V-, wc ' Henitta Kefald. Ht'l'I'I.IKU 11V TUB vtrrKH l-IIKHH NEW SERVICE Ultth Vr K' ,,M KLAMATH PALLS. ORBOON, PRIDAY, APRIL It, ISIS i W)t ffiwwAraft pbdit m nm mi MtoMr( i - CITY BEAUTIFUL PLANNED BY WOMEN LUNCH SWAY THEIRS (,ooi AitvM'i: ivi:x ah to how HiM-iKi: iiirrriiit city at im;. f.tHIO.V WHERE MERE MAM TAKI.'rt IIACrK HIIAT II tin women's day t Hi Klam ath Chamber of Commerce Krltlny goon lunrh til Hi" l.hnnnr itrlll lo fty, but nirro in mi wne lolrrnlpd Jiul tlt'isme, as Iii always Is, "I bnIIdi of ilin women' mlaalonsry KXltlltl. Xbtrr s n large attendanro of Ma imp'. '' Hi" l"l't". "The lloiiin ntatitlfut," pruved una fruitful of lood iuc(mIIiiiii from Hid speakers, of wtioru nil ( regularly ached.' (M ffO Wlllllrll, I'mUftil I'. It. Iteamra, In Initial Itf lh program, Introduced Ilin toulmlitrru uf tho occnalun, Mm. Mfy JutkKin. nml mM It wim prob ably th( flril 11111" In Ilin lilnlory of Klinuth Kalla t tint a woman had been president of aiirh mi orcaaloii, Mr. Jarkaon a t at that thn horn biutlful waa not n theme which roil. trnd one'a church or other predl Union, although Oregon women had lot the ballnl lilt'' writ) rUiI tit, isow that ilia mm were co-operating illh thrin In iiihcb for Hi better-) BfDt of thing KntxTiiltr- Tlm apeak ir uVp1 what wm mom gratifying to I travrlrr. especially If hn tin olio looking tltf where there Is green grass all it Dr, nml hemlock. Thn summits hn crowned with linlti of everlasting now, nml itiiwn thn vnlloyn ran tlm dnlirlng atreams mid lnnilnic water fall, till they reached that hrlminlnK cup, called by the liiillniin, Klamath l.nk. "Thn nlr, thn water, Ilin earth n garden apol for thn hnhltntlou of mmi, A llttlii city sprang iii mid n tl grew mid prnaprred, Ilin KtrrntN wnrn laid long nml wide, llrli k mid tnim worn fnahloni'd Into atunebutld Inga mid bungalows dotted thn hill- sides, Hardens mid trees gladdened tha nye. Tim sltr, for n county court house n talked of, thn city charter was dltciiaiMl, pulltlcii ran riot and thn iriiiln rnlmd Cain." In thn huxli that followed Mm. Jack mill, thn lirenldliiK onicer, anlil, "NVn'rn Kiilnie to ralin (,'nln nil llrlit. but wn nrn too wn to tnlk about the court home " Mr. II. It. Itnameii upoko oh the honin beautiful, and aald that the yard and abade ircra nm often an In det of what la within n home. The beautiful Iiiiiih nltordeO .1 drxren of comfort nod ilenurn not to hit ineaa urnd by n ninnny atnndard Now, In the aprliiK time, una tint time to pt.nnt and beautify thn home, Mra, Itemuei auKKcated how rartaln unalihrly apota or card playing. Thn church permit lt tnembera to pnrtiikn of aoclal cua torna that aro moral, and doe not proacrlbo them. Itidlvldunla aro only warned ntnlnt nctn contrary to Cbrlat'a learhlnra, nnd, If pnralated In, the Individual la repelled from the church until audi time na the clergy limn la convinced of the correction, when Im a reatored to good atandlnK. "II. (J. COI.MNH, Hector." 1 Continued en I'att 41 KlUEOSylLAYMJITE " ACTIMB OECAPITAnON DYING WOMEN ACCUSES MAN OF DEGRADATION Mother Who Taken I'olaon In Deapalr Cnlla Judjcn and Court OAlrlal to Her lletlaliln to Teat Iff m to Iter OaUKliter'a Downfall bulled I'reaa BorvK HAN KUANCI8CO, April U. Court wn held about death bed Into when Mra. I.llllan Drake, who lunltowed polaon In a fit of deipatr, told a realistic tale or deeruiatlcn CR.ilnat Vernle Mcl'henon. a cafo en tertalner, held on a white ilavlnf chnrico. Knowing that death was near, thn woman sent for Judge Deaay and the regular officers of hla court, nnd gnaped out her atory, tell ing of many glrla, Including her own daughter, whom aha said Mcpherson hnd working for him. l.klM I .t iL.I.