r r -' - 'X. i , ' v , ' ,"8 The Urninc Hefald. w .) J i-.il atirriiBD by tub - 'T wn. xbws mwviot jliJr -f im i KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 1, ItlB tfi WCtJ 1 VSnRO NIWITAMNM "". nan mnwii wot knit II r CANAL CASE MAY BE COMPROMISED HSPCCT WAY RIGHT MrfBMMKNT KKUINKKIWt er raw owner, and it. ,CWU.KK'.HAVKW-7Pn.K. I.MIKII ADVINKMKNT U a liokilblllty of the suit ilia tiM Htstee vs. ' IM 4 WIIHsm Albright being est lM t o u,, Inlereeieej Pnien tew Mm ru understood to have -mow Ik rlsttt of way ImI weak MtvU '' " M'""1 li ut K iraclivtl by which the -a-MarcosM b amicably aranged and ( inttM 01 a auii in cuuci ... Kit aety woutd rumpromlM wve (B ah) lb roit of litigation, but avoid a delay to the worn at bo conaldernbla anil rs- aaajm le the government especially. emV' realas-atloii aorvlce U under -aaaa to be reedy t go ahead with Uvltulronitrurtlon Identified with badlMite m aoon a the allTorenree M as idjo'l!' The latrale. partiee wno wane be eenoeat Inipectlon of Ihe land Albright and micaier raacu, about twelve mllta south ner Oltn. were Supervtalag K. C. Ilopaon, of Ihe reel UatMkt of Ihe reclamation eervlce, etNrUaas; 1'roject Knglaeer W. W. ,"al tba KUmath uuderuaiag, Iho government, aad M. and Attorney Cbarlaa r. itsrntlng tba defendant In at, it U tb contention or ue Mat tba ranch property Ut not tba government uawllllag to Ik amount that they claim (worth (about 1 15 pa ) Mr tba amount which naat ha far canal purpura, but that la a coaililrrablo proportloa of ianaahidfr of the ranch which will tMaatcd for which tha gorarn- no adoquate coMpaaaa- Jaa. M could not bo loarnad today that atcr, If any, bad txwn asada by thaw ! a nimproMlaa, but tha 'm that lh tn rnalnaara of tha leraraaiaBt aud tho Uml-ownora and ktlr attorney aro In a mood to con .Mar a proportion to liandlo tho mat Kcr oat of court maki-a It look much Vm lkh thrm It a poailblllty of a wtUlHatat Tho property In dltpute a wiatad for canal purpoaea for Iho hi Laka branch of tho Klamath tratort. la U tatantlnip, In ordar to roach m tarty a termination of tha caaa aa r. it it rauit ha anianaa ia John McCimrt. of I'ortlaai. Valtol Katfi lil.irlct Attornay for Ottaaa, U rndrarorlug to arraaga Maral Judaa WolrartM to km aa early -pcclal term of tha CaMel State- court at Medford la ealtk tkte cm. ami othera may ba of. Ilurne, lha aawmlll men of that aoc Hon. Ho alatoa that Mmtt. tiller and Kuril havo alroaily atarloil plow ing on their ranch with ihn larxo team plowing outfit tlmy rurnntly purchaaod In Han Kranclmo, It U Iho Intention of thoeo aeiitlcnnm to aver ago at laaat fifteen or twenty acroa of plowing each day on their ranch, planting tha ground mo-tly to tim othy and oata. Aa aoou aa tlmlr plow lag la completed It la morn than likely that they will recelro rontracta from tha many ranchera In that vicinity for fall plowing. Heretofore at the ranch tha plowing of tho aoll waa compara tively tuall, being done with a -luilo furrow plow with horaea, but alnce tha nirltal of a complelo ateam plow ing outfit In tho valley the uie of horaea for plowing will be done away with to a cortaln oitent. Tha anow la practically all gono, alataa Mr. McCoy, and tho meadow preaent a green appearance, ai though aprlng had arrived upon' Iho acano In full glory. White a few nro atlll feeding their rattle In tho upper nd of lha valley, many havo turned their atock nut In tho lower part. Thn auppty of hay waa more abundant thla winter than lait, which will add greatly to the aprlng market for beef rattle for Ibe ownera of horde. I'roi- pacta for a good