u M. efaliV HIU'I'MKD IIV THK UKITKH VMM NKWH HKHVICK KVKNIXQ NBWBPAP1 1'HI.NT THK NKWH, NOT HMTOftT Ik putting M H Hltlli Vrnr '' i",l KLAMATH FALL, OIIKOON, HATUHDAV, AI'IHL Id, 1019 Price, Fltra POLITICAL VISTA RATHER PUZZLING SURFACE DEAD CALM Ml l'i: tSPIIIAXTM AXD Till: ciMxn: hi:i:m to iik for a tllMI'tlt.VliVIILV LIGHT VOTK AT rllAHTiril KLWTIOX Willi Hi" coming lty election prnr Ilralljr olily Hirer week illatntll May -lhe political tiinm.luTo la, inlflrlnll) ill leaat, ik quiet ik n (Hr n( llii' dead. Nobody aeeltia In lit) fblr In prn((lii'llrnli who n III run fur msynr Mint rlty recorder, Hint lln councllmaulc. atliiKt Ion In fully n mjullrlni: Thrrr urn bets In lm liml llml Uafnr Prod T Hntidcrann will to n umlMat" fur ntiolher Irrni, iiIIIiiiiirIi up in (hi 1 1"'" lie Iik brim unwilling lo derlim hlmaelf openly In fnor of nni'ltirr term fur hlmaelf. At the inr llmi' In' liim laaiicd no mnnlfcr lit i)li.( im' mulcr no tlicumaisnce till ht- In' n candidate fur the officii (or unoilirr enr'a tenure. The mu)iir la a democrat, nnd Hi iutm- of a nonilicr of other demo frt utiil rimtillrnii hn.t been men- lluofJ iriraihli timber for the rn ny It io Hint I Ik. ihii rlmtmiH ,f mei-ilntf limy lii hrlil n ilny or more iinirl If llii' illy routiill ahiiold lit Hun,, ci'ineiillnn between llm Hum of the ihii ennniiia, which mere la n atroiijc belief Hint II will tin If rnn. II will mil tint pollllrnl naplrunt down to Mm ery enrth llaelf Them In not expected to hit iih li.ri.u n volt, out on Him aperlnl ihur. Inr clrclftiii o tole for n kIiikIii dim Ixr it tliuiiiih imih Imrltro were to In- voted on or n IhuiiKh there wn till' ifRillnr rlty election or oilier Imiii-m iiti. Tho proponent of tl.o IVX-puie charter were ery nnilmia to holil it apcilnl elictltiu to deti-r-n. I n ii IU fa to for nl leaat three ii- ona, One. uf these, ami llm piluclpnl one, wna I hut If n special election fur the cl nrler roulil lm lied! In advance uf Hie iPRillnr election It would friimn llm city's Kotemuicnl up In ihoahup.. Ihnl (he) woulil like lo have It, hi llml It would he run according; lo (heir litem 'I he aeriuid U Hint If llila rliait-t uor. lo be put Into eflerl I lie pnn. Ill OlIliMiKAUt nilil uuhllalne like reel It'u would seek another term of o'llro ltlt n lew lo riinnliic Ihluca on Ihe' mat wdiMip.-u mill waatcful baal ita! reKtrila the opcmtlon of the Inwa. Ihe third la Hint It Mould net m n Tim Inrger poinilnllon nt preacnt la on Ilia Oregon Hide of thn line, Tho hllla whemln I lie clnlum nro liiniled nr from CU lo J.ftoo feet iibove (ho town, willed Ilea nlioiit Ihe renter of flooan l.aku Vnllev. mid wllliln ii ahort dlatanru of llin Inkn or the a nin n uiiine. Thn hill or of (ho amne inline. The hllla nro well wooded, Hum fur iilahlng lltuher nml fuel for mining, while alored on llm higher point nml In (ho wirloiiH rnvlnea nro Inrgn iiinn (llleii of miow llm( furnlah mi nhun dniiro of pure wnler nil Hie year, Hooan l.nko Vnlley on tho Meat of Hie illMrlrt nnd Hurprlan Vnlley on Hut enat nro nuiiing Ihe moat ferlllo nuiir in mini in mo two ainlea, nml OPERATION FOR APPENDICITIS lillA.VT UAY, IMTUIXT TIIKATKII AT IILACKIIUIIV IIOHflTAI., IK). I Mi WKI.fc APTi:il IJKFOItT TO. wAitn iiih iii:i.ii:i' At tho lllnckburn lioapltnl