FRESH itom the Smoke Hduse i i.olher tJ f ,l0, fln, ,u,,r tared llU ' u,co" l JtOc lb. Aid lirJ Pr aalwre aid li "It -5c, 75c and $i:40 a Pail KiiMth Falls Neat Co. IV Urallag fitt fail tii.I Maiea manna A iliaiitlc (trlkn of, railroad mi- -lars on nil Mil") " of Chicago itl north of Hm oiiiii mver 1 ii ll, olnt lo demand for liicmnaoil llN. ACT QUICKLY IkU; Hi ltHo Ifcrngiroii. In Klini nlli Full Iluttcrliht thing nt thu rhjftiittm; Ad quickly In tlinu of danger. lUiUclm li kidney danger. pom's Kldnny I'lIU act jjtilckly. ri(tl) 'f ovldcnco to prove ttilt. J, II. SI.Afcr. ! I.' Mnln atlcot. iilUtd. Urr , says; "( wot In a bad it; from kidney Iroulile, nml ilotplto 3of (ToM I ii'lii nimble to Kt rttlcf. Ttio khl lie y nerritlona wcra iititmol end my Uc'k n ritrwinvly Uxt ahI lialiiful At nlftlit I wat rtUl-, nl If I riiisht colli It act- M la ray kldiic). cniitlnK my truu V. o Ufinno Konm. lli'lliR told of tut'i Khlnry I'lllt, I procured a kci. md Lcfoto I rind uurd them long I Ml b Iter I noi now well and my Il4fji mi lonctr hiilhrr mo. My llilce lo trcrrono nffllctrd In a llm Sir ty li to gltn Dunn'a Kldnay IUi a trlil," CimltrtiKil rronf ViUn Mr Rhifrr wai Intorvlowod M Mob r :j, 1909. Im Mid: "My l)inr cndnrii'taont of OonnV ICId i; Tll'i Kill liohU kooiI. I am now Is ttcllrnl health, mid my kldnoyi pr lltllo or 00 Iroulile." rorfci ly alt dealrra. I'rlcn 60 tttti rnifafMllliurn Co., IliifTnto. Xiw Tork, mle avrnla for the Unllrd I'Hei. . nmmbr Hio nme Doan'a and u to othar US IN YOUR STOMACH, MAT AND PRESSURE AROUND YOUR HEART Cured, Cured to Stay Cured With Baatmann's Gns Tablots. ite UINa ntft.fUUIT8 ir.' Kb liiiiuitt.j .!. ..: N unuii tumatu w, .4 W ,,ui.t clo, ,J la fenul tu'WT "'. ' ' nl Jnl . 1 ,M " " ''IttTMU, hit SPALDltfG "kioughout It.. Uv. mlojitad tli. J HMiiaing "0",JS..iVw, Cork Center Ban ' P'VJ1' ' Official Ballol the World Sctlea . piio.nkV Ml UT1 m : BAIL UNIFORMS AI.uIlnf'r"KPAMPIONa CHAMBERLAIN ASKS FOR OREGflN'S SHARE WAHIIINOTON. I. (J.. Ai.rll i:i Honntnr (,'linmhtirlnln In 11 mouther of till) Nllhc.iinmlttrii (if thn r.iimiiltlr... on iiKrlciilturn which Imn thn ngrl rullimil niiriiirlnlloii hill heforn It, I lo Intorenfrd In securing, If pos sible, rcnaoiiiihlr niuirmirlntlnna for thu riiiul mriM llm Cnanul.i tiioiin- Inlns friim Wintnrn 10 Kimteru Ore gon, In retaining Hut mil npiiriitirlif tlnn urlglnnlly hii'KIimI for lln pro tecllnn of national fnriulM from flm, In whli li mini)' nrKiiiilinlliiiiH In Ore CiHI lire dieply ltittrf nlfil. In llm Crater l.akn iialliiuiil road system, na hy thn Kovcrnuiitlit on. lltw. In llm Item for llm ouhllca- (Idli of colored plates of tamliinl vn- rlellc of fruit. Th 11 aonntnr will liinkn n llhl fur nil of thi'in Items nml hopna In liu nhlo to ronvlncit Ida associates of their I tit -porlatir, If you linvc mi ir ram raimlr work to be done phono 1361 12tf Xnllrn of Hlirrlff'a H.Ik of llnal I'nUM rrtr M11II11 llrotlirra, I'lnlntlfT, va. J, I). Cnrroll and It. II, Hinlth, IMfcod anta. Under nml by virtue of nn eiecu- Hon mid order of ante, In fnrecloaura, laauril out of the