'IT" ' V1V. ' v ,.'P She efalo. limine HUl'l'MKI) MY THK KVHIIlfO NKWWAPKM PXINT THK HEWff, MOT HROM WTKI '"'" NKW" 8"nVIC" KLAMATH PALM, OREGON, H.VTWHIMY, MAIICH SOT. Ifflil Priee, Frr Can. d ILaV " nuih Vf '" '! ElltS CONSIDER OWNING HOME ImiaiAi. 'ti:h "' "" (flW,lKHUIO.V OF MIIKIK HIH riUHMl - PiiwkT qvMt. TKIWHMU'. -. ... Ik. I....I IMLa i 1 t Bmier '" " '"'"' "' in lt beilnlllHB I" Br""t in- nit In mvrtnnt looking toward ...i. fif n mime, inm I HKIIVH ... .. hhIh nn .tnnn. lha Cut nf,FM- - rnbtrt M l li-ttiT Ihey should Kurt ""'" " '"" pruiwiy. . . it... liiuiM aAHPM limn. JAVHK7. IH)HT HKOPKNKD AMI POOH HTUPF ADMI1 frill Unllad Press Service ki, i'ahij, trim, March 21 At- vices received rrom reoeii source miy Mini nguiing uuiwoen Haiaiar rtlil forir mill th federal unilr Of nunl Trurv Atih.rl. tia.i li-aralim .nfi.,1 lat tililit. with tha renul.e of thn Moral advance. An attack I e ported by fodoral forte on Jhnlnoi today, Tim port of Jaurof ha been reoioned to food Muff., and thn dan- tP (if ffttH.MM I MllWttMCM fMllftlllatltll.. bvb wa IKIMIMU III nwiMIVIM VtfMMIIIsBllllfB li removed. ' 1 1 - I a I a..-. . I tnro of Oregon imitation, notably th.j r:z::iX:Ku 1 1 ' D.iiilnlH tlnlmcd that thuro were or- f CD II II OLiTTI L rur" '" ",e ,,nllnd HtatM lnnd dl'nrt I KM IH Aril III M1"'"1 '" rejecting plslntlftti claim to I II Will Ufc.ni I LL thn talwl nnil l..nln I I- li ft. . - - - - i... ..... ...... .-.,...,.., njiaMiii iw i,.i. u ;wnnr. ' 1 "" Wll.l. PltOIIAIILV PI NIMH lllltlMA TIO.V MVHTKM IN XOHTII VONNA VALLEY IIKNKIIVOtlt Iri IN (JIMMI NIIAI'K IIHYAN HAM NO PIIKPEHKNL'H 1 HKTWKN WILMON A Nil CLARI tniii-a rrri wrn 1 IMf'ni KI ft.'. I. M...I. ....-.,-, .... .... - itMn i" " ' uuying 10 nenaior iiiicncnca aecu k.inr nr Itironio tiroiverty. Ln.... . u... ... n.. .j.. .. Slf VH- aiiivfii mi iiMiHtuiii itifnii iiru7 wau .k.lkf thr liotlia MCUTO irop- ha .1.1. ,.,. ikat hi. arniiM iinnnH 1,1, t -1(10.1 lofallun and build a Lllh.r WIUon or Clark If nomlnalod. ilMUHhnnin wmi anii.ii. iiry,n la roporlod a. aarlng: "At Cliaa, llorton arrlnd Ut nronln from fleattto, and rxppcta to upend crural month hero thin nummcr. Mr. llorton I putting In an Irrita tion ajratvm In tlio northorn ond of Yonna Vallr, which will cover two or inouianu acrra. rmVBBWBBMBBr'L . uiu iiui jnir. ana ulnar, , mat the cnxo will at ui rcit much doubt and many dliquktlng cnndl lloim la unqucitloned, but It will not nllbr tlio poiltlona of mnny proton' o- tilled hommtoadcra. 