jcatcr Iny nflornnon. Or. (leorgo Mcrrymnn. taalaled hy Dr. Jmnea Taylor, tier- formed nn opernllon for nerforntlvo within n few mllea of the mine I tlio'l'l"nilltl11"- Tho work wn Kucceea- fnni.il.M nr.l.Hr.l I. ..I. .. .1.. r 'fill tlti.l tin. i.rIUhI I. .I..IM tt im'ii in me iiooai "" i"n-in i iiuiiik wcii fniuoiiK orrhnrd I .nk n rounlry. Tho Nnvndn-Ciillfornln-Oiegon mil wny follow Hip ahoru of (looae Lake nnd linn t-atnbllahed n depot there. nml la prepared lo hnndln n largo vol ume of Irnlllr lilt ween llenn, Nev nnd (looae Ijike Valley pnlnlH, Ihe ler. mlnua helng l.nkevlcw, tho rounty ent of jke rounty. Many of tho claim linvo lieen worked for aeveral yeara, mid tho dvepeat ahafl I 17Z feel. In the "Hilliahlne." Mr. (Iny, who I well known In the rounty. wn formerly n realdent of Merrill for ninny yenra, nnd tin r lently hren on tho Howard Vnn Vol (eulmrg ranch. polltlrnt wealhertniin which would1 (Tilly hiH a yet none of them have tell nlinoal heyond iiieallnu whelherj (ait their rhoprau Into Hie ring Ihern would lie liny hope for Ihe pre) City lleciinler Thonu V. Nlcliola jent dyunaty loullnulng to hold thei Lit bern apoken of, lull n yet hna trt ratiiriitcd lo the tiao of III name, .hcrll) li furdenlilp occtiplea nil hi llm. n J the aaUry la 1100 monthly. The mnror'a atlpeiid I 103.33 nr ticnth, but (hu work dor not liecca iilllr tale alt Ma lime. Tho dlaad vtrttce In the lower pay for Hip offlce ft mayer la thua offart In tho fact Id j i a man rnn liuva aome other pur mil In whirh lo earn Hip 110,67 dlf finnre each month. City llccorder Mrhnlia la n demorraL Mttitlun hna heenmndo of Albeit IJ. Eliler aerrelary of Wtlrr I'nir' AaorUHon, ropubllrat, ho Ii regarded h nn uggrraalvn and (Me lining man, tin ha had legal training oliirh would ho valuable lo Mm In aitrh an nltlre. Hunter Kntldge, deinorrnl, I nn relna If ll tried for nnother term I Whether Hip comparatively light I ole (hat la pretty nearly hound to Im inhibited at the apeclal election will be for or agalnat tho tneaaure la difficult to forecaat. If the prearnt ipileireiit political aurfarp rover mi)'' thing at alt. It may lie a att lit hut re olutp frame uf tnlnd on (he part of Hip votera of (he city, one wny or Ihe other, or It may he apathy. Tho light voIp may ho mada up largely of proponent of the charter, tho Klatnatl lor " "",,' ,K' ,r "l,', BnJ ',,c'l",0 many people who wain m noun win charter. There la no doubt that thn ndtnlnlatrntlon forrp n far a they aland with the mnni nnd majorliy of llm council forttio menaiire, will be Induced lo go (o (he pull. The fad (hnl Hip election I n ape- LARGE CUSS OF CANDIDATES Olllt KIII.UIWK IIM.'KIVt: IIIO Al. IUTIO.V TO MCMIICItSIIII OKU fAi.WM TO OIIAM) MMMIi: AT I'KMH.KTO.V AllK KI.MTKI. BASKET SOCIAL HT HOLIER tM tjuMrn of Mniralef Plan a l'nhue Adracilon for Svi Weilnrwiay Kvenlog for the I'nhllr Oenerally lo Knjoy tho road will be clear nnd tho park will ho fit for travel. Ho report tho Wood Itlvor Volley ii flourlahlng, nnd any that the peo plo there expect n good xcaaon. There nro two good livery nnd feed utorv In fort Klamath, two good hotel nnd n good nuto repair aliop, which I a very vnlunlilo nddltlon to the town' fncll Itlca, especially for trnvclcri. According to Mr. Arnnt tho Block