t - , . -.!: ' .t 1 M . .!' $ i . ; i rcaara. ewSRYjg?m ob smmKeRji a a m. MMmnrw ni ma TKi4AAAk' -mMUim?Jm. WfWKVtQ MMffinM PROfT HI RMWaY HOT MRUn 1 ' i-ear .,- bxamatm rAMUfc-QMiow, Monday, APims, isib " ----- - r zz ' ' - - .- INJUNCTION NOT OBTAINED SO FAR ICAIWNSIS TOO BUSY to mm in uMMHi we. aflUtXIKfl KMMATM COUNTY rjCBjt WltL HK OONTINVMI ffruixriKr narttr o. o. II rower haa returned m AttUad. where MI M 000 MaCtlklu In an etort to get that mat to sum the laluactlo naked ky ama MaHoch. aimed to prereat tke aw"" . .bi. nit coaai; ap BOTf luwain "-. - .- Mrt bette ob the Hot Bprtage alto. jiege Calkin refrained frees alga- Mia tajaacilon on the greuad Uat iUi eased of blai aheat aaa i jury wore, ! mm. and a call U Perttaad nil labor, which weuM pte- tat has gtflag an? lima to Iho local IK ftf tt leui a number of week. It Meted that ht bllaTo4 If ko aaf a temporary Injuacttoa order h)tl4 later be aeked In In u mrtin. waiea aio wnei nrk vetM not permit ana aa a arMHytodo. Mr, Brewer aald thla morale thai ifjrti to it another Jaffa to algn it watt would ba roattaued, al (Mt ht not raar to auko aiy r aiaounromaal. AMVhTH FIRM UMM Tht art Iom ut O. C. J la) Watb.iDd Mala atroata. laMai and paid Star4ajr Ikkfl hr ) HortlcaHaral of , tkreuth thatr toaal lilata. Thtalalha haa had la w m hotel ta lira. Bath loaaaa kavo haa aaV u tha catlra aatlafataJam of ittai lainrod. Tfcla la aa Ort laMaaur, oriaaliod orlctaaHy kjr IfaaaMU fruit growara la IMT, aad I ha ffoaa rapidly In popalartty at4 tfriatsh. During thU tlaao It haa a reputation for aroaaat IktuHatat of clalmi. haa kallt a a inatrT fund, and haa aara4 tu i Ihoutanda of dollara la pro- lahaa. 11 L. f. Montgomery haa arrlrad froaa I ha rraacUco, whtra ha haa ko aalord for the put wlatar la aoaio aowur work. outaat that tka church had haaa tha raetalaat of thraa hoautlful autuaa dartag tha waak, aad whlla ha wlahad publicly to algalfy bla sratltuda to lha llharal daaar, ha autad ha waa Mot la a poaltloa to aaaouae hU work to ho of aa uaoataatatloaa char- actar. RHQMtMa QVKX m tak nmvvtH ThU oaatlag will ha tha laat oao oa which tho oalco of Couaty Clark Ckarlaa R. Oa Up will ko opaa to ac eoaiaiodato Totara wko wlak to raftt tar. Tofaorrow raftetratloaa auy ka porforratd dartec tka aceaatoajad day keuni, kut Iko otato will claaa at I p. at. aad tka rogtetratloo, kooka will ka afcat at a Ilka hoar, It helag thalr laat day. If aay votar haa aot yat raglatarad It kahooraa klai ta kacocaa aalauiud aad laacrlka klaualf wklla ko nay. Rodaalag toalgkl, roglatratlon kaoka for tka etty of Klaautk Fallt will ko opaa far ragtatratloa arary avaalac aatll o'clock, ao city R- cordor Tkoaua r. Nkkotaa aaaouneaa intll Aprtl Ittk. wkaa they will cloat l o'clock, finally. t HIMtttAli URRIi CAM DtHhawHU) No fwrtkar proeaadlaga will ka Ukaa ta tka aaaa of J. C. Magulra va. Wllllaai T. Iklra. paraoaally aad aa aaataaao of tha Klamath Chroalcl. for thla atoralM Attoraty C. M. caaaaai far tka plalalMf, ap ta ahoakara aad aacarod freai ladco Hoary U 9mm of tka cIkuH w ordor of dbMBlaaal of thla tt