harrett thl -eaaon la anticipated with much enthualamu throughout that part of (he country, and from preaent project their thought will romn true. COURT DECLINES DOWNTOWN SITE lowing, nnother letter waa wrltton, reiterating tho unmo thing, and r queatlng Information which would lead to tho acimlrement of n aitllable He, Hoon after, tho Henley block wn itiitReated by tho Klamath Chron icle, nnl tho court thoroupoti ngreed to connlriict a rourt liouee thereupon without delay ihould you aciulro title thoreto, ond removo tho olmtnclM. Tho rourt In Informed that Mm. Hen ley n willing to noil nt that time, and mado nn offer at n fair prlco for Ihn property concerned, Tho wrltor had n peraotint dUcunalon with Mr. Kuril, who Informed him that ho would be glad to noil hi property for n ri'MOtinlile aum; thereupon, a be foro Ntated, Iho rourt anroed to ac cept till alto and build thereon pro vided you would nriiilrc tho title thereto nnd remote tho Ankcny ditch, "Nothing a done. The court wultcd until December N, 1911, for omo arceptanco, nnd thon notified you that It would build upon tho Hot (Continued on Page 4) OLIVER SPEAKS TO HIGH SCHOOL aiAMHMl OP COMMKIICr: OFFI CIAL TAKIM II.IX'HTHATKII HI.IIUM TO IM.t'MINATK TALK O.V KI.AMATII'H AIIVANTAOKH Kecrotary Caleb T. Oliver of tho Chamber of Commerce thla morning mado a trip to thn high achool, and gave a lecturo with omo llluitrated tide. Mr. Ollrer' object In giving thl lecture to acquaint Iho atu ilenta more fully with tho wonderful natural rceourrea hereabout. The flmt picture that wai thrown m PL0WIN6 FIT AT WORK V HTOCK )K "AYWItltl JW.MCC0V mllirnnrf aui hrtlJeauth, where ho haa "Hat few daya winding upfcl lakweaU In tha Woo RWar '"T. Mr. MtCor recently eat hla "Hatva rtocU rauch to titue & XlUTY HOAKH HAYH IT WILL HK KXnCXNIVK TO J.T IJROUM) IN HIIAVF-W ll.l. Ilt'll.ll IHI--APKII THAN FIUMT KXI'KUTKn i'robably the neat thing In order In Ihn rourt houao muddtn will be ai. In 'unction an It agaln-l tho county court from building the atructurn on tho Hot Hprluga alle. for thn court haa declined the offer of block St, made omellmo alncn by Iho Klamath Pall Commercial Club. Jual when tho neit feature In the controvert will arlao cannot bo (ororaat, but It un doubtedly wilt Juat a aoon aa-tlic court atarla building on the land ten dered by the Klamath Development company, for tho member of the Commercial Club havo let It ba known that tha fight la only begun. and will ho a long and atrong one be fore the building U put up ao far away from what they maintain la the caalar of the city and Iho logical plaea (o build II. Tha county court' letter derunintt to build where the Commercial Club would llka-to havo It waa dated on Saturday laat, and roada a follew: Klamath Fall, Oregon, "March 30, 1911. "Mr. Hiram V. Murdoch, repre-entlng Klamath Fall Commercial Club: "Dear Bltr-ln reply to your lettor of January d to tlie uonoraoio County Court of Klamath county, Oregon, presented In the court by you la Daraon. accompanlod by a uoiega lion of rltlien. Iho rourt, after due consideration, haa to aay aa follow "It la pleased to signify It appro elation of your effort In offering to ath county any alio rreo or augecatod by you on March 23, 1. tha court wroto an open letter tha taipayera rotative to iho loca tion of a court houie alte, aklng for euggeetloaa aa to aome other alio than that offered by tho Klamath Develop ment company. On April 38th fol n wagLajgjM :wwamBBSsssssssam aJkaaWawaWawEagr JgggggggVE i ' amKf aa the Weed yard. vlewa of fhowlng show Icul-that the d la-alto ad. Ill lur CANCER PROVES