Uafrfl Vr " If ?i tanltia ffalti. EVENING mtWHPAPMW PRINT THE NEWS, MOT WHOM Hlll'I'lilKH " CNITICI' I'MiriW KW MIVIC" Mm, Ft OmM Ulilh V r " KLAMATH FA Mil. OREGON. HATCIIDAV, APRILS. HUB PI0 B B RIEF TO TELL HOW CORRUPTION CAME ESPCE AND OTHERS IM-MIK-M'till OFFICIALH wiriM,,:,,,v HK WA,fH ANM hkiii oxi:m tried to keep HIM hi I.W.ST Mid I'rraa Mtriltt HAN FIIANUIBCO, April . Btung le rtpfl" ""X Thursday's K.xmlnsr 4liorUI. Abraham '. '" lla signed statement, declered tit m w,n inJklmcnU ponding against klm In Judge Uwlor's court ero dls bUkJ. he wilt make clean breaet o( Li. .i,ni i.olltlcal career In Han rrntlci. He charge lit llerrln and Drum kMuiht him nut to teallfy aialnit chtnlli. but hst ' decided In lll the whole story of lili graft frum iho lr ho flrit entered politic, ami will rctoul liuw ttiK Kpe and other Interrata corrupted the tiRlrUta of tht rlty. f.tllVtllAN TIlt'HTKK FOR IIANKHUIT WTATK. Ai tlir Drat meeting of Iho clato nf VYMurd & Dsle, bsnkrupt. lild In the oltlro of United BUtes Hferre Jn lltukruplry J. C. Itutenlr, J. II. Car ashsn w appointed triutfi of ilus ntate of tlm firm. !' Hie (iitivHitlmm Mrlicitulixl for onrly In April. Tlio Mormon i linrch'n position In Mm miuhllrnn fight will lio shown on April Oth, when tlio Utah atnto convention meets, A Tnft endorse mi'iit U nxpuvlt'il. . . I Tlio '"'ow Vt republic nn ttnto and alio tbu bond for Injunction May 4 n lotnpnrnry Injunrtlon wa orilcruil by tliiiu Jiidgn (leorgu N'nlnnil May 10 it ilnmurrcr I" lh complnlnt wim tiled by tlm phalanx nf uttorimyH which liml been engaged by Iho touu- ty rniirl, limn IivIiik Illatrlct Altor liny Dell V. Kuykeiiilull, Juilx" Henry I.. Iluiiaon, Cliarle F, Htono ntiit Tlioumi Drak. May 25 thin was ml peraeried by the flllng of mi nnawor. In April, 1911, about a year ago, the rami was illumined, Tlio defemn routcuileil that there was no order of the court bearing on a new rnurt house, wlilrli could be iiinilc n Inuilble a ron ml for Itjjunc tlnu prMfteing, and an the plaintiff coulit nrt catahllali any audi ground, tlm complaint waa dlamlaacil. tlclween the Hum of the temporary i convention mid (ho Hllnla prliimrlert Injiinrllon and tin dlimhnial of the 'will hij hulil April Dili. Tlio nnxt dny I Iho Keiituihy und Vermont stnle. con tvi'iitlotnt nro ndicdntod, Ht, Louis 'ward prlnmrlcH und Iho Pennsylvania conKreimlounl ilUlrlct primaries will be held April 13th, when sovonty-two of the Keystone Hlnln'x n'lVcnly-nlx cli'lcunti'it will ho rhoM'ii. tIki mn jorlly probably will hv coulrollcil by I In; orK'tnlintlnn which la nt preaont frlvuilly to Tnfl Other Important iIaIck nro, April I Mb, llnwnllnti convention; April Ifilh, Connecticut mid Dclewnro convi'iitlona; April 17th, convention to aclect ilelrentpii In tin; Connecticut tonRrcaalotml illtrkt, April 19th, NYhrnakn mid OreRou prlmnrlea; April 2th, (own atnto contention, alx llalrlita In town and tlm Itliodo la- Innd Htnto ninl dlatrlct (onventlonai April SSIh, Mlaaourl atntn convvn. . ,t.- ,!. . -l .. II... .ncrr..i.... no .or.o..ue, m "-Uj,,,,. A,)r s0 Ma.aacllU.clta prl cooii.jr rr, coinae iw. ,r.. ,,, nt ,llfll thlrlyalx deleRatei, . , '"will bechoaen JudRe and C. Oujr Merrill coinmla- li.nnr Uktmiel T. HlllntiierM tieltlK Itii. I holdover couimlaalnner. CHAMBER TAKES IN NEW MEMBERS I.O (I, fOMMCUCK ()IU1ANK1 'riO.VN IIDMI.S MKCTINO AND DI.CIDKH TO IIAVK NKW AND .MOIli: ADKgCATK QUARTKHS Wlirrf l Urn WlMtlx Half a Drtd apanUl la mlaalnc, aUo bklf a Chraapcaka apanlel. ComUlneil, the to form one doc. ho 11 m known a I'al. and it famllUr riKoro to habitue of that circuit oiiit', a irll aa the hoi pollol. Ttl twit UuU't are il.p prowrty of It. M. Hlehn'dion. n nit reporter, who raporU tlwui ,a ml.ilnc for lha paat two day. DKI'AHTMKNM' NTOIII'. DAD I'AHMtM TO Olli:.T DCVOND Henry lrvrn. Known I Hllicr of MiMlern leHii1iiiriil Hlori'. IH at Advanrnl Age In t'lly of ('liurrlir. Chim Over Willi Carl Helium NKW YOIIK. April C Henry Lev- on, known at tlio "father of Iho mod rn department alore," la dead at hi home In llrooklrn of apoploiy. Ho wa .