1 ,X)MPIt)MIHK ItUKCTKO ANII AM.ANH I'ltKITAIIK H)lt FIOIIT ( lit eomt nliir 1 tarierj I.... 1. ...... A .. ...I. lliln tm ifinfiipu M 7ina tm botwoen WIUon nr Clark, I do not HJjyJ wiiii a nlco hnmn c,r , .,..,, ,, pn-ferenco, but I SrTtTltli llix aproval of all of u faYor ,,n,r ,nii ,. rreon. ntmbtrt, II l rcalliod that thn ,ry nomination. I will bo pleatod to ptpttM Brfrry for tnalntonanra ripw - .iai t hiAU liurden on quite a ... .i 11,. mi'iiibsra. Ilowavar. IIBPVI v. .." - - ilt W ill nnltril on tho noroaallr of nttlll OUlf ' 'I'loa liiimr, unu Vtinllon ( tlio tlo of m bulldlu . . . I.. 1.1. ft.. ..!.. Mirfl '" priiumuiy in ti Utsrr liitiii A commlttr haa 1 .uii.l In nrniiaro tha necoa- Lj fHT to Inrorporato tho lodio, 0 Ult InC v It vr 111 n ttaiiiifii it. mitt bu'ltirt lii a prntwr man- - .mi ki,,ltBftM iimtiitrlv. ptfral iltra for a homo tiftvo ten kftrw lb (miK on inn inm nuvrBi L. La Ik. IHIIIllir lif lltM Inrfafaf. VTpl VJ IMF miiiiit" tp "' IbirtdHlrou of mUui the o1 lift lu own iHimr, 1 no irH Mind uuitr tinulnmMit U ...J at,. .I..i. .wMa l(f IVC IDV HUH II !. W.J U.ll... .vm ..V Iha VHtllA.aaB wrn mtumv, tnv ! - lUtrMIf. na on erf a ni-J prvvvnt ' ... ill. A ! Ill u... - -.. .-. tnluiriT ft II B ft L .....1 u h.h Alrt Martin prop- .. ika. ntnrr nf Maltl fd Tw-C UVBl '' -- l.l.lf .1.. it,- ontiri itnuir. php ""- 1 11 ,u ,w l,M br Mr. M-rl " jT M"r1 il. liABTiikB.1. Bil rrmi M tfci 01 " "T. " 7 - Kit th ottrr may bo fJlinoriiwn MI tint. Clin., tlravrf. maoo ilUr otr of ih" iroKinyvii- it notion .ton- Tim oRer-V" " ji..-.1 i.v tin mnmDfrii.iu .... BtinW III it IIMall taV.nlAP Him tavntnt atnn, lata MAaMlnal Inn aalll & hUinail , -" . - nitwt n "v "!'- aatlil tha nomination of either Wll- J1' u 0 M r1 u u,ul,Jr "m on or Clark." ,le' Tlls lMt mild" dur,D "ln lntvr ' haa ihown that the rcarrvolr haa been iii.-vi.-mai u-i-miul- Avi.-itTi.-it we" 'onatrueled, ana la capablo of KiI"Jl,i5..fi,.,.T....- 'l'l" f "iPPly of water. ... ,w..,..r ,,..., ,,..v, Akw f bo wouM comp),, ,he n.iii o aw project Ihla ummcr, Mr. llorton tat- ' ."rV'TT:.?;?7 ed that he waa here to tako 1111 that rAi.i. nivKii, Maia,, Marrn 21. .,,.. .... .1 . 1, , A . .. . . matter, hut that It would di-nend no co, on m.nu,.c,urer. a-aoc a- Mmowhll lh.Bll 0WD., M ,. Ion arerled a .neral.trlke today by J IMMtlni notlrea In tho mllU, which ., , ',, , , , , ,. , . ' .. .. . .ii 1. . . nd ho wanted to bo auured that ho , . ... . . fore ho went to any further eipcnio. ,"u """ erai-ioy -n However, ho believed that the land returnei. to work Monday mornlna. Wffl h Tho nperatlvM had refu.ed an In- htm Q M bcforo un e creaae of B per cent. h.( ,,,,.,..,, ,., h. uM ,.. half full of water. Tho water I. ... "T l'' " '"n' curod from Uuck Creek, which I. .up- , "1 ' .' . j ..i. 1.1 . "i "le court room tragedy, bni been piled byNthe melting .now from the MhlmrtmA , ,,, ,.,M'A ' ,..., W."B,.':,n": ?" .'V0"!'.1 f !'" "hl no Information ha. bee. B.lned from HMtf Irii tmlr. wlilla VafV mm kU ft ft.t riihVtiilnnl. at PA hiVrnB VlaLlftTCallnW HTIIHIi ftCftMUai noedM . the membarahlp In- dKMLlId HllUHR9 iRUM v iratiatitn aaaaa aajuawa I nlted IVm Mervtce ' (J. Kinder and W. A. Donnell llll.!.8VII,I,i:. Va March 23. Tho urouht lo tb" eouai clerk ofllM lien r.M. nf outlaw. hav ,.,.....i ''' morning two loadi of coyoto and leeorr Into tho mountala.. Thn ffr l,0,'cal l,lle' on w,,lch iho MCurcd dado by them for a coim.ronilae and ,,c "' Uount)r- Mr- Kr "a " .. ...'