-'iV H.i ; . tvititi efali.. BVI'I'MKI) IIV TUB vmVt I'ltKM NRWH SKRVICK KVEN1XO NEWSPAPERS PRINT TUB NEWS, HOT HMTORT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1918 Price, Fit CnM ulfri U Year '" '" CITY HALL BONDS TO CHICAGO FIRM TWENTV-riVE YEARS (DCKllli ACIH WITH A VIEW TO 4.IVIM1 TAXPAYER' MONEY. .tlMI'IV TliMITATlON OK K.V. At Ibe leeflal meeting of council lUt lilfht lint l' 'f 'I" nl' "f" mvitttua snd teartiasn ilia bond win "' . . ... 11. .11 ll..,l. A .. niilj. rW '" "'" " " l ik tlnulstlon f President Mar In Hs:.k "'' rerd lit that I ho .Liwiir IiiiiiM take or reject I In. tMj allliln thirty ! of receipt of ti lurifrll' Tli torn offered par, accrued In trtrttaml I2.HI fur 20-year, per Ml Uml; par, accrued Interest mm I,SII fir r'4 per cent bonds, and fr for I per ""' boinU. Wlilln II U plkml ltli ltn city to redeem tin 11,000 fire apparatus bonds within Mr"" ""' roxiirll figures that the city kss but little likelihood of re- toning llirin before twenty years, no MMldtrnl all ttm bonds on the bull el I twenty-year term. Interest fur lusty year ' i'in rllrt limn .in fer tli different offer would bit itout ii follows On o per rent Midi, tli.cco, let :,ll premium, or IIB.749 net, on &H per cent Kxdi. Itt.COD, ! 11,311 premium, cr (J,I4 net, on & per rent bonds mI4 tt par, with no premium, $40,. Hi. Tfcs rounrll considered deeply the tjMlloii nf idling 4 per cent bond n Mttitt the 13,911 In real money to tU city In hand pnld, tho city I It rMl nrrii of real money, but It ?w dttermlnril that Ibe accumula tes of Inlrrnt would o greatly off t Ike advantage of a premium, be II hker IS.9II or 11,311, that the cco- iMilral plan the better one. Tke per rent bonds would roet Iks Uiparr H.,199 mora In Inter st, nt. than the C per cvnta, and the JH per rent ntilil roil 13,744 more rs.'tttrcit, not, than the S per cents. Tke bid of I'lcti ft Co., Chicago, the oaty other Wilder, wa par, accrued ItUrsst ami 11,377 premium for rtrnnti, or II.C34 leaa than Well, RMh ft Co fur securities nf that tluj. L'lin ft Co. made no bid on IS or I per rent bonda. speedily Hindu up tho prililiiil looka for rompllrnlloiia between Chlnn ninl the powers to which tho iiiiinnv i. (lng. Theini ho I desperntoly nu Ions to nvolil, nut only on general (rlrirlplea, hut as n nienlia of ilciirlv lug IIumIa nmt Jiipmi, In pnrtlrulnr, of I hi. Nllihtest further i.innie for KruliPi of Mongolia nml Mnnrhiirln, n l.pervely, Tho provincial nuthnrltleii, InrkluK tho ireldeiit'a forealnht nml ron rloua only Hint tho money la hnrd to ratio, am IntnrpoalnK all anrla of in cuaea. Thla haa been koIiik on for fully a month, and tho prmlilmit allows rhna of IimIiiK pntli-nre. It la under ln'id Hint without umkliiK any aclurl tlri'Ala, hv linn uimli. It Hear that Uhleaa tho fuilda nre put up Terr ahortly by the people of Ihn rovlncea, II will coma out of tho oltlrlnla, iiioucii hoiiip or i n it omrinla are aald lo be grumbling at audi high handed proceeding on ths part of a mere "prpaldenl," It la uiidoratood that tin mono) will h forthromliiK. VEGETABLE LAND BOHEMIANS UIIOU.M) AKOUMi MAI.I.V TOO VALIUM,: TO UK ItKVOTKO TO HAY AMI (lit (IN POTATO PIIK.'KM Illtail.V K.M.'OUIIAOI.NO VJWT BOXER INDEMNITY HOW OVERDUE PA10 UP Itttklrat Yuan Hlil Kal Looka for IWplirml,,,,, With Power to Whom l..ney U Dim. I'nlra lh (bmnhiI U Krtlletl VlM Pre., Hcrvlco PKKIN. April 4. I'realdcnl Yuan SH Kal U bringing alrong preaaure to r upon tin. nuthnrltlea of the varl w Chluem. province! to contribute r money fr tho payment of the 'ir Imleniiilly, now ...voral montha otirdut. Unleaa thn raaulred ntn U Anton Krupka and Alula Kallua.two of tho progrraalve realdenta of the llohemlan acttlviuent at klnlln, who barn been In tho city on limine, loft today for their homo. Mr. Krupk.t