'ty aid KVKNIKG NKWRPAPHM PRINT TUB NRWS, NOT HISTORY LirtLIKI H L.HWIM ff Pric, fit cnm Xn. !, KLAMATH FALLH. OIIKUON, FRIDAY, MARCH SO, 1018 "1 "- foe ftotnina 1 gATH IN FLAMES THE FATE OF GREEKS ME FIRE DOMING HOUSE L "NK, w ,,KA ANW AXOTHWI FATAM.l IV IH W wK'.iriwi vom. umrm's HKMOSWTHATK mrr n fkuiti.vi kihk in (VVKri.TV.HTKnil Dead OIOROK KOI.IWOH COBTA. KIKK I'RTBIIONOH. Fatally Injure! AMrf Tomaul, ELKS TAKE STEPS TO In ito Ufa mill property without any llox of rocompnliae, hoatde what tomes from public, gratltudn, Flrr Chief Wakefield, when Inter viewed by Hip llcrnlil this afternoon, mlil' 'I am tmalllvM. aa for a I inn (If lerinlno. tlmt thri flro started from Hut range In thn kitchen In llm rear of thei building. I urn almost positive, them llltCIMIIATIONN was no worn 01 an inronuiary. "What I would esnoclullr like llm Herald to say U to expreaa my warm-1 est rollnsH of appreciation for tho splendid work of llm Dromon Thnyl responded to their nrgsnUatltm lie' tru( tit n i with perfect uniformity, I nil tin I j wan not a slnglu break In I Hid team work If I may o rail It from the first to tho last. Though Out fire lasted about an hour, I saw from Iho way the. boys worn working INCORPORAT E iicimj maim: to PLACK MIMIi: I.N POSITION TO hi:ci!ih: phopi:htv ion , pi:h. M.ANHNT limit: urea hnvn nlrcmly gono to tho aonato, IiicIiiiIIiik thii steel, chomlcnl ntid the Hiifiir hill. Revision of "acbt-dulo K" tho wool tariff was tho Inat lm poitnnl tariff legislation In Iho house. Underwood In not disposed to proceed further with tariff lcKlatatlon, nnd wilt prohnhly iipoan rovtalnti of tho cotton srhcdiitn. Tim iioaloftlcn niiiirotirlatlon hill will ho followed In iho bouso by tho naval appropriations and tho Panama canal hill. Juno I Mli fill In on Hnturdiiy. liro- cciiiriK tho nntlnnal republican con cntlon In Chicago, Juno 18th, nn Innilera nf linlli nnrllea In tlubdB&ias hollovo Iho adjournment pTnns will go through. Incorporation papers for Kliimath Lodge No. 1217, II. I. 0. lllks, hnvn been prepared and uro to ho tent to tho Ilrnnd I.oiIku for npprovnl, nnd uiion their return will bo filed with from the way I .o boys "" .., aecre.ary of atato. Thl. ate,, ha. that wo would not only ..v.. thei ,',,.,. ,mlrn , B building, which wm at nnn moment a maw of seething fUmns. but wo would put beyond (juration any chance of hurting the Model Variety atore un- been taken to tdaro tho lodao In a Po illloii no Hint It rnn acquire properly und trauanct audi other bualnoas aa will (Hirmlt tho Indgo to otontuall) TEACHERS GO TO HERRILJ i)i:i,i:j.Tio ok HKJii .vi err SCHOOL I.VhTltUCTOHH JO T MCIHIII.I, Tllltf At-TKHMNIN' I'OII INSTITUTE hurtlna tlio MOiiri variety aiiirn 1111-1 ., . . iiuiiihb .. - w .. ()W, i,nu, darneath. and that w. wouin not iei, . ImI. m tlij, aillnlnlnv lirminrtV lie. T. . .,. ,.,w. " -...- . . ' wna decided practically by n tinanl Injured. Wo aucceeded I am Pr mou- ,, , ,nk nwMllry ,, ratnflll to Hl boya, ,iwnr,1 .eriirln iiroimrtv for bulldlnc The fire boya who were oil the, . ..." . . . ...... WHO OWNS ROAD WEST OE RIVER.? MAVOH lir.l.llSVKH CITY HIIOUI.D (IVri CONTIIOI. OK HTIIKKT AMINO TIIK HANK OF TIIK WIMT HIDK CAVAIi Mayor Bandcraon would llko to know who owna and controla tho atrf-et on tho woat ald'o of tho river, which In nn extcnalon of Mill atreet. iTIila problem won presented to the council Wcdneaduy overling by tno mayor, who atatcd that It waa once nwnf,d liv tho cltr. but that when the reclamation aervlco conatructed their canal on tho Wrat 8ldc, tho govern- tnni offered to mako a roadway along tho canal If tho city abandoned tbo road In uae at that time. Bciavo nil riiit." aald tho mayor, "but I lon't know whether tho city owna nr nnt. If 'll don't. I belleVO W iimilit inkn .omn nctlon to get hoi of It." Tho matter waa dlacuaaod