"J t. &. v .;: -j .-V ttrnittc cfalft. vvrum ot M VBNIKG KBWBPJ p,,,,) rilNM miw wwtiob P1IIXT THK 1TBWI, HOT HaYTOaTf Year No. IiTM KLAMATH PALLS, ORBOON, MONDAY, APRIL SB, 111 wef Sanderson Charter Would Revive RqKc of Barbarisjn-tlie Chain fiang INDIAN SHOT DEAD i ky kiii h r i.niti- 101 ENTERS HEART fiuocn tuikm to amumt a MCXKKV I1IIAVK. WMO GRTB yOSMKrV MACK AND HKATM l OVIJ Mat dead (HI llt WSJ to UN l. ku wadding r vh lb fat of 0Hf8Bllh, a Yelnax Indian, whose tstrl stopped jul uoiure noon loaay atal built I entered It from the pie- BiofCbUf of I'nltce Samuel I Wat kjr, Walker endeaverlag to ar Mt tat brave who h drunk aad vbotne In roneequeuee, oft in mat lot jut aoulh of th Jasper htMtt llrcrjr tmrii on sixtn atreet, ml U to m'n b '' ,,M, ML bl(h qillCRlr attracted ft WW. Tar itrui ll together arrow th mmmb for about forty feet, an Ms fell In apot of eoft grouu kits rlfttnlr "howfit the courM o latroatHt. In tliv metre the Indlam let U oflrrr't rluti away from hint wl Wfia beating him with It ft the; iftftratttr fought back the war the: Mnw. The Indian hit the ofike MTKtl lime with the mare, ob Mm tstk of the right ear laying ope Sa ml and making Wftlker'i let 1 sadar him. Every lime VI I kf rsathad to get till club he got I with It, bystander My, am hen the two ha, recovered t eatf tht distance to lb peiatJ ihlb thrr atarted. ftfmtif tal la Mt flub he reached to Mnfek IBMiTmhe lived ftt Yalnai In the house of Isaac Mom and wife, and Mm. Mom. wan overcome by tlm orcurri'iir, Onn drunken young Klamath who aloud bard by at an Indian wagon kc( yell, log the name of tin, police chief, and calling the absent offlcnr a hard nn me, prenieil by curat., and Aaalatant lla- trlct Attorney Charles J, rVrgiiauu ordered him to keep quiet. The dead Indian owned ltd arm of land on tho reaervatlon. but did ot farm II. He U anld tit have hrrti oubtraom at varlou time before ay, wa about 30 yean, nf aturd) lid and ampin atmngtli, iwiwclally ben In IiIk rup. tin wan a brother Dora Wnlkrr, wife of Url Walkr. reservation Indian, laaac Mom, ,lc led the Inferrnre of some of Ihv by. tandna that the dead man had bei-n med with a plaint, or carried one nn hie perion Coroner Carl Whltlork wan aum- mount to l hi, camp ground, nnd ar- rhed aomu Utile time after the kill- lag, removing the rorpao to bl un dertaking establishment at HUth and Pine itreeta. It waa announced that the Inijueat would he held at a. m. Wednesday, aa Chief or Pollen Walker waa not In condition to teetlfy today. Mayor Kred T. Handeraoa waa at the death epot within about half an hour or the tlm or the ahootlng, and left la K. M. Chllcole'e automobile after making an Inquiry about the CftM. In the charter would be voted down, 'of courie, but the mere fact that It would be poulbla to plungo the city III debt for tGSO.OOU would m.k. n.n. plo very cautloui and timid about In venting money hero of buying any properly. We have had enough tnftmituvn. ilneut of city affair, and If nv.r want to attract people here and build up a city w.j mum l.KT TIIB I'KOI'I.H ItUI.K, and not nntruat the clty'e bul iiciia all to n on man, aa ha been at lompted under the Handernoo chartjr, 'I ho only progreMlve charter fV7l.fi Commlaalon Uharter, and If the on petitioned for I lllneal. than I t charter commlaalon be appolnte U nraw up n charter In the Intern L or all the people, ao that the affati i of me ciiy can be run on bua! imi baal. Kvery one who favor pro, alou and I oppoaed to graft, and villi Ing that the neobte ihould