$'" Mt f bmina Kef aid. nd $ v ,errumiTWM irMNKIWIMIN WI1M MWinM ' print the bewb, vovaaiMHr I !-. r"ajjl "vm ', i m -No. 1.740 KLAMATH PALLS, ORHOOB, WEDNESDAY, APRIL aM, tf II IDIAN WAS SUPINE WHEN FATALLY SHOT (ONER'S INQUEST ,& puautiually unit fOCHlTlAI' POINT IN HLAV. MOrOMIIKlKHMITH HV I yd am WALBKH gtt hU balance. At thn time I had been holding to try to kep him from falling and gat him toward the itrcet. I had Ut go or him when thn ahot waa Brad, for I had looked over hit the officer draw to gat IJa. H waa deeply lab wretovcred.br the phy MM, without acar, wi mt Chief ' ,0"M " r.iktf raiar " ..-. Lm amttb. when tba latter wm -IXll flat on hU back Waa tba aWUtt of the tMllmoay offered at Z. i..t which waa atarta4 thU Bam "--- praUg it the Whltlock uaderteh m tirlart by Coroner Rarl Whit v r - . .. !. Mi fie iineaeee woo warw at u U. of the killing practically ail a kit left .boulder on tht ground, k left arm doubted up agaleat It, title with hli rUht ba waa braadltb toe Wale r'a mere, which action Uri el tU right ehoulder off tba ground, let tae wltnree contradicted tbla evl lay, tktt bring Charlaa I. Craae, tie btlleTvd that tha Indian waa kieklu end daggering whoa tha fitoi (H rourird Ita way through lh heart. The tretlmonr of Dr. Roy llballton, who, with Or. Mo Cbll tea, performed the autopay oa tba de I krare, allowed that Iho bulla M mt through the fleshy part of a later aMe of tha left arm about lathe from tha elbow pelat. : out on tho upper alda of tba , at a point about ona Inch to Mt tf Ike median line, aedfbut I pie lackee from tho elbow mtfal. It Sea entered the body aboafoae Inch lew tad one Inch to tip left of tha Ml tipple, couralng to ajbolat toward I us taak a abort dUtaala batow aad tithe left of tha rlfAt aboulder dded tbara. Tba without acar, waa aaBwa at tattaeet Ihla mornlag. aad tnptt and tblny aa though It m lei performed a fatal Mlaaloa. At at tin, apparently, bad It toaebad a tea la the body of tba ladlan to ton It waa a death messenger Coroner Karl Whltlock waa In chine of ihr namlnatloa UU mora let, allh a Jury compoeed of tba fol Welti: llalph Vaughn, David Kan yea, William H. rieh, Fred llouatoa, Oeene Holder and Charlea Roberts. Dktrlct Attorney Dell V. Kuykea- tall acted aa nmclal Inqulattor far tba eereatr. while Attorney C. M. Oaelll u on hand apparently to rapraaeat metae and relative of tba daad wire. Charlea J. rerguton waa oSU Hal itenoirapher for tba hearing. Ai a prelude to tha eiomtnatloa of vltaeaie tho coroner conducted tba Jtrort to the morgua room, where ba mowed to tdrm tba corpaa of Sailth. deaonatratlng tha couree of tha but a a ahown by tha autoaay. The Drat wltneaa called waa Chaa. 1 Crane, who aald that aeeerdlag to on Judgment tha hilling happtaed between 8 and 16 minutes after II day beforo yeaterday. He la culo 4taa of tho Wleland bottling worka, here the whlatle blew at noon, aad e and nth-r there aUrted for thalr tuner. Ho cut acroaa to Blith atraat toward the bUckamlth ahop. "Then aaw ona man make n man for another." ha testlfled. "Than I w the oftirer run to eeparate tha wo men. The Uller one had bla twthee all pulled, and his ahlrt waa Ht of hla panta. Tha oBeer yellaAK' w ae, 'Come over hera.Vao I jpait -. mo omcer and I trleavn fat fid of tho man, who keptMoving "! In hla pocket an out and HI kill you, you a of B-V Tha III koll you, you a of a!' Tha r itld, 'Have you af gun?' and I "a