waa om for crtcalaal llktl, ky Mtfwtra aa tka atraactk af aaaartlaaa prlatad aoaia aoatkn aao la tka aow dafaact Ckroalcla to tka atott laat tkara wara eartala da- laaa la naatlfr wKh tta aala at tka fRaaiaak avaaaa pavtai koaca ta caa Warraa roaotrarUoa eaauaay Uat wara aot all Omt ' hava koaa. Tka ckolr of tka Church of tha Ra dMaier will hold IU rahoaraal oa Wodaaaday afoalag aa aaual at Mad aaa'a Maak alora. A fall attaadaaco la raaalrai. broka an ankle whlla atUmptlag to atuda than, tha confinement of tha doctor In tha hoapltal gara Thornat a chaaca to aaak omploynaat aa a prl- vaU nuraa for "Dee." It waa bla aa- alatanco of l.yman to allde from tha aanlUrlum Into Northern Oregon that tda him hU Drat notoriety In tho Waat, which waa quickly followed by hU foraaklng tha Klamath county jail la tha dark of a September night without aran wlablag Bherlff William II. Barnea a farewell. Thornet waa arreeted on a ranch In Mora county, Naw Mexico. At a pre llmlaary haarlag before a United BUtaa marabal ha waived all techni calities, aad waa atartad, In tha cua- tody of an officer, for Han franctaeo to atand trial. Ha waa located, ac- cordlag to tho Baa rraaclaco Kiam- laar, through tha eforta of 1'oeUI la- apactor W. I. Madeira aad Ualtad BUtaa Marabal Elliott of Ban Fran- claco. Ralatlvaa of Thornat wara flrat found la Baa Fraaclaco aad later at Wllllamaet, near tloeton. Thoaa Bear Boaton told United BUtaa Marakal Guy Murbla of Roaton where Thoraet waa. I.ymaa la aenrlng alghtaaa moatha 'for coaaplrlng to aaaaaa, whlla hla'guard, C. D. Courtwrlght, who halpad him gat out, got all moatha. bTUTHOLK Tha tuter atrvlcea at tho Catkalta kmh were narllcularl brilliant. Ittrltatl being carried through with ""ait and Impoelng caramoay. na choir work waa a dlatlait euc (w. Ha atmbniblp coaalatlag of tha young ladlea: Agaaa Malt, "WUt Kittle bther HaltlMvi. "teriae McAndrewa, Baatriao Me . dertrude Day, loaaaa Ora hw. MarUm Taylor. Harrlatt Uw w. Irene Banlamau, Viola flaatav ".CtoreaceBantamau. Tka latter ""l at the organ. a aiMerly aermon waa praaakad " llUUlllv Una rm.rM.IUi J raitor. nv. Fatkar Wat. Mo f", i. He announced at tko THORNET WANTED BACK EAST ALSO AMUatTANT OF DR. IVkMN'H HO. F1TAI RliOrRMKXT BK1PTKD FROM ROBTOrt AFTRR RVNNINQ BUH AUTO INTO BOMHONK It aDDaara tkat I B. Thornat. auraa of Dr. Joka Oraat Lymaa. waa la troubla bofora ka "got la bad" by kalptag tha auava, aratwklla phyalclaa ta aaaaaa from Provldaaca hoaplul OakUad. aad ky klamalf aacaplng froai tko Klaautk aouaty Jail. Ha Bad from Baatoa about a yaar ago to mU rraM for havla ma down a oadaatrlaa wlU kU automaalla, pick Ibg out Southern Callfarala aa kla atidlag ptaeo. It to aald tkat ka aa- iMi tka amalor of tko gaawlj pollahad madlcal wearer of ptak ka. Jamaa aad carlaa aocka at Ua Aa geUa, aad whaa tha doctor waa ap arakaadad ky tka autkorltlaa aad SLOUGH FORCED OUT OF CONTEST OPINIO FROM ATTORNRY GRN. KRAL TMAT CKRTIFICATR MVBT RK FtMR RaVORK XAMK CAN OO ON PRIMARY BALLOT Tha aama of W. 8. Slough will aot appaar aa tko omcUl ballot aa a caa' dMate far tka