tjettitta Hcfato. HIJI'I'MKI) nv Tllk EVEN1XG NEWSPAPER! PRINT THK MEW, NOT HISTORY vniticii vnnm KW" hvok KLAMATH FA Mil. OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL S, 1911 Prfc, Fit OmII ibe "" ' iii ii . . . ,, , . , GROUND SQUIRRELS EARLY THIS SPRING REGULAR HARBINGER HIHKUNATIW IN WINTER, THEN VOW OUT TO FATTEN MIU X(1 HUMMIIK MONTHS Hilt AN OTHKIl WSU SLEEP Wnll April It traditionally the j fr i hi. arinjnd squlrrel,Xr the MulrmlMIr, In la tad about KUmallvFalts o( lh olficlat brblngerO$vf aprlng, te Uuiuillr rather liidjar&noWln !"" In himself, mi'I Uni lrlnisy bom nrMii than ever, probably diioW tho ODfD WMtlllT For week he h been en In dif ferent locallllca hereabout, especial I; on II" adjacent ranehea, and U ex pected from now on In bo plentiful to II llaw "' course mime of III joons-r squirrel, Mini depend more A took learning (ban mi worldly ex perience, stared I" llielr hole until April lit. faithful lo tradition, which tir "HI l"rn to violate later. Of conn, r inrliiK under cover until April Ut titer lrcn their chancea of Mac allied J"M Ibal much, and ran, no doubt, (rt a lower rate on llielr lf policies from Urn .underwriter!. The (round julrrrl goee Into the iroonJ for lil lung etrep usually about tlie end of August, or at what star limn during- the late summer he eaa arcumuUted enough flesh on bla frama to warrant hla hibernating for tat winter with the assurance that lie 111 be an effective (elf-heater and Mlf-frtder during the closed season. Warn be xrta dinner In' the spring, froai having lived and kept warm for Ik winter off hi own fat, he be flu lo Uh for the outer world. In Ik eprtnar the young man'a fancy llffctly turn In thought of love, an la poets allecn and eel forth In their sonnets, hut the toologlata have Uoiht that with the ground aqulrrel It Is different, In the aprlng hla fancy trns oot nrreaaarlly lightly either, to thoughta of provender, figur atively, he rub hi "tummy" with the Idea that n fullne therein la a con nmmatlon greatly to be desired. So be proceed to Invade the outer world. Rometlnie he come out when E66 SYMPOSIUM AT BALDWIN CAFE mooter OK HENNERY HIM, IIK MftU'HHKIi oVKIt TABLES' OF UIVVKII TOWN HOSTELRY O.N' FRIDAY NOON The egg aympoalum which la to be taa occasion of the Friday noon lunch d the Clumber of Commerce will be MM at the llatdwln Cafe thli week, iMUad of nt (,o l.lvermore. Now 'Ml the Initltutlon baa been eetab- Uahed On ft aiirrj.aafnl tiaaU It l fc a hUntlon of the Chamber of Com- --..-, ... .uii' ncvroiary uaieD i. Olmr, to rotate the lunchea, Brit at hotel and then at another, to lend nty to tho program, and keep In "war touch with the different part city. Coming 10 cloae to Eaa J", m doca thla week'a luncheon, Mlecilon of tho egg aa tho topic "lis dleruaalon acema to be parti CJ''ly timely. Matron Cutoff Employs Hundreds of Men on Hard Upper-End Work wording to the Sprlngleld Newa Xreh 29, n copy of whljb haa bean jWad by Loula Jacob who la a wr naldont of Bprngfleld. the wob the NatWt cutdC'a upper end , Molng on InduaWiiy. Tba UUb vearuction companWhaa t contract the vicinity of OiklhUf, about " 1"' mlle love (prlngleic and 1 my rde tho contrac - um or tho noon anywherataa the eutnff. thorn I mow on tho ground, limit. lug for aoinnthlng to nut ll k-n grain nnd succulent vegetation 1 1 la a thrifty llttln follow, nml often, agaltiat the rainy dny, Mile a little grain of hla own, ImtoiiiIiik nu uncoil acloua plnnler In o doing. Kninetlmca at odd tlinea nnd pinna, but luunlly near a grain field, there will b n Itttlo rlutup of the grnlu plnnt grow ing up, mom thickly limn tho fnrmnr would plnnt It, na a rem It of wlmt the ground 1'iulrrel lm lildden In the ground. Kolnetlmea on iIIkkIiik under the aurfaro thero will lm fuutnt a leaapiMinful of grnln that Ihn lltlln fellow