Vf 'lL,." f AM WerladWateea. ' T OU ' BaUdlag. 11 A z 0 iHMMMBMMMiMMBBaM AIXsWBIAUN AMMi ef tUtfW to coaaty T 11 per traae- Ms Mwn for pUU or Us Warty I Warn for ft, WIUOM aUMT aV MsXIA ttrJMi MM : I '-.X r If yM.wutla aftd aOTaVa.nfck, aad MaJa etretta iv itttt moved 11 Raanby'a Oeraer aVrrenta nee star lit 7 s MI OOMRtMk. Ill, U HffMlMJ kiadft IOLP. V KtgMtr a etXaafTOCK It MABAM AND raOtV TDOM Cmre eerae. baaioas tad In rewtaf tMMlte.Ma. Ttmau eteee aatr fresafalltng out la ire trefetaaeata.' aid a paraa- hk vaa wf dandruff, aire asaeall. We. SIT Miss eta An. mm mm I W 0 0 D I i i . I mmmm mmmm Waaaafll mmJLm mmmmm mmmmm mvjeaaaa. eVBeA m VavSHi aaSSjBBY WVM JaV" DdUVSCM Uav Oate it CMy Bakery HaWMl W.E.S&horn Discriminating Buyers Of GROCERIES. ShoMld place tbtlr next order here Otr littt is t Please ALTA COFFEE mmmmmmmmammmmmammmmmma sOurSpeb laity TheMonarch PboMlMI. THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH. Rdttor and Proprietor PaMleaed dally except dunday at lib Fourth Ureal Battled at tko poatoBea at Klamath Fella, Oragoa, (or traaemleston Ibrouth the mails aa second-class Matter. Subscription terma by malt to any ad' draaa la. tea Ualted Btatea: Oaa yaar 11.00 Oae moatk . . . .! KLAMATH PAIXH, . . OHKUON TUKSUAY, Al'KIL 80, 11)111 TALK ABOUT LUMBER LASTING HSMINi TACKIE aaaaaaaaWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV Wa tare ererythlag you aeeA tar taataeajlg trip: Reek. Uaa, rode, reels. kaaktaT ate. Wa rrnt Meg oae iu eamptag leiBay mdn stoie t b IIIIIIMI BsaBaaB sMB T JeaJttBasa mmmr mmm mmmm fVXVtaj avfJaaW Why, It U about aa durable ai anything oa this earth. Quoting from bulletin 100, Issued by the Iowa State College In 190S we find "a white pine homemade alio erected In 1894 wai vltltod and found to be giving good service. It wai apparently good for a ni.mber of years yet." Think of It, 18 years old and used In a alio. In another In stance we were shown a recent photo of an old English block house on San Juan Islands In Puget Sound, :uUt In 1880, on which the red cedar shingles are apparently as good as when hhj. uui ii ou are hesitating moom using wood lor your home there are plenty or Illus trations as to Its durability right here at home. Houses u.U,-bt!r;YJrou bont are Utt WW .. POTATOES REMAIN All WINTER IN THE 6R0UN0 E. 11. Itatusby of the Hot Spring! addition, while having Ms Knrdcu spaded a few day since, discovered quite a quantity of potatoes which had remained In the grouud during the entire winter. They were per fectly solid and In fine shape. Tlio potatoes were of the Karly Ohio vn rlety, and wero planted last June. As they were only at tho ordinary depth under ground, tho fact that tho po tatoes wero In such perfect condition this sprlngd shows that tho frost dur ing tho winter months In Klamath county do not reach to any great depth In the ground. OI)l KKMiOWM, ATTKNTIOX All Odd Fellows are requested to bo present at a meeting at 8 o'clock tonight at the hall, when arrange ment will be made for the funeral of the lato Brother James C. Mongold It. J. SHRKTS, Noble Orand. MIIH. CAMI'IIKIX IU:C0VKItt:i Mrs. Nell Campbell, who has been In the tllackburn hospital In this city, whero sho recently underwent an op eration, has so far recovered that she was able to leave the hospital yester- about drat aetata coma la and sea our lustier aad talk It over. Corner Sixth aad High Its. nam Kekart Hayaer, r, (enurlr of N SB Lady Attaadaat WrflALCO. raasral Direct- Area Aafalaa. JllaaCa(Ml Wf any K Phoae lltt "There's .JaVtace BJi I Uka Home" MrMfelrtsl Lker C fnone i4i 6th St. at S. day. Jim Wilson has returned from San Francisco, whero he has been on a visit. Ho was formorly employed by the grocery Arm of Ward A Oben chain. MOr.OM FUXKBAL TOMOIUIOW - -ITU funeral of the late James C. Mongold will be held tomorrow, There will bo services at the Odd Fel lows' hall at 2 o'clock, conducted by Iter. Geo. II. Fecse of tho Methodist church. Burial will be made In the Odd Fellows' cemetery. he services at the grave being In accordance with the Odd Fellows' ritual. track Guaranteed Groceries VT Daa't Ulak It to aary to bay those sold under aa Kaatorm Jobbing beusaFad muknvn a guaraataf from aarer kaaa. Wa MX tha faaaaas S. and W. Canned Goeds: and gaaraalae thaai absoluU ly Ibouldthay fall abort of what wa ekUaa tkam to ba, Xba Vary Baeai wa' will gladly re- faad yMNsaoBay. Tka I. a) W. kraad ea avary ". praeanaa that are wertMl Van Mper Bros. PMMtfl Mmwm far Chaae a Jericbo Club - FOR - Odd Fellows And Rebekahs - ONLY - In basement of I. O. O. F. Tem ple. Bowling, Billiards. Peel, Card Rooms Reading llooms. Private Sitting Room for1 Re bekaha only. Visiting Brothers and Sisters always welcome. GKItTtlUDK A Millinery For nil the 1913 Sprlnsfnud Summer novelties In chtUrcn'mllllnery. Cor. Fourth axdl'ino Streets. Temple theater, Ustmee dally, ;3n p. m. Evening, first perfotmanro 7MD, continuous. Aro you Interested In fl.AMATil COUNTY? If so. see tka 8tephen Hunter Realty Co'.STbdy have soms Tood bargains. l Screens and all kinds of shop work. Phone 1351. Shop Sixth and.'Klam- sth avenue. V. .Utf ( m BEGIN WORK ON WOOD RIVER UERy SOON (Special Herald Correspondence) FORT K1.AMATJI, April 30. The directors of tho Wood River Valley Cream and llulter Association aro having sonut dimcult)' In securliiR n slto for Iholr now creamery, but they hope to have a suitable locution with in n few days at the latest, when work wilt begin on tho bnlldltiR. A number more of artesian wells are belnir drilled In Fort Ktamulli this spring, and the onunrs are se curing nn excellent Mow of tho purest water. The entire nlley Is pretty welt supplied with artesian wells, wh'ch arc proving an absolute suc tess. Frank HartloK runs tho well boring outfit now In operation, and guarantees tho welt at a cost of 1100. The supply of artesian water In the vnlley Is of tho very het nud prac tically unlimited. Short Brother hao mot ml their traction engine and liny lialler out to Frank Denton's, where they hate con siderable hay to hale. titter A Burns aro doing great fork plowing with their big caterpil lar engine. They are now plowing for James I'elton, nnd are breaking sod to n depth of from eight to ten Inches. Thero Is going to bo rontld cranio farming dono In the vnlley this year. J. W. Cox Is going to have 400 acres In wheat and oats, which wilt make, approximately, 1,000 acres In tho valley this season, nnd every In dication points to n bumper crop. Utter A Burns are preparing to start up their saw mill, nnd will prob ably have It running full cnpnclty h thn fore part of the month. The Adams dredge, which has been working on the dykes the past two cars In reclaiming the Abner Weed swamp land, burned Sunday night at 5 o'clock. Kverythlng was burned down to the deck, destroying all the machinery. FRENCH AVIATOR FALLS SEVENJNDRED FEET While Attempting to t'leale u New lUni.nl. nml riylng One Hundred Mile mi Hour, Hit Aeivplnno Slid ilenly t'nlliwri United Press Service PARIS, April 30. Jules