... .. eUe." aald .. . . .. r 11 villi. nnd G cat, and Mr. Donnall w wui . w " " ' - ., . urrenuou wa reiuioq oy tno numor- : .1 " ... .. r ... . . . "."... .u. i ...m. . ..- "-""" ui . aa I. 1 .a 1 . . . 111 1111111 aaiiia u ajamu,. a nn aa aa a axa aa aai am a vjaaaaaia a. Baaai mam BaBtBBB auima r vaa . iiioii. nun inn, u 11 inouein. enn all . 7 . .. V. 1. .... 7P,,,PW,' chance of taking the outlawa alive. ero curtt ,n ' Vl,er mni Un' ". Head of munlclpalltlea w.V.Vi. ... mn'r Kllw". you" water i no- ,,.,, ,n-,ii.. .,i, ,1.. 1(.. 1 no Horriu icacnera ana pupua are pound iiifflclent water to Irrlxato the Ivan DanleU received a ulro toduy taking much pain to prepare ror the KM KTIIM9 Cfflll l'ua- announcing the eeath of hl wKo'b entertainment of teacher. A very iLrlw HllUHnW I RUM Mr. llorton atatea that It will tako fathor. M. V. Kpy, which occurred Urge attendance of teachers la de- raiiaiMn aaaaa aukitvi ataa. ""' IfcBler portion of tho aummer to thl morning at Leland,- near Qrantt aired. for the tlub rooma. MlduU M" lUllLMU com',,, '" Tn dltcbe I'aa. Death wa audtfed, and waa iMtlbur, one of tha trustees I HIWWW Itltv I uni.mw w,n no, ufflcu)t comtructlon, tho retult of heart dlieaac. Mr. Eapy Mrs. A. A. Thomas came In from Mft. ha. offered hla present but it win be necessary to construct and wir l""'-r"r''7ai,' at. property on tha corner of NI.AMATH MM 'IUtt-RK fpMia,yfif..'aa UTweir.ea.oned. tnU o lBmJ5h , ody -Vl.i-T CITT-WAH TIIWIK WITH uSST '" " . ...rlv that has u.UMia'll ....at.. ftSftSS "" ."... 1.1. rn.n.. Etiiltt ifilon ii y " u" Bt Mft. by Khestra Starts 5c Dance Tonight A lie-crnl unnrc which will take lUtt twy Haliirday night at l 1. .1... 1. .... Innnvatton "n aauMi 11m i .- --- tin k i.u.11 ninrrii an tho board tn -mi... M.. 1 1.1 iiiia fiiv. Kvery KrtOB will lie n quired to pay lb" ' .. . . .. ...... I. wltlrh HiTtctnia lor i-ncn uanso m w...... . . .....la. M lilt part. lhrrn neing no "--iim riir-..i .1 iiui iinor eicent that ltMBtt, whlrh inlltlea the party wiauflinrm. Tkeimiilc for the danco win httUhtd by tlio Whlto Pelican or 'tr, and ilmirlug will commence promptly at 9 n elm k. tHTIIIU lit' Till- MAINBC ninii;ii i rtHi!!""" TATIVrJI ,......! j. W. fllemen returned laat ovenlM from Portland. Captain Bleaaene wont to nan t- - -- tha spec al eicuraioo. - -' 7nt to Msdford and l-ortland. I,NIM . . ... IL V.llal mg.lt A 1 II. ..at- that '--""-."" t big ahowlng nan r ...-. - . a i.-a.ai daleaallon h'1 ?' "rU" .. "Portland. About trom urea... "- " ;. . ... fifty people from ton t " .. ..nmnanled from irrMliemen w --.. .. .T?.. - ....... M. I'nrnwall. Pub- rortiana oy ---"'.-... i.-...t .her 01 ma t .