& )ear of age, and retired from active, liualne more than twenty-rive year nRo. Ho caiun from (lermany with Carl Hchurx. McCALL PICKED FOR INSTRUCTOR IIHill M'HOOI. AITAHKNTI.V IN LINK TO OCT MAN roll IH)H. TIOV OK AOHICUl.TUItAI. IX HTItl'CTOII .IfrTtill AU. klMllMl TII1KM THAINKR I MWKH VOICK IN ItCRKAM FINE NEW LAUNCH FOR LUMBER FOLK TWKYrVHI.K HNITKII OK KXCKI' TIONAI. COMI-OHITION IIKINO TIIIINKD OUT HV TM.I'OHD M HONK KOU AMIOMA COMI'ANV 8AS KIIANCIHCO, April 5. Mm. Illcardii, n linn tamer, known aa the "alnRliiR girl In the tlgfr'a den," to ipccrhli-M aa the reault of an attack upon her huaband by a hear at Oak land. The wuman waa one of the few In the Ktithcrlng at tho Hhrlner'a clr cui who reallied her huaband'a peril When th . me groiinu me woman """, ,, t10 Upper for aulalance. Ttlrardo rrmamein 2) fM ,()l)t( wl n c.f()((t t,elin,, quiet, covering hi head and face with )nm w) ba limrenHy largo to carry pia anna. Mine. Illrardo attempted to alug, Telford ft Son, tho boat builder, I-., Ah,iiti.ittiv a rltio now launch he grlitly boro her huaband (for (i0 Mgnmn .mber company for ground Iho woman creame. ufco Tll0 ,nunch but found that ahe had loat her voice, rhyalclan fear It may not return. Illcnrdo eacaprd Injury. about fifteen pacnger. Kaatern oak I uacd for Iho rib and alem. and nil tho other lumber III the boat I native wood. Yellow nine I uied for the planking, tho - . cockpit I paneled with native fir. John Kcllerman arrived In thl , .,... ,lr u Ullcj fr the iln- my irom wooanurn, ure., jiiruy In like market, n pmltlon wfth tho Hale A. H. (Inle, a brother of H. 8. (lalu of liiirllngtnn, Colo., wa at tho Hotel tlnuiton ycatorday from lxrella Uko iho vlalior out to hi home tf.e valley. UCTION NOT YET OBTAINED JVIMllMi HV WHAT WAB NOT IKAIIVKD TODAY OK PROORIMH OK KIKOBTH OK MUHDtM'H COlt.NTY OOUHT CAHK Nothing could bo learned today re urdliiB the progrea of tho effort ot Atturnoy c, c. Urower to obtain for Hiram Murdoch from Judge Calkin, t Aaliiiuul, a temporary Injunction Malum Hin members of tho county court removing tho court houae to, tho not Springs site. Mr. Brower was not at hi office, and Mr. Murdoch couia not bo located. The request for Injunction brings mind tho fact that Mr. Murdoch "ado a similar endeavor almost two xurs ago, when J, B. Qrlffith was county judge and Bamuel T. Bummers end Albert Walker county commls (toners. On May I, 1910, through Attorneys Fred H. Mills and James C Rutenlc, th eomnlalnt was tied lalilns. The boat will be equipped with an 18-horaepower, four-cylinder Nlagra motor. l l built with a halt cabin removable top. and will bo ntlcd with chair eU. The motor and nil of Ihe I machinery nro under cover in inc front of tho boat, and will bo oporat ed by a wheel, or auto control. Tho iToltord aro alao working on a con tract for st clinker row boats for tho Crater Uko company, for uc on (Crater Uke. CLAIMS OF HUMES SHOW MUCH C0KF1DEMCE WAHIIINtlTON. D. C, April 5. Director of preldentlal booms con tribute their claim of delegate n follews: Hepubllcan Delegate in '"'" Hon, 1076; ncccary to '""'' claimed for Tnft. 274: claimed for Kooaevelt, 02: clnlmeu ior .. r...- lotte, 10: clnimcu ior """- contests to bo mniio ny iu..u,v.. managers, 111. , Democrsts-Delegatc n nvo. .i.. i no. neary to choice, TJ, c.,;ed for Clsrk, 00: dahued for Wllsoon, ai ciaimeu iyi Harmon. 3 1 pledged for Marshall, SO: pledgor for fill If A. 10. """ .. IS, aAlKA Whsther WB. .- - - - one win rrzr.r.-... Chicago oonyention, nu w .