r"3H22osi ftienina Belaid. Nvrruiu bt.thb CNITSO rHMN MEWS IHRYIOH tilth VeerNo. lift KLAMATH PALLS, OtUMOlT, TUESDAY, APRIL fl. ItltL She MVMKVK9 mnnMraM , print m innra. wot nanr Sanderson j ' TITANIC LOOKOUTS HAD NO BINOCULARS NAKED EYE WAS ALL WIT.N'ttM SWEARS THAT WITH MAUI.N'K UMM NK cAui.il IIAVK MKKN HERO IN TIMK TO hav: rinMM IT Vailed I'reaeBerviee WAHIIINC.TON. II. C, April IS. Frederick Fleet, (tin lookout In (tin Tltsalc's crowsueet, leatlfled thla af lirnnon llil no marina glasses were furnished llit ookout. He naked for gttum At Houthamptoa. and u told there aa nono (or him. IU aald otbr vnuela furnished a leasee. Mo swore he rould hav sighted th Ice berg toon enough to have steered out of the war K ha had bad ill Dying Victim Meanest an Hour Vatted Prcaa Servie WASHINGTON. II. C. April II. Derauie of confusion at jraaterdar'i Matlon the Titanic committee ahlfted to a (mailer room. Five hundred fur- belowrd and frilled women, carrying lunches, fought for admlttanre, hut under a hundred auccawdsd. Sat Mra. Aitor'a condition necessitate a post ponemrnt of har teetlmoar. Third OHeer Herbert Pltlmaa, tee tided. I'lttmaa waa laconic, brusque and stolid, eicept In deecrlklag death moans of the viciima. Ite aaiaX 9fwn.-alm and moans ia a migMjr anofua ot.woe rose irom the trapped vlrtlma. lie aam: ii was a coatlaual moan far an hour, and died away gradually. I'd rather .you had left that out altogether." He urged the sammHt not to press him regarding the death crlim, all volco choking with amotion. The women la the room went out. II heard four eaflaadaaaa before the Tltantc sank while aha waa pitching perpendicularly, Klfly.Two Head l4eUft4 NKW YORK, April II. The White Htar line haa been officially notified that seventy-eeven bodies were recovered aadi tarty-two Identi fied, The compaay at :!! received an additional Hat of Iftaen names from the Mackay Beaaett. That ateamcr remains at the acene until It tlU the 100 remalalng coMaa aboard. SPtCIJUISIWCDOKOI WHKJM CONTESTS i:allmelam Hhavni for ladaatrial CotiiHtlilon It Mrhoola l.eails to HprrUI Cottrae to Femlete Mady Material rHclal to Tba Karate COltVAI.I.IH, April IS. Th ax tiaordlnary Intaraat shown by tha aankiirs' ' association, commercial clubs, and other organisations throughout the state In the Industrial contents for achool children now la Progress In all districts, magna that the rrhoola must Incorporate In tha regular couraa aoma aystematlc .In struction In Industrial branches. Th work cannot be confined to the high achool or the seventh and eighth irades, hut la bound to cover the en tire course, with th proper adapta tion to the agea of the pupils In th dlfforont grade. For this reason achool superintend- in'", principals and teaehara will a to familiarise themsslve with t spirit and purpose of thla new adui uon, and to aecura malarial to pi em to th pupils. ' To thla and tfe aummer aeaalon at th Orgon Anil Ultural colleae thla vaar. which Juno ir, gnd uta uatll July It, wit oner special Instruction. Nowharl euid tbra b fouBd a body et a P'fU batttr prepared to lira th U.cher thla rry aaatataae than la JtB faculty of tka agricultural eelwf a. Th domestic, (cleac dtpartataat la riady to ataUH la th outltnlag of T of laatructloa for th glrta " lb lowait trad tkrough tk - Manning Charter Carries By 1 ii mi, iiiiiibmiiiiiim a W high school; (tlia nnslnctirlng college Hill do tlin tn