88je Itof nine Hrfato. i i EVENING XarWWAPBBM ' jf PRINT THB ITBWS, NOT ntTOMT varum vt m V mum mvk gttth Year No. I.TeS KLAMATH PALLS, OMOON,' WEDNESDAY, MAY I, IBIS WILLSOONHAVE PLENTY POWER RH'ICirrfcR TO HK HKHN WITHIN SIXTY DAVN CaWerala-Orrgoa INiwoe Coatpaay I fMOilM Work oa Mich Teaeloa fjMS III CoMMVt All of lu lowec ruau In Souther) Otegua amd . northern Cllfetla MMlMtac to jUmmUi fall Vm " "" a it t nnouned that, berrlag Md , U or unexpected delay, the big ' Mr lino of lb Callferala-Orsgoa Psvir company, "bleb It row build- hi Iron lorrM, win ao la niamam allkta alBtjr day. Coaalructlou kit ' itrtadr commenced, aa4 tba craw U n working about all aillaa tbla eldo t( Dorrl. E. II. Ilriirr of tbla cltf la lb en sitter In rlnrgi of tba survey and rtgat of war agaal. II atataa tbat lie surrrjm for tba Una ara about wapUlnl, and tbat tba rlgbU of way m all practically aewured. Free garrU the Una ruaa to Wordaa, aad ln followi the rlgbt of war of tba railroad Texuro. Croaalag tba rltr at the lleame raack. tba llaa mm up Ihn weal aid of tba rlvar to the power plant In tbla cltjr. According lo Mr. Henry th Una la a high tension Una, and will carry abMt 10,000 volta. It la being built to carry tilth aa 30,000 volt If try, When built lo Klamath ' Palls tba company will have llnea con I aKtlag all of their power planta la 'Stttktrn Oregon and Northern Cat Manila, Including (told Ray, I Creek and one at Duasmulr. rail Tba i Eltauth fall plant already baa llnea eatsrlag Merrill and llonaaaa and In. wrawdlatn polnta, and will gradually I all over tba county. The con' propose to aula the power enough ao tbat tba farmer t be able to ua It oa tbalr fame tad alao for pumping atalloaa for fur , akalag water to tba blgh laada. With a complete coaaectton be tvtta all the power plaaU, tba peo ple will be aaaured of aa abaolute aafe ad rontlnuoua service, ao tbat If one ef Ike planta ahould be oat of com akalen temporarily, they eaa, switch atta another. A large amount of sety li Icing eipaaded la tba aa kaalon of the tinea, aad everything k being hultt In a moat aubataatlal tetuer, all of the towera being placed m concrete plera. aXCKPTION HIM, RK HELD POIl PASTOR AN There will be a receptloa held at tk Presbyterian church oa Tauredar malng, May id, at I o'clock, la hec aret Rev. J, p. stubbtoietd and hrlda, he have recently returned from th art. Adilreaaee and mua'e will com HM Ike ihort program, after which ttaUdloa will eerve ref reahmenta. It hoped that all the frlaada will be re to welcome Mr. aad Mra. Btub hlatald. APPLEGATE TEN VOTES SHORT "AKATH COUNTY MAN MAKM 8WCAT HIIOWINO IN RACK FOR , B4C(1ATK, RUT IiAOKR VKW , VOTKa OS FINAL COUNT ,',,h "turna complete from all "Mlai In th atata, A. W. awlft, a ' county progreaelve, U aaaured 2on member pf the Oregon "won to the republlcaa national "WMIon. li haa anally takea a " lad of tea votaa over O. 0. 22Sfto Klamath and aavaataea WM'nll Metachan of PortUad. with . ,! hM b, aaaawlai arer "! Prlmarlaa. " the flnal rain., .a.i.iiu M4aJ "'""l vumwMij iw 5JJ7 'rom an eouatlea, iwin saa Iju iLplIKt ,1' afatachaa 1'. Th only chaaee for ehaage li r? ' U that errata have haea JJ tranimlailoa t Ua eaUUI ZT cialaa .M M.-a k, .. J?J .ot 8w"t that hU advantage Z..H bereued by (he chacklag up lif '" "" eeureurr fr mwi NO TRACE FOUND OF MRSSTRAUSS'B0DY United I'rtaa Service IIAI.IKAX, N. H May l, Aator'a body haa been placed In a prlvato car Ilia aon, Vlncanl, aat weeping besldo tba casket all night, nn the verge of a collapaa, Hlrauaa' body and seven otbara ware placed In an express car. No tracn baa tiaan found of Mra Rlrauaa' body. A number of speclsl cara will leave tonight, All lha Ideti. Ilfltd will lm ready for atilpment to morrow. REPORT PAVOHAIILY ON HUMPHREY MARINE BILL United Pros Service WASHINGTON, May I Tha houae