" wvt ' r fi . twtiitto efaU. Htll'PLIKD IIV TIIK ,,NHHI) PIIKMI NEWS RKIIVIUK niuii vi -Nil 1,7 in KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH SB, 1MB r t .1 ... i , She 1 imnonwvinM hurt no raws, nor amour NDIN BOKAYS TO THE BOSSES" IXXMI. WHITER HAH VERY INTK.lt t;sTIN' AHTICI.K IN Till! fl.lt hunt xifMiii.ii ok tiii: com- I NO .NATION" The currrnt immhtir of "Th.i Com i Nitloti, ' Hi" perannal organ of Club" IMftnrit Ituaaoll, noted limit HlD writer, author, reformct ntiil iocIiIUI. contain n contribution tiom Klinmlh Fall writer, Kllllo ftrtii llul'e, who he typewriting oflftt In Hi" Whlte-Mnildox hullitltiK. "Th Coming Nnllun" U a ilUtlncttr loclill.tlc production. Tim various llklr inmrllmca Imll with throrl, ib4 Mil' llul Mini U a regular con trlbulnr to mniiy otlmr organ of tlm MD trnilnir), Imtrail of adopting Iht rough ftinl rugged way of railing i (! I'aiIp, Rom about baring br IJf nml tliixn of lirr mil much M tKwIcjr due. Ill parable nirtlioil, The title n( lirr itnry la "lUnillii' Pl)kl (0 I In- llllMe," hollClll whlrh ipviri tin' real name of tlm author tu. Tli" utitry I" III conventional tijl. but It U "Aunt Nancy of Klam ilh Hi'lti. Ore," llint U playing tlm ((khIIh to mi Interlocutor with Mm Joim In llin I - 1 1 r role. Tlm ttmmo U i w-ll selected onr, lint U capable tf itrongcr treatment, whlrh doubt bit Mr llulcn I competent, under nor fitiirabln condition., to glvn It Tit grsiriiirn of tier Ihrmn I hulll ci the (irnriita of huudreila of thou Midi to hour In buy necklace and Dthr frill fur magnate and their aim, hrr iiiiitrntlnn bring that It l l.t orkliiKim-n who make tlm prea nti, nl the aoclallatlc aunt la re vklBC her nli-co In an educational sort of on Ilia meaning of the trosg embodied hi tho whole sys tin. PREDICTSTAFTON THE FIRST BALLOT t'.tllHH I, lli;Vli:V OK HITUATIOX IIV IIHtria.MI JOUHXAL 4HVKM ritini:.N r sun votkm ix the WWKMIIIX Cloie urry of Dm fluid In tlm l!M of tin. latest development m It iMlblu to glvo an rillmate ef the rwult when tlm nasi national rvpubllran convention meets, saya l-i I'ortland Journal. With clalma o ill il.ir. i,.i,.u, look, like Taft It flrat ballot, with Roosevelt a lcr Kcund An Mtlmiitn by Mate of tha "Mitli Dt tlm various candidate iHwTaft 5!i, Hooaovnlt 343, Iji Kol Wit Jt ninl Cummlni 16, with 88 In Im doubtful ll.t. ThU rIvm a total 1.078 ilrl,Kntia, S1U votoa needed l nominal,, in tho official rail for lit ronpt)tln only 1.078 delcRalr " lined, iht, national commlttco '! mirlookiMl tlm fact that tho itatu if nw Meilco haa two -Mmttri of ((inisrcua, and la entitled tllhl dp(.RntM. While tho call oi only (x to Now Mexico, It In J1"1 "ill Hio other two ilelnRnt.a i I be icntni Wihut qucttlon. in miikliiK m the eatlmato Tnft " M,' ro.iucoil h, anvernl RUtKR ' llm iiuiiihor ha may receive "'uHioriurH claim ho will cot prac ily a ii.li.i d,.n.Kaiion In Miin ""Hti. but In tlila oitlmata ho Is "n 20 nml IJooaovelt JO. Ron.?. 1 7 bl,n,,,lf "ly clnliiu so of tho on wimtM of N0W York, and odda nro J:"'? "'"l l' will not Rot mora thnn " m HiIh rillmnta he li lren 13. J..u . ,,n"l,' t of 88 It "MM bn Hiirprlao of U Kollette "Mure, hnlf 10 ,uimber, while th "Jjr half m ,,0 uwde( hetwoen n. Hoonovon. California and ,',,'n ftr I'lncod In tho doubtful 'Bn, ioK with dlitrlcU In South "oi nnd Mlnneaota, whew U Fol mt U Urong. itpe.t,ollowln Mte of tho " of tho candidate, wu ile.n- riT.i , !"l,,,Jr oui'eo-'. Ineludlng the RooL '"" of """W TRft. "iwi whore delecktM have alrwdy wn cho"n. Tlewi ot Independent obaorver. nml careful wuIrIiIhr of tlm InfliiPiicii of loader In vnrloui atatea: Estimate of Nl-rnxtli ? 9 O HTATKH Arliona Alabama Arknmaa . . , 24 14 f 10 A 13 3H IN 3S r, IN 30 N 10 30 111 (I 30 18 California .... Colorado Connecticut Delaware . . , . , Florida OeorRla Idaho Illlnola 40 4 18 8 Indiana Iowa Kanaaa Kentucky . . . . l.oillalana .... MMim , Maryland Mnmtarhuiietu Mlrl.lKMi . . . Mliinciita . M MImIIi.I .." 