: tX ,. r MtMb. ', mnumn turn EVENING: XHWi tnm MWUM " PRINT TUB NEWS, WOT 'V ,",, , fir No. ITI KLAMATH FALLS, OBBOON, MONDAYyAPRIL 18, ItiS Men, Fir OmM I i m t i KNIGHTS TEMPLAR COMMANDRY SURE IflttSON'S LETTER ewm COMMA NDMR OK ORMOON IATI IX IT THAT MR BOnMi TO N RKRK 1" HAND DBtPKNMA nONTUKHATKKM flMm J. Walton at Ik local UdkU Templar, hu received fro an B. Thlclson. grand commander IB Knlshtu Templar for the elate if Orefo. a letter which, la aekaow 0B6 Mr, Walton a communication Hu the propoeed commandry. Ml tsaor which augura wall for tHrW'd ,oc1 organisation. Tha .-ml taaaiaadvr aaya iaa. iaa an- MM Mr inn Kisma.u raim com tin will ba lesuod, aad ka aiar ram la prion to Ihla city. ineag other things Iaa traaa com mew, writ: "Tour latter of Ika Mmim me tnlta at your claim lo taesarldtrtd a conservative. It la lei but Nampla of para baas Mar tin I km eeen, aad I am fraa to mJMi that It hu accomplished tba itMt a( all boost utaratura. it baa mknt tbt recipient, aad I aai fet-esiverted. .To tall tba troth. I MiatMpKt to ronrlnra you of tko wMoai of starting a commandry. MrMbtr In ronvlnoa myself tkat IWMf fratars had tba right aplrlt litaat K a iucrM, 1 tlH bate tho dtspeaaallon pre atst sad ual I And myself abla IkaUrt for Klamath rail within a In few days. I will Mall It to yea I iwt you so soon tbartaftar aa Leonard, DeMol Commandry No. li, Salem, Oregon; T. J. Alton, llethle kam Commandry No. 45, Iowa; K. I). Mlloa, Oriental Command Nu. as. MlMourl; V. l. I'orry, Ht. Oruer Com mandry No. 10, California; William Albert lloudlaot, Manhattan Com- auadry No. 31, Naw York; If. II. Ilakor, Ullvnt Cammandrv Nu. u. Illythisllle. Arkansas: J. (I. Nlei.. Nevada City Commandry No. 0, Call- rorwa; K. u. chapmaa. "hats meantime you may eaaalder llaaitla uat U JT" rr i Mhcealsg and you ran nuke lre arestratlona accordingly. 1m Mora thin pleased lo kaar of Mr RMttr rtltbratlon. I roBsldsr ikawty and full observance, of tka and Kaater aorvlrra aa a ledcs to tha Irua Templar id I rojolra to know tkat you IK. lag that I may ba able at a rawly day to hand you your die a, and with haarty graatlaga H aad tho othr fratora. I aa, illy and courteously youra, "HENRY II. TIIIRLSON. "Grand Comnaadar." Ucal Xalahti, and tha command ffta which they will maka tbalr t'la order to be mambora of tba ' nTsauth fall, commuter, ttw i nr the dispensation of which 'lav signed, aro aa follewa: W Martin Jr.. flawn J. W".T. W. Rtepheae, I,. L. Truax. i Kaapp, Charloa (lravee. L. F. i Oeorie T. lUMvIa William 5f. Jmca A. Maddei, Charlaa -wwardn. c. II. Wlthrow. J. R. War, all of Malta Commaadry ".wgaai l. Jay Kaapp, Iraaboa ry No. 14. WlaeoaalB! K. I,. . Uwliton Commaadrv Nu . 51 nn R. nramaa, Oragoa Com wo. I. Oregon; Dr. W, A. Mil S1IKE IMIOTS Of mUliMS ilf 8S Tatbar. Will llrgla to Nam t Voir. WHh. Vlaw In Drrlariac whHlirr Thrtw Khali Ito IVara ur M'ar In Uw Hah laal KWda Ualtad I'raaa Baivira INIMANAItlMH, Ind , April 15. Hallola In the lrlkc roftrvndum of tbn bltumlnom mlnrrn arrived tirre Baturday, and lodar thr lellrm will begin a cuunt lilch will lull uiiwlLcr It la to ba paaca or war In tho aoft coal flalda. BacreUrr I'crry tblnka that a compromlaa agree ment will ba accaptad. Jadgw atMl Mra. Nolaad HHani Judgn aad Mra. floorer) Noland re turned flaturdaV avanlng from an ei tended trip through Oregon and Washington. While abaent they via Had In Baattlo, Portland, Aatorla. Boa bja aad Kugeae. where Mr. Nolaad had baalaeaa auttara to leek after. They btra baa faae from Klaaulb raJMBM NDIAN CAPTIVE OBTAINS BOOZE DKPUTY MAHMHAI. PHKCKDKD TO TOWN HY ARRKMTKD RRAVK, WHO IMMKIHATKIiY AN'NKXrM TWO II NT ROTTI.KN Deputy United Rlatr Marahal W Frank Ileatty left here Bunday morn ing with two prlaonera charged with furatihlna llauor lo Indiana belong lac to tka Klamath ladlaa Reaarra toa. Ona of Ika accuaad men, rrank Slabbing, la white, while the other, an Indian, rrank Jacaue. la