The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 04, 1912, Image 3

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    . i
from the .
pother tonjof those nne sugar
curtd lln Hi cod ai
20c lb.
And !
mult It stl
id m pure nature
75c and
a Pail
KUiaih Falls Meal Ct.
Kat iktuMfalsa
Tli. Klamath Valley I'orel.eon
Horse Company w M Bt pilbl0
miction tht purn bred Imported
I'erehon stallion Vermouth (G4C34),
foaled April 10, 1002. Imported by
Dunham, Fletcher A Coleman. Color,
uiacK, a luro breeder. Will show
colt with any hwo In Klamath
county. Hnlo will ! hold at Mtrrlll
April 13, nt 1 o'olock p. in,
Torma, cnali, or bankable nolo.
reuigrno will be open for liiapoc
tiun ni uiiiu nun pincn or inlo. 1-121
inn wiiiuiinn Drug comuany afkloa
than anyone who haa conitifatlon,
our aiowacli or Km on tliatoinach,
hmild try almplo bucktfifirn bark.
Klyrerlnn, etc., na compounded In Ad., Ilia now (lonrfan appimdlcllla
rmnvdy A DOHIJ brims ro.
Ilof (vlli)OHt INHTAJtTI.Y and Klamath
1'alla vl'"l'lo ufii aurnrlacd w
QUIUKhYll lu,A, Thl a almplu rum.
vdy atitliu(JcUi Dm dlguttlvn organ
mid draws iikltipitrllluii Tim Wblt.
man llrug romAny
Simplified Municipal Givernaeat
Mellvsred Any
Tli government ban brought the
lamp iruat to account. We are theu
for able to mad you roducod prlcoa
on Matda l.ampi.
-t Kink Hirer Klecttrlc Co.
nil languid, weak, run-down?
Iljnlicbol Htomacli "of"f Juit a
pulu caao nf laiy (Ivor. Ilurdock
lllootl lllttvra tone liver and atomacb
promote dlgeatlon, purlflea the blood
mplo tbrater. Matinee dally, 1:1
p. m. Kvenlng, Ortt perfoimancv
7:16. continuum.
(,'lionprit accident
Thorn' Kclerllc Oil.
and Ileal Ibc wound.
II It.
Inaurautn Dr.
Htopa the pain
All rfrugglala
WiN.5wG. Phone jij v. L. DODD
Tbfre are fundi In tbe,fly treat
try for llio redemptionOf warrauia
rtvtld up to and Including Aug.
nt ;. HOI. Inters will cai
fro) date hereof. I
fitted it Kraeialtrj Falls, Or., thl
i;ihdr or utriii,
Clfa, Treaaurer.
We baie nitno very ckatrable (th
Kreet property for ante Btepbeaa
llitter Healty Co.
In tbn County Court of tho Htata of
Oregon, far tho County of Klam.
In tbo Matter of tho Catnle nf Kllta
belli lllehn, Dcceatcd.
Nntlro la hereby glvuii to all per
rrna concerned that the underpinned
haa been duly apnlnted executor ol
tho laat will and teitament nf anld
Klliabeth lllehn, dcreaaod, by tho
tho county court of Klamath county,
Oregon. All peraona having claim
agalnat laid rilatc, aro hereby requir
ed to preaent tho aamo verified na by
law required, to me, at tho law office
of If. V. Keeaeo, at Klamath Kalla.
Oregon, within els monlha from the
date of thla notice.
Dated at Klamath Kalla. Oregon.
March SI, lilt.
8.T. SUMMKItfl,
Kieculor of tho laat wilt and teata
meat of RtUabeth lllehn, Defeated,
3.SI.4.IO hd
Tho problem of locnl Kovornmnnl
ronfronla ovury Ainorlcnn city, largo
and aniall, nn.l Ha correct aolutlon
will nndoiibtbdly grenlly n.lvnnrn il
neat uiioreMH f tho community mid
"booat" Ita upbuilding. TI10 henltb,
anfety, comfort nnd convonlenco of
every emten neceaanrlly depend upon
100 wuy nnil mnnncr tbo local gov
eminent ndmlulatiirud,
In tbn gi'tiornl civic nwnkcnlng nil
ntnr tho Innd the peopl., nro begin,
nlng to aco Hint n munlclpnllty la
nothing morn nor lea than n IiihIiimb
Inalltutlon In which every cltlien la a
lockholdor, and Hint tho vocation of
looking nfior city nfTnlra la not n quoa
uon or pnrty polltlcH or Indlvldunl
profit, but n innttor of patrlotlam, III
licea nnd bualneaa nblllty. In order
to aociiro tliii beat reaulta In tho way
of Improved aorvlco nnd reduced taxea
tbo anino almpllllcd nnd buelnota-llko
metboda mint bo ndoptvd by munlcl
lull I lea that bnvo brought the mnr
veloua aucceaa to tho prlvato comor-
ntlona of tho bualneaa world.