16 14 13 18 8 I II e 4 14 3 13 8 33 Ifi : Mlaaourl .... Montana . N'eliraaka Nevada New llampahlro New Jeraey . . . 4 14 A 78 I I New Mmlco New York North Carolina , Ohli Oklahoma OreRou 10 I'enuayUanla . Ithodn Inland . , SO 8 18 30 Hoiith Carolina Houth Dakota . . Tenneeo . . . . Tfliaa Itlah Vermont . . . Virginia 30 8 6 33 8 4 WaihlnRton . . . . ii 13 Weal VlrRlnla . . Wliconilu WyomltiR Ataaka Dlitrlrt Columbia Hawaii I'orto II lc Philippine ... . Total. . 3 . 3 . . 3 3 .598 343 88 Knr U Kollette North Dakota 10, Wlaronaln 34. Total 34. Knr Cummin Iowa 16. ItrpmlUlr'l In .North Dakota North Dakota' repudiation of the clalma of tho Itooncvelt men that ho would take all tho direct primary utatiw under hi wlnR wilt unques tionably havo a lining effect In La Koltetto' favor, and will correspond Ingly deprea the Itooievclt enthuil ait. Taft already ha a Reed atari In delegate actually elected. Ho haa Alabama' 34, all but ono dUtrlct In VlrRlnla, and probably that alio, at of Florida' 13, and all of Georgia'. 38. Teiaa and North Carolina are tho only atatea In which llooaevett line a Reed hold. The Indiana pri maries for convention delegate aa mi re him prlctacally a solid delega tion there. Oklahoma Is tho only state that has declared for Itooao velt so far, and some of tho districts I hero havo been carried by Taft. Cummin ha been unable to hold his own In Iowa, losing several dis trict to Taft. Ono Wisconsin district svomu to bo shaky, nnd may bo won from l.a Kollctto by Taft. HERE FIOI MICH TO MAKE FUTURE HOME Julius lleauregard ot Ludlngton, Maaon county, Michigan, whore ho la Juatlco of tho pence, arrived here last night, with tho view ot making thla county his future home. Trior to ccmlng hero ho spent some tlmo with hi brother In Medford, and the latter encouragod him to comb to Klamath Palls In pursuance of his detlro to aet He In the West. Judgo lleauregard toek u promi nent part recently n health affair In Mason county, when ho was apj pointed township health officer I.inldlnstnn In atatnnlni out what called the "vaccination epldomi and enforcing the vaccination laws Aakad aa to hla observations wl reference to the presidential situation the judge laid his belief wu that It would, 10 far aa the primaries were concerned, result aa follews: La Kollette. renubllcan; Clarke,- demo crat; Debs, socialist. Don't foriet the ave-cent danee at the opera house tomorrow Bigot CHARGES MUST BE PAID MAY 1 XOTICi: HUNT TO I'AIIMK.ItH THAT IICII.DI.Ml CHAIU1KH FOIt lot I iii:co.mi:h iii.i.gtiK.T o.v thk I'lltHT OK MAV The farmer under the -ovcrnment Irrlxatlon project are rerclnlnR notlco from tho laud offlco to tho effect that tlm biilldliiK chnrRoa for 1911 will become dvllnqucnt May I, 1H13, and If not paid by thai dale no further no tice will bo given, but th'o charfen will In. aubjeel to forecloatirn proceed InR. While thla haa alway been the rule of the department, yet heretofore It haa not been tlm rti.tom of tho land office to mnd out notlrea until after the paymenta became delinquent. Tho booka were uaualty checked up on or after May lit, and If It waa found that aome of the land ownera had neRlected to make their paymenta. notice waa Riven them, and they were Riven thirty daya from the dato of the notice In which to Ret the money to tho land olTlce, Till rvo aomo of tho farmer who might bo a little hard up a month or ao additional time In whlrh to ratio tho monoy. Now, however, tho notice) are Riv en bitforuhand, nnd there will be no chance of accurlnif thla eitra time. On May 1, the 1911 ctmrrc become dellmiuent, and the 1913 rharRM be come duo. CHOCOLATE SHOP NEW INDUSTRY TWO YOtr.VO LADIKM WILL EX. OAOK IX TIIK MANUFACTURE OK CIKkCOIiATKH AXD FHKXCII CAXDIKH Tho "Chocolate Shop" I to be the name of a now eitablUhment which will npon for business on Saturday, March 30, at 12B