ha dnpoalted thorn for futuro feaata. There I a great colony of hla kind nt Hprlng Creek, nud when the fulr rela there aland up In front of their hole, for all tho world llkn picket tlna, aome time they can be mrn apread over acrea of laud. At the IUt atgn of alarm they dl'nppcar In their burrowa a quick na a Daub, bnrdly giving tlmn for hunter to kill one with a gun. There are other nrlcllca of aijulr red herrnhoiita, InrludliiK tho com mon digger a'liilrrel, two tnrlctlca of tho rhlpmiink, or atrlped itilrrel, the Prawn or plnctrc niulrret lion pe- clnl amlgnment In life aeem to lm to ahakn down plnn cone which Are much tho aame color na lilnmelf; the gray or flying aqulrrel, who aeem comparatively rare, pOMlbly became hla habit are nocturnal. Thn Inal li meaty and good to eat, berauin he Uvea largely on mil, which make hla lloli dellclotl. CITY HALL SEEMS LIKELY IN 1012 TWO IIIIkH IIK:r:tVK.t I'Oll IIOMM AM) t-O.VHIDKIlKII IIY COUMII, at mht MoiirM Mi:rm. MKKT AOAIN TOMOItltOW Two bid for Klamath Pall city hall, flro equipment and garbago plant bond were opened at the coun- II meeting lat night by City Itecord- er Thomaa. Nicholaa. The bid were In reapoiJte to thu adterlltcment which waa rcrcnnaMirlntcd, It bring Iho opinion of CrtyTUtomoy Horace M. Manning Urit the Ayr had better bo on the aafo aide, nnd nHjortlo for the prongfala than to try fe. receive them mi the atrength of theNidvcr- tlaemi One bid received from Well Itoth b Co., US U Halle alreet, Chicago, waa for the 130,000 twenty-year, 0 per cent city hall bond. On thi-o the firm offered par, accrued Intoreat and ll.&ll premium, or the aame with 11,111 premium for Btf per cent bonda. For $40,660 of bonda, 18,000 to mature In ten yeura, the Arm offered $1,911 premium for 0 per cent bond. 11,311 for GW per cent bonda and par for 0 per cnta. Certified check aggregating $2,027.60 accompanied the blda. The bid of Ulcn Co., Klrat Na tional bank, Chicago, which wna aoroo time alnce telegraphed aubject to rati- Oration by mall, beforo tho advcrtlao- ment waa printed, waa received In ro aponae to tho advertlaement. For 110,000 city hall twenty-year, o per cental 18.000 lire apparatus ton-year 6 per cente nnd $2,600 garbage aue d per cente the Arm offered par, ac- a nrxaant there are about 500 men employed on the new road between Natrou and Oak Ridge, ana suu more are to be added within a few daya. Tho Newa atatta that through tralni will be running within two yeara, aa tho "iboo-fly" method of getting around uaOnlahed grade and tun nel will be uaed In caae there are any uch. With the exception of tie, tho entire conduction of. tho road atono ana concrete, me ram being oa 10-pound tel. ciuod Intercut nud $1,277 prmiiliim. A rnrtlflH cln-i k for 12,030 nccom pnnled thn bid. I'ncb nrm wantH n trniiKcrlpt of tho riroril of prorcedlnga lending up to tin proponed bom! Inane, nnd wilt fur nlali Hid engrnvcil lilniikH for tho bomla If Ita bid In nccunlmt. Tim nniitico lommlttce, Informnlly dlacua- lug tho mutter lint oveulng, Boomed In fnor thn Will, Itotti & Co. pro poanla, but did nut nrrlvo nl n eon. clualon na to wblth line of thnt flrm'ii Ipropoalllona It would prulur lo acu ntd-piMi, ny Wedneiidny night tho CMiimlttco la vipectad to be able to irnko n recommendation to tliu apo dal council tiHotlug which may lend lo tliu bond IhiIiik marketed In abort urdor. What If n city ball ahould really bu built thla year? Ob, Jubilation BALL PRACTICE IN FULL SWING VKIINO.V MOTKCIIKMIACMCIt. A KLAMATH KAI.I.S I.AII, hHOW I.SO fl' WKI.I, AH CAMIIOATi: KOI' l'AT('lli:il AT It.MVCIlHITY apeclal to The Herald UNIVKII8ITY OK OltKCON, Ku gene, April t. Tho 'vnrally baaeball eiithutlakla haw turned out. and early practice I In full awing, with nlmoat all of taat yenr'a men back and the addition of aonio twenty