atatea that condlllona are very faor able for a pruaprruua acniun thla year umong the farmrra of the auutheru und of the county. The land under lirlgatlon la proving very productive end It la tho general belief that It t too valuahla to bn ilevuted entirely to tho roUIng of hay and grain. Mnny of tho farmer will plant potatoes and other Ilka erupt, t.'outrncla arc nl ready doing madn for polntix by ahlppera In Klamath Kalla. nnd nt tho prlrra being offered the outlook U very eiirnuraglng. Mr. Krupka linn limit roualdernble ukpvrk'iiro In rnlalng augnr becli.'uud ho aaja thi rraldvnta of hla aerllnn aro aniloua for the time to nrrlvo when the railroad fncllltlea will pcr nilt of tho ratablUhmenl of augar beet factnrlra In that part of tho coun ty. The flohcmlnua were the tlrat to demonatrato that tho aoll of Houthern Klamath county waa pnrtlculnrly fit ted for the culture and growth of Miliar beela, and analyila mado of tho beats grown by them showed that Klamath county ranked finikin linilmi malt in pcrroning Al aaaamllife mxw fciAja t ai MHU iUMii n iivvia did not know wlmthnr ho could mnkn Ihla nrrniiRKiuent, hut CoiiiiiIIihiim Chnrli Mrdowen aiiKKoaleil that h riiiild If I In. city council nuihorliedl hi in to do It, "I don't know whothiir It ran ho1 il.ino under tho chnrter or not," de (luted Mayor Bnnderson, "Tim cliar-l lor la allont on Iho subject. I know If I turn city trenaurer I would bor row nroiind nnd chnngo nroiind from oi. i fund to tho oiIih- In unrh emer Kino until I hud cr.i.iiitli on lu.nil to hiivo Ihliiga nil right ngaln." I'reahlont Mnrlou Hnnka llnnlly mado n motion thnt tho illy tninaurcr he ordered to tnko tho monoy from thn genernl fund for tho net three nionlha, or until July, and pay tho coupons. Thla motion prevailed. Ily July I tho laipnyers will be pnylng nnother liialnllment on tho Improve ment bonds, an thnt tho money lined from tho general fund to defray the coupons may be repaid from that soiirro, It iieema thnt thn aaneaamenta from thn properly owners are duo an iiunlly, but thnt thn Interest on the I'oiida Is duu uvery alt months, and Hint tin. (I ntn of collecting tho money by tho city comes In between tho In teleat dates. Councilman (I. W. Whlto atntnl thin morning thnt owing In tho fall urn to n thn dates properly tho city ll hnvn thn snmu predicament to ii et every l months for tho nt tventy yenrs. The payment from tho property owners will romo hereafter following two dntes on which eml- auiiunl Interest Is duo. Mr. Whlto kild this morning Hint ho had tried Murernl times to get tho council lu fix up tin. dates an thnt the cmhnr.n la ment would not confront Iho city, bat tt.it his efforts were nnnriiiMMK Thn pnvlng wna donn by Strange- Mngulre company, the Warren Con struction company buying tho bonds and selling them to the Toledo bankers. REBUILD WHERE FIRE DESTROYED lUXHKX HTIICOTDItU, U'HKItK TWO OltUKKH MKT IIUItltlllf.K "IIKATIf, TO III: MAIIK INTO AN (KIICK Ht'lMll.VO III rccoiiatructlng tho building at Aliiln and Ninth atreot, whero two Greeks wero burnod to denth last Prl dnv morning, It will not bo designed for uso ns n rooming house. E. C. .'ennon Inst night applied to tho coun cil for a pormlt to rebuild, and the specifications showed that the Inten tion Is to make an office building at tin. place. It will hare a front en trim co, Instead of a sldo entrance aa of old, and two flrg eicapcs on tho bnrk. Tho uppor part will be for clDres. Thcro will bo two skylight nnd two brick chimneys. Tbe re newal will coat about 11,700. OAK ST. ROUTE OPPOSED BYROAD hoi:thkkx paltpk; officials COMIXO TO AIM1CF. AOAINHT OI'F.MXO IIKillWAY AH I.NTKH I'KIIKM'K WITH YAHIIS Iho of sugar 'Your eycsSAeed guliises. Dr. Her mann, eyeslghrvjipeflallst, win uo ai the Hotel UvcrWrn from Monday, April in, to Hundaf, April 31. 