k ,, fl ' V' luniviQ crato. vtn BVBNIlfO KlWVi r a PRINT TMBNKWS, NOT nWOKl1 ibe f if-1- SECTIONS IN CITY ARE ARRANGED FOR as CHOSEN 4f,Anum,DMrorwAiu m AND FOLLOW I mt KLWTonAi'iAnan heisaynlbt decided that isrtl II. should be the day nrt asmlaatlag cmtmUsm, I ftt MMWIBg BBr I it, M U geaeral city aoaslaa jejeslHB. el waiea win aaas i sMitf' for the city sHcee, taalatileae to b BIOS By elect tts Uf at large, fa eUer . Meir will m m war ( lOMlUM CUMIUIMI li "'" aturday. rata. Ue eleetore-ei-iargj win iiwImm to run for ofjees mow I tr Beyer Fred T. BaaderooB, ; CKf Recorder TBOBMa F. b democrat, aad City Treaour- If W. Bernees, re pubileea. The i evd sad city somlseee will I m it the electioa of May ltd I tat special charter electioa I II dees aot put la operatloa , iit'i -"- charUr, la l mb) the date of Ida aiactloa hmtobe reset i twidl (hot oncers who will I it Ik charter electioa, at tha (iMttoa April 1 aad at Ua gen- lattttiaa, May . follewa: iWtrf-JudfM, II. C. Telford. IMUMtda, K. 0. Cummlags; bfrtak Armstrong. Fred SUM ; mWm place. Navlgalloa build- ad tha latter ara now being put through a dally drill on military ma aeuvers, Tha ntw warships of tha daaart ara maaaad by tha Aicarl. tha Batlra Arablaa sotdlsrs from Italy's Afrleaa colony of Eritrea, who have aa brought to Tplroll to fliht with tha Italians. Aa yat tha carnal have nut hail thalr baptlam of Bra, hut tha Italians ara confident that oaca thay cat Into actloa greet havoc wilt ba wrought, If sot among tha anamy, at taut among tha carnal. KLAMATH TALIS, OREGON, ViKDNEHDAY, APRIL 17, 1918 nlcet Vtvv Chief of Police Samuel L. Walker Is onca morn In tho cltyhavlng ro turned from a dolour of (ho Port Klamath region. I WardJudges, Jobs Peea- kV.ft slough. K. W. McOowaa; , Alta eaa. Harry P. Qatar- ig place, city hall. I Werd-Jedgea. W. T. Stive, iWesdard, J. L. Tadoa; etarae. .Meteftr, Perry O. Da Lap;eitl- ha, Neat bulMlag. which to Me- i Mala (treat realty eflUe. I Ward-Judges. K. B. Raaas- ILA.WW. Joha W. Rota; clarka, L Asaiegate. W. . Wiley: I Hate, bathhouse. i Ward Judges, M. R. Daly. larfeaat, lleary Oteabaen .N.btarcbaad. Howard W HMag place, Falrvlew Qm FRANCE WKDir MMHTS rtlTARY AERIAL FLEET anilely of Uauto for Fighting Kqulp- Ml lo Travel Ether RumIo f-aui Oerinaa Aviation Porrra to Calm lo Balld It RERUN. April 17. Aa a mult of tha wild national enthuslaam In France for a great military aerial act, the Herman Aeronautical Union, composed of all the aero and aviation ctuba la Oermaay, issued a call for satloaal subecrlptloaa for tha build- lag of a large fleet of Zeppelins and aeroplanes. A considerable aum was subscribed tha flret day. PjM VffVnwW WlRMlfllL aTwtyfni.Ww' fvHfVrHJ RMftriB' I'A'MIOAI) IHMTAOK llll.t, KtHt KIHCAI VKAR IS IIICAVt Houlliara I'ariric Nnl in,000 on HlawiM, to Pay fur Which Over IW.OOO.OOO Tm of Frrlght Must lie Haulml Mile ror mo fiscal year 1910.1911 (he Houtiiern Pacific company expended for postage $43,047. The average ireigiu rata per ton por mile Is 1.281 cents. On commercial freight the average distance haul Is 220 miles. Using the above flguros 23,901,00 Ions of freight would havo to bo car ried a distance of ono mllo In ordor lo earn for the company tho 143.047 expended for postage during that one year. . I mu VISTA ON MARKET JULY 1 KI.AMATH IIKVKUH'MK.NT C)M PA.VV WIMi IIWJI.V ACTIVK OP K.MNO UP OP KXTK.VHIVK HKHL DK.M-K AM PACTOUV HKCTIOX EVANS ASSERTS CITY GOT VALUE