new men Captain Jamliou predict a aucccful aeaton, and haa hopca of the cbamplonablp. '"Kather" Tom Kelly, who for two year coached thu U. of O. team, la back, looking for n position. At pri-ent, however. It looka aa though; dun to tho lack of llnnncea of the atu denta of thn unlveralty, thla will be luipoaalble. Among the candidate for poeltlon on the team aro .two Klamath Kill In boya, V. and C. Mot- achenbachor. Tbc former, who la out for catcher, I allowing up well, and will make it atrong bid for that pol- tlon. KlltKMKN'-rOMCK NAMK.II IIY C1IIK.K Klro Chlof Kdward Wakefield np pea red beforo the city council last night audandcd to Ma) or Kred T. Kuuderaon o!t of ilroincji'liom ho wished nppolinfdn0r?1jmcu to aorvo without pay 'dtiragtho coming )oar, na rnlliMM unarpa iiienn, i;narica lliimafrfrey. Icn UoyeI). A. Kcnyon. J. C. Mongold, Will OXWIIaon. Hla honor appointed the map, the ap pointment being ratified by the mu nicipal pater, and It waa ordered that nil tho men file tho cuatomary bond with. City Recorder Thomaa P. Nich olaa for the faithful performance of their duty. Will l-ay Sewer In New Mock A At council meeting laat night, A. O. l.cwla and Sidney Kvana were given n permit to lay a eewer In the nllov off Washington atrect. between Ninth and Tenth, which la to tap lot 60 and 07, In now block A. Tliu nork la to bo dono under tho auper- vlalon of .the city engineer, Don J. Zumwalt. Card of Thaaka The family of the lato Mr. Carrie Nelaon take thla mean of expressing their annreclatlon of tho klndnes shown them by loving friend In the hour of their bereavement. Mr. and Mr. J. H. Hamilton. Han Nelson. Kiirrleh Road to Come Boon At the coutdl meeting laat nlrl.t a Utter waa road from th Stepeiuj- HMitcr eRaltv Cc. atatlng that Itio uiiii!lcatton fo" a bond from .'. l. i nr- i Ibi, made . policeman to vtveow Vllllnm Measnfi had been nco'ved m.d that the r.nud would pr!iubly l.i forthcomlnit a'icrtly. WRIAMST8 TO HOLD BOCIAIi On Thursday evening at Soclalrat hall on Fourth treet, tho member .. ik. ,,.wv will hold a baaket aoclft!. nt which everybody I Invited to at- tend. The loclallat party up 10 oaie i- th nmlin haa ahown It polldy to be to have a many oclal event and pleaaant gathering to aiaunss pi oblem of tba day, aa poailblt. , PERMITS TAKEN TO BUILD IN CITY rOUM'll, ACTH KAVOUAIIIA- ON AI'I'I.ICATIONH OK TIIOHK WHO WIHII TO KltKCT NKW HTRVO TCItKH Ilulldlng permit were awarded by tho city council lost night a follew: Krank Lavenlck, addition to house on tot 9. block 1C, Nichols addition, to bo ono room, 12iM feet, with brick flue, and to cost $200. John J. Maehl, buggy abed, Silt feet on lot C, block 76, at Klamath atcnuu and Fourth atreet. W. J. Kvana, brick building 1Si94, ono atory, on lot 3, block 10, orig inal town. K. C. I.yon. addition, 8x13 feet, to be used aa bedroom, pantry and toilet, to residence on lo 4, block 1, Sblvo addition. RAINBOW TROUT lOF GIANT SIZE MK.II AND HTRKAM MAO.tZINK 1 HUM HTOItY OF CATCH OF 21 I'OUNDKIt IN ODEM9 TREKK IIY MIIH. D. I. McKAY, JR. When It come to lse In the flh line, and especially the rainbow apr- clc, tho Klamath country 1 back- for none of them. Tho fol- theVatory. fronfthe Field magajajaeproof of It J). V"Jty, Jr.. waa nfo maketwe-blg and Mr. Frank Cox, clsco, myself and huaba to go to town and but go out among tl ee If we couldn't Bo, leaving Rocky To! launch, the Mac, and ling, we started on "doing to a good six mllca awayj about 40 rods. creek chored Iho launch nbout ? Tha P Hunter Realty Co. atatlng that the creek nnd Juat turning Into the lake when we left the launch. "I wo ualng Mac'a fly rod (as he had toat hi atccl rod overboard), 100 yard No. F Sallno braided atlk line and a No. 6 Pfluger apoon with a three-hook gang. "I had only let out about 40 or 50 feet of line when I yelled, "Bach water, Mac; I bave hooked a nag." Looking over my ahoulder, ho saw the anag break water, and anawered to give blm alack and play carefully, a I bad the biggest one thla leason. "I reallted then that I Tiad a fight on my hand from the way tho reel wna humming, and, .knowing I had but n fly rod, Mac yelled at Cox (both gaff being In their boat) to bring the gaff quick. 