In formally, and It la probable It will b IIUI) OIIK.N'CHAI.V HKTTKIt "Dud" Obenchaln, who baa been laid uo for tho pott three montha from a aevere attack of aclatlc rhou- matlim, li convalcaclng rapidly, and will bo oblo In a ahort time to walk without tho use of hla walking cane. While Mr. Obenchaln haa not by any menna been In a dangeroua ahapo at nnr time, ho haa already had to have two opcratlona performed on hla left thigh. Hla many friend aro hoping for speedy recovery. ILK POTATOES ATI UNCHEON ilACK TO TITO KAllM" ClATHKB. IXOH BY CHAMIIEIt OK COM- MKIICK AUK HOUnCK OK ORKAT INTKIIKHT AM) PItOKIT which had tta origin at an r kMr this morning rauaed tha i of two (Irreka, born In Mace- , Trasy. and will probably In sttoiMtli of a third man, who tttvMitr the surgical cara of Dr. Tecuil, the woundad Man, IttaMroeailBg house of Mr a. iHatar HBtrsttk and Main atreaU. an Mat tealttctrd by Mr. and Mr. t ikMUmluton. There war twelve mam raglalered, at which eleven m la Ualr rooms at tbo Has nf Mr Mr. Itemlngton waa In her ri,Wt W ViweWand waa mo ! Ike ett the (line. The two men who I in eeM were burned to crlap. The ttM bm, who still aurvlvea, la grow mate? RtlUte4. Ts Mt4lag waa owned by O. V. )nsai, who ronducla furniture awt la oae of the lower rooma of Hie hlleHg The corner atore wm occu ties kr the novelty atore of J. W. OMa. Mr. Jsason rarrled II.COO In Hraaet m the entire bulldlftaT. Con- UartUe damage waa don to the fates la the stores on the 8 rat floor if Mar which ran through from drnm at tho time, Iraa than fifteen llnutea after the alarm weru Kd akeflold, chief of the department, lelth Ambrose, II. T. McKlmimuis, ick llunsaker, 7.1m llaldwln, Curtis leldrlck, Chaa, Humphreys, James lonantd. Ale Hhlve, Don Dale, J fhlpler. Will Wlllsoii, Ut Terwllll- ;er. Chaa llaldwln, (leorge llean. n llunsaker. O. Ilrenneniaii, leo. "ugnot, Orvlllo Kretich, Harry Milts. Vrnnk Hargent. Tha Rasilngton loss la approxlmat at it l,ooo. The murnlture orlgl a test 11.500. nnd waa afterward etekMBttd. Mrs. Ilemlagto loat .UMier dreeiea and valugaVa. Ti 1 Herald reporter Mr. Iteming taa attud teday: "I don't believe M1HI MUSEUM TO DISPUVIUSTQRIC 6QWNS Promt! Min-My Women Plan l MeCMrn Hie 'Tints" of llm Huclely Waaam f Kvrry Prrsldenllal Ail mlletratlHi. WAHIIIN'flTON'. II. C. March !9. A national atylo show of gowns of ev ery period of American hlalory is planned by tho National Museum. Prominent society women aro co-op erating to secure "eihlblts" dating back to Puritan days. To bavo tho "togs" of overy presi dential administration ropresetited, clothes are being donated to tbo mil renin lo form a collection similar to that In tho louvre at Paris. Mrs. Taft haa donated Hi" white aatln gown, trimmed In silver, which ah wore when her husband was In- nttrimaea. A number of offers of prop orty bavo been mndo, but It was du elled tu wnlt until thn lodgn Man locally Incorporated heforo any pur- cbnae uns mndo. Ily that tlmo It Is expected that offers will he ccurd on n larger number of sites nnd tho tni'tnhers can then take their choice. The Klks lodge of Klamath Falls Is In a very flourishing condition, both socially nnd financially, and tho mem bers aro Biiilnua to get busy In secur ing a permanent homo. Tho coming summer will bo a busy one with tho I'lks, as Hie first "Itodeo" Is to be pulled off tho tatter part of May, and n big delegation of members will at tend tho Grand Lodge In Portland In July, Completing arrangements tor both of HKie'mffalra la keening the committees hard at work. BUSINESS PROSPECTS GOOD FOR BONANZA ti.. wife of the first president Is ....r..ni..l In thn eihlblt by n dainty gown of while satin, now yellow with age. Mrs. Roosevelt lias given mo leaay: "I qont oeiievri ,,,11-Mliin m . .., Incendlarlam. I don't ; Z tew uyone who had anything