5K' A. ide betiiti let aid. HIII'I'I.IKM IIV THK IMITKIl I'llCHN NEWS SERVICE EVENING NKWRPAPBM PRINT THE NEWS, MOT v Hltlli Vcar No. IiTbW DELAY TO CUTOFF CAUSED BY DEATH KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL , IBM Price, Vivo CON FR ACT NOT DONE iikeim! l' senior partner ok muck-on petteiimon he vk.tm involved estate, WHICH MINT HE AHHANGED Prank Irn While states tht ths rauie of Hi" ilelnr I" tlm work on Iho Houthrtn Pacific's Klsmsth PallNa iron culufl mi thl end of the Una la tot due I" mi)' desire or policy on Ihn part "f Hie rnllroml company to alow up on the work, but bciin of lha Hmr IioIiik taken tu tralghtn out the ixToinnl nml firm affair of the late Charlea Crlrkinn, aonlor partner of the ronlrncitiiK firm of Krlckinn A IVtrraoii Till firm had Ilia contrarl to bull'l tlm ronil north of here, and got to ilnt 1 1.1 Wile tills aldo of Wllllamxm Itlver wtirn tlm work wn ratU.I off "I lmo It from Southern I'arino oflclaW oho nrn In a inltlon to know," Mlil Mr While, "thai on llir ilralli of Mr llrlrknoti, Ihn executor o( hU rtlntr loiUled that Ihn per oeal nml firm affair of the itrrraarit I iitAlKtitriiril mil before thr firm toailiiue with nny wink It had on band. It found Hint Iho rnndl lion of Mr Krlckaon' matter Juatl ted the nuitrntlnii of Iho executor, ti they were ronalilerabty Involved. "I a xirrx to too lha atory of Iho trporlrd aliimlomnrht of work on ihU irt of ihr. work 'played up' ao itrooK In tlio paper, for Iho roaaon that It a tinrdly Juallfled under hi hi llii real tatof facia. Aa a alter nf truth, there haa never been ajthlru official from lha Houthcrn Pacific company lo contradict Iho mlhorljf.i itateiiient from hiih nflt tUU of that rnrnorallon lo Iho effect tkit It U planned and expected to I Ct Iho cut-off completed within Ihr MM tro )mn," That Mr Whllo In correct In hli ittttment la homo mil by Ihr Infor mation obtained today from Iho Southern I'Aclltc engineering depart- Btnt In Ihla city by tho Herald to the iftct that tho Krlrkion l'etleron tho river Tin. lelgrnpli polo nru art na far n the river, and tho grad IliK romplelid, but Ihn rnlla are nut laid for Ihn dlatanco Imllrnteil Mr. K'rlrkaon died December 111 tit Han Kranrlaro, Five wont killed and thirty In. Jured In a bomb eiploalon at l.labon. Tho bomb wna thrown at a million procema. Political Dragnet," "Victim, of llreod," "Tlm War of iho Clao,"l "The Clvllltntlon of Tomorrow," "Women Wndor Roclallim." I At Cairo, Egypt, a crowdod atroet car rorry lank In tha Nllo, and 800 nro reported drowned. LEVEE IIIIKAK REPORTED IHV. l. MIHHIHHIPPf lllver Palling and Dancer Relieved lo lie Pawing Steamer Carrying Refugee o MempliU llolli Night and Day HUNDREDS NEAR DEATH ON FLOATING PLATFORM Sertlou of II Iba Already lirokm Away--Peeple Poodieaa for Two Days Rescuer Art) Making Their Way Speedily. MKMPIIIH, April ((.honoris are Hint Iho loven broko nt Natchei, Mill., mid that at other point water la lap. Dinar Iho levco lop. Tho river I fall Inn, and It I bolleved tho danger la pnaalnc. Htemner are bringing In refugee night and day. TRAIN MAIL IS CAUSE OF STORY ItUled I'reai Harvlra I.ITTI.K ItOCK, Ark., April 9. A gillMTIO.N uundrod or more ptnom aro In dan for of dtalh, marooned on Iho plat f 01 in of an old cotton fin at Kdmon 'U, Crittenden county. They hare Ix'cn foodteu for two day. Part of Iho platform I already awept away. Humeri aro ipeedlnt to their aid. The leveo at Wllaon. Ark., broke Ihli afternoon. Wlrei aro down and Ihr damage la unknown. OEQUER SPEAKS FOR SOCIALISM MKKTIMl AT HAM. OK KI.MW- khm op MMTrmaM mHnrr to HK AMiHKeMKII IIV DIHTHUT OROANIIKII IH ANKKD WHKTHKR POHTAI. CI.KRK HAH KIOHT TO KICK OKP POUCH TllltOW.V OX (Alt IIV HlrTKI, John Dequer. dlatrlct organlter of Ihr aoclallil parly, working under the auaplcee of Iho dlatrlct propo- ganda committee, will apeak thla eve ning at aoclallat hall on Fourth atreel, above Main. Anion thr head from company ha not completed It con-'which he I cipectcd to Inko hi re tract ui, , P company, At the llino mark are: "Political I'artlea a a It trued nrk on tlm lino from hero Itoflei of Economic Condltlon,"'Tho torlhw.nl t Die Wllllamion lllveri