for Urn manual train Ing course In tlin rcIiooU; and all dn psrttnents of agricultural study will offer almllar aid In planning the work lit agrlcultiirr fur tiuth rural and cltr arhool. Ten couiae In Imientary and ad vanced agriculture are to be given, four In dom-stle science, three In do meatlc art ami three In manual train lug. Three are all In addition to the regular pedagogic studies alwaya In luded for those who with to Increase lietr Ml II I mil Mil I aa litarl.fl.ra Th.. method! nf tearhlne Himii Imtnalrlal H .-. ....... bjecta In both and town and country l-"" """ wniiam nayui, tooK hooli. mir.iai iiro.ti.iii. i.r arhnnil1'1" fr0 and made their wi - - ... , anagnrnent, ami the special prob- m nf the nne-ronm arhnot will be ndlcd ably by expert Initrurtora. Upon Inquiry In the Kail ai to the Jit man for practical Instruction on e .country achool, Prof, K. II. Rrsa r, director of the aummer session, aa laformed that the national au- orlty on the aubject la N. II. Bho- alter, principal of the Washington lata Normal Bchool aa Cheney, fash,, and he haa been aecured for . A. C. for thla iumtner, together Ith aevaral other able men and wo men from other Instltutlona. la aoma elate achool boarda offer teacbera eaeetat Inducements to pre pare theawelv mora thoroughly for their work, either by paying a part of the eipeaae of the aummer rourae, or by raising Ida aalarlea of thoee who re willing to eptnd their vacations In ,atudy. Tlw aaat at O. A. C. U remark- ib. low, 0 covering evsrythlag al Matami tha rallraad far Aa aaabajalaatt to Instruct th boya aad girl aad to Inspire them with a living Interact la Industrial work, may be the maaas not merely of adding great wealth to the material resources of tha dtatrlct. but also of developing a higher elency and more substantial qualltlea of character among tha pupil. CYCIOME VKTIMS IMY m mmm iuikhs moras NwtVpa Deadly rath, KHHm ad lajarlttg Haawa Belat aad Caaalac Marh Lees to Property la MkMIe HUtea 'taltad 'ST. L.OU8I, April II. Thirty-one dead la Illinois, nine killed aad twen ty Injured, one fatally. In Indiana, la the toll of a cyclone which visited those atatea Sunday. In Illinois tha known dead are all at Murphyaboro, seven at Wllllavlll, eight In th dis trict between Weal Frankfort and Hush, and tea In Buah, which last place la eipected later to give details adding to tha Hat. Th lldlana vic iima were at Morocco, where louo, 000 damake waa done. INCENDIARY IS AGAIN AT LARGE MAN WHO I'HKI) OANDfcKH w TRY TO HURX VV KLAMATH L'SI.Iil KWAPKH &M.KM - AHl i.vm wu rocn othkbh " - Alexander Douglas, or n Morgan, weak-minded giant who set fre to several buildings In Klamath Petia laat fall aad waa Committed to tha Insane aaylum at Salem by Judge Henry I Benson on a rKommenaa Hon of Dr. C. V. rlalwr, dorg A. Alerrymaa and Roy R. Hamilton, a commlsaloa la lunacy. i at urge. n eet Id height, aad propor tionally built, waa arrattad by Dp uty Sherlf John Schallock, who traced the man tba morning after th ara through footprint mad by th Prebug'a eaormoua prlaoa mad ho. la Douglaa' poe wr boibi rliort stumps of cadlea with whlrh, mcordlng to hla own admtailon, ho had atartad the Ore "Juit to aee the people run." Inquiry by the official,) developed the fact that Douglaa had been In prlion In California. He had a number of queer halluct l.slloin, one being that ha waa an ad nilral and a great fighter, who had to Ko