'' vt" .: tn'ninn lefall.. KITUKI) BV TUB wrm ,KHH " nKttVWH EVENING RmPtfM pkimt raa mnrs, hot MKy mt year-No. .. KM MATH FALL), OIIKGON, 1IIURMDAY, MARCH 81, lltlu INSIST ON OPENING OAK ST. TO CITY Fvlttt Mf IHLS ADDITION CLUB ylH IVrKW" MKKTINU m w vi:m:xt k.ntiiangk ,0 Ht'HlN' MIXTION PLAN eiunixw or mtiikktm dllTlciilly In goltlug Wnhtland nvomiit, which cnniioct with HlKh struct mmr Havldgo llrothora' when tho IkcI augnr output ror llm your wiim loiiaiiineil, w,,k oi,y nti In. umiicn or wlmt mlKlil happen with tho augnr Irual In control of tho In dustry. Mr. Ilnmlln's statement, which wan mnilo for (ho Imlopemldits of tlio country, 80 per ont of whom nro rop. resonted In (ha aaaoclntlon for which ho apoko, wnH tin follow n: If llm Inrlff In rut dm farmer wlio TH MltU Addition I'rogreas Club Mil W stliulsiic iuooiwb imi itlf Si llHr "' "u"ul '""' ban Nn( present. In addition link Mniltt from the city. fiw. W, Tlninu in president or itlaissd Frank Applegalo iff- Hir. Tb club hold rogulsr moot i ittrr WfiiiMiuy evening, nut i tprcUl maltcra conalderod last Lltlu wars ttip opealai of Oak t uJ Wtntlnnil avenue and Itic ami Improvement of (ho I of the addition. USMHt & I- Elliott wu among iiiottli'iiJril from th rlty anil iW'M the membra oil thn alepa o do laki'ii In KiittlliK Iho opfced Kor nearly h year 1 1 UK lU people of Mill addl lUrt kn stiilous lo havti Ihcau opened acroia I lie railroad IU(r, In order to make It morn NtiWtt for tli fin to reach Iho i section of to n Thn mat- rtil op Uit year Imfore thn rlty til, but tint III UK waa accomplish- iMUtlr tln inn) or haa takrn lUsattlsr again with Iho coun- Ih4 cnllmlnary step ham Iinmi i for ttn opmlng of tho streets, bWllmd that tlicro will bo no tllll (..........I I.... .., . ....i. iM'i-iiuii. uiii iiimt'ii miirnr itiwifa win I... .1. - I ... .... . I. .. " ll ' " " """"' """ ' H'gliril to dak imilll'i n n ailh-firorii. T !- Street, (()f II,., nri, .,,,,. ,l,,i ..in ..... .... . 11,,,.. .-.-- , ,,, muni, inij n. Oak street would cross th.i rail. velment of mlllions'ln now factories, road Iracka nt thn pasaengor depot. "Thn liooiilo ifiiiii.rnllv r i.,.iiw anil It la utnloratooil that thn rnllrtmtl litnorniit of tlin aourrca of thras nt roiiiiany la not wy fnvornhln to Imv-'tnika. Tim nicltntlon la wholly In- Mr. I.lllott iniiiiliii)iiailriil hy tho Now York refltmr ami Importr-ra of fomlKii rnw augur, who Iiir thla ilono, that hn ImiIIdvimI that If thn atrrnt waa opened at thn depot It would xlvo arcraa to Iho city by llm peopln of not only Mllta addition, hut aluo tho.o of Kurt Klntnnth mid Bwnn l.nko, and Hint poaalbly thn Xlnlti atrrnt rond, which paaara thn 111k llnalti l.umhor rompaiiy yarda, rould hn nljitndoiiid, On ncrount of thn heavy xradn nt tho Main atrnot croaalliK ho hnllnvrd It to hn morn datixnroua than onu nt thn depot, whnro tho approach nna on tho aatno aradn aa thn tracka, Kor Iho purpoan of ahowltiK llm council that tho pooplo of tho Mill addition 111 rant Inialnraa and wnntod tho atrrot oprnnd, four petition" were prepared and will tut rlrrulntod Thrao will tin pmontcd to tho conn ell nhout Ihn tlmn thnt thn tlowera re port la nlnd. Mllla addition haa hrrn KrouluK nt a rapid ratn, mid from prrmnt Indl rntlona It will contlmio to Krnw, mid there am Inrjer nuinhera of na rmi. fortahln and wolt built homra na ran mm lliflr hualiifaa inunnrrd by thn rompttltlon of bcft aiijsnr, tho Inlor