Co-Opel alive Cnmmnnweallh v. In It had il J mile yet lo flnUh. Ihla dualrlal OllKrrhr." "Cnmtietltlnn: truth b.ln b.teen Chlloquln and lit (Heritable Iteault," "Tho Prrienl foreign Born Whites in Oregon and Portland City Shown in Table WAHIIINOTON. I). C, April . A preliminary itatcmenl giving the dli rll.utlou nf tho foreign-born whllo population according to country of Who, fur Oregon and Portland city, aa ahown by tho return of iho Ihlr ittnili ilicfiitilnl rnu, taken April IS, 1910, waa laiued today by Direc tor liiirniui nf ibo inireaii of tho ceniua, department of rommorco and 'hor. Th Minilallra were preiiared under the direction of William 0. Hunt, chief atntlallclnn (or population In the cenau bureau, and are aub Jt to rcvlnlon. Tho atatemeni give comparntho figure for I90Q, for " Hate n n whole, and -for the clly of Portland. COUNTHV. Tninl forelgn-born whltea OIIKOON- -POIITI.AND 1910 ,..103,001 ftfl -(i Au.lralln Auitrla "oigtuni .... Blrla "laaarreiicli J3B S.S49 S71 60f. 1,146 inn iiaaataa lillv Cinida-.()ii,.P - iih JJniark J , '7, ! ss 1 3 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I l l I Enilatid Finland frante , "rmany .. Qrtcco . Holland , Hungary . Ireland . . W' Mexico ... JJontenegro 0rwy ., Portum .. RMla ,., fcotlind . Spain 8wed.n 8ltnrina Tlivtr... . . I K2W' ' l!MEurp 'aiittaieeiaeaaaae Runtrlea not ipaelSed ' i I Mi imim iltiai 7.H91 4. 119 1,157 17,904 3.B40 6S6 1,137 4.99S 0.610 SIS S99 6,841 318 6,340 3,317 461 10,099 3.77S 146 671 SIS MRS 1900 K3.861 138 1,138 898 a 878 6,618 1,663 S.659 3,131 775 18,320 or. 334 1C6 4,110 1,014 . 3,789 141 1,974 3.183 66 4,666 1,677 I IS 401 486 1910 43,780 134 1.648 884 139 44S 4,716 1,196 3,610 948 606 7,466 701 233 674 1,167 1,664 63 40 3.736 34 8,861 1.6SS 18 4.801 1,116 T6 SOS 119 ISO 1900 17.734 63 306 70 361 1.937 414 1.811 98 368 4,479 0 52 63 1,741 631 14 850 4 1,188 761 9 1,711 611 I 8 110 Whether a mall clerk haa a right to refine o takn a ouch of mall on hie car when presented by other than poalofflre employe la a queitlon be ing aiked around town today a a toult from a atory told of the al leged action of a mall clerk on a train pulling out of Klamath Fall In kick ing off a bag of mall thrown on hla car by a hotel man. According to ihla atory, the hoe- lelry, finding It Inconvenient to carry lu mall to the Klamath Pall poat office In time for tho clewing of the mall at 4:30 p. m., which la an hour before the train leavea, got Into tho habit of putting Ita mall Into a bag and putting It on the car, leaving It all for the mall clerk to dlatrlbute, Inatead of the work being done at the Klamath Fall pmtofllce. Aulilant poalmaater John A. Mc Call aiked Ihla afternoon about the Incident, aald ho had not heard of It, and did not believe that It wa found en on fact. Ho aald that Ibere l a comparatively new mall clerk on the run, a young man, whom he doea not bellovo would act a the atory would Indicate There I a dot, or letter drop, on the mall car, through which penoni belated with mall uiually put It when they go to the train. The putting of prlrato mall bag on a mall car, how ever, aeemi a comparatively new wrinkle It I claimed that the mall put through the poitofllce haa a much belter chance of being expedited by proper handling than that put on a mall car, aa the car clerk uiually haa hla hand full, without bothering with a large amount of loae mall. An other thing about mall placed In the poatofflce I that the record of mall carried accredit tho poitofllce with Ihla mall, and the credit goea lo the city aa an Indication of tho bualneu dono and growth accompllihed, while mall placed on tho train cula no fig' uro In tho atallitlca of tho city poat offlce. aave, poaalbly, In the amount of atampa aold. STOBBLEFIELD WILLTAKEBRIDE PAHTOII OK KIIMT PHKHIIYTKR IAX CIIVItCH TO IIK MAHRIKD TO MIHH VKIIVA WKAVKIt AT HAM.VA, KAKNAH Itov. J. k Btubblefleld, paator of tho Pint I'reibyterlan church of thla city, left yeiterday on a two week' leave of absence, and the vacation will bo of rattier a unuiual order. On hi return ho will bring with him Mr. Btubblefleld, aa he II to be married to Mlai Vcrna A. Weaver at Ballna. Kani., on