Mslaat . rive of the ration came la htt Bitot from Han rranclaco. Tswt were nvo (Irceka. Thar were Xn roonera In all. but I think only mi were In tho houe. When 1 sMM the commotion and left my tasre waa s lot ot smoke, but Maw. I then called a lot of the Mb. I think a cigarette cauied tattre." Mr, lemon stated that h did not Mm that the fire atarted from th W or difKtlvo wiring. It live la a m hack of tho atore, and on the n stern ran out and aaw the amok twill out of tho rear windows. He there was no evidence of Are In treat ot the building at that time. "hi acting district attorney, Chaa. J. ItoffMB.... .1.1- .. .J.IUJ t""i una msraiBi vieen Caraaar Whltlock to Inatllute an In- SJtlntlon In A tUm. 0Im AAptalM ,"!' helng afloat that a ilnliter d- Ud to the traaadv. Coroner "Mock, after making an Invaatlga "1 decided on holding an Inqueat, U In progrcsa at th time th rsiq u no!ns to prei. hvn the blaio occurred and th turned In tha Irt dart .71 fpondod with a promttrWd t commanda the hlghaat admlra . and Is tho subject eempH: fy adulation throughout tha V today. Fifteen mlnutea attar tha the ore boya war plylag watar building, from a aeara ot wlv ot which were laaulag tamaa. ik Hn. inn in., waiiu .a ..... .K aai .. . - iy oi tae.saeei bv t -.ue uro nan, aeven atooia an 'S oxpedltloua gathering of A. I). Hnrpold of llonuniu Is In town on business. Mr. Unrpotd Is ono of the shrowdest business men In the. llonania emintry. and can forecast re-, "Primary suits as well ns tho licit one. lie claims that everything points toward a prosperous futuro for that region, wltli water assured, and with many nrimosed laud deals In prospect. One question In whirl) Mr. Harpotd Is In tensely Interested Is the proposed bridging ot Lost Itlvcr at llimantn. He claims that tho people nrt almost unanimously In fnvor of two bridges, and says that they could bo built at less enenso than could ono brldgo at Iho present crossing. Tho county court, according to Mr. Hnrpold, hna Tim teachers and faculty of tho IiIkIi and public schools of this city left this afternoon for Merrill, whero they will attend nn Institute of teach ers of tho county. Those who went fiom this city were: Krom Iho high school, M. !. Coatee. Mlsa Cornwall, Miss Tultle, Miss Applcgato, brncst IMdy and K. V. .lawley. From tho city schools, Miss Kcttln Drew, Mlsa Alice Peel, Mlsa Mary Htowort and Miss i:thel dross. Following Is tha program which will bo given this evening and tomerrow: Krldav KvenlnaT. March 20 Program Merrill School Music Merrill Orchestra Address "Kducatlonal Ideals". . . ........ W. 8. Slough Address "The School Industrial Central" J. O. Swnn iHatunlay Forenoon, beginning 90 Thoroughness In w Te Profession In Our Schools P. n. Alexnml "Arithmetic" D. W. Wright I'TeachlliK of Kndlsh" Miss llesslo II. Applcgato "Vnluo of Contests" Miss Nett It. Dre "Vnluo of Local Institutes". . ...C. D. Chorpenlni To bo Beleclod. .Hov. Louis Anderao Luncheon. Afternoon. Languago" .". Miss Oalo Welch "School Hygiene".... Fred Peterson Topic to bo 8elcctcd . ,.MIs Ella caiannn Topic to be Selected... M. D. Coates Tho School Fair" J. a. Hwan Ono of the most profitable and en tbualaatle ot tho "Back to the Farm" luncheona waa given today at the Llv ormore drill under the auspices ot formally, ana u la prooaoio ii wm ut. k... , ., r.nt.ln taken up with the reclamation aer-t'' Chamber of Commerce, CapUln vice. Tho road ns 11 now eiisia ia along tho bank of tho canal, and Is aid to ho on the right ot way of the ditch, so It Is presumed It Is owned by tho government. MUCH INTEREST IN OUTINGS HERE CAPT. IIUTKXIC BF.POIITO THAT MANY PIIOMINK.NT MKX OK POHTI.AND AM) HALKM COMING HKItti FOR VACATION C. Applegate acted aa toastmaaler md Intoraporaed hla Introducnona Ith comments and atorles that kept Iho guests In a very ploaaant