v. ,. " -e: V. V, X 4. ) ., -'r .-i miitwkh itv Tim exit" '" NKWH "K,,v,c" KVKNIXd IfKWBPAPI PIUMT TUB NKWS, NOT KMMA'III FAMA, OIIKOO.N, HATUIHUY, APIIIL 20, 10J Price, Fhr wkt ffrftfiititi. lf.ftf.tli-' j- --tx f-r-'r v?9vwm "r -v -v""-" i " Rhtti Ymi X". '. IN QUIET ELECTION VOTERS PICK MEN L0W AHEAD IN RACE naMMi. iiwii:i.hti:i.v. timvi:.v ,Mi hii u.i.nrK ih:ht tiikiii oiiim:ni u,w. JDIMJIMl IIV NIUMKII llin IfltNH la a primary election yesterday lrotoul lilumnlli county Hint puMd off m quietly as ' prepara Jof7 rlod, the republican vnlnrs, Mftnl br H'o "leaner returns tho tl.nld wss alito t collect today, d- lUrrJ that they want Charles 0. l.ow Hryilcn cif Hut Oregon Aicrlcfilltiral nillego, In iIIbuhihIiij; tlio nlijint f , there In nny fur mi tin- present tnur of Hid poultry don. oimlrntlon rnr nl nut over tlio riiitHlmrii Pacific lino by tlio rollc k. "II ttm farmers of Oregon wonW aeop, on nn average, ton licim In slend of about fill. It wnnlil nlmt out III tlm llcionl. some of whirl, im.il tinlly Ikmi delivered, Kent turned! sorrowfully to ti mcrilnry tmd r 'lui'ntH liliu to rfdil nnntlmr suspici ous looking mlsilvo (lint tlm mnll, MirrliT liml Just, deposited on his desk 'llilii In Hlmt i ,nnnl "Dear Hlr and ICIml Friend I nm1 going In link n favor of )on, tlinl In, III jour vocation In life, which. If I hope Hint ) on WHITE AGAINST BOARD CHARTER will give )our naalstnnrti In nppalnt Ink iiio In some uowrimiiint position. Buy whom I rati draw tlilrty-llvn or' four tlmusntnl per year I nm i nimble I of taking up nnyililng If nrcessaiy, no .mcasi'iii: ritA.Mi:i up ami 1'iti.N-i i:i iiv cuv council HAS lilXIXTH WHICH I.LTTI.'ll poiyih out plainly Councilman 0, V. . Whlto l i. Inw-rnnklng power of It own, and does not oik permission to do this, Hint or tlio other thing, but does all theso nn a frco, Independent body a mod wonderful (top over Hie former manner of government, when tlio stato legislature dictated and pro scribed rights, remedies and limita tion!. Tut nine to tho proposed charter by Sanderson, among older things vu nro niked to voto a 1550,000 blnnktt bond provision, with no definite state- ment of what It may or may not bo used for. Instead of biicIi vague, un- Icortnln, Indoflnlto tirovlalon. you should bo frco, as you have an In mutter Hlicn you nut me. I nm1 tin Import ami mid il.ii.io.oim ,ir ndly In need of n noiltlon. nod tlila nonil to tlm charter frnmi.il mi iLu...u. -...'.- .. . .. .. tr ,m,...n.. .. . .. ....... . I. ii... . i." ....... ... - uiibiiuiiiu risiu jo no, irom iimo lo ,. ,...,v,-,.m, ii ,rr in mi. hisiiiii ii' -ii"" i ninii nnn ma ncra- city Atturncy llorncv M. Manning, tlio Unix li n to n I: for on. I nm an ardent i ........ f- ..,. .... Tl uri...... of H HMi.t.n.loi, " "bllrutibred and ,11. d In tl. 2 M"0'' rC'' T' " ,Uer'" nml ,be c, ear It f nuiUi.. n ., - ,,r...i... Ininl Hlifthir ton Hu m .iii council. Hu cnllg particular ntlcti- louof ,..ryn,,d,.KK.. T.,.;.,u.rl. r no. I .,.. l-run-mUr ,o. '"mp" "" )"' "' P op0...on ' n-d t ny I. ... lucr .., n rlt Iny I hope , hear from , '"" " !. .J""" . t.AViVL0 fai.ir.Mo or .info, or- "u"" "'"r""7l" ",i,.nB ' '0")'l ln.lt n i w, niiiTB lur iinnrnwiinrmii iviiti no. ' ----- - -- -' ! .