rae: lONAIi CARDft t rl (. Il m Ian s Ti fi IT :m . v;w Hf iff -" ' BR. O. A. KAMBO, DnUM AH Work Quaraatd. Odd Fellewa' Bulldlnt. 1MB 118. Phone 616 r . ARTHUR Bt'VlUOJI HARRY' D. WUik Ofil Kagtnra, Surveyore IT Mala sHtet MIBCKUiANKOUB RAMSBT'S EXP11K It you want your' ttuS moved and moved quick, (tot Hamsby's Bxpreea to do J. Corner Seventh nd Main Erects rttoa f 1 TIAJA WilA Call up COMBTOCK, 615, It joa want aay kind ot HELP. Rulrttr'at the COMBTOCK It jou want .tnfcloyraent. y . MADAM AM) PltOF. TIMM Maaaear and Chiropodist a Cura corni, buntom a5 In tro win j toenail. Mmo.vTlmma top hlrtc from fall I as out In Bra traatnretjts. and a pcrma asaaaat cure foj daadruff. Qtve ui a can. So. S17 Klamath Ate. Our Uuslnea. la ClooitT Our Customer ar Gfodl Because bur Groceries are Good A complimentary order convince you. wilt Your auxiom to please. Monarch Grocery Try a enn of our "Al.TANOOKFKK" None lletter. Phone 1051 THE EVENING HERALD V. O. SMITH, Kdltor and Proprietor Published dally oicept Sunday at Un Fourth Street Entered at the postofflco at Klamath Fall, Oregon, tor transmission through tho nialta a second-class matter. Subscription tcrmi by mall to any ail. dreta In the United State: One year 15. OC One month 60 KLAMATU FA 1.1 J. . OIIKOON MONDAY, MAY U7, IIH1! HKAI. K8TATK THAN8FKHM CONGRESS HAS SEVERAL IITTIEJARIY RISERS Tlicu mil it IVw Stiili-Miien In Wncti litKttui Wm Turn Out Hint Karl) In lhe Mnriilui: rur Work, t'ontriir) to Ucuoral Men nf tlin Public. t'nlted Pious Snnlu WASIIINUTON. I) ('. Ma) 27. 'breikfast l t! o'clock, ntitl It always it work before 8 ItopreiientntUo A Mitchell Palmer, demnrrntlfl 'bona" of rtma l imlrt, who succeeded Colonel lluffny n na tional uimiullteeniiin, I' iitiollnr earl) worker Iteprt'SculntUo l.obeck, dem ocrat of Nebraska, nUo retain III earl) morning habits, biought from Nebraska i Chairman llenr) of tho house rule 'umimltteo. tinn ii l o'clock rule In bin oltlco, n linn Mnjotll) Louder ( . rii r I'nderwood Tho urilxo with or before lliu clerk Jericho Club - FOR - Odd Fellows Atii Rejkahs Z'ONY -nt of I. O. OAF. Tern, pi Howling. Ullllard Peel, rA tlnnrntf r)4r4fni ltnnrni f Private Slttlnc Room Lr Ite- kfkaht only. Vlattlnc Drotheis and Stttcri alwaya welcome. WOO D GikmI IlkHk Wood . .$8.30 10-iorli Itod) Wood . sXlOO . . Delivered . . la?r Ordcn at City llakrry lhoe All W.E,Seehorn ELECTRIC I RONS AMERICAN BEAUTY " IkLHLLLVLflLVLB 3 Yrs Guarantee 3 Yrs Yuur money back if not satisfied Liak River Electric Co. jrd and Main I'honcljoi Tho follow Ing contrnctn. ilceda ccntly tiled M nro furnlabcd by the City and Count) Alttrnrt company. I EXPERT REPAIR WORK Corner Slxtb and High St KLAMATH BURIAL CO. Robert Hanr, Funeral Direct or, formerly of Los Angelei. Moat comaoattoua Chapel In tftaclty Lady Attendant. Phone 1192 Gnns Bicycles Sewing Machines Keys Phonographs, and Locks CARL 121 6th SCHUBERT Near Main 0 II. PnicKett et nl to May Miller, warranty deed, lot 4 ntul fi, block 1$, Sunn) aide nildttlon. Kstclle II. Ilurbank to Klamath Water Ucr Aasoclatlon, nppllciitlon for water right on NV; NKv; See 11-37-H. Christ Demo to Homer C. Frleanor, warranty deed, 1300, Nt, NWVi NK i. Sec. U.37.14. Atlldavlt of application to pui- chae from Oregon nml California I Itallroid company, all of