& gtiPPLthD HV TIIM iwitmd rniwN NKUN nicitvicK Ik ItieniM tUlh. RVKKIffO NKW8PAI rittNT THH NBWh, NOT HttTOHr Kltlli Vonr Nn. 177 MEDFORD OPENS PUBLIC MARKET " Merest " on . Spring Creek is Name Chosen! It'll days into Mr Hplnk, owner ,,f MO acres of Imiil situated ,. i, luniks iif Hprlng Crrok, naked for 11 iimim Hiilliililn fur IiIn mi Ixl I vlniori I). IliK mi (IiIk atrnum, lint otiii kUIiik u iiiiiiiii Unit iimUMi anil nppri. prlnln In tlin plan., IIh nii'iinry and auriniindlm; licnulr. wan lo imolvi' In return n lot gratia Tim content tinned Saturday night, nml i:. i;. Maxwell of Hi" Htnr drug Morn was tint winner. 'I In- linniK rlinaon fur the retort Him tilltrcnl on Spring Creel: Ilia lot In nno of thn luajiy Isanti fill oiipn In thin trni t, ntnl Mr Mnx Well nnya ho lutwida building lilmi-lf KLAMATH KALLH, OHEHON, MOMMV, MAY 27, Mill! Me, Five Onto BIG WEEK FOR ANTLERED HERD IMsiltllT li:i'IT (MIAMI iii;i IIULCIt liv ing Clms I'limi l.nlti-tli-ii nml lino lo II.' Iiillliiitil Inln the Motoric of CIMiimmI 'IIiiiiiii) 'i,i Iahhi U I'iisI AiiiiiiiiIiIiik Hie Tito Hun ill ill Mm k, Whit h , v,.r, Large for n "Hah)" iiiIm hiii li a big week for tliu iiii'IiiIhth nf I he I.'IUh Lodge. In ad ilillon to tin' nttriiilloiiN of the. Itoilco llii' Clka will Initiate a Inr;r. ilnim on NOTED AVIATOR'S j CONDITION CRITICAL United I'rt'HH Service HAYTON, Ohio, May 27 Wilbur Wright In HorHo. Ilo liml n rclapno Irntt mIkIiI. nnd lilu condition Is -crlt-Inil. l'li)jilclntM nro rrmslnntly In attendance. J Aln ot Simile lny EXPECT FIGHT Wright In sinking fast, nml mny not! survive, tliu ilny, ntcordlng lo n state-' mi'iit from lilu homo thin aftornoo'i iiuiw piioduueh ami conhum i:it to(ii.thi:u SlimMl'tiltH"!"-'! I'ulillti Mnrkil In I lie I'li'l of II I"'"' In Oregon llillitnl It Will Holm tlm High Cott or 1.1 Inu I'rolili'in, nml En tourage llii' llrotter to liirrrnno IIU I'iimIhiHiiii 9 M.itfonl has tliu ilUtlnctloii of Ititv- n)ttl,, Oral public market In Oregon. L inllllfll, u r ,, , ,idi wnn oh'IhmI Haturday. Tliu .nlo, and tiilenda to aperd na mnny iuiip "f tlu mantel In lo lirliiK lhnj"f Hie summer da)a with frlrinli upon i.rn, hirer nml Hip riitimiiiipr tiiKullHT. H'e Imnka of tliU ntrca.m I'lilnilni: imiirM-lly It In hoped to so eiirouragn I Ik unrivaled apnrl of trout i,sl,lrii;''l'n,in"'" '"Mug. District Deputy the producer tijr giving IiIiii n market ""I drinking the rubiest mi.t punut .Kinltid firnnd Ituter Cule H. 1 1 lit ofi1'"' """ ,l" 'l'fl lt week for San that hit will liirrfamt lila iiroiliirllon, ' tr In tlm worlil, nn lir rnn tr ! Allianr m 111 Ix- lien- for tin liiaiccllon t,,",l, "epic, Mexico, Mr. Applcpoto ...i .....i.iimllv nut ()ri.i!iiu In n iiiml.f'im liU ilullfH. inf Hi,. Iiuliri.. nml inrim. i,u vuu ,.''ntPH tlint ourtlilnK la icaccfi!l on " ' -. ... i " n " " I.. ... Mr Hpluk ilntcii tlmt lm h lH mir- ilnmi of nine from Ukovli'w nml llm ' "' -M "' Mexico, nnd lm Ik !'Hil nt tlm niiinlior of ri-miuiiPiM to'tilioul nix from Klamntli loiinty h'II)"cw'" ,l"lt "l0 rcrotutlon In ulioiil ln nit.'rlli'inent. I In fiwli nurr tliplln' liillliili'it Into tlm onlnr. o-rr. piopln nrp fully nnrp of whit ihcy' Itrpurtn from 'ikmlon urn lo tlioj " ORGANIZING imosi:vi:ir comtiih ox ti:mi'o IJAUV l.'HAIIIMAN OAVTON. Ohio, Mny 27 WllliurlAiid-Comwilloii IIkiIi on Juno nth .'rlnlil I. ..I..I.I . ...... . I ii: LEAVES FOR MEXICO; BELIEVES Will OVER Word linn been received from Morny AiitPRnli, wiio linn been In 3.HI Priinrlnco HnltlnR llio ncttlcment of the roroliitlonnry troublo In Mex- I'roiiilv lo i;llp- tut HIi-uukIo ti'i('onlei'l DiIckuIih, Will Ilo the I'lrM Test of NtrpliRtli Jn the Coiiieiitlon lletucen Tft anil HoiiM-telt , WAHIIINIITON, I). C, May 27. J I'tcnaRlne an nnlc-convcntlon fight oer, tlm temporary chalrmannhlp at lion hIiitp. Itmlrnil of ImpiirlliiR ir tltliln. rKK. butter unit food ntllffn, (ho lnl" will bo uhlpplllK micll pro. JurK nil orr thn roiiutry. Tlm nmiket nt Medforil In miinlcl ...Hv iiutiit nnd romlurtrd. with tulen ami reRUlnlloiin Unit will nuke "" "f ,'1" "1 "' 'l tnr n-nuner Merchants Will Soon Move Into New Quarters The new Hvans building on Main ntrect between Fifth and Sixth, la nearlng completion, and It In expect ed that It Hill bo finished within a few dayn. The. went atoro room la being finished first, and will bo occu pied about tho first of the month by Wm. K, I'cllcy, tho Jowolcr, and Dr. If. W. Hermann, tho ojcslglit ape- rltalst. l)r. Hermann la from Hole- burg, nnd has been making profes slonal lults hero during tho past )ear. Ho is so Impressed with tho future growth of Klamath'Falls that bo decided to locate here In the prac tice of hla profession. The cast atoro of tho Kvatis build- EXPERIMENTAL FARM POSSIHTE hi: I'AIITMKXT OF AaBtOUTTtmB IH INTEIE8TEr Chicago, Hcniitor Clapp started for '"K ""'. . occ"'"e.u oy "' ' orc" Jersey City to confer with Hoosevoltl"' ' ". -o - wii tiiv tvijuvak ui mu v. nunc). Kenator Clapp said: "I will ntsn nni in' re wlllilii their grnnp. in I fieU than eiirouraKH for tho nur- It n t'lihllr mnrkel III "'li'D' i'lni. TruilliiK Hill be i art led on In n new U.oihi buililiiiK. i. mini), Hltli rouii'iit Hoot divided llltn "lllll" HlH fret, lilt rutinliiK wiitiT hi rarli Mall Thro stalls wilt be rented by IDv rlly fur : r. nl a lu . II Hek or 13 a inmith The murkrt Hill bo open fiom : orlurk in the iiiornliiK to 3 o'clock m the Afternoon Nothing ma) be nirrliued or offered for tale Ibrie etieit Hint wlilrh In nitually tixlUM'.l In lite M'lli'l, or whtrli la it tf proilurt of what lie prodiue VrRctnlilen. frulta garden truck, butter t'XKt. dall) iirodilrtn nnd mrats will be admitted i: J lliiiiynnl. InriniTl) of Ilea Xnlnrri I nu a. and familiar with the public inn i kit )ntem III that rlly, haa txcu nppoliiied iimrknt mauler at ilrdford j Tlio Mall Trlhiiliii haa the following j rrpurt of the opening, i Mfdfnrd's new public liinrkct w.iii thioMii opt u for tho Drat time thla , iiiotiiiiig. nud bids fair to bo n greit urn- titer tlftenii atnlla were oc-1 cupled by farmers mid gardenera, and lump purpoii, Hhlcb will bp effect that a large delegation of Clks and other rltlteiin are romlnR oor for the Itodi'ii It In aald Hint Lake u 1 . . (Kilt, linu ...!.. ....! .!...... l.l I ,-...,...