to war with the Turka and Ital ian, lie aald he waa a native of Itrltanny, France, and had been In thla country hut a abort time, but hla dreei, maunera and apeech, were all evldnnco tending to 'Contradict hla tatementi. He aald ha had worked fur a abort time on the Lost River dl version dam, which waa then being built by (leorge 0. Clark a Co. In escaping from the aaylum Doug- n war. accompanied by four other, who, after begging to be excused from attending the weekly picture fa0 In the aaylum chapel, over- ....... I ay to freedom. Hherlff William II. flarnee and the local Mice have been warned to be on the lookout for the Incendiary and hla rampanloa. BANK ROBBERY SUSPECT OlDERfD EXrarUHTEll "Aaatrallaa Mark," Haa PrracwMa, Mant tio to New Westminster. Caa- a4a, lo Answer Accaaallon Called Pre Serne NEW YORK, April II. John Mr Namara of Ban Pranctoco, "Austra lian Mack," haa been ordered extra dited to New Waatmlaatar la cot' neetlon with lb Bank of Montreal robbery tkf COUNCIL FAILS TO 6ET QUORUM THKRKFORR OVKHTtON OP PIRK- MAN"8 URIKVANCK ABOUT TaTS CHIKKti HAI.TKD PAY CO.VTI.N VKH IN AIR Aa thrra waa not a quorum tba council did cot have a meeting laat night, aa aeheduled. It bad been i pectcd that a meeting would bear a proteat from member of th Klam ath Fall volunteer are department agalaat tha caacalllag of tbo salary of Fire Chief Kdward Wakefield. However, from a political ataadpolat H la understood that considerable wisdom waa exercised In not holding tho meeting laat night. Aa on man eipi rased It today, "Discretion la the better part of political aucceee." H Indicated that the administration doea not wish to threeh out tha fire men's grlevanr until after tha city election. In the meantime, It waa aald, promisee could be made to tbo firemen, and If they war not to be fulfilled until after election, no mat ter which way th election might go, the situation would be easier on th promisor. BIG FEE ASKED BY ATTORNEYS MTTg, PORTLAND LBQAIi LIGHTS, I1KOIN. SUIT AGAINST IAJOH C. K. WORDKN, DB IANDING 91.600 in the office of County Clerk Chas. . DeUp haa been lied a suit ag-lut hailea Elmor Wordea by Harrlaoa 1, Piatt and Robert Treat Piatt, law- yer partner oi rorw. im 11,000 for attornw'a f allfd I to be due them la a eaaa la which thy claim thy praUd th dfad ant. The ault which thr UI to hava acted la waa oa agalaat C. and Rufua I. Moor. Th Flatta are rpreated hr'by Kuykaadall Parguaoa. SHORT WINS IN HOMESTEAD CASE CU.NTKNTIONM MADK AOAINMT AUAINRt HHEHMAN A. BROWN iphcLd BY QKXKRAIi LAND OFPICB AT WAIHINOTON Word aaa'beea received by Stone A Darratt that their client, J. H Short, baa Won hi coateet for th bomsatead" claimed by Sherman A. urowa, wha la a forest ranger at Wallawa. th land la tha 8 of NWH. NBH. of 8WH. aad NVa of NW14 of 1WK. aectlon II, township 34 south, rang eeat, WltUmetU merldlaa. Th contention mad by Hnert waa uat tba claim had failed to eatablUb hla raaddsac oa th land, aad bad also failed to ealtl- vate It. Th decision waa readered by lb coatalaaloner of tba general lead office at Waahlngton. GETTING VOTES ADDED TOGETHER AUDITINa BOARD HAS RESULTS FROM ALL PRrXINCTS AND BE GINS WORK OP LEARNING WHO WINNKRS ABB Returns from all preclact bt tha cattatx. bar. Maehad, iitev nflaa .at County Clark Chart R. Da Lap, Odell. th laat oa. got IU returaa lb yesterday. Tba auditing- board, con- alstlag of tha clerk aad Justice of th Peace 