mm no. He thenlgave ma hU flub, but aoon took It tack aad hit man with It everaltlmee. Some "omen came up to ua al vuuea out hla gun. The! vi". he'll ahoot,' and y. The Indian wnau1 o man would alv n n mm, "7 went away ha aald ba would p. The officer aald to go over to Ua treat and get eoaae men.. Ha kept WUng for help, and that nana oth ' e over. Tho oalear bad tha ",Q( ht arm and two other mm m kli left. Tha Indian had get tha Mra club away fro Ma and waa Mf'lai. I had kla from behind with my handa gripping under aaek Jould,r. Ha bad the elub in hla wt hand, and aaagMj it aw trying to war officer with thn club again. Ma not down on the ground. Tho officer waa crouching. I thought the officer only ared to acarn the man. After tha ahot tha officer put hla gun In hla pocket, picked up hie helmet and waa howlag the people (landing by how tha ladlan had hit him. Tha club, I had taken from the Indian, waa apllt from tho haudln downward. I took the aamva of all thn people around there that I could get, and gava them to tlm coroner. They were all atraagera to me. I don't know if the policeman waa on hla kneoa when he fired the ahot, ho waa apparently iCoailnuH oa Cage 4) BMLLMUT DELE6ATI0H IS com from mm nf tliaat Itwet lltlted Preee Mervlea I'AKIB. April It. France baa nev er cent a more brilliant delegation to any foreign country. In tohen of pure friendship, than that which U en route to New York oa the maiden trip of tba new aea giant, "France," the Il.OQO-ton ahlo of tho Franca llae. Tho etart waa made oTTAprll 10, 'A buat representing "France," by Au- guetn Itodla, le being brought aloag reaenUtloa to the United Btatea In coflwaaanaV with the dedication of the Champlaln monument r are a number of tha moat dlatlngutihed men la Franca H. Oabrlel HanoUui, of the French academy, heada the commlaalon, which Includra a nura her of mlnlatera of the French gov ernment, aenatora, reprraentatlvea of Ihr Academy of Fine Arte, the French Institute, the Parle Chamber of Com merre, the Aero Club of France and a number of leading newapaper rorre- epondenta. Many lad lea of tha French nobility are alio In the party, France la eager to ahow Juat how warmly aba holda the United Btatea In bar'aateem. Tha delegation will go on to Washington, but other cltlea wlir be vlalted by part or all of Ita membera held up In thalr plana through tha neiny in getting title to the alte. and In ca, the government ahould dealre ii ui'iiii a hatchery, It would pros ably be i aaler for It to get the loca Hon than for the atate offlcara. Jfnwiver. It la almoat aaaurad that a hatchery will be located either by me atate or government. "A great deal will depend." aald Captain Umpeon, "on the eupply of trout and the poaalblllty or aecurlng egg for the hatchery. Wherever we take the ogga from the atreama we alwaya return IE per cent after hatch ing to the aame water from which we took the eiaa. It la aatlmatad percent of the egg are ........... ,, , urjlltr.1 Mr. lampion aaya that K la.' Important that tho etream and lake of thl aectlon ahould be kept well atorked with trout, aa tha flatting can be made one of the greateat attrac tion for tourlata and aportamen, and III bring hundreda of thouaanda of dollar to thl aectlon BASSETT WILL GIVE RECITAL t.AKT NUMHKR IN THK LYCEUM COUIMK WILL RK OIVKV TO NIOHT HY PROMINRMT HTAR FORD UNIVRHMTY RUN Tonight at HouatM'a opera houaa will ba given tha laat