The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 30, 1912, Image 1

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    TJyf (ft ' i
..muflh UV flPmfmt
tntw """" WKW- ""N11
., smeiBaaamaa an a aa
- s
xfwmxm mnrwrArwM
pimrr m man, hot amonr
tilth Yrsr ,'45
nle mftott
i.wvkiw piihhmt arguments
0,11 Will lletuU lt Termination TliM
Ktrol'l mill IhiWIo Will Frolw-
,. in .limit Until Tnm-rlH
. Hulimllteil by (.'unit
'hc m IIU
suit u( II. F. Mur-
. . . .. !. ...........
inch tl. Ibr tnemneni oi .uniur
Court. Juil vVunlru mid CommU
.!.. H. T Hummer nnd 0.
Merrill. "' undoubtedly 'each '
KtmlBillou thin evening, with Ilia
Mulbllllr "I mi evening session of
. . ., -. ... ......i. ....
litrourl. iiduiu mm newinn.i.
n Jml ' will uka ,n0 nul
r nndfr ihlmrnt, following tho
rtnlpl of the Iralitcrlpt of the trail-
noor tr t'ourl Hcorier itieiieruwui,
tilth "III 1"" 'it ''I" nl Marsh
KM. It fell been clearly Intltnnled, even
lirlsg Ike trlnl of Dip case, that no
Uttr what Judge Cnke'a decision
rt. Iti' !" 'Mr It 1 lid taken to tlir
rotrt of Uit retort In Oregon.
AritmHtiti lll finish thU evening.
Tisnrtt nUr was insde by the plain
tie, Mr. Murdoch, who U n practising
itternty. The poind he rltlrny mi
ll OS eerr1
I IUi tlir county rniiri the right
U rttnou it.c county tent, ami arc
Itacfnot ncredlng tlirlr authority In
lMtlln( to ilo KIT
I Are they nut treating n volun-
1 iBlrltrdiict anil again thereby
4lag tholr authority!1
1 Are lliry not eirredlng tlirlr
rttr In acquiring a plat of
I to which the county could get
I ssrasiirnt right to or authority
Jilt Thnma Drake for the conn-
!,reanilMloncr itwrlt forrlhlr on
llfett anil efficacy of the leglila-
itMCtmcnt of I $93, lift quoted
tbr Oregon Irgltlatlv act
tier It M that the name of thin
teilii In cnnfimloii, anil rltril what
UUiUtnl wat a I'inatlllA raw, par
ilkttotbti Klamath one, and wherein
k pointed out that after the lrglila
tire tlJ cliancc.t the hoiindarle of
ttlilt rittrd with the county court
t mVe whalrvrr illtintltlon le
ftOM o( the fount)- iral. The (teople
Utlig onrn otrd on the auhject they
M to further right, In low, tn Intor
Hiilt, for l lie doing of the net rett
Ivltk the county court, and that U
ill Ihry were elected to do. I In
Hata out that the plalntlfT contend
HUM the leglilaturo of 1119 M
Mlpotrnt nhrii It mirlo the name
Lhitlltf, hut ill. puled their authorl
Iftonuke ntl.r IK93. Klamath
rilU. The multiir n up to the leg
"Uturc JuiIkd Drake aald, after one
tot In ll9, ntul nt no other llmo did
lit ItiUhiiire ileiluti the boundarlcn
"HI 119!, whin limy ilrilgnaled It
m It U toJiy rim pottnl department
l Vuklnttnn inn long iinro rerog
IM It ai Klamnlh Kalli.
Tie court will ho nddrveand by At-
rtwr C, V. Hluun nnd Attorney K. II.
for the defrme. and then Attoo
,1"' C Ilulenlr will cloie for tho
Irit wlinen vxamlned In tho
JWIbi ir.ilon win County Clerk
"P. who . tdaced on tho Hand
t ufrnio In verify a deed which
Hpeneaei tho ruudltloni of nrevloui
ilioila cntnrml Into hotWeen the Kliiiu-
nlh Development lompnny mid ihnl
county court In Umt it revoked tin
clnui. In it,,, W0 provio,,, ,(r
liienla whereby Dm niiiouut wnn mil
reipecllvely at UOO.nuo nt , n,
IIUU.DUO, almmtonliiK n. (W(, fn. .