Monday next. The wadding win take place at the home of the brlde'a father, who la a resident of Ballna. Mr. and Mr. Btubblefleld will return to thla city about April 36lh, and will make their home In the Preabyterlan paraonago. The plaint of the farmer la that the market for their output are un certain In Klamath Pall, and that they are unable to rely on dlipoalng of their product to advantage when they come to town, with any degree or ceriainiy. Bometimea they rind a demand, they aay, far beyond the up ply, and at other tlmea they are load ed with atuff to ell that they have a hard time getting rid of at all. The Idea they have now la to finance a atore which will both buy and ell from them, taking what they have to offer and aelllng them what they need. In auch aneatabllhment there would naturally be a good deal of bartering. IRWIN RETURNS At Wublngton President Taft algned the bill creating a children'! bureau department of commerce and labor. RAILROAD OUTLOOK SEEMS BRIGHTER FROM VOTE HUNT candidate: for dihtkict at. TOHN-KY BACK APTKR BXTBN. HIVK DKIVINO TRIP WITH WIFE THROUGH LAKK COUNTY John Irwin, candidate for tha re publican nomination for proaactiUag attorney of the dlatrlct comprktUg Lake and Klamath counUea, returned lait evening from a driving tenr through Uke county In tha Interest of hi candidacy, browned and en thuied by the trip. Ha waa accoav panled by Mr. Irwin. Hla Itinerary Include) Lakavlew; Pattern SH Lake and other points of Lake coun ty, It being hi Initial Ylslt to Paisley TROUT PUZZLE NOT YET SOLVED NOTKD EDUCATOR HAYS HALMOX VARIETY KXIDTH. RUT BUPKB IVTICNDKNT OP CALIFORNIA HATCHERY DKMK8 IT brothers, Ed and Jack, own the Mara molL (tables In tht west and ol toe city. Mr. Laughlln haa bad n part ner, Wm. Shower, and they have seemingly derived a remuneratlra recompense for their labors In de veloping the location and analyilng tho property. Should the Pine Creek boom prore genuine, Klamath will seemingly not be the sufferer. The trend of traffic will be through thla city, but un doubtedly Lnkevlew, which is only fifteen mites distant from, the loca tion will be the richer beneficiary. ANTHRACITE OPERATORS COIHITTEE CONFERENCE Aaaeaablea Before m salon of Miners. Who, reeling ConBdeat of Settle ment of Tronble. Will Confer This K MODOC WORK RAPID LINK TO TaTIM CITY WOULD HHORTEN LOS AXOELaW ROCTB AS WELL AS THROUGH TRAVHL FROM NORTH ALIEN LABORERS HAKE CLUB TOPIC COMMERCIAL CLUB ADOPTS LUTIONH SHOWING STRONG SENTIMENT AGAINST IMPORTA TION OP FOREIGN WORKERS At Ban Francisco Governor John- ison rsruiea to comment am ut roi lette'a telegram to MMsSaf which criticised deserters tMSa tha La Toi lette camp. ,( TOWN THREATEUO BY Arkanaaa River Clly at'l3rM Inhab Hants Endangered, aaof HesldoaU Aro Leaving to AvoM feasible Disaster. x United Frees larttaa MKMPH18. April 8. It u reported that Oiceola, Ark., with 5,000 poputa- Mop, la endangered. Tha lavaa U weakening and tha Inhabitants art leaving. EXPERT automobile mechanic wants repairing at your garage; charges moderate; all work guaranteed. Leave t 1ST 'orders at Herald oce. At a recent meeting of the Klam ath Falls Commercial Club tha al leged Importation of alien laborers as considered, and attar tha aabject was discussed, the club adopted reso lutions In substance aa follewa: "We believe employment of auch men unjust to American cltltena of our county and state, detrimental to proper and rightful Interests of tht cltlien. particularly to tha laboring and builncea men of tht county, nad to tho Interests of the county aa a body politic. We art surprised and disappointed If the reports he true To the manager of ona corporation alleged to have employed a larga number of Greeks which It Imported expressly for the purpose, tht club sent a copy of the resolutions, but the msnager failed to respond. In Its letter to the manager tat dun re quested that he furnish tht facta about the matter. FARMERS STORE IS CONTEMPLATEO AGRICULTURISTS COMPLAIN THAT LOCAL MARKETS ARE UNRELIABLE, AND WANT CO OPERATIVE ESTABLISHMENT Farmers around Klamath rnlla art considering the advisability of aatna- tuning n co-operative itort.tar thalr own