'Nothing stirring; we are too buay, aa wo have a big one hooked nnd can't come,' waa the hall from around the point. "'Never mind,' Mae ay. 'I will get him the aame a wa did our mu- cnllongo In Wlsconaln.' "After the one rise he never broke water again, but would rush about fifty yarda and aulk In deep water, After goodncaa only know how many ruahe he made, I managed to get him cloao to tho boat, and Mao made a grab for hi gill, but missed him Then 1 thought I had lost both the flsh and rod (waa nearly all la from being nervous), but Anally ha stopped his rushing. We got him alongside of the boat again, and this time Mae waa there with a sure reach and got him' by the gills, nearly upsetttlag the boat. I wondered for a minute If Mao waa going out or the flsh coming In, but w landed htm, and, my goodness! but .1 could not realise I had won the light agalast such odd. Excitement reigned iuprem for a while until wa know ha waa af. Then we called to tka Cose aad wa laughed to ourselvea aad aald wa would have soma fun, aa they pulled to within about 10 yard, aad Mae aajit " 'Did you got a a, ftemkf atMt caaimj "OeiBMIr stfkaeBiari aikaaaW'and it!UMl our ttakkkm.. aaaHOn awn " 'Oh, a dandy. Ha will go from 12 to 14 pounds. Let' see your. "Bo Mae held up the big one, and poor Mr. Cog said: " 'Ob, Mr. McKay, mine la a mere minnow alongside of your.' And be ur wa. "As near a w could gue, It took m IB to 40 minute to bring him up so Mac could land blm. "Wo had lunch and fished and en Joyed ourselves all day, I catching ono more, a 9-pounder, and Mr. Cox two, a C-pounder and a 9 V4 -pounder. Oetttng back to Rocky Point at :I0, wo weighed the big fellow, aad ho tipped the scale In the store, In front of a good sized crowd of fishermen, at 31 pounds fl ounce. Mr. Cox' big one waa 13 pound 8 ounce. And so ended our fishing trip and our glorloua Fourth of July." IS IN SCHOOL NEED CITY BOARD MAKES TRO TO HUBVRB FOR PURPOSE OF POS SIBLY ESTABLISHING NSW SCHOOL THERE This afternoon the city school uoard, consisting of Mayor Fred T. Henderson, Captain). A. Stearns, I. iSkTountaln, ufa Captain J. Vv. SInreeniNthe UaC named being clerk of the boaraStanned a trip to Shlp plngtoa for thefugpoee or looking into the aupply of birMdlng there available for school purpose, Thar ere a score or mora of Sblpplagtoa children now attending tba Central achool la thla city whose daily trans portation to and from the achool by omnlbua Is paid for by the achool dis trict It la proposed to establish a school at Sblpplagtoa for their bene fit, poaalbly. It Is aot Uie intention to build a school, but if a building available, which will accommodate three or four grades, can be obtained, It Is possible that one will be rented, and some extra teachera hired and as signed to that location next achool term. The Central achool U heavily taxed to accommodate tho pupils now going there, and It the proposed ar rangement la decided ori It will re lieve the congestion at the Main street building as well as make It very con venient for the Shlpplngton Juveniles. CITY LIBRARIAN LIES VERY ILL MRS. EMMA TALBOT THREATEN' KD WITH PNEUMONIA, HER TEMPERATURE RRACHINQ 10S DEGREES' Mrs. Emma L. Talbot, librarian of tha Public Library, la quit 111 today, and la threatened with pneumonia. Ur. R. R. Hamilton, who fa In attend ance, aald thla afternoon that Mrs. TUlbot'a temperature, reaching 105, Indicated a serious condition. Mrs. Talbot