catH uaunlly known na tho augnr truat. "l.rry rrflner who tratinod hoforo tin- Hnrdwlck cnnunlttro, and prac tlenlly nil thn ri-nnorii on tho Knatorn arnhonrd did teatlfy, nprraacd them aelvoa III favor of frco aunnr, or, nt lenat, n drnatlc rut In thn prraont duty; nnd nil (ratified that their ren- aon for dealrlnic thn removal or re duction of duty waa duo to thn fact thnt tho bret auisnr Induatry wna men acing tho monopoly which thoy ones oiijoynii. "John Arbuckln, tho corTro king, la onn of the moat voclferoua advo rntea of fre augnr. Thn tratlmony of Mr Jitmlion, one of hla pnrtncri, li algnlDcnnt. In teatlfylng In favor of free nugnr nnd giving hla roiioni why he faored tho annir, hn laid It wa on ncrount of tho brot product. Mr Jmnlinn further nnld: 'inhere no duly I do not think tho bwt THE EAGLES OPEN THEIR NEW HOME INDICATION OK .NKW M)IK1K ItOOMH IH C'KI.KnnATKII WITH INITIATION OK IHO CMBH OK MKMIIKIIH a campaign or membarahlp that will aond thla order up to a top-notch po rtion hero. Tho equipment and ad ditional Incentive to thla conaumma-tlon. WOODMKV, ATTKN'TION ho found anywhere In the city. The 'would ho no proaperoua, nnd wo would probably noil moro augnr If It (tho duty) wna removed. I mean.' He waa only ono of many who teatlflnd along n-aldrnta lakn n great Interrat In the wclfarn and upbuilding of their por tion of the city, and nrn rontlnunlly working on pinna for thn Improio-itho aninn llnea. DING CREWS HT VALE BY IK UOHTIIltTIO.V L'OMI'A.W II CMMIi: OK inu Mll.rS OK KUMMi, ;ivi:h hit tx.v- TMCW r'OII MfCII WOIIK ULE,0rr., Manh SI. Car load nUroid (Ira arc arriving dally In i aval railroad nr.ta and tccl la I lo follow for tho la) Ini of Intiirttch of track out of thla r tlttla anntlirr month ution Iho Uoa of tlir roadbrd grading fnl a fi ilnya ng on Iho Wy wrtof town. iradlnc crew a are on Iho lob. twi grading haa atartod at ee- 'HifH up tt,0 valley. Itliht lV Iroublra having been practlc- " "d Itood weather having " 0Tk Will lirnrrnl rnl.lv nn NtklrtMn in lie atrctch of eaiy "wwbicb la to connect tho varl 1 "alfcear rampa with the hud. I Of the mnitriirllnti ..nmnani. lUuatttr. Iltah Construction cnmnanv In C0f the lint lf.9 mltoM nf road. Watrucilon of thn Oregon Kaat. ""OS thla rlii' i,. ii..- u-..-,.i wr county. Monday, March 11, L ", ran'fi. ono for the flrat ' aulaa of (ratlin.. n... ... -i... Hoitrictor (Lihumlth ot Cald- ni. ,na "ln f)lnder rearh- mouth of tim Malheur can- Jtrrv llnri. .., u . " ork iiv nn ti... mu....ii. ailon of t, Oregon flhlrt ' rallible nitr.. i i. I..-.. t J" l,i Coiiatructlon company 7" aeciinii or land two mile ' lOWn. Wlinrn l,..l..... IMM..I , HMliriii I mlnlnliiod In (he local 11 "ill be ninin.i i.. ii ,.'"?" '' camp. It la ..Id I ifc. prl,", change, which ' ti,Cn ni o.... . .,.- ... ES 0,,t!' laid on tho Ore LT'Krn road hn.i. KnalnAAw ..... ... .. 0m. - " niraaiey or urlon Hlmri i.i .!. t. Mhe building nf'ihn n.ii Ku M h" 'rom a trip Into "' 0 H, Oalmi-n .. ...1 toolnti,carrowfowpro. itk..,.V. 