-fM.1 n tllH. IH for faruilauda, to come Into . iMiyv rrrtrniauon or I'unuc Ktr- Ikada Ireea, flndlliR evidence uf thn rullott la Fatally Hurt by Head ollclme nl baud. Hhn aald that the Nitron rutoir waa mi Inrrntlvn well slnUtad to make this city worth Mtttlfylng. (tailed Press llerttea I'KKIN. April 10. Wen IJngTem, The tnaitmlatrraa cnlled Dial upon about 10 year old, was partly b Mra.0. W. White to apeak on the aub- headed and killed by comrades of his Jett of parka. Mra. While apoke of (own age at Plngllang recently nt a UepoMlbllltle of getting Pacific ter- game of "public elocution." nee beautified with Mowers, walk Decapitations have been very com ni benches, nnd how, when house mnn throughout Knnsu provlnco of suntlnc In Hmi Kranclaro a year mid late, nnd the boy Chinese have been abttf ago aim found n houan ctoan to I park which proved a btesalng to bandreda of people. It was beautiful tit small, and was vlalted by many ptoflp, and was a source of great Mtlifactlnn, Hhn spoko of tlio hope loma day of having wooden bridges sew over tlm government canal re placed by steel ones, nnd that In the Brintlme It waa a ronaolatlon to ktow that although the government anal was not aurh a thing of beauty, It was very useful. Mrs. White men tioned that tho tax of one-half mill lor park purposes will soon bn forth toning, nnd probably be continued from jr to year, enabling the city to put In n park system with trim mlnga that will be a credit to the piry board and to the city. The toaatmlatreas mentioned that It waa not Infrequent when traveling 'long Main street to see debris and tin cans In spots, at.d spoko of thn fowparatlvcly few peoplo who keep (Mr yards clean. As an Instance of llc beautifying, alio mentioned the ItJ of Heattlc, where the Women ihiwcd a determination to clean up, M4 Anally the men fell Into line and nslned. Mri. I.. K. Wllllta, to hare spoken itoiea," was absent, so Mrs. Ncl i Itminicvoll was announced to ll": a fow remarks on tho tople of "k." 8, ,( ,ho believed tho troit mtractlvo cltloa were those with w, and thnt the lack of them In M-ml-nrld district was noticeable, MPtilully o pcop0 from the Kast. "M'eaker mentioned Denver, where Jlo I ree wcro provided by tho city J" IbMe who would plant them, and Mt on tho day of distribution the r looked llko an animated forest " city of Portland, situated almost n lorwt, wna mentioned as a boau "1 1 lace. Hbo said that If tho wo n would take the matter In hand "re was no reason why this city "oiild not bo ono of the handsomest ' Ins land. l,0,,n ' "roelwnbTouih'a topic '' TIlO (larHun mnA k U.n In t. '.he ,,W " looking over JJ Hy Kngllsh poets, I And that n.'.AY roto B0 "" ""n,' and from It I take tha quo- ik. V 'Qoi nr,t arden n(l flrst city, caln," and dod did w.1. ? rdi' H rlsod the ity mil, ttna round,,, tnt u0ViBg " nd planted them la plat, and ii much Interested In them. Wen was the victim of an attempt to repro duce one. A ruaty, broken sword, dlacarded by somo enldler, was uaed by the amateur eiecutloner, with tho reault that a very bungling Job was done, fatal, however, to oWn. Kootbnll nnd "shinny," with men's severed bends as the ball, are com mon sport all over the province. free spiiclTpRoir IS IE8UN BY60V. JOHMSON Hlluallon at Haa Diego Drought About by Cloning Mouth of I. W. W. Iada to Official Hlate lavr4( gatloa. HAN DIKdO, April 19. Harris Welnstock, special agent of Oover nor Johnson, hero to Investigate the situation following tho free speech right of the I. W. W.'s. started his labors by Interviewing Inmates of the county Jail, held on charges of con spiracy. Thursday Welnstock opened offices In the court house, whero he vlll hear all complaints. NO CARD PLAYING