- ml formula and no optical from .my .'ll.llU ..Ih. .......I. .. n..l.l ... . , ( . it,.U ru "imlii nuuiu no iosAiiii) tlmo my for what purpose and what nmounl of bonds sbnll be Issued, bo It for $1 or $1,000,000, Let tho con dition that prevails at tho tlmo the Po.'ki of tlm farmer, rnllier limn to linvn poultry kiepers stnrt larun Mtit farms Tlio ileliinuil rniiiint bu nut by tho i-atnhllilimrnt of Inrgn. faflttrln, Jy liiii"i ir imiuur runn.i) poultry rnrtns It tlm R.-II u4Jobn llsKrlttelli for roinmlMloii'.ernl fnimer Rons mil of tlio . ck pro r. liru Isltiof the rnllin coiiiuy. inn local ,rmi pnnir political ontaiilinllous lintn nn nr- "TIioiikIi Hutu iiro opporlutilllcs rit(inrnU ( nioiruiMii tlio returns for prom nlnnr snclsl lines In pmil frta tl" various prrclnrt of tlio try VnepliiK, tlio mnrki-t for pislnl (Mil, lilcli mnkus rompllit nmltlrs Is limited, nod It would do folly rorfKt results ImpoMllilo to obtain, jtn aihlso meryoiin In ko Into np.lul latte Mnktllln precinct, for Justltn ;'' I ' ff,, l' otlfr.s Hint wo flktl'ram K V. (lowmt led tbo ''I1' "'" ft opln out of the titef four republican candidates l.yjl'onllry IiuiIii-u than line komp inm ( i my luUlaiillnl plurality. Knr ' " " eclusln bulnrss I lmn; ii- i.. i... n U.I..H.U.I, ..... .'rnrpmxi creitl llUlnlirrs or letters' romforUblo mnjorlty over ton wlietlier lbU I like to gel letters from uiitclllRcui men " VVL,ir,.oon,k If. ..I I..m..i l.l .i...t. M,d Hunt lii sonrel. f llepresentntlvc '" "'." 'T'1'' of nny c""nc" nnt dU I'unvu in IM1 Ulir, IIC -pOlKH I1IS Crill Si Mllinril Iti cut ttm Inllnr'M iiiilnlnii f.f , gutsmeiils are hern based on r-liuriiK btislucs Ihero lll soon bo an "'"l "" l " writer meant when lie , " " . ,,lu r,inrtcr ln folio lng rM wtitch sr believed to bn n fair cgr: fnmlno po.alMy n serious flitati- "'"'"'I t ciHigressiiinii ns an "un-..?..'' .. ., teliiKeiii man." "' A Kre.it dent Is being said In tho papers of Into, pro and con, as to Hie adoption of the so-called Sanderson charier by tho otcrs on April 23. As oposcd lo tho measure, nllow mo ,to atnto why think tlm oters ought to turn It donn. r In tho first plnco, I am In favor of 'udge Thumas llrnke. thu local nml bellevo tlm pcoplo prefer n com lnw)ir. who returneil from I'Cill.uid tnlsslnn form of gocrnment. Wo will ..?.? I dull.. I h , ... v r I .,. n I ,, . f ' 8n,," "' Thursday ovonlnr. In- net It by adopting tho Sander William ''''' KI'M'M year finm a I pa is of ' ,, con,ruc(c(, cliarters. ,,II1W l.e.lal... n.wel asfrnm other sta es. ' reehed word that ho had won nl. 8anirron ,,,, Mcccnt DRAKE WINS THREE I Among tho moat pernicious meas ures I find In tho charter Is that nf feitlng public Improvements, begin i Ing on page 89. Under the old char ier, street Improvements were pro vided for, so far ns cost was concern ed. In ono of two ways. Dy what Is jcncrally known a. tho proportional WOMAN'S RELIEF CORPS COMMITTES TITANIC OWNERS WOULD SHUN PROBE l'll'Ki:D ANI AnitA.VnK.MKXTS i,im: roil niorKit onsmiv. a.vci: of .mi:mokiai, huxdw XI) DKCOK.VriO.V DAY latb msiier of surd county oinriii w county clerk, nsarsior. uruiyor niuca. iiw in .im our i mniwu - . . . i.i .... ... -Mr- nanuerson nan an excellent op- l.tbU l..u ' '" "' rllw staled that theythie.. ca.es . tried or argued before ,portllntjr ,0 ,0) ,,, furcr wf)rk 0 lath, ,e.m,rtllc rac for sh.rlrf, '- 'n ' the K.uliry business the federal court. Ju.lgo Woherton ,1,1. charter at tho tlmo thero wa D. II. Km lll.hop and H.tmuel ..'' 