3. H. Hseatt of Port Klaas atb aad J, O. Hamaker of Boaaaaa, oryanlsed yesterday, aude preaara tloaa to begin IU work today, aad surted la promptly at a. m. to com pile tba, official tabl of reaulu. County Clerk D Lap aald thla mora- lag that he expected to hava tba ra- suiu computed aom Urn during tht evening. Th board expecu to atlck tight oa th Job until It' over. B. Bt. Geo. Bishop aald thla morn ing that In th democratic race for tha ahrlevatty be waa two vote ahead of Samuel L. Walker, aaytng that the rumor cam from tba aid ot Walker, who bad yaaterday claimed to b but one ahead of BUhop. HOVEY FIGURES WOOD RESOURCES ALOOMA LUMBER COMPANY'S GENERAL' MANAGER MAKES ESTIMATES ON WHAT ADJA CENT FORESTS WILL FURNISH la a totter to tha Tlmberman, R. H. Hovey, general manager of tb Algoma Lumber eomaaa. aaya: "la Igurlag up tha Umber acceaal- hi to Klamath Palto It would eem beit to eoastder ypper Klamath Lak aa tha itartlng. point. Instead of Klamath Palla. aa aay timber blag tributary or adjaeeatto Upper Klam ath Lake would aeceaaarlly ba a fac tor la tb building up of KUmath Palla. "Oa the west aid ot Upper KUm ath Lak I Igur tbara to about 100, 000 acre ot timber prlvaUty owaid that will probably run about 1,500, 000,000 feet, mostly yllow pla. a small percsntag of sugar plaa aad red fir. Of tht 100,000 aeraa tbr I aon ot It that will b aver twaty St mile from KUmath Lak. Tha government also owaa about a blllloa ft at tha aorta aa aid wt aiaa ot th lake, all ot which timber win aav te go to KUawth Lak to b aaufaetared, ewiag U ua lay 'of tba toad. "Tka ladlaa rMamtto on the art aMa ot Ua lak la aatiaatad to eoatala about MIO.MO.OOO. tt. oraettoally all yaUaw ate, a Try amaU aaroMtaca at umr aiaa .aad r41r. AUttatotlaiarwJUBaUr- Majority M ally com to Klamath Lake for manu faetur. The bulk of thla Indian tlm bar I within twenty-five mile of the lake, although there la a portion of It tBat will II nearly fifty mllea from tb lake. Private holding on th east aid of Klamath lake, and within a dla Une of, sayT twenty-five mllea from It, probably amount to about 1,600,- 000,000 feet, practically all yellow pin. "This give about all th timber wltbln a reasonable dlaUnc of Upper Klamath Lake, and which would nat urally b expected to be manufac tured Into lumbar around tho lake, owing to th more favorable condi tion tbara. "la addltloa to tba timber spoken of la tb foregoing, there U probably 10.000,000,000 feet of pin lying In tha aorthera part of KUmath county that might b brought to KUmath Lake for manufacturing, thla timber lying about 100 mil from th lake. I hav kaowa of log being Uken farther than thta la Wlacoaala aad MlaaeaoU to th mill." Th tout of tba dUtrlcU aa esti mated above by Mr. Horey to 10,000. 000,000 feet MIKT WuKN i SWINE OFFICER PRESIDING "GRAND JURY INVKSTIGATIC RBOOM- MENDS HOLDING ON A CHARGE OP CONSI ICY LONDON. April IS. The" preeldiag at tb grand Jury Inveal gatlea of tha recent auaTrag out break raid ha recommeaded tba In dlctmenU ot Lawraac aad wife aad Mra. Paakburat, oa a charge of " aalraey to rolUu mallcloua Injury to praparty"'aat7i CANAL CUMS ON TABLES IN CITY DRAINING OF GOVERNMENT IR RIGATION, DITCH MAKES A NOVEL WAY FOR SMALL BOY TO MAKE MONEY Sine the temporary emptying ot the government Irrigation canal there haa been don more business In clama than la usual la KUmath Falls. In fact, Sir Clam to a noUble aeldom Ma