makes her homo at 114 Walnut street, with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. aad Mr. Harry Cade. OVERTAX MOTOR, THEN SHUT DOWN Tho Sblpplagtoa box factory of the California Fruit Canaera' Association waa expected to resume operations this afternoon after flxlag taw motor. The mechanism waa overloaded, which fact waa discovered by the workmen In time to atop operations without tha fuse burning out Charchilla to Live Here Mr. and Mrs. Allen Churchill ar rived in tha city Saturday evening. and will make their home la Klamath Falls. Mr. Churchill haa accepted a naalUon for tha oresent with the Western Union Telegraph compaay. ipn coi coi Mrs. Churchill la a aleca orcaioaei M. O. WllklBS, Tha U. I. Bpreme ourt decides that Maida Lamps at Da aold at tho same price. -ckaj Lampa gives highest eHeleacy- aalaat IMt Ltak aHaeitrtsO. HPPNGON CAN CITY FIRE EQUIPMENT? EX-STEWARD NOW IN LOH ANGELES Charles A. Hoffman, who was stew ard of the White Pelican hotel when It opened, and remained there for tomo time In that capacity, Is now In Los Angslee, where be baa been con nected with the Southern Pad lie rail road sine leaving thla elty. His brother, Harry Hoffman, who had charge of the engineering depart ment of the new Ins for a time, la now assistant engineer In one of the largest clubs In San Francisco. Applies for Pollc Place At council meeting last night waa received tha application of J. W. Hil ton to serve as regular policeman for the city of Klamath Falls. The com munication was ordered to be placed on Ilia by City Recorder Thomas F. Nicholas. MORE LIGHT USED IN CITY STREETS From March 1 tba city haa used the following additional l(-candl power afreet light: Rosa aad Proa pact, Tenth aad Franklin, Tenth aad Waahlagton. These aggregate 48 candle power, which, added to what had been In use before. 4,144 candle power, makea the present lights total 4,393 candle power. The light bill for March waa $314.40, or E cents per candle power, which is the aame rat that baa bees charged the city, right along.' EAGLES FORM SOCIAL CLUB Crater Lake Aerie No. lfllfl, F. O. E.. of this city met la their hall Mon day evening for a special meeting, which waa called by the worthy presi dent for the purpose of organising a social dab. A chatrmaa aad serce tary war elected, aad pleas war per- fected to hold a series of entertala- meats. The flrst feature wHI be an old fashioned luaeh and cmoker, with a program. Aaaouacement will coma later. Tha commute will only ay at tbl time that a good time la la atore for all vialtlng brothers aad In vited friends. As bo palas will be spared to keep up tha geaeroua hospi tality that is always maintained by the Eagles. Lead Case Demamr Overrated In the case of Jackson F. Klmbill vs. K. P. Hamilton, an action In eject ment In which the right of possesion of nme farm property on Uppe- Lake Klamath la Involved, a demurrer to the tomplalnt, tiled by Attorney J. II Carnahan for tha defendant, waa overruled by Judge Henry L. Benson In circuit court yesterday. The plain tiff, through Attorney Dell V. Kuy- kendall, allege forcible entry aad detainer on tho part of the defeadant, who ts bow In possession of the prop- arty. p. K. Millar, who moved to Etna Mill. Calif.. last fall, haa returned to Klamitb. Falls, and eXDeCta t apead tha summer her. Are too Interested In KrTAMATrl COUNTTT Ud. a tT Stephen Hunter Ttmltr CcK Ttafy have some mod harnlaa. their bunks for the customary noc turnal refreshment. Therefore they adjourned. Many Candidates Fail to File on Eve of Last Day Law Permits Its Doing Tomorrow is the last day for candi dates for county and precinct offices to Ale their petitions for nomination with County Clerk Charles R. Da Lap, and up rV the time of Amplllng this report theVwere a amber of prom inent candidates wM6 