4t I'- WUfllOIIAL CARJMf I AH Work eWaatal OM Pwtoira BallcHaev ' imbiii. nm w I I I r AUBlt SLOAN j Akatraate at title 10 eeuaty m1 city prafarty. 91 W treat Mr. M ckargcaer Plata er Us etrtttcatce. J b. . nrnrouu AmmyrtUi OBeec, Wktto-Maddoi Bldg PkwMi 4J4. KlemaU Falla. Ore. ARIBl'B t. WILSON HARRY D. mu CtrB Knhwi Seaveyore I MTMd I -1 uwcwLiAsmmm BAMfllirS BXTsBRM If you nil yw etuf moved I ad aw reel quick. Raareee to daJupa aad Mala cat Ramsey's racrBereatk BIS m. oii oomrooK. mi, u m MTMr ktei tJt HBLF . OMBTOCK II 1 attk B WbbbbwJ VBylvBRK . Everything in Music at ' Discriminating, Buyer GROCERIES 5hould place their next order here an i. Oir Itttt is ( Please ( i ALTA coffee Our Specialty .. 5 Vv TheMgnarch Phone lSt. , eXhaaMabi Iliaatl falls Iisfc flt.se BM99 MffVCffMatlTt SM mubuun clay a cat pianos. MM BTBINWAr, aad eta Leaekag BNaaA. Al t STmmim BAf.lft. WIN PIANO. Other saakeo at saoe i aaS HVfJIilW avaaaaaifaffjaaaa. Vaataka? , afcaVre- mm aawixaACHDraa, OLIVKR TaTPKBRUTKR AND VICTOR TAUOKO MACHINK Beeka, Stationery aaaUPtctarr Two Door Beat of la PoatoaV B. MADSRN, Proprietor SPECIAL The SpaeUU on Sate at SPINK, The Jeweler Opposite Court Hoase 323 Mala St. The apeelala on aale at Splnk'a, the JewaUr, opposite tha court housa on Mala atraat, will In teract you. Watt the Wiadows Alt up to data and tha latent In Jewelry.Wetcb.es, Dtamoadj. Etc. K t Naw Una ot BouTaatr 8poor.it received. , A nice collection f Indian Bu keU, Bead Work, lafc., for aal.. Agent Colaatbla Ptoaocrapti aad Record E.E. Thompson Geaeral Freight aid Tramaf er f I leave orfen at Koa erte t Whltawre, Faeat J3tl WOOD s SALE Delicious Canned) Fruit 7 Attar yea of asaariaaaa la tka grocery bualaeai, we aaa trutkfeUr aay wa aarar aaw or sold.caaaed fruit that equate the aatural favor eaatalail to 5. and W. Peaches Tka extreme care uaed la electlag tka flaeat CaUforala peaches, tka apeclal procati af eaaalai tka haad-peeled IraR to angar syrup, ratalaa aliUa aolMtty aad natural Saver-vef a track peaek. Van Riper Bros. PhantVffi for FISHING TACKLE We have everything you need for that flaking trip: Hook, line, rods, reel, buktta, etc. We rvnt tenia, guaa aad camplug ootfta. THE GUN STORE J. BOBAMBEftfl M V Jacofee Blk. SSSESS4 THE EVENING HERALD W. O. SMITH, Editor kad Proprietor J M. BTOWRIX, City Bdllor Pabllakad dally except Junday at 116 Tourtk Btreat Entered at tka poetoBea at Klamatk Fallf. Oragoa, for traaamlulon through tka malla at eeeoad-cleea matter. 8ubicrlptIon terma by mall to aay ad- dreea la tha Halted Btatee: Oae year IMC Oat month 10 KL.1MATH PA MA. . . ORKOON MONDAY, AP1UI, t, IBia REN DIDS FOR MUMFS PIHNFDJY OFFICERS Dark Ollvv flray Uniform Ktrom mrmlrl to Hurcvrd Prcerat Olive Drab Habllamratu Nobby llplag I'roraUctl. United Prcea 8ervlce WASHINGTON. D. C, April 1. A marlno corp tnotamorphoied la being planned by a board of United State marlno offlcera to change the winter uniforms of the sea eoldtcn. Dark olive-gray uniform are rec ommended to succeed tho urceent ollvo drab garment. The uniforms are to have nobby "pipings" of red, and aro cut along lines ot tho very Infest service fashion. Disappearance ot the familiar light blue, tlght-flttlng overcoats ot the ma rine Is also considored. It Is plan ned to substitute "forestry" cloth top coats ot color like the new uniforms. Probably, also, tho present full dress uniforms ot the marines, which aro worn only on shipboard on state occasions, will be thrown on the scrap pile, and tho present undress uniform of dark bluo blouso and light trousers used for full dress. Mosey Invested In a Home Brings Vos Real Rewards that cannot be measured alone In dollars and cent. Tbera'a Mtlsfactlon la , knowing you have a bona when possibly all other Investment fall It gives you a feeling of aecurlty and demands ihe