I fUemna .A ;v HefaU. ilf IMTI.1KB MY TMM unitwi vmm mm Mtevita, VKNIXOmWVi print m raws, hoy With l,VrD KLAMATH VAUaV, NHHDAY, APK1X it, 1M MEXICAN FEDERALS RESISTING, ABLY CRISIS SEEMS OVER mooiiav Mmmafn mas founh .VI CiMKAT ANTI.AMMMOAN FKKLINO, MOT SMUVN OS. i.i:hx AHOOT ANHWUMOM Moray U Applegate arrive la the city Uit evealag ? lrrnneleee, on vllt to bis urtM, Captain aad Uri. I. P. Applegala. Mr. ApplngaU returned jMt rassatly to Ike UaWed Male from Meatea, where he he Ikh.ii located tor Mm past lira yean. II u tht mini HNritli4t of tbo I'aelde Trspisal FmiK rsmpaay, una bee the MMNMt of the plan uiloni of the PaclSe Const rnilt caw lnr and tk Ben Mm Fruit eeov Pnr. which are located near Kan Mm, Teple territory, en lbs weal rout of Mexico. The Garlic Trnp I.aI Fruit company represents tk ba imna trade of the Pacific com! of Mritro, Mr Applegate elatea that Ihlaga wrm In ginning lo look a ditto Inter ntlng In liU section Juit before be U (t for the United Hlatea. II u not known whether or not the federals or revoliilloitlita would be vlrturlou, ami whrther there would be Interven lion by llir United Stale government. "The Madero government," aald Mr Applegate laal evening, "had reached a Hilon where II iwmwl on llir forge of rollepae, and tka only Iium of tlm federals waa In euccc fully milling tho forrca of Oroiro at Torrron. Tito rratllt eeemed o iloulitful Dial the gravest concern waa frit ronrrrnlng the outcome, la It la the Kinrral opinion that the mainten ance of the Mailrro government la the only hope of-peare In Mealen, eeUe from American Intervention. "rtlnro the federal troopa liavo lm n tlm alilllty lo aurreaafillty meet Ihn ulttiatlon It looka a If the rrlata U punt. Tho aland of I'rrdilent Taft In Inking tho aide of Madero liaa been of KN'Ot benefit Id tho federal, M Iia alio lit notion In cndjng arma for l lie protection of American ml ilrnt. All of the wealthier rlaaa and properly owner and more enllght cnl of the Mexican am aupporllng Madcm, ami If the government sue (rnU In mnlnlaln Itaelf a few week IniiKiT I believe that a reaction will icl In again! the revolution, and peace nml order will enaue. "Contrary to many reports the Mrdcnn havo all own a remarkable consideration for Ihn Americana In giving protection lo both life and prop rty. There have been a few lo-Ind-il rniea whew Americana have tern vlcllma, but Iheae have been mom the accldenta of general war faro mich aa might be expected In any country In a atale of revolution. Dur ing my two year conalant residence ami cloao connection with the Mel Iran I bave found no general antl American feeling In that country, be APPLICANT FOR BEAT IS REFUSED UH'NCII. TAKKM UNVHUAI AC TION' US gCKHTION OP AHIMR ANT Hilt' PkAOK Or C1TV IH IIDKIIAN It. A. Addlaon'a application for a I laco on Hie police force waa turned town by tho council lait night. When City llecorder T'-cmaa IT. NIcholM lead tlm application Vrealdent Marlon Hunk Mated that the applicant had hm i onto to the city, and when the lull cmno for a motion ho moved that Hie application be rejected, '"l.et'a don't bu haaty," pleaded Councilman M. 0. Wllklna. Mayor Vred T. Banderaon aald that tliii uppllcant had boen here a year or more, And waa the aon-ln-law or wn Ham North. He urged caution on the l'rl of hit municipal children be tote thay voted the application down. Whon tho question came to vote, o( the alx councilman preaent the vote mood aa follewa: Ayea Hanks, Al rord, Fielder; nays Wllklna, Stans hlr; not voting, Underwood. yond a deep concern on the part of the Mexican relative to Intervention or annexation. The