Vedrlnes, ulilln i.nili'iuorliiK to rrento n unw record from Dounl to Mndrld, nud Hying nt nearly n hundred miles an hour, his aeroplane suddenly col Inpied nud he fell seteli hundred feet I He was hurried to n hospital, v. hern It was found ho had u compound frac ture of the sUull nt the Imso and top land also Internal Injuries, The phy sicians sny he has it chance for recov ery. Jules VedrlueK Is the man who re Icently nindo an effort to Im eluded In n annt In Dm IMinmber of Dalilltles. innklng his eninpnlgu In his aeroplane and thoroughly covering ine unmet ho wished to represent. Ho lost thn election by a tery small margin, nun nt once contested the election, with good chances of still gaining his desires. BY EVANGELIST WHISTON ii o x is iv 'r it ? t V. Ii. Tiirpln A. W,. Turplii (llefiifotwd Minrretti lluUdtai). 17 POWKMi HTIII.hT. AT MAHKhTf, NAN PIIAN0HM7 llwiins AVItli private hatli, kw.tHi fir day upi without h,.nt Jf, KuiniHiiii plan. ' oli phoiM hi -' rnoij'. KAHTKIl ,otM llf Interest to all muilo 0Hri urn i.leiillfat horn, Nt tnl do wo ahow n splendid srrsr nf Planus, Violins, Mamlollai t!ljliinelas nnd Cornels, wa nro nl.ii pruparml to fur. nlsh you Hlrlngs, Bridge,, not, Harps and other parts. ' Two Cliirlonnllrs, allghtly used, less than whidnssln, 0o Cornet. 113.(10 Klaht (lulUf, at n bargain. II. J. WIN'JPISVESI liter) thing promises u great meet- lug nt the Christian church tonight, I when Evangelist Whlslon wilt speak on "Faring One's Record," He wilt attempt to show that the cry "hypo- I'rlfn' U lupctv llin ali.rL rrr nf the Iskepttc and the enemy of the church. The male quartet wilt sing "Tlioi Church In the IMlo" by request. Tho special rhart used tonight lias aim lirnt requested. It night's audi- leuce lienily rilled the hulldlnKi " 'come early If you want n good st. fotinT I'lnn and Ninth. I Mrs. lllanche Kemp hasn'st recelt ed a shipment of pew shapes, flowers, Istlckups nnd novelties, GARDEN HOSE Y Just received. A fresh factory ihli of rubber nnd cotton hoie. Two i tirades of rubber-4 ply aid 7 ply, 1 fully guaranteed. Also an excellent quit, lty of cotton hose. No year old stock, all this ycar'a output. Prfcea right-no high. er than that of Inferior goods. WM. cMHURN N. PRINTING ON TIME . .Our facilities enable us, to deliver any job of printing promptly, and always by the time agreed upon. We deliver the finished work not excuses-and it's good work. too. Call on us for every thing in the printing line, and be assured ot prompt and efficient service. t AM) after Maaer's Over, With laughter, fun and Jolt, Let's drink a cup of coBe, And blow a cloud of smoke." You can do this with Input. lty when you dine at the I'tlsee. After srvlng you a well cooked dinner with tho choicest B)U to treat your friends with, a III servo you delicious roles and a cigar, whose frsgrues will linger In your mssiory "like Hie vase In which have onra bten distilled." tiik iMict: (mux - W. O. SMITH PRINTING CO. HCRALO BUILDING, FOURTH STRCCT CTWCCN MAIN AND KLAMATH I Everything in Music at , mW i9 oJf KDr. m Anti-Pdm P'J. .Ill tt L-- .4 mMmmmmTmwWmffTIIiriimMmmmmmmmmWmmmmmme I Will I1D1U VOII. I i T . fmf A Clean Scalp And Healthy Hair Many of jour friends have found that a luiurUnt gruvlb of htlr--soft nnd glimy- snd n sralp free from dandruff, will result from tho mo of NV.W.'K IHHMUTOMK ' This Is the procedure Wash tho hair with warm rater nnd a puro soap-rlno thor mxlily rtiti tho scalp with a stiff brush apply lllrsutone rub It In well nnd dry tho hair before