4tf Cily Behind on Bend Interest for Securities of Klamath Pavement Hs golnK to mako Klamath Palls P herelf tho neit twenty year ' y the Interest on tho bonda for dmsth uvinuo paving, for she will " be heblnd three month In col w1"! Ihe money. Tho Interest on bonds l duo April 1 and October ' veryhndy concerned locally Hins to ,nvp ,,UUf ht ,t W0,d BOt until tho ut 0( july Bd ut "nuary, no that the calculation three inntith. ff, Capuin j, W fllemeni( cUy tMBi. tat.' 1M n',rl,e ' " tUte of r fy letter which reached him " llochler & Cummin, bankers " Oblo, under date of March " ' which they stated that the In yj 2.i 10.74 on tho 70,5S.ol ' Kkaatii PalU Improvement U war. - Apr" ' ,,d ""tod that they 'ly reminding the oltr. They TV for a roply. under data of uTii "ol nlht Wlm from readln ai followi; "if the city default lu payment of coupon duo April 1 It will bo published In every financial paper on tho const and also through tho Kastorn states. It will bo impossible fur tho city to sell additional bond at any price. Take up Immediately with mayor and coun cil and nrranfo to protect coupon due April 1. Answer Immediately If coupon will bo paid." Captain Hlemens took tho commun ication to the council mooting last night In order to get tho council' ad vice. It waa suggested that lu order to meet the debt the money be taken from Iho gonorol fund fur tho pur poe. and replaco It when money cornea In from the property owner' payment. There waa ome question aa to whether thl waa legal, and City Attorney Iloraco M. Manning be ing absent from the mooting there waa no official opinion available on tho queatlon. Tho city treasurer itated that ho It Is reported that J. W. Metcalf, superintendent of tho Shasta division, nnd oilier officials of thu Houthern rnrlflc, will bo In Klnmnth Palls within a dny or so, lo tnko up with the city nlllelnls thu matter of the opening of Onk street across the rail rond trnrk nt tho pnsienger depot. It Is stnted thnt tho railroad offi cials are opposed lo tho opening of this street ut this point for tho rea son that It would cut their yards In two, nnd would greatly Interfere with the handling of tho trains. It Is be lieved that arrangements can bo made for tho openln gof a street that will bo satisfactory to tho residents of Mills addition, and yot will not Inter ere with tho ynrds of the rallrond. It Is stated thn,t tho .Southern Pa cific has completed Its plans for sho,)s and sldctrnckB on tho land cast of thn yards, nnd that theso would be entire ly disarranged by tho opening of n Mind through thn renter, so that they mint either right tho street opening or else abandon Iho shops. Tho Mills addition people, who aro Interested In tho opening, hnvo cx I reused tho opinion that tho crossing nt tho depot would not materially In terfere with tho operation of thn trains, as they nrguo thatt ho Main atrect rrosalng could bo abandoned, so there would bo no moro crossing than at present, and that tho ap proach at tho depot I from lovel ground, and thoro would bo lei dan- nor of accident than at Main street, whero thero Is a heavy Incline. BIG ANIMAL SHOW G0MESVERYSO0N 'Jlt.WF.MXCl JCNOI.K CO.VIIL'CTKI) II Y AT. (J. IIAItKKr) AM) .CO IIOIIT8 Wll.l. PITCH TKXTM IN KLAMATH APIIIL 210 building through tbe alley In the rear, and It will be cut In two and hauled up Main atreet by M. R. Doty, the moving contractor. He I working on tho task today. Henry Offcnbacher obtained con sent of tho council to move tbe one story frame building containing the office of the Oil Korrect Transfer company from 26 feet on lot 1, block 16, to the property adjoining owned by II. M. Drlstot, the location being tbo westerly corner of Stith and Main street. Aa It I a frame building. Mayor Fred Banderson remarked that