North Fourth street. Tho place Is to he operated by Mlsa Mabel Nlckerson and Miss Agnes Btephenion, both well known young ladles of Klamath Falls, who are to engage In tho manufacture and aate of candles, making a spoclalty of chocolato creams. Miss Nlckerson can bo considered an expert In the making or choice candles, and already baa a most favor ablo local reputation In thla line Friends of tbo young lady who have sampled some of her confections have really been Instrumental In Inducing her and Miss Stevenson to enter busi ness. Work ha commenced on tho Interior Improvement and fitting of tho hop. and It I to be flnlihed en tirely In brown. IIIIYAX REFURKH TO VOTE FOR HAIIMOX United Press 8er1ce KKARNEY, Neb.. March 23. Speaking at tho banquet In honor ot his birthday last night, W. J. Tlryan doclnrod that If Harmon carries tho democratic presidential primary In Nobraska he (Dryan) will resign as delegate to Dsltlmore If elected. He refines to vote for Harmon. licit dance rauilo you ever heard at tho Ave-cent dance at uousions opsra houso Saturday night. ORDER OF EAGLES TO IKEJ IT At a moetlng of the Fraternal Or der of Eagles, Crater Aerie 1616, to be held on Wednesday night In the new hall In the west end, me cam' nnlan for Increased membership. m uudortakejiJUatts-ali-UUIl' n 71 the program includes smokers, stag parties, ladlea' pnrtlea and vocal and Incremental enier Ulnments. Tho present Worthy drand President, A. M. Crystal, la the leading spirit of tho movement for the development of the Beagles' aerie In this county. Prior to hla appoint- ment to hi preaent office he waa prominent member of the Dunimulr aerlo, and waa pnaldent there for two year. It la entirely oWlnR to hla IndbfatlRablo teal that the Crater aerlo ha been revived Into anima tion and Riven the atlmulouf of new llfo nnd vigor. Mr. Cryitat'a aln to aecura a mem- borahlp roll of 260 may aeem quit pretentloui one, but It la quite com patible realisation when It la borne In mind that the Jurlidlctlou of tho local aerie embrace the entire coun ty, and I not confined to tbli city alone. Tho concert which will be Riven ome time next month at tho hall will bo a comprohenilve one, In that It will Include a wide range of Klamath Utant. TRYIXU TO PROTKHT HOME FROM COXTEBT Mrs Mary A. Jones Is down from her homestead near Odeasa to look after her Interest In a contest which has been brought against her home by James nialr, and which baa been set for hearing on April iota. The homvitead la situated about all miles south of Odessa, and Mrs. Jonee baa been living there with her five chil dren, the youngest of whom la only a little over s year. Tbo homestead was originally tak en by John L. Jones, who made It the homo of himself and family. Mr Jones was drowned In the Upper Lake In February, 1907, and since that tlmo his widow and family have bud a hard struggle to exist. HIGH SCHOOL BASEBALL FAKS ELECT OFFICERS At a moetlng of the baseball en thuslasta of the high school yester day a manager waa elected for the team, which will be orgaalxed aa toon aa the weather conditions will permit. A property man waa also itected. The eeeswBo bold otto In this capacity are Olen Garrett aad Walter Hale respectively. The boys are expecting to do great things In the baseball line thla year, and Judging from the ehowlng tney mado last year, It looka as though they will be able to hold their own on the diamond. 