In the nolghborhood wintered well, nnd tho farmer have a aurplua of liny, no they nro now balling It for the mnrkct. Tho big "caterpillar" traction en Kino belonging to Utter & llurna. the anwmlll men, which will, on ground Hint ha been before cultlvnted, pull ilx lft-lnch plow and plow a atrip ten feet wide, with two harrow behind In tho bargain, I a great Innovation In tho country, and proralae to re form plowing. It will plow from fifteen to twenty acre n day. In heavy aod tho engine will pull about three lfl-lnch plow. John Cox haa contracted with the owners of the monitor dragging machine to plow 400 acre on his farm. At preient Utter & llurna nro using It on their own property. LA F0LLETTE TRIP IN OREGON BEGINS I'KNHVr.VAM.i IH HIXfJK I'Oll TAKTH PHOHI'l :cts If 1'iiHildcnl rail In Oct .Majority of Keyntone Hlnte Octegntlon ,lt May I'rove Dcntli llloir to Kecoml-Tenii (,'anilldacy. United Prcai Bervlre I'llILAOKM-IHA, April 13-That tho republican presidential nomina tion at Chicago may hlngo on tho re suit of today's primary election In Pennsylvania Is the belief hero among politicians. Mnny naacrt Hint If Taft loses the Pennsylvania delegation, or falls to capture a majority. It will prove a death blow to his candidacy. Other man uluiae 111111, hna tiiwti i iw.Vtn of lie la engaged oxtenalve- cl' "" Mni1 for "" rra'u" "", lln' ly In Ihe lumber hualnr, and If In- bl "' ,,r'"K "" " ,",,n)' u,u' n" ,lu' re In Hie mayor's rhalr thn dealin regular election, give tmim of thn ol hu nrm lo tell Ihe rlty It scant- nn" Krotunli for believing Hiat not I'ng, Join rider, lalh or flrewood even Hip nereaaury number of vole to 'jU have lo In. siiuelched. for pub. .'"' " ""'" '"ny " lf II' I'nlliy oi n mayor's limine ,'"' nilmliilatratlon force mo nhln to KiO.e lellli.tf mnlerlnl lo II... inonlel. lUUaler II fallly Strong vole and Hip lillty At the aaiuo Hint. II I hardly l I""0 " lmx" u' ",H" ''" Bholl wa selected a District Deputy liVHy llml thoKavldgo llroihcm l.uiif iiefenry Imllot l-ower nt I hi' h)Is. ()rnm, MBHter for th0 coming year. ir runipnii) would desire, If Hunter (Continued om l'!"' " klilre wielded the sreplrr of local n authority In make thn city a gift of 'il'pllra of ilu. nature Indicated. rniiiirllinan (I. W. While, repuh Htn, ilinliinaii (if (he finance com- The Klrst tlcegree of Odd Tcllow- ship wn conferred on it rla of ten candidate at the regular meeting of Kl.im.ilh Uidce No. 137 lat evening. 1 he lodge haa been doing en client work altup Ihe Oral of tho year, and have a laige number of new memheis. This will urobablr be Ihe Inat Inrsd irtiia of randldates to ho taken In beforo the summer months, al though Mimp work will be done licit month, nd probably a few additions received In June. The Jcilclio Club, which Is a new toclnl organisation whoau member ship Is ii'Mrl'ted to Odd Kellows and llebekntii, has created a KTeat deal of Interest nml new llfo In tho organltit' Hon nnd U nttrnctlng mnny deslrnhl? inemhers At thn meeting last evening the fol lowing member wero elected n dele- galea to the Oram! Lodge lo ho held nt Pendleton In June: W. II. North, IVrclvnl Hholl nnd M. It. I.en. The former was elected to carry tho cre dentials for tho lodge. I'erclval On Wednesday evening, April 17th, Hie Undies