The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, May 03, 1912, Image 2

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am a, fcuag
AK Waeit aaraatatt.
OMrmm' atUUaf .
Iwaaa 111. , Mom (It
AkaMMvUtl t-aaaty
aa4 alt awaarty?1 U,par traat
tar. Wnhargt tor pitta arta
U ya,waatyoar Mat mots
avi govaaVa.alck, gat Raauby'a
ajcaaa ( Wlt. Ooraar
MIUlaattMta n
Cara eoraa. bualaaa and la-
taaaalla. Mb. Tiaama
air fro falling out la
tra traatttaata, aad a parma
Matataara far daadru. Qlra
Ha. MT Vasaath At.
Wf0H8 eSP?sHJ
Deliver ...
at Catf tsafcar
Wa kara everytblag yon
aai far that BtMag trip:
at, Uaa, rata. raeU.
kaaketa. ate. Wa rent
aaata, gaaa aad aanplog
Caraar Hits
aai Hick Ma.
Rakatt Hayaar, Funeral Direct
or, formerly of Lot Asgelat.
Lady AtUaUat. Phono Ilia
BY Daa't tblak If u aacaa-
aary U bay those. told under
as Baatara Jobblaahoata trade
ark Hara a guarantee from
aaarer aoat. Wa tell the
S. and W.
aad gaaraitaa that abaoluta
ly htBU,thty ftU abort of
watt wa clalai thaai to be, Ida
Taty Baatt Iwa will gladly re
taaf yeur laoaey.
4fea I. A W. brtad oa avary
ktocXatf avaatrlat taat are
wartk Ha.
Van Riper Bros.
lata la Oaawt
Gaatlt ,
Because our
are Good
A complimentary order will
convince you.
Your anxious to pleaae,
Monarch Grocery
Try a caa of oafr
Noae Better.
Mioae test
"Why, It Is about at durabU at
anything on this earth. QuotUlg
from bulletin 100, ttaued bthe
Iowa State College la HO, we
And "t white pine hosfctmsdo
illo erected In 1894 jit visited
and found to be afvlng good
service. It was apparently good
for a number of years yet."
Think of It. 18 year old and
used In t silo. ; In another In
stance we were shown t recent
photo of an old English block
house on San Juan Islands In
Puget Sound, built In I860, on
which the red cedar shingles
are apparently at good at when
laid. But If you tre hesitating
.about using wood for your
home thera tre planty of Illus
trations at to lit durability
right here at home. Houses
built before you were born art
still good. Don't be fooled
about first costs come In and
tee our lumber tad ttlk It over.
-There's Xo Place Like Home"
Sayi.ce lets. Lister Ct
6th St. at S. P. track
Jericho Club
- FOR -
Odd Fellows
Rebekahs -
In basement ot I. O. O.'r. Tem.
pie. Bowling, Blllltrdi, Peel,
Card ftoomt. Heading Rooms.
Prlrtte Bitting Itoom for Ita
btkaht oaly.
Visiting Brothera and Bisters '
always welcome.-
Everything: In Music at
KliMtk Fills Nisic Htise
Bole HepraaraUtlTt of
tke STKINWAT, aad other IieaAlag
Plaaoa. Alto tke Pamona BAU
WIN PIANO. Otker wakes at asoA
rmtjpUxt. Taalmg aa4 KepUn.