IN TltADi: OP HTUIIKT POR AM.KY AMI THAT NO PAVORITI0M OR PARTIALITY WAH HHOWN RY COUNCIL aa aha Pteo larraaaa W Per Ceat) bv BBVtaBjBBBBi Bjeaj aBVaBBWeaTaPCVaWfJaTaj aaaj PaHlrBlBtly rt RUN. April IT. That wars Blaraaa stake for good aaalaeea la a ctrclea la apparent from the IS par aaat dtvtdead Just declared by the Oermaa arms aad ammualtloa factorlea. A aaleadld year waa re- ' tai dty hall geaaral caarea- i Ike lidgas will be William T. Jul Brelteaitela aad O. K '.atlle tka clarka will ba Hear? rudllsrryP.Oalaraeaat lUVTEDANOTCK, MINn MN BaMy BHNai ad WMHi aa War I Prasj Barvtaa IIPOU, April 17. laalealau. in put have alwaya claaallad M "Skloa of tha aleaaH." m III ' ba able to alter tha elaaal. I to "wan bias of u - Naaui have bow maaatad aa L" of artillery os eaauta. TUBERCULOSIS FATAL TO WOMAN MRU. aMDn HUNTLRY, HRRK yHOM MXDPORD TO BKNKPIT Kit BUCALTI, HIOCUMM TO APFUOTtON Mra. Sadla HuaUey, daughter of Mri aad Mra. J. c: Count, dlad at II o'clock last Bight of tubercutoato at tha age of tweaty yeare, 3 moatba aad 1 1 daye. Mr. aad Mra. Couat brought their daughter here from Medford about two weeka ago, la tha hope that the chaaga would benent her health. Ilia fuaeral wlrt be bald at to o'clock tomorrow from tha Whltlock uadar- taklag Barlera. irs Less Than First Report, tapalliia Having Only 705 Aboard W, I. Johnson, secrolary of tho Klamath Oovnlopment company, stat ed this afternoon that on July 1 of this year bis company would begin active work on the opening up of Iluena Vista addition. This announce ment coming Just at this time, when the prospects are so bright for the opening of Uecond street and the building of the boulevard around the lake, should be sufficient Indication that there la going to be something colag In Klamath Patla tbla sum tnrr. Mr. Johnson atetad that hla company Intended to usa every ea ergy for tha Improvemeat and settling up of tha addition. It Is generally believed that the Klamath Development company has mid tha greater portion of Its hold Inge In the Hot Springs addition, and aa soon aa they begin tha opening of Ruena Vista addition, which Includes rractlcally all of the property between high school hltl and the upper lake, that tha development of thla section will proceed at a rapid rate. With tha opening of Second street toward the oipense of which the company has lledged 11,000, It will naturally fol low that the Improvement of Third itreel to tha upper lake will receive tha assistance and support of tha De velopment company, aa this would give direct connection to tha retail business section of the town for a large territory of desirable residence property. It Is reported that tha Development company la planning many improve rnrnta along the shores of the upper lake, which to destined to ba and Is already fast becoming a very Import rnt manufacturing center, and there Is also talk of an electric line eonnec ting with tha upper lake and running south through tha farming section to tha Merrill country. When asked with regard to these reports Mr. John son stated that their plaas wera not fully matured, aad ha did not care to say aaythlag at thla time. Ha ad Biltted, however, that his people were Interesting considerable capital In this country, which would mean a big Increase la population and a rapid development of tho reaourcea of the couatry. Tho Hernld Is In receipt of a letter from B. II. Kvnns In reply to an Item speparlng last