tiinx nnd Irnvlng It to ., jllae-
nuinl of all conmrned to reit micli n'
ililldlng on thn five ncrn truel In
lilocK 10, Hot Hprlngi nilillllon n
mny he deiermlned. i
In rpl in Attorney llulenlc. tl,.. I
county clerk U(mI that tliln (led hmt .
imt been accepted by Klnmnlli rniinlv '
wncu Attorney Itlitenle proi ceded to
btplalu III the wllueeii I hit taw will.
relation to the undemanding hetwreti '
two parllee, n grantor and grantee, in
n i outran nnd to get hl vlw In the
ni.lller an objection win rnlted lit
Attorney Drnke,
Thli." ha .nhl, -a not n law '
rrlntol. We further objrrt mi Ih.i Today It the I ant day for filing p.
ground that the alturtiey It putting llll"n" ,l,r nomlnatlona for city offlcri,
word Into lli wlinrai' mnulh " !'" '"' Miicil on nt the election to be
Ihli leatlmnuy concluded the iimlii ,'"1'1 "" U)r !0,,, "lr letllloni
CLun. eml after n brief conference bo- '" ,M" t,","! "' b" 10 conlett
tween thn Inwjert for the defeiite. , f"r "'" "mco "' rIJr Iroaturer, and
Mi-tire, Drake. nd Mill-, tin ""riellmeii from the Kint nnd fourth
foillier Htinounred thai the detente war,1' ll'ern being Hie petition of
would ret. ""I? "'if candidate Died for theto oftV
The flrkt wltuett mi rebullnl ,";' Tl'" r"r",," ' 'e evcral
Aniime Cuttel, hi told or bit kno.t- 7. ,,
leilr.e of thU .ecilou during itcutr .. "!.V"r'!' 1' ",,",,,,r,," T. )ean' r .r.. Tli i..... i T .. "V . . ,"",C" ,l"",' A ,fc
I'lu'i mi" j. ii. aon; ror treai
urer, J V Hlcment: for reuncllnirn:
I Mil! roil IIMXH iiv CANDI.
Hleiueu foi Trea.urrr. florller and
SiivlilKe for t'otinrllmeii Have no
0ihIIi,ii Two Count llinrii to Ite
i:itl In Third Wanl Willi Tliree
l'iilrliH.-.TMo Candidate for Kach
of Other Orllrea
United rreig Berttae
IIOHTON, April 30 An ei-prli-
oner ay that picheion told the
prlton oltlclaU that he may become a
Catholic prlett. He laye that Rlcbe-
ton la very nerrooa, and imokei eon
WtNr:i)HATlUtlAV the city regUtratlon book.
."jw-openetl In accordance with
JJJwJWom of the new charter 117
ZJJ" " bocn added to tka roll.
" book cloied "under tka oU
Id-,, """ i eoi nHMrN
rj. ud th nddltloni ilnce that
brought tho total up to 78.
-laWoTy '" '"In open for raa
i -"i7p.m.Mayl6,
ofllrn wna nl llamriud't place, went of!
(Ytilir, on Main, block 3.1. It re
uinlurd there until the big tire oc
curred, Hnplember flth. I. 'rim
ruiirt bonne wnt In the caitcrn end of
l.lilkvltte hotel Mr (.'until ttated
he hnd beffii potlmatter for the, ten.)
"When you were pnnlmailer," ntk-
ed Judgn Drake, In Croat viamlnatlnti.
"Mvi you pMtmnilrr of l.lnkvllle or
Klimnth Palli!"
Of Klamath Kallt," vat the reply
"lirtlilr being potlmniler and iiir
eyor, what other buitneti have you
been In?" Drake Hiked,
"I ran n brewery," wt the nntwer
tConllnued on I'ago 1)
I lrt ward, J, P. dueller; 8econd
ward, II i:. Waltenburg and K. I).
Mlli. Third ward, B. C. (Ireeley, C.
II I'nilorwood, John Hamilten:
Kourth Ward, Herbert Havldge; Fifth
ward, M, It. Doty nnd W. O. Iluton
In the Third ward there nro two coun
cllnien tn be elected.