- one U Folletto will hve In that meeting, especially what power ho wlU & ifcto to xrt to sscur. ft pro irssslvs Plutform, will be determined It la to bo uuuined, at leail for tho prcaent, that tbu high school I to Imvc nn Instructor for tho agricul tural department. K. I.. Orlltln' res ignation after hi having been ac cented br the ichool board In thta city for the offlco of Inatructor here, cent tn have thrown things In a muddle. At the time that Principal Knught vlalted tho itato agricultural cltouo nt Corvalll laat winter. It wn tho nRrccmcnt between Iho two men that tho Institution would fur nlah a man for tho work at tho locnl high ichool, even though they had to alto ouo of It own faculty. When Mr. (Jrlinn wa recommonded by the col ;ck nnd tho local authorities had m hi term. It was then thoueht that It wa all cut and drlod o to nn Inatructor for tho department lure. When ho rcalgned It rcmaincu tot tho collego nuthorltle to mnxe good their nKreement, whlcii nicy hnvo done, ncconllng to n recent Id ler received by Principal Kauglit. The mtiu choaen by tho college l nx a. .McCall. nn Inatructor In tho depart-i-ient of ngronomy. HI ability nnd expcrlcnco aro outline by Dean A. n. Ccrdloy of O. A. C, who nys ho Is strong, forceful nnd a thorough ln-...tii. ... t r k Mr. McCall grauuaiea irom u. . C In June. 1910. Now members elected by tho Cham ber of Commerce, nt liut night's meet ing wero If. W. Ilutlor, Mile Sign compnny, II. Ilackenato, Klmcr K. Kiciich, I.. II. Illcli, H. J. Kvana, O. A. Duly, I.. M. Mehnffcy, J. W. Tyrell, iloderlck W. Mcdurvlo, P. II. True, It. I.. Ilrllton, fi. P. Holnc, John Kill nml Jnmca I'elton. A resolution wn adopted that tho board of director daring the coming iiimmer visit every town and farming ectlnn of tho bounty to promote clos er relation. John Kill of the Wood Itlvcr Vnllcy, said ho had withdrawn fiom tin; Chamber owing to the court houae light, a'nd that ho would not naalat aa long as tho fight was on. Ho nld hundred of others felt tho same, but wheu he said that It tho scrap ping wa cut out ho would rejoin nnd collect $1 each from 100 Wood lllver people to assist In advertising the county there wss enthusiasm. The Chamber will not send a man to Portland to advertise, for tho rea son that good work In outsldo adver tising I being done by Frank Ira White' Sacramento office, P. II. True' I.o Angclc offlco and tho Klamath Development company' off! ce In Portland, and San Francisco. A resolution asking the county court to work for tho California-Ore gon highway was adopted, and l'resl dent Kvan It. Iloamea nnd Vlco Pre Ident W. Paul Johnson were named n committee to hunt new quarter, tho prcaent one being Inadequate. Mr. Johnaon agreed to give 1100 toward furnishing the new office. arrival, but the prisoner Insisted on ft hcnrlng. Ho was held for court, and dh this had to be done through the Oregon United State district, Deputy United Slates Marshal Frank Ileslty took him to Portland, where ho was given Into tho Jurisdiction of the Cal ifornia dlsrtlct, which tried him and sentenced him to tho federal prison for attempting to escape, which Is a penal offenso. Ho was not tried on tho original charge of using the malts fraudulently, tho principal witness ngnlnst him having died In Denver, Colo., while on tho way back from South America to testify about a South American land scheme the doc tor had fathered. Tho witness' death occurred whllo the doctor was lolling around In pink pajamas tn his hotel In this city, trying to get well of an nnklo ho had broken while attempt Inr to escape from officers In tho Cotdcn Oste city before he escaped from tho hospital. He had gono to the hospital on account of this In- Jurud limb. Thornct escaped on a Sunday morn ing from tho main room of tho Jail, I.yman having been confined In an other room. Thornet will now have to answer two