- -- - , and moat prominent lumber Journal ana raw v contain- eS w'ovVA ..V..nt articles on Ik. on. by W. P. Jo-- ------ , ,", by Wm. P. nan oi .nn .. Lumber company. CLAMATH LADY WINS UhD sun ESPY SUCCUMBS TO HEART DISEASE Jimi'.l'IIIN'K COUNTV BIG SHOWING OF FUR ANIMALS fTftft'A'ft UL'fAf mJtHWM sT.a VlsVt I . A Vtl I "rv ". a1MtaTar4aB m-M I aaPsVaU aUII S tafftaU HaPalktfel ft IHIK VAIJ.KVH IIIUNa IN HUNCH III II I IIB frllrl P UP IIIIIKH ON WHICH THKV ,W ",lUU,, rtUrLI: fOM.KCT 7 IKIUNT.' Ing her place In tha doings of the larger cltlea of Oregon and tha Pact- Aaa au..l gatta.aa.aa I at ft Hk.BHAP UaBaftf- At lent to comt here And make a tUU lA aiaalll fta.a.J IL. aaj I aMB a. ! .! S a. Ik win auiua iu vitiwiw h uihu w eiert every effort In turning out and -i a al .-a ....il.. ft..-. ..II lauHini kua Biifj vsevuiivo uuw won we appreciate hla honoring thla city with hla preaenee. ARE FACIM6 STARVATMH United Press wrvia- fXIMnnM. Uirrh tl Ten million and a half workers are Jobless. De- "' ..-.-,...-.. - - nammono, Koosevsifs Drou.r-M- IC coyotes and S cat. The animal a result ot th. miners' atrlk. to ten UW( wbo u chairman-of the Taft re- ero caugjit In Poe Valley and Lan- millions. Heads of municipalities publicans gcll Valley thl aprJng. In addition haT. aavla.d the government that un- There persona who truly reflect to tho bounty, the hide, will bring a ,Mf the itr,ke u f.tUti they cannot the sentiment of the so-called lnaur- good price, o that the jnen have had mtai,, ord,r. food rloU are oc- gent wing of the republican party are very prontablo employment during ..,. ,n gcotunj Ma- Wales. suiipoiltng La PolUtte. Aid now the winter month. t,,at Roosevelt knows this, It mar be WITHDBAWB PROM RACK poMlble that such boomers aa Oovsr- TKACHKflH' INHTITUTK TO FPU COUNTY HHKR1PP nor Johnson and some of hU frleads ir. nr.nu ax u.nn.i,ii - en California mar eventually realise SAYS ROOSEVELT NOBODY'S CHOICE OROTHEB-IN-IiAV OF COLONEL, WHO M TAJTH MANAQER, BAYH ' PEOPLE HAVE 8POKKN IN NORTH DAKOTA ham rRANdinrn. 'The result In North March 11. Dakota abows -ine reauit in norm yaaoia mows that Roosevelt la neither the choice of the people nor ot the republicans. n.nrfi-in.1 th.m .v. .nnueh nih.n cither In North DakoU or anywhsr-t . eUe." aald Colonel Charles MllUn Roosevelt's brother-la - A local teacuera m.iuuie .lit ciiool rally wilt bo held at Merrill . i u .. UIl ftllU VTOUII1. Uft HRftll .1 ... ftll iioiuwina Qt;, tno oreuiDB iruar. win coniui oi cnien.iuiueni irc cnted by the Merrill achool children anu .evcrai anon auarcwe. npeciai cnori win oo maao a. mi meeiing o WKLli KKUW.V HrMIDKNT PANHKM M,aln lhe ,ndui,r,a conteit. and to AWAV HLDDHMiV WIIII.I-: ON A arouio an added Intereit In It. VISIT WITH HIM WIPK IN " 8nl"r,,,Jr t,ho .te,Cher" .0r.,!h" vuuuft Mliu allium wuui .in iutiivi to attend and take part In the dlscni- muiia uu kuwi iiruuiviu. I no Horriu (cacnera ana pupne are bl.. ........ n.l tn -i..