ATCHURCHPARTY IIKV. COtMNH HAYH MIBINKOB MATION WAH 01VK.V TO MOIIN NO I'AI'KH, ANII (1IVKH KXPI.A NATION Rev. II. 0. Collins, rector of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, rubmlttod the follewing: "Through misinformation given to tha morning paper It waa stated that there would be cards at the birthday party to be given at tha Whlta Pal lean hotel this evening by tha Lad lea' dulld of tha Church of the Redeemer. "There will be no cards, and tbe dancing will bo simply a number on the program for thoso who may be present and care to dance, "la tha church tbara la no dancing BASSETT COMES FOR COOKE OATE i:TKI tT.t I N:it AIIHAN'flKIr FOR WILL H.MHH OUT COUHHE AR. lUX(lKI) IIY KIAMATH LYCKUM IIL'HKAU In the place of Edmund Vance Cooke-humorlst, who failed to get here In time to All a date for the Klamath Lyceum llureau some weeks In the dim, distant past, U. K. Dassett Is to appear. . The date for Mr. Has- sett Is April 24, which Is nest Wed nesday night. Ilassett Is an enter tainer and reader, furnished by tbe Pacific Coast llureau. The Ilrltt Ly ceum llureau furnished all the other performers, and was to have fur nished Cooke, but failed to ship him Into this city In time for the date scheduled. As the Ilrltt people could nut furnish him at a later date until fall, thn Klamath Lyceum llureau decided to have Ilassett come to com plete the 1911-1912 course of enter tainments contracted for with Its patrons. If train service Is the same as now and there Is a course nest year, tho Klamath Lyceum llureau will Insist on entertainers from the nortn ar riving here before the train due here at 8:10 p. m., which, when late, throwa plans out of gear. MRS. DREW TAKEN ILL IN COUNTRY MOTHKn OK HC1IOOL PRINCIPAL HUH'rlltl.Na WITH APPK.VDICI TIH, WHICH IM FORTUNATELY HfllHIDINO Mrs. Drew, mother of Miss "Net t R. Drew, the well known local school principal, Is 111 wltk appendicitis at the II. H. Orlgsby ranch; about nine mites osst of this city. Mrs. Drew wss on her way from Lorella to this ilty last Friday, when taken sudden ly lit, and was forced to atop at the ranch. Dr. L. L. Truss was called, and found her to fee suffering with appendicitis. The physician stated to day that the patient was Improving, and that If the affliction continued to subside there would probably be no need of an operatloa. 10 PROBE BOOK TRUST MID EXPOSE WORKINGS Council of Education of California Appoints Committee for the Work With Mark Keppel as Chalraua of the Hody. United Prose Bervtee LOS AKOELE8, April 19. Mark Keppel, superintendent of tbe Lo Angeles county schools and chairman of a committee appointed by tbe Cal ifornia council of education to work for a legislative probe or the alleged text book trust, has begun work, as- slated by the following committee men: Wm. H. Langdon, Modesto; J. II. Francis, Los Angeles; Will C. Wood, Alameda; A. J. Cloud, Ban Francisco, and W. II. Mackay, Cblco. Ills plans are outlined In a letter to Governor Johnson. WEIGHT OF HUMAN SOUL ANNOUNCED BY RUSSIAN Slav Physician Says He Put DyJag Man on Scales, and When Death Came Decrease Waa IS Grama United Press Ssrvlna ST. PETERSBURG, April II. The human soul weighs SO grams, accord ing to Dr. Ivan Kenton. He placed a dying man on a weighing maeniie, which at the moment of death regis tered that deeraaae, N6WRRELESS STATION TO BE ATJEU MUIISTCR Will Rave Three lamease Towers, and la Plaaaed to Sead Froae Ger many to the United States Without Relaying Ualted Frees Semen HAMUURO, April II. Construc tion will begin In a few days on tbe most powerful wireless telegraph sta tion In Germany, at Neu Munster. The station will have three Immense towers, each S00 feet In height Its