M "i ftje efaUk. ' nullllHM KVKNIXQ NEWSPAPERS print the mews, not history ' PUR Kr,f "'" m i .So. I." KLAMATH KALI, ORKdON, WIIIiVLHDAY, MARCH 87, IBIil Price, Vivo Cents pfnimi DEEDED TO Ml PACIFIC LfOHPAMV Will' riMllMllliV P . . aft IU1VII UTK .ATI,n,',",'m" - niuft' IN XNK itimWWIl HVHTKM HeoBMl l'rl'rtlr of . it.. NMruifKUmulh fntol U '" t",,,,r,",,,, ,,,r . ..u. liiiwn) Company, bmi r' ItMi Dei ff rerun! In lh "Wffl Mit(1irk "'-"l' '"" con ...- ..uJ In the deed U Cut, kit 11 rspreacnta only a r . .. il. .Iiih ..f iIim urnfii inn io !'"' --- Ik.u r Ills company along I'"1 " ' .. . If I. ..,!. IIM Mtron mm niniiiMiii iu loMInn ( dm Oreg M ir. (rui(rrrl in tho tLjt. .ir.nl iirntM-rlr III rviw T.wr' - r Ml IUror ciiunilra mnvc i h Ihn llllli a .hmj rARimnr mi II t,lll.ii4 proittriy m in ... k. William llnnley l k uiiliciilorn Orraun. nlTlfllc, sreordlng In Me sail deN. agrees iu par i. aJ fc.Af t,f ..rri illlrli aro hi ' ---. .,.,. lilt ostitiBdlnc to Ihn amount of B,000,000, laaued Juminry 2i ITTfllflTiAiiM Mil, aa a lion on dm rnllroi.it from 1 1 I DAPTIflllP Wn.il. Cal lo Klamath Kail.. Ore. HI I lflU I lUllll A .a.l ! .1... I..... rii.i . i "" """HWIIW ...-.. .... MfMU wvi'ii iiii'u iriini i tha Modoc Northern Railroad Com. I pany transferring lo Ihn Central Pn- cine Hallway Company Ihn project., ed lino of Ilia railroad of Ilia vendor extending from a connection with tin. iroiK)i.l (loom Lake nn, noulhurnjivrKDM llllli:.,!' COXTR irr aeauairsoM n in linear AUiiUM, JniMlUC NEXT SEASON County, California, In a general northwesterly direction to a connec lion at or near Klamalh KhIIh with Ilia linn of railroad constructed by the California Northeaatern ami con voyed by II lo Ihn Oregon Tasteru, an eatlmated length of loo mile, Information lia been received that would Indicate Itiat tin Central I'a elflri Company will operate llin Nat-rnn-Klatnath Falls cututT In ronnoc tlon with Ilia ytom llirotmh Nev ada and lllali, and announcement waa made recently from Ilia headiiiarlfira of Chief Knil nver II. I'. Iloey In Kunena that on March 30 a contract W (, ftt In Kan Kranrlaro for comlriicllon of the new road from Kernly, Cat., roil mm: limn ci.ahh i:mi:ii t.i.mi:nth hhi Kiami.v ov MMli-llllll At n mimlliiK nf iiu :hnmi l.ycrum llureau held Innt evnnlnn In the rlmmliara of the iinnldenl, .IiiiIki Henry I.. Ilumon, n contract wan un tored Into with llalph l limn, of the I'aclflr Lyceum llureau, for nlli-) enturtalmiienla for the miaiion of 111 1 2 and 11)13 Tim I'ariric Lyceum llu reau U a new oritiinlintliin with lioml qunrtirn on thtt cnnit nud ofncea In Kan KrnncUco, I'ortlnnd and Hcaltln. WM I ii the orgnnliatlon I now, Iho men hack of II ar amiiuc the lieiit lyceuui liureau men. onterlnlner on Ilia Amorlcnn plat form MiiKiiret Hlalil will bo hero about Hie llrnt of llrcumbor. Hiio la known m t lift "Mntiiln Adnms of tlio Ly ceiim" mid atnnila nlono a n reader of plnya. Ilor repcrtolro liicludca "Tim Diiwn of Tomorrow," "Htrong- lieurl," "Tlie Mother," "Modnin Hut- lerfly" mid n number of other. Ciirlnr'K Orlitlnnl Carolina Juhlloo KlnKra will bo Iho fourth nttrnctlon. nbout tbo 20th of December. Cor tcr'a Vlrclnla Troupe, which wa here In tho limt cniirie, drew the blui?et Iioiiiio of any of tho entertainment and tbo Carolina Rlnxera nre aald lo ha equally aa kooi). Itohvrt I'nrknr Mllca, tho famoua drnmiitlc lecturer, will ho hero nbout January 20th. Ilia "Tallow Dips" Ii recoRiiltud na n maaterplece and a rlnnalc. The Coamopollian Tour, a veraa- Ilia company nf musical arllata, la achedulod for February. Their en torlnlnmont conalata nf vocal, ntrlng, hraaa, orrheatral, producing xrand mid llRht operna, mimical comedy and tnlnitrelay Two numbera of tho Kord K. Ham PRIMARIES NEW YORK FARCE !IAi IIAVK TO HOLD AXOTIILIt CI.KCTIO.V TAI-T (JETH l'lJl TV-THHKK