Word, ha been received from Mitt
Abblo J." Carpenter of (Irnml Itapldt,
arcvpllng the iotltluu of Intirurtor
In. iloinedlo tcluncu mnl art In the
County high tchnol. Mint Carpenter
will nil tho vacancy earned by the
resignation of Mlt Tultle. who hat
Accepted a potlllou nl (told Hill for
licit )var.
MIm carpenter It n woman of wide
enperlrnro at n teacher, n grndualv of
the Houtli Dakotn ttnlo college and of
the Chicago Unlu-rtlty. She lenvet
the ponlllnn bf Inttructor of ilomeMIr
clence nnd nrt In thn (Irnml Itnpldi
achooU to tnke up the work here. Hhe
will not only InMruot the first nnd
tecnnil year work In Ihn high tcliool,
but will continue tho work In the Sev
enth and Klghth grade In the city
tchoolt, nnd nlto orgnnlro nn oxtcn
alon department, which will ntlempt
to reach the vnrloiu parln of the
county with Inttrucllont.
ThU la n fonturo of tho achool
which It la expected will develop more
and imue, m well nt along the line
of ngrlculturo, manual training nnd
the commercial dupnrlmrnt,
C. I). Chortien't'ir hai Jutt doted a
ery tiircetiful tem of school at Lo-
rella. He will ;xnd a few dayii In
the city attending to builnrti matt-tr
and will then leave for Batcm to
pend the summer with hit mother
nnd. to take a medal learhara' course.
Mr. cnnrpening""wfft return here In
the fall and will again teach school
In Klnmalh county.
The city registration books nre
open for registration nt the city hall,
and will roinnln,oion until May 16.
Thero nro quite a number of voter
who failed to register before llio spe
cial election. Home liornuso the) ror
got to and a grcnt ninny becaimo
they did not understand win ws
necessary to register twlco, once for
tho county nnd nl' for Iho city elec
tions. According to the charter no
person will ho intltlod to vote unlets
ho I registered na u votor.
J, n. Cochran arrived In the city
from Medford last night to look nfter
some business matter heforo leaving
for Canada, whero he expert to lo
cate If he find condition satisfac
tory. j. r, Morrell, owner of (Ireenflold
farm, wa over from Medford to M
tend the auction aale lait Saturday.
The miction nt the (Ireenfleld farm
Inst Haturduy was not largely at
tended About 100 head of thorough
bred bogs wero sold. The farm was
otcrstockrd, and It became necessary
for the owners to dispose of at least
n portion of the stock. Whllo In some
Instance thn hngt brought fancy
prices. In most cites they sold at fig
ures within reach of the average
fnrmcr Alt of the stork sold will go
to farmer of tho Klamath llasln.
C. K, Ilo) t It remodeling the gal
lery of the Sparks theater. The largo
electric plnno will bo placed In the
front of tho theater, and n number
of other nllcrntlons mnde to mako
the operating room nnd the gallery
morn commodious nnd convenient.
The (ioiernuient I Asked for an
Appropriation to Install Colic
Hon of Tlirlr WcaHns at the West
I'olut Military Academy
United I'ress Service
WASHINGTON. D. C, April 30.
A collection of weapon of the Philip
nine tribes I In bo mado and Installed
at tho West Point military academy.
Old weapons of tho Spaniards of the
Inland will nlto bo Included.
(Irnernl Harry, supcrlntedent of the
West Point academy, has nsked con
grot to appropriate I'M l kl "
lulu styles of weapon which have be
come senrco In tho Islands, nnd owned
only by prlvnlo collectors.
Tho director of the Philippine con
stnbulnry will superintend tho col
lection of the Flllpltto weapons, which
It I plannod will represent tho mili
tary history nnd evolution of even the
most savage tribe.
I Vlnltlng Rnunsevelt
J, F. Olive of Cuba, N. Y., accom
panied Nelson Uounsevcll from New
Pine Creek, and will remain with Mr.
Rounsovell In Klamath Fall for a
few day to look ovor the city. He
arrived In New Pine Creek from New
York Inat Tuesday In response to a
telegram from Mr. Rouuwvell, tell
lug him of the new itrlke.
Jack Palmer, Indicted Jointly with
Flnley Wilson for Introducing Honor
rn the Klamath Indian reservation,
waa found guilty, In ten minute by a
jury In the federal court In Portland.