rapahllaaa aomtaaUoa for county achaol auparlateadaat. Aa oplaloa reeaUed by wire Saturday from tba attoraay gaaaral la to tha elect that In tha aaaa of a achool bare tka teaekar'a earUaaata of tka eaadldaia Iwd bafora tha couaty clark could place tka aama oa tka ballot. Mr. Slough expected to bara hla rertltrata bafora lha data of tho primary electloa. but aa tba ballot haa already gone to tho printer, he waa uaabla to gat It In tlma for print ing. ThU leatea Fred Peterson aa the only republican caadldata for tha office to apepar on tha primary ballot. ARANT IH3PECTS PARK PROSPECTS Rl'PKRIXTSNDENT OF CRA' LAKK ttMKRVR, MAKMB At VANCK TRIP FOR PVRPOBR OF KKCOXNonRMIW BuparlaUadaat W. Frank Araat of C'raur Lake NaUoaaiPark laft Baa day for aa laapaetloa trip toward tka govaramaat praaarty. Ha aUtad tkat ha did aot ocpeet to raach kaadiaar- tara, aa tha aaow waald aat. la all probability, permit aha to raach tkat point, kat kU trip U la tka aatara of a racoaaoiuring oaa. aaa may par mlt klm to datarariaa appfostautaly wkaa It will ka poaatkla to gat lata tha park aad raaok kaadaaartara far tba praparatory meaearaa whloh art Ukaa avery aprlag bafara tha Wg ra aenra la opeaad far ttavaUra. Joka Bills raparw that tkara la aama aaow waat of Fart KUatatk, hvt UU to ex pected to go of la a akart Uaaa. ' NKW CWNHBR AJJUBRT WOVLB SAVR oaHVJOORAPBnr Hotted Praaa Batftaa NAPLES, Aprtl l.-rProtaaaor Rl retu of the Oriaat laatltuUaa la UU city, kaa comptaal alaaw Cklaaaa alphabet of forty-two lattara. to teka the Dlaca of tka IQ.aM akaractara no la aaa. wktok "ha kopaa tka aew Republic will adapt. Raalalmatkal rrarr ward of-laa aarraatuCklaaaa laaguaga may ka ewaakly aipraaaad by maaaa of kU all Ao KNI6NTS DNINE SERVICE iU K. O. Baardalay of tba Klamath FalU machlna ahop left Saturday at laraooa with kU motorcycle for Pel lean Bay, where ha will look over some work. Mrs. Eran R. Raamea returned Sat urday atoning from San Fraaclaco, where aha haa haaa vUltlag alace bar return with Mr. Raamea from apaad- lag tha wlatar at Honolulu. BATEMAN FAMILY LOSES DAUGHTER MILDRKD, AGKD B VKARB, 8VC CVMBS TO COMBINATION OF PNKtIMONIA AND BRAIN FKVKR ML TOMORROW aaadldata for county aaparlataadaat ofMhoola. Tka pUy "Out la tka Btraato" waa raadarad to tko groat latereet aad od- llaatloi of a charmed audlaaca, after tha following plaaT Colonel Wayne R. C. Short Pata Clyda Orlffitk Mrs. Wayne Reao R. Mulkey Nlaa Wayao Carrla Aadrawa Solomon DarU Judge Short Matt Dark Clyda Aadrawa Mrs. Bradford Mary Bhort Mtnala Bradford Fraacia Bhort Polleamaa Bart Rlghtmlar Dr. Madleld Iraa leaaklea Syaopate: Act I. Scene 1 Col- oaal Wayaa'a raaldaaoa. "Tour crime akall ka axpoeed. Now laara ma. Boaao I Solomon Darto' office. "Mat- tkew, I aat-aara my moaay." Tka woaua will hare to gat Beaao I Room la teaemeat houaa. "Out la tka atraata." Aat II. Bcaaa 1-Btraat aoaaa. Olra aaa that moaay or am." Baaao I Coieaet Wayaa'a raaldaaaa. "I'U giro klm a aettloaaat la fall prta- alpal aad lataraat." Act III. Boaaa 1 Old Wayae SU moatha UUr. "May Lord akowar klaaala'a oato r-" ODD FELLOWS.., ON PAYING BASIS MAT PAY OFF OUTBTANDINa BONDS RKFORR TMRY MATtTRE DOtBCTOBM AND STOCK. RXMJHMIb'aRB CHOSEN Tha aaaaal meellag of tko atoek kaUera of tko I. O. O. F. Hall Aaaa eJailaa waa aald Saturday araalag, at wklek tka fallowing dlreetora wara alactad: Ooorga L. Hampkrar. 