had not yat completed thlsNtorAaUty, But aa a "miss la aa gocdXaa mile." so U a patltloB filed obbi rmethoar aa good aa one that kaid otrMt Irst one. and there may b a BumWhot eaadl- datea gettktg under the wire tomor row. Noaa ot tha republican candidate for shsrlff have Had. go far tha republican who have Mad aad tha oHces they waat are u follews: Surveyor, B. B. Heary; cor oner. B. R. Willis; dark, Charlea R. Da Up; Justice of panes, W. H. laaw, B. B. Ramsty; treasurer, A AFFORD QUERY OF WILKINS VETERAN COUNCILMAN MOVES PURCHASE OK SUPPLIES ASKED IIY DEPAIIT3IENT CHIEF, BUT IlIDH WILL BE ASKED With Councilman M. O. Wllkiaa, the question when It comes to the out lay of city money la: "Havo we got the money to pay for 'emf" He told the couaclt ao last night when tha question of new supplies for the tads of the volunteer Are department waa considered. "Tho question with me Is paytag for these things." be asserted. "Noth ing la too good for the lire boy, aad that ha been demonstrated by their work. If we've got the money, let' have 'em," he declared. Later ha moved that the articles recommeaded by Fire Chief Edward W. Waksleld to be purchased be bought, with Councilman Allen Stansbl seeoadlag the motion. "For a bill of that alie It I hardly a good way to buy the things," Coun cilman O. W. Whit aald. "When the city Is buying goods In aa large quan tities as that It Is my opinion that wa ahould advertise for bids, and get offerings from as large a number of houses as possible, with a view to get ting the best price possible." Councilman Whit waa also doubt ful whether the supplies could be bought legally before the lire equip ment bonda were marketed. Tha Are chief said that city warrant woald be acceptable to tha seller, aad that the goods were listed at the same price In catalogue of various Brats, with bo dlscouat treat the catalog price. -- "I'm aa exempt flremaa. I served my seven years, and I know hew It goes," declared Councilman Wllkiaa. "Delays may mean loss by Are of lives, of property, of everything that makes the town worth anything. I'd like to see the boys get what they are after If we can afford It" "I think the stuff can be bought at 50 per cent discount," waa tha ex pression of Councilman Charlea Me Qowan. Mayor Fred T. Sanderson put Councilman' motion, and It waa lost On motion of Councilman White, seconded by President Marios Hank, It was decided to adrcrtls in the Evening Herald for blda for the suppllea, which with their cost, were tabulated by Chief Wakefield aa fol lew: 18 firemen' ulta 8153.00 18 firemen hats 85.80 34 rubber respirator 48.00 34 goggles 18.00 3 smoke helmets . . .,. 3. 88 18 pair rubber boots ....'.. 71.00 4 shutoff noules 80.00 Total $478.00 The chief had It in mind to talk to tha council about the seed of two controlling noules. a service truck and the urgent character of tho sit uation regarding Are escapea on ho tels and lodging houses In tha city, but it was 10 o'clock when actios waa taken on the suppllea, and the coun cilman were anxious to climb lata A. Jay Manning; coamlasloaar, Jobs Hneeelataln. J. O. Hamakar: auoeriu- tabdent of schools, W. & Slough, Fred Peterson; constable, Will o. wusoa. 1hla leavaa the following repub lican aspirants not yet filing: Shar if, C. C, Low, Oscar L. Cartsr, B. S. urlatabv: asaeaaor. R. C. Cowley; Jus tice of the peace, B. W. Oowea, R. R. Quthrldge; conatable. John O. Behal- lock. Democrat who have filed are) As sessor, J. P. Lee; county eosimlsslea r, J. R. Dixon; superlateadeat at school. Boa P. Alexander: aharlC, Samuel L. Walker, B. SJt. Qrg fthhea: dark. L. C. Blsemor. Dem ocrat who have not iled are: Oara- nar, Karl Whlttoek: Juattea a tha peace, Charlea Graves: aharif, W.'T, Garrett: treasurer. Cwua H. SMr .;- tt , j:j . - t '- a --.- &'. ... "'t -V'- t.i t ..'tjt