night In columns of this paper: "lo last night's Herald a statement was mado to the effect that tho writer lias received unduo favor from tho mayor and council In the vacation of a certain street for an alley and re ceiving 1100 difference. Wo wish to make It plain that the 1100 difference went to tho city, and at the tlmo this deal waa practically made, a year ago last October, as the minute records show, this was a fair and equitable difference In tho value of tha two strips of Isnd, as any property owner In that part of town would atteet. "It took no favoritism nor partial ity to consummate the deal, aa the city received nearly as much laad aa It vacated, and the alley, as anyone, on Investigation, would think, la of much greater benefit to Ua public than tho street and Is quite awateeery to llio aanltary condllloMMaT neighborhood. LrL "Respectfully aubmltted air "SID D. TAJ.M i the Merrill team, came In the room, and the matter was put up to him, and be said that he asked them It they were coming to the dance. 1 still Insisted that they come over, and then left tho hotel, expecting to see them at tho dance. A couplo othoura later a fow of them come to mo and aald they were going home, Mr. Ar nold being one of them. I then told them that they had better remain and go to tho dance and have a good time, but Mr. Arnold Insisted upon going home. That Is all thcro Is about It. I do not know what all they did want unless It was a freo pass to the 191C exposition at San Francisco, and thought It a little early to ask for the passes. "Hoping that this will make the matter straight, as I think 1 have n right to a voice In this, I remain, yours truly. "8. C. GRAVES, "Manager M. D. B. Club." CHURCHYARD CALM IN POLITICS HERE remain there until Mr. Cochrane re turns. The trip through Canada will take about six weeks. If Cochran locates on land he will return here to settle up his business affairs, and will then go back north to make hla home. Harriet Qulmby, an American, on Tuesday flew across the English Chan net. She crossed from Dover', landlnc tt Hardelot, France. ATTORNEY SUES FOR FEE BALANCE C. M. ONKDJ. BRINOS ACTION AOAINHT WOMAN, ALLEGING THAT THKIJK 18 MONEY YET DUE FOR LEGAL 8ERVIC8 Iftwajlervlrt "TOUR. Anrll n-i. ' "I nrvlvor. .. .. . .... . - m l'illllll 'oawlratesafrom Wlilad a Boston newspapermaa, ' OB tha FrtBjwu.i. !- .- b?2mL "'!!" ' Ilia. "Ba. "-me follewa: rniMtu establishe cemualea- s carnathu t.n . ". Wednesday moratag. Tka - BJBB M M aa ' wrvlvori rer. ciiaaal llaht 1 1 ...i.t. . H4 t t, .. ..... " T ' Ua Will arahakle k Wiu "' fri- wlra- -r UIB OItal ...w. " Wm tf the altos eat. Ma of tha TtiMle Tltaalc will ba brought to Boatoa oa tha Callforala. A wlralaas raacnlng at ayi aoma ware recovered. The Olympto li proceedlag. aa aha c-;M da B'lthlng. 'ReallsatlOB of tho tragedy Hun aag all. Rrarythlag about tha Olym pie to a ramlBder of CapUla Smith, (rat rnmmaadar of tha Olympls, who was lest wm tha Tltaalc. "Ib hushed whispers the pasaen r.'ra and sailors discuss ths tragedy. "Whaa CapUla Haddock, by wire lasa, was .old of the disaster, ha sent tha Olymale all speed ahead, aad baaed to arrive la time. "Hope waa shattered wfcea he got la wireless- reach of Ua Carolina Md full aewe of Ua tragedy waa r--- eelved. Thla shocked aad appalled every The Olympics orchestra wai hushed and laatrameaU put Ib caw. cWael e. NgaTel BOX FECTORYMEh' START FORI JOHNHON AND CLARKE