number of tba Klamath, Lyceum Bufead, when Pro Baaaatt will give .character Ooee 17, F.V.Holman 4, Mark Hotmee 4, Stephen Jewell I, A. A. Kadderly 4, Will R. King S, Jamcc W. Maloaey , Victor P. Moaaa I, Frank Raynolda t, Dan W. Rheabaa 4, Chaa. W. Bher man 147, John H. Stephenaon 3, Alex Swrek 7, Ludwlg Wllhetm t, Herman Wlee 11. Prraldant of tha United Champ Clark 171, Judaoa Harmon 14, Woodrow Wllaon 77 Firrtore of PrmMtkn. aad Vka Pree- Hugh McLaln 14S, Will M. Pefei- aoa 44. John M. Wall II. V. M. Wat tea 47. r. C. Wbltton IS. talked States HcnMft O. P. Coabow 14, Harry Lane tOI, Wartel M. Plcrea II. lit, Jamaa H. Claada O. Covey 111-, . ISMAY GUILTY OF WICKED INFLUENCE Knights af Pythias The regular meeting of the Knight of Pythias will ba bald I hi evening In the weet hall of the Odd Fellow' building. The rant: of Knight will be conferred on ten can dldalee, after which a banquet It to be aerved. All membera aad vlaltlng brother are cordially Invited to be present. WILL EXAMINE SPRING CREEK HUPKRINTKNDKNT OF OOVRRN MKNT FWRKRIKH WILL MARIS ItKPORT ON MTK FOR TROUT Captain W. II. Lampton arrived la tha city laat evening on hla way to Klamath Agency nnd Spring Creek, where be will Investigate a location for n United Btatea fleh.hatchery. Mr. Lampton U auptrlntendent of tba California branch of flaharlea, under tha department of commerce and la bor. One of tha principal trout hatcherlea oa tha coast It at Horn brook, Calif., which bandlea only tha rainbow apaclaa. There la alto a email trout hatchery at Bparkt, Nov., and aalmon bateharlea at Balrd, Bat tle Creak Mill Creak. tkat ba had beerf ordered to Invettl gata Spring Creek by tba department of commerce, and report oa ita avail ability u a alta for tba location of a ate hatchery. Aa Spring Creek teaa already been examined by tha atate game and nth eommlaalon and receiv ed favorable consideration, It would ettm that tha ettabltahment of n hatchery at thlt point waa praeueatiy aaaurad. Tha atate oRolale bare Man JUDGE RECOtO THWOH M TH BPEE UHJUO .acetes Jurist Covets Over ISeV .Miles Over One Section, Rev ived ha Sabwrb for Forty Years lor Judge Jamea C. Rlvee of alee county, California, holda rhahla record for travel over a of railroad. Judge Rlvea tha town of Dowueynrnttir morf thaa twelve milea from Lea An' geldn, and every week day for twenty aefea years aa aaa traveled Baca aaa rth between those two points. He holda the record of mora thaa ISO, 000 miles of travel over that aectlon of track, and haa teen that piece of roadbed built and rebuilt a doten timet, the equipment worn out and replaced at often, and haa never met with even the tllghteat accident. During all of thla time the ached ule of thla train haa not changed over ten mtnutea. Judge Rivet has been n resident nf Downey for forty-three year. dramatic who have beard Proft elate that tha number tonight witl one of the beat la tba entire o-ire. EKUC LOTTIRY IS rltfWDIYIMIIK lrocrd, Which WW He Uaed fat Army Aeroplanes, Am to Oaaae From Plan Which Premie tt Many Winners United PARIS, April 14. The MarquU de Dion propotea a gigantic lottery, the laat to be authorised by France, the proceed of which aball be uaed for army aeroplane. The total of 61,111 lot, representing 10,000.000 francs (14,000,000) would give a winner for each 110 ticket. Tha government haa declared no mora tterlee will be eautboriaed, but a ve It on foot among tha deputlea