charges assisting federal prisoner to escape, and him self escaping. OLIVER'S BUNCH TO HAVE TRYUOT I'llOMOTKHH OK GAMK FOR 8WHT I'HOPULHIO.V OK KLC8IVK HI'HKIIOID WILL UIVK KXHJBI TION OK THKIH. SKILL EDITOR KIDNAPPED IN FAMILY'S SIGHT smaller quantities of grain or syrup may be prepared as needed. After the solution haa been thoroughly mixed, If It to too wet, a little dry cornmeal may be used to Uko up the escesslre moisture. If It Is not wet enough to moisten the grain thor oughly, a little water may be added. "Because of danger of destroying nstlve birds, tho poisoned bslt should not bo plsced In exposed places, but under shelter which will admit mice but eiclude birds. Wide boards lying upon thin cross pieces of wood are young nimhoim OUT AFTEB FISH If Spencer Creek Is not depleted of Its flnnr Inhabitants before tomorrow night It will not bo the fault of the follewlns: roung gentlemen: Louis O. Hoagland, Jams Hardin Carter, Harry P. Oalarneaui Jr., 7oseph Bkelton. E. Harold Bergoant. Morris O'Connell and Daniel O'Connell. It Is understood the fish nro getting great wiggle on themselves as ft result of the rumor that tho fishing party would soon stuck thslr ranks. The party la Uklng.a escaping outfit. sUrtlng out this morning to remain until Sunday evening. WIFE MAY NOT LIVE I'ltOHTRATKD AT STEALING OK II KR SPOUSE, WHOSE PAPER KOUGIIT THK POLICE IN KREK SPEECH CONTROVERSY United Press Service II AN DIEOO, April Editor Abra ham Bauer of the Ban Disco Horftld ass been klduppod. ArresU aro expected. Bauer's weekly paper attacked tfcsj policsi In the free speech fight. He was seised la front of his homo by sU men, his wife and daughters witnessing the autoasoblUe go wy. Mrs. Bauer la prostrated, and to Mt expected to live. TYPOS WILL MEET TOMORROW NIGHT FOR RENT Three completely fur nished housekeeping rooms tn dou ble heuse: no children. Enquire at Herald oBUsj. " Governor Governor flovernor COINED BORGIA SAYS SHE WIUJEEP KILLING Confew! HUyer of Score of Negro Victim Dwlarm She Will Continue to Uo 'Hacrlllcftl As" Aglnt lte llevent In "Cumljah Hags." i.awaybtTE. La.. April . Clementine Ilnrnabet. confessed slsy or of moro than half of tho thirty llu negro vlcllma of tno -muu .. . . ..... .i nvivaa wnrnfld IIX III lAJUISMinn nira .v.-. .-...-- the offlccra that tho killings woum coutlnuo ns long as members of her vhurch" kept faith in tnoir cuna ish" bass, which aro supposed to l,unrd thorn from "persecution." Members of tho cult claim a person "sacrificed" by tho nx gains thereby Immortality. 8no rcfusod to tell the names of other cult members. "Clomontlno, Ilnrnabet Is rational, ..mi i ueilevo hor confession I true, except as to certain detail Riven lonfuso tho officers as to her nccoui- I llces," said the aherlR. KlilMATH KAILS UNION' OK UE TLKMKN WHO ASSEMBLE TYPE TO IIAVK. HKaUIiAH liUHIXKCKl HUSSION The Klamath Falta Typographical Union, No. 691, will hold Ita regular monthly business meeting tomorrow nlcht. ncconllng to an announcement mndo by President Nato Otterbeln. The meeting will bo held at tho office of the W. O. Smith Printing company. on Fourth street, between Main street and tho ruo do Klamath. The offlco to located on the northerly side ot tho street, on the easterly corner ot the alley, lust across said nlley from tho Uvormoro liquor store (which Is closed on Sundays) and In neighborly Juxtaposition thereto, as It were. Caleb T. Oliver's ball tossera will he out In full bloom Sunday, when si preliminary tryout will be held. It to oxnected that a good bunch ot tho heaven of the sphere will be on hand to strlvo for honors on the team, and Judging from the amount ot eathusl asm' that baa been arouaed assoag the tall players of this city there will be some keen competition to secure places on tho team. Mr. Oliver ex pects to have a