WITH VIEW TO A! SHIPMENT OP EQUIP NEW PLANT I a, r" m Z$Fi W.8-L taa7Bew waa the MORTGAGE SUIT BE6UN IN COURT EFFORT BEING MADE, THROUGH ACCUSTOMED COURT CHANNEL, TO GET MONEY ALLEGED TO RE LOAN swi.fvta)ft9srwarim Butt vu Mod Tuesday to foreclose a mortgage on realty la Nichols addi tion, tha amount asked being 91,1 IB, with 10 per cent Interest from April 1. lilt, sad attorney's fees or sioo. Tha actloa vu brought by Lulu H. Shepherd agalaat Wilbur White, Blanche M. White aaa b. u. xnomp- soa, the last aameo aiso otih mortgage oa the laad. J. O. Rutenle appears as ateraey for Ua plalatlff. Robert A. Johnson and Clarke, who ara to Install boi factory, the slto for which bought and tendered through Chamber of Commerce, left Monday evening for San Francisco to arrange for the shipment to this city of the fsctory equipment, which has all been bought. It Is expected that the fac tory will be In operation within a few weeks. The name of tho factory Is to be tho Klamath Manufacturing compa ny, which was recently Incorporated, and Incorporation papers Died at 8a lem. The capital Is 1100,000. LFGISLATUE ROASTED FOR WASTE OF NtMEY PRIMARIES FRIDAY THE SURFACE INDICATION ARE ABOUT AB nrTFXLKnLE A THOUOH NO ELECTION ANYWHERE NEAR PLAYERS ASKED TO MERRILL DANCE HON. SAMUEL C. GRAVES, MAN AGER OF TEAM IN NEIGHBOR. ING CITY, DKNIEM STATEMENT OF LOCAL ROYS Samuel C. Oraves, more generally known ns "Chap," who, In addition to his duties aa editor and proprietor of the Merrill Record, guides the des tinies of the Merrill baseball nine with a tender hand, writes the follow ing, a reading of which will make Its meaning clear: Editor Evening Herald: "In your Issue of Saturday evening I see you have an arttclo In which you stated that the baseball nine from Klamath Falls was dented free admis sion to the ball given hero last Friday ntght. Now this Is not true In any sense o'f the word. They were to have their expenses paid to come here and play ball, something that has not been done heretofore. Their team hire and dinner was to bo paid by the Merrill baseball nine. As It was late when the game was finished they were giv en their super also at our expense. During tho evening I went to tho hotel where the boys were stopping. aad asked them, or five or six oi them, It they wanted tickets to Ua danoe. One young man said that Uey did aot come prepared for tha daaoe. Thea Araold spoke up aad said tha capUla of the Merrill alae aajced them to stay for the dance. At that aald, aa manager of the alae, to come over and have a good time. At that time Mr. Stevenson, capUla of Suit has been entered by C. M. Onelll, whoso atorney Is C. M. Onelll, against Fay Melbourne tt whose re cent irisi ror conaucuag a disorderly house tho lawyer acted In her behalf. The bill aahvtflarijiio balance al leged to be dae.'1 The" woman skipped Ua tewa after the Jury In her case had disagreed. NEW MAN SPOKEN OF BY PREACHER The Interest and attendance at the Christian revival ara growing, and It U hoped soon to remove to a larger building, Tha tabernacle waa nearly filled last Bight Evangelist Waltton reached on the "Highway." aad aalj orae pertinent things concernlns man's relation to God. 