aiarlne committee reported unani mously In faror of the Humphrey bill, which provide that no monop oly owned ateamahlpa be allowed to anler or clear from American porta. Tba report charge that foreign ateaauhlp truata are openly violating the Hhertnan bill. It alio clalma that they control M prr cent of the conn- try 'a Import and eiport bualncaa nmmm finis PRISON FOR 3 VEARS HKATTI.K, May I. Charle W Waiinenilnln. rnrrmir rhUf nf nnllm waa taken to Walla Walla peniten tiary today, to aerve hla three yean term for bribe taking. Oonalderable feeling haa been allr- red up between I'roaecutor Murphy and Hherlrr Hodge becauae the latter allowed Wappenateln to remain at home alnce Haturday, under the aur valllaac of a deputy aherllT. Mra. Wappenateln uttered a complete col lapaa when her huaband waa arreated Saturday on the arrival of the com mitment paper from the aupreme court. Hodge etplalned bla altitude aa being the earne aa be applied to c titer prlaoaare, and that It waa only humaaa la view of the manner In which the Wappenateln commitment waa raahed through. Mra. George fl. Zimmerman ar rived In the city Runday evening to visit with her parents, Mr. and Mra. Cbarlea flwlngte. Mra. Swingle haa been ailing for some little time, and Mr, flmmerman came form her Yamhill home to attend to her mother for the preaent. On Krlday the fam ily will go to their Ungell Valley home for Ibe summer, where Mr. Swingle will undoubtedly soon recov er her usually aplendld health. RKTURNft TO FORT Richard Helhaae left yeaterday for tale Fort, after spending aeveral daya ha the city looking after hla building latereata. Mr. Matbaaa will atart the erection of a brick building on the lota where the old K. K. K. 8tore building formerly stood In a abort time. CLAIMS DaXROATaM FOR wilhon in HPrnc of votk United Preaa Service NKW YORK, May 1. William Mc- Combe, Wllaon'a campaign manager for tbla state, aeserta tbat moat or the Maaaaehueetta dalegatea to the Baltimore convention will cut their rat ballot for Foaa, and thereafter will auoDort Wilson, despite the fact that Clark carried the preference pri maries. KEKEI HAMS JUT IB MUIMED KHfi. Aaakstaat Chief of Bureau of Chew Utry laforma Coaualtteo Membera That There la No Cure for Mea With Smooth United l'reaa Service WASHINGTON. May I. Dr. .. T. Kablar, asalstant chief of the bureau of ebemtotry, haa banded a rude Jolt to the baldheaded membera of the houae committee on Interstate aad faralaa commerce. Dn Kebler kaowa li iuiut nataat medlclaee, gat-well' quick devloee aad all that eort of thlag. Ha eaya par cent of that ara frauda, Md la willing to impw thla fact to aiyoaa wbo aaa ni knut lha matter. The oommlttaa hag baaa. dalvlag lata a preeeeUlaa to mrta tha pura ... i. . . i regulation regarding "fitho " propH i,ru Ni'ium i no cnmmuiea 10 give hla Idcaa on thn aubject. In the courae of the dlacuialon the aubject of hair reatorora came up. Itepreaentatlve Hamilton of Michigan, who belonga to the near-baldheaded claaa, Immedi ately bflcamo Intereated, and (ought Information. "Doctor," aald ho, "In the Interest of memhera of Oil committee who are a little abort on hair, could you tell ua If them la any audi thing aa a eucreMful hair restorer?" "I regret to aay," solemnly replied the doctor, "I don't believe there la any auch thing. At leaat, In all my eiperlence I have never run acroaa one." Whereupon the few membera wbo are adorned with a sufficient supply of flowing locks had a good laugh at the espense of their ahlny-pated col league. NEW HULL FOR MAZAMA BOUT hTKAMKIt WILL UK liAROKR AMI IIKTTKII ll'll'I'KI) TO HANni.r: ri(KI(aiT ON THK ITI'KIt I.AKK THIH HCAHON J. II. C. Taylor waa down from the Upper IJike landing today. He states that work la progressing rapidly on the new hull, which Is being built for the steamer Maiama. The