la tht midst, but letdmg th"blg caul drata at what might be called aa open weather a a son haa revealed a aumber of th bivalve molluaka, which ara a delicacy that everybody, almost, to toad of. Tba small boy baa dona a thriving buslneea la tb shelled delicacy after gathering It tram tb canal bad. On lad 1 known to have sold four doien for a quarter. It he had been counseled by older heada he might hava raked In about 80 cenU a dotea for tb lot, but let It be hoped that he may never know. J. W. McCoy leave thla evening for-Chltoquln. where be go to look at a parcel ot land, which la to be auctioned tomorrow at th Klamath Agency. KLAMATH LUMBER INDUSTRY NOTED APRIL NUMBER OP "TIMBER- MAN" HAS SKETCHES OF FEA TURES AND . PICTURES OF LEADERS OP BUSINESS Th April number of th "Timber- man." published at Portland, to of mora than passing interest to Klam ath Palto and vicinity, owing to what It coatataa la tha nature of a write up of. tba KUmath Palto lumbar la teratto. Tkra ara.akateh of vari ous .sawing, aaUrprto. tadlvbluala coaeetad with Ua bualasat, . om vary plaaalag lllustratloaa at Ua In dustry, wlU a picture et Ua Pallcas Bay Lumber company' aaaaeot, tba paltoaa, a wait a a Mrta-apa vtow Of Eightyne Votes J Of CHARTER ADOPTED BY GOOD MAJORITY of the country trlbuUry to thla city There are splendid half-toad pic ture of the following gentlemen prominent In Klamath Palto' Indua- trial circles: II. D. Mortensen, pre Meat, and George D. Hauptmaa, sec retary, Pelican Bay Lumbar compa ny; W. 8. FUb.-manager Big Batla Lumber company; Hunter Savldge, manager, and Herbert J. Bavag. reUry-treaaurer of Savldga Bros. Lumber cempany: D. B. Campbell Ueorge X. WendUng, prealdeat of Weed Lumber compaay and vie pn Ident of tb Klamath Develep: company; 8. O. Johnson, preeld oi the Klamath Development co pany and an officer of tb Weed Lu: ber compaay; W. Paul Johnson, gi eral manager of the Klamath Da opmeat compaay. No plcturea of R. H. Hovey, eral manager of tb Algoma Lu: compaay, aad .other well kaowa dust rial capUlne of this vicinity l-ear. but there la a letter from Hovey which throwa tight oa the ber resources of th region. Work on the Henry Ofenbac building at th corner" of Sixth aad Main atreeU, to progressing rapidly. Mr. Offenbacher thlnka that hla new building will be ready for occupancy In ft few weeks illj IITnW AT w KIsaHl hi iifa. iivajai vwvajayaaj, YOUNG WOMEN OP SCIENCE CLASS GIVE ONSTRATfON AS TO WHY MEN FOLKS LEAVE HOME MM.. Bute SuperlnUndest of Public la- struetlon Lv R. Aldermaa aaada aa addreaa at tb high echool yaeterday morning to tbe atudeaU, aad at Ua noon hour the domestic science claaa of glrto, under tbe -guidance of Mtos Tuttle. reUUated pleasantly by fur nishing the distinguished visitor with one of JU famoua Monday boob baa quels. Othera who war gueaU of U young women were Superlateadeat Rosell H. Dmbar of Ua city acbooto. SctreUry C. T. Oliver of the 'Cham ber of Commerce, County School Su perlateadeat Joha O. Swan, aad Principal Wlllto E. Paught ot Ua KUmath county high achool. Th atudenU responsible for aa excep tionally delightful menu war Mtos Sanderson. Van Riper. Cogswell, Ta den. Houston, Forest aad Benson. The market cost of th matorlato la the banquet waa IS cento perjpw son, which to much leaa than It Ukea to buy on first class meal at tha Pal ace or Bt Francis, In San Francisco, or the Multnomah la Portland. What one might