otllra of th. clurk ol tlm circuit court of thn Htnto of Or it on, for tlm County of Klamath, on thn ltd day of April. ID 1 2. In tlm above iMilltled milt, wliereln Mnrtln llrottirra (a corporation), Hio above immad plnlntlrT, obtnlned Judgment nml decree nx-ilnat J, I), (.'nrroll ind Itlrlmrd Hhoro Hmlth. the abovo named defendnnla. on the 4th dar of April, 1912, which aald Judgment wna on the till day of April, 1912, recorded In Judgment Men docket Vol. 3. at tmao CO. In the ofllra of the clerk of aald court, I am commanded to acll all Hint certain nlncu and par rel of land ilttintn In thn County of KUmnth. Htntn of Oregon, bounded and pnrtlctitnrly dcicrllied na follcma The aoulliweat ijnnrter of the south. cut ilinrter of aectlon flrn (S); the weit half of the Northern! ijunrter mid tlm Northweal iunrtrr of tlm loutlieaal iiunrlar of aectlun eight (H). all In towinhlp forty-one (41), KMilh of rangn all (6), vait of llm WlllMiielto Meridian, arcordlng to, thn duly rerordeil plat thereof on file I In tlm ofTlrn of the county dark of Klamalh county. Htnto of Oregon. Notlro la hereby glen that on Sat urday, the Sf.tli day of May. 1912, at 2 o'clock p. m. of aald day, at the front door of the county court home. In the city of Klamnlh Falla. County of Klamnth, Klato of Oregon, I will, In obodlenre to aald order of aala and elocution In foreclosure, aoll the above dcacrlbed properly, or 10 much thereof aa mny bo neceaanry to aatlafy plaintiff' Judgment, with Intareat thereon and ronta, to tlm hlgheat bid der for cash. W. II. IUIINE3. HhorllT of Klamath County. NOI.ANI) A UHANK, Attorney for Plaintiff. 4-U.18-25.3-9-16.2Jh HE IS THEJHAN To buy note and mortgage. To buy couuly, war rant. To tall or trad you a good houta, barn and I ale lota In tbli city. To ll or trada you 10 craa IH roll fro mthlt city at 116 par tor. To Mil you 10 kcrai of On land urn- dar ditch, lmrovd, par acra. To bnU you a poma to suit you on aiy nlmtntf I aaHaWHP aaaaaaaaaaLaLa 1 A ETM. .LLmIM' h '' HbH ' VliaK aaaaLHB'' lbHniti'' raaaaaaaaaB aaaLa - lA kaaaB 'lR3 aai TUB KVKrtlXt. GENERAL GRANT DIES IN EAST OF HEART FAILURE O.iniiiniidcr of Department of Knat, nml Hon of 1'iiiiioiin Holdler-Prol-itenl, 1'iiirril Huiiin (Jrowlli Tlmt HIM.. I IWnt United Press Hcrvtre Ni:V VOHK. April 13 Mnlor (loncriil Frederick Dent (Irnnt, com mander of tlm Eastern Division of the United HlnUs iirmy, nml non of (Jen. 11 al UlyMHca H, Oriint. illc.l enrly yen. tiTilny im 11 result of heart falluru. It U believed hi end wm linstencd by tlm font Hint n riincoiiil growth cf Hio tongue, for which liu win .mr nlcil on Wednesday night, wut sim ilar to Hint which Mile! I, hi fnihiT. Ho wns horn Mny 30. IS.'O. nml 'mtywI In tlm Hpanlsh war In :!io Phil- liiln.ii. Ilu Him mliilntiir to Vlonnn imiliir President Harrison, USE NATRON CUTOFF, FUGENE TO 0IKRID6E KUtlKNC, April 13. I). W. Cnmp. Lcll, aoperlntt'iidfiit of tlm Oregon llnea of tlm Ilncrlmnn nnti-m, nccom phiiled by other offlclulH, Hindu n trip en n apeclnl train over tho now Na iron I'Xtcrmlon to Onkrldgo ycaterdny, preaumnbty preiarntnry