Curoponii cltlea nnd town have
long alurn been redeemed from cor
rupl nnd partlaan rule, nnd will never
ngnln return to tho old order of
thing. American municipality aro
Making up to thn fnct that tho gov
ernment of n town or city I a mat
ter of bualneaa and not politic. Much
of tho mlarulo nnd corruption In
municipal government la undoubtedly
due to alack method and unbualneaa
like ayatctna of ndmlnlatrntlon.
Tbn trouble with tho old ayatom of
municipal government la tbnt rcapon-
commlaalonera aro elocted by tho city
nt large, nnd each commlaaloner I
tho bend of n dlatlnctlvo department,
ench of which ombraco tho whole
ilty. Tho commlMloner conitltute
tho city council nnd meet n uch In
trnnaactlng tho builncat of tbo city
ra a whole Kach commlaaloner I
bold reaponalbte for tho work of bla
department, and la aubject to rocall If
negligent of hi dutle or Incompa-
tont to fill tho placo aatlafactorlly to
tbo majority of tho elector. All
money Appropriated to hi depart'
ment la expended undor hi peraonal
direction. If ho waate the fund of
hla department there I no ((lifting
tbo rcaponalblllty.
More than ISO email cltlea In the
VYat linvo adopted the commlailon
plan, nnd n fow acattcred cltlea of the
Houth and Knat havo taken up thl
form of ilmpllflod municipal govern
ment. It ha been fully demonstrat
ed, wherover given fair trial, to be
a aucceaa. It ha put the profcaalonal
politician and conaclenceloaa public
grafter out of bualneaa, and reeulted
In a more efficient and economical
local government. It ha facilitated
tho tramactlon of public builneea.
No city that ha adopted thl ayatem
haa ahown any dealro to return to the
old condition. It I the kind of local
eelf-government that will And .favor
with tho people everywhere a aoon a
It become moro generally known and
Every city that ha tried the com-
mlaalnn form of government bat
found that It I moro reepontlve to
albltliv I. . .IUI.1...1 nmn. ,..L,i. Ho wlihc. of the people. It give the
n laa- lllatAOa alunlula ....laAl a. LI
vi.ia.viin lllinuiuiu vUIllTUI UI invir
Get a Healthy Completion
Which wuuld you prefer the pink and whlU'akln of an athlete
one glowing with health or 0110 that ahuafed the dlaagreeabte
eiatchei, pimple, and other mark reaulllwf from Impure blood f
Ita mtraly a matter of choice, for UJow wlah the former, take
Mol Hwrlauca HlooeT Keaaetiv
It drltr nil polaonou nutter ftcTm the blood, enrlche It and
tnable ft to thoroughly uourlir the tlaaue of the body. Slow
nd iluKslah blood I tU otrrng rapidly through th vein nil
fii with new life and vigor.
A tleir, Heallh)r Hkim
V (K VMble Reaalt ' - 1
lotlleJ more IhaaT cotivlaea oa.
)I.M the BotUe.
- T3Tak1
men, aldermen, bnnrda and officer
Hint no one la really reaponalblo for
mi) thing. Tho n-atilt Iim been con-
fulon, corruption and n wnatcful ox
prndltiiro of public, fund. Thcro aro
no political problem Involved In city
affair; hence tho bualneaa way of
conducting a munlclpnllty la to nbao
lutely eliminate pnrtlannahlp, and ao
concentrate nil authority that thn rc
aponalblllty of every act and every
expenditure rnn be rnally llxed.