range will be even greater than that of the big station Just completed at Nauen, near Berlin. It la hoped to be able to send messages to the Amer ican continent without relaying- iismsIero sermonjonight EVANGELIST WILL USE GREAT RAHERALL GAME BY WAY OP ILLUSTRATING TEXT OF HIS DISCOURSE ment scientists the the most delight ful of the West. "The Shoshone project Is believed to be one of the best sections la the West for general farming," reads a bulletin Juit Issued by the Intirlor department. "It Is a Cue dslr eoun try. The farmers ar now shlpnlng an average of f 1,109 tnrih of cm urn to Billings, Mont, annually." SAVER OUJTS EDITING IN FAVOR OF "WORKERS" Nau Diego Redactor Who Waa Kid napped, Will Not Prosecute Abduc tors, aad Decides to Retire Frees the Newspaper Daeteeas Tbe meetings at the Christian church are growing In Interest. Evan gelist Robert Whlston Is preaching some of the strongest sermons ever heard In Klamath Falls. Tonight he wilt preach one of his best sermons, on the subject of "Heroes." In this sermon Mr. Whlston usesby way of Illustration, one of the greatest base ball games ever played on tbe Amer ican continent Special music la one of the Interesting features of every service. Every one Is urged to come tonight FOURTH SHOSHONE UNITE OPENS ON MONDAY NEXT Believed to Contain Boaee Choice Land Adapted to General Faraslag, With Dairying Particularly Far- United Press Service WABHINQTON, D. C, April 19. April II Is the date Just announced by tho reclamation service for tha opening of the "fourth unit" of tbe Shoshone Irrigation project la Wyom ing. The opening will be according to homestead laws, and oBclals of the service expect a groat Inlux of homeseekers. "Tbe unit lies to tha north aad wast of tho town of Powell, aad con tains soma of the finest land on tha project." aaya a statement Issued by the reclamation service. "The farssa are mostly eighty scree each." "About BOO families are already es tablished on the first at tha three units, aad have built reads, aehools and churches. The project haa rail road facilities, rural delivery, tele phones and there are thrirlag towaa at short interrals." Many Inducements are offered to prospective settlers. Tha climate and sceale beauties of tha Meekaae pro ject have bean deaerieed to town- Ualted Press SerrtM SAN DIEQO, April 19. A- R. Sauer, editor of tbe Ssn Diego Her ald, who waa kidnapped recently fol lowing bis attack on the police aad vigilantes who have been "railroad lag" I. W. W.'s ont of town, declared that he would not prosecute bis ab ductors and that he would retire Irom tbe newspaper buslnees. Sauer returned yesterday from Los An geles. The street speaking fight haa quiet ed down here. Tbe guards at tbe county line bare kept out all I. W. W.'s who have sought to eater the city. VOTERS UP AGAINST BALLOT ODDITIES Ing a movement to stimulate popular Interest In aviation In this country similar to that In France aad Ger many. "Tbe apathy of the government and tbe Englltb people on this sub ject," he said. "Is positively alarm ing, In view of tbe eacoaragemeut given to aviation In the other big European countries. Lacklag sop- port by tbe government, private en terprise here Is stifled, aad our ea- glaeerlag geniuses are golag elsewhere." As a part of hla crusade, Orahame- White haa organised n series of week end aviation exhibits at Headoa, In the suburbs of Loadoa to run through out the spring aad summer. J. L. Fiedler haa retnraed from Vancouver. B. C, where he haa been for tbe past six weeks. Mr. Fielder states that things look good la the BrltUh dominion. RIGHTS SHORTENED FRAXCnSB BOM NOT MAN TO VOTB FOB ALL GATES Of YD LH FOLLETTE IS BADLY INJURED FALL AT