Amusements THE MAJESTIC A Majsstlc feature dim, "Petticoat Perfidy," a coutedy drama; "The Silent Witness," n Thanhouser film: "Run on the Dunk," Ulton film; 'Lot' Four Walls," a Rex drama. Prtgram sbaag Holiday, Wednes day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Matin Saturday and Sunday at urfcoeai at I: to. Jericho Club - for -Odd Fellows And Rebekahs - ONLY - In basement of 1. O. O. F. Tetu Vie. Bowling, Illlllards. I'ool. Card Rooms Reading Room. Private Sitting Room for Re Matobs only. tailing Hrothei and Sifter iray welcome. Our HuslncM I (loodt Out- Customer arc llnmtl Because our Groceries are Good A complimentary ordrr "III convince you. Your anxious to please, Monarch Grocery Try n can of our ".U.T.I COFFKK" None Reltcr. IMione 1 0.11 mHMMMiaaafaMHMi'aaH I mm , II Ladies Bazaar and Ladies Exchange We make a specialty of Imported Swiss Embroid ery Gernan Bands and Laces MRS. H. A. COOPER as W. Fourth St. THE EVENING HERALD V. O. SMITH, Kdltor and Proprietor t'uMlclird dally except Sunday at 116 Fourth Street Entered at the postofflco at Klamath ralli, Oregon, tor trsnsnilsstos through the malt m second-clau matter. Subscription term by mall to any ad dress In the United State: On ) ear It.OC One month 10 KLAMATM PAI.I.M. . . OHKOON Tt'KSIIAY. Jl'NK U. lUI'J TIIK Vll.iacJK IIP.I.I. A Helpful Substantial Store Service Undabllliy. curtusns, Ifitelltgenc and experience arc elded right Into the very foundation of thli stabllsh asat all combining with fair kxlM, (It you thli helpful, trustworthy store serrice. "Ana" ft Is to give you stilt sjoro this store Is continually striving to better It seeking tag planning all that will mnke fell possible merit your con Idence and patronage Van Riper Bros. Phone 851 Kacsutho Agents fur Cluu & Sanborn TVus niitl CorTirp. RADIANT GRIM E Famous 'Colorae Metal'' VV . Tfflgfe2F-'''r vnSBBiBsJVaflBw ' V. SvM?L2sii. Most popular Utensil of Qcntral Electric Devices Electric Demonstration Link River Electric Co. 3rd and Main I'honeisoi FISHING TACKLE We hare everything )on need for that Ashing trip; Hook, line, rods, reeM, baskets, etc. We rent tent, guns and catnptug outfits. THE GUN STORE J. It. CHAMIIKHH ltiooe B0g Jarutn lllk. Wood Wood Block Wood ,.$3.51 Load Dry Slab Wood in'cr. u (it $3Cd UCd OOWNWIM COURSE Limb and Body wood Fast aUlag Hesdlaed by Klamath fall People A little backach at first. Dally .Increasing till th back la lust and weak. Urinary disorders quickly follow; Dropsy Mid finally Brlght'a dlsear. Thli Is th downward course of kid ay Ills. Doa'l take this cource. Klamath P.ills people should profit by th fol lowing experience: A. BU, 130 Front street, Medford, Ore., tin: "I am lust ai willing to! rieciornend Doan's Kidney Pills to day as I was In September, IS 07, wkea 1 publicly told of my oxprl nse with them. I suffered from kid auy trouble for at least flvo years, atil as time passed I grew woiso, In stead ef better. Sharp pains darted through .ke small of my back and sogittlroes the attacks were so se vere that I could hardly stoop. At night uiy back ached Intensely, and Houut sleep was out of the question. lag told to try Doan's Kidney Pills, I rurd a box, and they soon gar ms relief." Fer sale by all osaiers. I'rlce SO tents. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, Now York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the na-mo Doan's and fake an other. 