S Ageacy for
Books, Stationery and Plctarea
Two Doora Rant of tke PottoSta
R. MABMN, Proprietor
WtMnHpTPTSr 'LI'.' ij lyltiWl
W. O. SMITH, Bdttor aad Proprietor
Pabllthed dally except duaday at lie
Fourth afreet
Catered at tke poetoBce at Klamath
rails, Oregon, for traaaattttton
through the malla at aacoad-etaaa
Subscription ttrmt by mall to aay ad
draet la the TJalted SUtea:
One year H.OC
Oat month , 10
FIUIUY, MAY a, luta
Mini llolng lumprl rrom the lUy
Through IMpra Half a Mile Irfiag to
Kill In Sevratyhie Acre of Over
How Idiml
Seclal to the lierald
SAN FUANC1SCO, May 3 The 911
lug In ot the overflow land compris
ing seventy-one acres on tho Harbor
View site at the foot of Webster street
Is progressing rapidly. The giant
urvdger, "John McMullln." Is pump
ing mud from tho bay fronting the
1915 Universal Kiposltlon site,
through pipes half a rullo In length.
As soon as this property Is filled In
work for Improving tho same fur ex
l-osltlon purpose will bo taken up
and put through expeditiously. It
will no on rapidly, and President
Jlooro nnd tho directors of tho exposi
tion have given posltlvo assuranco
that when the doors ot tho exposition
open on February 20th. 19 15, the
world will see a complcto oxpoittlon.
The exposition will close December 4,
tr tho Circuit Court of tho State ot
Oregon, for Klamath County.
William S. Slough, Plaintiff,
Marie L. Clifford and Chat. N. Tlo-
betts. Defendants.
To Marie U Clifford and Chas. N. Tlb-
betts, Defendants Above Named
In tho name of the Stato ot Oregon
You and each of you, aro hereby re
quired to appear and answer tho com
plaint Died against you In the above-
entitled suit, on or before the Uth
day of June, 1913, that being the last
day of the publication of this sum
mons nnd the last day within which
you are required to answer, at fixed
by the order of publication of this
If you fall to appear nnd answer,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for tho relief demanded In said com
Said suit Is brought to foreclose n
mortgage, dated March 8, 1909, and
executed In favor of tho plaintiff by
the defendant, Mario U. Clifford, upon
the following described real property,
The NWU of Sec. 12, Tp. 41 H R.
8 G. W. M., In Klamath county, Ore
To secure to tho plaintiff the pay
ment of three promissory notes, dated
March 8, 1909, for f 1,000 each, with
Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum from date thereof,
and reasonable attorneys' feet for
services of attorneys herein, tald
notes being payable one, two and
three years after date, respectively
Plaintiff In tald suit prays for the
following decree:
1 That be have Judgment against
the defendant, Marie h. Clifford, for
the principal turn of 13,000.00, with
Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum, since March 8, 1909;
for 8300.00 attorneys' feet, and for
costs tnd disbursements of tult and
accruing costs.
t That order of sale and execu
tion Issue In tald suit to tba sheriff of
Klamath county, Oregon, and that
sale be made at on foreclosure, as
provided by law, on all of tald real
property or a sufficient portion there
of to sttlsfy each of tald notea and
mortgage and Interest thereon; to
pay said attorneys' feet; the coats
and disbursement! of thlt tult and
accruing costs.
3 That all right, title and Interest
of the defendants, and each of them,
In and to said retl property, or any
portion thereof told at aforesaid, be
foreclosed as provided by law.
i Tbtt he be given general re
This summons It published once
each week for a period of sis succes
sive weeka In the Kvenlng Htrtld, a
dally newspaper, printed tnd pub
llsbed In the city of Klamath Falls,
Klamath county, Oiegon, by order of
the above-entitled court, dated April
30, 1913, tba first publication being
made on the 30th day of April, 1912,
Attorneys for Plaintiff. b
l'CM,e Hay Token llringe Oat Howe
Htartllng Kucltt In IVnnrvtlon With
Yv CtratiHl lu llurnl Dltrlrt
of t.isiilInK Ciiinlrlr
WAHHINUTON, Mrt)' 3. Tho fenr
of war Is consuming the homes of tho
rural nnd vitiligo populations of Her
many, Prance. Oreat llrllaln and the
United States In a single generation,
according to n school bulletin on the
school observance ot I'eaco Day,
which Is soon to bo Issued for freo
distribution by tho United State bu
reau of education.