'Ko rnl',: ""'In large majority I pre.ldlng. The mo.t crlllcall) con-1 filed with the council what wai on at WiUtr bsd a close race for II... not... " '""" "',l l,'"r VT"' .m",,l,,K ,,f """'l " l,'l ' N- . tempt to obtain a co-minion form of iMtloo. .III. irtuuis up to this Hm.. "" '""'" ""J l''' ''r wa to (i.H.rgo II Karrali. mid Intohlng tlm- g.ntrnment. !U could hao, by a iloilnf Walker ttm favorite. advl.o caution. If every one of them )rr Inuds and land clnlms In this conference) with thoio who desired tho mu Rinin ion, nm 01...01-1.. n. 101'j iniiniy, sain in inu legal unruniint commission form, lind a Joint commlt Inlended. and lncaled their nil In It. to bo worth about I10.00U, but lii.teo to liavo revised and tubmlt n sat It Is !ifii tn iiv Hint thorn unulil ',.liiv i.m.i... n ..1. in... ......... I...... ..... .. . ... i ,,.. n,,.. u .....or.iiv .... ' " " ""," ". imiiv niutiory coinin.ssiun cnarier. nau no JTnu rt Irr uVm, Kclnirlo, ,,M" '""" ,h"u"'"l "f "" '- I'lio local lawjer repented tho win- and hi. backer, favored tho commls T.r,e ,. Z, , ,?,', ,,,.M , for ln VPrr rnUnlr "' Ul" M' "'"' ,h" " "!. . d agnluat him ,nn government. They did not. and )!i r ...iiiiih. . ,. 1 .. . .1 . . i"",Ur'r '"''"' nul11 " iwlvnl was an array of counsel collating of ,! not now. want a commission gov (Mlly coiniu llr.mM., but then. i. ., ,lUck ro, ,,CMl & ((f ,,,, nml Alton .eminent. Inllfiniisili vsi s-nit ti !.t l 1st r.llw .... ..... . s I ... .ul... ,. m I ' oumr rW"K " m'1 " " ncy Hrecn of Bestlle. The defendan: One ihlng tho pcoj.loiiUoiiid bcarj ItM iny llatit 011 nils uDIrp, 'liii.lnrss nnlia wo makn ll so. If Irlnln....! ililn in 11,.. ,.r,..nv !. lr '. i.i 1. ... .1'. .' i 1 -.-.-.--. ... 1"""- i i.iv ,,..,1,,, ,v m.uv. I4IHID in iiitit nir; Mil' IUU'1 UIJSII 1 In the cn. or county srlimil super ' cniiducled along sane, common sense 'of quit claim deeds made to him by 'frco. Independent reople, having full, Utudtnt on Hit. rrpiibllcati Hckrt the tines there Is profit In It. Tho two 'Theresa Iltnnchelt. Mary 11) nn and and nbsolulo power In tlio city to! ubs of H HIoukIi was wtllleii In nolnts on which special emphasis Is Annln II. r.irrili. rl.tlnilntf in hn inl,ilm.if,. , m..t. nil i.m .. ihn.. ! I'roRrnm nnd Oncra House Mes cilonally sa npiiosvd lo Kiod I'otur- laid In the ilrmontlrnllon iar are heirs of Jas, J l.ee deceased, and eio- please, without being questioned byl,lam,, Vnn Riper, Hobortson, Alma ks. vui iii inn proimniy rr.iiu lu , rrcillnR for eggs ami Housing. i:gg cuted on tho 25th of May, 190C. power or authority from nny source, lis nomination Many compliment- rations are nn display, feeding rharli Tho triumph won by local parllcs.lso long ns they keep within tho llml- ary roles were offered to persons 'show results of .aperlmeiits, breeding Involving property In tho Willamette tatlons of the constitution nnd of the boss names wero not on tho ticket ihnrts show results of breeding for Mt rldlan, settle n long disputed Innd .criminal laws of tho stato nt large, foraayomce, In siimn cases friends on I eggs, different grades and