to It ncccM tnnco from tho contrnctor. It la un Aeratood Hint tlm lino will within tho ni'it few dny be, turned over to tlm opurntlng depnrtmeni, nnd that train tartlca balween Kugcnn nnd Onkrldgu ll bo mtiihllnhrd, It'l alio undvratood Hint the offl. Hula looked Into tlm matter of ex tending tlm Portland. Kugene local paienger train to Hprlngfleld, nnd Hint of eitvndlng tho Knat Hide branch local train, which now atop nt Hprlngflvtd, to Kugeno. Tho peo plo of H rlncileld huve petitioned for tlm rhnngn of tho Kugetin locnl and the penptn of Coburg have naked for tho chance of the Hprlngfleld train NOTICK INVITING BcM I'unuant to an ordar of tha Com mon Council, aealad bid will ba r celved by tlm underalgncd. Police Judge of tha city of Klamath Palla Oregon, at (if office In tha city hall, until Monday, May 6th, at tlm hour of A o'clock p. in., at which tlm and place all propoanl receded IH be opened nnd conaldcfcd for the pur- chaa of tha following aqulptoant for th fire dtpartmaat; 1 H dot. Oloba fir aulti, laetudlng chlaf'a apaclat coat; tH dot. Or hata, lacludlag chlaf'a apaclal bat; t dot. rubber raa- plrator. 2 dot. gogglea; 2 amoka hoi AMU dot. pair regular flraaai'a boota; IUrt thut-off goulaa; I Hatay'a coaVolllBf nottlaa. Tha Commiaj Council rattrra tha right to rajKt aay and all blda. Datad tola IthNtty of April, 1111. T. r.'MCHOLA8, Pollca Judga of tha fe(tr of Klamath Falla. Oragoi. ThE CORPORATION- Our offlca 1 now la new loeatlon on Main St., oppotlta Tenipla Theater. VL'm ulll liiM.ari mntumuS In m wn. rral real relate bualuea,iaiul In ail dltloa lo our ottii ttteuYi lioldlnk no Mill bundle all riuaave of city innn'ru. n.iilal ami rial rollerlion At nn-aeat we Itnvo aoino attractive nlli-ra lo Inline liu)cnt Oil ciiay iiiontli- ly iiaynirnla. If you want lo buy a lioma on caay tiruia look till Kit o?er. 1220 down, f 60 per month. Kino modern 8-room houae, one block from Main 8t. In tho Writ Kn ! Till la a bargain. Price $3,200. 6270 down, ISO per month. Sovon- room huuie ou I'lue 8t., one block from poatolllce. Prlco 11,700. $120 down, $55 par month. Four room houae, large lot, one block from Catholic church. Prlco $1,100. 1160 down, $41 pkr month. Four room modern bungalow; com plete plumbing, fireplace, acwtr, ctment walkV Urge lot, fine lawn. etc. A pretty home on tha Kaplanae In Hot Spring Addition. Price $2,760. $300 down, $20 pr month, Urge 4-room hottw, two large lota, city water, llfhta and ildtwalk: on the Mil, (even block from poitofflr. rlce $1,400. Wo alto have nramproved reldnr 1-1. I. .11 narla n the CltV OH Try uia ..1 i'"..- -1- - raiy term, and mn eapeclally good hnva tnr lavaatmimt on half or all r.ah nranotltlnna. Come In and a ui. ROUNSEVELL HERALD, K I, A MATH FALLS, OREGON CHANGE PLAN OF THE JUSTICE COURT Now lllll I'rojcrtcil Promisee to Ik Anny Willi (Im lne of lawyer In .fundi Court-Hlinplr Rule, lo 4 J.iveni Km It Proceeding. POIITI.ANI), April 13. A almpll. find Jiiatlca' court proccduro whore nil oliaoleto prorecdliiR aro dono 11 way with nnd n cnto can bo heard meroly upon tho prcucntntlon of a bill