:rj V.i ' tnnino cfal5. ivri'MK nv tiiic Ui J. ' ffVWKmtnna mnraPAMMi 1)nlW, riirow nkwh SERVICE 4- THE HBWB, HOT HMTOKT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, UKOXKHIIAV, APRIL g, IBIS Price, Five Ceats She Vwr-Xo. I.W TRADE GETS AWAY VIA BETTER ROADS KEONEW HIGHWAYS Umkixhavh if immsk wuumi OCX TKIH ri'HTIIKH NORTH KlAMVM MOULD IIKAP COM- iimmi. m.mvi:nt "Tkii ccuntr do (M ,iiU "f trado lijituJ rort lluck rounlry Impmv juor."Mll l 12 llurrell, who I itHtltr from hli much III Hie Fort ri yiit'r. Hr. Ihrrrll tl t lint Hm limine I Ml lH ahead "' Klamath rail HIMlif X'"1 ,'""1' ""'' Rnt n(nt Ilk trade nt Oil "lotion or i.nkn air. ContlnuliiK, hn aald: TWIUtlit Klnmnlli Fall will titood iirllnii hi tln trade, In In IMlIt l aetetily mile III thn rlnl (u railroad at l'lilloiiln, whllo It biiwt; nllri in liriul Tim rounty Uit rear mndo Improvement lUtroad 'i Hint It U very good nniltf. Tlirrr la only one bail leathernad nud Hint U nt Hoi i'i rut. iil Hit l to tm rmif wtlf thla KM" m ronBilrnt Hint nfler I lie mad Villi lut )rar Hint thn merrlinnti I KUnith KalU receltcd III trado Mortte lltnm tlm nmniint of the 1 f tie road Tlirrn In a had kil our hill beyond Chlloquln, I If tka Southern 1'nrlflr. could In ti to run train to Itocky Kuril, n!r mllta tirrond (tin recnt tor- I Ultote Klamath KnIU would In too entire trade, nf l'lal)r, Utt, IMirlitmaa l-nke, fill- 1 lata and Kort Itnrk aeetlon. An&t of n w pettier are coming itiitt aectlona. nml the litrrltnrv lnrloPlaf at a rapid rab. SUtmUm illttrtalnlr mirth coin after. 1T ( th i4rantaKra of the red to Klwiiinth county la Hint Hum In plenty of water mid feed nloiiR Hm way ' rroiRiit timniK can ( nt lluck Crrnk, lli-nr Flnta, Wllllninanii Hm, HkolloR t'rcuk mid Holiiiuou' Klnta, ' wlillu on thn road (o llmnl nlur In ni'nrcv nnd fend lilxli. "Tlin Kort Hock Dnlrruii'ii'n A.(.. , rlntlon wua orKmiUi'd lut Imfum I i left. I iiiidiiratntid Hint 4HU rown Imvn hroii iIoiIkm, nud It la iroioaod to oiornli n rlireao factory mid crrnmnry. Tim plntn Imvn I.ocm tiled ml approvail for tlm Aiitoloi.n Irrl. Ration project, which will ruriilah wn lor for thn Hllvor l.nkn realoii. Work lina lif ii romtneiiced on tlm fitundn Hon liy liitroducliiK poetry In nn ln iw.rnllmi to tlila nffi rl- 'Tlm ntniH alilnn ovur tlm earth, I Tlm Hi urn kIiIihi over thn en: Tlm Miiih look up to thn inlxlity (toil, Tlm nturM look down on inn. Tlm atnrn Imvn lived u million yenra, A million yenrn mid n diiy; lint Hod mid I ahull on mid IUo When tlm atnra hnvo pnnaed nny " MM DENIES COMPACT WITH JAPAN AS TO BAY Wltv liillnl Pn-fltlliat lteHirl Tlml HI (loieriiiiirnt linn .Urmiiteineiilo Willi Orlenlnl 'm(,r , Wltlioill I'oiliMlntloii FINDS DAUGHTER TAKEN BY NURSE Ti:uiti:i.i: mcoovkhv iiunth ui MHH. MAItV HANDKItH, WHO AT TKN'OKIl CIIU.D'H ADVKXT, AND HltUt'dllT IT IIKIIH Pienti have been wnt to 'Cam pa, who la attaaklng I'arral. The flgbtlng continue. Ue lm flarra Noa-ConmHUl United Preaa Serviea MKXICO CITY, April I. Da la Ilarra arrivea at Verra Crui tomor tow. lis haa not Indicated whether he favor tbe rebel or federal. HIGH SCHOOL EIRE ESCAPES NEEDED litil.'l I'm'm Korvlm k'MIII Kiilill a .. u Hon rot . no of thn reaertolra on lluck ..,". . , ""' .' . ',--',''"'"' rranrvolr nr to lm' ,,." :"''"' .'" "'" u""c" lluck rriwli nn l ' "'"'liieioiy incorreci ii.ick rcK nnd ny K,)U.ril11I.t ,, (1, nrrnnK, Creel'. Three coiiitr lifted, two on (Hie on Autelopn, "The rnulrnrt lina hern let for tlm rnilrond