buy at any ot those pUce could aot possibly compete la quality with the high school glrto' cullaary layout, yet would be mora likely to retard one aaactalty about 111. GULFS SUBJECT OF EVANGELIST SOCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHASMS WHICH DIVIDE MEN, AND THE ETERNAL GULP THAT SEPA RATES MAN FROM GOB Tonight' sermon at tha Christian ..church will ba ot'uausual order, and different from any Uus far. Tba socUV and Industrial gulfs that di vide man will be considered, aa well the eternal gulf that separate from Qod. Thoee who hava heard the evaagelwt oa Uto Uemo say that pathos, souad pkllosopky aad adpr are well mixed. What ever you hava to mtos thla wk. don't mtos thla oa. Tb Wbtotoaa will slag, assisted by a large chorus. New that Ua etoetioa to ovr and Ua charter matter settled, give Ua mestlag right ti way, DOWNTOWN AGAINST MEASURE, 'BUT lOlXtfaHraB OT INSTRUMENT CAaummv 1M' .WAY THROUGH BALLOTB MP OUTEDWABBB By their rotas U4ay tha atMaaaa at Klamath Palla atoeMwi that tba tar ter framed by City Attaraar Maraaa M. Maaalag, Mayor Fral T. Tiafn aom aad tha eky aavmall ahsajll to th organic tow at tka atty. aa4 Hm majority for tbo aiiaaaV waa katdtr vhat eould b kaaaaUr tarsaai aar. I a Ua Pint aad usaal warm) of taa city, waara It waa aaataat to gat aba rota oat. Ua eaten bwd Uaaa- telvas aa agalaat; Ua BMaaara, bat ta tb oatlylag ward. Ua Tatrta. PaaiU aad Fifth, Ua aaaUaaat ia favwr at the'eharter waa aa atraag aa to adhat th marked oppwitlaa her aed be aa sere.aaets. Taere- it by ward la aa feBewe: Par vvara sg a Wars 94 M 1M : - M Ward ..14f Fourth Ward si Fifth Ward Sd Total i a aOOT Majority, It fer Dr. Bay R. id kiMt purehd tae IHUe sat. aad Rk sigaed la every jeay. WUktaaatoebaaaaaj Marlea meralag far apeadlag aevaral totswattraa alaeas. Mr. who baa aat fceea ramate hare tar a law doctor mUCIIeKPTHtl It HUE STU ffsflf Facta Abeat FIBdWIsi MBeaaae It Waa MM At Says FrastkJsa Ualted WASHINGTON, D. C. AaHl 11-. Vice PraaldMt PraakUa adssReai tba aeaate eemmlttee Uat R wlaa kaowa Moaday that Ue CatTAasaa had picked up tweaty Utebeata, aNad with paaasager, bat dMat aabUab It because It waa aat auUeaUe., t "Not uatu f:ie Moaday stibIsbi waa a auHcItatly auUeatto -Triji received warraatlag aa raaTiati , meat of tka vessel's less, aald be. "A :IT Ue following tolegreas waa re ceived: "Carpatala reached Tltaalai poeiuoa at daybreak. Peaad wreckage oaly. Abeat IT! saved. CarpaUla retarakur York. (Sigaed) Haaeaek.' I thunderstruck, it took aa minutes to get together. 1 1 anaaat Jtf thai Jlraataaa U.l-il fm w wtvnan, MifaBBajaBag aj. -.lV Morgaajr. Tkea I gave taa aewe toi Ue reporter." i SH Ceaeamt M. a. wimmmum ! Ba umi-B WUmTfti aHi.t.te .a.fl&A.a k. - a m m.J. foUewlag iraai Uo Carpatala: Tsjmi.y'JI fllaaJ.WlA au.. -- k.li.rjl a,w aaaaasra arsa; a - oajjaj , aaaya w- aauia M-retaraed beau as aarw i possible. Propose held Cdrte they can board. I preaeaa to i with them. Pleas aaad lUa. eluding shoes. TamaL" PraakUa admitted Uto waa ta Isavay. Later aa Tharaaay agala urged atalalag'U Cedrla. Or Tharaaay atteraaea Praakbm i ed te laavsy tar aa aaU)H atoyy at Uadamatar. He MatHaal aamm? ami' aaver batata aaa nragaaT is a aaaa' to uia eoaatry. aaaama aaaait r t- "I eaa't aaa aew aayaeay. We had Ue bat mb naaaar aad a sate iiaatraslil wm a vtow to aaekaaf bar i " fcBBlB'W r m aMaajaaaaBasti n "f7'4V'.. M 1 iJrl- - V H' t It V ' . r i