tka In dian to whom Blobbing la accuaad of furnUhlng tha cup that cheera ana llkewtaa befuddle. J aequo I ac enaod of bavlag creaaad the palm of Clinton Charlie, another Indian, with firewater on tha Indian reaanratlon a couple of weaka ago. At the lima of Jacque'a alleged of fenaa Ileatty waa on the Indlaa-reaer-vatloa to at a prUoner, and, accord iBtto hi atary, found Jaque and rman Discovered 10 at Home, Cause o! Delay to his Canvass L of Charle w. Sherman Br. aaja Miirw i. - .. . . Ma. I. nl. "" P n aar J Dairy, Ore, from rheuma- ZZ 'roi,oiy aved from a JJJM rendition by being dw ? HI at hll l.nut..J ... . U' f"nr, who called to I k aaiLT "' IttkL. ' """'wiy neipioa. ror KTJh J h,B ' aBbhor ;---. iouna bim helplaaa. aba J7: " wt, ! Ck'l!1 0( Mr. Ik.rmaa at uTl . Parl-k MKYBM toor of hi ciadldacy for ZJ ' national deaiocratU 1-Til ." "I0"- . . Mrta. a . "ar, urana Army I Mj imT. "" tratUr part LZJ adltor of daaoaraUo '""Mi kew w a atroag advocate of reform In gov arnmaat. Among other thing which Mr. Sherman declare he la after la "cutting oR of prlvllogea accorded to wealth by law." Ha aaya ho atand aa a progreadve, and believe that If thara ara reactionary among ioe democrau of thla atate ha do not care for their vote. Mr. Sherman uied' to live In Ne braska, whara ha knew William Jen- nlaga Bryan wall, aa tka following letter, dated Qarrlaon, Mont., xarcn (, Mil, taatllaa: "My Dear Sherman Your latter received. Am aorry that I could not iiM through your aectton. It would h kui niuuBi in you aaatn. a It waa'to hear from you. You may quota ma u aayla- that I nave aaawn you for mora than twenty yeara, and that I do not know of anyone whom I would truat mora fully aa a aeiegaio. "Ton could ba railed on to vote for a progreealve platform and for a pro greaalva eandiaata. wun nan I am, youra truly, W.J.RTAN. Clinton Charlie very badly Intoilcat ed, ao much no that he could not learn from thorn whero they had ob tained tho Joyful water 'with which they had boon filling theniielve. At tho time Clinton Charlie droro hU wire from their houae In hla drunken rago. Ileatty went back to Portland, and In the meantime evidence bad boon gathered aa lo Inu origin of tho liquor furnlabed Clinton Charlie, and the roniilt waa tho Information lodged agalnat Jacquo. Tho deputy mar- nli.il enmo hero and went to Modoc Point la a horae and buggy to got hi prisoner, finding that Jacquo had rlddon horaeback to Williamson Illv er, where the officer had to follow. He placed Jacquo under arroit, and had him precede the rig, aatrlde hla nag. The Indian got up ateam and beat hi captor to Klamath ralle ov oral notch. When Ileatty got here he found Hint Jaque baa obtained aome liquor. to wit, two pint bottle, which were alleged to have boon secured for the Indian by Rlebblngi, ao Blobbing wa arrested. Jacque bad consumed one bottle or the fluid, and the other wa taken by Ileatty. Not Internally, to ba aure, but aa evidence. Iloth men waived a hearing before United Btatea Commteslonor Charlea J. Ferguson, and woro taken to Portland for eiam Inntlon by tho federal court In that city. SLOUGH WRITES AS TO CANDIDACY ARGUE FOR ROADS AT CRATER LAKE MAJOR MQoWOW WILL AHK THAT IX CKATKR LAKK THK lARK MtWXHTUCTKD BY THK WAR tMCtAIITMKNT WASHINGTON. Anrll 16. Maior Morrow, of Portland ha arrived here for the parpoae of determining aa to the contract tor nirdgea for deepen In the caannel In the Columbia It1 or. While here fcajor Morrow rr raiigcd to apcear lefore the house copitulttee on t.;it loprlatlona for tha purpoee of .