--, i.i.Li. n,i I,,. -, i.i, .inn iiiin n.iiiii' im'ii iiuvi'r rinerii, in .rket next Tuendny the 2Mb lurt , who are turning over lo try nud carry loll one of the hlg prlies offered. The (ommlttee eatlmnten that there Hill be full) ft.noo laltora In Klamntli I'd I In by the end of the week CONTRACTS I ENTIRE OUTPUT a iii.i:i linos, in ii.iuso mii.i: IMl HAM' til' Tlt.K'K I'OII IIVt'l.lMi IHCIIt I.IMiS TO tiii: I.ASHIMI riio.M tin: wooiw I. si (iiiiiis iiutiti:it riioM riii.i.s nv in:.Motit.is Arkto) llrnthera hau a crew nf null at work near Keiio In) lug n rail- to id irmk to be lined fur hauling tln'lr toga from the timber to the landing at Krim. The rail were re null) purrhnned from the old Co ki inula road, and were ahliped hero in or the Wied road. About a mile ni I n half of track u III be laid, nud lb. Inc." Hill bo hauled on regulation lodging triirka. which will be oper- tupie.1 ty tariuera iiu.l gardenera, mm .,, f w( ,,,. '"" """"'" '" ""' '"' " ' '" ,n,KU' The track ban a alight decline from number, to pnlronl.o them Along ' ,, , , ,,,. , ,,,, uie n'lieia leaning I mill mo mnrKci rrv aeon many women with baaketa ell nileil welidlliK their way home ward with auppllea for the table Opining day far exceeded the moat anguine etpoitatlona of tliu markut mmlir nud membura of the rlly coun cil who are much lutereated In the orkiuga of the market. While many tlilnga will work out during tho next month, the auriens of the market criiia annuri'd. Olio of the mutters Hhleli Hill be attilidid lo In thn Imuiedlnle future HI I be pnnnlble to haul all tho logs th. t can be loaded on the trucks It l 'Xperted to rut betneen 3.000,000 an I 1,000,000 feet thla seaanii. Hereafter the Arkley llrnthera will mil engage In the retail handling of lui 'her. na the entire rut of their aaw ml I haa been contracted for by the till llaalu Lumber rompan) They ha romowd their dry l.lln, an the il iber will be jnril-drli'd before do-llery MINNIIAI'OI.IH . May l)r by Hie market innMerwIII bun larger "" "l'V editor of the Christian Ad aortiiiuil of offerings Poultry,'"' ''' nnnnunceil Ills oiiiutary ro IK and iiienia nro to be added lo tlioU'f '"eiil. preentlng mi open light In rtirlea on mile, nn many of thn wom-jl"r Melhodlal innfereiice en naked fur thom thla iiioruliig, and' 'until not be aiipplled. I'uiiuera hIII Tyin III II lf4Trn I I'e round nml Induced to illnpln) tbeael (jJ) fflrT WAHItU A irudmia nf Hie farm. I arier llruiidou ,.ud tleorgn Mad-; JflR AQ PflRTMARTER 1 were the llrat lo nrrlw, at the H0 rUOIITIHOILn Hiarkit thin iiioruliig hIUi ogftiuiieal ' ir aalo TIicho two uro )oung lioa',M nine planted Jm M egetnblea, I'nur llmea beforo 10 o'clock tlioy' 're sold mi mid forced lo replenish ""Ir 'i,.p) from their garden. They mnilu a great Hiirreaa In dlriponlng of "lelr produre. I H Nnruooil of Central Point, miulo n aucress of Helling Hlr.iHherrlei I'm ii'lny lie drove In from his tVntiiil ,,.n I'nlnt ranch with u large loud of her u K. ami hum about lo offer I hem to L(u Hit) tllnVri.nl ,.r.,..-,. .......... i.. ,i... .. . hi. ...i. hiivij mill rn ill nil. 1117 lllll .... .... .1.1 .11. iA .k.u !.. I .1 WHO "lOIHIUIIIJ rll''i'll" nil' i irl) 'I liiil N In Power" Ankt for ,i t'omplcl l.l-t of ViiKimleo In the l iHlollliei In the Coiinll) ,Pll i'd Press Service VrilllNllTON. D C. May 27. mister (lener.il Hitchcock re- received u rcnuost from a man olorndo town for a list of every 'IUe In ever) state, city, town, ,i. liiimlet nnd crossroads In the J'""" fflend met him and Induced Vnll , Stales that was suffering from dm to ntteiiil (he liinrkel. Iln dlil Ho,nrk f u postmaster. Ilo would like in ny in nYlnek he had disposed nfltn hi n fompleto list Inimetliniei) "' uiliro lond of berries, nmslslliiK "i fin era I crateH, for cash nud nt bet f I'tltoH Ihiiu ho could i mil to other