It was strictly against the Are limit ordinance to move a frame building within the Ore limit. WOULD ENJOIN NEW COURT HOUSE MOVL BAND UNIFORMS WILL BE AZURE "la that tho ordinance that we've HLUK CLOTHES OF MILITARY COT Plro Halo at Model Hloro (1. W. Cain of the Model Variety More, which sunered a Heavy loss during tho flro In tho Jensen building Ind Friday morning, announces clso- Ahero In theso column a flro sale, to tnko plnro beginning tomorrow morn ing nt 8 o'clock. There I n largo amount of good in first das shape which Mr. Cain wishes to close out at once, ns It Is the Intention of the own cia of tho building to rebuild aa soon as possible and way must be made for tho Improvement If you aro looking for the beat 60- cent moal In town try the Hotel Bald' win dining roomTNlatea by the week, i fi With tho coming April 20 ot AI O. Ilarnes' big three ring wild animal show the small boy will be In his do llxlit when the first strain of the band announcing the big parade will be heurd, and It will continue to be a red-letter day for him until the last rnr Is loaded. names' wild animal show ed to bo the only real animal show la thn world, with 350 wild trained anl- niLls doing feats which border on the Imposslblo, not one of which can shirk his duty on the strength of for mer laurels or ancient name. I.lnns rldo swiftly running horses, elephant glvo a vaudeville perform ance all by themselves, bear con vulse tho audience by their funny antic, monster African lion perform under the direction of a clever young lady who finishes this remarkable act by feeding tbo beasts raw meat with htr nnked hnnds, beautiful spotted I'crslnn leopards obey the command of n nicro stripling of a girl nnd per form fents heretofore considered Im possible, und all tho while snarling and clawing at her In the endeavor to catch her napping. Tho features of tho show are Millie Ilarnes, who presents the famous rid ing four, a lion, a bear, Pomeranian dog and a ehlmpnniee, all riding beautiful Arabian stallion In the big steel nrenn at the same time; tbe group of royal Ilengal tigers and Nubian lions, forming one of tbe most thrilling nnd speclncular act of lu kind now being presented to any audi ence, und tho youngest lion tamer In tho world entering tbo cage ot un tamable lions. Caesar Wallace shows what a man with n strong nerve and nbaoluto conTldenco In himself can do with tho most fcrorlou beasts of the wild. been up against so much already?" asked Councilman Charlee McOowan. The affirmative answer came In tbe shape of a large consignment ot cac- cblnatlon, and the councilman said be did not ice that It would do the council any good to try to govern tbe matter. Contractor J. H. Oarrett eiplalned that tbe building would have to be moved before tbe new building which Mr. Offenbacher proposed to put up could be built, thero being In an ap plication to build a two-etorr brick alructure, 26x94, on tbe lite of the transfer company' office. Mr. Gar rett said bo had seen a letter written by Mr. Bristol to William Wagner, of the Home Realty company, In which the owner of the corner lot offered to let the building stay on the lot for sixty day, but that he was anxious to bavo no obstruction on the lot which would Impede him dealing with It or disposing of It. Mr. Garrett aald ho felt that the council waa safe In giv ing permission for the removal. The question with the council waa wheth er It could get rid of tbe building af ter sixty days.. It waa stated that the O. K. Tranfer company' leaae had not expired, which I the reason for Mr. Offenbacher wishing to make the move a requested, and aa Anally granted by tbe council. The building permit waa also granted. O. W. White, who I himself a councilman from the Fourth ward, obtained a permit to put up a frame