qunlltlc cnu, which thoso who have reason formerly tho stale legislators said IBS ObpOtlti! parly Dffcrltia: th.llill nr,l rll.lllltltl. IliarkellllC tins- tn Lllllt' llltnlim fur mnrn limn ulml 'irlml un rnnl.l nml vlml tk'n rmil.l stbltllles are demonstrated, and lhr Is drnotcil In tlm "paper" statement--not do. equipment for successful hatcl.lni: ( tribute There was nn contest in tlio case of 'publican representative for the Tftnlr.nrit dlslrlrl, with two to tlrct, a n.l Hm names of Vernon A. forbes and Wesley O. Hmltli on tlm Urktt In choice of men to represent nioio tkan the rounly, Itooaevelt seems tn BMsbccn a decided republican favor ll for the presidential nomination, tlni 270 votes, wlillo Tuft look 200 M U Kolloito it of the count so fir, Senator llourne, asking for a ro Itttlon without really going after It la tarnett, appear, lu havo llt to n Helling, 312 to 213, with Lowell ui Xlorlou fnr behind. Tor congress, Klunolt, who Invaded ' district lu an nggresslvo cm Wlin, while his uppononl. stayed y, captured tho most votes, while Mf'tary of Hlate Den W. Olcolt w.a favorite against Field., tho totals Ming 3(1 to 2:4, Cll.iln (). c, Applegate pollod a ry fat vole for delegate to tlio re PiWIfan national convention. Kor Presidential elector thore wn. no con JHt, but Insiend of everybody voting lor l(. J, MrMnlion, who bad hi. nnino Printed on tho ticket, .onto Inserted " name ,.f William llanloy or oilier wrorltca. It will probably bo somo .lay. bo "re tlio rniir,, r,.,, the county Is wwlactorlly compiled. At th6 regular meeting of the vo I'.an's llellof Corps on Tuesday nfler- noon plan, wero discussed and at raiigcmcnts mado for tho proper ob servance of Memorial Sunday and Memorial Day. The president ap pointed the following committees to tnko up tho werk: Conference Mcsdamc. namsby, Doyd. Scttt, Worden, Sargent. Nown ham. Music Metdame. Selts, Kimball, The two 'Theresa Iltnnchelt. Mary 11) nn and and nbsolulo power In tlio city io!8n"Kei' Alexander, McLaughlin Flower. Mesdames Stenrns.Whltc Wlthrow, Martin, Drookfleld, Miss Warner. To Assist Patriotic Instructor Mosdamcs Doyd, Sargent, Patch, Van niper, Stearns. Now, however, each city Is n rOULTRy KEEPING IS PROFITABLE BUSINESS "flier at Agricultural College. Har Hiimiul for Kgga and Poultry HUH Kwce.1 01M, Huppljr, Whlrh Hun larreaseii " to The Herald ha.iT '' A,,r, "Tbre .,L un cnor"ou. Incre.se In the irortuction of egg nd poultry In tho .ni. !! "I0 pa,t y. bu' In J"' ' "'I llio donund h. far ok- s. hi L,llu iU'l,,Jr Prlco. aro .till n'h a. ever,"ild Profjwor Jams fCnnllnued en Page tl PUBLIC DOCUMENT MAY BE OF SOMEJfVORTH NOWj Haiiaiurlilo Man Wrllei lo Uepirsen Ullic for t'opy of t'ongr islminl lleconl for rkTaplxmk for Ills IH.ugl.lrr UNOFFICIAL RESULTS OF YESTERDAYS PRIMARIES White it Pra Hervlce WASIIINHTON. I). C April 20. It has remained for a Cnllfornlnn to discover n pnicllcal use for tho Con gressional Itecord something tho best political brains of our country has been unable tn hit upon after n hundred years or more of reflection. Hut no marble llguro of this twenti eth century discoverer will bo placed In slntuary hall-neither will ho bo voted tho thanks of congress. In stead, ho Is doomed to anonymity, for Hepreacntntlvo Kent of California