reporta In tkli reaped have been greatly exagger ated." Mr. Applegate will eoand about a week la Klamath Falls, and will tken return to tka compaay's headquarters In San rraaeUeo to go over plana for hi third rear' work, wklek will be- ate en May I. He keUevea tkatlt will eweaJyaakertUaaekelereMealeol ceatreHed by Amerleaaa, not by an neaatlea, but Ibreaah tkelr owner aklp of lana aad central at knavaeat. Asterleait oapMal baa already boagat up nearly kaM 4 Mw beat kM it Lbd ecaaMliam watk lfjl Land can be bought very In large tract, and with praper 4velopaaent will become very valnafcft anal brine la a beavy retarn eat men!. tin Whew VecMhral Hrepier am lo laaraVaMU kbM fkyskal Ailment, Hat lo AUowaace of Heart United Prase Service I'ARIB, April 10. According to t'te "Crl de I'arla." the Klag of teala iloea not vlalt Bordeaus solely for Ihe purpose of being treated for phy lat allmenU, am for heart trouble aa well, an aValr d'asaaar. The paper eaerta that each lima the klag vtaHs Hie French seaport a noted Parle beauty has buslaeas In the same elty. The two met, saya the Journal, aboard Atfonao'a yacht at a recent regatta. FIRE HYDRANTS AT FOUR POINTS UKUIMMKXOATIO.V OK mMMIT- Ti:H Hill TIIKIIt IXHTAI.I.ATIOX HTIIIKt'K SXAtJ. THKV I1IMKM TO rUHV KTOP After roiialilerable illncimalou laal night by the council on putting lire hv.irmta ni four oolnt aa recom mended by the fire committee through Councilman Allen Htansblc, tho prop ortion waa "alalled. The KlnU named are Ninth and Mitchell street, Ninth and Proanect alrceta, White avenue and Fulton atreet, White avo- nue and Upham atreet. Prealdent Hank aald (hat hu want ed to be aatlaflcil that the pronoaed location would be beneficial to me public. "The flro committee Know wnai It'a dolna. and would not ugget theto placea If tboy wore not whero tho fire plugs are needed," Aerled Mayor Fred T. Randeraon. "I don I know about mat," reionea it,. ,.rn.i.ini. "I think we ought to lake lime enough lolconaldcr the mat ter, rather than to ruan it inrougn. When the vote waa taken the reso lution to put In the tiro hydrants was not favored. r TAR'S NOtlS MWHtSEO HI NED YNI PU1F0III Iteferrmlum, Hecall, llemocrallc Tar iff Itevlalon loviiivtartl Oppoaen. and Tariff bognl plan f Revision and Aldrlclt Hank Wan Favored tinned Press Service ROOHKBTRR, April 10 Tho atate ..nnhiinn convention adopted a plat form applauding Tart's worda. "I'atrl otlam, wladom and undramatlo cour age," denouncing the Initiative, refer endum and recall, indorsing we wrm w-.-j ni.n ni ravialon. condemning the democratic house revision of tar iff downward, and urging me Aionsu bank plan. Tho plank referring to Taft was -1..A font nnkii and denounced wuewjwui ww - .,i the Judlelal reoaii. waprww Prendergast of New York denounced I the platform and said In part, "be- cause men are prone to differ wltb you and believe In Ike Initiative, ref erendum and recall, It Isn't a sign tkat Ikey are anarchists, aoclallaU or agitators. You won't atop aoclsllam'a spread until you show the people how they can expect' relief from tho two great parties. The people aa a whole are not enjoying prosperity. With Ihe spectacle Juat presented at Law reace, Mass., don't close your oyes to the fact that the country Is facing a erlsla. We need remedies, not rhet oric." He defended Roosevelt eloquently, eleelrlfylag the galleries. The convention adopted Ihe plat form unchanged. There was no roll call. A few scattering "Naea" were uttered, aad the meeting adjourned. Tke regular meeting of the knlgbta of Hythtea will be held this evening la the west hall of the Odd