number ot new men lu his lineup this season, there beins many aspirants desirous to show what they can do. When the Uam Is chos en for this year there will be seen a number ot semi-professional playerj on It. Mr. Oliver experts to reUlu cisny of the members ot last year's rlne, and with the addition of some new tacea he expecta to have aa good a team as can bo found anywhere. In Oil neck ot the woods. If rou are looking for. the beat 10- cent me! In town tryif HoUl Bald win dining rodYs, Btes by th week Flowers for Ei We have all kinds. Klamath Floral Co.. 44 West Was SabeUtssto For Co) Efforts aro being made br U Klamath Falls Lyceum Bureau to ar ringo wltn the Brltt bureau, watch furnltliMl the attractions daring tat couif e tLc past winter, to give an traction in place of Edaaad Coot.i. the rutbor and humorist who nillfl to Lit here In Urns to give tsj Ulk for which he was scheduled. Up to date there baa bees no anbdUUto arranged: Ftoh aad Gauss Flsb and gnat licensee issued from the ccunty clerk's oBce today won to ft. H. Haver. L. Lobb, L. Revsmasv F. K. Strgeaat. W. W. Ballsy. U W. Jordan. Clair Arnold, 8. A. Ford, A. H N. Woods, E. H. Bargeant, W. E. Harrtona. B. T. Bamssef. Harry Oav Urneaut. Jacob MUler and D. W. Qeorge. ihL iZ7vti 4 It W. H. M. HasamM. H.aerr A " " '" 4 " derson. PhlUlp Fwrmts, rmsA F. Usa.AhsP. Hotn. Frank 8. Jesiar. FAIR TO BE HELD HEXT SEPTEMBER OFFICERS GIVE UP IDEA OF HAV- ING ANT FOURTH OF JULY DO- INGS, WHICH MIGHT OOLUDK WITH RODEO PLANS 11 FIELD IKE BY TRAP. IIP EMI DfM COMLEY THORNET TAKEN IN NEW MEXICO VOUMi Xl'HSK WHO HKLPKD DR JOHN GRANT LYMAN ESCAPE FROM OAKLAND HOSPITAL. RK- CAUTURKD Louis 11. Thornot, who eicsped from tho Klamath county Jail last September, with aoveral other resl dcnls of that Institution, no on of which wns found, has been captured . mm. nvw Mexico, according to a San Francisco wire. Thornct was caretaker ot Dr. John Ornnt Lyman In an Oakland hospital Himnl Method. Seldom Resorted to llecanse of Patience sued ence Required, Advised by Hesvt of Agricultural Cottage Special to The Herald CORVALLIS, April 6. In response to a number ot queries as to methods ot ridding farms ot Bold mice, Dean A. D. Cordley ot the Oregon Agri cultural college haa given the follow ing advice; "Trapping la a almpl way to de etroy field mice, seldom resorted to because of the oatience and persist ence required to look after the neces sarily Urge number ot traps. When the mice are abundant It Is essential Tt a meeting held yesurday br E. Reams, Louts Qerber and B. St. Geo. Bishop, officers of th Klamath County Agricultural Association, ar lanmmento were msd for th annual agricultural fair and race to be heU this fall ftt the fair grounds. Tne event will Uk ptoc either th last ot September or th first part of Octo ber. Th exact date wUl b deter mined later, aa It to desired to have It fall Just before or Just fttter tn nnnal rounduB ftt Pendleton. The association at first contemplated hold' log n fair or soms sort ot celebration on th Fourth ot July, but this Idea Cos WBI Grade Ms Lsusd J. Cos. a wealthy ranch owner ot Fort Klamath, has purchased a grad er, and experts to commence work on his ranch with It Immediately. Mr. Cos Is securing all th necessary men. and will rush th work with all pos sible speed. He InUnds to sow wheat on a greater part of bis land, aad later In the year he flgurea on plant ing It to timothy. Mrs. Talbot On of Danger Dr. R. R. Hamilton reports that h believes Mrs. Emma L. Tftlbot. city librarian, who has been 111 with lobar pneumonia at the horn of her daugn ter. Mrs. Harry Cadra, 114 Walnut street, Is out of danger. At on tlm hop ot her life was abandoned, but the crisis was passed Thursday night. Attorney : Attorney Horace M. Manning re turned last night from n business trip to Portland. With