Ml PRESH trptnthe Smoke House t, ion of those la sugar 20c lb. Aad Urd I'1" M l",ur,, asdeltat 45c, 75c and $140 a Pall UmKI Falls Meat Ct. Operetta! jtMl Kad and Halas Market ptMlNKit ami IMI Advantage of a Little Store A llttl hoi ineana little rent, Few In help mean little epent. Mill (pent In running itura Mean attractive prlcM Inelde the door. ' I have tho imalUit Jewelry Hero In Klamath Valla. I hire no liulp I if mull rent. Thlt eavlnr In lirnati enahloe me to tell goods on very clou margin. If you are mi lio market for anything In thn Jnwolry Iho call and aeo my price toforn buying. FRANK M. UPP, Watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver. Wllllla llulldlng (I HANDCUFF KIN jj i j ., nii:iiiti,jAviHi i:,imirri:i in KLAMATH FAM.H,. IH UMint WOOD Good Mock Wood . .93.04) I a.arh llody Wood . . .aa.oo Delivered . . Uat OreVre at Clly Haaer l-Boao ! W.E.Seahorn Where to Eat We serve tke cfcolceit oTeverythlBtf Vjra are parttealar trytkt palaci grill" r MeartkePottefflcv Jericho Club - FOR - Odd Fellows And Rebekahs - ONLY - In baeement ot I. O. O. F. Tetn. pit. Uowllng. Illlllarda, Peel, Card Kooma Heading Itoomi. Private Hilling lloom tor He btkatis only. Visiting llrothora and Blstnr alwaya weledm. PUT IN SHACKLES PLANT TROUT IN KLAMATH LAKES NOItTIIIIHN KLAMATH COUNTY VOKI'.H l CAHCAIIK IIIMKltYK aihuiht iiV'KTitti.iMi Mn.K to in: vi:m, ht(m;ki:i) mv thk ivi vnr, muuiK I'OMMI , In l OltlKlON CITY, March 30.. The J'uff hish nml gnmo commission has clvon lhl'iH. H. Mohler ii contract to plant 80,- trout fry In the lakes In tho Cae- C A Itiifte, nllnt (luerln, said lo hn kiuiMii tin tho "I King," and who cIaIiiih Hint lo earapu from liny sluickM Hint llio1 pollen mny put on tiltn, U real nt Woodland, Cnllf., n tun llydo U on hi wny thorn to- TUB rotmnlaalon hns hcon notlflcd hrliiK the iiiiiii hack lo Portland lo hy anglers of Portlnnd and other unawnr to n lummy tomplnlnt nindu part of tho atuto Hint they will plant nxnluiit him hy J. A. McOIII, llonn In 10,000 trout fry In enth or tlio Inkoa alleged lo hnvii stolen a milk can vol- In tho reserve Theso taken nm Odell, lied nt 1300, Hint In usnd In theatrical Davis and Crescent. Tho commission oililbltlons. Hyile la aald lo haw equipped lilmneK vrllli shackles from which even lloao rntiuot osrupe, and will bring the prlaoner hack In them, (luerln showed Innt fall at tho Houston opera lioiiso. IIckIcIoh remov Ing haiidcuffa and ropes, hn nightly made hta uacnpo from an Imrnenao ran after Iho rover was aerurcd with pndlocka. Ho gavn n lengthy hlatory of hla famnua ran, but now It scorns that II wna nothing morn Ihnn n large milk ran, which It la claimed wa stolen. will sen Hint all of tho lakes In tho leaerve nro well atorked with trout. HKAfi 4 EMTATB TRANSFERS The following realty tranafera. contract, dicda, mortgages, etc, re cuitly filed with tho county clerk, aro furnished by the City and County Alutract cempany: THEALTAMONTCOMPANY Win. II. Pankey to Jennie Wilson, deed, wntor right appurtenant to the '8WW NKK.SKU NWK.NU BEU. Hoc, 19-39-13. Klamath Development company to Klnmnth county, contract, f 10, all of We have soaae very dialrable 6th street property for sale Bteptame llunltr KMlty Co. Chrapeat accident Insurance Dr. Tboraaa' Rdectle Oil. Itopa the pain and neala the wound. All druggist tall It - - Get a Healthy Complexion Which would you prefer the pink and white skla of an atbteta ons glowing with health or on that ahowed lha disagreeable notches, pimples, aad' other marka resulting from Impure blood! It's merely a matter of choice, for If you wish the foraaer, take KTAh'N Hot Hatiava Hloo.1 Rawed II drives all polaoaoua Matter from tha blood, enrlchea It aad bMm It to thoroughly nourish the tissues of tha body. Stow and ttuKsUh blood la aeat emrslng rapidly through the velna fllla you witb new life aad vigor. A Clear, Healthy Hkla U law VtoiMa Reeult r A bonis will more than ooaTtam oa. -, (M BMUa. I TNDERWOOD'C mmmmtmmmmmmmm Electric tamp Bargains Id hllrll ill Uhlrrll Odock 10, Hot Bprlnga addition. Chas. K. Wordcn ct al to A. A. Bell man, deed, 110, lot 9, block 12, Flrat addition; Iota 10 to 1C Inclusive block 31; lots 3, 4, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21, 32, 23, 14, block 30, Rccond addition. Tli ok. II, O'Connor ct ux to A. O. A W T, Moore, warranty deed, flO, In tha suit of tho Altamont Invest ment company mid cdorgo Noland against J. I), Carroll, for Iho foreclox- urn of a keepers' lien for thn feeding and raring of n certain lot of llvo atock, Including hnrsra and cnltto.ilcu 3 nnd 4, Bee. 338-12 Judge llcnson yesterday gnvo tho, J, Hanks ot ux to Klamath De- plaintiffs Judgment ngnlnat J. D. Car roll for the sum of $979.52, and or- ilered the personal property upon which there was n Hen for feeding nnd keeping, foreclosed and tho iro vctopment company, quit claim deed, NV BW-4, K BWy4. Bee. 19-38-9. s Krank K. Bargent to I.oulne E. Sar gent, wnrranty deed, $10, 8M lot 1 crty aohl lo apply on tho Judgment of nni 2,0 block 12, Rwaunn Heights. tho plaintiffs. Tho salo of tho prop erty Is to be held at lha Altamont ranch, and tho sheriff will sell all of lliu properly on the ranch belonging to Mr. Carroll on Monday, April 29th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Thn plaintiffs wcro represented In this suit hy Noland A Crane, attor ney. Kannlo I.. Owena to Alma Wiede mann, waranty deed, $10, lota S, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 1C and Id, block 300, Dar row addition. Klamath Water Users' Association to Henry V. I.yttle, release ot contract on SKV; 8WW. 8W 8EU. Sec- 20; NEK NWW. NWK NE4, Sac. - 39-11. Herald Want Ads rXlK HALK TOIt BALE Dry slab wood, U-lncb, delivered to .any part of the city. Ackley Dros. Phone 4C1. 18-tf FOIt SALE Dost restaurant In Klam ath Fall. Owner haa other oual ucas, and must sell; a bargain. H A. M. Cryatal at Ilaldwln bar: 9tf KOIt IlKXT FOK BALK 100 pair $3 and (4 sam ple aboea. f 1.60. BaaaleV8boe rtore, 717 Mala atraet. T yUtMMHKsf'HQOMHk' In order to Introduce myaelf and place of business to tha Public, I am aaaklai a big raduetlon on Maida Uropa. tha Improved Tuagatea. Thuraday, Miay lid .Itlwdtf --Tkli Week n Watt It Caaa'Uaowat .. ' JO Watt II Candlepowar . . ' 26 Watt 10 Cuatepowac"' v. r.1 0 Watt II Caadlepower ..,, .'..., " 00 Watt 41 Candlepowar i " 100 Watt 10 Candlepowar J ' 11 Watt US Caadlepovar . '. " 0 Watt 110 CaMlapowar yi If you uaa Uai maw la tha time to, buy, Maida Lamps used onca, uad alway. A aomplata Uaa of FUtura, Iron Toaatara, Rte. C.B.COON . OlO.Malnit IH1 IXICT1ICA1 MAN FOR RST Housekeeping and fur-Rlshed-rooms; clly watr-electric iighu.-, in. ioib imit. i-17-tf roil ENT Sultapf 3 rooms, for light househovpUg; light and wa ter; furnished. Townaond na,ia 21-12t , . FOR "liKNT-FurnUhed rooma for gentlemen, at the Oregon House., nnnn nnnvf First class economical camp cook want employment. Nott Ify Herald office '" " - Aro ion Inicres'lfd In KI.AMAtH COUNTY? If so. seo tho Stephen Hunter Realty Co. They hafo aorat tood bargain. H1TUATIONH WAXTKO $17.00 PER MONTH S-room house with bath; on Ninth St. near Waab tngton. $18.00 per month 7-room houae, two atory, good condition; on the hill, three blocka from postofflce. $12.00 per month Small 4 -room bouse; on the bill; Ova blocka tram Main. $25.00 per month Nicely furnlabed housekeeping apartment; I large rooms and bath; olose In. $30 per month Four-room, furnlah- cd bouso, with bath. ' ' KOUN8EVELL. Office, 431 Main St. Phone III. MIBCKIAANKOUS KODAK, r IN ISI..NO Hl. elaea aau prompt results by Frank Duncan, ocr First National, bank, of leave or dfra at Utile nook store, two door west 'of postofflce. WANTED TO HIRE Hone to work on-ranch. Inquire of F. E. Ankeny, Ankeny ranch, or phone Sub. 97. , 26-t. 200.00 PER MONTH la nothing un usual for a man to make aetllag nurory atock. Eiperlsnc la tot neceasarr. There la aomo good ter ritory now open. State what tarrl tory you would like, and'wrlta at once for particular to tha Nuraery, ltb Teon building. Portland, Or. Bon. l-ll-J-lil "I Buffered habitually from conatl; patlon. Doan'a Regulcta reltoved ana strengilicncd the bowola, ao that they haro been regular ever alneo." A. B. Davis, grocer, Sulphur springs, ie. onnu-rt TO SHOW CAUSE ' 7n the County Court otith State of 7 m i.M,t. eAimlv Oregon, ior imui .-.. In tho Matter of the Katata of Cbarlea. n nmu naeeaaod. I To Maigaret Jano Doye. Alio Amll Earhart, Hiun Angeuux iish John E. Boyes, Fannla Jaat Pop, Damla Elisabeth Martla. Dora Maria Doyea, Lutla Aa i Doyes and Charlea Comba Boyea, Heir of Said Cbarl B, Boyea. Deceased. i -. ...i! ni inn. sra hereby r. SATURDAY'S OXFORD SALE On Saturday We Will Place on Sale 300 Pairs of Spring Oxfords V ,'1Mlf Ranging from $2.50 to $4.00 Going at 98c a Pair O. M. Hector's Department Store mlnlstrator ot tha eatata of aald Charlea n, Dojes, deceased, did, oa the 20th day ot February. 1911, SI a notltlon In aald court, praying for nii order of aalo ot the roil property of aald decoased, hereinafter particu larly aescnoea, ror inv purpoee iiierw In aet' ferth: ', it l. therefor, ordered that you, and another peraon. If.ay tkara ba, Interested. in the laM.aauta, appear hsfnra the aald BQuatv court aa iba $d day of Mark,t191, at 10 o'clock a. m. of that day, at in court room at said court, la K)math Fall, Klam h eountv. Orecaa. to ahow 'eavaa why an order huM not ba granted to the aald administrator to aeu aaia real property ot aald deeeaaed; and all of aald heirs within aald state, and bo published tor thirty day, auccee- atvely, Jn the Evening Herald, a dally newspaper, ot general circulation, printed and .published la Klamath Fail, Klamath county, Oregon. The" real property hereinbefore re ferred to la particularly described aa follow, to wit: Lota and T la Section IT; lot 4 and 6 In'Sectloa 10; Iota I, 9, 10 and 11, In Section II; all ot Township 40 south, range 10 aatt. W. M., and The VVa of NWH and tha Wtt at NBU..In Section I, Township 41 south, Rang 11 east. W. M.; " All ot aald lota aad tracta being tt- uate In Klamath county, Oregon, and containing 119.07 acre, mora or lea. Dated tbta 10th day at February, 1911. WM. 8. WORDBN, l-tl-lll h Oeuaty Judga. CAVTIOX NOTICE BY GUARDIAN All Deraoa ara hereby aotlted to not giro oredlt ar traaatvet aay burt- aaa of any kind ta or win jaaapi . Seed, a mam at tha af at abait year. Dated Marek 1,1911. SARAH . BEsTM. Quardlan ot tha Farmm aad Batata WESTERN TRANSFER CO. Omea Pksma Itr. lVaMeaca fttaam 4BS. BUS SBBTICB BAtKIAaB FRanOHT MBTINB AND GBXKRAI. TRANSFBK BRT WOOD FOR BAUi Joe Moor IT. XJ. Pi ttxrlolE DON I. ZVMWAUT, B.M.BUBB,VlcFre. IT a WITBROW, Sertair. lQamath County Abstract Co ABSTRACTING Swveyon aid Irrfjattta BLwera MAPts rLAN. BLUaURnras. etc. naaiatli Fll, '. i . XOU. BBS " '-- --- - laatlltd tkat BUM Oewaaln, aa ad- that a copy ot thm rar a at Hunk B. Baadm, t-l-M -r-il . ' ''- -. ' J. J a ) aX -,. f &&? - . .. L?,