Fellqwa' bulldteg. There wlM be three can didate far the Rank of Htgulre, aad all brothers aad vtevUag brothers are requested to attend. Y FHIKXHM OF TfajaKaWKK MAN r)KKPI.V TOOCHHB BV WHAT THKV MAVK sMHCN RKOrniTLV at mg sMJAmTumi llearta of frleada of Fred Murphy of the "Everything Proper" transfer house, have been touched by recent scenes at Ike oHce of tke company. la fact, tke series of episodes have been very moving. The reason Is that the headquarters of tne baggage jugglers are neiaa changed. That la to say, Ihe transfer compear Is Itself being transferred. Keery Otenbacber la having the oHce BWTTtsej iw iww iert-"w BUtb and Main street. Incidentally a part of the edge of the aldewalk la being moved also, but there will be plenty left to walk on. In digging the corner aurface away to make a level wnicn wouia aanm the atructure, the workmen opened pipe of the Klamath Kail Light and Water company, and aa tho water guahed up while tho pipe waa yet burled beneath loose earth the story was circulated that there bad been discovered a valuable cold water ?rlng. Thla led to much Interesting llicunlon among tho byianacr as to what woultl oe oone o iprlng. and how rich the owner of the lot would get off the profits of the find. The Joke was promoted in gooa ebape long enough lo afford consid erable amuaement to thoae "In the know." Dm. c. K. Pell of Aahland arrived on laat evening's train, and will spend a week visiting her parents. Mr. and Mr. I. U. Applegate, ana ner own". Moroy I.. Applegate, who Is hero from Mexico. JUSTICE HU6HES TALKED of for msm Xew York Delegates IHacuas Forsaer (lovrmor of That Hlate la Kplte of HU Oetennlaatlon to Htlck to the Reach. United Presa Bertloa ROCHK8TRR. April 10 Uelegatee are dlacusalng Jutlce Hughe as a posilble comlldato In spite of tho fact that ho declaroa nomina "" -duce him to leave the aupreme bench. Leaders bolleve that as a result of the Illinois primaries Taft's name m.v not bo iircsented at Chicago. They think If Taft Is eliminated that Hughes will bo nominaieu eaany, 8KS MME In Hughes Derlinca to Air Views WASHINGTON. D. C, April 10. Justice Hughea declined an Interview regarding the presidency. He toia a reperter: "The people thoroughly un derstand apposition." PIYI. HUNDRED SLAIN IN THIRTY HOUR FIOHT UfiXICO CITY. April 10. Flr hundred fsderals and rebels were sluln In thirty hours of fighting forty miles south of here. It continues to day. Madsro It anxious. - SLOP LAWYERS FAVOi HIS NAME TTT3-1 i' HK1NO PRIfiTKO (tH BALLOT, HAY INO LAW Jii:UtlWlXl CKRTIFf CATK APII.IWTO- NOMINRRH. NOT ininJANIICH i " i .; Ii, who hsa been a can republican nomination w. s, dldate for of schenle. I whose" name 'I 'not on Ihe ballot Atteraer ausojof the opinion of nv A. M. Crawford r' certificate ahould be tbat bis on Sle, hohta County Clerk Charles n. we uap siaiaeieas iu ine mauer. Mr. Btougfc may later maVe a it,ie meat on the aubjeet, and ha', In the' meantime, abulned from Slope & llarrett, hlata'ttorneya, a legal opIhKon to the effect that the taw does not re quire a eandNdata for nomination to the oHee to'Jiold r slate 'diploma" or certlleate,gSd to have UUghf In the atate far sjage school months. The' law gran sxsles that section 'J90 of Lard's Ongjan Laws, providing tfiat aa county stark shall put the name of n candhtati, for" the' office on ihe .bal lot wltbo;the aboro requirement waa eeaetei ln-llS. while Ihe pri mary noaaisatlac law waa made In HOB. Tka attoMers sax tbat the Ut ter act coatalns'no provision Jmaklnk SltO applleable to the primary law, aad that It 'dose not apepar to have the Igientlon of the legislature