HlnipllDed rlty government In
America waa flrat temporarily Initl
tilled In tho city of Oalveaton, Texaa,
Immediately after tho great flood,
when the dlro nereaaltlca of tbo alt
nation tbero demanded It. So auc
cetaful did It provo that It waa made
permanent, and other cltlea began to
lako notice and Investigate Prom
Ita aurceaaful exemplification In tho
capital of Iowa It haa been called the
"t)ea Mnlnea plan." It la now gener
ally known aa tho commlailon form.
Ily thla almpllMcd plan three or the
home government, and reatlng all
power In a commlailon of five or thres
men, aa tho caie may be, rcaponilbll
Ity la entity placed. Partlaan politic
nro eliminated, all nomination for
commlaaloner being mado by petl
Hon. No commlaaloner owea hla nom
ination or election to any political
party boa. Coupled with the con,
mlaalon form are the referendum, In
itiative and. recall.
The commlaalon plan of municipal
government I undoubtedly the beet
that ha yet been devlied for onr
smaller cltlea and town. It giro
home rule; It fixe responsibility, and
reduce municipal government to r
simple business bail. Ita adrant-
a ci a ire so manifest that, the wrltvr
talletcs, It Is only a question of tine
mill every progressive eitr wHl hare
adopted thl plan of coadaetlag Ita
municipal affair. IU geaeral adop
tion will tend to the upbuilding if
werlran cities and towas aid tr.i
betterment of civic coadltlen.
Herald Want Ads
WM PKn MONTH-l-rooyiiottie
j": on Ninth Stjxtfar Wash-
HMO per month-jfifoom house,
km ,,orr 00(, Jltlon; oa the
Jill, three block from poatoBce.
' Pr mogh-Bmall 4-room
IU A. '
X PV0,i-Nlcely turalshtd
-r'wping apartmsat; I
ro and bath; close la.
r J;.' opwvitt,
--. HI Main Ht. Phnaa S
Oil 8AMS Ucit restwrfant In Klam
ath FalUOjtha other busl
noai. and raull!VBsMlii. He
A. M. Crystal at Ilaldwln bar
RK,N'la..ii. .
. ... ,.,, , a ro0BU (or
III' h,.vMlC00plni " w-
IIOUU HI. Ik . i aw
a ' -" iviaaaaia
M)0OCOOK-.-i.- .1 .T
t'Oll ALK Do alab wood,'I"-lnch.
delivered to any pwfof the city.
Ackley Uro. FBfnre'Mtr- M-tf
KOR SAl.rlllack horiev-'welght
1,300, well brake, j ffaywork (In
gle or double. Qeorge lllehn, Mrner
Ninth and Main.
The VwS, Bpreme Cqgrt decide
that MaidjkbMaVa muitJte sold at the
same price. lVNtard' Ump given
lt-6t Mnk Bluer Hiectmoco.
$100.00 PBR MONTH la aprtlng un-
usual for a man to jajhka selling
nureery itoek. Bipgrtaace to iot
a .akaa - aka-
nieiaaarr. xnere w aoa w.
rltorOmw opm.yiUta mU. Urrl
tory yqu uU1lke. and write at
once for partWars to th Nursery,
Hoothea Itching akin. Heals cuts
or burns without a scar. Cure pile,
ectema, salt rheum, any Itching.
Doan's Olatmsnt. Your druggist
tells It y
If This Mtditln Osas Nst falfao
tartly Benefit Yen.
Practising ptiyalilans mating a se
rlslty ot atoiumb IroiibW are really
rrioiialbl fur the inrmula from
wblcb llexall Dyspepsia I'ablels are
wad. We have sluVply prutlted by
the eirrliu'e of expert.
Our vxperleme wMb Itexall Dyapep
ala Tablets lend 6a to believe them
to he nn rxrellrni remedy for the re
list of acute Indlgcatlun and cbronlc
djeprpala. Tbetf Ingredients are sooth
lag and brallng to in ludsmecl mem
brane of lb sJtomarb.
In pepln, one.iif the greatest dlgeatlve
aid kuuwu fo medicine. The relief
tbey afford I almgat. Immediate.
Tbrlr ue with perxltenry and resu
lurlly for a jabort time bclw to bring
about n reasatlun of tbe psln caused
by Kloiuncbjillaordent.
llexall DHtla Tablet a aid to In
lire liriiltbjy ap"etlle.. aid dlceallon.
aud promote nutrition. Aa evidence
of oik alntere fultb In Itexall Uy-
and beat
Let us figure your
menu. We have
types at loweaPWIcfs.
