1 WLJPteitiii efaliV HlllTMKIt lllf TMIO KVKNIXO NEWSPAPERS PRINT TUB NEWS, NOT HISTORY rjflll I'"' WICW WltHVI"IC tilth Ywr '" 'Tlt KLAMATH FALLH. OREGON, THUHHDAV, MARCH 9M, I9IB Price, Five OmM MIT LI OK NEW SEWERS lrtir. Tnrrw urrv attoii. kv to i,iti:i,-',K m THK H-iLK ' HKWK" Bflfl -T-Mtslsg l' ''" Br,l'm "' ,,, tUy tMitllUiltrrnlnn U .numbers pro- ,0,lht limit of Hi" l"inl Issue jrltchiflr for the Installing of -. n tiir attorney iUncU4lolrr ui bond ordinance). Li. i. iaw-r tmrpoai-a, leaving Urn latitat Mast. !' l" fled ,n ",,en 1 1, Strait! i"1 "'"" "v" ,,lr '"' ...ikiulUil lO IllUP. AmikNllmalo made by lh city mliwr m lu ih' niniiiini nereeasry ..M-niatethe tir f Iho rliy win git ! ikoul IT6.0M". TliU would wit propveir '"i i"" "" ""' """ Mi nd rmla III Nicholas addition ujetKun llflKtil. nml II nlo bdilrt Railroad ntiiiHKiti. second bi liriui. MIIU nml Harrow addl- Uni. Arcefillni: to Mr. Xumwall Uli would covered nil of the tin i-rel territory Dial II I believed UtftaoalJ b anr nerrully lo rover rtUUtlm. Knot Handrrauti ktnlral lo Ilia OTirlllntl there wai ntmut 100,000 ft ktl suitable, after llio city lull, tulut ill ati'l fire apparalua bnnda m told. If thcao ahoiild not It k14 tttr would !i lliU amount or HUM additional nil frlonda In Iho naaembly room of that ImiIIiIIiik on nml Krldny utter, noon, Tim tenclmra of tlm grnilca, Mlaa Myera nml Mm. Joi have. berll hliay with ln Utl iden. for aevernl ilnyii, nml the vlaltura will be Wnll repaid for their lournnv In il.nl Inalltiitlon of learning. Tim program will ronalat of declii. mntlona, recltatlnna. alnainr ami lln. loguea, nml llio "futlirn areal" arn very anxious lo show their pnrinl- nml frlonda what ttmy ran do In Dm wny of lightening tlm dreary mtthw-v of llfn wild Ih n aiinahluo of onruevt endeavor- GOONG XMUSTti MMTlM TltOflll.i: IN MEXICO 1 rtry lot-rntlnx meeting wai ' Wd If lb local oclnll.ta laat Hun aiimlng. The moat notablo fea tsi u a lecture alrpii liy ono of Ik (Mrtdta im Did rnndltlona In Ink, ihlch leil up lo the ment anhtl Ho lllimtrnlixl lila lecture tfaiimWr of plinlonraiiha, which tn ma jbIBkJ to llfn alto by the uaa tfiatlle linlfrn, r'rom hla own In SHUkaoalrilcP of Hip Mrllran Vfo- HaaitaM ttiry am InlrlllKcnt and lil, ied pvrfrttly alilo to tako rare t( tktmitttra und ratnbllah a ood MtrtBDt If tUrn iIip rhanrc. lln Knett; nnH that all who lovn lib ft and a iqimro iIiaI uluiulil Join In I MMt italnit any Ititrrfnrrnra by Ulitoootrjf In the nfTlr of Mpilro. Thou hu mliiril that incetlnn i.Mldcom without fall npit Hunday '!. "hrti tnerp may ho aorao olh- "pod tblac imllr.l nfr. pmmbr !-Ut, on Fourth atrtrt, back of .'mUruiitor.. COMIIADK. COUNTY BOYS CONFESS NXRYOVMi MUX AIIMIT VKIMK NnUlKllimi I'CTKIl IM)B- 0cwAMTHi:x I1I1IIMNU HIM NONR rNPrM8tricc WRVII.I.K, Cnllf., March II. i rt. ,0 ,'1" K'Uorior court on "Mri. of mum, Vdiy, N.laon. OutiB I,' """an and Slew "W RoUrta ami llln,llf hu hom, -'-it inn 'i'.i..iiu ..au "' "unran, uro yoara, will1 7"V io to Juvinllu court. Tlio Tl Wtra Iia i ... . .. -- miiu iner wnnoui nail Mlnrra May Itraunir tlr.ltPd Praia fltrvlri. LONDON. Marrli 2X. Karly votln In llio inlnllif dlalrlcta ImllratM Hint a majority of Iho mlnrra arn In favor of rMumliiK. "AY I.AMII ''Mtl(al.i.. ,"""". . I .vii ' oa, " orve WitflB w"lneilny afternoon U Ia7l. . "g" MWi 'nlu Of n.ml" (1,,Jr' '" of Wordim, hlJ ,,ou" wiuilo enmo to tbo wtih.77 7 l0 lh0 col cae wWort i nUJ bc,n, an,lou t0 adjourn court fni. .. -i-. u? U he iifirrnm.4 .i.