hultdltiR from Vnln to Dor Mrunlnlii, which la ality in I let from I'ort ItiM-k. Thla lino, when etteiided, sill pnaa throuRti tlm Mil ley mid prole Lilly riinimct wild thn Klnmnlli Knlla. Kill roil Hun nt Crraceiit." Illl'llt with lelui Hay Jnimu rigiirdlnic MnRiln- HON EVENING HOURS w ci.imik iimm t 'iFHt'i: ni'iiv i:vi:mnok hmj vi:i:k roit woiikkiim ID CANNOT nt2 IIAVM DEFENDANT DOES NOTCLAIM GOODS .Vcnlliniii IIUfMrom Aliierlran I'rtttm Hulled I'rraa Hervirn WAHIIINHTON, I), C. April 3. IflncuaaltiR tliu l.odgo reaotllllon re rnrdliiR MnRdnleiin, CoiiKrraamnn .Needhnm of California nnld' "Thero la nhxilulrly no Juatlflcntlcin that America ahoiild limiitlKntc. If tlm Japnuctti am really riidcavurlnR to get Mn(dntenn Hay they arc eeeklnR nn eiiMian to i laali ltli America. Wo mlKlit tlml a Mr Job on our hnnda If we nttempled to alrnlRhtcn out tlm Intvrnnl affnlra of Meitco. IVmonally I am romlnced mo nrn not RolnR to HDK.II ltll KAItMIMl IMI'l.lVhnvo trouhln wllh Jniimi unleaa alio MUNTM, HK ADMITS 1112 IS .Vrrl1""" "" """"' report of her 'nclUlly In Meilco are o nlnrmliiR OUNKII, AMISAVHIIKIS Wll.l..,tl.t ,, ,0(I)0 rr0ulor, , j,tl. IXil TO )IVi: TIIKM I'I 'nod." In tho raae of K. I,, llopklna er- au J. W. Dcl'tiy, which na brouRht by Klllott Klllott, the defendant ban tiled an anawrr thrntiRli tho law firm utenlO V Knit. Tlie pnrtlr to ult are farmer In the tlrlnlty of Midland, and thn plaintiff nlleRea that defendant about tbren yvara njto Rot wrongful poaaeaalou of anmn farmltiR luiplenienta belonRlnR to plaintiff, and I aluod at about 115, wblrh defend , ant retain. In tho nnaner tlm de fendant allege that ho doe nnt claim to own the property, la wIIIIiir lo ro llnulah It lo thn rlRhlful owner, nak the court to atop thn HtlRntlon nnd nwnrd roat to tho defendant. Suiter lrnle Alarm Mlnriea f'nlted I'rea Bervlce WA8IIINOTON. I. C. April 3. CnnRreaaman Holier aald; "I've heard that Jnpnneao are ReeklnR n naval hare In Meilco, alto the itory that I Ley nrn inaadng veteran In Hawaii I inn tatn that uch report are ab aolulely baelew. fifty American Held HoataRr? United Pre (lervlre WAHIIINOTON. I). C. April 3. Tho rtnln department I InveatlgntlnK tin reported rnpture nnd detention nf flfl) American nenr Cliolnx, Cblliun li'i.i, It I reported they are held a hotdaRn naalnat Intervention. INVOCATION IN RHYME BY SIGHTLESS CHAPLAIN Mr. nnd Mr. Van Aradalo are In till city from Calnella. Calif., nnd ex- jpect to go lo the tangell Valley coun try nud tnko up farming there. pMj Clerk t:iiarle It. Ilo Uplltev. Ilrnry '. I'ouilen, for Year Hie MMtq lo keep tlm iiiunly clerk' ' lllvrr of Ualljr I'rayrr In llouao nf ptn every ewnliiR the rnmlng llrprornlalhe, Offer Innovation Mlroa ;30 u ! o'clock for the hi Suiuillrallon for IHvlniMlulilanre f voter nho hnvo not rogl. Tl reil.tratlim hook are to unUej prcM Service 'mi at S o'clock next Tuesday WAHIIINHTON, 1. C, April 3. -. aprn y, nnd all votera who Bplrltual Inatructloii ha for year. no vote rmiat bn roglateriHl by' been given to tlm liouao of reprcacn- tatlvea by llev. Ilr. Henry N. Coudcn, the blind rhaplnln, nnd hi dally prayer have obtained wldcaprend fame. Ilerently bo mndo an Innovn- lUa. The UWIilnir Iwuira mlih. 1 'f Clerk D i .ii ii fnr n,n Mt Of Worker Uhll nrn nn.l.l. In 'UolBcouurliiKtimilay. ill! Takes Giver oi Liquor to Mian Off to Portland to Gel Trial '"f UMted HI,. I., a ll.,kl "'arrlted Initio city Uon. 