be aulled Aral about charter, aholld caat their vole agalnat the Bander one-man charter. OSK WIIU KAVOItfl A COMMIHHIO (IIAUTKH CREAMERY GETS OFFICIAL NOTE AIITICI.KH OP INOORPoitATION FII.KD WITH OOUXTV CLKBK lf)lt WOOD RIVKR K.VDKAVOR. MACHINK MIUCKJtn Article or Incorporation were with County Clark Da Lap Saturday by M. P. Looelty of Port Klamath, for the Wood Hirer Valley Creaaa and Uulter AaaoclatloB. ThecaplUI atock of th new aaaoclatlon will be S,000, divided Into 100 eharea of S0 per ahare. The organliatlon will atart a ue creamery about lb ICtb or May j 1 he officer are: Prealdent, Jame Pelton; aecreUry, M. P. Looaley; biurd of director, Jobs EIIU, E. M. Leover, Aaa Pordyc, M. .Uamea Pelton. T Tm mm w uwil"i about SO per cent atac th organ liatlon of th new ntarprla. The director have been guaranteed th cream from S00 cowa to atart with, and will bar that or many mora later on. Mr. Looaley baa Juit been tendered tba agency for as Improved milking machine. It la claimed tbe machine will take th milk from forty to fifty cowa pr hour by th operation of one man. On machln baa already been nUIId at th EIIU ranch LcoeUy.l a V i cient torture will come Here for til revolver, an ' heart and fired. Smith fel Rorira of bratandera conflict a tottetuct altitude In which th In- thawu when the ahot waa fired, hat Mftnl conUnd Ihal he waa Wlnar nn IU round, kicking and awlnglag the Btc tad bl free arm, while other ftVti victim waa alandlng up, Wilkar had railed fur aulatanrn tn the Indian took awav hla club. M aktle aetcral men ruahed to the vm It could not be learned thai Mm aUrtrd In helo tha chief aub. kU prlanner. Th Indian kept WUl tnal he would not aru with &lktr, even If they fouaht all dav, After the kllllna Chief Walker wai i M in auto of Dra. Ray R. Ham- lad Uo W. Chlllna In Ik.lp t la the Crlater and BtltU block aevemn and Main lrU, whore k lajurlea were dreeeed, aid then 'w w hi home i 114 Walnut UrMt, which la within .! AU. of the tragedy. Tk deid InillAtl ttmA MM In ttila (' from Yalnax on Prldav with a KM; of other Klamath from tha re aon to co the clrcu. and made aton Hliib airi. ciaaKi, i... married today to Uttla Rill, a --"in iian girl. They wr to NltDrocurxl ...!. .li. j, -'- iiwaiaw ma ui,?.,on na re"4 , but it w.7. l" rolo of br lovr ' been rinin. . j.i.u . .. i "- hi arrival. but momln h h4 k. a.kti.. iik ... ... . . " " " ."7 "" wright, another Klamath iMIlD. wlm I. ..II .- .' - .. . . " vt BBT Bvn !fi .' na ,l M ' aJtareatloB ia to chief of Police Walker aiag to thn .t& u.i.i. i.- ,M...i . "- -in Willi tuo IIIIDHIlUn J lng ll.o nrrcat of Smith. Whea er reariu.,! t10 camping epot th r-'' a nvor between tha two, ' drunkon Smith waa bent on "Ming arrcai. 8mlihv i..i . ( 1 1 , ' ,,,r ome urn auer CO.., V'1"1"""' ,r " OUBd .! V by ft ,,,nnkot r"m on of the a.T ,""n"' of which thra waaj -I near i.y, and waa guar " "et.fjaiHri I'liaaalav- al riou. :'.::'!" ." ' k, , .' ""il'ing crow BUBfl J'" wonderlnily at the7 "' u icreennl i,j. .