" "4 1tm rannuf MKNa ani happy tlfcHea PrBBI Barrloa NBW YORK, March 10. Hinging tha "Shar Spaagled luur, 140 of the "children et the strike" raturnad to their homes In Lawrence, Maes., today. AM wara dressed la aew claUaa aad wara wall fad. Thar llttla resembled the crowd ot of HV. halt-etarved little ones that taoVtaa strlekea towa auch a abort tla TWO THOUSAND N'MIUh . mors KXPEorao TONiaar United Preaa Barries WHEELING. W. Va., March 10. Anticipating a general atrlka order. two thouaand mlaera ot Belmont County, Ohio, etruck today, aad tka rest of the miners la tka county are oipected to atrlka tonight. POCAHONTAS BANQUET Tka Peeahoataa Club tendered a baaauot to Ita maay membera and frtoaaa Wednesday evening at their plaaa at aMetlat. aad a Tery enjoy able time waa enjoyed by all. The baMuet proved to be quite a auccaae, aad tka efforts to which the ocmmlt tea had ao aaraeatly atrlraa were well repaid. Gaatee aad other means of ajaaaaaaaat were Indulged In, thus readeriag the evening' program com plate. The membera who had made each alaberntp preparations for the eajeymcat of the other, aad who are mora than plensed with the hearty approval with which their offorta were teal Jest lied In arranging slm OOtTRTADB LOSM Attorney F. H. Mills haa Just been notified by wire that the motion for a rehearing ot the Frank Courtada homestead case haa been dented by tho secretary ot the Interior. The land la question Is In township I south, range 7 east, la the vicinity of Pmlcaa Bay, and Mr. Courtade'a homestead filing had been turned down by the general land oBce. The land waa also covered by tour timber filings by Lyle Mills, Ztm. Herb and Robert Baldwin. Each ot these tlm ber filings covered forty acrea ot tho Courtada claim and 110 acrea of other land on which homestead filings hare since been allowed. The timber claim- ant will therefore be allowed to so euro forty acres each. publicity arm results A. A. Ford arrived la thla city from Kaaaaa last evening, aad to looking tho country over to aea how boat be can take advantage ot tka golden op portaaltleo wktck prevail la tkla part of tka country. Mr. Ford haa five sons, aad It la his expectatloa to locate In thla vtclalty aad give tksm a ckaace to kelp make a name for themselves. It waa tka advertlalng mater, eays Mr. Ferd, tkat ladaced klm to make a trip to tkla country, aad he than fouad thlaga Juat aa rep- reseated and evea better. Judging from auch a statement and many oth ers that are coming In every day, the secretary of tho Chamber of Com merce, C. T. Oliver, Is reaping the re wards ot his untiring efforts la trying to Induce settlers to coma hero. AT TaTR OMtmCMM FraaicuUng Attorney D. V. Kuy kenaall returned last cicalas from Hales, where ha went on legal buel neaa. While away ha spent a few daya at kle old koma In Bogeat NT WINS HOMESTEAD A deatslon haa Just been given by the general land office la the contest of the government agalast the home- stead entry oY Jay Araat, In which the decision Is J favor ot the homeatead er. Hrlranta place la sir miles t ot Klamath Falls. The government haa brought the lamp trust to account Wo are there fore able to make you reduced prices en Masda Lamps. ll-lt Llak River Rlecttrlc Co. RESOLUTIONS rpredlcted that wttata three weeks, aad possibly two, Tata will have enough delegates pledged to Insure his nomination on tka Brat ballot. Taftltea claim two hnadred aad aaveaty-four delegatea already. Five hundred aad thtrty nhM are accessary to nominate. Little Margaret Swan, the 7-year- old daughter of Superintendent aad Mrs. J. O. Swan, Is quite sick with some ear trouble. Dr. Fisher, the speclsllst. Is attending ber. Mr. C Plotta, who came here re raatly from areata Pass aad waa looktag tka country over to aee what opportaaltlea could bo taken advan tage of. haa