0EBA1IIG SITUATrON IS CLEARED OP HOI Tho question whether the local high school team will be required to rlilt other district to competo la de bates, aa formerly scheduled, or re main at home, has been eettled, ac cording to a letter received by Mr Coatee from LeRoy JoJbnson, secretary-treasurer of the Oregon Debat ing Society. There haa been aome controversy concerning the debatea which are to take place at the differ ent schools lately, and until the prea ent time no definite action bad been taken. The original schedule pro vided that Southern Oregon should meet Coos Day at that city, but by some mistake or oversight In the mat ter, It waa agreed that they were to come here. Now that the schedule has been adjusted so that It fits the convenience of all, It haa been de cided to have Coos Day compete with the Central Oregon dUtrlct (Alba ny) first, and then the winner of thla debate will meet the local high. If Albany wlna It has been provided that they entertain Klamath high at Al bany, but It Coos Day la successful the team here Is to entertain North Dend In this city on May 3d. The high school hero will take the nega tive, and not the affirmative, aa pre viously stated In the schedule. ThU atrangement will be final, since It waa submitted to the president. Mr. Rutherford, and be announced that It would stand. The local high school la working bard to get Into shape In ease they should be required to Journey to ether high schools. It will be remem- ered that the team from the local Igh haa recently added two vlctorlee Its credit, and Is striving hard to pture the rest of them. The five-cent dance at the opera house tomorrow night will be an in novation, and one that will be appro elated by lovera of the pastime. Mr. aad Mrs. Rob't Sloaa left this morning for Donansa, to spend the day with Mrs. L. L. McDonald, sUtsr ot Mrs. Sloan. Thsy will return to morrow or the day alter. TELEPHONE CO. LEASES OFFICES '. M. RKIDY WILL ERECT BUILD. IXO OX 8EVKXTH HTRKKT FOB 1'ACIKIC TELEPHONE AND TEL. EORAPH OOMPAXY P. M. Reldy, vice president of the First Trust and Barings bank, waa today notified by the Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph company that bis offer for the erection of a building to be leased by the company baa been accepted. According to the agreement Mr. Reldy la to erect a building on the west aide of Seventh atreet, between Main and Klamath, 30x76 feet, to be built of brick aad concrete, with ce ment basement the full else of the building. This building U leased by the telephone company for n term of ten years, and la to be completed and ready for occupancy within ninety days. The Western Union Telegraph company will also occupy quarters la the building. Mr. Reldy stated this afternoon that work on the structure would commence at once. ROYALTY GOES TO CORFU FOR VACATION' Untied Press Service BERLIN, March 33. The kaiser, Prince August Wllhelm and Princes Victoria atarted for Vienna tonight on a special train. From Vienna they, will go to Corfu for a vacation. WEFCIUB STARTS WORK ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING a HELD IX INTEREST OF OROANIZA. TIOX OF Y. M. C. A. FOR THU CITY At a meeting of the Boosters Clu last night at the court house many attera ot Importance were brought p for dtscvjsalon In which tho club ad the pleasure of hearing some of prominent business and profes- onal men give their vlewa on the uestton of orgsnjfjncajrj this clty.y en the meeting wat sr by the president. Mr haw, the first step taken waa the re port of the committees. Directly fol lowing this Mr. Krause brought forth the suggestioa that sufficient funds be drawn from the treasury for the defraying ot all expenses that might arise from Urns to Urns while pro ceed Inge were being carried on In es tablishing tho organisation. E. L. Elliott reanonded to u. call bv the president to give n short talk and express bis views aa to the for; ing or aucn n ciud ana now jsr'go about U. Mr. Elliott stated tlat he waa greatly la favor or the Y. A movement In thla city, aad lend his every effort In getting its feet. He said the young men o to have n place to epend their evel Ings besides those places which would not beneat them materially, and It waa no more than right that that place ahould be the Y. M, C. A. It was suggested by Mr. Elliott that they form themselves Into some kind ot club nnd try to