AMI TKDIIV HKVE.V W.t.KthXTKH Oil Oil Mai yed We. IMcrm tb and The iiro- I ha dlvlalon Oraalnl In HH.iime I ui fm llcrnn were la- IffMtia cnunlr rlerk'a ofBca r l Ike follnwlnt'i W. C. l t a. Tsrncr, Oeo. A. l.lak, IWj.L II. I'ankey, (leo. Ila- lCR. DtIjp, C. K. Currln, rbtto. rrank llurni. K. W. L l t. Mldillrtkauff, K. A. LCtAien. II II. Weather lltlUllln, c. Ileal!, I. T. D. U (lordon, Kdward fUMt Martin, Umla A. Will I C atannniliU CUSS TAKES lUir AFTER FLOWERS iMinytlau of the IiIrIi achool 1 1 ilott eirurilon thla morn. laUlWtdlhberlni: hllli fur the i et it'urlnc tome botanical lau to W uird In their claaa Oticcoutit of Die latu anowa I Mil which hate prevailed o rirJUl'lt hai been a bir.l mil. Ita wut the rUlit kind of ma il M dua work, and o It waa fit tilt l mlihl l.n i. viuul nUn f Ua clui out for a IraMp wif ami m. what they ffr n tlin nv ..f Inun Mffcry. MIm Tulllo, who haa 'Muuclau, reporla that lb tUtlobefnulliI III ultiinaiM H.I.6W lobe able lo lake Iho 1 n I loalcr till) In Ihn no.r " lor ilmllir purpnaea. The - Tuiita iho llmo kiln In Ulmp, ltd Wrril. nil llin whnl rUutii win, iho abort ei- T" r hxl the plcaaura of tR CALLED TO HEU rOLITICAL F1BHT ' f"N lr?ic "WWBUJ. III.. March 7. at uentral ih.l . .. Ui hi,, ui.... ... . lhUj '"" r,,"W0 0 nJJJf ' oldiala iloaperately htaii.7 J ' m"or nurt u ...T. """ ov"r ,oc po- Wlu h ;"'" Ml"l"en r 1 ,1" ,I,n", mid all aalooni i Si1' r.M,",(,, ln ft P0,"" wl ? ,l8rry Bch'. Drat m a.. 'onuniaalon form ta&n, " "ho ' oppononta. 'to Have ClualM DrUI Rlnrn I. .1.. .- .. i it.n, r ..:""?. '""! tt.l,.,J'"u.,,'r"B.w., K "mo lima aa thoie for V?' Of thrvo Btanl. .. I. fKlacli .t .. " nka.W.a: l"? lnt- ora !--WWW UUll norlbeaatorlr to Huaanvllle. Cal.. and ovenlnally lo nllend lha Una lo con- "'" -" .r" r ."ll(rI TraveloEuea will bo .Iven lh l.at nAllltl iri. lllll,.r rltiita atttl lilliMr . priced Ihau Ih on Riven tho pant ava ami, nud IlKlead of nva enterlnln menla, nine have been aecured, The patron a a" Riven the llureau haa ahnwu that Iho people of Klamath r'alla appreciate Reed thliiRa and are aiuloiia In aecure tbo bent talent on the road, The lycetim cotirae will oien thla nect with tho Weed-Nat rim cutoff at Klamath Kalla, glvlnR a IbroiiRh Hue lo KuRene, Portland ami Coim Hay from the Central Pacific. The Central Pacific Company' charier waa amended In Halt ltko a abort lima nRii an aa In empower It In purcliaan additional llnea or make eilenalona, and the announce ment of btilldlnR thla now linn and the purchao of Ihn OreRon Kaatern la In line with thla chatiRe In the charier. of February or flrat of March. On Hundny evenliiR Mr. Hamuel will Rive tho "Holy City" to a union meotlnR of the lyceuui patrona and tho rhurche of tho city, "Rome, tho Ktcrnat City," will bo the regular courae number. Theae ara conald ered tho moat educational and his torically Iraveloguea over prraented, iihvii I'ri-ra rvrvir NKW YOIIK, March 27 Th Taft Ilea aro fearful that thoy will be forced to hold primary election again, aa thoao of yeiterday woro a mere farco. In many dlatrlcta there woro no hallota provided at all, wbllo In othera "ample hallota worn uaed. Governor l)U la conaldcrlng urg Ins the legislature to enact remedial leRlalntlon. If yciterday'a reaulta stand ItooMvelt will have aoven dele gate and Taft eighty-three. Every whore tho Taftltca made a fight they anowod the nooaevoltcra under five to one. nti.l will Iim lllitaf ml.! Mrllli IIim Ittt. year tlii. week , if October 2Mb wlll,!,, , roIorod v,ew, , ,ho the H.her-Hhl,.,, troncert Company. r( fnm utml ,,,,.,,,. uk. win. ,.,r e..,e a,,.. n . . no ninai ,, ,,y Mr ,, hg worW tQW REDUCE COST OF THE COURTHOUSE (OMIITIOX OK DKKIf TO HOT KI'Hl.VUM HUM:!! r-OK HlfK t.HAMIKO TO I'KHMIT OK cHKAPim iit-n.iirn dependable mualcal orRiinliatlona of 'the Kaatern Chaulaiiquaa