- ji: Hdly .trtiggt. which 14 -T"na. Tie inrfi... irlih.'"" . "". "w wtcr i.nai flAiii -- one wh. -.. .IT"'. TTT w. or . :,:,. -" " r?. a.. . ; " out a bbpti BAILEY'S MEDAL MAKES HIM 8LAD KMPKK AUKMT HKJOICKM AT KIXK HTAKDIXO OP PAHNK.OP.H HTA TIOM, AMD KXPKCTH PRKIOHT TO WIN LATKH Klamath Pall ha th belt kept railroad atatlon on the Southern Pa rifle between Kl l'ao, Tex., and Port land, Ore., according to th verdict of the vlaltlng official who Impeded It with a view to determining II atatua In that rripect. Thu It I that the local atatlon will recelvo a gold medal very ahortly. and that Agent 8. J. Dalley I correapondlngly happy. Mr. DalUy aald today that he baa tel bla cap for a medal for the freight atatlon, too, and eipecta to rapture a trophy neat year for keeping that Id ahlpahap. The local freight etatlon waa recently Improved by an addition forty reel long to th freight boui and an eitenalon of th platform of like length. Death of Darllag'a lUby Donald Qulnn Darling, the Infant on or Mr. and Mr. Thomaa Darling, died tbla morning at the age or S month and 19 day, or pneumonia rever. Mr. and Mr. Darling ar late arrival In tho city, and realde on Washington atreet, between alith and Seventh. Th funeral will be held to morrow at 10 o'clock. Service will be conducted by Rev. Feeee of the MethodUt church, at Whlllock'a chapel. THE PROPOSED KEW CHARTER HKAVY PROPKRTV OWNKR OIVKH IB VIKW OK PHOPOHKD CHAR' .NKW MKASURR WOULD IVRAGR INVRATOM raauatd, nonprogralr dag backward. I it would caua all of our praclat la valu. would building, and keep out ount of tb uncerUlnty. AFEWP art car en I MN'NOTT WlXb FOR COXORft If iAiisnPo p tltd Pre Servle PORTLAND. April M. Th rote th Oregon prwldcatlal primarlea tabulated aland; Rooeevelt 1G,- 1, La Pollette 10,194. Tart 16,119; lelllag I9.C97, Bourn S3,C9t. WIN fn 6.JS7. Clark 6.493, Harmon 690 III IncompUU. The following have been nominated INTERS ON SK1DOO CHARTER FOREDOOMED TO DEFEAT ON APRIL 33. 1912 WHAT LINCOLN HAID "YOU CAN POOL HOMK OP THK PBOPLR ALL THR TIME, AND ALL THK PKOPI.K HOMK OP THK TIME, RUT YOU CANT POOL ALL THR PBOPPLR ALL THR TIMS." WHAT THK CIRCUS MAN SAID "THK AMKRICAN PKOPLE LIKE TO RE HUMBUOOKD." Mr. Voter, do yon like to be hauabajjeed? Cm YOU b footed ALL tarn Mm? Of roara yon caati aad jrem'U aay eo oe the PATAL A Paw Fellow 1 , If your wife were extravagant and run up bill beyond your mean to pay. If you did not apply for a divorce, or, at leat, did not u a little pro fane language, you would be a mighty good man or a very fool lab one. If your cook peraUted In buying gro ceries at one tor when he could get ther cheaper at another, you would fire her: If you hired an agent to look after your builneia and at the end of two or three pear hla meth od compelled you to pay 1.35 for vory dollar' worth of credit you got, bealde Inlereat; and If your agent hould come to you and aay: "Her, algn thla paper ao I can borrow more money to pay your bill ao I can run you (till deeper Into debt" of court you would algn th paper jut aa your agent naked you to JUST AS YOU WILL VOTK FOR THR BKIDOO CIIARTKR IP YOU ARE ONE OF THR PKOPLK THAT CAN BR FOOL- ED ALL THE TIME- Under the bualneaa management of the man who'aaka you to endora hla method YOUR CITY (and that mean YOU) la now paying 11.16 for very dollar'a worth or anything either labor or material It geta, be aide Intereata on Ita note. (Be page 111, Argument for Charter.) The preient bond and war rant Indebtedneaa la ....1146,000 (See p. Ill, Argument for Charter.) Estimated coat or municipal water aupply 600,000 Local Improvement bond, paving, etc 100,000 Total I4,000 That hum. ir the contemplated nnnlrlnal Watnr avitem la COmDleted under the pretent admtntttratloa and the proposed charter, aa laaecxeojaea for every voter te trite city of at leant 9700,0061 u aatoMt perhepe aapar. allnlMl la the hlatorr of aay mualcl- nallty In the UaMed State. At 6 per ceat It meaaa 948.00 taiea yearly for erery toter ha thte city bealdei tbs tax neeeaeary ior ex penie of city