humor. Potatoes. trough ahJ a to sJJtUsaV it-maflHm dmogMjM plaaflpt, Aa the result of a recent trip to Portland nnd Salem, from which he cturned yesterday. Attorney J. C. iiiinnie mvi that there Is consider- ,blo Interest aroused In our motrop- ..,vUr an. I hl tnlk nn notatoe wa ono that ahould have boen heard Jur over farmer In Klamath county, mr. Markwardt ahowed a tborougb tu practical knowledge of potato and raising, and he brougbt portant polnta not known Am local growers In regard to cultivation and irrigation C. H. Daggett spoke on "Potatoes aa the Merchant See It." Ho ad- I vised all shippers of potatoes to sten- sll tha sacks with the name Kiamatn Countr. He stated that 3,000 acrea heil been nlantad to Dotatoea this I - . ...-- iprlng, and predicted tbat fully uo irloada would bo ahlppea out 01 laroatb county this aeaaon. a. Hostel, a recent arrival from alne, gave somo very Interesting Icaa ot the way potatoes are raised SEASON OPENS FOR ATHLETICS man school htudkxth flax. MXG ton TK.VXIS OROUMM AND ATIILLTIC FIKI.D VOH HPIIIXO WORK . A meeting of tho athletic cabinet of the high school waa held at 13:45 yesterday for the purpose of deciding aa to whether or not the terrace tbat Is altuated Just below the high achool lawn should be used for an athletic field or fixed up for the teonia club, which baa Just been recently organ lied. After some discussion on the matter It waa decided that It would . bo best to use the terrace for th track team, and tbat the tennU club could have the lot which haa bees donated by O. W. Whit oa Pla street, for a tennis court. The track team la havlna: a rr ihard time In finding a place la which o train, and alnce there la no better lace than the lot below the achool or the purpose which they would aa tho cabinet reached thl decision at inco. Formerlr the bora have bee raining at the fair grounds, bat hav kbandoned this because of the bad ondltlon of the around and beside he Inconvenience which they war compelled to undergo before arriving there on account of It being necessary to hire a launch to make the trip.'. If this territory at the high achool can Ibo put in the proper shape and th ground gone over and leveiea no mat It will permit the students to uac it for athletic purposes. It will warrant the athletic board of the achool In starting work on It Immediately. The assessment for th taenia court waa nlso arlren out. and It. la expected that there will be a heat of the tsani enthualaau out to vie for racouet honors. The ground which win a used for the Durnoa ot mahlaut a court la directly aeros from th Whltlock undertaking parlor, amd when fixed un la th nroiwr-aseap af fords a very handy, aa well aa eon- enlent place to play at thla braaea. ot aport I,., and tho capital city by X'k..'J'Z 'nitvniitnees of Klamath county. TlreW!rrWjssasaftwWi the Herald renorter today Mr. Ilutonlc age. ears. nmmi - -- court, nccoruing io mr. iimpum. " ilniMirs she wore tu her husband ,,.,. ....Hal aurieia at tho two points Inaugural ball. suggested an appropriate for tho & ,.. ..r lira Amlrnw Jackson . . ,.,.. ... .1... .i,.nm nml nrn haa been given by President Jackson's great-grcat-grandnloce, Miss Mary Wllcog of Washington. Mrs. Alex ander Sharp, widow of captain nnarp r th. Untied States navy, who waa the nelc of Mrs. II. 8. (Irani, haa con tributed a dreee once worn ny airs. Grant. ... , Un. Julian James of Waslilllgion i enlisting support from women to con tribute historic exhlblta 10 tno cona tion, whloh will bo displayed In glass case In the National muumn. MADERO REGIME bridging of tho stream, and aro agreed that It would be nil ndylsablo move. Mm. I.vons. who lias been In this tiiv vlaltlna with Mrs. Bites, and who 1 n very intlmnto friend of hcr's, loft last evening for Florida. Tho tl. S. Spremo Court decide Hint Maid