nnd l.y- ' reiima, Ilonl Crane will be the second at 'traction In Nntember Mr Crane Is aald lo bo Ibe Rreateat cartoonist nnd An agreement betwoen the Klam alh Development company and Klam alh county waa Died for record thla morning, changing iho condition of n certain deed Issued to the county on June 30, 191 1, tranaferlng a block In tho Hot Hprlngs addition aa tho location for a now court houso build ing. The original Instrument pro vided for the erection nf a building at a cost of 1100,000. In the now Instrument It la agreed that the con dition of aald may bo changed lo read aa follower Thla deed la given lo and accept ed by the party of the aecond part on tbe following condltlona, which are to be binding upon the party of tho aecond part and II aucressora for ever, to wit: 'The party of the second part ahall pay all latea heretofore levied or as sessed agatnat aald property, and which are now unpaid. Tho parly of the aecond part ahall, a soon aa prac ticable, but In any event beforo the expiration of Ave yeara from June 30, IIU, conatruct and complete upon aald land a court bouse for aald Klamath county at a coat of not leu than 1 1 00,000, and shall thoreafler perpetually maintain such court bouae on aald land, and tbo aald court houso ahall be uaed for tbe carrying on by aald Klaaaath county nf such judicial bualneaa aa tbe parly of the aecond part ahall aee fit lo conduct therein." Ono of the objections raado against the county 'court by the Klamath Commercial Club waa that thy threatened lo build a court house at n 1-31 of 1100,000 or more, nnd II waa atated that a building much choiner would bo amply sufflclont. Thla objection probably Induce) Iho iievdopment company to alter tnoir conveyance of the property ao thai it would permit the oreetlon-of a I too. nuO building, If thai ehould b run- 'lilored eumclent. When asked today whan the work wowid aUrt on tha saw court houso a tha Hot Spring elte. tha county ge atated that ha had nothing to It la probable that aome aeanite aetwt looking toward ma Beginning of ta building will be atarted la tbe not fcry dletant future. People on boUfaldea of Ua oveetlon ara getting ttla aailoM to have tha matter The aeaaon will close with tbo Ktnrrs, In March or flrat of April. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hlarr aro musi cal entertainers and aro of tbe same (order nnd rank n the Weeks Com pnny, which was recently here. SMELTIK6 TRUST TO BE INVESTI6ATE0, PERHAPS Imlted I'reea Service WASHINGTON. I). C. March 27. Itepresentatlvo Martin of Colorado Introduced a resolution In tho hnua thla morning demanding that tho ml lug ciinimilleo lneatlgnto tbo smcl Ing truat. Mr. Martin said that A torncy (leneral Wlckimham's rcreii refusal lo give tbo houso Inform; linn regarding Iho existence of such combine was "simply astounding." AtiMl MAUINK MAN 01 KH IX HAX KIIAXCIHCO TODAY IOIIKLLA IOCAIH Mrs. Warren Kllgoro, who baa been quite III for the past two weeka. It now Improving. lra. Drew of Klamath .falkj la vis iting her daughter, Mrs. Walter' IvanRi United Press Service HAN KRANCIRCO. March 27. Captain Obcd Holies, retired In spector of bulla, died at his home In this city this morning. Tho captain waa 73 yeara of age, and has for many years been Identified with tho shipping Interests of tho Pacific coast. HO FURTHER ACTION III PACKERS PROSECUTION United Press Service CIIICAdO. March 27. Tho feder al atlorncya In charge of the prose cution of tho packers announced to day that no further action In the matter wits contemplated. The full rnnnrt nf the trial haa been sent to Attorney tloneral Wlckcraham. Kltl'IT flIIOWKIM COMPI.AIX OX HATK8 OX I.KMO.NN United Preaa Service xi-AaiiiNflTflN'. n. C. March 27. eh.. California Fruit llrowera Asso ciation has filed with tho Intorstato commerce commission a now nttnek