FATAL AILMENT CIIAItLKH HILVKR8, -RXCOUNTY COMMIHHIONKII, MMH AT TIIK IILACKIIUIIX IIOHFITAIi AFTKR OI'KIIATION IIY PHYMICIANH Charlea Hllvora o! Dorrli died nt lha lllackburn sanitarium at 2: IS si, nilii) mternoon, after undergoing an operation for cancer of the uoweli. .Mr. Silver- waa brought to thu city Katurday evening by Dr. Atkln.ti t Dorria, and the opparatjon waa par- formed with tho asslstaaca of Dr. U. I.. Truax of thla city. Tho doceaaed waa .wall known throughout Klamath county aad Northern California, aad waa Bl years of ago at tbaftlma 'of hla death. Ilo had been a resident 6f Dorria for thn past flvo yoara. Prevloss to hla removal to Htsklyou county ha lived In Klamath county, owning a very valuable ploco of property on the Upper Lake at Odesea. Ha waa at ono tlmo county commissioner. Ha loaves a wire and taraa eniiorea, Laura, I Intel and Earl 8Hrers. Tho body will ba taken to Dorria tomorrow morning, and tha funeral will occur In the afternoon, the burial taking place In tho I'lcard cemetery- MUSICIANS WILL OFFER PROGRAM Mr ex- tati Aiili-Trusl Laws and Ousts ef Corporations Upheld WAMilNQTON, lAc,, April ITat Haraata court eeaeuutln-iiiiti, i thl ICtreataWUlM. K am aJlrmed tha Wft!,ft ' o" I. upheld tha iaaouri antl- tola at tba iwilM tha Staadara Oil and 1U aubslJlarles, tha Kepabllo Oil eompany and tha Waters Pierce aompany from doing bualgasa la that atatt, Tha M9.000 Itaa Imposed on each amaMy ara amrmad. on tho acre' Lumber com Ilo then the farming hint under c Ing areas btl taral purpoei were being ra road from Weed trlct Is superior more advantsgeo Mr. Oliver said thi pull aa much on will pull on tho other. A beautiful pin Rliatta next dlaplaycC dot fill llkennni of nat terpleco. In gllng n brief ou rcer of the city of Der: atatcd that thn city waa amplo of the eteady and rapid prog- re which U no remarkably maniresi In thl part of tho country. Four yenra ago, practically' Dorria bad Ha real origin, and from that tlmo for ward she, haa moved along until eno has become tho thriving little town of today. Thn Ilutto valley msinci who Us many farms, the new roads inoi aro being built throughout tno val ley, and many other similar pictures wars shown. One of the best thing Mr. Oliver had to ahow on his recent !.os Angeles trip waa the schools or this county, lie ald they made more of an Imprea slon with tho pcoplo than any other views." The fact that the peopio real' i.i that education was ono of tho ea .-.tints which should go along with tho agricultural development made them look moro favorably In thts di rection. Among other scenes of notable In terest wero thoan around Fort Klam ath. In thoso Ollvor depleted the habits and amusements ot tno inainns besides giving a brief summary of the early daya at the fort. Tno piciun-e of Wood niver, Fort Creek and beau tlfnl sconery In this neighborhood -.rn .hown to good advantage Tho beautiful Crater Uke reglon'a charms woro also thrown on tno screen. j moat gorgeous picture ot Crater Laka i.v mnnnllsht was shown, nnd tho fact that It was taken by tho lll-fatod Itu alan pholographcr, naKowaai rot of special Intorest. uoming t.nmo Mr. Ollvor showed some very good pictures of his home In this city, In which hla brood ot Whlto Leghorns .. fonttirod nromlnently. Mr. Ollvor waa kind enough to loan ki. .im. in tho achool for leetura purposes, and stated that It would add ' ..iu thn .indents' knowledge to Miie MIIN. IH)X J. ZVMWAli TO PMC HK.NT MISS JKNNIK AWLBQATR AND MIHH IXIITIRB MNHON IX ATTIUCTIVK NUMIIKM MRS. NELSON PASSED DEYONO HAD BKEM FOR feOMJC TDO. RMI