Umpa must ho sold at the snmo price. Packard Lamps glvca 29-61 Link Itlvor Klecttrle Co. I.OOA!, KWAUNA H. P. A. Will meet on ncxl Thursday, April i, and hold another of Ihoso enjoyable basket aoclals. and wo hope all H members and frlonda will maao no effort to be with us and help lo mako .hi. . aiiernaaflll OVOnt. Thoro will be a ahort literary program, after which tho oor will bo cioanm m ...J ..! all ran onloy a social due.' Remember tha place, socialist hall, on Fourth a.treet, tne out wn Mf(a Committee A fancy bog of candy to the lady ..mi., tha lucky number at tha five- cent danc at the opera home Batur- aT night. Let ua figure your lamp require meaU. Wa hav tho lateat nnd beat IS TOTTERING IIIKI.F.S AXI AMMUNITION' TO 1111 DISTIIIHlITl'.ll AMONG AMKR ICAXH IN MP-XICO CITY TO OR KKM THKMSrXVKH mr v oipeamoua gathering 01 meaU. wa nave tno r rra'laddtu v. w.4 .- k ..... .1 tmt nvlaaa. ? T volunteers. wVnaaaaUalsaU aa.lt Liah RlTar DUetrlo Co. HOUSE DFMOCRATS SET DAY F0IIUJ0..W If 1111 Agrvfiiwnt Can Ho Reached Willi tl"' Honnle, Congreoa Will floso tho lliislneH of TliU Hcsalon June mill louiMnTOK. U. C. March 30. i...n.n,r.i. nf iho hoiiso have practtc- ..11.. n,..i innn 16th for adjournment lot tho house, If an agreoment can be reached with tho senate. jv. . ..i.. noi.r Underwood saya the business of tho house can alt be con- eluded by Juno l&tn w" I"";"' and congress can nujourn - ; ate will "t a"6' Several of the larger "-" " Hon bllla and Important nu u.. United Press Bervlca wsRiiiN'fiTO.V. 1). C March 39. Oomunlcatlon with Mexico City which haa been restored confirmed tno rum ors that tho Madcro regime la totter ing. Tho state department officially announced that n thouaand rlflea and i aupply of revolvera and a million rounds of ammunition have boen ahlp- ped to Minister Wilson al vera urux. Tho ambassador plane 10 uunriuuio ti... in the Americana In Moxlco City to defend themselves. Antl-foretgn .niimnt Is growing. Tne revolu tion Is almost suro to do tnumpnani. Should Madero with tho federal troopa leave the capital, carnage, inptne nnd plunder aro expectea. it i. .n,.nrtii that the burning ot bridges has chocked tho advance of Oroico with hla force or renew. iMit "the iicodIo I met In Portland and Salem aro deeply Interested In ttm futurn of Klamath Falls. For In- 'etanco, I mot Captain William Oadsby, furniture dealer nnd capitalist, ana no made many Inquiries regarding out ing nnd hunting possibilities. As soon as his family returns from Cal ifornia ho will lay the matter 01 a rnmnlnir nnd auto trlu. making tho hoad of Wood River tho camp, and tnklng In n trip to Crater Lake flsb; in Mr. Juds-e Durnctt of tho Su premo llonch Is nlso very anxious to oBaln visit tho Lava ueus, anu nopes to mako his summer outing, tor two 01 threo weeks, on that historic ground." Lawyer Poguo ot Salem will likely li n member of tho party, and Mr. Rutenlc expects that Peter Schonchln . ,.i .. ....... Mr win consoni iu amuo um im.w. v v. Rimnfer. imrnoBB dealer ot Sa lem, haa nbout mndo' up hla mind to como hero for n hunting ana tuning trip late In tho summer, In which vnnt Ur. Rutenlc and Mr. Arthur C. LewU would Join him In n closo search for big game big enough to hit. Illinois, mndo a short address on the subject. H. K. Wlnnard of Langell Valley spoke on potato raising and fruot rrowlns-. He waa followed Dy T. . Stevens, who gave some good Ideas on tho value of the Industry. Judge Heorgo T. Baldwin told of thn early dava In Southern Oregon. He stated that at one time tho Rogue River Valley was considered only fit for potatoes, and that now It had be eomo ono of the best fruit aectlona ot tho Unltod States. He predicted that tho same condition would eventually exist In Klamath county. Jnrtrn Chas. Craves told of the Prat contract let for Klamath county pota