benefit, ana If tnt lag discussed should there will be such ant ails city within tht neat M! Tht proposed location la sUajajfjanw ooaMannnVMaa Ml Whsn, If ever. Is a salmon trout a aalmon trout? Also, whose word Is best on the subject, that of President David Starr Jordan of Leland Stan ford University at Palo Alto, Calif., who says there are salmon trout, or that of W. H. Shebley, superintendent ol hatcheries for the stata of Califor nia, who says there Is no auch Ban as a salmon trout? Dr. Jordan baa stood aa pretty nanr an oracle on certain branches of San knowledge with askermea who knew hla learning on auch things, nad nt tha same time tha nsn hatchery anntr- Intendtnt la conceded to knew a taJag or two about ash hlnwtU. There are a lot of people la aad and around Klamath Falls laUrsetsd la tht question, soma of whom anseet If Dr. Jordan la tight to avoid paying flaea for having extracted from their aalural habitat members of too nnny tribe often termed trout T. B. Ber nard aad R. T. BtrtpUn of Lnkevlew were recently arested on the charge of ashing during tha closed season. but It Is contended that the pisca torial specimens which they hooked were aalmon trout, nnd that therefore they are exempt from the application of the law. Dr. Jordan haa stated that all trout on tne Pacific coast are salmon trout If this true, aad the curte recognise It na ao, then tho above named genUemen, who, It la understood were chosen to stand for a lest case, are Innocent It la understood that there are n number of other sportsmen In this part of the country ready to help par the cost ot carrying the case to the court of last resort They are Irmly of the opinion that Dr. Jordan la right and Superintendent Btehiey la wrong. The latter oflclal aa written n letter to Deputy Game and Pish Warden Harry Telford, stating that "the name salmon trout la only a local name applied to' any specie of large trout" He adds, 'There Is not any such flsh aa a aalmon trout, consid ered from n scientific standpoint. The large flsh In the Klamath are called salman trout The large flsh In Pyra mid lake, an entirely dltereat vari ety, are known locally aa salmon trout. It U a name given to nay largo trout, but aclentlflenlly there dees not exist aay such' a flsh." United Press Service Philadelphia, April 8 The anthra cite operators' committee assembled; In New York for a conference before the session of the miners here tomor row. The miners, who are confident ol a settlement, will confer tonight GE06RAPHIC MEN COME THIS WAY SUMMER ITINERARY' OP RIO SO- citfiYWaummvimtTocnA- TER LAKE PARK MANY FOR. KIGNERM IN PARTY PAN1Y LEAVES CJTY FM HI PRE CREEK IRES A party of veteran mtasrs ot thla city leave thla evening to examine the New Pine Creek boom. The party consists of George W. Craven, aeorge Qordon. aeorge Bchuknecht and B. Turner. It la aald that there Is a rich gold find la thla location, and ao assured of the nutter have the dlt eoverera that n party ot Deaver mta srs ot wealth, who have received aa- says ot the and. are scaeauiea to arrive on the lath last, aad go over the ground, with the view ot atartlag work If they'etaay the property. point la (ortlfled by taesele lent of tho Buaaulne atlae, aavtag street, which la the Annua way. for gold proBertiee. for the aua ot 8160,- ul the agriculturalists who eetae ta 1 600. The Sfraeaiao lajao- nroBorty i' aad fro when aurketlac-av trading. 'ot; Cnariaa Uue-aHa, wgaaa. two' Acordlng to the summer Itinerary of the American Geographical Society of New York n number of Its mem bers msy visit Crater Lake Park. The visitors are expected to come to look at tbo park about August, going through Oregon on the Southern Pa cific. Included In the party will be fifty or sixty scientific men repro tentlng universities and geographical societies ot Auitrla, Belgium, Den mark, Germany, a rest Drltaln and other countrlea ot Europe. Maybe KtamMh Falls will be on another line of reflioad thla year, despite the fa that there seems te be no possibility cf eomaletlag the Espee's Klamath Falls-Natron eateeT during 1811. Such rspld progress Is being i on the essterly art of the Northern from Iernley, Nevada, oa the