'Wing irom Klnmnlli AnnV ki had arreaii., Frank Victor '"'I Of aelllmr llniin. in . Indian. .... il ,. liMUIUl MB mn na mndo hy J. M. '""cr rt tho ngency. The M& Wiilv...! .. .. i. --.mii a noarina. o "not nectary t0 laV0(iny lltai n ""' neioro unit i .".-ommliiHionor nimi-in. j 7 ' W city, Bam. "lrr uoputy Mar- lVtJS2c,,M,M- TholatUr '"ki7;:r."qi,.M,Mfcu luku . . "'"'" n omcer ti," " hw fel urve nnn ""I thai It i. I eaa.l u WBro l),e l0 atilu01 ranth Rt M " ao conildarabl. or from obtained lij cleaning up of tho offendem agaluat tho government liquor law. Ilontty aya that thero la no provlalon for puulthlng tho Indian who drinks tho liquor, nnd If It wore inadu punUh able for that party to thn offonao tho taak of wiping out tho evil would be greatly facilitated. Ha left thla morning for Portland with hla prlioner. If the man la con victed of tho charge boforo Kodornl Judgo Mean In the Unllod Btate dU trlct court at Portland ho will prob ably get thirteen month In tho fed eral prUon, a aome time ago the Jur ist announced that all convicted giv en of whUkey to aborigine would bo ao aentenced. Motter Recovery Caae Dlamleaetl In circuit court Attornoy C. C. Drower secured from Judge Henry I" Bonson ait order dismissing the rase of the MeDrlde-Rothsohlld Co. vs. Jess B. Whltlateh, brought February 17th, for the recovery of money. PEACE JUSTICE CASE REOPENED M.UllSTItATK IIKCIIIrM THAT .HIMIMKXT HV DKKAUI.T WAS THHOl'UH INADVKIITKM'K A.l IIXCI'SAIU.K XKtU.KCT lloforo Juatlco of the I'eaco a rave tbl morning Attorney J. 8. Kent se cured n reopening of the cao of tho II. 0. AlkliiH Manufacturing concern nRnlnal tho Umg l.ako Lumber com pany. It appear that tho dofondant boiiRht from tho plaintiff a pump, which ho allege wa defective, on which plaintiff la trying to collect 3r.. On March Cth Klllott ft Elliott, for tho plaintiffs, took judgmont by default uRalmt tho Long Uke Lum ber company. Thla morning tho at torney for tho dofendaut argued that tho cnao should bo reopened on tho Kround of Inndvortence nnd excuanble nvgtert, nnd Jimtlco Orave decided In hi favor. MINIMIS MAY IIIHIIKOAIIH HCKKHUNnUM IIHSIII.T LONDON, April 3. Believing the icferendum to bo ngalnst resuming milling, tho minor's executive com mittee I preparing to disregard the referendum and order tho men back. MAKK MUCH AIK) OVER MAN WHO KOUND KARTH'B AXIS United Preaa Bertlea avDNBY. April 3. Pole-Kxploror Amundsen arrived here and waa glvan an ovation. Torrcncn McOovcrn arrived In Klmiinth Kail Inat orcnlng after n trip nf nearly three months In which lm trnveled alt the way from Alberta. Canadn, to Marytvllls and other point In California and Anally, reach ing this city In hi oarch for bis ten month old dnughtor. He asserts that be baa secured trace of his child In tho llttlo Rlrl brought bere leas than two month oro by Mr. Mary A. Ban der, nnd which sho represented aa her own. Mr. Sander h been In aomnwhat deatltuto circumstances, mid two day ago made application to tlm county JudRo for admlatlon to the county Infirmary. The Htory n told by Mr. McOovern la to tlm effect that during the sick ne of hi wfo when tbe little girl wa norn, Air. Kanaers attended as r.urae. loiter It was necessary for hi wlfo to bs taken to the hospital, mid both Mr. and Mr, flandtr of fered to tnke caro of the child during tho mntlior' slckneaa, which they did They lived on a hnmcatcad aome dis tance from Alberta, nnd he did not ten the child very often. About sev en month later he received n letter (rum Mr. Handera telling htm to rnmo