new hull la 8S feet on deck and IS foot beam. and will have a capacity of twenty- five tons, although It Is figured o'n carrying about fifteen tons of freight to a load. The work la being done by I.. R. McDonald, the boat builder, and all roast fir Is being used. It Is eipected to have thn hull finished In about ten days, when the machinery will be transferred from the old boat. It la I robable that the old hull will be Si ted up for a house boat. Mr. Taylor state that Indications point to a heavy freight traffic on tbe Upper Lake tbla summer. Tba Ma iama runa up Wood River to tbe Weed bridge, about four miles from the Fort, and aa an excellent road haa been built the remaining distance, It makes It much easier and cheaper for the merchants to get their freight la than formerly. ST. I'KTKRSnURa. May 1. A wo man has been arreated at Yekaterln- eslav on her own confession tbat aha poisoned aeveral membera ot bar fam ily wbo were consumptives, to spare them needleaa aulferlng. commfCflwiiKK HOUR! UY TEN! The May Session of the Klamath county court began thla morning, with Judge W. 8. Worden and the commla iloners being present. Most of the day waa taken up In auditing bllle ahlch havo collected during tbe past month. The court adjourna from day to day, so that all matter of Import ance can be handled without delay aa they come up. IIRYCK MAY BK MADE FOREIGN 8RCRKTARY WASHINGTON. May 1. That Jaa. Dryce, ambassador of areat Britain to the United SUtes, who la now oa route from Washington to London, via Ban Francisco and the far Bast, la to accept a position In the British cab inet and will not return to nia poet here, la rumored In diplomatic circles. It la said that Dryce u to oa pro moted to the office of foreign minister of Oreat Britain, aucceedlng Sir Ed ward Grey. Tails Justice Rver Elected HUBBELL. Mich., May 1. Loula Mollanen waa recently elected justice of the peace of Hancock township. Houghton county, and his frlaada aa sert tbat he la the "biggest" man that aver held auch aa office. "Big Louie," aa he la knows, to IB yaara old aad la 7 feat I Inenea la height. He weara an IU hat aad No. IB taoee. VIBNNA.. May 1. A remarkable young plaatot to creating a rurore hare, ptoylBi uaaar ua nam Print Retold I. N to a ehlmpwiee. I A PPDaflDDI ATlflll BILL MAKES COT MIAHTIO RKFORMft PftOPOflKD BY I4WR HOUHK lllll aa llaported Woald AboHh Cola age Mint at aaa Fraarieco, New Orleaaa aad Cataoa Ctty, aad Aaaa (Mice at Heattle, Heleaa aad Boise. Woald Reduce NaUry of PrealdeaU Mecretary United Preaa Service WASHINGTON. May 1 Tbe bouse appropriation bill as reported pro poses drastic reforms, Including tba abolition of the commerce court, re duction of tbe aalary ot tbe Presi dent's secretary from 17,600 to M, 000, transfer of the bureau of manu factures to the state department from the department of commerce and labor, abottah the coinage mint at Ban Francisco, New Orleans and Car son City and the aaaay office at llolse, Helena and Seattle. TRANSPORT BUFORD AWAITING ORDERS United Preaa Service SAN DIEOO, May 1, The trans port Iluford Is still anchored la tbe harbor hare. Reporter have been warned to keep away from the veaael, and absolutely not a word la glvea out. It la not known -when the ves sel will sail. r. SCHOOLCHILDREN CANMnKHM LUI.LRTINB FOR FRKB DHrTRBaU. TION TKLL HOW THK BOYS AND GIRLS CAN KAHN THB1R OWN CLOTHKH County School Superintendent J. U. Swan haa received from tbe Oregon Agricultural college a aupply of two bulletins Issued by tbe college for distribution among the school chil dren ot the county. Copies of tbeae pamphleta havo been aeat to the teachers, but aa the supply la some what limited. It Is not tbe desire to waste any of them or aead them to persona wbo do not cara to uae them. Any of the farmers or achool children of the county