on Iho lemon ratea from California lo Oregon, Washington and Idaho Tho association declarea excesalvo the rate of ft. IS lemon rato to tne Norm west, and ask for n rato of f 1. The growers demnnd that tho overcharge he refundod. POOAHOXTA8 KNTKRTAIX Tl, linitvhtnra of PoCftllOlltaS Will entertain Iho membera of the Red Men lodgo tomorrow evening at tno w., hu in tho Odd Follows build- . Thorn will bo dancing and re freshment will be served by the ladles. All meiubors oi mo oruor requested to bo present. o, u.iv will Bet a box of candy .. .. au...n, H.nrn at Houston's i hid iii-ih - opera houae Saturday night. Watch Harold and ivan iwigoro are pre paring to start with their stock for tbo Silver Lake country In Lake, county, whero they will conllnuo In Hint business. Tho Kltgorea have a host of warm friends In this commu nity who regret tholr leaving and who wish them success In tholr new venture and itcKcnsle of Olcno havo been vlaltoi this week at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Cowley. Mrs. II. O. Hussy left hastily thli week for Merrill to bo with hor mother, who Is suffering from an at tack of paralysis. Tbo nuctlon salo held on March SI by K. C. I. on waa well attended, all stock and other goods being disposed of at satisfactory figures. The day was taken advantage of In a social way by a largo number of families In Ijingell valley. A sumptuous dinner was served by tho Ladles' Aid Society of tho Lorella McthodUt church for 2S cents, an Interesting feature of which was the substantial glfta made to the society by Mcsir. (Irlgsby of Olene and John Irwin of Klamath Falls. K. C, Lyon and family left yester day for their now homo In Klamath Kails, whero Mr. Lyon Is employed by tho Karmora' Implement and Sup ply Company In tho 'blacksmltbtng department. Mr. and Mrs. Lyon have lived In the vicinity .of Lorella for flvo yeara. During that time they havo taken a prominent part In tho social llfo of thla community, and wilt bo greatly missed by many friends. Aa Itnoaevelt Heea It PORT WAYNK, Ind.. March 27. When tho New York returns were fhown to Roosevelt at Canton, Ohio, ho aald: "In Now York state aa a whole tlxro was no real voto of the rcpub llcan pnrty whatever. Tho primary litv. was ii farco. As It Is, one-fourth of tho delegates aro straight Roose velt men, of tho remainder, the ma Jorlty wero elected by tncthoda moro outrageous than the worst Tammany Itself ever employed. In my speech at Chicago tonight I ahall explain why no action of theirs ahould be ac cepted as binding on tho republican party. NO GRAFT IN JACKSON CO. illAXI JtnY MAKK8 COMPLETE IIXYKSTIGATIOX OK RUMORS I.IXD CIIAROKM OK KXTHAVA- 'OAXCK AXDORAKT LOOKS AS T STRJEW001D ENO United Preaa Service) LONDON, March 27. In a final effort to end the atrlko, the Miners' Federation mot today. MacDonald, leader of the conservative laborltea In tho houso of commons, addreased It, domandlng that tho mlnera accept tbe pending minimum wage bill. He aald If the district boarda failed to Incorporate tbe minimum wag acale already auggeated, the mlnera coull demand that parliament fix that fig urn. The Federation decided oa a referendum ballot, which la believed will and the atrlke. MEDFORD, March 27. Directly, and leaving no question of doubt, tho grand Jury's report Died Saturday ocnlng, absolutely clears tbe county court of all Insinuations and charges of graft which have been flying about the county during tho past two or three months. "We can And no evidence of dis honesty and we have given all mat ters duo consideration," la the exact words employed by tbo grand jury In Its report covering the conduct of county affairs. That the county la In debt the grand jury aaya la "due to wldo spread public demand for Im proved hlgbwaya. The grand Jury's report follows In part: Grand Jury'a Report We, the grand Jury now In aeaalon And certain facta to be true upon which wo recommend, vli.: 1. We recommend that an act be Initiated providing for an auditor to bo elected for Jackson county whose duties ahall be the auditing of all accounta pertnlnlrigTo the affaire of Jackson county. 