11. K. Momyar. W. H. Nortk, JL W. Towor O. Baatta. FaHowiag ac tka ataakkaMaiaitaa d- MABONB OF TaSfPLAR PIT ON UNIFORM TO PARTICI. PATR IN RASTER BBBtVICR, DINK AND POSE FOR PKTURffiB KnlgbU Templar of thU city Baa day morning attended dlvlaa aarrlcaa of a special aatura, appropriate to Easter, at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, of which Bar. Heary C. Colllaa U rector. Tho maa wara la tba full regalia of thalr aodalHy.. Prior to tha aarrlcaa aaaambled at Maaoale ball for preparaUoa aad drill. Following tha aarrlcaa they waat la a body, accompaatad by their ladlea. to tho Llvarmoro grill to dlaa, after which they atood up ka froat of tha Whlte-Maddo bulldtag aad had a .photograph taken. OFFICE SEfKIS Alb. NT IF HP" Mil Fever Begins to Show In local and Fort Klamath Circles trait dni nt i ....... i. JJJ aong devotaaa of kaaakall, U, WPoaaa city league wktok 21 ,0 u wukdlag lato aaasa HthercondlUaaaara fcHat iVT . ' " " Baaaa jTJ? ' t4menta latarfarlag la U Wltnaea ma. uui afa !.. .. . a l nrkaak. r."' "amaara ar taa S'MBaU orgaatoatlaaa ara of a T?"" " heugk aatkaai - aruuiflu fA luallff ma and attanUoa, aaaaa. 1 trtaa to araH a sraa4 Wart KUmatk U beginning to ahow algaa kaaakall favar of lata, aad U afaaariag U gat a team togatkar to aaaaaaia urkk aaa at tka teaaw from tkbjaity. FartKtomaugaTaapmvy aaa aaaaal or liaair mat vamr, u .xuiaathu atvina noma at tka teaaM at tkto ally aama pratty good raka. tm Balli waa aama laws from taa Fart atari. aaM.tkat It bad haaa aspaatad ta alar "J ' day artk a awa-up m"fr"' Agancy, kat tkat tt waa ! aaUlttaUl aa aaaaaat at tka fact that many at taa kail akrart wara aomlag ta thta aMy, i5aH' BnHaad Batemaa dlad this moratarat 4 eVaJaak.at tka family realdeace oa Mala atfwM, aaar Taath, of a comblaatloa a paiawMaU aad brala rarer. Sba i tha'faaasaar of Mr. aad Mra. Jamaa S.RallBiai. tba family harlag coma tolktt city from Waaklagton lut July.aad waa I yeara aad II daya old. Taa remains wara taaea to iaa waiuowo; - takia narlora. Burial whl. ka to morrow at 1:10 o'clock, the taaeral aarrlcaa to ka at tka Oraaa MathodUt church. ' Hooka Oaaa Nlakki ifV Raalnntna April I. tha ragtatraUoa kooka for Iho city of Klaautk FalU .in ta held oaaa arary arenas uaui a Aik un to April ilth,.wkea tka kaoke will cloaa at Op. m. Tha blah achool will aot aaad a kail team to Merrill to play, aa era diated. Tkto oaaeiaaioa waa ? Iowa HATCHERY SITE IS TO BE LOOKED IP i ar tka aoaaaag year: W. a ilU preetdeat, Oearge L. Hamahray rtoe araaMeat aad W. H. North tary-treaaarer. Aa aammlaatloa of tko kooka akowod tka aaaartatloa take la arary laaaatol eoadlUoa aad oa a paytag kaato. Arraagomaata are to ka made for tko ereatloa of a atakrag fund, wktok to to ka aaed la taklag up tka outotaadlag koada from Uma to