-... '. tha lom uarre oi aij, won ua. m .trongly urged and talked of u t andldate on the democratic ticket for .ft..iaf ft... k.... I tt.. altir j uv. IIVIIU. uw ftrewu -ft- .u-J v.u -w. mwi- fULAll looking over the fleld.. ftiax comsirTBBBjiiisjasasatMt n cannot afford to leave his ranch for a political campaign, and announced tlila. aflapeiAAH tA.ei-ieeft tattAeVlfjiaV Cap home that he waa out of the race for good. Thla leaves 8. L. Walker and It St. George Bishop to light for the democratic nomination. ', library ctii mm MTHEI'SSIfflKi LtHICT COBBT IlKMIKIUi IIECI HiioN IN THE CAHK OP A. lfc 'llANIKIJt VH. 1KMK K. WAIL NKII 'P THIH em taken to Washington, nia lormer t.nm. Tli a ilxeeaied was the proprl- klor of the Klamatn raiia noun ... . u,i.i.ii xir iinniei is man- iworm, ui .- ager, and ha been a roeiaen. oi rlty for a numuer oi jrun. i .. .."", , .h ellv today lllKKKNDANT ANU HIM ATTOIIXCT UCOra" Uliaa.w - ---- .1 from hi. ranch twelve mllea down tho .... OXKS iX COURT ...n.u it Binvti incrn ik iiui. uuvss ihiiv;i bb - , i-. ir, hi; nnrt nf tho vnlfcy, ana i-. leftke jaiiiomia may eventually realise iiiKiaevei. uvea lor a long uiu m ie inniiu on a raucn, ua ni at- ia I. more striking oa that account. t-TLu. .... . ..k ...a. i. af...k iy.l. wa. iih uui bb.u IH nviui t..-iin vj ui. t.u t.iui.iai. m.a- arers, aa they considered It the wtseet tAllrw In alfnar f Vntlatt. ...t Ilootevelt Of bt It atone. That It was a good plan Is proved by the fast that the Issue between the third-term as pirant sad the deserted laserfeat 'cader was clear cut and the ieo.1. nav rpoken loud enough to be heard at Qvfter Bay and acraataato. "And let me make a predictien: There will be Uttle difference la the defeat of Roosevelt In North Dakota .-... ki. -.... I-. v.iir....i. NKW CKJAR FACTOST 4 NO HEARING IN CARROLL CASE i O. B. DeLaney, who came here re- . . . B.. ulinlrA P'in - fw r iiia iiPiEiiuum nnwasi U inn - -" Ma. - nine- .hort nro hauling rrooine -r re . rill section A1K ONI.V ONKM IN wwi. WHEN CAHK WAH CAM.EII AT aiao o'cixick .. ..A .ratttwanta. A very aniaa-i --- tlTt dUeusaloa coaeerahti the womea auffrmge qnesuon waa ift-- ai,ii-a ..k-.-- ninfc vaa- the women oi - . aa lattAS-l nine teraay aiiernwva. - ----- - . - .. tn nartake ot aa enna wa. . -- -- - afternoon tea. Bides were se.for and agalM tne quesuon. - - Mrs. Cogswell and Mr. . -..... .ia. .ad Mrs. Talbot me """------- .. .k. and Mrs. Mauoe mnio """.. 77 negative aide. The speaasra tor u side expreatwvi - strongly concerning the merits of wo- ,"' ' .a ftk. Alaniaalon nan. nHrSCS. UO M" IDeLamBSy BBS --;.. - - -- stairs la the Heianca .. -experts hU goTernmeat aapers and material here ia aooui w.-. -- he will sUrt making cigar. ID IKE CJWWHIS for mm DFHCEl. -mAiA.tmm .nt.red the TWO more tm " race today for the nomination oa the .... and the discussion republican ticket for precinct omcea Word waa received In thl city to . .J. . .k. .... n( A. D. Daniel nay ma. in ..i. anlnst Jelo B. Wagner, an equity " .. la ati.iviM rnjrk ui ult n the circuu .vv - .. i- . . . a. i.tn nana. thU state, a decision n -", down In favor oi iu. '""'""-- mem among iuwb- ..