recognition of your fallow townsmen, because by building you show your faith In the future of the community. And every community la known by Its deeds. Tou can kelp and at the same time kelp yourself. A home Investment is alwaya the most meritorious, and loss la leas likely because you are dealing toTraluea yon under atand aad wltk people you know. We have supplied the lumber for the homes of many of your friaWd who ara bow on tha road to. success, and want to talk wltk you whenever you are ready, BOB WILL COVER OREGON II SPELLJBWDIN6 SHIRT WlaroaiUii Senator Who Hreka Pre- deatlal Chair Will Htamp This State ami Make About a Doaesi Hprerhes la That Many Towaa ( United I'reia flervlca PORTLAND, April 1. Announce ment Is made today by Thoa. McCus ker, manager ot the campaign In Ore gon ot Senator Robert M. La Follette, tlmt the Wisconsin senator will cover the state thoroughly In his speech making tour, probably making at 'test a doten addresses. The senator will arrive In Oregon between April Cth nnd 10th to speak at the follow InK peints: Portland, Baker, La Grande, Pendleton, The Dalles, Sa Icin, Albany, Eugene, Roseburg (Ir.mti Pas and Ashland. The Ore gon presidential primary will be held Airll 19th. Temple theater, Matraee dally, 3:10 p. m. Evenlag, first perform aro 7: IS. continuous. .X r SarMf Iris., Liafcr Ct Plione 1341 tHh St. at S. . track HE IS THE HAN . r:--j3BavaasaaaaBBbti. a j w , ! j To locate you on a good home stead. ' To buy your warrant. Ta Mil np trmAat a vood. new home. harn. with tnTeVtatey yll fenced, electric lights ana city wato, scnooi in the am block. Will traaa. for borias, cows, etc. Price 1,I00. : V J. W. Ross & Co. FRANCHISE ANNULLED TO PRE.ENIJSUSE OF IT iy Council of Tacoma Itevokee IVr mlt ot Home Telephone Company, Whose Plant Waa Ikiught anil Dl. mantlet! by Rival nun 11 I'ri'M rie" TACOMA, Wash., April 1. The city council has Just revoked the franchise of the Home Telephone company, ahlch hat nbout nineteen years to run. Tho plant wa recently bought and dismantled by tha Sumet company for $560,000, to get rid of the competition. Tho council revoaea tho franchise to prevent the Hell company from attemptlug to operate under the Home franchise after It own franchise expire In 191G. U F0LIE1TE WILL SPEAK IR SIMEJKAUM Hustling Robert Will Hhortly Htrtke (loldea Hlate to Makr Oration, Preceileil by Oeallemaa Who la Maaagiag HU Campaign Tour United Preaa Bervtee 1.08 ANOKLK8, April 1. Waller Homer, national campaign manager for 8enator 1 rollstle, ha wired Thoa. K. Kase, Southern California manager, that U rollelle will arrive here In tho near future. Houser will reach this city early this week, to be followed by the Wisconsin candldale for a speaking lour of Southern California. Cut flowsra, 44 Mala St. Pkaaa III. Poiitical Announcements For ProM-cutlng Attorney -fL Kor District Attoratr for Klamath -a ... .. a tZ !.. ana uiso coueuiee, ursnn, uu im Republican tlckk. JOHN IRW1S, subject to the prfkjacjr nomination to be held on April'll, 1111. I hereby respectfully aaaoaaea ay- self a caadldate for tha makM nomination for nay tor Ktamatk ties, aubject to era at tbaHVlmi held on the 1st! D. V. KUTKEN Proaacatl aadr tha AMI B Of ig Attar- Lake) eeaa- ottka vot- electloa to be April, till. ILL for County Treaaarer I nvrvu uuiiuumu uijml a icauUl- date for tho nomlnatlou tat Treas urer u( Klamath Countun the Re publican ticket, subject to the will ot tho people, at urimary election to be held ou Aarlll, till. J AT MANNINO. I hereby announce myself aa a aaaal- data for th nomlaatloa for Trea urer of Klamath Coaaar' oa tka Democratic Ucket, aaWaet to tka will of tka people at irlatery elee tlon to be heldSon Aril II, till. O. H. daooettN - MCajrlia" t bcreb) announce mslt a cajrlldata tor the nomination for Aaaeetor of Klamath county