govwramaat. Mr. Voter, YOU will have to pay that tax, directly or Indirectly, If not In ao many dollar and caate for which you get a tax receipt, then ha i..i i and a hlarhrr coat of llTtaft If th BKIDOO CHARTIR HAk hut thar aay the 1600.000 tlmat for th water aupply wu only aJOKRI" will agger but Digger woa't II." The editor of tbe Evening Herald baa In bl poeaeaelon a certified copy of the application for water Sling, ob tained from Secretary of State Olcottl A queer jok for STATESMEN to perpetrate, urly! That estimated aum of 1600,000 (hair a million dollar, Mr. Voter) 1a to be expended entirely by a WATER nOARD confuting or tbe MAYOR AND THREE OTHER MEN AP POINTED BY THE MAYOR, ANf ONE OF WHOM OR ALL CAN BIS FIRED BY THE MAYOR, WITH NO REDRE8S WHATEVER. (Read aectlon 6, p. 63, ot tbe char tor. You might alio read the tatter part or aectlon 4, amo pago.) You can aateU the nigger, ern If you don't aee him, ean't yoaT It la argued that under tba Com mlaalon Charter a water irttem can not be acquired by the city. Tbla la a grave mlatake. The old charter make provision for tbla very thing, and tb Commission Charter, which 1 merely an amendment to th old, doe not repeal that provUlon. Tbe application for water Sling provide that th lyttcnt I to be 'com pleted by July lat, 1914. The Com mlaalon Charter could be amended In sixty dare to allow bond laauaa to con struct a municipal water supply. By censtructlug the syatem In natte and using a larger force of men, the sya tem could be completed at aa early a date as under th Skldoo Charter. Do you want to donate tbe water front from Shtpplngton to Lake Ewauna to aome greedy railroad cor poration or on ot It subsidiary com panies? (Look ob p. 34, "Q" 73-76. P. 33-39, sees. 6-7-10. P. 10, se. al and get a glimmer.) NO FRANCHISE OR LEASE OF ANY NATURE SHOULD EVER RR (I It ANTED UNLE8S THE PROTI.K OK THIS CITY HAVE FIRSTJIAD A VOICE ON THE QUESTION! It you are only a working bub. Mr. Voter, and know what it Is tob out of a Job aad "up against It" la a Strang town, look on p. Tl, aee. 6, and see how a strange worktngmaa that was broke could be sura a! got ting a square meal under tha SKIDOO CHARTER if ho failed to fcara from twelve to ttteea "bueka" t his Docket. - BROTHER WORKWOMAN, tkla paragraph It especially for TO0. SO YOU THINK IT COULD MAKE TIMES QOOD IN KLAMATH VALU FOR THE RESIDENT WORKWO MEN TO HAVE A HORDE OF NE OROE8 IMPORTED TO PAVE THE STREETS, OR A FLOATINO POPU LATION TO Did THE 8EWER8 AT THE WA0E8 AN OVER-STOCKED LABOR MARKET AND THEIR OWN NECESSITIES COMPEL THEM ..ACCEPT? IF SO. THK CfRi MAN MUST HAVE HAD YOU MIND WHEN HE PERPETRA' HIS IMMORTAL EPIQRAM AMERICAN PEOPLE LIKE TODE HUMBUadKD!" Do aot BBderstend that the witter haa any prejadlce agalnat the m as suck. 'I am aot trying to c: race hatred, nor have I aay fe agalast tbe "Boater," for well I he doe not depreaa wage aad lei a hours from choice, but from neces sity. But, WORKINOMEN OF KLAM ATH FALLS. DO NOT BE DE CEIVED BY ANY SPECIOUS ARGU MENT THAT A FEW LOCAL IM PROVEMENTS WILL MAKE TIMES OOOD FOR THE RESIDENT WORK- 1NQMAN.OF KLAMATH FALL8. If th truth were known, It la quite probable that It Is not so much tbe delect In the ballot title of th pres ent charter that has been to blame for the difldeace ot bond buyer as to tbe methods of the present adminis tration under which city warranta ar dlacouated 36 per cent IN MILLS ADDITION WHERE WE ARE TOLD THERE 18 SUCH A PRESSINO NEED FOR SEWERS, THERE WA8 NOT A' 8IN0LE CA8E OF TYPHOID FEVER LAST