to give tag' old section any greater aeape thaa.it had at the time of IU ffce primary election law waa then agknn In the state, andl the Drimatv ejection ballot was not taken Into eonrideration! . ' " The osdsSon qtates that lt"hot the Uteatlaa of.Ue prlma'ryrc'ftK'n law to 4eetffles)re. but to select "can- dldstee to kg voed on at electlon'aad roved o tsiqu that tberefgee tavquallfltatlevof can didates fer atlon can ,have no application. T-K.T&4f SCHOOL GROUND IS OFFERED FREE KU4MATH OKVKLOPMKNT OOM PA NY TKDKR8ALIi IIUT TWO LOTH, WHICH WILL COHT THK CITY gtno. It ha been decided by the city chool board to takea vote on the subject of acquiring a site for a school which It I proposed to build between tho Central school and Shlpplngton. Tho propoed alte, moat of which will be donated by the Klamath Develop ment company. Is between Academy, Lytlon atreet, and on these the school all of block 67. Lakevlew addition, and lots !, I, 4. B and . block 73, Uuena Vista addition. It will be nececaary to buy blocks 1 and t In Ukevlew addition, which are at the aouthwest corner of Academy aad Lylton atrets, and on these the school board ha an option at f 400 for the two. Time had been sold before the site had been considered. The meeting to consider .the pur chase will be held on April 2Id at the Central achool building. It will bo necessary to determine later what stse, style and price of school building It will be necessary to issue bonds, and for these an elec tion must be held. The achool board will, after determining the amount of bonda needed, Issue notices for a bona election. , SOCKET FACTORY WILL DE DOILT CONTRACTOR WOODS PLANS NEW INDUSTRY' TO HE LOCATED ON MARKET STREET NEAR WILL BR CONHMVOTKp SOON H. N. Woods, a well known con tractor, who haa boon building houses In the Hot Sprlnga district, has a nounced his Intention of building a bucket factory In the Railroad addi tion, and work on the structure Is ex pected to commence la a short time The location of the plant will be' oi Market street, near Bins, where the promoter of the project haa'ob-' Ulned three lots. This will be very convenient to the Southern PaclBc railroad. It la probable that when In full rnnnlagorder the plant will em ploy SB 'or 30 men. TO POMCK KAHT. OK NINTH STRBKT ljut night t'he tjity council acted favorably on a" petition no gtretae city a patrolman for the" territory emit of .Ninth, atreet, aad J. H. HUtoa WaV appointed by Mayor Fred IT.-. Sander ..U.M V i til AMKRICANH HTKANBK0, PASMBH ARK CANCaCLLBD UOXTRRBIVADrll.lO.ATkV'Frla- co.'ltock lala'nd andpee'roaaa have ejeaed their', Maklcaa' oSfcee on ac count of a prospective tflke'"ot N7- tlonal Railways emplores. ThaNa tlonanailways kas caacetled'its eav I'fiee posses, aid tke result Is that liu'mlreda' of 'A'm'er leans an straaded': 'f asked: m chief ' rt . ReWOLtJTION. INTIMNCffll..,BY FIRKf COMMTTKK. 'ALSO 8CO , OhmNUrORBKRJNa OF FBMC RHOAIwVMHCAJM ON RRHF 1 ' Plr Chief K. W. WakaAeU waafc- fore theJMuactlasfalgh't to ask that thV.clfcr.CojB'cli take measures to vote now bond's for; an, auto truck. The proposition wabned teVrseelu tlon offered, brr-the Ore committee through Councilman 'Allen StanaWe, a bich alee aslad that ih counell.uke meaaarea to have an aaiie.asjiiaiBga. tota,aaAroailBg'beaee equipped with." ire eeeapes. aa well aa to. have oatwaMa. v 7 " " Mayor Fred T. Sanderson at Bret thought the resolution waa aimed to guide the expenditure of a part of the already voted 33,000 fire apparatus bonds for aa auto truck Instead! and asked City Attorney Horace" Manning whether the city could legally do this. The city