to tho court, In tho plan outlined In n proposed Inw which In to go on tlm November ballot. Inltlntho petition nro now being iiepnn-d for plnclng the now law on tho November bnllot Tlm proposed simplified proccduro mnken rndlcnl chnnges which promlso to do nwny with the usu of lawyer In tho Justice' court. There nro only-two requirement lo put n rnso nt Issue under tho almpll fiod JiiBttcpn' rulca. First, tho prcsen tntlon of n bill to tho court. Second, Hm Issuing of a summon by the clerk of tho court requiring tho do feinlnnt to appear within tavon day. At thl stngo of the cam both parties conm before tho court and tell their nldu of the question, under di rection of tho Judgo without hln ilrnnco by technical rules of evidence. Att plendlngs, such at complaints, demurrers, motion, answers and re plies nro dono nwny with; tho Juris diction of thu court I entnrged from lif.O to $S00. Append enn ho hnd on amount our $50. At tho present time np- I vnl enn bo taken on amount a low as $10. When nn nppcnl I tnken the lerk of the court I required to sup ply nil blank neccssnry for the ap peal, fill out the bond for tho Interest ed party, prepare and servo notice on the ad verso party, prepnro transcript of tho proceedings nnd file tho sajne with tho circuit court. In event of a ttthnlcnl error tho" pnrty ngnlnit whom It la raised linn the prlvllego of correcting tho snroe without destroy. Ing or nffrctlng his npepal In nny wny. Tho Judgn Is glvon the power to act us nn offlclnl nftcr court hours for the convenience of fhoso who ennnot np r before the Judge during the dny time. Present ntiuse of tho use of nttneh- nrnts nnd garnishments are cllmlnnt- tit by giving tho Justice the power to Inquire Into defendant's ability to pny n Judgment of tho court. If It Is found thnt Im cannot pay tho entire bill nn order can bo entered by tho 1 court permitting tho bill to bo paid !n weekly or monthly Installments. Purine tho paying period tho plaintiff In tho rnio I not permitted to harass the defendnnt with further garnish ment or other proceeding. The proposed simplified procedure It n sot of rule made plain and sim ple o that any person of average un derstanding can present hi own case lo tho court. It I designed to 'elim inate, tho present technical pleading which tnko up to much tlmo of the court and Interested parties and (top piesent excessive court cot and at torney' fee. Attorney Harry Yankwlcb, one of the republican candidate for Judge of tho Juttlco court. Is author of the new law. Mr. Yankwlch I now or MKv?fJai "A mKm PjWOllB eTtftStttttttttttttH Mmi fjjPH a M BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV aBBWVnka?K TxV WS&.S-Pl. ,. -J aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWIIBaw 'ffiaaBBaVsU VS?)v 'l taVSafilfyBBH KoBIB k7 I H I BBBBl aZV laTI BB saa & .ifABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ aaaaaaBaaaaaaaL .'-' t '-M k .