secure the neces sary funds for n bulldlnt by tssuln stocks or shares, aad arrange these according to the amount each one wanted to take out He said In this way they could raise sufficient money and at the same time have some mon ey coming In with which to meet the present needs. A short talk waa made by Mr. Wes terfeldt, and In hla review of the sit uation he said he thought It would be a good chance to have active and associate members, similar to those of ths regular Y. M. O. A. ot the larger cities. As the older men who could not be la n position to lead the necessary aid on committees aad such tlks, It would be a good scheme to have them come In aa asoclate mem- Following this .talk by Mr. Wester feldt a few words war given by Mr. Hunt, eaeouragtag tho club. He ex pressed himself aa ready aad wMMag to give hie support to any movement that would have the welfare of the young men at heart, and lend every aid he could In securing Its malaUn- ance. As superintendent nnd secretary of Sunday schools for over twenty years, and probably able to give aome light on the subject of a T. M. C. A. move ment, Mr. C. C. Biower waa called i.u nexL Mr. Brower made the state ment that the Invitation waa the best thing on earth. He held aa bis vtows on thla subject that when an Inven tion la sent to aaicae It te an honor. and la looked npon aa n personal In terest by the sender. He waa very much pleased with the start the boys are making la tbli lias, and bo:d that they would succeed la every wy, Captain O. C. Apnlegate gave hi views on the T. M. n. A. project, and expressed It aa one of hli greatest de sires to sse It become ore of the teed Ina, Institutions In this eitjr. Mr. Coatee and Mr. Flyni gave similar clews on the subject. They fevered It because It provide! a place for the young men who so desired to spmd thslr evenings. A suggestion by Mr. yfrssee that some literature coacern'ng the move ment be secured and sent to n number of outslife tapera aa well as the lotU papers, and see If some enthusiasm cannot be aroused and ahow the peo ple of other eitlee that we are alive and desirous of establishing n reput able Institution here. The question of sending a delegate to Portland waa brought up for discussion, nnd many argumsats were had coaceralag the best way to go about the matter. It waa decided to wait and see what the report of the committee woald be at the next meeting aa to the best plan to adopt. Aa this flaUhed the bust nees on hand ths meeting adjourned HANTA FE TRAIN RUNS DOWN AUTO United Press aVrvtee PASADENA. Calif.. March It. A Santa Fe train wruck the aato of Merchant Edward Rasaeb. aad car ried It a block on the pHot of the est- ajae. Every none la Ruaach'a body was broken. Mr. E. W. Mutter of this dt, who joined the Boosters who left recently for San Francisco, Is now oa his way to Loa Angeles, where he will visit Ais father aad sister. He will ao doubt take In tho land ahow which Is being held there, and help boost this country to the best of his ability. Mrs. Muller will remain In Oakland, where he la staying with friends aad rela- Ives since her arrival. The Klamath Military bead la re- Idng over the fact that they, nave ad the good fortune of having R- A. ewey with them again. Mr. Rewey. It will be remembered, played with the band boys last summer, aad It araa partly with hla help that the Sand made auch n splendid showing. It Is expected that a few more of the murlelana who were here last sum mer wilt arrive shortly. IHPROiEHEITS HUE Although It U yet early U the seaV ton there Is much activity among the armors ot the Klamath basin. A large portion of the plowlu has been done, and In every field can be the gang plows la operation. Cargo being plowedtwnVsaaamtaijVlng. This will, howsvsr. not causeiH!wter hay crop than heretofore, aa a large acreage waa sows to alfalfa last year. It la also noticeable that the eabe brush