cctlon '.'i- 40-7. i Klamath County bank to C. S I Moore, warranty deed, $10, all of lot , 1. nrt. of lot 2, S and 6, block 20, ' part of lot 2 and 3, block 30, Orlg Intl town; NH NKW. SEi NKU. sec :: ski; si:;,scc 15.37.1m. lot 1, : and I', block S6, Klamath addition. undMdeil half Interest In lot I, 2, 3, 4, 7. S. 9 nml 10, block 73, lots 3, 4, S, C. 7 and S, block 73. lot 4 S. ti and 7, block Mi. all of block ST. nil In Klamath addKloti Klamath County bank to II. V Ontea. warranty deed, 110, undlrldcil half Interest In lot 1. 2. 3. 4. 7, . 9 and 10, block 72. lot 3, 4, S, i, 7 and S. block 73; lot 4, S, and 7, block !C. nil of block ST. Klamath addition United State to Cdunnl M. Patch In, patent, lot 10, Sic. 15, lot 21 Sec 10-33-7 ,. J. I). Cros to Clarence Monroe, warranty deed. 12(10, S4 84 NW", Sf.U. SCC I3.JS.t4. A II. Knott to C. F. Johnon. w-arrnnty deed. 1210. xu NU vi:i. N'K4, Sec 13-36.ll. Will of Francla II Cobb. ilclae to .Mlnnvtotu Coutitrjmaii, NKU of NW",. See 20-39-1 2; to Alfred II Cobb, NU'i, NKJJ. Sec. 33-39-12: to Klmer K llonhnm, SW'4 SWVi, Sec 29-39-12 In IMwny Cobb. KJ.liNl. 'ot,' . '39,,; to Sarah J. Ilreedy. , lhe boxlll(. 0Urlllirn,nl at the w o 1 1. vv T39"M: to ,,al,,,naopcra house on next Saturda) the pro Smith. .NW 1; NW'i, Sec. 8-39. mnary rcili )Ctrcn Toby Mlll-t of 11. to Henry T. Ilonham. SWVi NW .... !...... n.i .. um.ii. .. .1.1. ' tii'ii a iuiii iiiiU 111a iiia 11 11111; 111 iiiip dty Miller has unite n reputation around California fighting renter, and ha met and rnmiulsbuil man) llreakltiK all rule of nmgreMionni j 8(,l,nk, (.rk KCt t n, Cnpltnl decorum, congrea linn aoxernl "Uttln , tt jo, otuitlniiH before earl) rlaer" who aiv noted for nr-j "IIIU" Kent of I'ltllforuln. I nu rUIng at their itlllce for work trom jollier early worker, rlialed b) Judgo three to tlo hour lu-ioro eongrea linker, the lone democrat from (ho conxenrs Their colleague nicu-ie (loldeti (lnli Mute them &f not "belonging to the union. ' . llut most of the lateinin ennimt but they persist In reporting for make their olllce before 11 o'clock work an) where from T 30 to '. a m or noon except when iimimlllee UeprenentatUe Norrln the repub imetlng rout them out earlier The llcau "progreMlio" from Nebrakn.1 senator are men more prone, to ob tain hum tlinu tun memiier 0 lower noil) inn lornier pen- i.i ii,iir.ri, ii.mr r.tr i...ifiimliii- unrli ntur Klltreilgn of Hunt Ii Dakota wa lie grinds out hi correionilenco'n shining inception Six o'clock wa long before man) of hi colleagues! hi opening hour, and ho demanded are out of bed. It observance b) hi clerks bill ho ItepresentntUo Kendall, republican I "closed up shop" h 2 p m of Iowa, I another familiar ilgnre In ..--. tho house olllro building In tho wte IMIson IteconU for May now on small hours of earl) morning Ho. sale at Muller Music Store 1 tr rrnllvTIfaaafer mor,gIlKP!'j; ri f I one ot tho earliest and latest work- ere tho countyvcIrk,'',w In the home. I.lght o'clock Is of tin TOBY MILLER Wood Wood A Helpful Substantial Store Service DaptBCablllty, courteousneaa, IntslIIgenca and experience ore molded right Into the rery foundation ot this establish ment all combining with fair prices, give you this helpful, trustworthy store service. And It la to give you si 111 era tbla