WASHINGTON, BEFORE CAMPAIGN BEGAN, PROVED SERIOUS, BUT WAS SUPPRBueV ED FOR PURPOSE United "MKDFORD, April II Senator La Follette campaigned through Nebras ka aad Oregon with hla blpa sup ported by a canvas belt strapped tightly around hla body to eaable him to walk without a crutch. It Is now announced tor tbe first time that he was severely Injured when he fell on the stairs of hla Washington home three days before tbe present campaign, reports of which were withheld for fear that his enemies" might Injure his chances. The clavicle bone was Injured nt the Junction with tbe splnl column and th right blp waa badly bruise!. Unique Window Display Frank M. Upp, the Jeweler, haa ar ranged a very unique "watch display. To show the delicate mechanism he baa taken a watch to pieces and ar ranged the different parts on sheets of cardboard. More than aeveaty pieces are labeled, showing their sep arate place la the time-keeper. NIGHT OF IIPtOYII! FOUNDATION OF Bill Socialists of Goldea Gate State Would Hare Contractors FHmiaalod From State Jobs and Industries Ualted PreeeServiee SACRAMENTO, April 19. The so cialists here are preparing the "Right of Employment" bill, to asnd through cut tbe state as an Initiative measure. Tbe bill makea It tha duty of the state to eliminate contractors on state Jibs and Industries, giving direct em ployment to cltlsens at reasonable wages, and to establish agencies to Bad able-bodied cltlsens who are willing to work. CROSS SEA IN AIRSHIPS GRAHAME-WHITE'S PLAN English Air Traveler Patau Picture of Paassngir Serrlce to Carry d.ese Passengers a Day an Fifteen Hours 'nlfixl Vre-w Pnrvie LONDON, April II An aerial aaa- seager service across tha Atlantic la fifteen hours, oarrylag 4,000 passen gers, a day, la tha future of tha aero plane within tha nest two daeadaa, ac cording to Orahame-Wbtte, Baglaad'a moat distinguished aviator, and one of tha entrants for Great Britain In tha contest for the Gordon-Bennett trophy In lilt. Orahame-Whlte it nt present head- Christina Church Ladles of the Christian church will give a luncheon all day tomorrow- circus day but not neat th the Amor lean Bank aad Trust eompaay build lag. Instead, the place will bo the vacaat lot next to Hales meat market OEHJEY TELLS OF BISK IN CROSSING ATLANTIC HeroofMamRaBaySare Over Norther Beerte Take Ltres a Hails, aa Cimpaadss Oats) Mat HUM iraa am WAIHDfQTON. D. C. April Il in my opinion every asmsnajsr srsaa Ing tha North Atlantic takes his Ufe In but hands with every trip." aald Admiral eGorge Dewey hare. In die- cusslug the wreck of the liner Titanic He declared the oBctaU of the big trans-Atlantic steamship llaee never consider human Urea nl their for money. , ,' ,WHI EVANGELIST ROBERT .WHIBTON of Nebraska will spsan aad slag every night at 7: 16 inttbe Christian church taberaacie, corner Ninth aad Pine. Services last bat a little over an hour. All eordtaHf lavlted. Try It tonight 4-ll-tf NENEY ROASTS NRKNT BY AffLYIK TERES To San Diego Solon Which Aro Neith er Pleasant to Listen to Nor Orf. ored With Credit to Halted SAN DIEGO, April II. Declaring that State Senator L. A. Wright mis quoted an "unpatriotic" speech which ha Is alleged to have mads In Sacra mento, Francis J. Honey startled local politicians by referring to Wright aa "a shallow pretender and n cowardly cur." RESTAURANT IS BEIN6 EXPANDED NEWPROPMETORBOF MENT Bl CIDB TO REMODEL ANB Ra NEW ITS INTERIOR Self A Hershberger, proprletora of the Rex oafa la tha American hotel block, are remodeling It by removing the horseshoe lunch counter and re placing this by n straight counter. Tha partition between tho pastry room and the dining room haa boon torn away, Una making the dining room about ten teat longer. On tho right hand aide at tha dining room will ha the lanch counter, while an left aide will ha curtained at into sea. r.