on tha,f)emocratla ticket, subject to thewilt ot tke people atSke primary election to bo held on Akll I, till. 3. P. LEE. V I hereba announce myself a caadldatt for the republican nomlMtloa for County Aaaeesor, subject to the will ot the voter at the,prlmary elec tion to be held on April II, lilt. R. C. COWLEY.' y - I hereby aaaouaea myaelf a akadldata for tke Democratlo aoawatloB for Coroner, aubject to tka will of the t oters at tfravrlmarjr'electloa to be n.trf 00 AprltSlllllt. KARL WHITLOCK. V t ktraky aaaoaaea myaetf a eaadleato for tka Rspnblleaa aoatlaatlea for Coroaer. aafcjott to rfo will of tko vttora at tke prlBtary 0I00UM to be keld oVeVarlT II. till. B. R. WILLia V ror Hrnool Baaettati I hereby announce myself a'caadldata for tho nomlaatloa y for Couaty School 8uprlatead.at of Klaautk county on Ihe Repiblleaa ticket, subject to the wllt'of the voter at tha prlmara aletlloa to bo held April 19. lltB.i ritKD PBTKR- 80N. A . I hereby aaaoaaea myaaff aa a eaadl- date for Ceaaty Batool Baaerla teadeat oa tho Reiablleaa Ucket, subject to tke wlljof tko Vetera at tba primary etaetma to bo koM aa April II. 1111. H, a BLOOOH. 4Vjl iOBaBaaBBaaaaBBBBBBBBBBBm J " laBBsaBBjaB. We?J"- TWmr7rvw&rrm Jf l!AUTL!r..u. '" rEg jm Of Interest t .11 fc W xre i.taniirul her,. ,'21 ti .1... . n fajil Plarlunelies nnd rnM,.JT f 1 l.li you Htrlnga, llrld, J ' Harp and mher Mrt, TlSr-lft I l..l-. .- iid, lo ll.su l02 :?- nt a tiara u vw n WINTGRM S" I WOOD WOOD BLOCK WOOD FROM TlfE UOX PACTntm roUR-rOOT BOttT AND UMB W(MM) CUT PRMM MVlTfaaL, HIXTBaXINCH BODV AND I.IMII WtN)ll IB a4 It-Ueh BT BLAB WOOUU S4.M A COM) nillvairaMl AVivwHsra in The nt. LBAVB OHDBRa AT O. ttTKAKHKKH OVVllK, fHlIM ...nnu MaaMaaa m aaa'asaiw m " oa oaaaoN babnbbi co., wri'tAi mt, P. C. CARLSON ti nwnuti e44) I hereby announce tnys'lf'a candi date for tko nomlaatloal for Couoly deaf oa the Dent- to tho will ol rlmary election ii. 1111. b. p. School ocn i hereby aaaouace ayaetf for tho Republlcaa ao gherlf of KlamaU couaty. aabjeaa to tho wliratthe voter at tko mary el jtlon lavba keld April . w k. nm n m - f 11. Hi. Uuorgo Ulatiop herety nounces himself as a candidate for Sheriff on the Democratic ticket, subject to tke actlon,o'f the voters at tho prlmarylcctton to be held on the 19th day a April, 1111. aaaii- D IVa.aBB.BV ' to.eaBBBBBBBBV ALBBaBaBaBK V fsaxaxaxaxv llkaBHll 1 aai UBBBBBBBBVrav "astrrr rasBBBBBB-'- easaiaato 2iiiiiJl BtoatlOB fo aBBBBBBBBBBH bb.bbwWj SWYawawjBa oa eMBBBaVM OftkePrae yaelf aaadMata aoailaatlQa for Peaaa'fet Llakvtlle it to-the wlU of the prlaufry electtoa to be II. lilt. W. H harehv auaouaea nvaaU data for tho aomlaatloa foakarIB on tko Kcpakllea tlektav aakjaet to the lll of tke votercat tko pri mary eltctiorto. be MM oa April li.nit. 0.0. Law. 1 hereby announce myself a caadldate for the nomlaatloa for Sharif of on the Republican ticket, sdbject to the wilt of tho voters at tha pri mary election- be held on April 19, 1911. B. 8. aMOJBT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho nomination for sberUf oa the Democratlo ticket, aubject to tha will ot the voters atba pri mary election to. be held on April 19. 1911. 8. L. WALKER. ForCowaty ZL I hereby announce myaetf a eavdldatc for tha aomlaatloa for Coakty Com mlssloncr o tho Dtmoeitltle ticket, subject to thCkWlll of tie voUra at tba primary electtoa, to' be bald ot April it, lfii, JAMBB R. DIXON. I hereby annource myaelf candi date for county commissioner on the Repu'. llcan ticket, ubject to the will of the people t tba pri mary election tibe bad on April 19, 1912 JOHN HAOBLBTE!N. For Constable I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination oa tha Rcpub lleaa ticket for Constable for Link vllle district, aubject to tko will of tha votera aNko primary election to be keld oaAprjf .11, lilt