J9-t LlnkBlrer BlecUlc Co,
"I suffered habitually from consti
pation. Doan's Iteguleta relieved and
strengthened the bowels, so that they
have been regular ever since." A. C
Davis, grocer, Sulphur Springs, Tex.
I beta
give you
return yc
for tbeni.
Ity. Tbey
Sft rent. AO
member, you
at our (tore Tbe
The Star Drug Store.
we ask you to iry
rlk. If Hie) do not
satisfaction, w will
e money you paid ue
out qureiloo or formal
in three sixes, prices
nts. nnd lie-
can obtain mem onij
llexall Store
us in row STOMUK,
rsillNlW ImTT IKtitil
Cured, Cured toStay Cured With
Baalmmny Gas Tablets.
ikma nuunyva ats-TABixra. m.
ii.llly (.vttxrureaBluimciiiiu. uuuwww
-!'..'.',. I. -J .tf..aduaiu nry iiua il'l MM
iwimu rallirc Jwcbnubli Kowf,
t feo'o mt unuu MaanHi
1 1ikR.Tll1l.LTa fa uu ttiy iMMdv la
.mviuw quit uv w wowm
.Iik la uUUk oaula aa nstja,
iTS pterwnlai, m iiJTfar
lot Mumuh f u obf aa can yo
Maixla. no
1. ii
Notice Is hereby given that oa Fri
day, the 6th day ot April, lilt, at tho
hour ot 10 o'clock a. m. ot said day,
at tho 8. P. rooming house, between
Kloventh and Twelfth street, on Mala
street, In the city ot Klamath Falls,
Klamath county, state of Oregon, I
will sell at public auction, to the high
eat bidder, for cash, In order to satis
fy a bslanco ot 1480.34 and Interest
at 8 per cent per annum from Decem
ber 13th, 1911, due on-w certain
promissory note nnd chattel mortgage
securing the same, the following per
sciial property, to wit: All tho fur
nlturo and futures, consisting of beds
and boddlng; cooking utensils; stove
and dlihc. mattressea, spring, car
pets, linen, chairs, tables, dressers,
rugs, pillows, comforts, blanksta,
china closets, cigar case, 14-foot eov
tcr, shelving, partitions, wladow
shades, and all other peraonal prop
erty now used and located la the
building known aa the 8. P. Roomtag
House, situated on Mala street, be
tween Eleventh and Twelfth street, la
the city ot Klamath Falls. Oregon,
That said sale will be had aad mad
In accordance with the terma aad con
dition of a.certaln chattel mortgage.
given to W. McCabe by Louis .
Taylor, on the tth day ot October,
1911. which said chattel mortgage
was sold.'asslgned and transferred
for a valuable consideration by said
W. McCabe to H. J. Winter, oa tbe
4th day of March, lt. aad waitt
said chattel mortgewaa duly IM
of record In the offlce ot the county
clerk ot Klamath couaty,, atete ot
Orgon, on the 9th day of Oeteber,
1911, and recorded la , I, oa
page Sia, tteeora 01 unauti ntari
gsges. WM.,. aUftNM,
Sherd ot Klamatk Oaaaty.. (
of Oregon.
Dated at Klamath ralla. Orates,
this Bth'day of Mareh. lilt.
Notaad Craae, Atteraeya (or K.
I .'
e will ph
time for
.. . . - i
nat at a redi
offer for Fridi
' 4
ind 6th
our new 5pring
le. now is tne
ly your new 1
ao per cent
Easter 5ui
These lines are new a
id Eve-
to date iii
every respect.
10 Per Cent Reduction
For. Friday and Saturday only
Shoes, Oxfords, Slippers
From 98c to $4;00
AUikindroff "' i
Clothing and Hatsfor
0. M. Hectors For Duds
f-'j ?,
" R
' M''
,-- '
u,.. . -. ih iiiMuaiiiai
iir iik-w",u ioywt. rot-
' "' c. IT'lt
nt griJ dlrtrl W I
J, Winters, Mortaaaoe. l-T-4 a
!. -.-.
. - ii
"AVi , ti1' v r
j-J. . Z !i - ' '
1I0 Yeoa buWlng. roruaae, urr-
tumtty, SSSfcttw.