- :. ' " ins wre !JJXTIinRAWMr "" rxTKHTMH FRIDAY i Of the Flftli iiij m.ik entertain their par.nU TEDDY DENIES HE WILL BOLT NAY'M THAT I'ltlll.lHHKII NTOItllM OK HIM ailCAf.O HITKCII lll. t'ATIMl HK WOUM! II4II.T WW. VSKY.H IL HAS BUSY SESSION nrriTio.NK rou (iiuiii:h ami va. CATION Ol' I'HOITUTY AHKi:il TO knaiim: ov.i:iih io maki: IMI'HOVKMKNTH tlf.ltrd I'rrai HorXrti HT. I.OUIH, March :a. Itoototclt arrlrnt In HI. Uniln at a o'clock Ihla inornlnR, and will Im thp aprakfr at a blK tmlltlral inrvtliK lonlxbU Tin- rnlonrl rrillrl to Hip imlillilipd atorlra that he Indicated hi IlitPtillon to bolt If tic falla to (pt thr noinlna Hon lu Chlrafo, lln aald- "Any atatampnt llkn that la a fake Any tlmo I havn nnythlme to aay on uch a aubject I will aay It myaelf, Anything purporting to come from me, unlpaa I aay II myaelf, la a fake." Alex Itovell. realdrnt of tho Na tional Kooapvtdt league, denlra that the ItiHwevrltrra bavn takrn an op tion on Iho auditorium at Chicago, with the view uf helping a bolt In tho convention and the nomination of a third party ticket. Kn routn to the hotel, Itooapvtlt, when naked to c lain the meaning of hla Chicago apouch, eapeclally the word "I will have a good deal lo aay," If the people drrlded agalnat him "a a rrault of the boaaea Juggling their rlghla," aald, "I won't ndd A word. All I aak U Hint tho people read what I aay, nml take It at Ita ciact value. Any one trying to detract anything from It or road anything Into It or out of It la deliberately faking." Ho alao denied the auditorium option atory. WHITK HltAVKII UKTH F.10MTKK.V MONTIIH Unite I-tkm Bert lea HAN KHANCIHCO, March II. Charlea Colli, a white alaver, who brought Mary Knot from Tonapah to Truckee for Immoral purpoaca, waa aentenced to eighteen montha at Mc Nelll'a-Ialand and fined 1100. A mo tion for new trial waa denied. HUWKAaKTTKM AHK ' HKLU WITHOUT HAM. lulled I'reaa flervlr LONDON, March II. In the How itrtet pollc court Mra. I'ankhurat. I'ethrlck Uwrenco mid wlfo woro held without ball for complracy. Mra. Tuko waa discharged. IH)(.!cKMAN- AI'IHHNTKH Win. Metaner haa becomo tired of 'the lob of cttr patrolman, and ten- dered hit resignation laat night to the eitv Minnrii. Unvor Hanuoraon ai ice annolnted J. I., rarrla Palf1ilri4t-lafnrTi a niah who will render fflclent service, and la com- netent In every reaped. He la at prea ont night clerk at tho American hotel. The resignation and appointment aro to take effect April 1st. W. O, W. DANCK Camp No. 799, Woodmen of the World, wlllhold their annual ball on April llth, In Houston's opera boua Tha watchhora ara all nutting foil thai fcaat aSTarta to B-lva their frMdS tha aaoat enjoyable tine or on. Mason's orchestra tas oeen . thus Inaurlnc tha best or ale. Tha exhibition drill by tho I will alona b worth the price of Bitaalaa. Thar will be bo turke trAt huaav hu or atrluly bear. All art :c CiMiiicllmaii Crlnlur waa thu only ahanntee at tlm lomicll mi'i'tlng laat night A petition wna received from Joel T. Ward naklng for the oalnbllalimcnt of a grailo on Wnahlngton alreet from tho caat iilile of tho cannl to tho remo tury. Mr Ward la dvalroua of put ting In cement wnlki ami ahade treca and olhnrwlao Improving hla proporty, tho matter waa referred to tho city engineer. The following lillli were allowed and orderod paid: Irwin llodaoii Co 118.00 l.iprea on good l.SC Ulnae, I'riiilhotnmo Co 31,20 (llnaa I'riiilhomma Co 21.00 freight hill, uudcrcharKo of ewer plpo 8,16 Tim bom! of llnrrla Co. for $10, ono In (ho Kldellty company, na guar nnleo ngalnat damage by tho opera tion of rock cruaher, waa found In complete by the city ntornoy, nml on motion na referred Again to the nt torney for correction nnd reauhmla Ion by Mr llnrrla. Fire Chief Wakefield Mated Hint hla aalnry of f7fi n month, on which there waa n ill-count of 10 per cent, wna not aufflrlent. On motion of Councilman Whlto hla antary waa In creaaed lo IC per month. On motion of Man. Me tho police Judge wna ordered to return to W. Maateu acvrral certified rhecka which had been filed with blda for filling. Ihn blda had been accepted, but the rnntrnrta had never been entered Into by the city. Tho chrcka have been on Die for over a year. I'etlllona were received from tho Klamath Development and the Klam ath fjind and