who are latereeted caa secure tbeae bulletin by applying to Mr. Swan. The first of the bulletin deata with the aubject of "Prlte Wlaalng Pigs for Oregon Boys." It la claimed that of all the domestic animate, the one which usually receive the aaabbleet treatment, aad wblch at the aam time pay the farmer the meat moaey for hla keep, la tke pig. Hla pet name la "mortgage lifter," aad Justly he haa earaed It. Tbe second bulletin Is headed "Ore gon Boya and Girls and the BBC Prob lem." Mr. Harvey Beckwtth, former president of the Portland Commercial Club, aaya: "One of the greatest needs of Oregon la the production of poultry aad eggs. Durlag tke year 1911. 304 carloads of egga were ship ped Into tbe city of Portlaad from statea eaat of the Rocky meuatalaa. At 35 cents a dosen, this amounta to over half a million dollara. la addi tion to the 304 carloada of agga, there were received In Portlaad from, eaat ot tbe Rocky Mountalaa, tweaty .car loads of dressed poultry ot tea toaa each, or 400,000 pounds. TJateaa the farmer Increase the production ot thla necessity, the Immense amount of money annually sent eaat will In crease. Cannot the children be en couraged to engage In thla branch of farmlngt With a email Seek they would be eaabted to clothe them selves, buy achool books aad Christ mas present, besides havlag little spending moaey." , POPULAR AMVSBMniflB MIS SUBJBOr TOaTMeT The eitreme weather makea eoa- eeeutlvo audience at tka Cartottoa revival Impoaslbt, hut Ua meetlaga go merrily oa.Juattheaame. amm audience waa preaent last night, and enjoyed the sermon ot Evangollst Whlaton on "Immortality." The ser mon subject waa' changed, but other wise the regular program waa car ried out. The singing of the male quartet and other special music were greatly appreciated. The evangelist requested tbat those present make known to tbalr frlenda that whatever tbe weather conditions, tbe meetings would be held at tbe usual hour. Tonight la "Popular Amusement" night, and, given ordinarily fair weather, the building wilt be filled. Tbla lecture-sermon on tbe amuse ments of today and tbalr relation to the church la one of tbe greatest of Whlston'a effort. Come tonight at 7:4 B. Church at the corner of Pine and Nlath atreete. LONDON, May 1. Official statis tic place Baglaad'a boote bill, for last year at IO0,aaa,o0O, an Increase of 30,000,030. WILL EXAMINE DIG TEACHER'S CLASS ABOUT SEVENTY-FIVE TEACHERS IN KLAMATH COUNTY WILL TAKE EXAMINATIONS, LAST OF NEXT WEEK The regular Eighth grade teachers' examination will be held throughout the entire county next Thursday and Friday. May 9th and 10th. Tbe ex amination In Klamath Falls will be given In the Central achool, and In other part of the county at the dla trlct achool building. It la eemected tbat there wilt be about eeveaty-five teacher that will take the examlaa tlon thla year, believed to bo tbe largest claaa ot any year heretofore. About thirty-two of these will take tbe examination In Klamath Falls. The Womaa'e Foreign Missionary Hcclaty ot Ua Methodist church will moot with Mr. R. R. Hamilton Thurs day afternoon at 3:30. COKE HEARS SUIT TO QUIET TITLE Judge Coke remained over today to hear tba trial of Jamea Taylor vs. C. W. Finch, aa action to quiet title. Tbe property In question la the SW M of 8EH of section 13, townshlp.37, lange 14. which la located In the Bly country. J. C. Rutentc represent Mr. Taylor and Potter fit Bryaon of Eugene are the attorney for the defendant. They were repreaented by Kuykeadall Be Ferguson of thla city. wamicwwis l-fERSYUalA United Preaa Service HARRI8BURO, May 1. Peauayl- vaula republlcaa convention met here today, with Rooaeveltera la control. William Flynn of Pittsburg will prob ably be the national committeeman. The Pearoaeltea woa't fight the lection of twelve Roosevelt delegate at