4ft, Kin I2in Leave orders at O.K. Transfer Co. or Phone 871 Cor. 6 and Mala Oregon harness Co. Phone 374 P. C. Carlson E.E. Thompson General Freight and Transfer Leave orders at Willis Furniture Store. Phone 38S WOOD FOR SALE TIIK members of the city council nt n meeting tiut ctcnlng authorised the purchase of n 2,000-pound bell to replace the old flro bell, which Is cracked nnd unfit for service. While the need of n fire alarm Is bndly needed, no citnuot help but feel that the city made n mistake In purchasing n now bell for the city. Practically all of the lending cities of the country hare long ngo discarded the old vil lage tire bell, nnd replaced It with 11 more modern fire alarm aystcm or the siren whistle. It Is estimated that n slreu whistle. with n shrill, penetrating sound that can bo distinctly heard from ten to llfteen miles, can be Installed for about $500, while the bell ordered by tho council "III cost about $800, ami will be Impossible, to be heard In all parts of the city. In addition to the original ro.t of tho bell It will probably rout $100 tn place It In the tower lly another year Klamath Palls will undoubtedly build a new city hall, anil It will then cent ait -additional $1,000 tn build a tower to hold the bell, bee Ides tho cost of removing It from the present place and Installing It In the now building. rndoubtedly by that time a mod ern tire system will be put In, and there will be no need of the old bell. that source could they secure the most lomplete mid accurate report of what was going on owy minute. IU3AI. K8TATK XIUNrtPKIW ). The following realty transfers, contract, deeds, mortgages, etc., re cently Bled with the county clerk, oro furnished by the I'lty and County Abstract company A COMPARISON' IT IS TIIK privilege of every busi ness mnn to place his own price on the goods he Is offering for sale. but It Is not considered proper busi ness courtesy or good taste to attempt to disparage the value of the goods of his competitor In an effort to prove the greater value of tils own goods. It Is the reading punilr. who are the sole Judge of the value of a news paper, and white newspaper publish ers may differ In their estimate of the value or Importance of their own papers, yet the public Is never slow In forming an opinion. The newspaper man's success dnpends on his ability to Judge what the public wants, and then being abto to till that want to the fullest extent that tho business of tho community will Justify. Some publishers believe that quantity and tlte of a paper urc what count, while others may believe that their readers would prefer quality to quantity. We admit that there Is n chance for a difference of opinion, but the only thing that n publisher can do Is to follow his owu Judgment nnd take tho consequences. There Is not such n big profit In a dally newspaper In a city tho size of Klamath Falls at the best, and we do not bellevo that tho people of this community expect moro than they are willing to pay for. To expend an amount greater than the Income In tho production of ,1 newspaper Is not good, sound busi ness Judgment, and It has been our experience thnt It takes equally as much business ability to successfully run a newspaper as It docs any other business. Tho Herald Is perfectly willing that tho public shall Judge the value of Its news service and we feel highly com plimented for tho words of commen dation we huvo heard tho past few weeks. What Is better than words, we have received proof that tho Her ald Is meeting the approval of the public by the addition of twenty-six new subscribers during tho last sight days. Most of these were due to the exceptional service rendered by the United Press In Its report of tho re cent Chicago convention. Klamath Falls pcoplo Interested In tho dolngtt of the republican convention were forced to rely almost wholly on tho Herald for their Information. It Is recognized throughout the United States that tho United Press has become tho loading news service of tho country. While tho old Anno, elated Proas has been standing on Its past reputation, tho United Pross has been making good by furnishing tho real live news of the day hot off the wire. Recognition of this fact was made when President Taft had the United Press wires run Into the Whlto House to give him tho news of the doings at Chicago. All of the leading politicians of the