Tranaportntlon rompn ny for the vacation of n portion of Melliaio avenue In Hhtpplngton. Tho petition aaaerta that the atreet ex tendi nut Into tho march, nnd Inter fere with future platting and Im provement of Iho properly. A peti tion from tho rnimo partlea naked for tin vacation of Iota 1 to 32 Incluilve In block I, In Rhlpplngton, owned hy tliiMi, Moth pctltlona wilt hnvo to lay orr thirty ilaya boforo nctlon by the rouprll, nccordlng to tho city it- torney An nrdlnnncn amending ordlnnnro :3I nnd repealing ordlnnnce 14. pn.vldlng for nn electrical Inspector, waa pnaaed to Ita aerond reading Ac cording to the new ordlnnnce the In apector, Inatoad of receiving a flat aal nry. will bo componantcd by thn fee received for Inapectlon. AIIT OK MAN'H IIHAIN HKMOVKD ernd bund red feet of extra hoao which lie Ixjllovcd could bo placed nt Fair vlo.v Councilman, fielder waa In fiivor of tbo city purchnalng n hoae turl nml hoao for the Fifth wnrd, but tbo mayor atntnd that If tbo now fire iiippnrntUN wui put In by tbo city It win hla Intention to dlatrlbuto tbo prcaunl inrta nnd oulpmotit among tint aubiirba, Councllmnti Owens of tho Fourth wnrd ituted that If thn city had any aceoml hand hoio that the people of Mills addition would he willing to buy ;it to Im placed at tho achool houai ikhii muitcra woro referred to tbo die committee ANKENY CANAL WILLUREMAIN COUNCILMAN, WHO TIIOUOIIT HK HAW LIGHT AHKAD, IH NOW IIIKCOUKAaKI) THK NUISANCE MAKK AIHIANOKMKNTH Itlll CXIMMKNCKMKNT A meeting of tbo Senior claas waa held laat evening at 3 o'clock In ono of thn rooma of tho high achool for the exproaa purpoao of deciding tho matter of commencement exerclaea and tho nrrangenicnta which arc to bo mndn concerning apcakvra, program-, Invltnllona nnd audi like. 8lnco tho (ommonccnient exerclaea nro not at. verv far off It wna thought that tbo aoonor they could come to -om uoniPiit on tho different things tlVt will hnvo lo be provided for dur ing Ihla week Itwould bo beat Hint euli nctlon tako placo at onco l OUT OK 10 IMI8TON G1HIJ UW-LKflll-:i! IUTH? HH! nnsTON. March 81. Nino out of ten lloaton women aro bowlegged and thn tenth la knorknced, declares Lil lian Wymnn. physical culturlst. "The whole town would run snouia Its womon nil appear In tights Juat once," anld she. WANT KIIIK IIOHK AT FAIHVIKn nan . o..nilnian Rtnnahle stated to the n i.B Avnnin-r that ho had a council m -."--i - Kirk lo make on behalf of himself and the residents of his ward. He called attention to the fact that there waa no fire protection In the neigh- - mm . ... .aa-t ttalrAfl IT borhood oi rairview, """"- thay could not be provweu inij miiw uRu " 'v lltved that Chief Wakefield had sev lli:.MOVi: I'AIIT OK MAN'H IIIIAIN ItKI'LACKII IIY IJA11V IIALTIMOIIK, March 28 William lluckncr, n wealthy real eitato brok er of Cincinnati, la alive here today after wliit la believed to bo tho moat remarkable aurglcat operation ever performed, when a portion of hla brain waa removed and that of a now born Infant aubatlluted. Tbo trnniplnntlng 'occurred a few mlnutca after tho Infant's birth, the babe having died of Inanition. Huck ster, who hnd been In n state of semi coma for montha, la now aald to be on the high road to recovery. BOND INTEREST DUE APRIL 1st COI.LKCTIONrt WILL NOT UK MADK IN TIMK TO MKKT INTKIt KMT ON KLAMATH AVKNUK IM I'HOVKMI'.NT IIONIHi A communication waa read lo the council laat evening received by the city treaaurer from Hoehler ft Cum in Ingi, bankers, of Toledo, Ohio, giv ing notice that the mtereat on tho Klamath avenue Improvement bonds would bo due April 1st. It was stated that the payments from the property nwneds would not boToltectlble until July lat, and therefore the city will t.nvo to delay payment of the Intcrcat on the bonds for three months. The communication follews: "Wo bee to notify you that on April 1 there will be due and pay nbl nt .'our efflce