--. i . 7 . ik. arnineat As a nnai ouw- ... th. nuN ... .. a.ain.t John D. Carroll. 1 IIB LkatU ..- -- ., aa nnai uutkutain ---- - tract BarA OH !ch,ired wUh '""'"I y ,..'. so a straw vote was Uken for the pur- laSt tiaCe OH , for preliminary hearing at 8:30 . airaw . OD,n,oB ot Rnllar Skates " -e-oon tkiS: fhoL -VTnt. .d . r-u stood 4 Biran 1 BTF - ,.r ihu most exciting roller ........ iiui! ItflMT. IIEKP IW: "" "a" V JUIUIRM PONKU. lim.v"" it-ii.il Press etvtce r'"V.T." u...t. si Hwlni 10 I rlllllTAIIU. maivH -" . II felled I'n Hi-rrm ulaiiift,.i.ik. .. ft u. h 01. ti.ailim, IVJiH, lit kit, am.ivw a Tklrtr-four rnnki.lu. covered with lovtn, rnnlnlnliiK tbe bones of vie urn ol the Mulun, were burled In Ar- IU... . . ... .. .- at 'iion rcniinery tins aiiernuun 'M. Tho rerciiinnlra wero attended J rrtiidtut Tnft, the cabinet raw ri and IiIkIi i.mclal ot the army 1. 1 .... ...I,, n. n.. .ft. .atalt. iuij, wniui .o,uuu peoia wa- d the ronina mrrled along Psnnsyl- vanla itinim inwmii iii. n.w build 'I. whero tlm funeral cersmonlea t held nt 2 30. INMXT MOUTAI.ITV APPAIA lN(l-Klirn:itlNO IH INTENSE I'nueq irr.. Ho r Vic WNDO.v. Mi.rrii ii Th. strike Is ClUlIn Inlanu.i ...!- avarvwhere . .... nilHVIIH. KngUml, Hcotland and Wales. ThouaamlH ot families In the cities "' Pawned nvorvthlna. Including furniture, nud are living In bar 'oomi without fuel or food. Th. awr- Ulllv . ,.. . . ..... a.i-ht. ""iiia iiuania ia aireaur tna 'il, and u rapidly growing wort. rjwrB: .'urn Aey" B-lWr will c,r,rcM.onb.b..foU,.C .rnm.ntpro.wuu-. - - ,.. th.l Juaae v-.K-;-- . struct the jury nn - to a close. LU.h..b;W.Pj.n.ofmany ...l-llatta AH aft WIUIAMX -- rongraiu... ------"...; Tk.-no. volvea lor nor ." ":' ,..-. clslon. however, it """'--';". will reflect a strong bearing on n Will " . .-, niin group of other; j - -- ty, the total monetar "- . . 1 ..at llllll.UUU. ed ueiog ov. .-"- ... w..nor - The case in wmen .-. --- ---' . . ,..a .-.i i, a. resulted In was int.re. "--- w..w. her fator, wa. arg ;"-.;-. in wnavmo wft...- -- - former chief deputy sh.rlff under W. B Barnes, will seek tbe republican nomination for Justice ot the peace. A " ... . .. -f th. ! who number ot tne raw.. -- - have apprecisxea r. ..--.-work In the sheriff's oBce hav. i be-n aravca court. Thla la tue case ioun- "", .- i,.or 0f the negative. It U work In the shorn s om " cd on. charge by Wm. Mlckl.r. apon to 7 la favor or " d hot. Wa to become a 4 hirh Mr. Carroll waa early thla week ri"" ,.. ... w,re unt.i he n.Uy cotAeated. HI op- end.nt.V"""", nUco ,n thli l w back from Ban Francisco. ?.,!" "L ,h. f.rt o,.t the waUr non.aU are W. H. Bhaw. E. W. uow- n i.. .....r aira. i..hw. . . .. ...li.,! hit hi idb ft uii.iwm n,m...---.-- v. - -- .."...., . ,, hllt no l,y wa. PUllea oa . - v-.ro.. -.-j;- "---,,.