DKNT OF THIS CITY WAS TRK MonirmoF tarn. i. u. wool- TO.V AND HAM NELSON At ahortly afur 7 o'clock Saturday evening occurred tho death of Mrs. Carrie NeUon at tha ago of 2 years, aa the reault of a atroka of paralysis, which occurred Friday evening. Tba deceased haa been a raaldent of thla city for soma time, and was tha moth er of Mrs. J. H. Hamilton aad Haas Nelson. Tho funeral occurred thla attar- noon from tha raaldeaoa of Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, Ror. i. s. Stubble- field of tha PreebyUrtea church con ducting tho aervdoea. , SIKNOTT aTJCRB TO Hon. N. J. Slnaott ot Tho Dallas, republican candidate for eoagreae, ar rived In tha city tut evealag for a few daya' visit, to enable htm to sot acqualated with tha TOtere of Ua couaty. Mr. Slnaott la ataU senator from Wasco and Hood River counties, and la one of tha prominent members of tha upper house. It la quite gener ally believed that tha republican bob, Inatlon for representative for con greaa thla district Ilea between Sena tor Slnnott aad Jndga Kills. Sf-aer Ceaaaauqr Gate Jadspmcwt In tha caaa ot the Seneca Company va. Baiacky, Judge Benson today gave judgment to tha plalntlS la tha earn of 141.20 and coat. Tba aaaa waa appealed from tha Juatlca court, where a non-ault had beea given. Tha plaintiff waa repreeeated 'by C. C Drower and the defendant by Merry man A Duaeaa. On Friday evening at Houston's opera houso Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt will preaent In recital Mia Jennie Apple gate, planlat, and Mlas Louise Tienson. vocalist, In a varied and attractive program of songs and Instrumental number. The offerings will be aa fellews: Sonatlne, op. 88 (Kuhlan), (Allegret leaco), Mlas Jennie Apptegate , to conaaaeto, andantlno, allegro burleaco), Miss Jennie Apptegate. (a) The Bllvcr King (Chamlnade). (b) A Winter Lullaby (doKoven), Miss Louise Denaon. (a) Erotlk (Orclg), (b) Fur Elsta (lleethoven). Mlas Jennie Apple gate. An Irish Folk Song (Foots). Mlaa Louleo Denaon. Six Varlattona on an Occasional Theme (Dcethoven). Mlas Jennie Anplegate. Doat Bong (Ware). Miss Louise Bea- -on. La Coauotte (watts for left hand) (Krogmann), Mlas Janata Apple- gato. (a) Just n-Wearln' for You (Bend) (b) Tho Otngcrbroad Man (Oay nor). Mlaa Louise Benaoa. rat BnrlntrSona- (Mendelssohn). Mlsa Jennie Applegate. My Mother Bids Mo Bind My Hair (Haydn). Miss Louise Benson. (a) Menuet (Schubert, (b) Romance (nubensteln). Mlsa Jennie Apple-gate. iMsyAiik SHORT ORDER TALK ABOUT EGGS AT COMMERCE FEED MAQDALKNA BAY MATTKR OONTIUNhM UNSETTLED trailed Preen Sarrioa TOKJO. April 1. -The aaUoriUaa deelare that Japan never coatamplat ad a settlement of the Magdalaaa Bay matter. Tha report that tbey got a conceeelon from Mexico la baaeleea. OCCULT sfOIVEsf FAItS TO FREE aCtOSED FRMJML ly AN0BLB8, April 1 Oorhaan Tafu Jr., charged with embaatlemeat of part of Ua aetata ot hla rich wife. who waa Mrs. A. R. Roa ot Fort Worth aad Chicago, atlll languishes In tha county jail having bean unable to ra'w tha raqu-'rad bonds of 2,- 000 for his release. Mora tronbla la threatening Tafta, who la the leader ef Ua Himalayan Christian coloay aaeodattc aad a atudent of occnlUem. through civU acUon broaght by hla wlfa. who seeks to compel aa accouatlag aad enjoin her husband from disposing of secur ities aba allege ha took from bar. Charlea Panel, former valet to the late Kiag Edward, who la a close friend of Tafta, laaj-guratad a cam' palgn to raise tha necessary bonda. UKU IS KACIKHM, MXKM II NYU INSURANCE AGENT PAYS MRS. REMINGTON FULL AMOUNT OF POLICY DAY AFTER HER PROP