attorney replied that he did not care to make an absolute state ment on the matter offhand, but he believed that If the bonds were not specifically voted for a certain kind of fire wagon drawn by a particular motive power, he was tacllned to be lieve the council could buy one of whichever pattern It deemed fit. He asked to look at the resolution. and on Inspecting It found that It sug gested bonds for the proposed equip ment. V The mayor asked the flro chief as to this feature of theyresolutlon. and Wakefield explained that already voted are for a combination hose wagon and an alarm system. Councilman M. 0. Wllklna moved to bave the recommendations adopted but the motion failed to navigate suc cess fully. GENU TIAOE WTTOES FJWM INK raONGIS WMaees at Washhagteai Takaa Dig at Honee Ways aad Means OsmmHtse For Alleged Threaten tag AtUlali Toward! Domestic uited press semes WASHINGTON, D. C April 10. . m Contrasting trade seatimeat la the United States aad Germany? John F. Queeny of St. Louis, a witness before tho senate laaace committee, took a dig at tka house ways aad means committee, which drafted a tariff schedule throating, manufacturers claimed, groat damage to the chem ical industry In this country. "The ways aad means committee." said Queeny, "hu oertalaly howa very little loyalty to product ot American manufacture. How differ ently the Germaas fool toward their owa product M well lluetreted la tea commandments given to OTery am Dior and posted la every Oermaa business kouae the wort orac'V These are tho tea oomauutaaaaata I la all expenses keep la atlaw the tateresu of yoar owa eompatrieta. 3 Never forgot whea yon bay a foreign article that yoar owa ooaatry i thus suta poorer. MORE ARE BONOS ROOSEVELT TAKES ILLINOIS EASILY 3 Your money shoald pront bo one but Germaas., 4 Never profane German factories by using foreign machinery. 6 Never allow foreign eatables to be, served at your table. eWHteton German paper with a Sermaa pen'aadOermaa'lak; andiase Oefmsn blotting paper. 7-Oerasari Sear, Genua f rait aid German beer atone can give roar aed? tree German energy. 3 If srott do net Ilka German "malt coffee, drtak coffee from Geraiaacol eales. (Use only German clothes for year drese'.aad German haU for yoar head. 1 tot net foreign Battery die- (raetvma fraaa theaa Dfaeaati. and br Srmly;eivlaeedr whaievsrj others nay that Oermaa preducts are'; the oaty-onea worthy of cRisena'of' the Oeriaaa Fatherktad." - TlTE!:f1-ili FKUT BMSTHONKm Oreyr-Ra of SoaTrage Move- LReratare Every Place an Talted Presa Semeo PORTLAND, April 10. Oregoa woman aaffrsgista are conducting the most vigorous earn palga for votes for women la tho history of the state. Literature to being seat to every city, town aad hamlet la Oregoa. aad thousands of "votes for women" hat- tons are being distributed. SuffragisU express eoaBdeaee that whea the Is sue U plaeoi-hafore the voters at tho next regular election the right of saf- fWaas'Jrm i'44tSrlBV. , THEY WILL YELL i AT VERY MEMORY OK THK WOODMEN DAXCK WHICH IH TO BR HELD ON THK NIGHT OK APRIL 12. THAT 18. NEXT FRIDAY At a meeting or Ewauna Camp No. 733, Woodmen of the World, held laat night In the I. O. O. F. building. plans for the dance next Friday night were discussed. It Is intended to nik Ihla danr an warm An event tone to Part of Priipngand the bondslthat vnry n lB attendance, nt the very thought of the good time they had. yell "Wow." The commit tee which haa the arrangements la haad coBslsts of John C. Brocken brought W. Tyrell and BertD. Mc Coy. - Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Martin Jr. expect to leave