'The un.'nn- vrrtna man Is dead spiritually," li said, ' but the average man doe not realise the fact. Jesus made a clear distinction between the spiritual and the physical, and when the body re turns to the elements from which It came the soul continues to live. We dress our bodies and take pride In their beauty and prowess, but what about the soult The wise man Is be who plans for eternity as well as for time, to die, as well as to live." Whtston's Illustrations are classic, and his logic marked. Tonight at 7:45 he will speak on 'Tho New Man." He and Mrs. Whlston will sing. Friday night the thema will be "Heroes," Whtston's great baseball sermon. Chinese Provisional National Aaaean bly Voted Themselves Too Big Pa, CoBfttderiag Flaaacaa of Dtetreaaad Couatry United Press Bervlea NANKIN, April 17 The members of tha provisional satloaal assembly are coming In for considerable crit icism on account of tho liberality with which they recently voted to treat themselves financially. Five hundred dollars Mexican, which each delegate Is to receive monthly, only amounts to about HBO in American money, but even f ISO a month Is re gurded as pretty fancy pay for a Chi nese, especially at-a time when Ua country la desperately ptached (or funds. Banks to Bo Closed Friday Aa Friday to primary aiactloa day tho banks In this city will keep their doors closed. Those who have placed money In the banks to requlscat aa pace until needed, aad desire to dis turb the requleecat, will have to do so oa Thursday or else wait aatU Sat urday. ChUoqwla Trate Tha Southern Pacific lll.run a special train from Klamath Falls to Cbltoquln on Saturday April 10, to accommodate people attending the circus. ThVtraln will leave Klamath Falls about 6p. m. The train will make the regular trip to Chlloquln, and will serve to bring people In from there on the retura trip. 16-4t Charlea Asks for Divorce Suit for divorce has been filed In the office of County Clerk Charlea R. Do Lap by Demarua Charles, who wishes a legal separation from G. Charlea. D. St. George Bishop bos returned from his homestead on Upper Lake Klamath. COCHRAN STARTS OFF TO DOMINION HE AND LINDLKY INTEND TO LOOK OVER BRITISH COLOMBIA AND IF APPEARS "RIGHT" THE FORMER WtUi STAY- J. D. Cochran left Sunday morning for Medford. After spending a few days there he and George R. Llndley will leave for British Columbia. It to their Intention to travel over a large portion of that country, aad If Coch ran finds anything desirable he will locate there. He waa accompanied to Medford by Mre. Coebraa. who wlU Mcwey Asked aa Seat Through Attoraey H. W. K Henry Bolvin baa entered suit against E. E. Heldrlch for Ua recovery of money. SHERMAN BETTER OF RHEUMATISM VETERAN JOUBNALIBT AND CAN DIDATE FOR DEMOCRATIC NA TIONAL DELEGATE, WILL DE- 4FEND ON FRIENDS' WORK Word has been received from Dairy that Charlea W. Sherman Sr., Ua vet eran newspaper man aad candidate for delegate to the democratic na tional convention, to slowly recover ing from an acute atUck of rheuma tism. Mr. Sherman's condition to such that he will not be able to get about to make a campaign before the primaries are held. In a letter to one of his friends In this city he says that he will have to depend largely on the good work voluntarily done by the democrats of this sectloa. With county primaries but two days off, coming Friday, there Is about aa much political excitement ta town aa though everyone had gwaa to a funeral. No mora lataraat aa pears to ba manifest oa Ua surface of things than If there waa aoUlag la sight at all la Ue way of political do ings. The candidates have praetie- ally all had Ualr fllag at Ua altaa tloa. They