Iloth are Indian, jvnd Wilson waa ac
quitted of iho chajfce, aa the evidence
showed that Palmer brought the
liquor on the reaeWatlon and WIUo
was given a drink and handed It to
another Indian, i
Nelion Kounsarell, the local real
estate man, retirned last evening
from New Pine Creek, where he went
about three week ago at the begin
ning of the gold jxcltement at High
grade. Mr. Rountevell waa In at the
flrit rusk, and got. hoM of aoaso good
property, both wihln and adjoining
the town of New Ptee Creek. He
speak In glowing terms of tke pro
Dvwrtaset of Interior la Willis to
IHtcontbme Operatlow of Canal Be
low lvltt Tract If Heeiiieata of
CMy Acquire Control of the Veated
Water Right Which Are Now
Owned Privately
had more boat. Captain Lardner
aid that eighteen or twenty women
were among tke bodlea recovered.
Much Jewelry wa taken off, the men
and women, but he did not know how
much cash."
pecta In the new jd!' and haa
bnifcew ui uvuetby Investments.
"New Pine Creek," said Mr. Roun-
sevell, "la a very pretty little place In
the center of a rich valley, lying be
tween tho hills and along the ihore
of (loots Uke, which la skirted by
the new railroad. The valley la pro
tected from froet. and they raise all
kind of fruits, berries and vegetables
In addition to alfalfa and grata. Ev
ery two or three miles there are
good sited creeks coming down from
the mountains, the flow of which are
used to Irrigate the land In the val
ley. Practically ercry ranch haa It
own water for Irrigation from Jhese
"The valley Is two or three mile
vide, and extend from Lakerlew
long the east shores of (loose Lake.
nero Is approximately 60,000 acres
of rich valley land within a radius
of fifteen mile of New Pine Creek.
"Tho Hlghgrade mines are between
seven and eight mllea right up the
mountain aide, with a real good road,
where the mow Is off, leading to tke
mine. There are at least four proven
properties developed to such an eg-
ti nt that their richness and value are
fluly demonstrated.
"The Sunshine ha admittedly the
best ahowlng. It I the only one I
went through while there. They have
a four-foot ledge that carries good
value clear across. On the banging
wall there I a rich streak from seven
Inches to twelve Inches wide that car
ries valuea from (1,000 to 115,000 a
ton, a treak of very rich ore.
"Probably 300 people came Into
Now Pine Creek during the three
week I have been there, and out of
these about 100 are now camped up
on tne mountain sine, proapecuioj
along the anow line aa fast aa the
now goes off. Real estate Is ad
vancing rapidly in the town, and to
changing hands very fast. About
thirty buildings are going up right
now, all or which were started within
the last three week. Many more are
contracted for, and will be atarted na
toon a the material can be brought
Mr. Hounievell expect to return
to New Pine Creek about tho laat of
the week. After running hla Brush
runabout over the rocks 'and moun
tains and through mud without the
least trouble, It blew up Just after ha
started for home. He left It by tan
side of the road, and purchased n new
car In Ukevlew. C. O. Olive, n for
mer partner of Mr. Rouneevell In
Manhattan, Nev. waa left In charge
of the office and to represent, him dur
ing hla absenea.
Mr. Rounseveu itatae that J. leott
Taylor, who accompanied him to the
new district, etpeeta to print the tat
Issue of his new paper neat iaturdejr.
Project Engineer W. W. Patch of
the United States reclamation service
ha received a copy of a communica
tion from the flret assistant secretary
of the Interior, addressed to the di
rector of the reclamation service, In
which he makes a statement regard
ing the attitude of tho government
with respect to a portion of the Anke-
ny canal running through the reeldent
district of Klamath Fall.
The letter Is as follews:
"Oepsrtment of the Interior, Wash
ington. D. C, April 16, 191S.
"Director of the Reclamation Service:
"Sir My atentlon haa been called
to various mstters In regard to the
occupation by the government of
right of way for the Ankeny canal
within the limit of the city of Klam
atb Falls, Oregon, and to the unsst-
Isfsetory conditions necessarily re
setting from the use of said canal
within the city limits.
It appears that certain residents
of Klamath Falls have suggested that
they acquire control of the vested
rights to the us of water from thta
canal, and thereafter release the
United States from Its present obliga
tion to supply water therefrom. The
purpose of these residents Is to In
uiM.tMuautM mates whh .
atloaa on the lower portion of the
aald Ankeny canal which will be prac
ticable In case the vested rights In
question can be eliminated or satis
fled by some other means.