In discussing tho cost ot war. tho
bulletin says In pari: "War dobt be
gan with tho nineteenth century. Not
until tho establishment of constitu
tional government had nations any
credit In tho world of finance. The
bond of n king was notoriously bad
security. 8lncc IS00 the war debts
of the nations have grown by leaps
and bounds. That of Kuropo as a
wholo amounts to more than $3,
000,000,000, bearing Interest at the
rata of ll.BOO.OOO.OOO.per year. All
these "eudless caravans of ciphers'
represents sums which have never
been paid, will never be paid, ran
never bo paid, so long as the present
system goes on. For practically the
entire amounts now raised by taxa
tion In civilised nntlons go Into the
support of armies and navies. The
United States, In splendid Isolation
from otd entanglements, without an
enemy In the world, bound by lies of
blood nnd commerco to all civilised
nations, spends 73 per cent of her In
come In this way. The civil, or non
military, expenditures of Kuropo are
so small as to bo negligible.
"At tho present rate of expenditure
the four countries of Germany, tlrent
Britain, Franco and the United States
will spend In tho next forty years, tho
life of ono generation, for support of
armies and natlo an amount suffi
cient to build 20,000,000 country and
village houses at an aerago rost of
$2,500 each. With father, mother
nnd four children In each of these
houses they would furnish homes for
120,000,000 people, which Is morn
than tho total present population of
these four countries living In villages
and tho open country. Thus tho fear
of war la consuming the homes of
the rural and village population of
these great nations In n single gen
eration. "It Is estimated that tho total
direct cost of tho armies and navies
of tho world each year In tlmo of
peace Is 12,500.000,000, which equals
thctotnl valuation of tho wheat and
corn crops of the whole of the United
Tho bureau of education's bulletin,
which Is entitled "I'eaco Day," con
tains suggestions and material for
the observance In tho public schools
of tho occasion, which comes on May
18th. Tho bulletin was compiled and
In part wrltton by Mrs. Fannlo Fern
Andrews, secretary of the AmMcan
School Prare league.
In tho Circuit Court ot the Stato of
Oregon, for the County of Klam
ath. Tho San Francisco Breweries, Limit
ed, Plaintiff,
Paul Mugler and Helen Muglor, De
Under nnd by virtue of an order of
salo tnd decree of foreclosure Issued
nut of the circuit court of tho county
of Klamath, state of Oregon, on tho
2Gth day of April, 1912, lu the above
entitled action wherein tho Han Fran
Cisco Breweries, Limited, tho above
named plaintiff, obtained a Judgment
and decree against Paul Mugler nnd
Helen Muglor, defendants, on tho
25th day of April, 1912, which said
decree was on the 25th day ot April,
1912, recorded In tho Judgment Men
lluok of the tald court at page 83,
Vol. 2; I am commanded to sell all
that certain piece, lot and parcel of
land situate In the county of Klam
ath, stato of Oregon, to-wlt:
Lots twelve A. (12 a.) and twelve
B. (12 b.), block-seven (7), In nail
road Addition to tho city of Klamath
Falls, according to the duly recordod
plat thereof, on file In the offlco of
the county clerk In Klamath county,
etate of Oregon.
- Notice It hereby given that on the
24 th day of May, 1912, at 2 o'clock
p. m, of tald day, at the front door of
the county court house in the city of
Klamath Falls, county of Klamath,
slate of Oregon, I will, In obdolence
to tald order of aalo and execution In
foreclosure, tell tho abovo described
property or to much thereof at may
be necessary to satisfy plaintiff's
Judgment with Interest theraon and
eosti, to tha highest and beat bidder
for cash.
Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon.
NOLAND ft CIUNU, Attorneyt for
Plaintiff. 28-2-MMS
1'ittlforiiU fongrvHuimen Will r'lght
Ilio Proposal to Cense Operations.