United States who were unable to be present at Chicago depended on the United Press to fur nlsh them the news, for no other rea son than they knew that only through The Klamath l)eetopmetit compa u to the Klamath Vallsy Warehouse company, warranty deed, lot IS. block 13. Tims McCormlck to Dig Haslu Lumber company, deed, timber on SWV; of SKi. SKi of SW't. lots .1, I and fi, Sec, 3S-30-T Henry II. Webber et nl to Leslie Webber, deed, Pre lO-3'.i-lt. Adetbert Webber et al to Leslie A Webber, deed, part Hec I0-3V-1 1. Maurice Curtis to Leslie Webber. deed. $10,000, part NKU uf SW. first addition to Itoinuiia, Sec. 10-39-11. The Klamath Development compa ny to John Moniu. warranty deed, $10, lot 34A, block T, Railroad addi tion. John tl. Patterson to J. II. Ilobbs, wnranty deed, $1,000, block 30, Mer rill. American Hank and Trust compa ny to O. W. White, warranty deed. $10, lot S. block 37, original town. Andrew Olson to Mrs. Dennis Mc Nalmra, $1, N4 4 of Nfr of NK4 of Ni:l, 80c. 3-39-t0 . United States to Howard Cunning ham, patent, tots 20 and 31. Sec. 3-33-7 4. United States to Thos F Nicholas, patent, lot 19, Sec 3-33-7 4 Frank I). Swingle et ux to Chas J. Swingle, quit claim deed. II. NK 0fSKi4.SK Hof Ni:,.Sec IS-10.13 Chas. J. Swingle et in to Frank I). Swingle, quit claim deed, $10. SWV, of NKV.. NW'i of SKi. Sec t:-0-13. Silas Obenehaln to (leo W Noble, warranty del. $10. SRi. of NKH, Sec. 39.39-13. Christine Murdock to Kiln J. Stew. art, wraranty deed, $1,000. lot S, block , Kwauna Heights. S. K. Ramsby to Martin llros., war ranty deed, $10. lots Sand 9. block 10, original town S. K. Ramsby to S K. Martin, war ranty deed, $3,100, lots 4 and r. block 43, First addition. J. F. Davles tn J. It Welch, war ranty deed, $10, lot S. block 3, Pair Kdna Van Dyke et nl to U K. Swin gle, warranty deed, $1. part of SUi; ofNKK.SeC 13-40-13. Chas. K. Wordeii to Andrew Ny. lund. deed. $1,000. SWV, SV.'i. Src. 7-39-9. Archie C llenllne tn Klamath Wa ter Users Association, application for wuter right, tracts 17. IX, 19. 30 and 31, Altamont Ranch tracts. Win. II llllss to Chas. K. Drew, warranty deed, $10. lot I. HK1. NC ... Sec. 1-3H-U4; lot 4. Sec. 6-3S-11, lot 4, Sec 31-37-11. NW'i SWfc Sec. 31-37-11 United Stales to Jay J Arant, pat- lent. BIVU NW4. Uti SW W.Bee, i SH'k NKlt. Heo. (U39-IO (Milted States to Mabel lllplny. I'M Liit. Wli NKti. 114 NWU.Sec. 10- ,1S. 1 4. United Stales to I!. M Itlple), pat ent. N 4 SW U . SW U N W 4 , Sec. 1 3-38-14. 38.11; SHU NK4, Sec 11-38-14 United States to Fred C Ripley, patent. W4 NWj.Sec II. 114 SIS 4, Sec 10-38-14 i;ila M Ripley to I'red C Ripley, warranty deed, SIS SIS4,See II. SW 4NW4- S4 SW4. See 13-38-11 II M. Ilurllughaiun to Fred C. Rip ley, waranty deed, $1. S4 MWVi Sec. I. SKU NIS4.SIS4 SIS4.Hc 3-38-14 Chas M. Clark to Fred C Ripley, waranty deed, $10. HW4 SIS 4. SrSU ISW4. Sec I; NWH SK4, MS 4 jNV4. Sec. I2-3.H-1I I'red C Ripley et U In Chas (1 lUllham. warranty deed. $8,000. SW4 I SIS 4. IS '4 SW'4. NW'i SW4- Hec I. NK4 S1S4.SIS4 NIS4- Hec 3. SK, NIS4. Sec II. NW4 StS4, N1S4. Sec It NW4 SIS 4. SIS 4 NW i . SW 4 SW S 4 HW 4 . Hi 13 W4 SIS 4. 134 NW4. fr I". W4 NW4 Sec II IS4 N1S 4. H'C 10-34-14 GREAT REMEDY 60ES INTO SEWER ItKMCIlV FOR WHICH THIS MAK lilt MADi: MOST KP.MAIIKAIII.i: ClhIMs I'AII-sTO PASS INSPKC iio or pi'ri: pooh iioarm lulled Press Service J WA8IIINUTON. D C . Juno 3S Ttu lUpirtmcnt of agriculture, 'tliroiigh the pure food board, ha Just put the ban 011 a remarkable remedy- or al least a remedy which cUltned to be remarkable The pro duct was a "healing balsam." iiialin I.Kturrd In N York. Here Is what It manufacturers claimed for It ' Will cure coughs and colds, heals I tin lungs, Inttammatlnii of the lungs, Irhthlslc. lame back, gravel and kid- I lie if complaints, pains In the side, I stomach ache, ague, nervous com- ..!.. til., .ii.liilli.lltk,, .f IIim liMjtrl .llr.