toes tor outside shipment. It waa In iho 'SO'a that he had shipped potato to tho army headquarters at Van couver. Another luncheon will be held next Friday, when tho subject of "Eggs" will bo discussed. WM. C. HURN PURCHASES INTEREST OF HIS PARTNEt $10,000 FOR A NEW CHURCH OFB00 FOUNDER INDICTED FOR EMBEZZLIN6 a Married Millionaires. Whose Daugh ter Claims That Ha Haa Squan dered Her Mother F.ntlr Fortune. Hold In 900,000 Ilond Central Oregon to Have Added Kx- perlment Station Work $10,000 Ia Contributed, and OtncUU Have Gone to Chose Site hard work and strict attention business, which are bound to win. Tho government haa brought; the lamp trust to account. W ar there fore able to mako you reduoed pjrlcea en Maxda Lamps. IMt Link Rivar rsiecurrc va. Sfard' came la "laariiTiM- from hla Langell Valley home, and ex- pacts to return aom urn wwi Yesterday afternoon a deat waa consummated whereby Wm.-C. Hun purchased the Interest ot his partner, V. J. Williams. In the hardware bual- neia ot Hum A Williams, and here after the buslnesa will be conducted by Mr. Hum Individually. Wm. C. Hum la probably th joungest man at the head of a large and Important buslnesa in th city. He lacks several week ot being 31. On the death of bis father, tha lata Geo. R. Hum, WIU. who waa a mar boy. waa left with a heavy responsi bility on his shoulders Through th advice and assistance of hla father-in-law, F. J. Williams, he haa secured a grasp and knowledge of bualnaaa which It haa taken many older men Years to obtain. Within less than a year he has developed from a boy to . ...th.. initio anil aurious-nalnded au sinM..i.i. ...... a a ne business man. He has dovelopM tn nrMIIHSIMIIIIr. tAKl U known tnlt..l hi. father for to LOS ANGELES, March 39. Gor hnm Tufts Jr., ascetic, mystlo founder r ih church of God. was Indicted land held under $20,000 bonds on a specific chargo of embexsllng .wn hi. .r'a fortune. tviik nn. Parnell. a former vaiei m KineKdward. Tufta visited Nepal, Thibet, studying occultism. Later ha waa in Chicago, where na conaucieo a mission on pearnorn an. married Mra. A. R. Roe. a mlllionair ess. Mary Roe. her daughter, said he haa aquanderad 100,000 ot har mathw'a money. Sneclal to The Herald pnnvAi.t.19. March 29. A new i...iin fnr another Central Oregon experiment station Is being selected this week by President W. J. Kerr ot tho Oregon Agricultural college. Pro- .... ir. n. Seudder ot tne agronomy .nnrtment and Senator C. L. Hawley nf the hoard ot regents, who have gone to Jook over available sites. For the establishment ana equipment 01 tho now station a fund ot $10,000 haa been subscribed by the O. w. n. ft m.. Oregon Trunk and private Indlvldunla ot Portland and Eastern Oregon, who ar Interested In the development of the raaourcaa of that part of tha state. , '" ' I- The government baa brought th lamp trust to account. W are there fore able to make you reaucea prwoe on Maxda Lamp. . . l.t Llak Rivr siecuno uu. MVLIXR RETUBX8 HOMK e. w. Muller ot the Muller Music company of this city haa returned to his place ot buslnesa after aaying spent a very pleasant time at Baa Francisco and Los Angeles. While at Loa Angeles Mr. Muller waa present at the land show which waa In prog ress there, and saya that the Klamath country waa well represented. He alto had occasion to visit tne many placea ot interest, especially the large musical establishments, in wnicn ns la most Interested, and secured aom ery interesting aa well aa valuable Information along these lines, never theless be Is glad to back In Klamath again, and enter Into the harneaa of business, ot which be naa nia aaar 10 do. I, a O. F. MEET TOindkxt vi.tti.tn ijidee No. 1ST. I. O. O. F holds It regular meeting tostgai Visitors ar cordially latitat w 1 with the local lodge. .vi ''I . ,v -4- 5v .a .v c & - -V 3? ..r