itore It continually striving to better It seeking and planning all that will mike this possible merit your con fidence and patronage. Van Rtper Bros. Phone SfU kUiluslve Agent for Chase & Sunborn Ten and Coffees. Block Wood yy $3.51 Load Dry Slab Wood "&' $4 Cd " " 4ft Limb and Body wood 4ft, Iwia 12in t; . Sec 8-39-11 The Klamath Development compa n) to W II. Ilryant. warranty deed. ,110, lot 4. block 23, Hot Springs ad dition . Wm. 3. Worden ct ux to Krnest nsen, warranty deed, lot 9 and 10, block 18, Worden. C S. Mooro ct al to Clorcnco A King and Ilernanl Aory, 1200, lot 2. block IS, Illvcraldo addition. John W Drynnt to United Stntes. worranfy deed, $1, 140 fet right of way over NK',; NK., Sec. 3139-9, nnd 145 feet right of way over SWy, NWV,, Sec, 2.39-9 T. stamliird scions of the many nrt Mite ha shown rniistderable ilel .pun lit ricriitly riie other prellmlnur) will la be 1 fin lloiighliiiusu Hum nnd Ander on Junior, a linitlirr of tlu-1 nilr on i( TemniM the net. Mftni tinili- fi $ 3 CA p m Evening, first performance " w" 7MI IE, cuollnunnt Leave orders at O.K. Transfer Co. lor Phone 871 ' Oregon Harness Co. s Phone 37-4 C. P. Carlson It you are looking for tho best CO- cent meal In town try tho Hotel IJald. win dining room. Hates by the week, 4-ltf ll "ll.' ,riy AM) after Dinner's Over, With laushtor, fun and Joke, l.it'a drink a cup of coffee, And blow a cloud of smoke." You ran do this with Impun ity when you dine at the Palace. After serving you n well cooked dinner with tho choicest meata to treat your friends with, we a III servo you delicious coffeo and a cigar, whoso fragrance will Hngor In your memory "llko tho vase In which roses havo onco been distilled." tiii: PAian: oiui.r. .. Thompson General Freight and Transfer Leave orders at Willis Furniture Store. Phose 385 WOOD FOR SALE .Notice of .Settlement of Ailmlolitrnt- nr'a Final Account In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. In tho Mutter or the L'stato of J. V. Hall, Deceased. Nptlco Is horoby given that L. W. Copeland, as the administrator of the estate of J. V. Hall, deceased, has rendered nnd presented for settle ment, and filed In Bald court, his final account of tho administration or said estate and a potltlon for the distribu tion of tho same, aud that tho 12th day or Juno, 1912, at 10 o'clock a.m., In tho court room or nald court, at the courthouse In Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Orogon, has boon fixed by said court as tho time for the sottlomcnt or said account nnd tho hearing of said petition for dlstrlbu 'Jon, at which tlmo end placo any per son Interested In said estate may ap pear and file exceptions In writing to tho said final account, and contest tho same, and show causo, If any thero be, why a flnnl distribution of said estate should not be ordered. Dated this 11th day of May, 1912, L. W. COPELAND, Administrator or fluid Kstnte. 11.18-25-1.8 h COMMERCIAL ..PRINTING.. THE KIND THAT ATTRACTS ATTENTIONS REMEMBER A business house is judged largely by the sta tionery it keeps. Styles in printing chunge the sumo as styles in dress. To do up-to-date work an office must be equip ped with niodern material. This is the only exclusive job officejn the city; our work is neat, tasty and strictly "up-to-now." U :IVIJ US YOUR NEXT AND llli CONVINCED' W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. 