of the Maccabees will give n bnaket social nt tho Pavilion roller rink. All ladles who take banket containing lunch for two will be given admission and skates free. (lentlemeu who buy admission and skate tickets at the usual price will, on receiving skates, bo given n check good for 2S cents, which will be taken at face value In part payment for bos ket when they are auctioned. Tho public Is Invited and a general good time Is assured. MORESNOWGOMES TO HELP FARMERS CHARTER DEBATE NEXT WEDNESDAY SOCIALISTS I'OSTI'OXK TIMK KOH JOI.NT IIIKCTKSION OK INKTlll?- MK.NTK WHICH WILL OO HK-I HHIK voti:iis BASEBALL GAME LOST BY MEMILnO KLAMATH .Nine VanqDlaticil by Local Men, Who Claim They Were Denied Free Ad mittance to Hall Willed Was Prom teed Them. WIFE ACCOMPANIES WILLHI'KAK TflltOl'OH WKHTKBX OHKOO.V AXD POHHIIILY FOVH DAVS IX WAHHI.VOTO.V IH-OKK I.V CALIt'OHMA f'nitcd Press Bervlen PI:nI)LETO.V, April 13. Senator Lo Fotletto and wife arrived today. Ho will speak hero tills afteraoon oad evening at La Grande. He will b at Portland Sunday afternoon, and thence tours Western Oregon. Ho may go to Washington for four days before entering California. As a preface to the hall given by tho Merrill baseball nine at the Mcr-j iXOTHi:it KIIKXCH KLVKH FALL FAlt TO HIM DRATH fnlted Vmn fVrttce DAIl LE DUC, France, April IS Aviator Lieutenant Donocart's niea oplane fell 200 feet and Donocart was killed. Conklln's filling pens j and non-leakoble And self- are tho neatat perfec- FOUIITII MOHTLY FALL OF IIK- I'CTAIILY IIKAl'TIFirii 8UII. HTAXCK LAXDS IX AXD AIIOUXD KLAMATH VMAM Another nice snow fell last night, wnicn makes rour nigmo in succes- 4 to 1. In the fourth Inning Klam slon that the flakes have descended ath Falls got 8 runs, the final score on this city and surroundings nnd I being 12 to 6. In favor of Klamath rill opern house lost evening there, ,on ,n ,ounul" ! nnv. was a ball game with a nine mado up,ln!n"t.nnrJ'olnt Tonould wUh. I of Klamath Falls snhern tover.. Th wl" ""ng not anisiaciory, now. local men carried tho game, and knocked threo pitchers out of tho box. Up to the beginning of the third Inn ing tho Merrill men had things com ing their way, the score then standing ever this does Mtt nean la 1957, but nfter a fair trial, n f 13-2t McHatUn. I James Nownham c. TALKXT WILL T8 nitOKKX DY HK11W CONTEST CASK 'Jolted Press Berries) UA.VFORD, Calif., April 11. The celebrated Talent will contest case. particles, congealed Into whlto or the following transparent crystals, falling to the(Ord Arnold p., Jack Argraves lb.. , Involving the distribution of the sail earth and exhibiting a great variety Keith Ambrose 3b.. Harry Messnenllon dollar estate of Patrick Talent. nf vitrv tiMiutiriil nnrf njrfel Inrmi. .d m.,.. t. .i . l.......u n...- 1 -- " --.-- ,-...