aeml-nnnual Inter cat coupons on 170,658.51, Klamath Falla, Oregon, Improvement G'a. amounting to 12,119.61. We aro writing you at thin tlmo merely as a reminder, and would thank you for the fnvor of a reply In tho enclosed envelope, atntlng uhethor you will hnve funda on hnnd to meet thoae coupons promptly on maturity. HOKIILKK k CUMMIN08." WOULD PROHIBIT OOGS RUNNING k URGE Memtier of the City Coiuarll Believe That IKiga Should Ho Tied at Home or'ld Around With a String or a Chain (1. W. White hna it In for llioso dogs which uae tho city for a play ground, uud Introduced a motion bo foro tbo council directing the city at torney to propuro un ordinance pro hibiting dogs from running at large within the city. "1 believe dogs are a nuisance," said Mr. White, "and I would like to sco somothlng dono to prevent them from running at largo. 1 don't care It tho tax Is abolished, dogs should be kept at home. The revenuo does not pay for the nuisance." "You wouldn't prohibit dogs from running at large lu Bhlpptngton. would you." asked Councilman Mc Cr.won. "In Shtpplngton and Mills oddltlon wo have no police, as you have down hero, and we are obliged to keep a dog for protection." Councilman Wllklns stated that ha ownod a dog, and that the tax waa puld, and he had no yard In which to He It, and gave tho council notice that he would fight the ordinance to a ntah. The motion carrledjrltn a few aaentlng votes. Library Club Meeta There will be a special meetlaglot taV Library Club at 3 o'clock torn reV afternoon at tho Public Libra all members are urged to be P cDt. Tea win be served and a soda tlm had. rangements could be agreed on get ting the two teams together for the date mentioned above the local high achool would have a chance of partici pating In the first game of the season lu the Merrill district. The baseball boys of that city Intend to give a dance on the same night that the game Is played, and It would not only prove a drawing card, but give the boys a chance to see what they can do In the way of handling the little sphere. The Ankeny canal, with all Its vile ncaa, Is destined to remain with us. This was tbo Inference to be drawn fom tho discussion of the subject by i city council lost ovenlng. The vor and Councilman White were thmlchlef partlea In tho argument. A mmWmmkmiAim0mmmni hand for somo time, and bo statod lasl evening that he had had hopes of reaching a settlement, but that now the outlook was anything but encour aging. He stated emphatically that In his opinion tho city could not In terfere with tho government. The mayor was In favor of the city taking over the ditch and assuming all ob ligations, and then filling up the ditch and letting the owners of water rights bring suits for damages If they saw fit Mr. Whlto stated that the city could not break faith with the gov ernment In this manner If they en tered Into an agreement to assume tho obligations of the present owners of tho ditch. Ho stated that It would cost about 16,000 to pay the owners of water rights what they wanted for their surrender, and that he had ex pected to receive 13,000 In donations from owners of property through which tho ditch ran, and who did not own water rights, and that the local reclamation office had recommended that the government pay the other 13,000. This would havo settled with the owners of water rights and the ditch could then have been filled. Mr. Ilopson, however, seems not to favor the proposition, and It looks as If nothing could be done. Militia Keep Qotec United Press Berne ROCK ISLAND. March . 