time. Altkougk all of tka bonds ara laeued for a term of twenty yeara, It to believed It will be possible, aa soon there la auffieleat moaey la the eiaklag fund, for tko association to lareet tkto moaay la outateadlag koada. rather than lareet It la otter aecuriUea. With the praaaat raraaue of tha aaaoctoUoa R to keUerad tt wlU ka poaalbla to pay of all tka koa!a Before the tweaty yeara hare expired. economic etaadpalai Wkon our fore- fatkera came to tkto coaatry they fouad plenty of game, bat today tha problem to bo worked out U how., to keep the blrda aad animate. Blrda la tha old daya fad on grass aad ber ries, but they took to clrlllaatlon, and liked better the food products which run furatokod than what tbr had haaa aabaUtlng oa. Some tlma alace tha department of agriculture at Waahlagtoa atartad work oa a bletogteal aurrey,(aad eeat men lato tko coaatry to aao If the blrda ware useful. Tkey took apart- toana of blrda In dlfereat parts 'of Oragoa to aaa what-taaecte they ate, tamlalag tka stomachs of blrda to gat at tha facta. la Illlaoto m waat to aee waat laeecta ware kelag aatea. It waa found tkat raat aum- ban of laaeeta aad worma ware oaten by tha birds, for aatura aaaa tka klrda aa a ekeck oa tko number of Insects. Mice once got a atari la a eartala sec- Haa, aad 10,000 ware llrlag oa oao acre of groaad. Nothing oaald be grown on thla toad, kut ky tka see of hawks aad aala the epread of the peat w cheeked. Mr. Malay aald tkat people do aot realise kow many laeecta lire of trees. Tha bird, through hla office aa laaect destroyer aad for other raa sons, ta a ratuabte cltlaaa of the for est aad Sold. Songbirds ara valuable from aa aaataette standpoint. The warden aald he had galaed great val ue from listening to the eoaga or blrda aad likened tkem to paraoi He kaa tea" aerea la tka Wllamette Valley, wkere ke faraUhee a free luach far tka feathered aaaa, pattlag rariaaa feeds lata tho trace for tkaaa. loag ago theae klrda raatad where taarmlgfctlatketreea.kwtthalaatal- latloa at Mrd koaaaa far tkaaa aaaaai tkaaa to atay la tkaaa aaaitara. Taa aaajkaaapatmkaetayiwtaiaamakla. They wouM aot aa'aeamVei taa waa: tar It they eaaM proewro food'kore; aald Mr. Ftalay. He kaa ktrd koaaaa for two ramlllaa of blue ktraa. eta of wreaa aad Sre of awallowa, who pay thatr raat la aoag. Tkey alao atord a araat deal of amaaemeat by their dclage. to those who uaderetaad their ware aad observe them eloaaly.' TASK OE OFFrCALS OOD PROSPECT FOR THW B COMING DlflTRmCTION POINT for fmh boos book on the "State's fish contbmplatkd A thorough Inreatlgatloa to to ba made of the atreama of Klamath county for tba purpoae of determin ing a location for a aak hatchery aad atro tha beat puce for aacuriag treat egga. according to tha aaaouacemeat of Steta Game Warden W. L. Flalar. Irving Wilson, state ask caltariet, who haa charge of all tha trout wetk. lu tLa state, and T. J. Craig, ekleC doputy game wardaa, ara la tka ekf, aad will probably upead two weeks InveatlgaUag tke atreama of tka northern part of tha county. la aa Interview with a Herald repreaaaUttre