..Kent Sii)h "San IViiihImo Mint l
AliMiluie Necessity."
tlitll.,,1 I'niia Hitrlll'tt
WASHINGTON. May 3. War Is on
lit congress as a result of tho recom
mendation of the house commltleo of
nniirotirliitlotis to dlscimtlmio coinage
,if tniimtt' nt ill ii Nun Francisco mint.
and Its reduction tit a mere assay or
flr. I'nllfornlii congressmen are tml
tlttg tip n strenuous ngnt against mo
proposal "Tho San Francisco mint
u mi ntmnliito necessity." snld Con
gressman Kent today. "Coined money
l more extonsUely ii ii in i;niiioriiia
limn lii nnv other state. The treas
ury officials hate decided that It
would not snto money to abolish the
San Francisco mint and then lit pay
freight on bullion from twiner
United Press Servoce
KHATTI.K, Wash.. May 3. -The
municipal lighting plant will make
another cut In the cost of electric
lights to Seattle residents, tho sec
ond ulthlii a year, next month. Tlio
reduction will ho from 7 to cents
per klllowatt hour per month on resi
dence lights, The city reduced Its
rales from X to 7 cents last fall, The
Seattle Klectrle company being also
compelled to annotinrn a reduction,
Tho city also towered the minimum
charge from fl to 50 cents per
llegulntc I tie bowels, promotes
e.isy, natural iiumunent, cure cotv
stlpatlou Doan's llcKutcts. Ask
r.ur druggist for them, 25c a Imi
Cut Dowers. H Mln St Thorn s:'.
NOTICi; OF hllKHIFP'H ham:
In tho Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Klamnth County
IjiiM . Tlllon Hank, n Corporation,
Klamnth l.nke Navigation Companr,
a Corporation, Defendant.
Notice Is hereby given that, by vir
tue of an order of sale and execution,
iluly Issued out of the above entitled
court nnd cause on the 9lh day of
April, 1913, upon a decree, made and
entered of record In said court and
cause on the fitti day of April, 1912,
In favor of tho plaintiff named abuve,
directing the sale of the real proper
ty therein, and hereinafter, described
to satisfy the follewing: . The prin
cipal sum of 113,100.00, with Inter
est thereon, at the rate of 8 per cent
per annum, since September 23, 1911,
and for 8975,00, attornnvs' fees: for
the further principal sum of 2,000,
with Interest thereon, at tho rate of H
per cent per annum, slnro January 8,
1910, and $150 attorneys' fees; nnd
for the further principal sum of 85,
06C..67, with Interrst thereon, at the
rate of 8 per cent per annum, since
January 12, 1910, and 1375 attorney
fees, and for costs and disbursements
and accruing costs.
Now, therefore, by lrtue of said
onlor of sale and execution,, nnd In
compliance with said writ,, I have
duly levied on said real property, and
will, on Wednesday, the 8th day of
May, 1912, at 10 o'clock n. m, of such
day, at the front door of the county
court house, In Klumath Falls, Klam
ath County, Oregon, tell, at public
auction, to the highest bidder, for
rnsh, all tho right, tltlo and Interest
of the abovo named defendant In and
to tho following described real prop
erty, to wit:
The south halt of lot 1; all of lot
2; all of lot 3 except the east G 48-100
feet; nil In block 27; the south 80
feet of Maple alley and It feet by CO
feet off the southwesterly portion of
lot 3, block 28; all of said real prop
erty being nnd situated In Klamath
Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, ac
cording to tho recorded plat of the
town of Mnkvllle, now,. Klamnth
Falls, Oregon.
Also tho BKV4 of the HWK of Hoc.
20, and tho NH of tho NWUthe
NWK of the NBH. rteo. 29, tonwshlp
40 south, rnngo 8 east, Willamette
Meridian, containing 160 acres, nioro
or less, In Klamath county Oregon.