le, This has mudo him u Htroiig "oosler for the imuket, nud ho will '" doubt utlllru It extensively In the future. ''"inersiillons with those who of i ed produce, for sale nt tho market "Us morning failed to find ono who not nioro than ploasod with tho '"It of tho ealo. Tho women of the J ty look over thn offering, choosing n ilttlo from each until they hnvo ho lrcd nil that tlioy want. Also Hie writer would like to have the nei'i'ssary pupem to till, toe in structltm to go with tliem, to tell lilin ho to become eligible fur ap pointment to one of these vacant pORtS. In n pusthCilpt inn over Uie bend lug and dale or tho letter, ho said:, "Politically I support the parly that Is In power ' Hanks Will Close All of tho lunkK In Klamath Kails will close nt 12 o'clock noon on Fri day and Sntur.lay during th Hodoo. WAHIIINtrrO.V. I). ('., May 27. Democratic prlmarlis In tho District of Columbia are being held today. Washington's 90,000 negroes will bo burred from the polls. Thero aro llirin tickets In the Held, two Instruct ed for Clark nud ono unlnatrticted. Fraud chnrgca uro rife. Tho voting stnrta at 3 o'clock thla afternoon and ends nt S o'clock. IN tutu I'miu Aslibiuil Mrs Henry (Inline nnd baby re-. ti'iied lust evening from Athlaud. ' there they hnte been visiting Mrs. HICVCIIIiV INDIAN SENTEHCFD TO 20 YEARSJR MURDER William Judah Jim, Klamath In dian, convicted n week ago of mur der In the second degree for kilting Oulmby Chlckn ahanu of tho samo trlbo on Koyembtr 22, on the reter vnllon, was given a acntenco of twon if ) ears' Imprisonment In tliu fed eral penitentiary at McNeil's Island by United Statea District Judge Ilean. Tho killing was douo as tho result of a qunrrcl nt tho home of the pr cnta of the wives of'botli men. ARCTIC SCENES BY GREAT EXPLORER speak at Jersey City. Wo will be overwhelmingly victorious there. Thn full national committee meets In Chicago Juno fith, and must decide then between Hoot nnd Clapp na na tional chalrmnn. The fight promise to eclipse tho contested delegates struggle, nnd will ho tho first lest of the Tart nnd Koosevclt strength Volt Takes 1'ompviIoii United Press Hcrvlco CHICAGO, Mny 27. Tho subcom mittee on arrangements of tho repub lican nntlonnl committee, with New as chairman, formally took possession of tho Coliseum. Now aald that hotel arrangements were completed, nnd that 300 contcats were expected. Mc Harg arrives tomorrow. I.orlincr Won't Heslgu CHICAHO, May 27. Tho Tribune sa)s: "l.orlmcr has refused to re sign tho senatorshlp. Such was the message Vice President Sherman car ried to Washington. Apparently he wilt torco his rriends in Washington to go tho limit, probably until the eve of the deciding vote, and then per haps ho will resign." move Into Juno 15th. his new location about Ijtuncli Has Hani Luck Tho Antler, James Hnnsbrough's pretty launch, seems to bo tho victim of an epidemic of hard It.ck recently A week ago she got all her glass cov ering smashed whllo being docked near tho brldgo after a trip with a party around tho Island, tho ownor himself being nt tho holm. While on a trip from tho Rodeo grounds yes terday alio shed her propeller, butf notwithstanding this sho was safely docked. Matter Has Heen Hie Subject of Match Consideration by the Oorenuneat, anil President of the Oregon Agri cultural College Will Ask ih Legislature for Fnads at Iu Next