2. We recommend that article 2896, General Laws of Oregon, be en forced relating to the semi-annual auditing of county offlcea by the county court. 3. We aro Informed that It haa been tho custom of the county clerk to file papers In court without alwaya requiring tbe legal fee to be paid when tho paper la filed. Thla practice la largely responsible for the delinquency of aeveral county clerka of Jackson county for a num ber of yeara past. The law provldea that when papers are filed the fee must be paid, and unleaa paid such papera ahall not be deemed to have been filed. We recommend that tbe county clerk ahall In the future al waya comply with tbe law In thla re spect, and fllo no papera until legal fee haa been paid by the II nor any other paper In hta offii til the lawful fee haa been pal the party for whom tbe aervlca been performed. . We also recommend that each and every county ofBclal handling county fuada la any meaner alwaya keep said funda separate and distinct from hla Individual funda. We recommend that In the future and aa soon aa the move can be Inaugurated that aepar ate funda be kept for the aeveral de partment of tbe county and war rant specifying the exact fund being Issued instead of tho present practice of Issuing general fund warrant for all purposes. Expenditure of Money Although the grand Jury haa Inves tigated many criminal caaea we have also given time to the examination of wltncssoa and records appertaining to tbe expenditure of money through the county court for road and bridge pur- poses directly and through ex-Road- matter Harmon. We have also Inves tigated the reasona for tbe deprecia tion of county warrants with Its con sequent reflection on tbe credit of the county. We have bad aa evidence plana and rpectflcatlona of public works, ques tionable bills which were allowed and paid by the county court, and other evhlbtta produced by complaining witnesses and produced by order of this grand Jury. We And tbat as the county court haa expended much money for public roadi and bridges, and la now heavily In debt, it might be open to criticism, bat In no moral sense. Such eipen ditures were in response to wide- a pre a public demands for Improved highways. We havo Investigated charges tbat ll.c Central Point highway and tbe steel vcrk In tbe county Jail are not Ir. record with specifications, but aa neither one of these worka have been ntrcptod thoy are not now open to tutcatlgatlon by this body. TEN ESCAPE OUT OF NINETY-THREE IEI United Preaa Service WELSH. W. Va., March 17 John Lalng, mines inspector for West glnta, today clalnas that elgthy-i mlnera perished In the esplosl the Jed mine yesterday. Up t light this morning dfty-flve bad bees recovered. Ninety. men wero working In the mine i time of the explosion, aad bat tea es caped with their Uvea. Vlri fday. NKW MEXICO SENATORS ARE FINALLY 8ELBCTED United Press Service SANTA FE. N. M., March 17. T. D. Catron and A. B. Fall were elected United 8tatea senators from'thta state today on Joint ballot. DR. UURKE BEGINS HIS SENTENCE TODAY United Press Service SANTA ROSA. March 17. Dr. Burke atarted for San Quentln today to begin hta tea year aeateace. OPERATORS ACCEPT TERNS OF NA6E BILL United Preaa Service LONDON. March 17. At a confer ence of tbe mine operators, at which every big mine of the country was represented. It waa agreed to accept the terms of tbe minimum wage bill. TURKS DEFEAT ITALIANS IN BATTLE NEAR TOBRUK United Press Service LONDON, March 17. The Central Newa Agency today received delayed