8I ndred militiamen are patrolling the cy. ah is quiet, ana the saloons are d. The soldiers have arrested x. Renewed rioting Is reared. YOUNG PKOI'LK OF CHURCH TO GIVE ENTERTAINMENT Tho young people of the Christian church will give a patriotic program Friday evening, March 29tb, at 8 o'clock. Following Is the pregram: Piano solo Mr. Wlrtr Rending Florence Short Talk on Lincoln Mr. Dunbar Parado of the 8tatcs. . .Young People The last Is an entertainment In song. In which the characters taking part Impersonate the characteristics of tho different acctlona of our coun try. For example: Those represent Ing the Westorn states will Imperson ate Indians or cowboys, etc. After the program refreshments will be served picnic fashion, each lady having brought supper for two In a box and the gentlemen buying the boxes at 91 each. Hot coffee will be sorved with the supper. ' All are Invited to come and enjoy a Jolly evening. SECOND STREET FILL TO BE MADE ACTION TAKEN BY THK COUNCIL TO PROTECT HEWER PIPE LINE WHERE IT CONNECTS WITH HEPTICTANK The street committee waa author lied by the council to enter Into a con tract with the Oarrett Construction company for several hundred yards of dirt at SO cents a yard, to be used In filling and protecting the sewer pipe line on Second street. The pipe that conects with the septic tank on Sec ond street Is several feet ol the ground, resting on piles, and it waa stated that it would be absolutel necessary to protect the pipe beforo another winter. It la possible to gel dirt from excavations much cheaper at this time than when no building are In progress, and the mayor nrg.d taking advantage of the opportunity. This Oil will be of great advntae lu the eventual opening of Second atreet. In which a number of the prop erty owner are interested. Mr. Whlto rlatcd that about, halt at the bccm- tury amount had been pledged, and he hoped to be able to secure the bal ance. The flit to be made by the city wlli be a start, and may be the muita A hastening the work by the property .v.ofrs. FLORIDA FASTKST WAR VESSEL IN U. 8. NAVY On the Charge of Larceny by Bail Bend Is Placed la the Sam of Two Thonsaad Dollars Has not Bea Furnished Yet After hearing the evidence In the case of the State of Oregon vs. John D. Carroll, on a charge of larceny by bailee, the defendant yesterday after noon was bound over to the grand Jury and his bonds placed at 91,000. Ho waa remanded to the custody uf tho sheriff, and at the time the Herald went to press the necessary bonds had not been furnished. . ROCKLAND, Me., March 18 With atecord of 21.54 knots on her stand nrdltatlon trip over the Rockland course, the new government built bat tleship Florida claims the record of the fastest dreadnought In the Amer ican navy, and perhaps In the world. Tho British dreadnought Vanguard, with 21.50 knots. wir considered pre viously the fastestb attleshlp afloat. WILL CAPTURE FEDERALS UNLESS REINFORCED United Press Service EL PASO, Tex., March 18. Rebel advices say that Oeneral Auberta has the federal foroes surrounded, and they will be captured unless re'n forced. Yesterday the federals ad vanced against Jlmlnat, the Orotco headquarters, and engaged Orosco's force of Salasar rebels, fighting most of the day, the federals using rapid flrer. MERRILL BASEBALL TEAM WOCLE -- e Merrill baseball nine are ver; desiroua of meeting tho local high school team one week from next Fri day, April llth. In a recent .letter received from Mr. S. C. Qravea, who is the editor and proprietor of the Merrill Record and also, manager of e team la that city word waa to to eawaMamr it ine ngni aina oi ai JOHN D. CARROLL IS HELD TO THE 6RAND JURY ORDER OF EAGLES OROWS The-Eagles had a gala time last night. They Initiated another list of members, bringing the membership beyond the 100 mark. Con Mason and Jack Tatlock were the "real goats." They survived the ordeal, Worthy President A. M. Crystal stated to a Herald reporter today. The degree team consisted of Messrs McCloskey, Myers. Cooper and SUIman. The order I growing, and the officers are hopeful that now the 100 limit has been attained that bet ter results will be achieved. The cam paign of education that has been go ing on is resulting to the best