Urge. VINCENT ASTOR'S MOTHER ARRIVHS IN NEW YORK Ualted Preaa Service NEW YORK. May 1. Mra. Ava Aator, divorced wife of the late John Jacob Aator. arrived oa the Katoer Wllhalm der Gross, aad weat Imme diately to the Hotel Gotham. She will not attead the funeral. She came to America for the purpose of consoling her aaa. WILKINS TO RESIGN' Colonel M. G. Wllklns, councilman tram th Pint Ward, will probably teader hla resignation to the council thla evening, aa he expecta to move shortly to the Third Ward. It la not kaowa whether aay appointment wilt bo made before etactloa of a aueceaeor to Mr. Wllktae. but If to It to probable that J. P. GoeUer will be tbe maa, for the reaaea that oa aecouat of hla be tas the oaly candidate for thla office at the eoralag electtoa, hla election to asaured. If he were appolated at thla Mas It would give him a chaaee to gat used to the Jh by tka time the lata JAPAN NOT SEEKING LAND IN MEXICO United Press Service WASHINGTON, May 1. Replying to Senator Lodgo'a Magdalen bay resolution, President sent to tho sen ate a statement denying that tho state department has any ovldonco ade quate to ahow acquisition of land or any Intention or deslro to acquire land, either directly or Indirectly, by Japan In Mexico. Secretary Knox signed the state ments. CHURCH CONFERENCE OPENS IN.MLNNEAPOLI8 United Press Service MINNEAPOLIS, May 1. Bishops Durt and Werner opened tbe quad rennial conference of tbe Methodist Episcopal church with prayer this morning, with Bishop Henry Warren presiding. This afternoon was devoted to the standing committees preparing their reports. Charles W. Fairbanks la attending the conference In an unofficial capac ity, while fifty delegate from alt over the world are here. mm IS TEHDERED u mm. Mm MEMBERS OF MASONIC ORDER AND INDIES GIVE DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE TO MR. AND MRS. ALEX MARTIN Mr. and Mra. Alex Martin Jr., who are soon to leave for Eugene, were very pleasantly surprlaed last evening by a banquet and reception In their honor at the Baldwin hotel, given by the membera of the various branches ot the Maaonlc order. About sixty of tbe membera and tbelr wives gather ed at tbe hotel, aad a committee was delegated "to gb after Mrl and Mr Martin. They were routed out ot their borne aad takea to the hote.1 aad placed In the aeat of honor at a beau tifully arranged banquet table In the hotel grill. Mr. Martin was presented with a solid sliver loving cup, by Judge Geo. T. Baldwin, la behalf ot the members tho lodge .as a token ot their es teem. Following the presentation a number of responses were mado to toaata suggested by W. A. Delxell, wbo acted as muter of ceremonlea. Among those who wore called upon were Henry Thlelson. Eminent Grand Commander of the Knights Templar ot Oregon; Frank J. Miller, Past Grand High Priest of tbe Royal Arch Masona; Thomas M. Baldwin. Wor shipful Qrand Master of the A. F. A A. M., and Jamea F. Robinson, grand s. cretary of the three branches of the order In Oregon. The local speakera were Cbns. E. Worden, A. L. Leavltt. H. P. Galarnesux. F. F. Wltllts. W. r. Bhlve and E. D. Henry. Several delightful musical uuruber-j nere rendered, among them being a Muartot by Mra. Burgo Mason, Mra C. E. Hogue, Mrs. K. B. Henry and Miss Loulso Ie, and solos by Mrs. I'. E. Hogue and Miss Lee. Following the banquet the guests repaired to the large lobby, where tbe furniture waa placed aalde and danc ing Indulged In until a late hour. J. R. Hayes ot Worden Is In the city today making final proof on bla homestead. Hla witnesses were R. W. Tower and O. W. Sorrel. TAFT GUMS 420, Alio ROOSEYELT 261 WASHINGTON. May 1. Proprie tor of presidential booms have Issued the following clalma ot dclegatea up to and Including April 30th: Republican Delegate In conven tion. 1,076; necessary to choice, 639; claimed for Taft, 430; Claimed for Roosevelt, 300; Instructed for La Pol lette, 3; Instructed for Cummlaa. 10; contests admitted by Tart manag ers, 13; conteata to be made by Roose velt manager, 1S4. t Democrat Delegate la conven tion, 1,093; aeeeaaart to choice, 738; claimed for Clark. 137; claimed for Wllaoa, 134; conceded for Clark, 117; oaaceded for WlUoa.,45; .In structed for Underwood. 34; kaetruct- ed for Burke. 10; claimed forttar moa, 4; ualaatrueted (New York). - INDICATE TAFT LIKELY WINNER on-ICIAL RETURNS IN CIIUHr.TTH ELECTION SLOW Return' From Oae Thoaaaadl aad Forty Electtoa District Give Taft and Teddy Each Ktghteea Dele gate Unooaclal Return laasrad Tail's Plurality WHI Be Abe Five Thoaaaad United Pre Service BOSTON. May 1. Oflctal retarae are coming In alowly. Rooaevattera assart tbat wbea completed the eowat will show Roosevelt carried the pref erential primary. Unofficial return Indicate Taft'a plurality to bo about 5,000. At 10 o'clock the return from 1,040 ot tka 1,080 election district of th state give Taft 84,948, Roosevelt 79,834, La Follette 1,960, Clark 33,973, Wil son 14,880. The aam preclaeta gave Roosevelt delegate at large, keaded by Baxter. 82,687; Taft dalegatea at large, with Crane beading, 74,838. Indications are that Roosevelt cari rled 'fire state district. wRh dale gate at large giving him1-eighteen) delegates. Taft carried the reawtalac nine districts, giving him eighteen delegate also. Taft Carrie Preferential Vote United Pre Service BOSTON, May.lv Late thU after noon definite figure gave Roeeevok eighteen delegates asjd Taft the earn. with three small towns musing. The) preferential vote ahowa Taft, 37,117, and Roosevelt 33,144. La PelleUe 3,063, CUrk 33,491. WHsoa 14,470. BRtTFtWu?e BJ9tQHR9GQ4nmlMtB3 W-'nUad Pros Service- t OYSTER BAY, L. !.. May 1. Col onel Kooeevelt baa aaaoaaeed tharaa - won't Insist oa tbe eight Maaaaeha- ett dlegatea-at-large aappertlas him, aa Taft carried the pretaraaUal primary, Thla give Roosevelt oaly ten Massachusetts delegate. MOSGOLIVS FUNERAL TODAY The funeral ot tbe late Jamea C. Mongold waa held this afternoon. The body waa brought from the Whltloek undertaking parlors to the Odd Fel lows' Temple, where service were conducted by Rev. Geo. Fees of the Methodist church. Tbe member ot the Odd Fellows lodge and the etty nre aeparwneni auenaea me ranerai and marched to the grave In a body, and In addition there waa a Ursa gathering ot frlenda of the deceaaefi. who waa highly thought of by the rich and poor alike. Tbe pallbearers were selected equally from the membera ot the Odd Fellow' lodge and the fire depart ment. At the grave the rltuaUatlc services ot the order waa performed by Noble Grand R. J. Sheeta aad Chaplain M. R. Doty. Interment waa made In the Odd Fellow' cemetery. IRRIGATION SEASON DE6INS ON ACCOUNT OF THB PLENTIFUL SUPPLY OF RAIN ONLY TWO REQUESTS HAVE BEEN MADE FOR WATER TODAY The Irrigation season under the Klamath project ot tha reclamattoa service begins on May 1st. Water haa been turned into the main canal for several days, but before water to d tlvercd to the farmer requests must be filed by them with the reclamation office. Project Engineer W. W. PaWa stated today that oaly two reqaeata for water had been Bled, they belac, from the extreme aonthera eat of the canal, where tha soil la Tory saaay. Oa account of the abuaeaaee of rainfall tha past few weeka very,faw; It i 0 wlUimadaAVfe-el of the toad owaera for some time. Wetr haa net jret been turned lata ibe Aakear eaaal ee '..: only one requeat haa beta waaag ; m i iir mis a. a racier. si siLinr . am awt arm VjFI'jjj uniets mi w iaa.w ; ;. vt"v.? will not ha turned la until a '. .' , . ' " - -- -w- -- - ., f-i - - .rf -" u$m&. V . .J&& rx-l v s a $ J.I H- r, NK . .lZ&gL ' ' .. 4 v I- v ,"x jjVvfT - .