carsgOj 12x20 feet, on lot 16, block 39, Hot Springs addition. FOR I.VHTKL'MK.NTALIHTfl WIMj RR PAID FOR RY PROCRKDH OF 8PKCIAI. FUNCTIONH MURDOCH PLAINTIFF JfDOK BKJOtON DKCLIXM TO ACT AND ATTORNEY BROWER RJC PORTED TO RE SEEKING AID OF ASHLAND jrjRItrT At a meeting of tbe Klamath FalU Military band held last night the purchase ot uniform waa decided on, It being determined that the regula tion blue uniform would be tbe most dignified and fitting. The band plan lo give a aerie of concert In tbe near f'Uure to defray tbo coat of the babll- ainrata. , - MOVE BUILDING OEFMAINSTREET MKI.HAHK JKT PERMIT FOR THE SHIFT, WIIII.K OFFENBACHER GETM COX8KNT TO PUSH O. K. OFFICE OVER A NOTCH To mako way for the new brick building which Is to be put up adjoin ing the present Llvermore hotel, and which Is planned to be a part of tho hostelry, Richard Melhaae la having moved away the one-story frame building, and will take It to lot t, block 51, Nichols addition, at the corner ot Tenth and Bush streets. The necessary permit to remove the tructure wa obtained by the owner HIGH BOYS' BAND BLOWING ITSELF INSTRUMENTALISTS WHO COM' POSE NEW STUDENTS' ORGAN IZATION ARE MAKING HEAD- WAY FOR CO.NCERT The high school band I maklnj Mionuoua efforts to round Itself IntJ bape ao that tt will be able to give a concert ome time next week. The now piece received are being given hard practice, and Judging from the way the boy are progressing apeak well for tbe untiring effort of the leader, George A. Wilts. The old adage that practice make perfect Is certainly making Itself manifest Many of tbe boys did not have the loaat knowledge ot how to play on any Instrument when they started. During tbo commencement exer cises there will be one night devoted to music entirely, and It Is expected that the band will play an Important part In this. Reside the band vari ous other organisation ot the high chool will participate In the musical program. WOULD SELL DIRT TO 54 k r. CONTRACTOR HARRIi AND GAR. RETT HAfK TERRA FIRMA FOR KIIX1JM SECOND fTREET AT HALF DOLLAR PES YARD & iransjasfajB. ; aac but aaxmu IT 'i not AVIATOR STRIKES SOFT SPAT WNEI HE UIHS Flyer Goes From Bam Rafael to Val- lejo In IT MuutesUvug Face Cat on Betag Thrown Ont Hia Vehl. cle, However, I Not Wrecked United Press Beivlea VALLEJO. Calif., April . Dldlir Mauon arrived hero at a. m. from Han Rafael in 17 minutes. In land ing bo struck soft ground at the race track. Maason waa thrown out and his face cut, but the machine waa not wrecked. The U. S. Spreme Court dosfaea that Matda Lamps must ho sobf at the same orlcs. Packard Laawa aivea from the council at last night's meet'- highest emcleney. ater salt at lag. It la Impossible, to move the I IMt Uak Rtw JHeottrie Oe. and J. t. Oarrett. h not only wIllBmaVT to .sell dirt to Uauotty. Tney coafad,aa much at taojatet- Ing of tho eoaaeil'last aigkl6 dirt mey propose to eyaa.it sMjanr m in tended for tho iittmkhmflKwoet aaa been-tyaaBjBBBBBBBBBBjRtin-i for a marked ImprMOgsVJFito ome months. ' sl Mr. Harris told the coweell ho had about 3,000 yards wnlch ho would of fer at SO cents per yard. "Fifty cent, did you say?" asked Councilman M. O. Wllklas. Tea, sir." "And yon did not, blush when you said It?" "No, sir." Councilman -McGowan, who Is chairman ot the street committee, wanted to know If the street commit tee was authorised to deal for the dirt If a satisfactory price could be bad. The council asured him that It was.' "All right, then," said he. "Wo are to understand that wo may buy the dirt at 50 cents or less." "IWth tbo accent on the less." In sisted Councilman Wllktns. The question of measuring the dirt and checking tho dumping came up. It waa decided that each load ought to be checked, and Mr. Harris said ho would pay for tho checker. "Guess the