"The depsrtment would be willing
to discontinue further operation of
aald canal below the land known a
the Leavltt tract In case the United
State were relieved of It present ob
ligations to furnish water to said
vested Interests below said tract.
Upon satisfactory evidence that the
United Statea has been relieved of
tueh obligation the right of way In
question would no longer be used by
the United 8tates, and no objection
on lti part would be made to such
disposition thereof aa may be made
by those entitled to control the same.
You are authorised to Instruct the
supervising engineer to act In accord
ance herewith. Very respectfully,
"First Assistant Secretary.'"
Bolammatloa of tsmay Brings Out
Hundreds oMCager SpectatorsHe
la Excused, However, and Will Re
turn to England
United Press Service
WASHINGTON, April SO. Senator
Smith announced that be Intend to
close the titanic hearings this week.
Thirty omcers and crew of the ship
have left for New York to go to Eng
land aboard the Adriatic.
E. J. Dunn, a Beech Hurst, L. 1.,
salesman, testified that aa unnamed
man told him that a telegram an
nouncing the sinking of the Titanic
waa received at the White Star Office
Monday, April IS, before a. m. He
aald he bad given hla word not to re
veal hla Informant's name.
Senator Smith la determined to
force Dunn to reveal the source of hi
The newa that Ismay waa to be re
examined brought hundreds of spec
tators to the hearing. Ismay waa ex
amined for two hours. He was cool
and Indifferent. He admitted that
Captain Smith was n guest at a "mil
lionaire dinner" just before the col
lision. Iamar was exeussd this after
noon, with the understanding that
when he returns to England hs will
return here for further examination
if desired.
He denied that he censored newa of
the disaster, and admitted that more
Uvea cmM have been saved If they
NEW YORK, April JO. A has le
Turkey Trot! Conipeui la Dunny
Hug' Down with the OrUily Besrt
After month of wriggling, writhing,
Jumping, shuffling dance, Droadwsy
has quit. No more the rousing strslru
of "Alesnder's Dsnd." "You Great
Big. Beautiful Doll," "The Ragtime
Violin" wilt send the couples careen
ing about the glassy floor of the ball
room tike whirling dervishes. For a
new dsnee, a "respectable" dance has
It began on the stage of one of the
winter cabaret (bow during the sea
son, and when Broadway, surfeited
with dances thst resembled a cloie
clinch In a pHxe ring first saw th
new departure It gasped, turned away.
r.lghed, and then looked back. For
there I not a single half-Nelson or
strangle hold In the new creation. For
that reason It 1 called the "No Clasp
Units." It differ In only one ma
terial from 'the old fashioned waits,
and that I that from the beginning of
the dance the partner do not o
much as touch hands. There ! ab
solutely no hug. All hold are barred.
Droadwsy follower of Terpsichore.
who have Lcn used to the close har-
mu. effect of modern dancing found
t io-clasp effect rather difficult at
first, but they aro growing used to
It, and the dance Is becoming 'exceed
ingly popular.
Thousand of Relatives at Pier en Ar
rival ofMariuy Besmett wMh Re
Cargo of Dead
Wreck Deck Covered wfeh (
of Deed Bodies, 1
and tn Horrible I
Clarence Lauderbaugh arrived last;
uinui irora nil noma in ouuu iui7
to visit with his sIsMr. Era, at Bo
nanza. Clarence wa formerly a reel
dent of Bonanta, but left there about
eleven year ago, and thta Is bis flret
visit since leaving the country.
Arrangement wore made last night
for holding a Chautauqua assembly
in Klamath Falls during the week
comemnctng June 3, when a Confer
ence wa held by the director of the
Chamber of Commerce with Charle
V. Fisher, of Ogden, Utah, western
representative of the Chautauqua
Managers' Asoclatloa.
Klamath Fall now has Its Ly
ceum Course for the winter' months
fully established, and the Interest
shown In these entertainments would
Indicate thai there la sufficient sup
port here to warrant a Chautauqua
assembly during the summer. The
Chamber of Commerce has -had the
matter under consideration for some
time, and If the first season, prove
successful the Chautauqua for Klam
ath Fall will be mado permanent.