Mr. Wilson stated tkat ke would go to WiUlameoa Rlrar, Spring Creek and a number of tka otter trout atreama to determlae If It waa possible to secure auffieleat trout egga to warrant tke establlah ment of a hatchery. It to desired to ' secure several million eggs here for distribution throughout tho etate. aad egga secured In other sections will bo saat'hero for distribution. Mr. WU- eon speaks very favorably of the out look for the aatablUhlag of a treat hatchery ta Klamath county, kat etatea Uat Ha location aheald he near wkere It ta poaalbla to aecare the PINK OHOVH BCMOOL MAB KNTKR. TAINMKNT AND BASKET 8ALB WHICH BRCOMKS MOCA FOR MEN SEEKING VOTES Oa Saturday night there waa aa oa- tertalameat aad basket aala at the Plae drove achool houaa aaar Oleaa dap, for tha purpoae of ratolag moaay to provide the achool with aa organ. From tka aala ot baaaeta aaa aoor recelBta a total of about aiae waa gathered with which to pureaaae tka desired musical laairumeat. , Quite a company ot cana.ioaiea waa oa kaad to take cuatody ot kaaketa, anlor tke event geaerally. aad, lacl- daatally. apeak a eon wara oaieu uted to eaUee a few votea. It to a coincidence tkat wklla oa tka artated program of tka evening tkara waa Dleaaaat maatloa of a Urge aumber Uaiirarlety of caadldatee, Urea oat ataaraa peutioai aapiraata wno maaa tkapllrlpata to tke eekaol kaaaa ware at tkaaa wko waat taa peamaa of Juetfcee taa peas, aaa aat aaa maa wheVaaamMmmt.offico aad kla -. thalafatmWa Mi M tara. Tkaeaadld W. H. Skaw, R. BVil R. Qutkridge. all- tha laatteaakla: Jay Ma Uaaa aaadtdate far auaty t Bamual U Walker. dMate tor aharlf t b. s. anaaay, MAIL CHARTERS FOR INSPECTION COPIffiB OP BANDBSkMN-MANNING BOCCMKNT COME FROM PRINT. KRt HANDS AND ARR RKUfG DEFAULT ORDER SIGNEDJY JUDGE MORTQAGR PROCEEDINGS IN THE CASE OF HOPKINS AGAINST ADY KT AL COMB UP IN CIR. CUR COURT Judge Heary L. Beaaea la circuit court thla morning algned aa order ot default la tha mortgage foreclos ure ease ot Rugeaa L. Hopklaa ra. Abel Ady aad Laaaa Aiy, kla wife. Mark F. Buraa. J. F. Mowlla aad Laeaora F. Mowlla, kla wife. Pierce Rraaa aad Mra. Joaaaa Rraae, kla wife, H. Plaekert Jr., Oearge Oabara, St. Oearge BUkop, Big Baala Lam r Co., Heary Rdwha Aaaeraoa Water Uaara' Aaaeetotloa R. O. Ttaaaat Tkara to aa ap peal, ta tka aupreaaa court peadlag la tha aaaa, la wktok tka BlalatUf to rap- raaaated ky R. L. RUlott aad the do feaaaat ky Joka Irwla aad C. M. OaetlL Taa toad lareired to la tka tewa at MMtoad. aad tta amouatt tar wktok the fereeloaure to aoukt lata! 14.111.11. At dty ball today tta offietoto com meaeed 'to prepare for the mall for tho voters copies of the Baaderaea Maaalag ckarter.' Tka doeumeato ara Just from tka printer, aad tt ta expect ed to have tha aereral kuadred wktok ware ordered etruek el la tke kaaaa at tka rotera ky the mlddto at tka week. Aeoardlag to tta law, theae muat ke dtotrlkuted at toaat etgkt daya ka fore tka electloa. Tkto apodal char ter electloa oecura April tt. aad aa thU to April I, tie kookleta wilt ao doakt ke a few daya ahead of merely getting "ander tha wire." VALUARU Aocordrag to Mr. Wltooa the for eaUklag treat la I Creek kegtaa tea early, aa ke etatea tkat tkto to tea near tke epawatag aaaaaa lor tha Sak ta ka i aaAtaaaalllealamaa taoaaaad jigai are aaarapat Wi lag a few of tke aak. Ptoaa are ke lag made tor aa lllaatrated daaorip Uve booklet of the ask of Oregaa. aa Mr. Wltooa atetea tkat there are rery few. even among tke beet patted sportsmen, who are able to dUtla gatok between away of tho apectoa ot Sab, particularly of tke trout variety. He points oat tka advantage, especial-ly-to af section with tho sporting ro soorcea ot Klamath couaty, of a care fully prepared pamphlet eettlag forth all' the speclea of flsh to be fouad la the waters of the state. To the 'ma jority ot fishermen a rainbow, dally I Tardea or eteelhead doea aot maaa any more tkaa a aalmoa trout. MBSHEIT Ml CUM MMUTIG PfTITIMS Kat Prealdeatlal mi Diliaaln Paw poors Are FHed Can aim la Cat. tferats. White Thoaa tea WBeea aad Tart Lack Few PeUtleaa, Ualtad Praaa Berrtaa SACRAMENTO, April I. StetU tlclaa Cremaaat the office ot the sec retary ot state announced Friday that the prealdeatlal and delegate nomi nating petitions for Roosevelt aad Clark had been filed complete, watle thoaa for Wilson aad Tatt lacked only a few country petltloaa for tke dele gate tickets. La Follette petltloaa kave arrived from tke Flrat, Beeoad, Tklrd. Fifth aad Sixth dUtrleta. Shrievalty Candidates Confident and Fir Aspirants Jve Variety AM MBIT CTJRRBffiS flame Waraaa William Flaley aAdraaa tkto maraiag to taa aeaaty klgk -ka ttt" -aT' . ier ...A. ' ta taa 'AastaaWlCn .dl-aT tti tasduS Jaaa iwate far U.' a-iTwart. Usa tiW Itt aaaaS-t I-wmT. tlSllr- rwtorwaaaf ar-rklbmlkwHi a. taa rata 1 eaakBBafh. askael fcad aat aa yet akoaea B. St. Geo. Blakop to coaldaat that If nominated he will ka elected aa a democratic akerif, aad ao far to aot kaowa to kave done any eleeUoaeer log la tko outer preclacta, deaaadlag oa eateklag the festive rater freea tke rural.' atotrlot wkaa ha comae to towa. He to aot aa yet eartala whether ka will go orer tko county to aoltott auppert It to tradHleaal tkat It a oaadMate gaaa to oaa part at tke dtotriet tt to wall to rUlt all parte, ratter tkaa alight tta teak. Bamual L. Walker, chief ot police. aaahar'atoaaaeratle aaalraat for the aaaalaaUea far akrieraity. kaa aaaa aatwli to aaa kla eeaatttaaata, to, Wy, itteca. Boaaaaa nad Merrill, and to expected to take In some of tba other outlying territory before winding up kla cam paign. Oscar L. Carter. B.S. orlgaby aaa 0. C.Low. the repuMloaa eaadidatea for the nomination, kave ttelr ra apaetlra aupportera wall Uaed aa, tt to understood, kut Jaat wketter aU tkree eaa wla appaara to he doubtful. Bat they are, full tt deace, aad alaeUaaeerlag fattafaMy cask aad every day. Wltttwadeaaa- crate aad tkree repukUaaaa, aaial.' kUttlee la tta race tka couaty ear latal ku a ,mJ aufkal ta atok ' - . '-"1.7T. -iT -Ct''ii. , Vv-i'Kft," T" ,J??-FZV J-Vfl r X .1.1 - V) & ri?w ml up I 1 tha grauada. z-': -J, t a." a ir !?. v b-J.y' -j . -j. Vlli . r "l S s.rt