Central Paclu. lo a point flftesa miles north of Bniaavtlle, that R looks as though the nearer portion. conectlng the latter potat wMa tale city, could be sommeled before east New Tear's Day. the atretek Irani Fernley to Susanvllle Is 140 miles,' and that from btixhuMlle to this city 80 miles, msklng a total of 110 miles. With the completion of the Modes Northern througl. :rom Fernley t- Klamath Falls tnli city will bo nearer I.os Angeles by rail than via the San Francisco routo about 180 mites. It may be a eurpMse to the reader, espe cially to a gentle reader, to team that Los Angeles Is n considerable east of Klamath Falls, for the i Ing off of the Pacific coast, so cleae te which Los Angetes Is, Is not unlike the formation of n hobble skirt aa It drapes downward, for It grows In ward,, aa It were. The coaectlon of n rente from Lee Angeles via Fernley to this city, with the cutoff from this city northward, may in the future put this city on a saevt-tfn from Seattle nad Tailmar through Klamath Falls to Lea An geles and San Diego. NINETEEN POUNDS LOST BY CONVICT FAaTniM Female Doctor, Found Gattty of Uagttter for Starving Has Nine Plats of Water te FOn teen Days SEATTLE. April 9. Dr. Hansard. recently convicted of starving Claire Wlltlamion. her "patient," haa eons plcted fourteen days of a thirty-day fast She has had only Bins plats of water, and baa lost nineteen pounds. Commercial Club Indorses Herald Suggestion to Stop Local Scrap That the Herald's proposition to have all wrangling over the location of the prospective new court houie ot Klamath county forever get Ita quletua through arbitration which may aettlt tht question to the satis faction ot all handa Is a good one, Is Indicated by the following letter: "Hall of the Commercial Club, "April 8, 1911. "The Evening Herald, "Klamath Falls, Oregon. "Gentlemen Your article bearing on the "get-together plan" in this evening's paper came to our notice. Our club concurs with this plan ex actly, In so far that we support the Injunction matter aa set forth by Mr. H. F. Murdoch, one of our active members. This Injunction restrains any action for a change ot the county court from the present site to the Hot Springs site until the qualified voters of this county can vote on the ques tion at a general election. We are willing that the voters ot this county exercise thetr franchise in a matter that properly bslongs to them, and not for our county court to decide for the voters. Therefore, In order that we might expedite matters la this 'get-together' sentiment, 1st the county court put themselves on record, In ao far that they will drop any court House build; lag until tha voters have been given their legal rights. Wa are wllllag that this be put up at the next general eleetloa. We are wllllag to accept a pubMe deelsloB. Aad we are willing to get together. "If a court house can be built by the present arrangement with the Klamath Development company for n minimum of 8100,000, we are satis fled that our club has savsd tor the voters of this county Just 8100,000, and by the time our get-together pro gram Is completed we expect to add more to the pockets of the taxpayers. "Trusting that we are not trespas sing on the space of your columns. we are, Yours truly. KLAMATH FALLS COMMERCIAL "Klamath Falls Commercial Club." THORNET ADMITS GUILT BEFORE FEDERAL eVBSB Youth Who Assisted Hayetttaa. Fa mous for Pmerrihlng Mow Oaker People Might Lose Manor, to Bs. cane, Pete Sentence Temsrrsw BAN FRANCISCO, April 18. L. B. Thornet, who aided Dr. 3. Gnat Lyman'a escape from federal ofiUera in California and Oregon, pleaded aulltybefore Federal Judge Farrlng- ton. Sentence will be Imposed to morrow. FLOODED VOTERS MOW TO VOTE AT PtUMAJUBS Presidential Under Charter Motor to Round Un ISakJlansnatsmsnBi uBaYBBdanBaaauBUBn1 IVISjRJVeBWV JMjBsTaaBBBBBBj 1 , .-1 '!' i- . " -e-iBI V'I CAIRO, April t.1 Tit rim it at tlMaurV. Wfvuft VfktdsM In ,thW anaanataannm -..,. ww, .w., -... wp.. -W -,.1-J of Illinois will go to the polls for the 'Sf.2I V nraalaUBtial nrlaaarlaa. PiadUataa -r - -i chartered motor boate aad rewhoaaa JA'- In an effort to get the rate out ,- I &' '.v V . ,u 3 w .