-ft. OMs, tha palater and paper haager, baa repaperea ana repainted the dining room, which laaha commcdloaa is ovary roafsct. Voters have been stltmrllssf to ca ereiso their eeastKatlenal rights at the polls today. Nena of thorn caar clsed aald rights, race king of tho rights la concrete farm, far tha fan- son that conditions forbade. For Instance, la the ease at re publican candidates far tha cease at. delegate to tho aatleaal rep coaventloa for nomination of dates for president nnd vita 1 of the Ualted States, tbara an to hn tea each delegates, yet tho volar cM asarkhU kaiiot rer but one. Tho del egates are not chosen la districts, bat fiom tho state at large, thirdsca each voter, aacumlag that tea dele gates aro elected, will ha rsprssintsd at .the national convention by tea del egatee, alas of whom ha had aa part laotcetlng. Or, rather. If any at tha delegates aro porecaa aaa grata to the voter, ho will .fee, 1 raprassatad ealy by psrssaslly approves. In th's caaa of slsetsra fat 1 Bw""rWseJeTe h and vice prosUcat there are fire to be elected from tho state, eervhsg M aa a uaR and hetag eaaaaa at I but tha voter aaa only 1 for one. Therefore. It it one asara caaa at the voter hetag deprived, as It were,- af a large asaJerMy of hla tt-alrigata. la tho scatter af aba there are sightssa aamsa a lot today, eight of whom ara af 1 from Multnomah eoun Marion county, two from Wa ty aad one each from WaJlawn, Waah lajrtoa. Lane, Clataap. Baker ami Klamath coantlaa. Tha Kkaaatfe county candidate at Captain O. C. Aa pisgate. and after hm aame la print- "Prompt devslspmsat of natural resources, liberal aid far Irriaatlaa and good roads." Tha number af names submitted by Mattaemah eeaa ty glree It a good caaaee to sapturo at least a fair chare of tho filtastm It U a peculiar feature of tho bal lot In this county that aa elector far visa president quaUfled aa aa to gat hla name put aa tha ballet, hat tha office of vice praaldsat waa never pro ductive of many open aspirants. la tbe rear of tho viae prccHaacy R as generally a situation where tha edaea seeka tha msa-lf he haa n hart be hind him. But oaa name far praeUsallal oato- tor U oa tta ticket, and that la tha ono of M. J. McMahea at 1 eouatr. ' Bat William Hauler of I ary county la n repubUcaa ctsalsag pretty oll with hit party, aad when the ballota ara counted there la aa d-rabt but that he wtH ha found wRh afew deposited la hla favor. MM friend will write la hla name aa tha I allot la tho county tho eeadRleaa ara such that tha outcome cannot bo prog nosticated wKaeut tha weuM-ba prophet taking mack the aame risk that he would la going ap la aa air ship, and alreMppJag ,' haetrdsss . buslnesa these days Tbara ara ttveiy contests for several at tha efleas, aad the asplratlena ara not ccafiasl to the preclnrtt of tho rcpubHcaa party, fer any means. But the repubUcaa ballet has boon used aa a fair sample of what tha vot er is up agalnet la acme caeca ha la not allowed to veto far hla Mr share, and In other pities there la aa name put oa the ballot for him, or again ke may find names, bat net af then ha prefers, n ha aaa write la tho 1 of hla favorite. lantvereary of filsss Bssaaasr Teeterday was tha anniversary at the dcctructloa of Ban Fraactcia by earthquake and Ira, wkleh wag AyrN II, till. riMmt a itaaaaa W came ap Wedacedey from ta.taty li uui. i .a u u - , aaa vusi,wa w mmrrtm Ho states that taa bum hla vtemtr an weervaeja .. .a -v. - - m naajsmmaa aaaj naaa cmmjaBmamaammmmja mm t j 3 : , "& W-'-f 1." - rt sii !-j' 1 J k ;-'- . :?- i r .. J r ,.- ', .-. ' w