JOHN O. BCHALI hereby announce myavlf a caadldate for the nomlaatloa for Coastabl for Llnkrlllo District 0 tke Repub lican ticket, aubject tctbo will of the people at the primary election to bo held ow AprU M, lilt. WILL W. WIL80H. s ttlt. o myaelf a caaffdate taatlo for Jqdtlee of the Democratic ticket lie dlitrlet. auirlaet to tha 'the vetora at fne primary to be held da April II, CHAS. ORATf S. I hereby anaouaee myaelf tr saadldat for aomlaatloa oa tho Ropaklicaa ticket for Jaatlea of Ike Peace of Llakvtlle Preclact, aibject to Ike will of thavotere.tt tko primary elcctlo to kaskaM oa April II, 1111. B. W. OfWBN. I keroby aaaoaaea myaelf a aaadldatr for tke aomlaatloa for Jaatlea of tke Peace for LlakvlUo District oa tba Republlcaa ticket, aubject to the will of tho voders at tha orl mary eleetieaMo fe keld oa April lltk, 1911. .B. RAMSBT. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tho aomlaatloa forJ. uatlce of tha Peace for LlnkvllleDlstrlct, oa tho Republican tick, subject .to tho will of tho voter at the pri mary election to bobeld oa April II. 1111. R. E. OUTHRIDOB. Bar Btato Bniator I hereby aaaouaea myaelf aa a caa dldate for tho oBee of, Mat Sen ator la the Seventeen! Seaatorla' District, Ineludlag Klamath, Crook aad Lake eouatlesJoa tko Reaub- llean ticket, subjalt to tko will of the Tottraat thg primaries to be held on llth'dei of April. 1111. W. LAIR THOMPSON. Koc Btato RrpreaeaUUve I hertby announce myaelf as a caadl date far tba oflce of State Rapra aeatatlv la tha TwutyiPlrst Rep reseatatira District, Iftludlag Lake, Klamath, Crook aaal Oraat aoan tie, oa tka RopukHeaa ticket, sub ject to tRxwlll of tho votera at the primary oteetfog to ke bold aa April ii. mi. waaiBT 0. smith I karaky aaaB ayaaM aaadMata rat tka oaraaHtB Mr onity Owrk m tka Rapab4tsaf ttokat, mk JattotbwlUaftbfTtoraattko prlasary ottcttoa tk Ml AgfU tt.mt. aLA. BILLS WONT BOTHER tOU r-, IBANK II 1 TrFv m& L hi irIHi&JI BJ IbM I I ' 'vlnaTrTM FZaBBBBBBVaSBVBBaM jIIJbU.1 If you have' Ihe uvlu k.knl You'll jn listi lu eorrr ui fret about iiuw ou tntelait,! mast them Kin If roa kMl h lilll. to pr, lb fntlii ' lnilnnMtiilurA lli m.m- i. .. , ...-..,-...-... ..., M.VHVJ II J, I t)nk will cite you ll.wortitt, 1 llttla self ilenUti that cIIIm I able you to put It tbre. lui the account today. Petting ti till tomorriiw inesni a tij'i l terest lint. Flrsrust and Savings Bank SKBAMATH VAI.LK, tlHK. e e ee e fji The Worid Mo?et So Do We Moff Baggage Passenger to and from all traina and botti and Sl?e yon Qnick Serrice Household-Heavy Freigh A Specialty Blacksmith Shop In Connects Arc prepared to tara oat all kinds of fint Claaa Work. taoela ipecUl atleatlML OK. Transfer Day Phoae )71 Night none 878 Cheap Mt 'jbbbbbbbbbbbI rJBBBBBBB. SyJaBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBl llth.jaiaBjsBBBH Mf .aaaawaaniBieaaaawii fr!lialilHiBBBBBaBBnr) bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH J AA tv .. .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i k ' aj.iai t'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB?rV ' ' TIL. I bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBBT?:: J.w 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWWVI" 7 ' 'aVaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaFA OS viaaaaaajapfTn - VJBRIPK;,'.' T TWI-' 25.00 50.00. 41.00 ( -Prim the A8T ANri'JtUROPl la Illodt Maitk 1m If April Chicif Omsht . . . St. Louii.l '. Kamaa Citv :' New York.. New York When from Eurape. Correspondingly low rates Irem ell ether ptaak Tickets telegraphed' te pasetngers without Mseait Meoey Wundtd U net vaed. ? "let IUlilaw Calif oraU ItoUto Dey, April 80 For full particular! Ull er write. VV riUM OCAKA. wmd ba . aai k M.. ePteaiaBte, Csl. era avtaaBI eweflensBia -m-r - D a v sin K v m. j. eniiiai! Ageat, toilUiii. , i&