him cam kto baa been nbandoned In order not to,nlece.MtosOrtrudFar.otMdford. i. .... .Hh ttia innwa of the Elksiwno win visit ior mw rodeo, which will occur on montn before. It Is announosd that th program tor th fair will be announced in tbe near future, so that plans can be nude for securing exhibits. The pro tram will Include bucking contests, tld horse races, harness and ruu ttlng race, wild steer roping, egg snd ancon race, squaw race. iog roiun YJ.C.A. PUNS LOOK PROMISING to use many traps for a number of IcontesU and many other features. In addition to this prises are to no oor ed for agricultural exhibits, and spe cial prises will be given the school cnlldren for exhibits made In the atate contest announced by the sute scnooi superintendent. A street carnival tor th evenings to also planned. weeks. This method haa spciat at vantages In amafl areas, as lawns, gardens, vegetable or nursery plto or packing houaes. Thorough cultivation ot nsias tends to keep down the number of mice, as It destroys weeds and nil growths which give shelter to tho mice. The mere plowing or n noiu badly infested with mice to sufficient to drive out most ot ttsss. "Strychnine ts th most satisfacto ry nolaon .for field mice. Altnougn ii w. Tower, th well known toucher from Worden. Is In the i elty to nllend the annual meeting of the .in..lftinldnra of the I. U asoclatlon. esting oi mr 0. O. F. hM HKLP WANTEDIrJ.woma for general bouiWork Call 707 KUmathaYenuecktfconsim. DRADNACK GITS OUT ONCE MORE anco of Thornct. Lyman and Thor net traveled by auto from Ban Fran cisco to Ukevlsw, whsre they wr arrested by Sheriff Warner D. Snider and then brought her by Deputy United States Marshal Paul J. Arne rich ot San Franetoeo, tor a bearing before United sKats Commissioner r. II, Richardson. ' Arnerlch wanted to Uk hlav pris oner direct to th Southern Pacific outbound train th evening of their Jk. Jra. j from which tho fsmous mony-gt- deadly. It Is less dangeroue to handle ting medico eloped with the ftsslst- Ithat either phoaphorua or P,,u" cyaniae. varmu auch aa wheat, oatmeal or corn, me bait should be soaked over night In m. noisoned srruD mad as touews: Dissolve sn ounce ot strychnin sul phate In n pint ot boiling water, add a pint of thick syrup nnd stir thor oughly. Th prepared syrup mar b scented with n rw arops or on m anise. v "This quantity to snough to poison half a smahal ot what or earn, but aeorge E. Bradnack, of th Muller Music company, who haa been 111 for several days with rheumatism nt his room In ths Washington house, under th ear of Dr. Gilbert, to out again today, haying Improved enough to permit hint to go to th store. Mr. Bradnack. In nn interview ootainu exclusively tor th Herald, intimated that th vlty ot having th pain ill from mot to spot la ones pay slqu hardly ofseU th suffsring which atUnds th trousis. u is ootncldsnc that he was taken 111 th naiii hafor he had planned to niak aa micursjoa into th oosntry. PREM1DKNT W. H. SHAW OF THK YOUNG MEN'S ROOBTssH CLUB IS ASSURED OF INTERBMT OF PORTLAND ORGANISATION W. H. Shaw, president Boost sr Club, was In receipt et a tetur from Y. M. C. A. hsadquartora at Portland a few Uays ago to th efeet that It would comply with th club forming Y. U. O. A. In this city by sending man here. J. B. Rhodes, whom It is contemplsted sending hr to look th flsld over snd to a what to nsedsd, has Just hutohed organ!- ins such associating in ariona nrt of California and boitnt at . Rhodes to corresponding sscrstary lr Oregon, Washington and Idaho, aa wsll aa organise for othsr statsa. SheuU th toeal BoosUr ciun c futur Y. M. O. A., b SftBsA enough to secur rogaitiM tnm tn Stai OTlftai-. 'SU Wfm,wm-ir .. . ... - ...l.l. tarn - Wl BIB tO 1 lll-JiPi mw m -'--. ... . l organwatwn ar . ,-, -i . . .- M ' l4fTt , f. NX". v t-.WJ