Heatlon. OWNERS TO BURN i Orimea' mother, Mra. II. S. Urlgby. Mia (irlgsby will return to Klamath. I'rfiln tomorrow night for the sum-! Pier I (mud Lodge Ofllrcr OHKAT Mra. Carey Rarasby, delegate tho Rcbckah Assembly nt Pendleton from Klamath Falls, waa elected i:.NTi:itTAI.Mi:.T Ol lint'CA-Orand Outsldo Ouard. This places i'iiivii, vvi.i'i- iber In line for advancement to the Wi:Vi:itHAf.HKH WILL CLEAN UP AllOL'T SIX HKCTIOXH IX PO- KKC1AMA DISTniCT TWENTY MILKS XKW TELEPHONE iioitiw, thi: AittTic i:.pi.oiii:ii, will oivki; highest office of the organization In Called to .Ulilainl Mr. llcvorl) Dobbs, the great arctic l""' 8,n,c' Judge I, F. Wllllts left Saturdny lexplorvr, and his troupe, commonco a "t for Ashland, where bo was called by , three nights' engagement at tho opornt u,lA '''' '" Vnudevlllo the seriousness Illness of his brother-1 house Friday evening of this week. . ,1",, Anderson, undisputed chnm- pirn or trie orinwest, nnu one e: the fastest nnd cleverest boxers In iii-law. Charles Wallers. Mrs. Wit- Mr. Dobbs comes to us endorsed by IIU ui'iit to Anblnud over n week neo tlm bliibeat ediirntluiinl nut liorit Iik nfi to bo with her brother, who Is In tlm I this country as presenting nn enter-11'10 I'sntwclght division today, will hoapltnl thero. j taluineiit absolutely unique In tho 'nl'l,car ln ' original training camp Mine, ciusing ins nci wun a Ttto I'liie New Cnrn II llabbes, the automobile dealer, today received two line new four pnroiigcr 1912 Cadillac cara. One Is for i:. It Iteami'fl nud the other for I, P Wllllts. SAYS AMERICA T INTERVENE piti:siii:.vr t.ut asuiii-s tio.Mi:, I HAT AMERICA WILL XOT IN- ii:itvi:xi: ix cun ai.mv is III: IV. HOWEVER United Press Sorvlco i:i.i.aiii:thport, n. j.. May 27 President Tuft has cabled to Pros". -rK four- round jclentlllc boxing exhibition at the Sparks theater Tuesday night. A' romplcto chango of pictures will be shown In nddlttou. Tho entertain ment Is arranged as a special treat for the ladles, who ileslro to see thla clever boxer. J. F. Kimball, local representative of tho Weycrhauscr Timber company, will leave tho mlddlo of tho week for to.Pokegama with a crew of men, to burn all the old slashings of the com pany In that section. About fix sec tions will bo covered, and fire lanes are to bo rnado through the holdings to protect the second growth and sur rounding timber from the spread of 11)0 tire. Mr. Kimball statea that the Klam ath-Lake Counties FIro Protective As sociation will build about twenty miles of new telephone line, so that tliu starting of fires can bo quickly reported. A telephone will he es tablished on Duck Mountain, which will be used for n lookout. Tho cen tral station will be at Spencers. 300 PEOPLE VISIT GROUNDS INTEREST IS OROWIXO DAILY IX THE IIIO ELKS HODEO ACORD HIVES EXHIIIITIOX IX ItlDIXO AXIt Ill'LLIKKiC.IXd llEVERI.Y V. DOllllS win Id today Tho Interest Hint has been aroused over tho coming Elks Rodeo was dem on tins Biient ten vcars .lent dome of Culm, assuring him of his time In Arctic research, and onsirnicu jcsieruny vvnen moro man ,i,i Ann Hen will not Intcrvcno Inihas collocted a eeiles of action Pic- thrco hundred peoplo visited tho the Cuban troubles. tines of the most rcinoto places of thn Rodeo grounds with the hopo of sec Will Not AIYett PieiuiiulloiiH United Press Korvlio WASHINGTON, ). Ci, May 27. The