confirmation of tbe Turkish defeat of Italians near tho city of Tobruk, Tripoli. Tbe Italian list of dead and wounded will reach 3,500. COFFEE MAGNATE DIES ERV SUOOENLY United Preaa Sarvlc NEW YORK. March 17. Joha Arbuckle, the augar aad colee mag nate, died auddenly tale morning at hla home la thla BOAK TO COME TO THE CITY HEAD CONSUL OK WOODMEN OF OK THE WORLD PLANS TO SEE KLAMATH FALLS ON HIM NEXT TRIP TO THE COAST I. I. Boak, Head Consul Pacific Jurisdiction, Woodmen of the World, and also head organizer for that or ganisation In Denver, Colorado, Is arranging hla Itinerary so that It . will embrace this city when be makes bis trip to the coast In the near fu ture. Mr. Boak Is a man of great Influence In lodgo circles, himself being tbe principal member in help ing to put tho organization on Its footing and also ono of the early pioneer members. Hearing ao many good atorles concerning thla part of the country and the great opportu nities which are presenting them- selvs to the farmer, haa lead Mr. Boak to plan a visit here In the near future. SPEAKS ON AGRICULTURE Mr. Stubbleflold of tbe First Pres byterian church gave a abort talk to the students this morning at the high r:hool auditorium. His subject was mostly on agriculture, though he rai led this with some explaaatlona of tbe care and attention which ahould be uaed In chicken raising. His talk proved to belntereatlng, and also af forded an oportunlty for the Indus trious youth, who might take up the many occupations that are afforded In thls.part of the country to get aa Insight as to the mode of living car ried ELKS T8 HAUL NA60I IN PARADE NEXT JULY Cntled Press Service PORTLAND, March 17. A team of large elk hitched to a wagon and driven through tbe streets Is to be one of tbe big features of the grand parade of tbe Elk on Thursday of the reunion week In thla city neat July, according to arrangements that are now being made by the 1911 convention commission. A copy of a largo poster which will be placed on aU tbe bulletin boarda of tbe dif ferent Elk lodgea In the United States, has just been received from the printers. According to these signs a new song, entitled "Brother BUI, tbe Town Belongs to You," will be hummed and basaoed by Frank D. Henneasy, the "song bird" of the local Portland lodge, for the enter tainment of the visiting Elks. IS DECISION IAY AFFECT TWO CASES B. 8. Qrlgeby, oaistwlte for aherlf of tha repiblleaa ticket, returned last evening from Aaalaad, where ho haa beeaoaa abort visit. ;e arraagemeata to attend tho five-cent daaoa next Saturday night aad hara a good time. A point, which la not a new or novel one, la liable to be brought to an Issue ln Judge Benson'a court to morrow In the case of the Soueca company, a corporation of Ohio, agnlnst A. F. rHlflca, the latter resid ing in thla county. The case Involves 942. Defendant haa a harness shop in thla city. Tbe case cornea Into tho circuit court from the justice court on appeal. The point In tho matter gives Judge Benson the opportunity of.aolvlng at one blow two questions.' Has tbo plaintiff the right to dig Into and as certain the information In possessloa of the defendant? Must he, In oth er worda, disclose "hla handt" la the case of Magulre vs. tbo Klamath Publishing company aad Shlve, Judge Drake, aa against tho ttoraey for the defease, O. M. nelll. held they were not obliged to 1 the plalatll aaythtag, and per- ptorily Judge Drake (stormed the urt they would not do as. Now Attorney Brower assumes tha same view la tha case being argued. One decision will probably guide tbe mult la both. C. 8. Salts and L. Paakey, were formerly employed at tha Big Basla Lumber compear aa.yardmaa J mill mwuir Mnnttvalvr siiirn severed their connection wka that j A .. m m etttWd OM way or tha other. for tha announcement. ti J m '.71 -..w-! u'&Ji