-,. Ink lait night, wntn r.ar. i" ne euo iiii- L" ... .h htter ram In tho nrgu- itcmoon tbe state's attorney and do- a ,.mn out with flying colors. Lna.nfe atorney. C. M. Onolll. wero ' " .i.n tered the race I conference, the nature of imcn ieco -"-- - n.u. r- .--- ,,.,n.M.. L.-t.aii iiiiinn. jdiiw .-? iwbi uui aswi ...---.-- rn Katui - - .. j. i niitn lloaaland ana van """! mTi -w-i Ed ICPPMaPV. tne -'--" V ' aarallO lltn w.a - -" . .k. rartra. anil CODEC the pari ut - ' ,. , .... I ..-. ar.atnani.au 8BARCHINav-.. IN Aim" "" tinned Prees ""! v.r . 0XNAIID, Cat, March "--v" hundred . In . "? back are searenma " "-"-,,.l " . . .. w....i a-ho fatally country wrn--- ...,. The shot Constable warren .-.- - fugltlv., H is saw !-" -; lhrA WeeKaHUk"' aa A. anrnnn 5 K J-O. n.rn. formerly J - 5 .ecured :S -P--.M.rv SSai K .-t.on! -nd .r U.t pace the ottWKinw-" --"-. arMl II. Mill 01 inn ------ Piatt of the nrm ot . ... - - the plalniin, uani. - -- aWT-SSSJE which cau.ed a good leal ot spurting Wllivu - ..k. annln.f.nt. on tho part oi wu ---. ------ .. ai lAiirin un iiuumbvi - - . . . f.u m itin floor, but he rwedr.;u.;jr,..n. up quick- ly and resummg ..--- ;- also had the m.:or w ;---- tenth lap. W"" "" " . "'. the .... i b wmita returned, last evening from San Francisco and Cal ifornia points, wnero uu au . ......... k..... k.n aiiandlne: the twin- Wlllli ' " -.----- -..,.. ter. Mrs. Wllllts went on o """'-' whore sho will vl.lt a nori ume relatives. I ODIIVIOUS i . - - which Had been pUeed oa the , stove torthe.pnrpcaeo -llbJlflUto was nrw.y .or.-"-- .r" nD. get com, con--,u... - - -posed to be aa afternoon tea turned out otnerwis um pt.au..-. PERSONAL MENTION WAt Mav Come to Klamath tans IIATB OF HOCIAIi CHAX0EH It haa been decided to hold Ik- month" aoclal .t th. . .l un.ii.v avenlni, Marcn nnrpn un . --- SBth, Instead oi apni . . . i.i. inat hla caso waa oy "'..' , .i- SB- iH Ll-JSLSS StS SiXXiz between tnt,e.v. ------ . ."rtlon Hl -----.- the front, a. --;---. . ,. t.lned hi. m" "'" -"7J f race. Hilton. "--.- ,-,r- .. ...ui.. nrtniKiib fti.sM . ki tne vw-" -- ... opera koutft .tatur-wr ilikt. i immber the chlokea-ple dlaftK .....m anarka. th. b,ary on Saturday .vsalaf I Daael-ff toalikt. '" .nt and '".'-: "d pur- appeal on uw .. lXrr;nSfe.roMh:cMe ornment pt" -"-:. ,fi04 Mr., racing u. --- --- alvo. U transpireu iM - ---. .ron. nnd won wv rlu " " . r W.gn.r fll.d -crl.; rta PJJ" W (rlie tho gonfcUund.d tor th. last .-ratld for th. land- '?. ! ,::'."- WM ,. only man on th. r,a-- -- a-j: . rmrtia3tr ... . ..ii-,.. who arrived hero lh,t mo " ol ".".. . hrose. '.." J! k kT:' . im Los An- krtMi that Mrs. wagn.r --- f partn.r.n.P -j government for -. --- " . - ... . wnnid nave u - .. . ....i. nn avar neara J svpTOT V Houston, Mrs. W.?or -. - ,d 0, r.rov.rng;u-r'" -" flw.yMr K u'"...; homestead. ' residence in --- -- .,,, Th case ret.- ion. RiuTeii DHk, tlew a.'.H -i . n...k ti. well known cattle mr;noh.uonaU.nP.n.; ma nnd eouia .