fact Hint President iiomcz uas entered a protest against American Intervention III Cuban alTalra will not affeit thn aimy's preparations to land an expedition on tho Island if condi tions do not Improve. Olllclals noro profess to liellovo that tho protest of (Jomea Is designed for political effect. Ciiilser An It on Willi .Mmiiietj HAVANA, May 27. Tho cruiser Prnlrlo has reached (lunuUnamo with 700 marines on board. Tho Cuban government asserts Hint tho revolu tion li confined to Orlcnto province nnd that tho government troops nro Hulling operations. v far north. Asldo from his perform- nine being lilgliiy eiilcrtainiug, u possesses educational vnluo far In ox cos of nil the liternturo, historical and llctlon.il, that has ever been writ t u of that remote country. Mr. Dobb3 can lea complete, trivupe, special sconery, music and sound effects, producing an entertain ment so realistic that ono feels that ho Is traveling tho trail through that laud of romance and mystery, looking out on tho eternal fields of life, ming ling with and living tho every day life of tho natives, uovv watching them In their battles with the walrus and polar bear, ngaln skimming over the snow fields with their relndee: pud dog teams. In fact, tho exhlbl Hon will open to your eyes u strango nnd wonderful Innd. Ing Bomo of tho demonstrations with tho wild horses nnd steers. Many were, disappointed because they did not arlvu In time to seo Acord, tho champion bulldogger, per form his stunt with a wild steer fur nished by C. I). Crlslcr. Ho rode down tho trnck nt full speed, nnd when he overtook tho nnlmal loaped from tho aaddlo and caught It by tho horns, mid with feet botween the horns forced tho steer over on Its back. Ho also rodo ono of tho local bucking horses with tho greatest case. Several now riders came Jn last evonlng to Join Acord, nnd they will tako part In tho coming contest. UL. roil RENT- Including, Box 288 Housekeeping rooms, private family. 17-6t ; bath, Ji Y Tho W. C. T. U. will hold their reg ular meeting Tuesday, May 28, at 2:30 p. m., nt Mrs. Thomas R. Skit lings, 223 Tenth street. Members and friends nro cordially Invited to attend. MRS. ELIZABETH niCE, Prcs. 100 MUCH POLITICS, BASEBALL QUITTED Too Many Democrats nud Too .Much PolltlCH This Year for tlio Anuunl CoiigiVMlonnl llaseball (iiwne Hum Ueen it Feat nro for Yearn Special to the Herald WASHINGTON, D. C, May 27. The congressional baseball game, which has been a feature of the spring senson In Washington for some tlmo past, will bo omitted this jear. There's too much politics In tho house and too many democrats, say the republican baseball enthusi asts. Heretofore It has been the cus tom of tho republicans In the houBo to organize, n team and play a nine selected from the democrats, tho pro. ceeds of tho affair going for somo benefit of n local charity. Nick Long- worth has been prouilnout In tho fray, holding down a position In ono ot tho gardens for his republican colleagues Representative Butler ot Pennsylva nia, who was the original mover In tho baseball frolic, seems to tbtnk there Is' no chance ot getting congress, men Interested In a game this year. "Our big sticks aro all gone, and tho democrats have them now," ho said. W. W. Patch, project engineer of Iho Klamath project, haa received conies of the correspondence between Iho secretary of agriculture and the