Together with all nnd singular the
tenements, hereditaments and nppur
tonnnces thereunto belonging, or In
anywise apcrtalnlng to said property;
Or to much thereof as may bo neces
sary to satisfy said execution.
Tha proceeds of said sale will bo
applied In tho satisfaction of tald ex
ecution, order and decree, Interest,
coHts'ond disbursements, and ncccru
Ing costs, and the overplus, If tny
there be, will be paid Into safd court
to be further applied, at by law dl
rtoted, Dated thlt 9th day of April, 1912.
W. B. BATINE8, Sheriff.
By OKO. A. HAYDON, Doputy.
9-1I-II-I0 7 k
F. I.. Turiilu A. W, Tarpln
--------- - . --.-... ,(HMf
Booms With private halh, BaMMI per day upi without bath, .t
Kitrupeitli plan. , Hotli photu-i, l( rMn '
11. J.
y 'I r'iP at i f " """" sar-i
VV atsaaaV I taaaaaaaaaaaal aCTf'assaaaaaal
A Glean Scalp And Healthyjair
Many of your friends have found that a luiurhtnt irostb l
hnlr- soft and glossy and a snip free from dandruff, "III Nstt
from tho use of jf'H IIIIIHUTO.VF, '
This Is the procedure- '
Wash tho hair with warm water and ' pure soap-tlni !
Highly- rub tho scalp with n stiff brushapply lllrsulone-rob It
In well and dry the hair before combing
Please understand that lllrsutoiio'ls not merely n lulr "Mi
lt Is n tunic- n food.
While It IfMiKiught) rlcnnM-i.'U lw prrtmts Uo
li-rlnl nrllim luiiirtslies ni.. HlliiuUle the iimi( of lb
hnlr remote nil ilamlrilf preterits lis return sad
pti'M-rtc the natural heaulv and color of the hair.
Nynl's lllrsutonn should be cm )oiir dressing table
. It sells n 50 rents and 110'.' the bottle. '
u x n E R w o o i
Before having
your Plumbing
Fint class work
at low prlcei
ABA -IT 13 . -
-. ST M- M. JX
iiipinioiirn f.onir.t, liuiuu..
Of Interest to ,tt mu,fl ,
" ,""l"'lJr- Not .w
hi w sJjstS n .plrmllJ w '
f I'lawfi. Violins, towEI
ClarlorTitttes ami CornsU, ,,'
wo.Kru also prnpartd to (.
itlsli you Strings, r,,1( B8
fliirps and utlmr parts, '
Two Clorliineilri, ,(,.
used, less than W()tli q '
Cornet, I3 50 i:iKt.t tlulUrt
nt ii bargain
Just received. A fresh factory shipment
of rubber and cotton hoitv Two selected
grades of rubber-4 ply tnd 7 ply, both
fully guaranteed. Alto an excellent qual
ity of cotton note. No year old stock, aU
this year' output. Prlcea rlght-no hlgk.
er than that of Inferior rjoodi.
AMI after Dinner's Ovsr,
With laughter, fun sat His.
Let's drink a cup of cufst,
And blow a cloud at saois,"
You can do (bis llo Impii-
Ity when you dins st tht 1'iUcs.
After serving yuu a will toeist
dinner with tho choicest Haiti
to. treat your friends wltk. we
ltl serve )ou cUllcloui rotei
. nnd a cigar, whose frsgruo)
will linger In your mtaorr
"like tho Vase In which rose)
have once hern distilled."
thi: I'.tutti: ciiiu.L
I'laviMi , yr.ut part
In all homes Is'euf sip"'
plumbing work and high g
rllxtuses. They are coriog iw
r,.r uvervwhurc. snd no SO'
dor.,, We eerclso the "
rare and skill with ecryJo
midcrtnkc. iiiIiik l' ' M
materials mid deiollng rW
time to It. All our Mt
como from the leading "
.. , i 1
7im M.I., Kl. ' Phot"'