ERTY IS DESTROYED George E. Townsend, general agent of the Etna Fire Insurance company arrived here from Portland, and on Saturday evening paid tha claim of Mr. L. M. Remington, whose room' Ing house at Tenth and Main atreeta suffered a loaa by tre at 1:10 o'clock on Friday morning last. The baata of settlement waa 1850. ua run amount ot Ua policy, Ua loaa balms total. Mr. Townsend settled Ue claim tha aame evening that ha ar rived ia the city, ao that tho loaa waa paid, literally, the next day after Ue Are. The local ageata for Ue insur ance company are Chllcote S; Rice. MANY - SIDED TOPIC 0 NEXT LIVKRMORE GRILL LCROaS- BON OF CHAMBaam OF COM MERCE WILL DEAL WITH Tat" CHARACTER OF "HEN FRCtT" Eggs. The oral or roaaclah bedy laid by domestic aad other MriU. tortoises, ate. It eoaatata of a yelk, usually surrounded by Ua 'waR or albumea, aad laeloeed la a beH, or strong membrane." The above U authaatle, beiag tahem '' from Ua ottce dlctloaary WeaaWa Intanutlonal aaeiaat aad beaoraMe la service, aad whoae relmaHray la seldom called lato queetlea. - Tha reason for Ua Herald nnMleh- Ing Ue above la Uat la aaaa there la a reader wno ia aaraauuar wtta ua egg, either owlag to IU alUtadkae-sa market price or through geaeral la aoraace, he mar haow aomeUlag about tha tomoaa edible which la U he tha snbject of coaversattea at Ua aest Chamber of commerce laaehaaa which la to be held Friday boob neat at Ua grill of Ua Hotel Llvermore. Of course, there are deaatttaaa at Ue word egg which ara hardly ansa eery to Ue purpose ot Uie KeawOae In particular la Uat which at vt "urge oa, iaatlgate aad lactte." Thai meaatag la a aort of matdereaa eae. after a maaaer of apeaktag. aad la aotaawhat la disfavor. Uke medleral hlea make a Mas aas aa aotse when opaasd. Nat fhe klad of load aateo which lead harshly oa Ua eardrum, hat Ue hlaa which cornea dowa wlU a dlaheartea lag bang oa the cmetttag area. Tha ass win he aoaaHerad at Ue v eetalas meetiag UaHat LINCOLN, Nek.. April 1. Dealar lag Uat Governor Judaea Hanaoa of Okie, eaadldata far Ue Damocratle aomlaaUoa for praeldeat, halted Ue democratic ticket la 1IM, aad Uat aw reoofw awe iv vmm saww .. , . , . ....... j At... . . m. . ...aia.. -- tt am m w wm p ! ' wmMmmT-fm9i.VBi-JK t "J- mmi. &. im.i.--. Wma kTK taaaarHb ,!wyT .:m.Jtt --- ' - mmfm HU K. H. Moor of Columbus. Ohio, man ager of Ua goreraor-caadtdate'e po litical lBUreats. la which ha ears: "That Harmon ia a raactloaary la unqueatloned by aay falr-mladed man. Staee l0t he haa Urowa hla Influence to the aide of the reaction arlea notably when he advocated re jection of the Initiative and referen dum la Ohio. Surely you cannot be lieve that a democratic caadldate with auch a record will prove a popular leader at thla time, when alae-tentha of the democrata are progressives." JUDGE BENSON HAS BUSY DAY volopment ot this eouitry. The school waa wy thankful toMr. Oliver for tha favor. NIOBLY MrnUhad rooma'at the Ore gon Houee, SJitb and KUmath TOMASSI BETTER, MAY RECOVER VICTIM OF FIRK FRIDAY MORN. ING GETTING ALONG FAIRLY U'KM. AND FACE MAY BR WITHOUT SCARS Dr. Merryman reporta that Oeorge Tomassl, who was Injured la Ua Fri day moratug Ore, Is gettlag aloes fairly well, and wilt probably recover. Mr. Tomaul'e lungs ware latamad from Inhaling the emefce, aad hla nose, nostrils and taoa ware hadly burned, although It la net believed the burns on the face wlH lea-re aay scars. The back' of the aaade ware burned vary deeply, aad wUl he die figured. Tba patient la at Ua Black burn sanitarium. V IIKACH VISITINa HM lORMBft HOME ' Seneca C. Beach, aUte