decided to lease the dln lag room of tho Houston hotel and will rna a first class care there. He la mere tana pleased with the pros pects which are presented la thla city aad eiaaieneatly will remain here with the rest of tho pro- Wo have seme vary desirable th atreet peepMty for sale Stepbeaa Raatar RaaRy On. Swellest line ot parasols and ui brellaa that ever come to towa. Detachable handles, so you can put them In a ault case or trunk. In silks of quality and bandlea at any old price. I have them In alike of color. The "magic frame" Is a crackerjack and la the newest thing In umbrellas. Better have your old frame recov ered. I have a stock of covers at reasonable prices. This alee weather isn't going to last always. McHattan's, wrong end of town on the wrong aide ot the street, corner of Mala aad Third. I'd be pleaaad to show them to you. Come over. :SHi CLYDE E, WITTER FBOHI 1221 Before having jew Plumbing dose Fir cUm work art low prices MAW STRUT gt tm wMwJ""t'l'"-M I t$ immfLJli I jxti aaTn.ammmmmmmTJaml TJj4nW S"- am .3 flllmaaTMilaaalT JMIKaamTTfAi amai$siuJivv ,4 I lammwVfmvnmmssiOnL a r5aV-Ljafc-afc' a " - To the Worthy Matron, OBcera aad membera of Aloha Chapter No. 1, Order of the Eastern 8tar. The undersigned, your committee appointed to draft resolutions oa the death of Brother Ky Taylor, who died March 34. lilt, beg leave to submit the fotlewtag: Whereas, It haa pleased aa All Wise Providence to call from labor our esteemed aad wall beloved broth' er, Ky Taylor, therefore bo It Resolved. That la the death ot Brother Taylor, our Chapter haa lost a devoted aad loyal member, tho com munity a true aad noble man, aad each ot ua a faithful friend aad aelgh- bor, aad hla family haa sustalaed aa irreparable lose. Resolved, That Aloha Chapter No. 61, Order of tka Eaatera Star, ettsad to tka wife aad aoaa of our departed brother their loader sympathy aad condolence In thla time of their great bereavemeat Resolved. That a copy of thoaa ree- olutlona bo aeat to the bereaved fam ily, aad apread upon the recorda of this Chapter, and that our altar bo appropriately draped la mourning for period of thirty daya. Record Brother Taylor became a member ot thla Chapter by laltlatioa March SO. Ills. He waa elected Worthy Patron la 1101. Respectfully submitted, I. JAT KNAPP. CORA SANDERSON, P. L. ARM8TRONO. Services st tha various churchaa of tho clly for tomorrow will be na ret- tewn: Fieeettcrma Caarca aaaay athool at It a. m i. . Maaaa eupertutendeut. Christian Endeavor. CIO p. m., Mlaa Vara Houston, Preetdeat. Praachlag at 11 a.m. aad 7:10 p.m. by Rev. J. 8. Stubblefield. Morning aubjsct, "Peace Meiers. Evoatag Subject. "Back to tka Farm." Bible atudy hour. Wednesday even ing at 7:10. Toa are most cordially Invited to attend thoaa services. e e The Chorea of tho at Tha U. S. Spreme Court decidee that Masda Lamps mast ho sold at Ua same price. Packard Lamps gtvee highest efikleaey. For sale at ll-lt Llak River Eleettrlc Co, ThE msm CORPORATION Our omce ta aow la new location oa Mala St, opposite Temple Theater. Wo will hereafter oaamaw aa gao era! veal estate aaalaoaa, aa4 an aeV tUUaei ta ear owa extaaaiva wo wfll aaaeaa all daaaaa off wo have i At of era to ly payments. If job waa to bar a HrHtgapls Sewing Machines Typewriters Pianos Oar stock la complete. Wo oter you everything In. prices aad torma that aayoaa eaa oter. We rent for long or ahort time aad apply reat paid oa purchase price. Legal blaaka aad typewriter MULLER MUSIC COMPANY MtlM tfmt, bctwccH 7tk ad 80. You Are Not At Present A Patron of This Bank Please consider this a personal Invitation to make this your Banking Home The First National Bank Capital $100,000 IllOdowa, I0 par month. Flae modera t-room hoaao, aaa atoak from Mala St la tka Watt mad. Tate U a bargaia. Priee 11,100. 