about the 1st of May for Eugene, Oregon, where they will make their future home. Mr. Mar tin states that he has not decided. Just what business be win engage in, oui he haa several-propositions nder con- aiaerawon. . LIKRTY PMIU6E OF mm is DErEMEO Atlantic Fleet's 18,e8 Mob, Who Have Haa Scarcely Any Leave Since Christmas, DtsgraaU led That It ta eHffl Delaye United Press Service WASHINOTON, D. 0., April 10. Twelve thousand sailors ot the At lantic Beet In Hampton Roads, va., are disgruntled over orders from tho navy department calling off "snore liberty" .privileges uatU after, tka April sea practice The bluejaekets have had but little liberty slaoe last Christmas, except na few baatball aamss and other sports at Quanta- Annual Urgst practice of the. At lantic aauadroa becua last weak. Tho battleships wlU pracUeo of tag VuJchant of, MaUa, giatoaapae. . city today. CLARK SUCCESSFUL DKNRKN AND DVNNB PAJITTHS' NOMINKMS FOR OOVBRNOR, CULLCM AND WOMAN SCF FRAOK UNDHR AVAtANCMH Halted PNseServtee CHICAGO, April 10. Latest re turns on Colonel Roosevelt's linnets plurality make It 130,060. His fol lowers claim B4 delegates, nassaiag Taft one, with one district laeemplete. 'Champ Clark gets a solid demo cratic delegation, wlnalag S to 1 over Woedrow WlMon. wHh a majortty of rfenriy-lM.ee; Deneen is IM' -.rspaaueaa aam Danhe the demeeraUc eaadhtate far governor. La Follette polled 40,300 votes. Sherman defeated Cullum for aoa ator. Woman suffrage waa defeated ta Cook county 3 to 1. sJSJffJBHjSw ajgj saj fJgWVggflmJBJv Darted Preea Service PITT8BURO, April 10-RooeeveR la Jubilant over the resell In IlUnets. He said: "I should not ho surprised If the tide goes oar way." Ho started to tour Penneytvanla, aad arrive at Philadelphia tonight. "Magsjed Then Over Mae 1 GREHNSBURO, Pa.. April !- 1 Kooseveit, rerernag u iae resun aa Illinois, said: "We slugged theaa over the ropes." He told the crowd nt Jeaaaette, "I waat to aee Peaaeyl- vaala do what Illlaola did, declare for the people agalast tho polltlelaaa," LNLVCKY HATH FOR Prealdeatlal Toga tavadea Aprfl IS to Make What I a lad palga of State Un'ted Press Hervtca PORTLAND, April 13, OfHsal BaV I nouncement waa made hero toon that Senator Robert La Felletsa of Wisconsin will arrive la Oregoa a April 13, coming here from Nebraska to make a whirlwind campaign of tho ; atate In tbe Interest of his candidacy for the republican nomination. He will be accompanied by Mrs. La Fol- Itate.'who will speak throughout Ore-1 gon on behalf of woman suffrage. "Cut out the banquets," Senator La Follette wired to Thoaws B. MeCae- f ker, his campaign maaager here. "I j am coming to Oregon to work, aad I want an Itlasrary that wilt allow bm to pat In nil nay time,' eaeept whoa sleeping. In speaklag." Senator La Follette la expected to arlve In Portland April 13th. FOR SALE AU my household far-1 nlture: cheaa for cash. Ales. Mar-! tin Jr.. Haln aad .third. lt-4t TRAVEL: IS1EAVY on; opper uke TRANSFER PEOPLE ANR TWO I BOATS WHICH GLIDR OVSMI IiAKaTS' BOSOM HAVING PU3N TY OF BUSINSmS Travel on the Upper Uke la heavy now, and the Curlew aad the Spray,! Incidentally, the O. K. Tranafor earn- paay, are doing n big buslaeaa. Taial moralnk two -big omnibus leada ofl travelers were' taken to Sklpplagtoa, It taking four horses to pull a load. Thsre Is a heavy movement of lanvl ber-workers, especially, getaff tat tool wooda on the season's cut. Tho hoatal are running every day w one boat' handling tho' lr thU end ot the lake aad'tke ether lag between the Uppr,l maklag IU headqaartars 'at Rhtgo. , J& "A. Kallna, tho satsrgrMaag was, a ta n. r, V &