absolutely refuses lo iimko his namo public. A fow dnya ago ono of Kcnl'a con HllluenlM penned n brief but courto ous nolo to thu "Sago of Kontlleld" ns his Washington address, nsklng Hint ha bo mulled it bound copy of tho Congiosslnnnl Itecord. All of Kent's supplies having been exhnualcd, ho directed hla socretnry to mull III. re gret, to Ills constituent. Tho othor day ho received tho fol lowing letter from tho unamed pa triot. "Dear Blr Vour. of tho 10th re ceived stating your Inability to send mo n copy of tlio Congressional Itec ord. What Is wanted la n book suit ablo for a .crap book for my daugh ter. An old copy would do, or any woll bound book of similar alio. If you havo nny inch which you can sparo, wo both will feel groatly obliged to you. Your, truly." Having lenrnod with some llttlo re gret that nt loast ono of his constitu ent, had no burning do.lro to foast bin oyea PD too ponderous speeches w i 5P H H H"5 E . ? 8 s Es? OFFIUi: AND CANOIUATK oas"s IgS . tr rj , ; d. ; o :??:."-: : : ; z. E. . . ... '. '. '. '. ' Hl.erinr Oscar I,. Carter K tl 23 IS 61 17.; 8 9 3 II. H. (Irlgsby 9 33 to 21 H 11. 35 14 36 C. C..I.OW 13 SS 40 S3 SS N 27 14 20 4 Clerk C. It. Delni tlC 79 13A 1C5 48 52 42 Trvimurvr A. Custel ti 33 38 t!2 ll -11 2,t 11 4 A. J. Manning 23 84 42 87 125 42 .34 33 32 'i.iiimliuloiicr John Itngelstelli 13 55 49 S2 93 87 .10 30 28 J. O. HnmiiKer 14 64 28 OS S3 25 21 15 11 Assessor U.C.Cowley 89 60 110 HO 48 47 88 School KuK'rliitendent Fred Peterson 97 64 111 129.38 4r 87 W. S. Slough 15 10 15 10'.. , 4 .. Himoor i:. II. Henry 109 73 124 151 V 46 47 41 .. Cl.ll.lHT II. H. U lllls 97 57 109 137 43 11 39 IViiro Justice K. W. llowen 25 55 27 5t 50 23 .. .. 20 It. B. authrldgo 10 19 33 29 T 5 .. .. 1 U. II. Itamsby 6 26 18 20 43' 7 14 W. II. Shaw 32 14 41 58 . ,16 .. .. I Coiiktahlo :' , J. O. Bchnllock 15 76 42 98 108 ' 21 u .. .. 26 Will (I. Wilson 12 47 SI SO 69 15 , 12 tVntrnl Committee & . Jack Korr . . , 1 W. 8. Wlloy 1 p ' r ' T . . C. T. Oliver B " '..,.. . II. F. Murdoch ' 3 "' - i " A. W. Blover ' .., . . . M- . -v District Attorney " i John Irwin .....IB 68 89 88- 93 .,81 .-ft W 10 1). V. Kuykendall 10' 44 39 56 81 18 K 16 18 Demorratlo Slierlff K, ,' ,. , It, St. aeo. nishop 6 16 10 33 24 k B 6 14 9 8. I,. Walker B 8 10 34 88 4 8 8 18 The vote In Laugoll Valley for democratic ahtrlff waa: Btehop 8, Walker II. 10 30 9 14 32 20 30 a m a 3 M 4 10 9 6 1 O r 6 12 11 19 8 237 272 363 637 255 543 131 369 627 540 68 591 527 860 97 134 158 397 236 89 446 19" .. .. 317 B 8 8 140 B "10 1 146 cost of tlio entire street to be Improv ed according to frontigc, or whero It provides to chargo tho cost of lm piovumcnt to the abutting property for the cost of Improvement In front thereof. Under both plans the cost of Improving tho crossings or Inter millions aro taxed up, flvo-ofghths to llio four corner lota nnd three-eighths to the property to center of blocks, according to frontage Ity the Sanderson clmrter It Is pro posed to mako Improvement districts, nnd to provldo that the city council shall DfrrnitMINK the cost and as sess the property they determine Is benefited, and tbo city council de termines how much each property owner must pay, nnd In all these mat ters tho determination nnd decision of