SUM MER. Most certalBly w should all Ilk to have every horn la th city and th outskirts In. reach ot a newer; the worklag people dessrv th best la civilisation, and the best Is bobs too good for th werkers: but a city of 6,000 people cannot afford th Im provement that larger cities can, aay mora than th wit of a worklngman caa afford th klad of aa Easter boa nt that th ladle oa Nob Hill caa, much aa she might Ilka to have It. "Smooth worda butter bo parsnip.' Brother Worklngman. Tha Skldoo Charter will butjr bo parsatps for th working class ot this city. 01 with the soft soap, boys, and take n look at tha real article. AND ON THE 33D OF APRIL. 1911, yon are going to prove that HONEST ABB waa right whea k aald: "Yon can't fool ALL th people ALL tk timet" Whea It's up to you to pass ludg mat os taiea Skldoo Charter, yoa ar going ra aay: ami, ejauamui" Arw'tyeuT Sur. Mikl A WORKWOMAN Wk Ha X4m4 tk Skldee Charter, as shown by th return rcivd: For congressmen, W. C. Hawley, N, P. Slnnott nnd A. W. Lafferty, repub licans; secretary of'state, Bea W. 01 cott, republican: Joha Ryaa, demo crat; supreme court justice, Robert Bakln, republican; food commission er, John D. Mlckl. republican, Wil liam Bcbulmcrlcb, demecrat: railroad commissioner, Ctyd B. Atchison, re publican. Lew Anderson, democrat Ben Belling and Harry Laa ar th respective candidate for Ualted State senator. ENTERTAINER IN LYCEUM DATE Lee Emerson Baaaett, reader and entertainer, will appear Wedaeaday venlng nt Houaton'a opera house to cap th climax of the series of anted talnments which has been given by the Klamath Lyceum course. He come as a substitute to Edmnnd Vance Cooke, poet and humorist, who came to this city on tbe Saturday nlgbt of his date, but arrived too late to appear at the opera' house. He pent a pleasant Sunday la Klamath Falls wishing he bad arrived la time. Order Raster Star Thar will be a regular meeting ot Aloha Chapter No. (1, O. E. 8., ob Tuesday avenlng, April IS. CHURCH PACKED - BY WIST ROBERT F. WHStTON MEETINOS AT CHRJST1AN TABERNACLE CONTINUE TO SHOW STRONQ DRAWING POWER Th Christian church was packed yesterday, although fifty extra seats were provided. Evaagellst Whlston waa at hla beat at both service, aad the chorus work was above par. The male quartet delighted all, aad will sing sgatn soon. These meetings will contlnuo every night thla weak at 7:45. Oa Wednesday night tbe meet lag will begin at 7:30, closing at 1:19 on account ol Tonight the evaagellst spenroarTne Boepnera aaa ta Sheep," aad th WhUtoaa will slag a duet Other special music, assisted by tbe chorus. A goodly number have come forward for Christ aad the church, and a great meetlag la antici pated. Come tonight aad hear this man from Nebraska. New Feed Barm Frank 8. Jester aad Charles W. Miliar hav purchased through the R. E. Smith Realty company, 130 feet oa the corner of Oak and Eighth street, and expect to erect mtereon aa up-to-date feed barn, a aaaaaaaaaawaaawapaa aXaMBBBW HORSE FOR 8AL)-YouBg. broke Ingl or double Wm. Wagaer, next to Sparks taeater. 