The assembly as arranged for this
summer will com immediately after
the Elk' Rodeo, and It I probable
that a great many visitors to the Ro
deo will remain over tor the other
event. Definite arrangement have
not been made aa to Jutt where the
assembly will be held. It wss first
planned to have It at the Island below
the city, but on account of transpor
tation that ha been practically aban
doned. It 1 probable that a place
will be secured within the city and
that tenU will be used, as there Is
no building at present In the city
suitable for the purpose.
United Press Service
OAKLAND, April SO. The retrial
of Harry Preecott tor the murder of
Ralph Thompson haa been est for
May ltd. ball waa fixed at "110,000.
Preecott may raise this amount.
LOST A Knights Tashplar watch
charm, .Finder win he rewarded
by rsturnlaVaam tfowner.' Geo. J,
Walton, Llght'nVWnter Co.
IO-4t '
United Pre Service
HALIFAX, N. 8., April SO. The
cable stesmshlp Mackay BeaaeM,-es-
Ignsted as the "coffin ship," with II
bodies aboard, two being theme of
women, docked here this morning.
The body of John Jacob Aster waa
Identified by Jewelry and cards in tke
pockets. A hundred and sixteen eth
er bodies were found at the ecene of
the wreck of tke Titanic, but their
condition precluded their being
brought here. They were burled nt
Aa the vessel docked tke ehureh
bell tolled and flags were half-masted,
while the blue Jackets policed tke
pier, barring all except those bearing
passe. A the Mackay Bennett ap
proached pile of bodlea on the decks
were visible, some packed in lee and
wrapped In burlap, while others were
upcovered. with arm and heads vie
yle. Amidships, when a huge tar
(aulln was lifted, enormous groups of
dead were disclosed. They lay hi
cramped positions with s
faces, the features distorted
grimacing and staring horribly.
HALIFAX, April SO. A body ssp-
resedty that of Geo. Wldeners, with
frau ci lWN,- -u- 'i
Identity. 'TB-sleeThfv
Strau were both coffined. There
were no bodies found that bore buHet
marks. The condition of nil the
corpses were horrible. They were
frotea, discolored and battered, aad
many unrecognisable. It Is said that
those burled at sea were even la a
worse condition.
There were thousands at the pier
awaiting the arlval of the "eomn
ship," snd there was practically a
panic as the relatives viewed the dis
torted faces, many of them seeking
In vain for those they hoped to And.
Hlldebrand-Chlppe Msrrlasje
A wedding that comes aa n surprise
to all save the most intimate friends
of the contracting parties was aeteas
nlsed yesterday afternoon, when Mrs.
Pleasant Poaton Hlldebraad bseeme
the wife of William Clay Cblpps. The
marriage ceremony was performed at
the Presbyterian parsonage by the
Rev. Mr. Stubblefleld.
Dinner waa served later to the meet
Intimate friends of tke bride, and
ome of. the oldest patrona of the pop
ular boarding house which Mrs. Ella
Potton, the bride's mother, has on-
ducted during the last year, at the
corner of Seventh aad High streets.
Needless to ssy, the guest did, ample
Justice to the repast; In whose prepar
ation Mr. Postoa was assisted by her
friend, Mrs. Glddlags, who very kind
ly volunteered her Invaluable services.
The charming bVlde, who Is well
known tn Idsbo snd California, was
an Illustrator of some note until fall
ing eyesight, due to overstrain, com
pelled ber to abandon her chosen pro
fession, much to the disappointment
of those who recognised her as the
possessor of an unusual degree of
artistic talent, aa well aa mental at
tainments which would have placed
ber In the front ranks of her pro
fession. She I a relative, through
her mother, of the late Edward Bel
lamy, famous a the author of "Look
ing Backward," and other sociological
work. She waa the recipient of a
number of beautiful and valuable
The groom I ons of the most pep
ular druggist amongst the younger
set of Oakland. Calif., a young man
of starling worth of character, aad
well merits the prise he hi
Mr. and Mrs. Chlpps wIM
their honeymoon at Mrs. Poetoa's
homestead near Dairy, aad later wlN
make their home In Oakland, , ,
The best wishes of a multltu4e,af.
friends ana acquaintances
them on their voyage aerestsw'nM';
ofmatrimeW. ' i?TOY.
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