-!. ntatlon of tba Crater Lakn nrolect on the aueatlon whether road Ir Crater I-ake Park ahould be ionitrncted under the direction of the engineer of the war department or of tho Interior department. Senator rtoitrnft aay that local condition in Oregon make It peculiarly advisable that thla work ahould remain under the engineer of the war department. The aurvey and cellmate nav aeon made by Major Morrow, henca It I dealrable that the engineer making tha eiamlnatlon and catlmatea should direct tho construction of the nrolect. The work could bo done cheaper by tba war department. It I believed, because at the aeaaon wnen work can ba beat done In Crater Iake there la hlah water at Celllo canal, which would permit aaalgnment of part of the engineer force 10 ine ora tor Iake. The identic liner Titanic (truck an Iceberg about 10 o'clock last night onn milea out of New York. Other teamera came to the reecuo of her paaaengera, and It I believed the ocean leviathan will bo towed to, port aafaly. ineonnlete orlmarv return In Pannavlvanla mako It certain that Tart will get but S delegate and Rooaevelt the remaining 67. Wilson geU the olld state delegation, ana antl-Ouffey forcee will control the date organisation. OFFENBACHER IS OUT FOR COUNCIL WKIil. KNOWN PROPERTY OWN r:n dkbibkh to sit as mkm HKR OK BOARD FROM FIFTH WARD OF CITY n.. t. k. nmsent time Henry 08 enbacher la about the only man who hu slgnliod wllimgneaa to dtooibo u candidate for oflca at tha approauh i .i. .iuiin u. Offenbacher da- IdB Vt "WMW ' aire to become councilman from toe Fifth ward. Ha la n heavy laapayor. and If ataataa would doubtlaaa favor a conservative admlnUtmtlon. DIIKCMRKH THAT POINT RAIBKD ACIAINMT HIM KLMIBILITY HAS SO IIKARIXU (IS PRIMARY KI.KCTIO.V j i Thu following letter explalna lUelf: "Itelatlvo to my caadldacy for tha nomination for tho offlce of county school superintendent, 1 wish to aay: That I have conducted a clean cam palgn; that I have done everything required by law to aatltta me to have my name printed on tha primary elec tion ballet: that the enunty clerk' offlce prepared the ballot with my namo printed thereon; tbat after a copy of the ballot had been delivered to tha printer my competitor raised a technical point aa to my eligibility lor a place on.aald ballot; tbat tba point ralaed ba no bearing on the primary election aa tba recently pub lished opinion of Stone A Barrett show ( tha question of the qualification of tha candidate cannot bo a proper aubject if Inquiry by the clerk at the time of placing the name of the candidate on tho nominating ballot." Stone and nnrrett); therefore, my name ought to be on tho ballot now being die- Irlbuted. "Of course, It la the privilege of nny voter to write my name In tha blank apace under tha name of my competitor. I have bean urged to rush a vtgorou campaign In thla dl- rtctlon, but ahall not do ao, because of tlie'strlngent pravtelona of tha pri mary election law agalnat aleetloaear Ing on election day and tha lack of time to lastruct the ratera before that oayJJ .-- " - "I wuh to thank my riieaea ror their very hearty auppoat which would, undoubtedly, have reaulted la my nomination had tha matter been allowed to proceed la a lawful and orderly way. Very respectfully, "W. 8. 8LOUOH." various scene pro assembled Into a complete picture. The nest Visit 'Is to tba factory, whero the projecting machine ara made and many portions of the ex ceedingly delicate and Ingenious man ufacture are shown with wonderful clearness and Interest. Finally, af ter seeing the complete machine as sembled, viewers are made acquaint ed with the actual way tbat tho film Is projected. IMPORTED STOCK FOR TWO RANCHES TWO THRKK-YKAR AND ONK YKAIIMNO MIHHOl'Rl' JACK COMK FROM CALIFORNIA FOR SPRAGCK RIVKR VALLEY John Welts and James Taylor, two piomlnent stockmen residing In Sprague River Valley, returned a few day ago from California with Ave young Missouri Jack. TWo of tho Jacka were three year old and tha other yearling. The Imported atock Is for tho Wells and Taylor ranches. These men bavo for several yeara made a business of raising mules for market. HOW PHOTO PLAY IS PUTJGETHER U.MQUK RKKL AT TKMPLB TO MOIIROW WILL SHOW WHOLE PROCESS FROM 8CKNB TO FILM MAKING Manager John V. Houaton of tha Temple theater and