4th St., between Muin and Klamath m- --k aa -rv r AA -sr-r -. . JWs. F A V .aw J. - sWC I JT I', Ii, Turpln -A. Turphi (Hi-lMfoiu-il fi,M,,, ll1() 17 poi:i.ti siiii:ki'. at MAiiuirr, man iu wc (h, 0 "" Hiniiu--Ullli inlvalu Imtlii fU.ti" p" tlay upi wlihimt bmi,, a, CiiiopiMiu plan. Ilolli p , ,,'), '' khiiii WE ARE HERE To handle your banking Wants - Come in anil mako them known T M K I'IRST N A T I O N A I. U A N K Capital $100,000 -- tt J Thrift is the Road That lends 1 , Tbf(f iii 1 line Kaiiiiiim . 0 ,!! lion win. unU hi. lata fon. W. h,. 'o Thrift "iiinn ic. It ill'fio'l ' but lb tort ami IiiIm- n-li 11 Vile you In .luii route by ii.n u rount Willi tin. 1 tnkn 111 II r li . .1 ortinn la iim-le lunll dropa m save iilten -' iiciU lilltr bm First Trust and Savings Bank Klamath Falls,' '.Oregon wm, Apniogir. to THE "HOUN DOG" Kierj time yuu come to town And attiit to throw uur ininiry nriniud. Sty, 'llouie.ninde good are the gifrd for iilr llev.iiiin they apell I'roipcrlly A dollar )ou tend to tlm l.'iutrrii store S4)a, 'tlnod-liy. Hill, for rirrmoie,' llut the itnlUr )ou apeiid with the home-nude mi 1 ICi.p. h-riiinlii' and a-comlll' and n-inmlti' nrmui-t The I'eoplii nruuiid are g'ttluc wlm To tho way to tU the tatllnglio KU)a. Who ktep what they g( and nerr rinni nround With enough of ll.e void to buy 11 lioumt Wi. Idui mif inun aud wn lntr our l.iti It liei.. we might to ro-miotBtp, If oii want heilthi wealth mut n KriiRliltiK table tw-it. ak dm ilrrk for tbi Hoiiik Made Ubrl WM. O, IIIIIX A Clean Scalp And Healthy Hair Many of )uur friend havi found that u luiuriii ' ( - el hair soft and glossy and 11 srmp fno from dnndrii'T ml mull from tliu u.e of M'Ai.'SIIIUHtilOM: This l lhe procedure Wash tho hair with warm fitter and a pure snap iinr thir- oughly rub the scalp with a stiff brush upply lllruli- rub It In will nml dry the hair boforo combing Pleiro understand that lllrmitmm I nut metily 11 l-ni ali Ii is a Ionic a food. Nlilli- tlmrooglil) 1 Iiwiiihi , Ii nl.u prriinl. '"' I1-rl.1l m I Inn iiiilirUlim noil nlliMlllntr llie iiniI. nf the liulr 11 limn-, nil 111111111117 pirn-Hi It. riliiio -Mid iriM-rui Die ii.ilurnl Ih-miiI) nml rulnr of the Imlr Nynl's Hlrsutona should b on our ilnsslug table It sell nt SO Cent atld II 00 tlin buttle U f JT 15 I XV iJ O I ' Vacation Time is at Hand Tlie. Southern loolflo ami t(VM:trri(NS aiii: orniitiMj tiii: i'huaii i.w hoii.sd hup imi t i:amh:ii.v pointh or ivmiKHr Beginning May 3rd AND CONTINIIINtl ON CIIIITAIN DATCH TIIIIOl't!IU 'I K HUMMHIt HCAKON. Hound Trip Pure from Klamath Fall lo Few Points a follow OIIKJAtIO , )M (OLOIIADOHPItlNiiH "-,u0 KANHAH CITY. Mo tW0 MKMPIIIH ?T MO.'.THI.'AI,, tluvbee '.-, HI III 0 Ni:V Oltl.MANH ?I7M00 NIWVOIIK """?? I'OII'II.AND, Malnn .. -' KT I.OIJIH v Hf00 llatii to nil oilier principal polutn correHpondliiKly low llouin optlonnl, eiicH Unit mm way li Portland slight lulMinre mer abo mentioned fare, l.lmlt doing trip, IB dnis from dale of sale, limit n'11"1 limit October 3lst, 1912. I'r furl her iiifm million wtn'ipcciiill.v ifiiucl 011 to call upon S. J. HAILKY, Agent, Klamatli Istlls. Or write to ' JAMES O'GARA, W I'. anil 1'. A., 801 K St., Sacramento, Cal. I