toet thla rule aside ror once, con tldtYIng tba object of the gamble. OFFICIAL VOTE IS COMPLETED KKtfULT OF PRIMARY KLBCTtON IH COMPILED LATB TUaaBDAY AFTRRNOON BY TaOt OFFICIAL BOARD Following la tha remit of Ua pri mary election In Klamath county, the count of which waa completed Tues day afternoon by Coanty Clark C. R. Da Lap, Justice J. O. Hamaker of Bo nanta aad Justice John Heatlg of Fort Klamath: tarleejatea to National Ofveweleai Charlea W. Aekermaa 111. O. C. Apptegate 417. Daniel Boyd II. Fred 8. Bynon 41, Homer C. Campbell T, Charlaa H. Carey I, Henry Waldo Cos 14, Chaa. H. Fry; 1, D. D. 8aH II, r W. Harrle T.Vj B.,Haetoi 1. Phil Metschea I. J. W. Mhrter t' Frank Pattoa 1, J. N. Smith M. A. T. Swift II. PaaJaaaiBlawaaa amf natnaft fTatanal teAtaaaaammw T'AwOtrleJ Wm wVlV VeBlnmmj aRtjaaWjwaajaaa-a Robert M. Ln Folletta III, Theo dore Roosevelt 4I. Wllttaaa H. Tall III. Electors of PrealaVnt and) Ttoa Presi- B.St ker lie. L.O. If. C. H. Daggett 141. OemmlaaHatr J. R. Dtaoa m. J. P. Lao 111. HlMel i . p. Alesaaaer III. Earl WhIUock III Jasties, LtakrBae Chaa. Oravee 111 rTvwL aWMHiHv HrlrarlVi joitmc "it Foir iorE FHwrlihlag School Si TONS OF (JUEKS HEID HP N FlOOmi I UaateLa Aathorlties of Vienna Fear t Severed Hair of Chinese May Which Will Halted Prate BervMe VIENNA, April It. several tone of aevered Chiaaea qatuaa are now being held up oa tba Austrian fron tier by tha cuatoma authorltlee tor r..r tha mar contain Plague gems. Thua far tha government haa refused to listen to tha rraatie pteaamgs oi tho varloua hair draaalng Irma to which thay were consigned, aad which have agreed to any form of dlaUfaetMB that my he praaaribad. M. J. McMahon (01. talted Btatea Senator Joaathan Bourne Jr. 101, Stephen A. Lowell lit. J. W. Morton II. Ben Selling 417. Qeo. T. Cochran III. W. R. ElUa :t 1. C. E. Roosevelt (I. John P. Rutk HI, N. J. Btaaott 110. BerrHaiT of State- Frank 8. Field 151. Ban W. Ol- cott 611. Justice of tho Bwpreaee Oaawt Robert Eakln 177. Dairy aad Foe4 Coiamhmlfir W. I. Cotto 177. Arthur T. Ed ward III. A. H. Lea 71, John B. Mlckle 110. RaHroart Commlialnaer Tbomaa K. Campbell 717. Proaecnthag Attorney John Irwin IIS, D. V. Kaykeadall 114. W. Lair Thomptoa 711. State Reprteentatlvt Vernon A. Forbee III, W. O. Smith 711. Oaear L. Carter III. B. 8. Orlgsby 111, C. C. Low 411. Cleric C. R. Da Lap lit. A. Caatal 110, A. J. Manning 701. OoflMMlMttMMI"" John Hagatateln 611, J. O. Ham aker 471. R. O. Cowley 711 . . . School Sapertateaoeat Fred Peterton 101. . E. B. Heary 106. B. R. WIHU 814. Jaetice, Ltakvllle Prechaet B. W. Oowan 171. R. B. Quthridge II. B. B. Ramtby 111, W. H. Buaw 111. tonwtahea.aawJwWoPraaninl John O. Schallock 414, WW Wilson 141. O. JDciuno vonm lultgaiaa aa Natlenal A B.Beanett 61, Thaa. Carrtek Burka 6. Bartlett Cola 4, Laos R. Edmaad- aon I, Jamaa B. Chptfraa- II, Jeta D, far to Practiee Tsrpai a la Natwrw Gets Onttad Praaa arrtaa MUNICH, Oermany, April 14.