a large atrlng of equally wall known hlatronle Thes pian edifices In this region, baa a spe cial photo play on tomorrow and Wednesday at the Temple. It la an Kdison dim which, shows how mo tion pictures are made. First ara ahown tha studio opera tions, building acd painting eoenery, sitting up and dressing a aat, re I earslng a scene under the watchful oa of the stage director and then tlm actual taking of n scene, akowlng the camera recoidlng ptcturea at tho rato of sliteen a second or sixteen f o every foot of Aim. Then conies an actor making up for a character aait eud next a party leaving' tha atudlo fur an outdoor scene. Than ta take up the, mechanical and of tho bust neas, being ahown how tha Aim la da valoped, washed and. Anally, how tha SOUP fMIIG CALLED HAZARDOUS OCCUPATItW That's Plea of Man Claiming; lajariea From Ptomaine Potooalag, Bat la aaraace Ooaamtaalo Fall to Agree WHh Him s OLYMPIA. Wuh., April 1C The state Industrial Insurance commis sion today 1 on record aa denying the claim of William Nyman for compen- atlon for Injurlea sustained from ptomaine poisoning. Nyman claims that he suffered the Injuries In a haz ardous occupation. It waa found be bad been atrlcken with ptomaine pois oning after eating pea soup. The commission holds tbat eating soup, If conducted along cautious, common sense methods, Is not neces sarily basardous, and rejected the claim. COURT'S RECALL S MURDOCH'S OBJECT CANDIDATES 60 TO FdRT KLAMATH IRWIN, WALKER AND MANNING FORSAKE HALLOWED PRE CINCTS OF CITY WITH VIEW TO ADVERTISING ABROAD Mora and mora the eandldatea be gin to eee the value of exploiting their own ability aad to aee tbat It pay to advertise. These candidates left this morning for Fort Klamath, for tba purpose of convincing the pop ulace In tbat section that they ara the bast available for the offlcea which they aaek: John Irwin, republican, who seek the district attorneyship; Samuel L. Walker, democrat, chief of police, who seeka the shrievalty; Jay Man ning, republican, who seeks the coun ty treasureshlp. Mr. aad Mra. Stewart Arrive C. P. Stewart, secretary of the Klamath Falls Commercial Club, with Mrs. Stewart, returned Inst evening from their wedding trip. They were married In Chicago, and came wast via Clalveston, New Orleans and Cal ifornia. PHILPOT DROPS, ME SPUMED BKAKEMAN OF SOUTHERN PA CIKIC FALLS FROM TOP OF CAR WHEN ANOTHER COMBS ALONd AND BUMPS IT J.H. Phllpot, n freight brakeman for the 8outbem PactAe, had hla right ankle sprained Friday by a fall from a freight car on which ha waa setting tha brake. While Phljpot waa en gsged at thla work another car bump tid tho car ho waa on, throwing him to tha ground. Another nun waa secured for hla run, and white Mr Phllpot la totting nround, ho ta not yrt able to resume work. It was an expensive proceeding, but Mr. Cbeyne Immediately sent to Mis souri for another pig. On account of tho floods In the Eaat the pig bad to make the Journey by way of St. Paul, but after being on the road for soven days he arrived at hi destination lu flirty good condition. Mr. Cbeyne expects to make a spe cialty of raising high class bogs. If the stock comes up to his expecta tlnn he will send for a. larger ship ment this fall. O. M. Hector returned Bunday from a business trip to Sacramento. TMMUB0KF0mj.f. MSNERMD CHUfiE Trade Coaactl Goee on Record WHh FjMsoraesacni of OrgaaixatJoa la Efforts to Better W'c-rtUagaaeB'a State nut-it Kress trvww TACOMA, Wash., April 16i An swering the charge repeatedly made In the recent strike at the St. Paul mill here, tbat even organised labor waa hostile to tha I. W. W. and It work, the Tacoma Trade Council la on record today with an endorsement ot the I. W. W. men. ' Resolution lupportlng the I. W. W. In every effort to better tha con dition of worklngmen were adopted by tha council by an almost unan imous vote. Pythian Bletas to Meet Tha Pythian Stater will hold their regular