aeaator, nresldeat of Ue prinUag trm of Maan Beach, Portland, ana oi ue Northwest Architect, a designers' periodical, la la Ue city today look' lag over the grouad where he used to make hla headquarters. Tears ago ha waa connected for a time wlU the first newspaper published la Klamath Fall. wlU which tha late J. A, Bow doln waa Identified, aad later he pur chased tha Uke County Eaamlaer at Lakevlew, which he ran tar a aumber of yeare. Tha case of MarUa BroUera -ra-J Mlckler ft Albright waa tried today before Judge Benaoa. aad Judgmeat for the return of coaalderabie per- eonal property waa rendered la favor of the plalatlta. who were repreaeat ea In court by NoUad Crane. This waa a case of replevin. Ia the case of Ola Deuy va. W. W. Mastea et el. a Judgmeat ot 9575 waa rendered In favor ot Ue plaintiff for work and labor. Tha plaintiff waa represented by Notand ft Crane In the attachment ease of M. L. Kline, a wholesale plumbing house ot Portland, va. Herman Feeenfeld, Ue plaintiff waa given a Judgmeat for 11.000, aad Ue personal property at tached will he aold by the sheriff. Nolaad ft Crane appeared for Ue plaintiff la Ula esrteat. aKheagh Cantata Ollrer C Applegate la to apeak aad ha waya nude coaetderable of a laity of historical matter. Posatblr Ue more hopeful part of jUe subject. Ue egg. will be givea the meat t tea.Uon at the luncheon. Thlaladivi dede lato a number of braacee. la- eluding the follewing: "The Preeeat Egg aad IU Cheerful and AppeUalns Character." "The Optimism Promoted by Possible Decline in the Price of Eggs." "The Great Variety of Duhea Either Wholly or In Part Conalstlag of Eggs." "The Superficial and Inter ior Symmetry of the Egg." "Easter Eggs." How to Tell Ue True Char acter of an Egg by IU Exterior Tint." Egg the Blse of HalUtonee." "The Egg of the Future." aad "How'll Yea Have 'East" PINK GROVB BASKET SOCIAL There will be a beeket aoelal at Ua Piae Grove school house Satarday evealag. April th. The alar. "Out la Ua StreeU" will he repeated by the No. It Dramatle Clab. Aamia- aloa II eeata. Tha araeeeda are to go to provide aa orgaa for Ue aeaooi. Fraak Mewralaad aad family aad A. S. Moeralaad aad family have re turned from Seathera CaUfarajal where Uay apeat Ua wtater. The U. B. Sareme Cedrt that Maada Lamps mast ba eatd at Ue same Price, Packard Laafaa atvaa hlght ll8t New Member ot Catter FaaaHr A 10-pound baby boy waa bera to Mr. aad Mrs. Heary Catter oa Satar day evealag. Both the baby ana mrs. Catter ara la ecceiieat aeaiu. CutUra are aew-comera fromChico, Calif. The happy eveat took place at Ue Hector rooming house, Dr.Wright being the attending physteiaa aad Mlaa Brandon the aarae. BOX PLANT IDLE AWAITING MOTOR BEING WHIPPED INTO alHAPB- MOTIVE POWER FOR SHIPPING TON INDUSTRY GOBS BACK ON FACTORY TEMPORARILY Owing to something golag wreaff with the motor which U aaed by tha Shlpplagtoa bos plant of Ue CaUler nU Fruit Caaaera' Aaaoclatloa the phut waa abut dowa all day today. It waa expected to get Ulaga la workhig order for tomorrow. The government haa tamp trust to aceoaat fore able to aaafe yo oaHimuaja, Uat ll-t ;ht Ue aaraUere- uced prieea Ivor Bleettrle Oa. mtutf. Fwr-amwa hlah Blvardataattrte Co. Nearly Half Million Miners Idle t Peadisg Result of Reltrti e lyjkaMf vtf . Pi tdtoliha i 9 f.r a. .. i , ; A MM AW tj-. . , Catted ltmaSerrtae -. "!tKE!13Sraaa INDUkNAPOUsJ, April . Wf . '-TrtiTaaraJai 400.M0 bHumtaeaa mlaeM are Miauae ""-. f '""-EgyrTT -. . n.u I BTiti -maaaaaa ac taa ajatraaaBBSBjaamaav uavadhraalh aahedtoTatoeaa . &' ,' --- '-i H -a :,- 1 ! V v v," rl ? rwu -i . i 5 y .' .S