-. ..,, eBt umua jo., uienn uarreit 11..1 iuiicri7 vi dbhc, saoni., is eaweai aro very valuable, coming aa they do Harry Daum rf.. Henry Lowery rf. after n comparatively dry winter. Th. ,,. . m fh w. ,. Their worth to the farms Is incal-Lnd,r..nnA,n. ,h th.r . , ., cuable. The farmer does not care, to ,be,r Mpen,M and admlll0n t0 the be sure, whether the snow falls In ball , ,, ,, ut h ut. beautiful crysuls of symmetrical.,., .,.... ... .,,., ,fc -.k. build or whether they come down In result was that they shunned the ball. little rough pellet-llko form, similar ., thBB nn,f lth .,,. .,, to homeopathic pills. What he wants ,.beat ,t for oW K,amath is ine snow, or lis equivalent, ine after an eight weeks' trial. The Jury was out all night. This morning the unanimous verdict of the Jury Waa favorablo to the contestanta on tka ground that Talent was mentally Incapacitated. OEATfl GUIS IRS. S.K REECE, OF BONANZA i,.in n... in th wini- ...n th.' The ball was held for the benefit of Whllo the soclallats had originally I. in ..v 11 1. h.n.e fr th. .nnw to fall. tno Klamath county candidates, who mot next Monday evening for the lolnt'. n .nv. itn 11.. .mn.ui ,. are, evidently. In great need of funds. Idlicustlon of the proposed city char-Bra,iually, through the molting pro-,Ju1 now mucn each Klamath county. ters: "Sanderaon" and commission, cess, than rain would. conuiuuie win gci oui 01 mo pro- ire of FurArr Well Known tat Laav at tho court home, the dale has been I ,ce'u, coula not De irnea loaay. 1 deferred until Wednesday evening. n, . .... iy, .nin n,il millfe, nml n worker for economy In fly nilminiatrnllou, I nnother man hn Inn I,, rn miked of for the plnco, lm I'oiiurlliunii M. II. Wllkllis, n democrat No one niiiu l known to bo iletlnlte 7 olllliiit 10 (nrkln thn light. Kven In Die mm or Mayor Hnndcrson, his Iwllnailon inward (ho olllco Is n ma( jr locked ao securely In his own tmatluii hul llm alcalde. The liiillenllons nro that much nfi ili tli.. I...- .... .. TAYLOR STARTS - PAPER AT MINES HACK IIOIIHKH TO Hi: TAKF.X TO HPOKAXK if HF.POHT is Titri-: nr.vKiAir- MK.VT AT IIIOIKIIIADK OF A (IIAHACTFII WHICH ATTIIACTM .MANY l'IUSPi:riIIS J, Hrolt Taylor, Iho Kliimatli Fall It ha been derided by Kd McCar thy to lako "Yankee Olrl" and "Com i,tni." whleh h I training, to Bno- 'kane, Wash., within n day or two for thn purpose of romplctlnK Hie train ing of the former nnd running her Ihl season. McCarthy says that ho Is handicapped hero by reason of tho fact that there I no hnlf-mllo track In Iho vicinity, and 0110 of Hip best In America Is at flpoknne. lie timber for mayor, city rccordnr newspaper man, who recently went on roiiniitmniilr position may ro-'n lour of Inspection to lilghgrnde, Uf u'' Hidden until nfier (ho speclnl (een mile south of New Pine Creek, Ostler clef Hon, April 13, which I! where the now mining development l thirteen day before the city Is located, will stnrt n paper Ihoro """'on. . ii.rrnr.llns to n report which Itna from u pollilenl sinndpolut thero I ilvaiiinK(, In this arrangement of two el.ciloiiH. rsperlnlly for Ihoso "o fsor ii,,, councllmnnlo charier. bus reached (his city. Mining men nn liuriyitiR Into H10 new mining district 11 fw mile from i...r All tin. nlnexM where men art) ""I'll hna mi i.ri.... i..... ,....... . 1... I..1.1., in i,inl Imnril nml n lilnco to j "' il ....'.. .V. ...V.. ...W MM . ,...,... .