secretary of the Interior relative to tho establishment of an experimental farm on the Klamath project. Tn matter Is of great Importance to thla district, and has been the subject of consideration both by the department of agriculture and by the president of tho Oregon Agricultural college. The next move appears to be the securing of funds from tho next session of the Oregon stato assembly for the pur- poso of establishing an experimental farm. If thla Is done and local co operation Is had. It appear likely that tho bureau ot plant Industry can also co-operato. The letter from Sec retary Wilson to the cecretary of the Intorlor follews: "Sir Replying to the request of the first assistant secretary, dated May 2d, with Its Inclosure of'an ap plication from the secretary of the Klamath Water Users Association, dated April 8, 1912, requesting that an experimental farm or station be established on the Klamath Irrigation project, I would aay that It la the opinion of our expert In the bureau pt plant Industry that there la un doubted nad for InvsetbraUomal work on the Klamath reclasmatloa project. Some three yeara ago we had such an undertaking under con sideration In connection with the ex perimental farm that was started oa tho marsh lands of the Klamath pro ject, but at that time the local peo ple were apparently disinclined to co-operate with us to the extent of providing tho necessary land. Since then the subject has been under con sideration with tho president of the Oregon Agricultural College, who Is desirous ot securing authority and funds from tho Oregon state legisla ture for the purpose of establishing an experiment farm In the Klamath region. "Inasmuch as tho state authorities are already Interested In tho matter to tho extent above Indicated, It Is not unlikely that If the Water Users Association will take It up with that station promptly some satisfactory arrangement could bo made without undue delay, though It probably could not be accomplished unttt an appropriation Is made for the work by tho Oregon state legislature. The above course Is suggested for the rea son that somo ot the more Important agricultural problems of the Klam ath region have to do with dairying and horse and hog promotion, rather than primarily with plant production, so that It Is felt that the state experi ment station, which Is already equip ped for such work, should oxerclse tho leadership In this Instance. "(t an experiment farm Is estab lished by the stato on the Klamath project, it will undoubtedly be posal bio for tho bureau ot plant Industry to co-operate on special features. Early consideration ot the matter by tho state authorities la Important, as such an extension ot our co-operative work for tho crop season of 1913 would need to be considered In mak ing up the estimates for the bureau of plant Industry ln September next. "I hnvo tho honor to be, sir, vtry respectfully, "JAMES WILSON, Secretary." Uack l'roin Grand Lodge W. H. North, delegate irom Klam ath Lodge, J. 0. Hamaker ot the Bo nanza Lodge and Mrs. Vanderpool, representing tho Rebekah Lodge of Lakevlew, came In- on last evening's train from Pendleton, where titer have been attending the sessloa of the Grand Lodge and Rebekah Assembly. George Capron returned last even ing from Portland, where he baa bees to consult a doctor In regard to kla health. j- jfi ..& j