tho council Is FINAL and CON CLUSIVE no appeal or review. Tbo objection to this I. that each changing council, and even the same council, will have different and vary- Irp Idea. a. lo tho benefits and the I ropcrty affected In the district they ore laying out for Improvement. No mm tn buying property would be safe ur know what ho might be assessed for his street Improvements, It rest- l.ig solely In the judgment of the council. Tho charter should fix, ab solute, tho rulo of assessment similar to tho present charter, so that the frontago ono owns would bo taxed with the cost of Its Improvement nnd lu proportionate share of tho Inter section which should also be made CI.'UTAIN and DEFINITE I havo In mind ono of many Illus trations of how Mayor Sanderson' rro,)ojeil charter would work on two dlifcrent owners of property to be improved on the samo street. "A" biiya n well located, smooth, level let, with street In front level, and In good shape. It may have been so naturally or hi. predecessor, at great cost, may havo made It .o. "D" buy. rough, atony lot, with heavy, expens ive cut to prepare and make It equal ly as desirable and valuable a. "A's" lot The city council determine, to Improve tho street' under the Sander son charter. The present council says A" Is benefited a. much a. "B" by tho Improvement, and assess them equMly. After Improvement I. made r.'s" lot Is as good a. "A'." al though "A" paid or expended ten times as much a. "11" for bl. lot. Next council may look at It different, and say "A" should only pay fnr work done In front of his lot, while "n" should pay for fill or cut to maki his street ns good n "A.." No lew to fix It. Each succeeding council i'h Its Judgment, nnd thereby giving opportunity for graft, ns well a. work a' hardship and Inequitable nssetu-mcht. It might bo some council might snr we wnnt a macadamired street lo Sh'rptngton or Mills addition, and so it will be of great benefit to escu of thoso suburbs to have a macadamUod street to their section. We will form an Improvement district and asses and tax nil the property In those sub urbs with such proportion of the cost as we believe they nro benefited no mnttor If their lots nro block, wny from tho Improvement and they can do It nnd their action Is FINAL nnd CONCLUSIVE. No appeal or review. Is this progression or retrogression' Let us Improve and grow, but let us bo fair nnd Just to ourselves and wo will bo fair nnd Just to the new charter. Let, have a charter that I. progressive, fair and equitable. Q. W. WHIAB. WOULD EXPORT MEN FKDKItAIi WmKMCHH HTATIOITB PICK UP IHMAVH MEMAGKg TO FIIA.NKM.V PltOPOSIXa TO -CAPK INVKSTIOATIOX lnlted Press Service NEW YORK. April 80. Mn. Astor, Colonel Oracle and other Ti tanic survivor, will probably teeUfy before the senate subcommittee. Sergeant-at-Arm Ranidell'a aldee are watching Franklin and Ismay. Senator Smith .aid that federal wlretes station, nad picked up mes sages from Ismay to Franklin propos ing to hurry the TItanle's crew and himself out of the country. He said: "The wireless on a gov ernment boat picked up three per sonal messages and relayed theaa to Washington. TDat'a why the InvesU- gatlng committee rushed to Now York to meet the Carpathla. I.nuy has been eager to get away since he