-.." -- nning.hai,i..a,, chnrter, und who 'loAtit olllre, Imt'wlio fear that tho wrier miiy l,o defeated. If they do !,, h"vn " '"mo nut for office until "" Jim iluirter Is acted on, the re- "t f the charier election will show '' lilch way tho circumambient ih.1.1 1,I,K' nM'1 ,ho ,ny decl,,e a 11 1 M,,,,,,,u,nt f o votera la not iulr favor, nnd If It It successful lias n1y ,,l,lu,vo they see a boncon . ...h.lch w,u uld' " to auc "t Iho poll lw W8eKi utcr( wonu conventions shall be ys befon ....... '"' 1110 iioininaiina -"'niions shall be held at least nine "J bforo tho election. Tbla nxea '"-non, nmi that ti nnnin.nn. sleep nro tnkpii, with mnny going to Lakevlow, nfleen miles north of here, for places to stop. Heal estnto U chnnglnK hands dally, und some ram buy Imvo boon reconled. "Dutch Jnko" Miller, n Nevada mining tnun. has purchnai'il tho Lake hotel, nnd will Immediately remodel It. Now Pine Crook Is on the Oregon California state lino, Tho 'high grade" district Is within a fow miles of tho town, and runs to near Fort Uldwell on the coal, n distance across the bills ns tho crow flies, of about flfteon miles. Tho highly mlnorallied bolt runs from a lolnt about fifteen miles south of. New Pine Creek to six or mym mllM north of the state lint. Horn to J. H. Ilarm-a ami Wife Olrl Dr. F. M. Whllo reports tho birth last evening of n '.'-pound girl baby lo Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Darned of ttprlng l.nke. REGISTER WHILE THERE IS TIME CITY VOTKIIH MAY XOT IXSCItlllK TIIKIIi XAMF.H IS OFFICIAL VOLUMKS AFTKH XF.XT MOX DAY KVKXIXU Clly registration books are open at tho olllco of City llecorder Thomas F. Nicholas In the city hall until o'clock tonight, and on Monday they will close at l. m. for "keeps.' Registration books for tho county, which closed last Monday for a period of fourteen days, covering the dato of tho primary election April 10th, will roopen on Wednesday, April 14th. Tho time Is to he ' Of course it'a ju p.m.. ana uocai i.now for ,h. ,. raoBfh. Detter get Foghorn Man to Speak Kwauua of tho socialist party has ar-. . mv JSu.nt,.T .,, rnll r,n ' John Dcquer. the "foghorn" orator ranged tho event. ,h. fnp f, ... OP .hin of socialism, spen! .. . Tl . 1st headnllartnr ARANT RETURNS FROM PARK VIEW CHATKIl ItFSrMIVK HCPF.1UX- TKXDKXT FINDS HOMK 8XOW. COXDITIOXK IX WOOD IIIYKR YALLr!Y FMItHHSHIXO Kach one Is guarantee. 13-2t Mcllattan's. socialism, speaks tonight at social- on "Victims of Greed." gell Vnlley I'aaaea Away After Tvvu Slonths of lllnes In Hospital In This City HOLLOWAY I'lllSOX WAYS .hoc8f. suFFnAOFrrrKs BIRTHDAY PARTY BY LADIES' GUILD United Press Service LONDON, April 13. Suffragette Imvo planned a demonstration at iiiyue 1 nrn lumuriuw aKMiiiai- ...u luvvnous ui nunuwajr priMu uuiviu.. 8uffragettea declare wardresses held EPISCOPAL WOSIK.VS OU(I.IZ. Imprisoned women In chairs, forcing mtoMlSKH ATTiLmvF food into their stomachs through' TW inOMWYM ATTIUCTl h tubes In their mouths and nostrils. I OCCASION' IX IIHYMKD I X VITA- Mrs. S. W. Reece of Donama died this afternoon at the Ulackburn hos pital of cancer of tho bowels. She had been at, the hospital for treat- imcnt for about two months. The I husband Is a farmer, well known In tho lnngcll Valley, and Is a director of the Horsefly Irrigation district. Resides the husband four'chlldren, .two boys and two girls, survlce the deceased. The feeling is Intense, and an other outbreak Is feared. tings. TgUs woie Is down to the min ute for dafkv f ia-lt i. Mcllattan. W. Frank Arant. superintendent of Crater Lake National Park, has returned from the preliminary excur sion he