- . .. ..ULJUadLBBBVakTsI ganizing a league for tho purposo of prcsontlng tho now measure to tho voters at tho next general election, to he held In November. William lloattlo Neibltt, former number of Canadian parliament, I held nt Chicago, charged with wreck ing tho Fnrmor' Hank of Toronto, and getting away with $260,000, The pnllco bellovo tho accused ba over $100,000 hidden In Chicago. FOUNDER OF RED CROSS SOCIETYPASSESAWAY Ml. Clara llarton, .Nationally Promi nent In llellef Work for Many, Die at Ago 1'a.t DO Year, After Lingering IllncMi United Press Service WAHIIINOTON, April 13. Mia Clara llarton, founder of tho National fted Cross movement, died at her homo In Olcn Kcho, Maryland, yester day. Bho had been III for month. Clara llarton wat more than 00 year of age. She wa born at Ox ford, Mass, In 1821. Bho first bo enmo nationally prominent In tho Civil War, wben she participated In and directed relief work on tho bat tlefields. After tho nor ihe wa as sociated with the International Hod Cross of Ocnova, nnd served In relief work of the Franco-Prussian war. She organized the National lied Crosi In this country In 1881, being It3 f resident until tho resigned In 1904. Bho served on the field In tho Spanish war. The Best Eyqf TIIK SHOW THAT'S PIF- FKIIK.NT WIM KXHIIIIT AT KLAMATH FAI.UT SATURDAY April 20 Al Q. Barnes IIIO :Htl.l Wflils ANIMAL. T t CIRCUS More animal than any four howa 360 Animal Actor 160 Ponies, Dog 52 Heart Stilling Acta 3 Banda Mon ster Tent. Fr5tret Parade atHOa. m Klamatk Falls Saturday, AWil ao Herald Want Ads FOR RKNT $17.00 PER MONTH 6-roora'house with bath; on Ninth St nY Wash ington. RKNT FREE Five nleefy furnished room, with bath, Iscomlderatloa of giving owner tw moals per day $18.00 per montbA-7-room home, two ttory, goodcondition; on the hill, three bloatt. from -inatnfllrn. $12.00 par month Small 4-room bouse; on thi hill; Ovo block from HfOUNBEVELL, Office, 43laln St. Phono C2S FUlt.NIHIIKI) ROOMH NICi;i.Y furnished room n( tha Ore gon House, Sixth and Klamath t ton RKNT Furnished room for housckceplnKl.lnclud'inc bath. In .1 private family. $drcts box 2S3 Klamath Fall. V 11-Ct FOR RENT Three completely fur nished housekeeping room In dou- bio houso; no cblldron. Enquire at Herald office. ctf Broken Lines Of $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 flens' Going For F R And J SATJURDAY XI O. MJH ECTOR'S DEPARTOENT STORE -f FOR ML1 FOR SALE At oat, at tha Coai ctock Hotel, Jee, Tree, Treaa; fruit trees, (hade tree, gooaberrlaa, loganrrle, yturranta, roe aahof, Thoy wlaVnai last long; con early and get yoff pick. 11-4H MIHCKLLA.NKOUfj -- 1200.00 PER MONTH bnothlag ua usual for a man tomake mIIIm nursery stock. Exd Irlenee la net necessary. There some good tar- rltory now opon. 'SUte what terri- cory youatouldi and writ at once for partll partlh lar to the Naraarr. 1206 Yeon building, Portland, Ora gon. 2-l$-$-ll EXPERT automobile mechaale ' repairing at your garage; charges moderate; all work guaranteed. Laava order at Herald offlce. Mt HELP WANTE' HELP WANTED Qlrtr woaaaa far general houaaworkT Call U 70T '' Klamath avenue ocjrnone 1171. 4Mt; T Hats I at 1.50 I DJA Y u, t l To tocata roS'VAtA good hottaataad. J. W. Ros & Co.,u, '- - ROU Corpor ra4c atatldlac iV&EVEUL Uon