combing. I'lenio understand that lllrsutonn Is not merely a hslr wsih It Is u tonic- -a food, While It thorough!) tlrnnr, It alwi pretcnl. Iwr- leilal arlloii nuurUlien ami stliiiiil-ilra (lie root of the lialr rrinotr all ilaudniT prrvrnt It rrluni and pri'M'rtr Hie natural iN-atily ami color of (lie hair. Nyal's lllrsutonn should b!s ou your dressing table. It sells nt SO rents and f I ,P" tho bottle. U N J) 15 R W O O D'ISI , SPRING MEDICINE FOR THE BLO OD ( KliMth Mis lisic Huse oia HeftreeraUUre of 8HKRMAN CIY OO.'S PIANO, tae aTKINWAV, aad otaer UaAteg Plaaisj, Alae the Famous BALD WIN PtAlfO. Otaer asakea at asod. ante prleej. Taalag aad) Repalra. Acaacrfar white aawiNti machinsv, OUVKR TVFKWIUTBft AND VICTOR TAtalNG HACHINK Books, BtatioaerK and Plctorea Two Ikmrs Raat of the Postoalcc R. MAOaKN. toarietor t.; L lil; im a win neip yoti, t have helpeid o'r Goo I for all V ill t it Ucl to rcIicvejNtur I', a, 1 a ache, Kcrvnuiigti ntfi u Sciatica, KidricA i'ain , 1 if.-, I.Qfoninlt.r Atix -, -!. tLcl aiomso-aciic, ijAr el.rt -, Jr lability .inU, for iam in lh iisit of tlic LoJyX t "I htie ulicnjy.7 I,ccm huIiJc t tu ntur.ilcla nnJ batu sufffn 1 froni It for yrur. WhllS-vi. Uhw mj nt ami suffering fromfe.no of llio oM atlaclis, lio brouclitvhin u st rl X)t. Mile' Antl-lMlrAX'lx. I urrf tlim as illrcctr.l nndJu'tr tsll , them It wh ilia fit xt in. In cars tho neuni'S'a ccasfit frorilhii ma or medicine." ill.B. n. r, JIOWAI.D. AQ1 Urccno m Cowafihe, IHcfi. At all drui-nl:ts. S3 i.'si.u lie. MILga MgQICAL CO., Blknart, Intf. a Tho old-fosblonod custom of taUlug a bjood-purlfylng mUturo each spring Is a salutary ono. Kiperlcnco IkdU proved tho wisdom of ridding the blood nml tissues of rofuso matter nud other Impurities nt this season. If used with the proper dogreo of regularity during the month of spring, a rellablo "blood remedy" will nugment the elimination of cxcromentltlous matorlals from tho system, enrich tho blood, stimu late glnndulnr activity, Incrcaso tho appetite, Improve digestion, re lievo languor and fortify the general economy against disease. Web, red blood, an nctlvo brain, n vigorous body and n marked buoyancy of spirit frequently results from tho uso of a single bottlo of a simple, woll-proparcd mixture of the tlmo-trlod herbs, harks, roots nnd alteratives. A. D, 8. lllood Homed Is universally esteemed as a "spring mod Icine," becauso of tho cxcoptlona! purity of Its wcll-clioscn Ingrcdl. ents and tho skill with which It Is prepared. This preparation Is particularly honollclal for tliouo who uro "run clown," lacking In energy or otherwise depressed, physically or men tally. - A. I). H. Illoocr-lleroedy Is absolutely frco from mercury, arsenic or other Injurious HuXtaiices, end Is well adapted to tho require ments of both the youthful and aged. , kBBaCBSLsljaT 'I aP K I I dMS -', WHITMAN DRUG CA T T IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR HEALTH " 1'I.AYIMl A HTAIt I'XllT In nil homes Is our oiptrt plumbing work ami htih gudc Matures. They are scoring suc cesses everywhere, and no won der. Wo eiorcUe the grcsteit rare nnd skill with oury Job we undertake, using the very lit mntoflnls and devoting proper time to It. All our fliturrs romo from the lending mkM. II. ;. nrrcley TOAMalnrlt. I'lione ITI is " SEli CLYDE E. WITTER PHONE 1221 MAIN ITHBET 1 s Before hnvlnd WS . il your Plumbing done Fint clan work n low pncei pi . ! ... 8iim21'i,:(i I j$ A AMrr!.- iszLimisgt--. ' i . si -c - - ' rHar ba Vt.r , , ia.a'1 a I ' 4 I 4 I