made to tho park region to sec what conditions were. He got to it point six miles from Fort Klamath, nt tho edge of the timber above the mill. This Is threo miles from tho entrance and eight miles from head quarters. He found some snow, but Iho snow Is all gono In the Wood Riv er Valley or Fort Klamath neighbor hood except In patches at the extreme upper end of the vnlley. lio heard of n umii who had come aver tho rldgo from the Rogue River Vnlley with a dog team, and on the way ono of tho dogs died, so that the ...nn liml In In. nl hid load to his dastla nation. Nnar tlio hendouarter of the.WAUNA CAMP, F0RK8T CVTTKIIH TIOX On nAtt PrlHnv Aninr nt fi nVlncV 1 have a number of very pretty ,n. lhaWll. PB ,,,, ,h ,,,, pieces In sterllngllver applied warol0ull(, of h Ch h f h nc(leeraer on real cui giaw in 1110 new cut WOODMEN DANCE BIG SUCCESS pnrk the man took a sharp stick to test the depth of the snow, and found tho beautiful material to run to a depth of seven or eight feet. About May 1st Mr. Arant expects to go to tho park headquarters, and he believes It will bo open for tour ists about July loth. About a month or so before opening time the super intendent will send some men to the park to clear the roads of fallen tim ber, replace bridges removed for the winter, and generally make things ready ao that when the mow goea ol OP THIS MCNDAXK SPHKHK, HAVK GOOD ATTKXDAXCK AT ITS HALL Quite a large number of people at tended the dance given at the Hous ton opera house last evening by Ewauna Camp No. 789, Woodmen of the World. There waa good music for the dtaclplee of Terpsichore, and a very good time waa had by all pres ent. The dancing kept up until a late hour. will give a birthday party. Tho Invi tations, done In verso, best Indicate tho nature of the occasion In (he fol lowing lines: This "Birthday Party" Is given to you; TIs sumethlng novel, tho' not quite now; Wo rend you each a little sack Plecse either send or bring tt back With us many cents as you are years old; Wo promise the number shall never he told. Kind friends will gtvo you something to eat, And others will furnish a musical treat. The Ladles' Ouild. with greetings moat hearty, Feels sure you'll attend "Your Own Birthday Party t" Injured Greek Getting Well George Tomassl, the Greek who waa burned about the face and hands when the Jenseu building at Ninth and Main streets burned two weeks ago. Is well on the road to recovery. MirnDKIIKH WOULD SING FKW AFRICAN DITTIES Un'tcd Pre Benlco SAN RAFAEL, April 13. Judge Zook today sentenced Edward Dele bantle to hang for the murder o William Kaufman In San Quentln. After tho sentence Delhantle arose and offered to sing "a few coon ' songs." He will be taken to Folson In ten days. A. Castel returned .yesterday after noon from an extended trip to Sacra mento and San Francisco. STANFORD WINS VARSITY BY COUPLE OF lENfiUS California Athletes Defeat Their Oft ponenU With Washington Bereast - by Five Lengths, and CaUfermU Third United Presa Service OAKLAND, April 13. Stanford won the 'Varsity by two length, Washington was second by lye lengths. California was third. The time waa 16 mlnutea 43 secodev '-.... nittuiuiu wvu uiv viniiiMui bj m t p.. W -.W . . M J O.J second. Time, lo;lltei, ' wYJ$, ' V"-.?' "i ,t'?ft j-: