bJf UsJ(s '&'. ' I j ' '! ivrriiW) RV THH efaU.. ..,.v vimw " w"w 7"VI0" KVKMIKO NaTWaWU'BM PRINT TUB KBWfl, NOT HSTORT r i U CAT a Year No. I.H KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, HATtHIDAl', MARCH SO, I9IU LI USTLING Q QETTINO Roi n lira u1 , IIKAKK, THK WKLL CRIMIAKL LAWYER, IM iRYTIIKHTtK.'KMKVM 4TK)N I.AKOKLL VAL IKKH AHOl'RKK V "iiit J the teni"T of III ilt'iiW prominent public official ueir to'lho Herald In discussing the asref Uttttr ".Of ore Mcciane, tkwH ilth gtantUsjcojiy by horse sMHaf.r'lt "I" ""' be court proae 1'ttott lest "III lo resorted In, Acting District Attorney diss. J. For- " non-committal, It U undent able that widespread ,ai0 tlilovtry hui (iron solus on, ami tint carload of animal have bosii shipped tu I olnt In California. It In also ,t. Ir of amun Krnvral kliuwMgii anintg thorn whom ken reaches with. in oniclnl circle that wholeaale ci.n. fcrloni have beou aocured, ami Hint won or uiioellr high standing In lli fount? am aerloualy Involved, n well a trader In California. Yliough Jailer John Cchallock d dared yesterday to a Herald reportir mat me prisoner, McUne. had not ronfeiud. It I well known that there la a I'eiRendoua array of evidence In the hand of the proaecutlnjr force, men, wniie it may not Involve or In rlmlnate McLane, leave little doubt the mind of tho itate' attorney CORONER'S JURY RENDERS HEROIC I iii.i.ii.vkn niiK WAH CAl'HKD IIIOM MTOVK IIKCOMMKMM I.VVKHTKiATIO.V OF II.MTrt OK MIIMll.Mi lloi'HKti AMI MOTKLH Tho coroner' Jury which lnvr.ll ated the death of the two men who io.t tnelr live In tho hurnlnjc of tho lodging hou of Mr. Itemlnctnn rally Friday morning, finished their at an Indiscriminate traffic of crlml-, ork ",u m"ilng nd hrouKht In kallty ha been going on. and that the "'" '"IIowl"K verdict; III be i gentleman went N u Wl that complaint have been met tt tittle rustling had been ala oa for twenty-four month In tklauausnd Mntvll Valley roun try; taat horse had been dolen u.u tUlawNii, but overnight, and that ttttkearthtxh were Imminent. TVi stftsdsnt, (leo. W. MeUne. at nt fteeatly arrrated from that rtkaaa a charge of horse Healing, IkaUMfu 11,000 bond, and li it W Mtlard In the county Jail In y. Rut Mated yesterday than an tf. del im mad by lb accused 13 te la (Miami tervlce of Judge Tho. (MM. Tswphoned tbla morning on aafta)toftof the cam. Judge Drake MUM ItVaa aot la tke habit or Mka)Mi arofsasloaal afalra to gay V, est k admitted that ha had tariffed by a number of ranch iMtotNMcalt the cattle "ruatllag" ImJawsMa going on In the Uagell MkfMMtry. ". hewsvsr. discovered by the IlnMlessy that Judge Drake m Ike krm fee tat Ctttlemen'a Assocls- . aM Igartd prominently omt iMNaMla breaking up what la de- ImM h (be l.tiky bunch, I.Uky tmai mm convicted and centenced ittmiM penitentiary and after Wag paroled. f the pait twentyfour i II to reported, hundred of i lave bn itolen, and though W5E0I 1 1 ratisnY REPONT Lj NfW recently laaued by the i mm nreilry Mtvlce aeveral wrrd to the timber aal Mtbe national foreaU In Ihn eM art dltruit.i m. ..i. mn nM dUtrlct, coaprlalng "ouaUlM, and tka I agio a la tea uT W Mm atoountlnr in I in nnn . mi Of Utlbtr have, h..B .rfi , tl7ful" re well under way ' laira ui n m ... . . ' ." " KCCle Lunh Mn... emlon of the people ha reached an eiatperated atage. The public official already iiuoted fttlllded hi aiarrtlon with rrferenre to rhe iotln when he ald, "If the thing la permitted to go nn tho pconle or l-angnl Valley may go bark to the primitive way of dealing with home thieve." The methoila ailitptinl liy llm rattle ruitlera have, It la pointed nut. a peculiarly admit and audaclmi pert. The country verge nn the In dlan reservation. Thla, of rnurae, I government territory. Tho alleged I crime are committed outalde of the federal Jurladlctlon, but when tho tale arm or the law la Interpoaed It I aald the "ruitlera" Immediately flee within the federal line, and thereby thwart the ahrewdrat effort of ikllled Oregon detective. The last sensational epltode In "cattlsjraatllac" In thl.'.tau e-. carrs4soms few years ago, when flhsrll William llarne aklrmlthed' throughout the United fltatea In March of a notorious rattle ruitler, who also operated In Ungell Valley, Anally, after a continent-wide chase. capturing his mat In a remote and Isolated section In Missouri. Judga Drake, who Is now again engaged by the ranchers, then prosecuted and succeeded, after a aenaatlonal trial. In I landing the prisoner In tho state pen. Itentlary. At that llm the air was surcharged with threata of raurded and all kinds of dlro punishment agalnat the men fighting to smsth the ring that was pestering the ranchers of tha county. Rut tho proaecutlng forces kept up a vigorous and defiant light, and eventually secured what at the time Beamed a complete triumph, and manifestly squelched the nefari ous trade. It I clslmed by all concerned that a replica of tbess Incident I now In vogue, but (he movement to reach the baarock of tka affair and to bring In tha horse dsatsrs from the neighbor ing atata It to be more and more thor ough and Insistent than heretofore. We, the Jury empanelled and sworn to liuiulre'lnto tho cauao of tha death of aald (leorgn Kptetaoa and Mlko I'elernon. find: That tho aald tleorgo Kotctaos and Mike retortion rame to their death In the city of Klamath Kalla, Oregon, on the morning of Mnrch 29, 1912. Dint tho Immediate cauae of their dn.ith wn from aur7orntlon and burn ing. That In our opinion the Ore waa caused by the kltrhrn atovr In aald building. training of tlm corpa of voterlnnrics, Joel Ina and stnblo'moii that tho great lion i! brooding Institution of tho Mag tit. million gathered around hla tllill.'H, Novortholitu, those who best know horsefly!, . Mils town contend tho ?nnke Hid" can boat all tho roc- cm or hoc liuther, nnd lower tin mord of r-uhator. If that bo th3 trr It will n-ttilnly bo comothlng of which Khni.vli county will have rca- 'ii to prlil.t lirclf upon. It will do moro to unrlilith nnothci1 fact, and thr.l la Hint Imiirently thla la n coun. try which fa .Mngonlnl to the health nnd development of horses and cattle. Judgo l)ro nt ono tlmo, nbout a year uro, would not concodo tha Idea of turning "Ynnkco tllr!" Into a rue. lng merchant, but hla friends havo got mm to aco tho error of hi wny In mis oircction, and the result will probably l.o that on of the greatest racing inn res In America will goon hnvo tho opportunity to demonstrate Imr prowess and the advent of a new record In the Turf calendar Is con fident ly expected. We FtraOtsita SECRETARY HAD ENJOYABLE TRIP OI.IVKIt IIKMKVKH THAT Mt'Clf (itH)U WIMi ItKHULT KltOM AT TKXDAXCK AT iJOH I.AM) HHOW "CHOCOLATE SHOP" IS OPENED TO 'THE PUBLIC C. T. Oliver la back. Such la the tiding brought by tho booster him- eir when ho alighted from the train yesterday. Mr. Oliver aaya that he hnd ono of tho most enjoyable as well a proqtablo trips since becoming sec retary of the Chamber of Commerce. Tho locturcs which were conducted at the Los Angeles land show proved to at three reasons, Italy and the no all that waa expected of them, and power wish to avoid, Within this cosst range the Ital ians have occupied all the larger cities Tripoli, Horns, Derna, Ben gasi, Tobruck, Tsgura, Zantur and Zuara and have pushed Into the In terior of Tripoli as far as Aln-Zarah. Detween this fringe of coast territory and the desert to the south the Ital ians have thrown up a Una of de fenses declared absolutely Impreg nable, by the beat military authorities of Europe. Final adjustment of the war.l t now seems certain, will come about la either one of two ways. It may be by a peaceable Intervention of the powers, or It may be by draatlc action on the part of the Italian navy against Turkish possessions nearer Turkey proper. It la generally conceded that at any time the Italian navy can make a demonstration either against Con stantinople or some other Turkish city that would force Immediate peace negotiations. This, however, for at ALL ARE LOOKING TO COAST STATES FftAXK IRA WHITK RAYS GREAT I.VTEBE8T M BKIXO MAXIFEST KD BY INVESTORS NAirr KABLY ARRIVALS Tho "Chocolate Shop" I without doubt nil the namo Implies. Misses Nlckonion nnd Rtevenson nro to bo congratulated on their now chocolato dispensing bureau, and It goes with out saying that It Is ono or tho neat est places In tho clty.l Tho entire de sign of tho furniture: and fixtures I In Mlislon stylo, giving tho cuitomer I Im S"a a! Im MAKft 1 tl ASS ..... ..miuK iii irai cieuniincai. All That the lodging house win notlforma of tho coveted 'iwecU mav he properly equipped with exits and we V"'1 " 'rge or imall'quantltlcs. and recommend that tho condition of nil " popular opinion couits for anything hotels and lodging houses similarly they nro hard to beat! The young ladles ftfi have so In- uusiriousiy entered fcMo thla line or business feci Justin' In giving the public something that" will merit the Ugliest approval. It si thtlr Intention liunteil he Investigated and that some means be taken mid somb mess use adopted to prevent similar cas ually In tho future. J. A. MADDOX. Foreman, W. KELLOOr ' " FnKI) NQKL, CIIK8TKK AVKItY, II. D. STOUT. K. W. (10WAN. Attest! KAIll. WIIITI.0CK. County Coroner. WILL TRY OUT "YANKEE GIRL" tnti afforainglhe public not only an oportunlty of securing the best can mm, out nourianing beverages as well. Tho young ladles have the best wishes of a host or friends In the suc cess or their undertaking. will act In a great measure aa an In centive In bringing settlers to this country. At Los Angeles Mr. Oliver had the pleasure of showing to good advant- ngo his different slides, and It kent him busy all the time answering ques tion and giving Information that was wanted on all sides. Each represen tative was allowed Just thirty minutes to giro a lecture and demonstrate with either slide or Illustrations the prosperity of tbo country for which ho a representative, and It waa a case of say all you can In a abort period of tlmo, wltlfno ttmeo rest. During tho land show, which waa held for seven days, there was In all about 200,000 people who visited the lectures and exhibits', and Judging irom mis tnero must have been tome Interest aroused concerning the wel fare of the Oregon country. Mr. Oil rer bad the opportunity of ahowlnsr an nu tiidet, about seventy-live In number, and giving a tittle talk with each one. The largest bouse durlac me wnoie show was last Sunday. wtin !.. .a.!. Lat.1 aoon (n n I i .f... I """" im nwa waa w.. w 'mwwH I. !! I I I IIKMKVKD THAT JUIMlrV DltAKK WILL r'l.VAI.I.Y CONHKXT TO 'ALLOW IIIH KACINO MARK TO KXTKll TRACK Threatened Willi Pneumonia W. T. Hhlve has been confined to his homo for tho past two days, and at one tlmo tho doctors believed that he was threatened with pneumonia. It Is reported that ho Is somo better to day, and Indications uro favornblo for hi early recovery. In the first place, the bombard ment of any large Turkish city would result In heavy loss to the financial Interests of practically all the Euro pean powers which have Investments throughout the Turkish empire. la the second place It would almost certainly result la a massacre of Christians In the Turkish empire by the Musselmsn tribes, and la the third place It probably would be the firebrand to start a war In the Bal kans, ending Anally la a general Eu ropean war. It therefore seems prob able that Italy will merely continue a policy of sitting still And holding tight to what she Is already certain of until such a time that It beeoi absolutely necessary for tka European powera to force a peaea settlement- Whenever that time may come It It understood thoroughly that It will be on a basis of Italy retalalas the possession aad sovereignty of Tripoli and' Cyreaalea, regardless of what ever other terms may he Imposed. HOMESEEKERS ARE ARRIVINI FROM KANSAS ARE If KLAM ATH FALLS CIMIXtA DEALS FOR HOMES Never had a better tlmo In your life than you will hnvo If you attend the fire-cent danco nt tho opera houto to night. Tlo sure and be there. k. nVeUs Lumber company, V ODsratlnv nw I..M.I... AittiB, purcbas.d the first "'H fttt, coverlnc an am of uaa -. -- .- o. kuiuT ?B ,hn headwatera of MIt fork of the John Day Rlv- "W million feet of timber S Uai DUrrhai.rf I.- Ik. I... been sold to the k irw.p'no Lumber company. luTTf,1 0I bo watershed of iUTT "T,r- A contract for 10.. UtaH. tlmbr on ' w.f. Z""1'6..00"""' -: Vtllsy nlw ,forK. ilL7-"" navs bsen raels k. Il5rsf,'e,..t,r nbout 00,000,. Iiaal -!.tLmb,r Whlt iJTt' "kick win k. EXKMKUT FARMS TO DID THE HICK SCHOOLS s kl.... tnvwmww n sr. m faclim, VOtr stumaaea' nU Im to KUm- las. SS i'""'"' h UMtUi, " t la the Blua moun- n!.r!0wUr.UB' ' XtomMZ""' uiymmtie: RALRM, March 30. To make the public schools of the state more prac tical and of greater uiefulncwi to the people, State Superintendent of Tub lie Instruction L. It. Alderman Is un dsrtaklng to establish an experiment farm In connection with one high school la every county In Oregon. Ily tblt method he expects to have the tchoolt assist In bringing every sec tion of the atate Into lit highest effi ciency of production. The Innovation la a step far beyond the old Idea of coaductlag public schools. - Such an experiment farm has al ready been established at Klamath ralla and the Prlnsvllls high school hat done some work along this line, The farmt will be under tha Inspec tion of tha Oregon Agricultural col la connection with tha work Super intends Alderman plana to have school all tha year round. High school superiatcadenta, under thla plan, will be hired (or a full year, and during tha summer months will conduct In stitute aloag agricultural lines. Tho U. S. Spreme Court decides that Maida Lamps must ho sold at tho ant. oriee, Packard Lamps glvta That Klamath Kalla will soon have on tho national turf n thoroughbred speed anlmsl Is assured, If the Indica tions now observable, or tho training tactic, being pursued with reference to "Yankee Qlrl," a full alater of "Yankee Hoy," will materialise. "Yankee fllrl" la tho property of Judge Thomaa Drake, who la conced ed lo be one or the beat Judge of. blooded speed animals on this coast "Yankeo Olrl" I being trained b, Fred Marshal and Ed McCarthy, ai they say the candlelight colt Is woi lng In trim and span shape nnd'Uujso Indlcatlona are borne out by tho ap pearance of tho neat nnd shapely maro on the street. Within fifteen days It Is said "Yan keo Olrl" will be tested for a record mllo. She ha nono of tho nervous ness of her brother, "Yankee Doy," but possesses, tho best Judges of thoroughbreds say, n calm determina tion that responds to every form of fair horsemanship. Her trainers are working her out with n sorrel filly, "Complete." It U presumed thnt tho tstt or her tneod will bo made two weeks hence, and. In that event, many enthusiasts of the "sport of kings" will await with eager Interott tha outcome of tho speculation. All the horsemen of town agreo that "Yankee Olrl" pos sesses far less of the nervous but more of tho speed power of tho "Yankee Boy." "Yankee Doy has come at low at It 40 In a running mite, but the real record, however, belongs to Salvator, tha nronertr of J. B. Haggln, of the famous Haggen ranch In California, and ttandt undisputed at 1:IBH Tho latter la a California hone, aad bad the advantage of the kiuaa LIBRARY CLOB HOLDS MEETING Tho members of tho Library CI held a business and social meetln yesterday afternoon at their clu rooms nnd transacted somo very Im' portant business which they had oi hand. Among other things that wen brought up for discussion waa the. question of the (payment of the Lib rary's part or tho oxpenso of Dr. Drako during her sojourn In this city recently. .fee tluli liTWIlng rumewkat elated tUe fstfeet eaaaettr. that bat ing naraiy room to stand. Th nin of Mr. Oliver of showing his slides to the best advanUge was that he start ed with Weed, and following the rail road, he gave descrlntlona mH tk on the various products ralssd la the I surrounding vicinity. Then coming SEVERAL WELL-TO-DO R wM u. mo ,mv uc uaauj arnvea at Klamath Falls. In this way the peo ple could learn Just what the condi tion were, and also the special ad vantages which Isy In the surround ing country. Mr. Oliver had the pleasure of talk ing to the students or the San Jose high school whlls on his way down. Tho Commercial class of the school gathered In ono room which waa spe cialty prepared ror lectures, and here wero thrown on the screen the sltdss depleting the agricultural scenes of this country. There are In all about 13S0 students In this high school. The pictures of Crater Lake-ap- "With completion of the Panama canal only a little more than a year off, there Is a rtry great laterset be ing manifested la the Padfle Coast states by Investors. The movement of new settlers Is not confined to Saa Francisco and California, but will ex pand to the whole coast. If one may Judge from the early arrivals of thla year. Saa Francis) U naturally the place where a large part of tho la- tending locators come, because It la to be the exposition city, but It la th. ciass that seeks city opportualtlss. There Is another aad more Important class of these homeeeekers who dssire to escape the more severe climatic conditions east of the Rockies farm- era who have learned somsthlag of ine great undeveloped lands of thla last West of the Padfle coast These are tke people that are needed to Klamath Basla. and with the reason. able values of farm leads here a treat many ought to be attracted thla way." -mis is the view of the present alt- uatloa with regard to prospective home seekers aa outlined by Freak Ira White to a Herald reporter today. Mr. White had bees la California be fore the booster detegatloa arrived there. Ho waa there la ceswectioa wltb come buslaess traasactloac. aad tbu afternoon stated tkat everrtklas; tended to skow that aot oaly waa Klamath Falls considered aa aBetgh bor aad adjunct of Saa Fraadcee hi the great mJestoa that to before ker. hat tkat the people tkere hope to make Klamath Falsi Jka - vtoi ttok ketweea ttio two sjMatsaMa'ssV tke West Pertlsad aad tka Bar CttrK the (Continued on Page 4) over the fact that they have been very fortunate In securing tome more fur nishings for the club rooms. These will add considerably to the renting of the hall much to the pleasure of tho members. Mr. Talbot Is In receipt of a let tor from tho former librarian of thla city, Mrs. llonlla Dreiser, who Is at present staying lu Long Deacb, Cal,, and was very much pleased to hear from her. It will be remembered by those who may happen to know bar that the wat the librarian bare for two consocutlve years and wat forced to leave for the touthern city because of her falling health. It la gratify ing to know that Mrt. Dresser It feel ing In the best of health at present aad aha says that the balmy air of the south Is adding vigor to ber frail constitution. Her husband, Mr. My ron Dresser, Is at present holding a position as foreman with tho Pacific Telegraph and Telephone Company. They both tend their regarda to their many friends to thla etty. iniHomiEY m is STUMR PH06IESS After Six Months of Fighting. With No Definite Prospects of Peace la Night Italian Navy Dolac licet Work Waking Qaase Easier HUM and calla lilies. We have them now for Eatter window decorations. Klamath Floral Co., 44 Main ttreet, paean III, If-li United Press Service ROME, March 30. Six month ago today Italy declared war against Tur key and began the occupation of Trip oli and.Cyrenacla. Today, with the war still In progress, with Italy only actually occupying the coast fringe of the occupied and annexed territories, nnd with no definite prospects of peace In sight, Italy's present and fu ture policy, at least for some time to come, may be definitely described as that of sitting still and holding tight Italian activities In the three prin cipal naval engagements, that of sink ing of tho Turkish torpedo boats by the Duke d'Abrusal off Prevesa, the sinking of seven Turkish gunboats in the Red Sea, and the recent sinking of a Turkish