mid get tho child, aa ho and hla i.Ifo wero About to separate. When ho arrived ho found that Mrs. Sanders mid tho child had gone he knew not there. Slnco then he haa been fol lowing them from one place to an Mlicr, until he caught up with them In Ktamnth Palls. He went to the Infirmary today to claim the child. Mrs. Mary Sanders catnao Klam ath Falls about two monthaR. WHh her was a little girl blby which ah represented as her own. She la re ported lo have mado the statement Hint her husband had deserted her six month provloui, and (he was compelled to work to support herself mid baby. Heveral people who heard her story took pity on her and aa rlal'ed her In many ways In socurlng work and In paying a month'a rent for her on a cottage on Sixth and tirnnt streets. Two days ago she mndo application to bo admitted to the poor farm, and last evening she nnd tho child were taken out to the Infirmary. When McOovern got to the county Ini.rmary today and saw Mrs. San ders she admitted that the child was hi, nnd that he could take IL She aald that sho had no Intention of stealing It, but merely wished to take rnro or It. Mrs. Sanders said that "lien sho left Alberta she was com pelled to seek work, and did ao, tak ing tho child with her for its own mke. McOovern will take tbe. baby lack to his home In Alberta. SOCIALISTS BEATEN IN THEIR OWN STRONGHOLD INDUSTRIAL WORKERS TO IE NEJJY DEPUTIES Trouble la Kxpectnl Near Haa Diego If Force Which I-eavc for Court Mae Should Kncounter Parade of Idle Men Marching That Way HAN DlrXlO, April 3. Special deputised cltlxens left for the county line today to Intercept a big crowd of Industrial workers. Trouble Is ex pected It the forces meet. Tbe city Is quiet. AMERICANS RELEASE! AT JAUJZ REFUSED Held Imtoniuiunlcado Three Days, and Matter Has Keen Taken Up With Slate Department and Mexico's Governor EL PA80, April 3. Opwell Rob erts, an El Pasoan, arrested at Jaures three days ago, la held Incommuni cado. He la accused by ColosM Poaae Jaures, chief of arms, with stealing. American Consul Edwards formally demanded Robert'a release, which waa efused. The Washington atata de partment and Qovernor Colquitt of Texaa have been wlrtd. Rlitero Cream City KlecU Non-PartUaa Cadi by Plurality of Nearly 18,000, Whllo Over Two-Thirds of Name I'arty'a Aldertnea Are Choaen United Press Bervlce MILWAUKEE, April 3. Dr. Bad Ing'a plurality la 11.802. He waa non-partisan nominee for mayor. Twenty-sis non-partisan aldermen and eleven socialists were elected. Non-partisan candidates for treas urer and comptroller were chosen. Haldol's toUl vote waa 10,100, and Dadlnaa 43,014. Emmanuel Phillips, Taft leader, baa conceded La Foltette a solid dele gation. The Wisconsin man beat Taft two to one. Wllsonltea elected four delegates In the fourth and fifth dis tricts, and will probably aweep the state. letter Incomplete returns at noon Indicate that Wllaon haa twenty-two delegates, Including four delegates at large. Champ Clark elected four of his delegates. "Rattle Rob" OtXrarUUc . United Press Berrlce WASH INO TON, D. C, April 3. La Follette said: 'That makea me second In the race, not counting the contests. I received a telegram say ing I carried the atata four to one. and that n certain candidate waaa't In IL Wisconsin delegate give me n total of talrty-oti. Wateh- things from now on." Tomorrow he goes to Chicago and then In Ave days Into Nebraska. Teddy Mid Woodrow Active unify t-rea Hrnn CHICAOO, April 3. Roosevelt ar rivea aSturday on board a special train, and speaks In seven Illinois cities. On Monday be makea a doxen speeches. Wilson spends Friday and Saturday In Illinois on a speaking tour. HIS CLIENT M WIFE WHO AL LEOK8 8KB WAS ABANDONED HY HER HUSBAND IN NOVEM BER, 110 In tbe offlee of tho county clerk, Charles R. Da Lap, thero haa been tiled by Attorney Jaaaes C RatasUe, a bill for divorce la behalf of Battle A.