- lonriahlag school for tho aaw art of auda danahag. taratad "reform dano- t," aaarbamt ratdad ap tho Maalete pollea, aad Albert Hlabor. who calhi htmaelf "AoadeaUc Dtreeter," la nn dor arrest. Hlabor eetaeUtaed Ua Reformed Daactag Academy" tome tlma ago, aad adTortlaed for talented yovag gtrla, agreeing to train them for tho chorus, ballet aad apaetalty teas. Ho la alleged to have repre aaated that hereafter Ua hallata hi all tha European operas would have to daaco wlttout Ughta. Ha hasistod upon a very careful exaaUnatkm of each applicant are who ware unable to faralah bail, I went on their bond, not through tympathy, but because of a principle. It la only a matter of Jostles that judgment bo autpended oa tbam un til tbelr trial. Thay will not come np for trial before October, which woald have meant a long term of unjust confinement for them In ease they were proven Innocent, aad aa etern ity of cruel angering for their fam lllat. 'In any case, however, I believe It la, entirely proper for any man to go bond of any other nun, re .whether there la aay between thea. a conrta of go abroad 1 are dleerlmli coalaed for long i SENATOR LETS HINT CHARGES ATTEMPT TO INQUIRY'S COOTHW WESTS STAB) OFFICIAL VaaRY AEZIOVB TO GET OFF TfTANIO United Proaa Semes WASHINOTON, April 14 -Senator Smith made a eaaatie statement at the Titanic haarlng. It la believed ha waa aiming at auaay. Ha openly charged that aa attempt was bsing atado to ahapo tho laqalry'a eearae, aad aald It woald aat I orated. Ha exonerated tho d crew of the TKaale of sushi aad la a veiled way b hat ad tolemay. After hat to anal la LOCAL OfTKM LNJHOI nOHM KBT K FIXED CaKferaU Jadge Decades Prtaaaty IdocUoas Are Nat OeaeraL. Biochiagj Scheme ft Remember that dance gtvaa by the band boya at Houttoa'a tomorro algbt. POOR Ul ERTmiD TO UHmSUEASMCI iewa of hHllliatlii Empleftr ad La bar of Cttf ad BMaim Whs) Baa .Made Claaa Btady of Warasaa arHbJanalaBnafaf. Ualted Praaa Servtea DETROIT, Mich., April 14. "The poor maa charged with crime haa aa much right to hla liberty aa tha rich maa. until ha la proven guilty." 1 bla to tho view Ukaa by Andrew H. Greea Jr., millionaire maanfaotnr er of Detroit, who faralahod ball la tha turn of 16,000 each for tha two Detroit labor-leaden, Freak J. Mur phy and Charlaa Wachmeleter, Indict ed In Indlaaapolla aa being concerned la the .alleged eoantry-wido dynamit ing conspiracy. 'Oreea employee a large number of men, aad haa made a elOM atady of tho labor queeUoa. "la regard to onr laws, relative to Ua furatohlag at hall maaey," aald Oreea, "I balleva Uat la many la atancea, la fact moat laataaeaa, Ua poor maa charged wlU crime la ma Justly treated. Uader tha law a maa Is presumed to ba laaoreat natll pror- gnt.tr. Why ahould a poor maa ba forcod to remain la Jail for montba at a time, when hla trial baa beea aet at aomo dlataat date, while Ua mi wtU property or Ua rich nun lowed to go freeT "NalUar, la tha ayes are guilty. Tat aa mt Jail aa iadedalte period while hla family, perhaps, while the other la allowed to to attend to hU buataeea aad bo wKh hla family, abvpty bitantt ha 7 tan I ua laaal laaor land- Ualted Praaa Bervtoa SACRAMENTO, April 14. Prima ry alectloaa are not general elecUei aad therefore no local option liquor queetloa caa he deferred to the di of tha pretldaatlal prlaury oa May 14U, aaya tho third district appellate court la a doetaloa aaVmlng a Mke deeutoa by Superior Jndga Deaay ta Soaoata county, la which Guy J. K. Mgelow la winner aver Ua hoard of aperrtoore. wbleh had aet May 14U tt the day. for haMlag a laaal optiea MM I Inannanannnaaannal M tilt lleaffe til KittnuiuiT Xaval aaaahaaa fas Caaat ateeaaakag, aad Two Go to Mtttary Bloat rTMS WwtJfttw Ualted BERLIN, April St. Five aaw - uelln alrahtpa have been ordered by the government from the big Sep- pelln worka. Three of the new aerial craft are to bo