areas that have dotted the cultivated districts are fast dlsappearlag. bota under the ditch aad on the dry land. It la apparent that ssvsrat thousand acres wilt be added to the farming district this year. Probably no other one thing la the entire baaln makes such a good Im pression on the homesseker and set tler aa tbo fact that the farmera ot Klamath county are making substaa- tlal Improvements. la the past year doxena of comfortable houses aad large barna have keen put ap, to take the place ot akaeka that were ecaree- ly nay better than tho Indian's teepee. It akowa that a tillers ot the soli are ao loager-a transient class, but are building permanent homes. They are more) contented with their lot- fewer good farms are offered for sale aad the price is gradually going up. Remember the chtcken-ple dinner at the Uhrary oa Saturday evealns, BOOSTING FOR FIRST "RODEO" CITIZENS APPEAR ON IN WHITE HATS AND LXA1 "RODBO" BANDS OREAT Of. TRRHST SHOWN Nothing Is to be left undone to ad vertise Klamath eouaty Irst "rodeo." which Is to be held la Klamath Fatts the last of May aad irst of Jane. A supply of special leather hat bands with the words ' ath Falls." has been this morning a large) aamber of the business men aad Stka spsssrod m tke street wearlnf these beads aa their hats. It Is proses d te la- nee every maa possible la the etty to ear these hat bands, la order to advertise aot only to visitors to oar etty. but to residents of Us county that there to to be somtthlag doing la sTIsmsth Falls the last of May. Already the rodeo to betas well ad vertised outside ot the eeanty. A eommuaieatlon has been rsootvod from the Miles corporaUoa ot Sea Fraadaco, relative to taklag moving pictures, aad It Is practically assured that at least on moving picture out fit will be here during ths event. This would be the irst machlas to pictures la the eouaty. RE11EKAH BANtjUET At the meeting of Prosperity Re bekah Lodge No. 164, 1. 0. 0. ., tost night the following members were ap pelated as ths committee la shsrge et the April beaqutt. which wiU bo gtv ea at regular meetlns ea Tkarsdar, April t: Dorathea Cofer (chatnaaa), NeMte Orubb. Thos. Grebe. aWe Chsststo, Oee. Chestaln, Lorlada tanker. A. W. Met. JsasJe Kara. Myrtle saewtav J at Howls. Ctareaeo Mitchell, Msreaa Jamison, Ida M. Flak, E. O. Argravee, arotte.Hara. Lena Smith, W. O. Smith. Addle McCoy, Ones Hewttt, C. C. Cofer. WILL DIVIDE ANKENY RANCH SURVEYORS AT WORK CTJTTINO FAMOUS RANCH INTO TRACTS TO BE PLACED ON' MARKET SOON rvoylng crew under B. B. Hen- bow at .work making n survey the well kaowa Aakeay- ranch a few mllea south of the city, for the purpose of cutting It up Into forty aad eighty acre tracts. The- Aakeay reach la considered oae of the beet tracts or agricultural land la the county, and consists of lfji aeresi- ii acres or wnicnaswe a psia up water right. lete wlthla a week or tea days. d the property ready to be placed n tne marnet n. a. naii ox wi Ity will have the handling of the property for Mr. Aakeay. and the seme will be sold In small tracts to sutt ths purchaser. As most ot the land is covered with a permaaeat wa ter right for irrigation purposes. It to consldsrea as very desirable, aa there will be no further charge except the maintenance charge ot 76 cents per XO ALLOTMBNTC MADE IN KLAMATH RBSKRVB esewawawawaam WASHINGTON, D. 0., March . fenator Chamberlain haa taken up with the Indian office the desire et the fish aad gams-commission to get certain lands in ths Klamath rose vatlon. Ha waa Informed that allot ments have not been made, aad ac cordingly n MgregatlM eaanot be made at present. Hunter Savldge ot tke SaviAfe Brothers Lumber company has sea to Sua Fraaetseo. where he will meet Mr. KonkU, the vice president et the company, who baa just arrived Item Grand Rapids, Mien., ea ale way here. Bvsrytktug tot fresh fruits at Ham-' aksr's Groeery and Market. M- 'Lt"i ..-V.