-Darke against E. F. DarkearThe bill seta forth that tho coople married June 19, 1901, and that plaintiff, who realdea In Klamath county, waa de serted and abandoned by defendant In November, 1910. There la one child, Ray Evart, aged 6, now In tho care of the plaintiff, who aaka Its custody, dissolution of tbe mirrlage, and costs of the action. Roosevelt la Weat Virginia MONTQOMEKT. W. Va., AprU 3. Roosevelt will make a score of plat form speeches across thla state. CIRCUIT COURT DEMURRER GOOD COMPLAINT IN CASE OF ROSEN FELD SMITH CO. VS. JACKSON AND CRYSTAL WILL BE AMEND KD WITHIN FIVE DAYS In circuit court thla morning before Judge Henry L. Benson, la the case of the Roaenfeld-Smlth company ver sus Tom Jackson and A. M. Crystal, attorneya argued a demurrer Hied by Attorney Fred H. Mtlla to the com plaint which bad been entered by Elliott ft Elliott. The caae la one In which aome good In the possession of the defendanta were attached on the claim that there waa money owing the plaintiffs. The demurrer set forth sufficient facta to constitute a cause of action. The validity of the demur- i or was acknowledged hy tke attor neya for the plaintiff, who took Iva days In which to amend the com plaint. J. Clnlnnlt, who la here from Port land, expecta to go Into the shoe re pairing business. Ho will have aome very late machinery for the work. - FORSALB Black Ursa, weight l,300TeU.brokByfnU, work aln- gle or doublev4rMggo Bleha, corner Ninth aadaln. "s -tf -w The U. S. Bpreme Court deeNee that Maxda Lampe must k aold at Ue ma price, vsfaekaTd Lampe gives highest emclsneyXFi sale at 19-it Link Rjver sieaurio oa. ARRESTED ONICHAIGE OfSTEAlING OVERCOAT Harry Do Child was arrested this afternoon on a charge of stealing an overcoat belonging to RobL Mitchell. He was brought before Justice of tbe Peace Charlea Oraves, and hla hear ing waa set for Saturday. In tbe meantime be waa turned over to the custody of the sheriff. Mitchell bad placed hla overcoat on the seat of hla wagon, and he and Tom Balls were getting tbe horses preparatory to going to the country. It la aaerted that they saw thla man take tbe coat and start In tba direc tion of the second band store on Sixth street. Ualla went for an officer and met Mounted Policeman Low, who ar rested the man. He gave his name aa Harry De Child. DIVURCE BILL IS. 'FILED BY LAWYER CAIRO THREATENED DY 6IEAT RIVER FLOOD Mlasteeipfkl Is Fifty Mllea Wide aad May Rarat Leveea Protective CK). Latent aad MllUotwlre Work Hide by Side Mresvtteataff Leveea COUNCILMEN VISIT IIUILDINd WITH FIRE CHIEF AND SEE NECESSITY OF INSTALUNO SOME MEANS OF READY EXIT THEREFROM Councllmen J. L. Fielder and Allan Stansble and Fire Chief Wakeleld paid a visit to the high school thla morning to test the Are escape facll-, Itlea there. It had been reported that tbe high school had no Are escapes. Tbe committee waa cbosen to see the conditions. There Is no doubt that tbe high school Is In great need of aome mode of escape besides the two entrancea that are used at present Should a Ore take bold at the en trance