'i!r U P0t IB, ' ,"" i-'on.trucllon compa wotkln, arg0 fMCM 0B llt '" n tiio entlro proposed Mr Arbuckle may be a phllnn- iiiunt nnd beautifying of their prop. eity. Cminrllman ()iii atatnl that there wrrn nhout ai'M'iily olora In tho addition, nnd on ncrount of thn work thoy are doing for thi'inaelica they feel that they nrn rlitltled to r curo equal briieflta from thn rlty aa other portion.. Many good aldewntka linn been built thrnughoiit the addition, and now otira nro being iilannml nnd put In. Ily a unnnlmoua voto thn club derided to clrrtltntn petltlnna aaklnl.MK.MCA.V the city council to hnte thn dty t-u- glnt-er ratnbllah gradea on nil utrccta of Iho addition, na It la tho dralro to have iho atrrct graded nnd put In I bolter ahnpo for lrnel. It wna atnto.1 Ut,,r4j ,,rMI prvr that tho atreeta could bo ImproudJ MKXCO CITV. March 21. Zapa- wllh very little oipeiisv. na Ihn nd-',i.,,. li.i.......i , t . I .. n.i,.(...-, ,i-, w, ,iiu tiiu.i ui'llll llful of the noclety Klrla In Zan.tocn. bo needed. l'Mv Tim linrenlii nro rnl.tni? thn The matter waa dlaruaic.l of naklng rnn,om. ,.,,.. olly co,lllt.ii . thn council to cut tho width of Ihn 10ntril eommltteo from each ward (rontlnned on Page 4) KiTPSlET GIRL BEAUTIES MM'11'.TV IJIUI.S AUK IICI.II roil ItANHOM IIV KOU I.OVi:i(S OK ..U'ATA CITI Zi:.NS I'ltlll'Altl.VO TO IKillT atrocla In thirty fet. and nllow tlfteeii feet on cither aide for wnlka nnd parking. Thla would glto nhout nlno foot of boulovard, which could bo plnnted to lawn nnd ahndo trecu, and would greatly beautify tho npepnr- nnco of tho itroeta nnd add lo tho nt- tracllvcueaa of thn homea, A dozen or moro new member joined thn club at Iho mooting laat evening. FEAR REMOVAL OF TARIFF ON SUGAR IIK.CI.AIIATION MAUI! 1IIAT IT WOUI.II MAKK Hid A It TKUKT A MONOCOI.Y AMI TIIHOTTI.K IIKrrr Hl'OAIt I.N'DI'HTIIV rfpoelal to Tho Herald MlhWAUKKK. Vla March 21. The pioapocla of the eatnhllahmont of now boot Miignr fnctorlca In-Oro-gou I atlractlng wldu Attention, ow ing lo Iho danger of tho pa.ango of the democratic) bill providing for tho removal of tho tnrlff on augnr, but nowhere U thn dungur appreciated greater than In WUconaln, for It '" nt n Milwaukee conference a fow day ngo that 0. C. llnmlln of Colorailo Sprlngi, chairman of tho oxccutlvo commlttco of tho United Rtntca lleet hugnr Induatry, modo hla declnrntlnn tl.at tho dcmocrntlo hill would throt tle tho boot augnr Induatry, proveiit Iho building or now fncjorlos nt n roit of 125,000,000 nnd the oxpcmll turo of $10,000,000 a. year In tho I urchaao of lieoti from fnrmora. Thn ftee augar plan ot the democrats, ho aald, would give tho augar truat n monopoly ot the Industry, and ho hinted In no mild form that o.ko gtvrn a monopoly, and with tho beet Hurtir Industry doatroyod, 'tho lowor price under tho tariff would be only temporary, Laat year' oxperloncu when augar mounted to 8 and 9 cents pound In soma parts of the country to nrgnnlio fighting men and provide iirma, na they nro expecting nn at tack. Zapata lent word that he would nrr!e hero within n week. Nnver during Iho all year of oxlatcnra of tho Fraternal Ord Kogloa In thla city has Crater I-ako Aerie, 1610, enjoyed such a merry and successful function aa on laat night. Thoro were sis novitiate and nnd u number of visiting member. Hut that waa not the governing pur po.o of tho Jollification and rejoicing, Thoy met at the agles' hall, the new home, equipped with everything that tho beat of Kaglea' lodge could have In West Main atreet, a few door weat from tho llaldwln hole. Heretofore tho P. O. K. has not had a homo of their own for It meet ing), but the housewarmlog last night would Indicate that the organ isation baa como Into Its own, and that lla campaign for Increaaed mem- berahlp, which the enthusiast aim to mako 250 within the present year, wll be