arrived." Dead Maa Waa Vat Ysa--r " If ' Vim MwBaffirya ggfr RWIN WINNER IS FOR PROSECUTOR For district attorney In the Klam ath Lake county dltrtct John Irwin seems to have taken the election from Dell V. Kuykendall, the Incumbent seeking a second term, by a very com fortable majority. In Klamath coun ty Mr. Irwin', majority I. evidently .vb.tanttat, while in Lake county. from what return, wero obtainable this afternoon be led Mr. Kuykendall by from 80 to 60 votea, Actual re turn, from Tuake county included Paisley, Silver Lake, two Lakevtew nreclncta, Pine Creek and Summer Lake, with a total or Irwin 146, Kuy kendall 137. A table In tht. Issue de tails the Klamath county vote. Cora Insane Over Disaster VENICE. Calif., April 20. Iasaas from brooding) over the Titanic dis aster. Mrs. M. U. Stuehler, a wealthy St. Louis widow, suicided by drows ing. None of her relatives were oa board. T0H6 SECRETS BARED by victims isms: PORTLAND, April 80O1 Sea. Us young Chinese woman of tho under world, U revealing ths secrets of tho Hop Sings, a war like long with "high binder" ideas, before Judge McQUui of the circuit court, where Wong M Sim Is on trial for the murder sC Seld ning. The little Chinese wo man I. also telling secret, which .he declares will be the cause of her death a. soon a. the trial la over, for It I. one of the vow. of ths Hop Sings to take the life of anyone Informing against them. Oi Sen first told of coming to Port land from Pendleton three years age. which wa. soon after her husband went to China. Soon after her ar rival In Chinatown .he met and fall In love with Seld Ding, the murdered man. "He wa. my best friend," she said, with a sigh mors emphatic than usual In answer to his relation to her. Witness told that he paid tho Una part of her room rent. He was a can nery foreman, and during ths Mason was away. Whlls he was away ths first season members of ths Hop 8Inga Induced her to Join ths secret seel- oty. She explained that ths object of the society I. to protect Its members, especially to make one member's trou ble a common grievance. She ex plained that many times she waa call ed upon to' give money to the tone to asstst some member in hiding after killing another Chinaman. Upon one occasion .he contributed to a fund ts send a "hatchet man" to Seattle to tnko the life of a Chinaman. Upon another occasion,, a "headsman" was sent to San Francisco to carry oat a decree from the Hop Sings. Of Sen told the Jury that ths Ufa of Seld Blng, her beat friend, had hssa placed on trial by the society, sad It wa. agreed that hs should be killed. Wong Si Bam and Low Boon wars ths "hatchet men" In this case. la faet, wltnes. said Wong 81 Sam told her to tell Seld Ring that they ware going to kill him. The trouble la .opposed ts) have been over the Chlaess wontaa. Seld Ring wa. not a member of ths tong, and openlv defied ths soetety and laughed at. their threats. The wltneea told how SsM Mag eme to her. room ahorttr aftsr mid night. Wong SI Bam aad Lew Beea ' wars there. The nght started and the csnnervwan waa knocked dswa. ,A vegetable knife aad raaor.w sre seael to cut hla throat aad dismember hie, body, which waa Jammed Intes traak9 sad shipped to Seattle. ... t , M ,o 1.-1 ?l ci X I'T. '" ' - .H .tit 'MAifC &' Jr ts'vjfc