33-3t BROWN-FIELDER SUNDAY WE0DIN6 DEPUTY OAMK WARDEN TAKES BRIDE BY SABBATH CEREMONY ' PERFORMED BY REV. GEORGE M.FEESB Late Saturday Bight Couaty Clerk Charles R. Da Lap Issued a narrlago license to Miss Bather L. Ftelder aad Carltoa OUv Brewa, deputy sjame warden, who Htm at Crystal. Tk youag people war Jotaed te matri mony at I o'clock Suaiay afternoon at tha hem at L. Alva Lewie, wko kas far some tlm beea game warden of this district Mr. Lewis U a brother-in-law of tho groom. The ceremoay waa perforaei by Rev. Oeorg H. Feeee, pastor ot Grace M. B. eaurea. BALL AND CHAIN NOW IF NEW CHARTER M ALCM IBB CRUEL AND UNUSUAL FtTNIamV MEXT WILL BE RBSOBTEaV TO IN KLAMATH FALLS Oovernor West commended by th latelUgeat ppt of the tat. lrrpcUv ot polities, for ate vigorous efforts toward tk abandonment of that relic at barbar n, th gallows. Th governor aaa postponed tho execution of all the prisoners coademned to die aatll attar the November electioa, te order ta give the people ot th state aa oppor tunity to express their wish with ref erence to the death peaalty. Tbe fact Is, the store eallghteaed of aatloas are fast dlaeardlag those features of the dark ages, sack aa the guillotine, th gallows, whlpplag peat aad the chate gaag, where hamsmhe lngs-ar chained together Ilka Ue aad drtvM to thlr work by the slave driver. Yet la progressive Oregea, whisk la betas polated oat aa tb leader te popular government fey the people, we aaa oao or its meat promkuag ewee about to take a step baekward a hun dred years or more te tha atsaat ot laws goverateg Ra psspls. Ther la a prevision te.Um Saaderaea'amar-T taV.whiai l)kBssjj wml'vmm as -w snbrrow, which ovarr ataa. who Is am- foftuaate epeugfc.taAaeeteM his living, should earefally i coaatder before he east hks The man with moaey eaa msaaRy bap his freedoat, bat what wlH happea to oa ot the laborlag elasa who might happea to bo wMaeat aaoaay aad sawtmlaVamjIato tho dutches of tha city police Mcera. Ha eaa be FET TERED aal MANACLHD aSd ptaeed to work oa sno streets, subjeet to pwb- Ue ridicule lad disgrace. Thlah thla over, Mr. Wlrklagmaa. aad aee If tkla Is the kind If lew that modem crrU UatloB shomd adopt Followlag la the sect ion I referred te: Tho etty council shaji have the power, aader paragraph I of Section 1, Artlete IV.: 'o provide .for tho paaish- ment ot th violation c: aay ordlaaaee of thla city by fia aad lmprieoamat tot exceodlag Oa Huadred(199 ) Dollars fine sad coats or by fifty (69) cays Imprisonment, or by both, or by forfeiture aa peaalty; aad for worklag nay peraoa aeateaced to sue tmpita onment upoa aay atroat, pabUe work. or la aay public place during th term thereof, aad to provide that .iay per son adjudged to pay a Sao aad ceate who shall fall to pay th earn, may la addltioa thereto, be aaatraced to labor oao (1) day for each two 'ID dollars of said fine aid coats oa tha streets or other public work of the city, aad to provide that all praoaa sentenced to labor upoa th street or other public works of th city shall be under tho charge of the chief at police, atreet superintendent or other person designated by the couaetl.aad the couacll may provide sash FBT TERS aad MANACLES aa Buy bo accessary to secure such peraoa dar ing such term of labor; ta previa for tho pualshmeat of aay persea sen tenced to Imprisonment wko shall re fuse to work who ordered. WHISKEY CHVHaa ARE PUT IN JAUt William MeGrath aad Frank Iteay were arrested this afteraoea aad , placed la tbe couaty jail oa a chars of furnlshmg whiskey to ladlaaa. Tha former wm arrested by Deputy Shorhf James Whseler aad FoUeeau aad the latter by Pollesmia B. Wakefield. Floyd Brewa aad Beall, two ladtoaa, are kM m wtu furatehd to the ladlaaa te tafaw quaaUttea, aad a eeteera hare kaaB oa the watea tor the sBsadsrs. awT era! hotttes ot whiekey wera;aearas, frcIa4HM.aawiUbaMtV .- 'i -H'A l XI f-r- H!' ? am. ?r -,""iiBiiwirti, Smith b4 I boad laaua provided for Y w kuw "aar My." war j-. h v$4 . w ,J, t