- .--- Evening from In FraacUco. where '""' vi. ..ti... emtn tha ha atonnea oa - south. ... .. 1. 1 fthia -itv l. tt have tho) un - v" . .. .. ...I-. anm. raarvlfUt 01C pleasure . -- .-7 ' on. tures wntcn wm o.t . ..w - th. BoosUrs who Just reet,atiy vis ited San Francisco and win lhow In great measure tho proceedings which r ... -I. thar. Beemtary nave ieu i"."-" --- , 0.1. T. Oliver, ot the uaamorr .. . ft .-nnv.il lhe.0 Commerce. na ju. .. -- - nnd think. It will be a good Mi i to . . .hant in . aatiaiaatvAA aw aaaaaw orma met" " ... ,h. .... k. i. .nin. nn witi tne snOW JUl wu.ft. a - --- Booster excursion that Juornw d to ... k... . iu.il nnm trtU- .... .. .i-. th. nroceedlngs from i miy t - - - . ..I. .lan Mnaetatt the screen. t ""'-" . k. h.a haen. Qovernor , -.- ---- d.r.d.ninvit.--"-- Dancing toatbt. flpwlu . . aUM.Aftai a taaued from rianiEia ii.-sfww. -- the clerk', ofllce today to follow ing: R. A. MitCMu. ue.. - - - Wilson. H. w. i";"i:, ,,, AU Ojwea. M. T.J Do, M lloberuoa. cnas. ri".t--- -Wlddoe. H. H. Van Valkeab-rg. C. H. Harpest, Jona , ----?;.b.BMB.Moor.,W..PrJU.W: IL. Alexandria, "-""' Chaataln and -'--,- .lM Kooeri iioiii"i -- . so.th.wMaltyYUltortoay. - waa accompanieo oy b" -" t'e latent new WlP-t to do U spna. -- rwTbeoUoa and one that will be appreciated by lover, oi w. - . ... ,.--,, jona anapBarti. -- -7 '".. f armars ot the KUattah J ' .k- .it. tntt.T traftaaeUas ""."? -.-.T. ni... la building that - ctnt- a aMgkU atmt tea- near waww.. .. j. a. tcneiaotvwft -, 7fc' ... ...... J ... la la the any until he anally coawenie. - -r-poneaU are W. H. Bhaw. E. W. Uow M d E. B. Raby. and .U rt them have a nost oi warm .. - contest Is Ilk.iy . t - Will W. Wilson bu aaaouae. !hl-s.lt a ndldat.tor constable o ,UnkvUl. dutnex -'-- T ticket, nr. wiwuit ,- - - ,, potI..a,br.cUcaUrS ot wa ". "- :-.7k.. :.-Ai..t. notice force. Tne oniy t ------ poiicw .v. o.h.llnek. the for tbe joo ia jontt .. -"."-- prasent Incumbent, wbo has held the I office tor a number ot ysars. Regular Saturday Night vancing -rn.i.ht u daaca algbt at Ua Spark. theaU and a W " .ace U exp..o. m m --- -r coat-Unta tol 110 cash pru. ror .uwft. "----7. ... a .i a. usual. Masons IU" IB taamtavft . oh-tra will tr.Uh the u-c. a covftpeWBtcorp. - ---,.. will k..P trferyaww -time. 9s0 sharp. - . ih. nvnatlnaat jrs.r;.'.rus: near Olsn.ft.1 in w . .-. --- plowing- U in tu Mast and the "rotp.cUw.brt.bt tor a Prtoa. 5..r tor all tarm.ra. Mr. 0rj comparatlv.ly new man " " ' . a- f w.A AHT tTT. .nw : aa aaraa iu ihiip-"-- . .. . a ,. . .t-, Uavaeaiaup ruoi. a m -"- - . ...... tik tu twau- no doubt accept a.d raak. tat. y -. - , .- w. j . - . -i.it aaenmamHitiai aj " --- . .. . ia. rtatiee. att wa . ...... -------. ., ... that Rsmsmoer i-t .i.iait at Eugene. Tram tne reraawiaei i ---- .. t ...ta,.t. ..-. -KLEftVart: A-tt-" wToSs- "' ',- h rjssua i eT: - i Daaclag toalg.t- 1 .1 t v w - ? i' - t yi W. iCV w..