1170 dowa. INper moata. evoa- room hoasa aa Pine St. aao block from poatomas. Priee 11.700. IllOdowa, IIS per moatk. Four room house, largo lot, eaa block from Catkolle chorea. Priee 11.100. IllOdowa, 40 par moath. Fear room modera buagalow; com plete plumbing, treplaoo, newer, cement walks, largo lot. lao lawa, ate. A pretty homo oa . tka Esplaaade la Hat Springe Addition. Priee 11.710. 1100 dowa, I0 par month. Largs 4-room kouso, two largo lota, city water. Ilgkta aad sidewalk; oa tha hill, sevea kiosks from poetoMee. Priee 11.400, Wo also have aalmprovod reeldeact loU la all perta of tho dty oa vary easy terms, aad noma especially good buya for laveetmeat oa half or all cash prepoettloaa. Coma la aad aaa Dr. Haary C. Collins, rector. Morning eervlee every Sunday 11 n. m.. la Odd Fellows hall. Sunday schooltuadsy attsruain at X o'clock. Olid meeu Friday at 1:10 In aama hall, and every one Interested la Christina work not elsewhere engaged will he cordially welcomed by the president, Mrs. 1. Jay Knapp. e e e e e e fhrtetUH rnafcfc foraar Math aad Plae vtraata. . If. Fllaa, paator. Saaday aahaol at 10 a. m., 1. L. Elliott, auptriateadeat Juator C. E. at t p. m. Chriettea miaeavor at 0:10 p. Topic, "Forelga Mtaaloas." Preaahtag at It a. m. aad 7:10 P. Moralag aabject, "Tha Salt of tha Earth." Rvealag Subject. "Bach to tho Farm." traagora aad frleada are cordially lavtted to worship with as. e e e e e e Oraco aaaaaaaaat asamsaal Saaday school at 10 a. m. Dr. W. A. Looaard. auparfataadeat Servlcoa ot II a. m. aad 7:10 p. m.. Geo. H. Fooae, pastor. aaaaral cUaa at 11:10. W. D. Har ris, leader. Mea'a meeting at I p. m.. A. D. Cleveland, praatdent. Epworth League, v, Wood praaldaaf Ssscial aaaauaecmoata Moralag theme, "A Saviour la Dis guise." Evealag thoma. "Tka' Moat Attract ive pteae." Dr. Looaard speaks at tka mea's at I o'clock oa "Good Cltl- ! , -: Special maate-Mr. W. N. Foatar alaga ha the meealag aad Dorothy Maeteaalagaatatgbt. Cordial weleoma. Obliging uaers Oood atuaw. r a a r. e e e Off m at 1:10 a. at, Seeead maaa. wKb aormoa of Ua Ooaaal of tho Saaday, at 10:10 a. a. aaaay school at 1:10 a. m. All are cordially lavtted to attead. Rev. WlllUm MaMlllaa, pastor. e e e e a BapOat Chawai Sunday aehool at 10 a. m., O. R. Da Lap, auperlataadaat. Praaehmg at 11 a. m. Tha paaUa to oaramUy UvKad to attead. Services are held la tha Library aaiidiac aatll further aotlee oa Sua day moralag at 11 o'clock, aad taatl- monlal meetlags oa Wadaeaday ataa Inga at I o'clock. All art Invited to atlsad these msallnga. Also Saaday athool Sunday mora- laga ot 10 o'clock. All ealldrea are Invited to thoaa Sunday aehool Mr vices. Subject tor Sunday, maralag, "Reality." A Word VakMblo Advtoe far WHh Women Tlamash FaJas B-H-em-mB- ROUNSEVELL Corporation CHHXOTX6IIC1 MEAL amTATIIlaatraUXOB WBMAESAaVaKIAaVrraf laptvettysaMlseoatratlaadj. Ko troaMc to aaew property. Fraatavat. taatiea vlgea aH toaaartaa. A low good tioasss for reat, Uyoawaatto bayorseUttwnlBayToatoaooaa. Test ta Aaserieaa anal, rawatl Many a womaa eadarea with aoble patleaea tha dally misery of backache, paiaa about tho hips, blue, aervoua spells, hopeless of relief hoeauaa she doosa't kaow what to the matter. It la aot true that ovary pain la tha back or blpa to troablo "peculiar to tho aaa." Whoa the kidaeya got congested aad lafamed, tkoro are maay aueh aehea aad palas, aad the whole body auf era. Ton eaa tall It to klaacy troablo if tka escretloas are dark oolored, eoa Ula sodlmeat; tka paasagaa are too frequent or scanty. Tkea kelp the weakeaed kidaeya. They eaat sat wan aioae. Doaa'a Kldaay Fllto have brougkt souna aacka aad saw Ufa aad etreegtk to tnousaada of suferlag womaa. They are eadorsed right la thla local. Ity. Read thla womaa'a coavlnelng taiemeat. Mrs. F. W. Loagwlll, III Wast J street, Oranta