nuaner print ! '""""': , , ,,, ,ml n ,10 bove entitled suit. Oiene. Oregon, did. on the 17th day m'fuM "sum 2 osu I, or beforo the 12h day of July, of November. 1911. . l.o In thl. office J. i 1 at S per mis. that being tlio last day of pub-'sworn statement nnd application No. 1 ! n I. Ml" ' ' "",,,m"19' nnd theor,153. to purchase tho SEU NWW. h , i. . Z en r 9 Land l"t day ilthln IHcl. you are r.-.8ectlon 31. Township 39 S.. Range . imIi d.) of Re Plfni r. I n . . orjju. R wlUnwette MeriUlan. and " "'1"'"rl"K "" l ."' .', ode ' r of tubllciitlon of this summoni. itho timber thereon, under the provl II.S60 on wns rece ted on a. I u . ''' "'""", ," m, .niWer, Lonl of , net of June 3. 1878. and meiit on the sail nay m . "-. '".".... ., ,.,. i-7 .K .nil iiun inn mill tin win ni'i-ij - - - .. r Trl " . ,, n nai Judg- for tlio relief demanded In .aid com- Him mi inn - - iii meiil with attorney fees. coMs ,l plaint .. . . ..!... aintsiil nml ' find &'rL-zss?z a 8hrlff or Mania... "',-""' -" ..... mmn,.lnt 1)rnvi anil 23i liny Ol piaiuii.i "" I did on hUl'AHK DEAL WATdllllH ICQUITY WATCH A good, Hound, dependable watch, "'inlii by (ho iargeal und most famous "Uli company In the world. Never bofore hua It been posilblo oobiuin inch value except at u much I'ilhir price. Watch Complete, only ." )EV " i Wat ilc AC. Upp Jotvtler anil Kngnivei nillla Untitling ,8' ,'71 Sfih;..r.'.,hi ""I'tEuo 00X01 matrimony bo- to mo Oregon, Mil), I till, i nml .in.... r iimiii. Iii niul lo the foil lug described real ealnte. to-wlt: Tho undltl.le.l ouo-fonrll. Interest In and lo tho Southwest Quartor of tho Soiillittfil Quarter, Section Five (f.), and lots 1 Met en ( 1 1 ) nnd Twelve 13) In Section Seven (7), Township Forty (40) South, lUuge Nine (9) East, Wlllamotte Meridian. Klamath County, Oregon. Mnllen Is hereby glvell. thllt 1. sheriff of Klntimth county, Oregon, will sill Mill above il'"u" ""' " tllMilved. 2 Tlmt tho plaintiff be Awarded tho" custody of the three children named In the complaint. n That ahe have Judgment for her coats herein, and such other and fur ther relief a to laid court rosy mm equitable. This summoni is puuiisiwu eek for a period of six succeiilre ....! in the Evening Herald, a dally new simper, printed nnd published In acts amendatory, known as the "Tlra bcr nnd Stono I.ntv," at such value as might be fixed by appratsoment, nnd hat, pursuant to such application, the land nnd timber thereon hnvo been appraised nt a total of $200, tho tlm er estimated 280,000 hoard feot, nt 50 rents per M., and the land at $G0; that said applicant will offer llnnl proof In support of his applica tion nnd sworn statement on tho 26tb day of July, 1912, before C. It. DoLap. county clerk of Ktamatn county, at Klamath Falls. Oregon. Any person Is nt liberty to protest this purchase bofore entry, or Initiate n contest nt any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat tho entry. A. W. OUTON, 5-23-7-25 Register. Constipation, if Neglected, Causes Serious Illness Constipation, if itiitleeted, leads to almost innumerable complica tions affecting the general health. iMany ot typhoid fever, appendicitis and other sctcre dis eases are trace able to prolonged clogging of the bowels. Regard the effects of constipation, C. E. Ayers, 6 Sabln St., MontpelitT, Vt, says: "I was ftmioted wttb oonstlpatlon and blllouancaa (or years, and at tlmea became so bad I would baooma unconscious. I have been found In that condition many times. Vhyalclsns did not saam to be able to do mo any good. I would become weak and for days at a tlmo could do no work. Not Ions; ago 1 got a box of Dr. Mlla' Lsuutlrs Tableta, an after using than found I had never tried anything that aetad In auca a mild and offeotlve manner, I believe X have at Uat reuaS the remeey that alia my oaas." Thouiands of people are luf imm Irom habitual constipation and while possibly realising something I the dinger of this condition, yn aegtiet toe long to employ atopar laritlve measures uatll sirloai IU smii often result. Th advie ff U phvslclans Is, "ktia your bowh lean, and It' good advlee. Dr. Milei' Laxative TabUs M aid by all druggiiti, at i casit a hi containing $ doies. Jf aft fsyand iitlifactory, your mesSSjr MSttraid. MIOIOAL I To buy your warrants To buy your notes and mortgages To furnish you bonds To furnish you Employers Liability To insure your property in best Companies $17.50-For rent, 4 room modern house, close ln $200 per foot, Main street property $500 down and $500 per year for 9 years takes 190 acres of good land. J. XV. ROSS Ste CO. We have moved to the corner of Seventh and Main Winters Slashes Prices nust Have Honey Quick . Everything in the store at half price ' $i will do the work of $2 or $3 H. J. WINTERS Tie Pioneer Jeweler The World Moves So do we Move Baggage and Passengers TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS AND TlOATS AND OIVE QUICK SERVICE H0USEH0LD-HEAVY FREIQHT A SPECIALTY- Blacksmith Shop in Connection Are prepared to turn out all kind of flnt clas work. Special attention to tfhotlag. O. K.TRANSFERCO. ,Day Phone 871 Night Phone 873 I " SBsaalaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm ""SwpBHl j