meeting tonight In thT weat ball of the Odd Fellow building. An entertainment will ba given-by tho Slater, and an Invitation I extended to all Knight and 8lter In tha city to bo present SPEAKS AT BONANZA JUDGE WORDEX AND COUNTY COMMISSIONER BUMMERS HAP PEN IN AND FORMER VOICBS REPLY Considerable Interest waa taken In a meeting held at Bonanaa on Batar dy evening, which waa addressed by H. F. Mufdoch of thla city, who to circulating a petition tkroughoat tho county for the recall of tha members of the county court. County Jnd( W. S. Worden, Commiaalonar Sam mera and County Surveyor E. B. Hen ry arrived In Bonansa tha same avan lng, and bearing of tba gathering Use official attended the meeting. Fol lowing tha talk by Mr. Mardoek', Judge Worden addreaaad the meeting and replied to tho charge made against tba court by Mr. Mardoek in hla speech. Mr. Murdoch also ad dressed n meeting held nt Dairy on Friday evening. It la claimed by member ot tha Commercial Club that n Jadga haa been secured outside tho city who will algn tha temporary Injanetlam asked to restrain tha eoanty eoart from building a new court henna an the Hot Sprlaga sit. What Jadga R Is could not beJearned, nor tha tlaa at which It I expected ha wlU nasi hla official chirographs to tha daen- eat. rtUMi JUKI Mllf HTt Wesr) 9 WBfc4WWWlWwPj'aTaWWB'w mm en mm rh GARRETT BEGINS . ON NEW BUILDING OFFENBACHER STRUCTURE IS SCHEDULED TO BE READY FOR OCCUPANCY WITHIN M DAYS IF PLANS ARE EXECUTED Oae.otCcdMtfal Wlvee Stta ha ; aaged'Wiyte Sttffragetteeat Pw ' Oaaal. sad IDacnassf, Wh : "ThCaaa.M The Qarrett Construction company haa begun work on the Henry Offen bacher building. The O. K. offlce haa been temporarily moved to the east on tha Bristol corner. Work on the building will be rushed, and It will likely ba ready for occupancy in about alxty days. Mr. Offenbacber haa not yet leased the building, but he haa a number of applicants. HAMPSHIRE BOAR GOES OVER STYX AT LEAST OWNER CANNOT LO CATR BEAST, SO MAS TO BEND BACK TO "SHOW MB" STATE FOR ANOTHER W. M. Chayne waa In the city last Saturday from hla Spring Lake ranch to get a' Hampshire hoar which ha bought from n Mlssourlbreeder. gome six week ago Mr,.Chayna re ceived three ot these plan which ha turned loose on hla place'. .After b had had,, them a few weaka tha hoar disappeared. Ha made a thorough aegrch ot tka naala. but to no avail. PRECINCT i : Odell East Klamath'Falls Plevna Midland Wood River Tula bake . . . .' awAiry eaneeaeeeeeeaai Sprague River Loot River ...'. .-. Mill Addition Shlpplngton Third Ward -. Plna drove Second Ward anaMnlltt llMi iiimi tM Poo VaHey ... West Klamath Falls .. . Klamath Lake ..... Lansall tVallay 2 27 136 68 84 111 It? IIS 50 98 1S7 48 846 88 808 85 88 48 I 19 178 48 64 70 115 85 98 76 109 84 989' 49 m 97 99 108 96 94' 4 50 15 18 37 64 18 96 91 96 19 14 98 81 99 US '96 90 18 1 4 1 3 14 C 4 1 IS 8 6 6 e 7 1 9 ' 1 1 a a 9 a 9 . . 9' 1 10 . 8 1 w 1, 1 a a v. ? 1 a a I V United Press Semen PORTLAND, Ore., April 15. On touch of luffraglim makaa tha whole world kin, 1 the .opinion today ot those who sttended the auffraga ban quet given here, at which Caucasian and Chinese woman suffragists aat tide by side and discussed on terms ot rerfect equality the progreaa ot tho cause. Mr. 8. K. Chan, a prominent Chi nese woman, delivered an addreaa through an Interpreter In which aha noted with satisfaction that tha Chl-nt-so were more progressive than tha Americans, women In her country -rrvlng bean granted national ant rag. vTbe banquet waa given In honor of La Relne Helen Baker, an English autboresa, prominent In auffraga work. Republicans Outnumber. Democrats in County by Over Two to One County Clerk Charles R..Do Lap baa tabulated the political com plexion ot the register vote of this county, with the following reeult: Total ',...9968 1196 606 86 11 91 t .. r.. 1. tV r',V r , "" !-lfV . .ii t a i ' -, - -j- , fiK ' f -?,.