ruallted. tiiobo initiated laat night were: I,. McPheraon, Hoy Smith, Prank Ward, (leorge I'leraoa, Harry Oil morn and J. McCloskey. Veteran Kaglea who nave seen the lalona pur upon many a recruit say that they have raroly seen the de gree work so perfectly exemplified by the team, which la composed of tho following members; Walter Cooper, W. Donnoy, John Smith, Lloyd Low, George Bell and P. Myors. The team ha already done good work, hut In last night's feats. fifty "birds" conceded that they who had seen them In action before out' ctaaaod themsolvos, and' this view was sustained by the Halting- mem bers present. The ofllcors of the organisation are Worthy president, A. M. Crystal; Worthy past president, Henry Low; Vice president, Robert Walsh; chap lain, J. Ilryor, conductor, Thomas Jackson; recording and financial sec retary, Fred Stablman. Crater Lake Acrle has bad a chequered hlatory, duo to the fact thnt many or Its member, though they hno nil retained their mom borshlp aud sustained tholr good standing, have had occasion to leavo Klamath Falls- Hut now that there nro about clghty-fivo members In the county, It Is the aim or the present reglmo ot officers to promote the welt bolng or the F. O. E. by Inaugurating All Modern Woodmen of America are requested to be present at Odd Fellows' banquet ball tonight at 7 o'clock. Funeral arrsngsmsals, try Order of Council. ItKAKKAM TO.MO Prosperity Rebeksb Lodge No. 104, Heels tonight in regular TntBr GOVERNOR RIGHT McMillan, klamath pallh FORGER, IH HORRY THAT HK HAN AWAY FROM PRISON WANTED TO RETURN JOHNSON DENIES WASHINGTON STORY lers living In Grants Pas and one sis ter In Portland. The body 1 now at thao-WbUtpck Undertaking parlor. and will prmMgbo shipped to Grants Pas Saturday?, -roe acciaeni occurrea u toe doi ctory Tuesday arunjoosxTMr. Row- waa.eisrattng' the rip aaw. He was feeding a heavy board In the machine when It somehow caught In the saw and 'waa thrown back, the end striking blm In th stomach. Ha was brought to th hospital, but his ctomach and body ware ao badly bruised that Inflammation aet la. SAN FRANCISCO, March 21. Conscience stricken because he vio lated a psrolo extended by Governor West of Oregon. Joseph McMillan, one of the honor prisoners at the Salem penitentiary, surrendered to the police her and want to return to prison. McMillan was placed on honor and sent to the tuberculosis sanltorlum to do some work, and then escaped. "I have not treated tbo governor right," McMillan told the police. "I want to go back and show him that I am sorry for running away." McMillan waa serving a fourteen year sentence for forgery committed st Klamath Pall In 111. YOUNG MAN DIES FROM INJURIES WALTER ROWLEY OF GRANTS. INJURED AT BOX FACTORY OS TtEHDAY, PASSES AWAY AT HOSPITAL ASSERT GREEKS GOOD WORKERS ARE MORE RELIABLE THAA MOST AMERICAN LABOR NO PREFERENCE SHOWN AND THE SAME WAGES PAID Waltor Lewi Rowley, aged 17 year, died this morning at the Black burn sanitarium, ot periostitis, as 'h result of an Injury received whltu working at the Sblpplngton boa far toiy on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Row ley came here from Grant Pass about twenty daya ago, and haa been work- lui; at the bos factory the past fifteen days. He haa a mother and two sis- Civic Pride and Civic Responsibility Those lumbar companies la the city who are employing aom of the Urcek laborer who have coma In here, state that