warship and torpedo boat at Delruth, have resulted Jn the com plete annihilation of all that portion of the Turkish fleet which remained outside the Dardanelles after tho dec laration of war. In addition tha Ital ian navy hat destroyed practically all of. tho Turkish fortifications along tbo Arabian coast, aa well'aa aloag tha coast of Tripoli and Oyreaalca. Tha fleet haa always backed tho army la both effecting a landing and la the battle which followed aear tho coast. If anybody thinks there Is not aa Influx to this city from over Rockies they ought to be convinced. If they were at the office of Frank Ira White aad Captain O. C. Applsgate thla forenoon, when a big deal waa la course of consumatlon. The parties were all Kansas people. One of them, A. A. Ford, came here from Norton county, Kansas, to Join hut sob. 8. A. Ford. Some months back P. Jt Ford came to this county aad acquired a homestead. He was immediately fol lowed by his wife aad children. A singular coincidence occurred In that the visit of the Ford family to the real estate firm of Messrs White and Applegate waa coincident with the arrival and call from D. W. Ueorge, also from Kansas, and from Atchison, the home counts, of Frank Ira White. The Fords are determined to settle here, largely, It must be assumed, through the Instrumentality of Mr. White and Captain Applegate. They have meant, are men of high char acter, tlona auxlllarlea in the upbuilding of Klam ath. The elder Fords arrlvsd last night, and are registered at the Corn- stock. M)W BREAKS WRIST Heary Low, the barber, while la a frleadly boxing 'bout last creates. fell and suffered a bad laiurr to hla hand aad wrtat. breaklag the latter. The Injured member haa been attend ed to by the doctor, but It to reported that It will be some time before he libe able to ply hla trade. George W. Sorrels to la the city to day from Keno, maklag Baal proof oa hla homestead, which, to located la sections ? aad It. la townahln 4") south, range S cut, W. M. Hla wit nesses wero R. W. Tower aad Tho. Wllaoa. both of Keno. Take a chance for a flae box of candy for ycur company at. tha five cent dance at Houston's tonight Among the prominent farmera of the Klamath Basla la the city today were O. P. King. 8. P. Short. Cbas. Adams, Henry Scmon and Ckas. Oray. SPOKME PtRTY BOYS HOW'S CJUDY KITCil F.J. Pipgrass of Spokane hat our- and will be desirable acqulsl- hMed he candy factory and store In the community and valuable JST t" V" Ho,'r CMM,r K,tc' SUE INTERFSTS UCK OF HFT MO ROOSEVELT DENVER, March 30. Houaer, on his departure for Baa Francisco today, said: "Same Interests are be hind Taft and Roosevelt Tho steel trust Is backlag the colonel's cam paign to split th progressive vote behind La Follstte. It to tho big gest political gam ever attempted in America. Roosevelt isn't a pro gressive his acta at prealdeat show it. It La Follstte doesa't wla tho nomination, ho will com back la four year or eight run." of W. E. arlmes. Tho store to located In the Wllllte building between, Fourth aad Fifth, oa Mala ttreet C. E. Pipgrass, a brother of tho purcaaa- er, and an experienced candy maker. to hero from Spokane, and has taken charge of the buslaess until the ar rival of hla brother la a few days. Everybody going to th flve-ceat daace toalght will be glad they are ellv. The feawUlbofe writer. SOCIAL AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Christian church held a Joint basket social and patriotic entsrtala- meat last evening, from which a groat deal of amusement aad enjoyment waa derived. The patriotic part of th program coasteted of aa arrange ment of the national airs suite to th performer, who acted these out oa tho rostra. The character war dlvldsd off lato hrlgadee. aid ar, each of Usee hi tura took their plat a thtagaadsaagoaftkeatli44 air. - Th best music to Klamath Valto at the. flve-eeat daaee at tho house Saturday atgkt, aa4 bcm ladV will wla a tamer be m. ,' r -JW .-. in '- A vTJ - v,-. .' ii ''tTl r VS' IMt Ltek River loettrle Co. I,