Paaa, Ore., says: Doaa'a Kidney pills have boea used la my family with oacdleat roaulto. I kaow what Ula remedy will da la i of kldaay trouble, aad aaa Uareforo give It my hearty caderse- meat." Far sale by all dealers.' Fries II eeato. Featar-Mllbura On.. Butalo. New Tark. sole agcate far Ua Daltcd a Doaa'a aad Remember Ua take aa other. NOTICK OF SHERIFF BALE OF PKfWONAIi ritOFRRTY ln lha Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for tho County of Klam ath. Altamont Investment Company and Ooorge Noland, Plaintiffs, vs. J. 1). Carroll, R. E. Central). Frank Ward and Sophia Henley, De fendants. Under and by virtue of an order ot aale and decree ot foreclosure lsu-d out ot the ctrelut court of the county ut Klamath, Btate of Oregon, on the .0th day of March, 1011, In the abovo rnll tied suit, wherein the Altamont Investment company and Oeorge No 1 id, the above named plaintiffs ob tained n Judgment and decree agalast J. D. Carroll, R. E. Caatrell, Frank Ward aad Sophia Healer, defendaata, on tha llth day ot March, 1011, recorded In the Judgment lien book of the aald court at nags vol. I: I am commanded to sell in Klamath county, Slate of Oregon, the following described peraoaal property, to wit.: One bay, 1-year-old gelding brand ed "IX" One black, 4-year-old gelding branded "IX." One dark brown gelding brand ed "AC." One brown, 3-year-old mare brand ed "IX." One bay mare named "Dode," trended A" One black stallion niuiod "Prince, One cow and ono call. Notice l hereby given that on Mon day, the llth day of April. ISIS, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Altamoal reach, about two miles south of tho city of Klamath Falls, County of Klamath, SUte of Orsgon, I will sell tbo nbove described personal proper ty, or so much thereof aa may be deemed necessary to satisfy plaintiffs' Judgment, with Interest thereon aad costs, to the highest and bast bidder for cash. W. B. BARNES. Shorlff of Klamath County, Orsgon. NOLAND A CRANE. Attorasys for Plaintiffs. I-I0-I-I7 h Secretary Had Enjoyable Trip (Continued train Page 1) ' m hi i ii MajjaMMMM pealod to maay, eepeclshy those that wero taken by Bakowakl. who mat auch a tragic death In the Crater lake regluu. On tke whole the atudeate were very much Interested, and at- pressed themselves aa having enjoyed the Instructive talk Immensely. Many of the people who will make fie trip to Portland to attend the Klka Urand l.odge espreased themaslvea aa being desirous of coming to Klamath Falls, and It Is expected that this city will bo favored by their presence. Mr. Oliver wanla to Impress the people ot this city with the fact that the moving plcturea which were taken at Ban Francisco will be thrown oa the screen at tha opura house Wed nesday night, nnd n standing Invita tion is attended to every one to, at tend. Tha varloua movements nnd activities that took place beside the long automobile parade will be among the thlnga ahown In the pictures. Many of tha boosters of this city 111 bo sesn aa taking part In Ike acllvltlea when the kite for Oregon waa setsctsd. Oovernor West Is also a msln character oa the moving pie- mm aita. m.. JTr""MBl rt U I. einactsd luaTTfiS Will be na hanrf . .. .7 lwSleJ u."".,"""m 7i sohoot Is wlllln. "V.'