advantage. BACK TO THE FARM LUNCHEON FRIDAY A SB-cent "Back to the Farm' luncheon will be given under the an spices of the Chamber of Commerce tomorrow at the Llvermore drill from lt.SO to I o'clock. Tola will he "Potato Day," and everyone Is Invited to be present. Several good talks on he potato Industry have been pre- Jamea Dixon waa In tha city today m the Dixon ft Loomls ranch, be- iw Stuksl bridge. He soys farmers n hla section ara all putting in full two plowing. UP IN THE AIR; OVER INSTRUCTOR BOTH THE COLLEGE AND HIOM , SCHOOL OFFICIALS DMCOUR AGED OVER PROSPECT FOR AG RICULTURE INSTRUCTOR There seems to be quite a contro versy over the procurrence of a suit able Instructor to take charge of the agricultural department at the high school here. Mr. Qrllen, who la at present at the head of the agriculture department of the Boise high school, snd who had promised to come herei and take up the same line of work In conectlon with the experiment farm, seems to have thrown np the.epoage, much to tae disappointment of the local authorities and thoae at tha state department Mr. Faught of .tho high school la this city wired to" the state department at Corvallls to aee If be could not procure another In structor In the place which had been provided for Mr. TJriffen. The author ities there seem to have taken tha same view of the situation as the principal here, and have accordingly expressed themselves to that effect. The following is a letter received by Mr. Faught and is la substance aa follews: "Professor W. E. Faught: "Dear Sir A telegram from Mr. Griffin to President Kerr Just receiv ed announces the fact that he haa finally decided to remain with Botea.. To say that I am disappointed and somewhat disgusted Is to put It rath er mildly. Before recommeadlat Mr. Qrlfln to yon I obtained a epedfle agreement from him that he wonld accept the position, provided yon of fered the 91.700 he asked, and pro vided the achool was to be connected with the experimental farm. Aa I understand, both of these conditions have been met. and still ha haa anal ly decided to decline. "I hardly know what to say Just at the present time, except that we win do our best if you still desire as to get a first close man. I have one In mind who Is considering the proposi tion, but he may finally decide to stay with college and experiment station work. I fear that we can recommend no one who will be quite up to Mr. Griffin's standard, and I would not ad vise that 91.700 be paid any of the men I can recommend. I believe, however, that the one I have In mind, If be will accept. Is worth 91.509. If he decides to remain with college and experiment station work we have sev eral other good men who could prob ably be bad at salaries from 91.199 up. Please let me know your desires in the matter. Very truly yoara. "A. B. CORDLXY." THIRD ANNUAL SUMMER NORMAL WORK WILL BE GIVEN IN ALL THE SUBJECTS REQUIRED IN TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES AND TO MAKE UP GRADE WORK Announcement is made that the Third Annual Summer Normal will be held In Klamath Falla at tha High school building for twenty days from May 37 to June 19 Inclusive. Teach ers' examinations will begin on Wed nesday, June 90th. Work will be offered in all subjects required for teachers' certificates, and an oppor tunity will be given to make up work In the high school or grade subjects In any of the branches where a sum dent number enter to form n class. The tuition will be- 91 (or a single subject or 910 for two or more sub jects, payable upon enrollment Tha work Is In charge of the county su perintendent and the principal of the high school. CARD OF THANKS :Vc lah to thank our friends and neighbors for their interest and help in our recent bereavement and aeuiie them their kindness Is truly appreci ated, Mrs. Ky Taylor, Mr. ana un. III. H. Van Valhenburg. Si. V 1 -J",', i i ?'i L 1. JW "'