city will hire It own checker." said Mr. Wilkin. "Surely; but It has no objection to my paying the bill, has It?" asked Mr. Harris. No one seemed to object An injunction to restrain tho coin- ty court from building on tho Hot Springs site offered by the Klamath Development company was last even ing asked of Judge Henry L. Benson In circuit court by Hiram Murdoch, represented by Attorney C. C. Browor. Judge Benson declined to act la tho matter for tbe reason that ho had ton time ago been counsel for tho Klamath Development company, bat assured tbe plaintiff that he would call In another Judge aa early aa pos sible to act on tbe case. The Murdoch plea sets for tb tbat block IG was ac quired by tbe city la 1187 at consid erable expense, -that the voluntary debt of the county now exceeds by tbe sum of 9250,000 tbe limit Axed by. the constitution of tb state, that defendant (the members of the coun ty ceurt: County Judge William S. Worden, Samuel T. Bummer and C. O. Merrlll.iMnimlesI oners) threaten to ell. diss of' or abandon tho present aaaut,bouse property and ua lesa reajjpjavsd will enter Into cos- tracts for preparation of plans for constractloa of a court house, sad at a very early day commence and pur sue. toward completion tho conatruc- ef a new court house at n cost of net less thsn 9200.000, and other baUdlag and Improvements anon land outside of tho county seat, that I, away fro mtho original townslto of Klamath Falls. Mr. Murdoch saya that tho county debt aa of April 1 is 9201.000. It was reported today that Attor ney Brower left on the morning train for Ashland for the purpose of socar tn ga restraining order or temporary Injunction from Judge Calkma against tho county court proceeding In or beglnnln gtbe building of the new court bouse on the Hot Spring property. Thl report could not ho verified, although a careful Inquiry wns made. Mr. Murdoch tbls after noon, seen ror tne Hernia, wouta not verify the report. Judge Thoma Drake, who I the stonier for tbe county court, asserts that If the case Is to be tried, that tho defendant ihould be heard concern ing a change of Judge or Jurisdic tion. Pari After a happy married llfo of thtrty-ven years, Francois Poulet, aged 93, and hla wife, aged 87, had their first quarrel, and are now peti tioning for a divorce on the ground of Incompatibility. to the proposition. Mr. Oarrett aald he would alio pay for the checking ot his contract. City Engineer Don J. Zumwalt says between 2,000 and 3,000 yards ot dirt are needed. Tbe fill will be twenty feet wide. Special Easter Music Feature at Episcopal Church of the Redeemer Special music will be a feature of the Easter services at the Church of the Redeemer, of which Rev. Henry C. Collins Is rector, in I. O. O. F. hall next Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock. I Jay Knapp Is conductor of the mu sic, while Mrs. F. H. Cofer Is accom panlit and Jtmes A. Newnham cor- neUat Following is the order ot service: Processional Hymn 121 Sentence. Christ Our Passover B. Tours Paattar Gloria, From Christ Our Passover aieeeeeeeeee XOUlf 1st: To Deui Jubilate e t a Id , ...F. Kotsschman J. Ross Corbln Creed lort'a Prayer Christ I Risen Edmund Turner Epistle Gloria Tlbl Gospel Hymn 111 . Sermon Offertory Gloria In ExceUls, from Moaart's 12th Muse, Choir, upon presentation ot alma. Communion Banctus . . , . Taylor Hymn, 225 ... Hodgos Gloria In Excels! , , ,Wm. H. derrick Tho choir Is composed of the fol fel fol eowing: Sopranos Mrs. B. B. Henry, Mrs. R. E. McCauley. Mrs. F. K. Voadrieas Altos Mr. O. K. Salts, Mrs. Aotda etU W. Martin. Mrs. Geo. Wake, Mrs. H. Murdoch. Miss Mabel Nteker on. Tenors Wm. O. H. Wilson, A. P, Holne. J. V. Hume, L. A. WW. Basses Franota O. Olds, 8. J, D. W. Barling. . -4? ' rl t . " i M .-J J" -W3H2-r.2-Koi