.a1 slides up to tho school Jl-1?.! weak and give a hn-. ..TiT l ) trip, aad sM .ft"" Pllshsd while away. ' Temple theater, Mstiaetma. ; P. at. veataa. -- t Mil. eoallnuone no, a SPALDTJtQ Ctrl Tha government haa brought tho lamp trust ta account We are there fore able to mahe yea reduced prices oa Masda Lamps. -0t Llak River Biecttrle Co A. Da 5. LittleLiverPills This preparation was selected by the A. I). R. Committee aa the moat effective remedy for lllllosneea. Chronic Constipation, Dyspepala. Heartburn, I.om of Appetite, Torpid l.lver and flick Headache. Pleasant to take and acta In a fsw minute' Try It. WHITMAN DRUG CO. . In . . BuslntM for Your Health IMaaaa TlM Oaakul aaalgfav. The Cwh Csaeer teMtreaaa. It k erslly eareed. loeeh7alwiaf apeelaljre. haawilnjH keeps Ike players aUn xJtShZ Leaawe haa adeotad ike VlTH C.MeiaaMasl.l.lK.ii5JJ2 dU- - a . . . . mttza&Cmk- IMOaaTFaraatlMiS aASIHSTOWCI Ml kMMltfS 'Jajaim. k mvML mtt Ml uaibe imrtaetaiiraMifaiieiWaaa m ettf e tmi eafae r MHStlaealW I mates, BMaennBUaehMaaaaleaa Mk ladaa, gr Wa rfw aaa, aaai im aaaieaasMHrftaMMi ajauaa Swasaj MaMkMipkea it. 5abMMiie-w Ibwi a bva lamaaaisMiairi I i Ii w m ak w suigarl (UtTABtm. TaaeiiisiililmiwMhaWeavaB I The Best Way?. Go ToYour Doctor & ftotmubnmy from on doctor to imthwl Sdtd 0C,UWtl BtAnd by Rtaj. No OCtmCBklrylmSrJlHtNaal. icayTjiarcotain. rmmn,Qtmt dut. tkeai take ft. Stick to It. ChTjfiPKtra2foMkm ICOaHMBF Motor Cahroi The RamUtr Cnu Comtry$16Si Here 1$ a Story of Real Comfort . .H,"?. ' 2! ! .,PI " ur miuci. Grsre lul in linn, dalingulihcd in color, long end low hunt will eye. Step In and you il'l plruing to the marvel At th Immllnm settle down in the deep cuiUoni st the big eighteen inch itrering wheel ttrrtch out your ltg and know what comfort Is. Start the motor end you will Mnte in iltnt dignity tnd power. Il rum without vibration. t t Risk la CaraUee Eu clutch in Mlmt action dccclrei you (or the momeal. You wonder U the motor hi napped. Open tlie tbrotile snd sway it iprlng i niih eagemei. You ride on and on in carcleu iim and the brthcr you go the Mtiifaction of comfort growi. Thii It a car for relaiilion-for perfect rate. The wheel Iwm h 120 inchei. the whetli snd tlrci I(i4 snd the nraliht line torpedo body iwingt low between the ailei three Inchei lower than the ordinary car. i . ?. ' ' nkt ,0 ,h? ,IM,in column. It' sd luitahte. You rin utile down for mile ifirr miu Your armi are frcei your leci not cramDcd. Tfc. in the right place to ate the road ahesd. wheel Ii tun To iteer ii but to touch the wheel. Staaw WULut PJI When you hit a Hone the whetli don't turn ihsrely, Alin .nil wan. .m ..... la 1.1 .... . 'mmwt s point When you wint to turn it guidei u without of friction. There'i no whip to the whcel-i r iu.i inun ncillilliiy, You link down with pleaiurc Into 'no bind the eight Inch up holitery yet you never Mrlke bottom you nert r reel nor feel s Jolt. The rear epringi sre 2Jt incsti wide snd proportionately thla. The period of vibes tioaof theeteel is leag. The mtul ! low sctlngr deUbetau. Yea go up aad dowa with the imoom regularity of the ptadulum of a clock. It'i a car that women avut endorte. The atati aw low-yet high snough-with suSkkM leg room to choose the attitude you like. Three pertone rids wlih ample elbow room is the rear. The rear mm Is four feet wide and twenty inches deep with ihlrty-one Inches of leg reota eaough for the taHeM penoa. The leag. any arm rtH Ii upheletered to the ful length of lwsiy-ii Inchei, Then Ii room for satra.tNgne la ""' nesu aadmihe robe mil, !4tf Inchei wide, U inches of epsce for wtase. A Csptfmaaag Csr Leather pocketi on both rear doors snd the left front door are for convenience. The front floor below the cowl dsih ( not narrowed, but i wide, due to the parallel tidci of the torpedo body. Ws want you to feel the ptrtonslity ot thii car. To tea II It to appreciate in charmi. Finiihed in Kngllih Purple Lake, with black ja panned guard., nllen snd tool bos, with high, diiiinc live radUlor, it hu ladlvlduslity without tccemricliy. You will want to prove these thlngi to yourself before you buy. Call on our neareit dealer or send for catalog. s was vnaaaar iieiets - a rj -. sf 3S And 80 Horsa Pxnirar EquipORSnt rJlgt? ftteg'u'Si! U.'-- H-f l aSSKeaMfbis wim gas taaa. Sleeh aad L. M. Bradford, Klamath Falls, Oreffon f I V J .A-v.W.'ii- .j-- -i"' .$'"