have gone about Ureaga the county aad city feuttmaetlag, pleading aad otherwise aadearertag to coai aoma fraaehtoaa Uatr ' Ue majority of franchises, to i mora correctly aad It rams las to be seea Just bow tha thing will tara oat. Tha situation to aa abnormally aaiet one. It may signify aa latoase, bat hlddea latereat, la Ue sltaatloa, aad again It may mean apaUy. Bat after Friday everybody will know what's what. Tha following persona have been appointed at Ua Klamath county pri maries on Friday, April 1IU: Dairy precinct Judges, W. L. Welch, A. L. Michael. H. B. Odea; clerks, Charlea E. Drew, Charlea Flackus. Fred Beck. 8prague River PncUct---4adgea, John Wells, E. W. Caaabeer, O. N. Anderson; clarka. Earl E. Walker, O. W. Howard, Dan Parker. Langell Valley pretlaet Jadgaa. H. O. Baaaay, N. C. Qeaa, George Me-. ble Jr.; cterka. W. R. Campbell. R. C Cowley, W. H. Paakey. Pine Orove precinct fades, Bejr rell W. Short, HUto Tonne John 8hepard'; clerks. B. B. Hawkkaa, T. B. OrtBHhs, James Orlmea. , ; Odell preelact Judges, !. L. Baa go, J. L. Howard, W. H. Reward; clerks, Ed Rourk, C. J. Sweet, Jena. Knott Wood River preelact Judges O. B. Hoyt. 8. B. Oardaer, Richard Mel? ; clarka, O. B. Baack, J. H. Hes- alg. F. W. Loosely. Klamath Lake predaet Judges, D. M. ariatb, M. H. Wsmpler, F. D. Courtode; clerks, Donald McKay Jr., Arthur Wlltoon, James Blair. Plevna precinct Judges, H. Snow- goose, Den aordoa, R- w. Tower; clerks. Ben Kearas, B. W. McCormtok George Ager. Tule Lake preelact Judges, B. 8. TerwlUlger, J. P. Porter, H. Hrry; clarka, J. T. Henley. Bob Daltoa, O. J. Anderson. Malla ' preelact Jadgaa, Weatof Wostrchll. Frank Zumpfe, W. W.aV Adams; clerks. J. H. McNeil. F. H. Brandenburg. Ed Burrla. Poo Valley preelact Judges, mer Moore, Edward Freuer, u. H. Griffith: clerka. Olea Van Meter, F. B. Keater, Vivian Evans. Lost River preelact Judges. D. B. Nichols, L. J. Bowman, J. L. Spam- iCJOilnueU oa Page it rrL Kadee and Canal Companies Each Give $1,000 to Fix Second Street U. W. White and others Interests In the Second street Improvement en terprise are Justly Jubilant today over the new subscriptions obtained to Ue fund, for nbout f l,k0 additional haa been i-romlied yesterday aad today. Including two subscriptions of f 1,000 each, the largest recorded, aad ons of I50. The fl.OOO subscriptions are from the Klamath Caaal company aad Ue Klamath Development company, Evan R. Reamee giving Ue 1150. It looka now aa though Ua 10,000 mark eat will be reached very soon, Ue total to data being fd.ltS. Two money to to be uaed to Improve Second street from Klamath avaauo to Lake Ewau aa aad build a boulevard along the lake front to Ue city limits. The list ot subscriptions te: RexB. Bord $ 100 J, W. Blemeaa , lit eeaeaeeeeeeei i e a a e e A, J. A. Houstoa F. H. Mills J. L. Cunningham Maddoz ft Harrto Louis Osrber Fred T. Sanderson George B. Bayder Joha D. Fielder E. B. Henry u. tt. nuiie ...... (red Methane Charlea Oravee First Natloaal Baak J. V. Houstoa Louis Jacobs . George T. Baldwin Minnie E. and Frank Ward. . . Haaukar Batata n. a WlUaoa Klamath Caaal Co. Kvaa R. Reamee Klamath Devalepmsat O. ooeeoeeeee eeeeaeeaee a e-e eeeeeeeeeee aeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeee eeseeeet sesteeeeeeeee eeeassee teaeeeeeeeee leeeeseaeesee aeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeee. imttim Total ee it i M i i m i f WlldjW I it n i ;-; Hf i if, t-k Os- f,' '.J