amlgned to Uo navy and will bo placed at Ua principal naval atatloaa, where thay will ha aaed for acoutlng purposes along Ua nets. Tha other two will ha added to tho military fleet You alwaya have enjoyed your telvee at the hand daaeta why not tomorrow alghtr REPUBLICAN IN OFFICIAL TRIM COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE MEETS AND OMAN1BJM WITH MMERT A. EMMITT AB CHAIR MAN OF BODY RopubUeaa County Central Com mittee-elect met aad organised UU afternoon by electing R. A. Emmltt chalrmaa of tba couaty committee aad C. T. Oliver secretary. Dr. George H. Merrymaa waa elect ed atate ceatral committeeman aad Abel Ady eongraaalonal eommltteo- m. AU praclacta were repreaeated eieept Poo Valley, Laagell Valley. Bly. Creeceat, KlamnU Lake, MtUa Addition aad Shlpplagtoa. 0- .-.MA AU WWitt B h. I , mmmmm nmm v? aw ap waa bvatT The Ladles' AM Society of tba at the yr Praabytariaa church will moat at or ua law, i:ie oa Thraaaay aneraooa at tna :, tea. reauia la teaata at Mrs. Nstooa RotaaavelL All Em tomeeimaa aaamaara aad maaas ara lanted j mat lr -"--"wssBmBnaBawsamBi eema Tha Ladlaa' GuBd af tha Church t,t Ua Rtdeemar will moat at Ua home of Mrs. Mergea, 111! Mala atreet, Friday attaraoaa at till. Itlt Howl nvayU' toM by Fifth I od laaaay waa math peered to bo very aaxloua to i tba Titanic. Tha employe added: aida't kaow who ho ttroag laaguago la tha boat of tha MOeaMantfi tatfTe "teaaay, ha aald, waa arar aaatoae. aaylag rnaataatly. lower away, lowor away." POSTtfriH Hi KR I Irlt Vaaaaj aaj m irPjRla Lbaaaharof ISaaBaaavaa aaavaaaa - aa mm jnaaw awavwaaia' -a" Secretary C. T. Otrror af tha ( bar of Cemmeroo r marred a ttlaaram today from Sanater Oeerge B. Cham harlala. nanoaaelag tho feet Uat Ua federal appreptiatloa MB lor aha federal apprepriatlea hUl far tha KlamaU Fnlla federal balldiag naat ed Uo aeaato yesterday. Tha MM carries aa approprlatiea af $llfl,Md. It la quite geaerally boUovod that there will be ao dWentty la Ua aaaa age of Uo bill whea.R la brought beforo tho house, hat everyone la Ua city wUl await anxiously for Uat time. Already, aineo It waa learned that Ua hlU had pasted Ua aetata, onsen UUoa to rife aa to tho probable loan tioa of tho building. It Ua Mil ahould bo aaeceaaful la Ua house. Itlagoa erally hollered Uat a etto haa beea taaaldtred aad Uat Ua amended bell providlag for aa addKleaal llt.tl laetaded Ua coat of Ua IWIIRABRB JIT IAMB OF Great Wreak May Go Thriaadilda BtaWSHtjy amTaV aBMVtafavanTaatjjf reTMtl aWTeBmg) 14, Beraa Ualted 1 NEW YORK, April bablea, whaaa pareata, or moUera at least, perished la Uo TKaale horror, and whose Identity may never ha known, are being toadarly eared tor la New York foundling asylums. Tha bablea were Urowa to Hfabaaai ay thtlr pareata. No aaa kaowa thalr mot, aad their cloUlag arraa aa due. la Uo traaay at Ua deaartara from Uo alaklag liner aabady ra membera what pareata drepped thalr bablea to Ua water, hoping Uat thay might be saved. Btfarta to aava our vlTora oa Ua CarpaUla Meattfy thaa failed. CMUEjCM REVIVAX Tha aaootlag at tha church tonight wUl haata earlier thaa al oa aecoaat of Ua laetara t opera houaa. Thai beglnjat 7:10 aharp aad la amala tlma tar tha laetara. aad Ua aatlro latnlgaaa mt tha boat yet, Tha ahara la far a ajvaat doal at aad eaete alaat aha ayasaujUpl dueaa aame saw wtiateaa. Tap Jeet toalght wlal ho HMrMaal . r - 2Ja j5fiJiaBaWal -j . , , jeajd9yabikgjaBnBj