of the large auditorium and prevent escape In that direction there would be no convenient manner In which tbe students might escape. It Is not known what the committee la thinking of doing aa yet, but they aee the necessity of Installing aome kind of Are escape. OVER SCORE LOSE LIVES ON STEAMER IN TYPHOON PERAH, Australia. AprU 3. It la feared that 130 people perished la the wreck of the steamer Koomba during a typhoon. The storm has subsided. The wreckage la waahlng ashore. Relief tugs are searching for bodies. PASSAIC. N. J., April 3. Police deputlea claahed with textile workers at noon. The police charged, aaiag cluba. Twenty-two women war dabbed. United Preaa Service CAIRO, 111.. April J". Tho Missis sippi River la fifty mllea wide, threat ening to burst tho levees and flood the city. Laborers, merchants and mil- llonalrea are working aide by aide All Inn eand bag and dragging them to the levee wall. Flood damage throughout the val ley la ataggerlng. Millions of bushels of grain and all seed corn Is lost, and tho whole region Is devastated. George E. Bradnack of the Muller Musto company will Journey to hla ranch today to attend to some busi ness. PARLIAMENTARY STUDY PLANNED PRINCIPAL W. E. FAVOR'S SUG GESTION FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TO FAMILIARIZE THEMSELVES WITH TACTICS. A movement la on foot at the high school to form a parliamentary body to acquaint students with different forms of procedure In any kind of governing bodies. Many people to day are not familiar with the forma employed In handling auch affaire. Principal Faugbt la very much in favor of auch a movement, and, In fact, It waa due to hla efforts that the boya are becoming Interested. Mr. Faught auggeated that It would ha a good Idea It tbe boya could form themselves Into two factions, and that aome morning In chapel he would give them a chance to practice Just to see what they could do. A number of books have been aent for, and when these arrive the stu dents will have a chance to atudy them and put Into practice the right parliamentary form of controlling a meeting. Progress of Klamath Project Noted Despite Adverse Weather Conditions The March number of the Reclamation- Record, published monthly by the reclamation service, haa the fol lowing on the Oregon-California Klamath project, which It notea aa 70 per cent cempleted: "A small force waa engaged oa achedule 1 of tho Lost Rlvar diver- sloa channel, doing finishing work. Under schedules 3 aad 4 the eon- tractor, deterred by unfavorable working conditions, made ao .mote toward exeavatlag the remaining 5,000 cubic yards ot autertal la the bottom of the canal. A eoaalder.ibla rainfall put tho roada la had condi tion. Despite weather conditions, good progress waa made oa the largo ban being bnllt at the Lost River di version dam. It having been framed and partially enclosed at the end ot the month. On the 19th water waa discharging over the crest of Lost River dam to the depth ot 1 feet, amounting to approximately 3,190 second feet. Seven carloads of lum ber, received under the contrast awarded last month, were barged down the main canal for use la tho second unit lateral structures. Craaa arailag the Clear Lake telephone Haa waa resumed oa tho flrat, aad waa wall advanced toward completion, stringing ot tho second etrealt ot wires wan . comemneed. A email amount of operation and maiateaaaee work'waa carried on. Coaatderaaw ploalng waa under way oa the ranches." t , ' ?Cft &$