- I'dwla, toss of appetite, liter com plaints, flesh wounds, burns, chil blains and bruise 011 man or beast, sure mouth, whooping rough, croup neuralgia, will cure heaves, rough and 1 old In horse " I'hemlsls at the bureau dlscuvertd that this astounding discovery, which would "cure" almost every disease In medical books, was composed of n plain balsam mltturn, with rosin ad ded apparently to chesprn the solu tion.. Tho manufacturers did not contest one suit against them, and the "cut" was poured down a sewer Cut flowers. II Main St PIioiip 83f. ISvorytliiiuc In Altifilo Ndn lti'uirlltullle of Slieruuii Clay . Co.'s Planus, I lift Stelnway mid other loading pianos Other makes at mod erate prices, Tuning and repairs Agency rr WIIITi: HKWI.NH MACHINKS, oi.iviiit Tvpcwitrrmi ami vtrroit maciiim: ItiMiks, Slallonery nnd Plrlurr KUMATH fMIS MUSIC HOUSE Two doors cast of I'mtolllce It. MADHK.V, Pmprlrlor GOOD PRINTING Is an important factor in any business, and often contributes toward success j Let us show you our stock of bond paper and print for you a line of office sta tionery which will prove a business-getter W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. FOURTH STflCKT, BETWEEN MAIN AND KLAMATH 1-1 o 'r 1$ r, T u r i 1 iv V. Ii, TMriilnA, W. Turpln (llelnfunnl Cumni,, iu, . IT POWIIM. HTItKKI', AT MAIIKNT, HAN I-'RAmuhco ItiHims Willi private hatli, M-IMI ler day tip) Mltlmul Irnll,, i(w i:uneii plan. Hold plum. M ,,,,(, n'' A National Bank Is bauk chsrtsred by the United Htaiv soisruiaiot aud conducted lu accordance with Us laws ( uiu bonded for Itm faithful and hoiiist purf,irmail(, . Ihslr duties, and aeu lime u er n.,yi,i i,, , ( sruuisut rpreutllve TlHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000 A Clean Scalp And Healthy Hair Many of your frUuds have found thai a luiurum ciumI ul hair suit and glossy and a sralp tree from lUiulruff il tnuli from the use of nvai.'s hihsutem: This Is lbs procedure Wash the hair with warm water and a pure soap tins th. ougily rub tho scalp with a stiff brush apply lllrsuiutio rub It In well ami dry the hair before combine Plivue understand that lllrsuloiin Is not lueirU i i,s,r tiih It Is n Ionic a food. While ll llionmglily ilene, ll U preiruls Ur. Irrlsl arllon nourishes) ami llmulalr llie iih.i. ,,f lialr triomre all lUo'lnif prrtenl It irluin .nd pirrnr the natural lx-uly ami color of llie hslr Sval's lllrsutone should boon your dressing '' It sells nl 50 cents and $1 C" the bottle H.T X J) 15 K W O i 1 M 1 v v-M - :ssam. v m n m IT WILL I). LUCK1 DAY For you wiin, , . cumnracs palng hi (,- - 1. (hit suk lhli'lit n . t j Hum leak In )uui ,- will U stot- oil ihsik n - nc mult It . . ii,i 1 ,., H'hr bm 1 Ui siiJ Con- hi.' hir rn)t. 1 j, i,r btnrCti! First Trust and-Savings Bank Klamath Falli, Oregon STANLEY TOOLS The standard In carpenter tools since the "Stone Age" has had Stanley's brand on them. Your grandfathers used them, and they are better than e? er now. WM. O. HURN Vacation Time is at Hand 'JMio Noutheni i-iolo AMI CONNKCTIONH Aiti: oiii:iii.(i tii$: uhuai. low irh' T0 KASTKII.V l-OINTH OF IISTKIItSttT Beginning May 3rd ASH CO.STINIIINO ON OKRTAIN DATfSH THROl-ilHOlTr TIIK HUMMKR HI3AHOS. R011111I Trip Pure from Klamath Falls to Few. P 'tills, as follow!. CIHJA0 jj5 COLORADO HPUINOH JJr" KANSAS CITY. Mo Z MisMPiiiR ;!: MO.'VTRISAL, Quebec '" NISW ORLISANS ?, NI'SW YORK , , , , V'" PORTLAND, Mnliio ....!!.",.!,.! ' ii I lAJlJIH I IMIM . I IM I I M I4t I M I I M II linuti Rales lo nil other principal points correspondingly In "" optlounl, except that one way vln Portland slight advance osr so mentioned fares. . . Limit) doing trip, 16 days rrom dnte of sale! "'"tl "' limit October lllst, 1013. I?or further inloriiiation wr. cspcci.illy rc(ticct you to call upon S. J. 1A1LEY, AgiH, Klamath Falls Or write to JAMES O'GAKA, D. F. and I A., 801 K St., Sacramento, Cal.