the Qreeka are reli able and good worker. They say that they are paying the Greeks th same wages for th same kind of work that they would other laborer. It I ridiculous," aald one of the lumbermen thla morning, "to think that any company la going to hire the men If they are not able to do aa much work as other laborers. W are not In business simply to give em ployment to foreigners. We employ a grant many men, and our saceesa depeada on our having employes who can be relied upon and who art net going to throw up their Job ovary few week. W pay good wages, and try to get the beat workers wa a Chaa. McQowaa, manager California bos factory, stai company had five or sis their employ, and that tl good men, and did aa much any of the men they had.. that many of the Greeks are property around Bhlpplngtoa. One party has purchased a lot on which he Is going to build a store, others have purchased residence lots, and others have rented home. Some are Investing In property over the bill from Shlpplngton, where It la expect ed another bos factory la to be built. NO DEAL WITH TEDDY HIIANDS AS LIE PUBPOHXJ CON VERSATION WITH LA FOt LETT PRINTED IN SAN FHAN CISCO EXAMINER Cnlted Pre Strvtee SACRAMENTO, March tl Oov- ernor Hiram Johason denounced the Washington story by J. 3. Moatagae. printed la thla morning's San Fraa- clsco Esamlaer, aa a Us, aad deaied aay deal with Roosevelt for Ttet presldeat. The Esamlaer aald that La Foltett aald to Johnson la Wash Wash ingeon: "Ton'r fresh from a deal with Roosevelt. Ha haa offered m secoad place oa hla ticket I doat kaow anybody I'd rather have agalast ma than yon." Johnson aald: "Tho eonversatlsa purporting to have occurred hetweea La Follett aad myself is made from whole cloth. It never did occur, aad never could occur. I have never spok en or communicated with Colonel Roosevelt or aay of the leaders of tho progressive movemeat coacernlng th vice presidency. There Is ao candi dacy oa my part la thla connection any progreelre, bis or little, who for get th cause by thinking of himself Is merely aa ally of the reactionaries. Ily Cliailf K. HolmlHTg Cllc Indlftcrcnro and a lack of civic prldo hate been tho catiso of tho decadence and death of many a town with Mdimhlo natural resources nnd great poMlhllltlcs of growth and proHperlty. It I tho little over- alghls and neglects In tho homo that lead to tho big thing that causo trouble nnd annonnco to the wholo family. Tho same Is truo In munlcl pal housekeeping. A llttlo attention oory day by every resident of tho town lo his homo surroundings In the way of cleanliness nnd beautifies tlun, and It will bo surprising how a town may bo kept constantly clean nnd In tlmo bocomo nttroctlvo aud beautiful. It Is frequently tho enso that tho peoplo of n town become so engrossed In their business, In social affairs, or ecn In religious matters, that thoy neglect the duties nt citizenship and becomn perfectly Indifferent to their mutual civic Inteieats. Ilolng ab sorbed In their own private affairs. thoy neglect to consider tho things thin concern thorn ns cittiens ana mom hers of Iho municipal household. They become unconscious or the fact Unit ns citizens tltoy navo civic re- Hponsllillltlos which thoy ought not i.hlrlt or neglect. In this country ev ery mini who 1ms a voto Is ultimately reanoiwlbto for tho civic conditions of his homo town and cannot honest- 1 ovado liM responsibility, tnougn u limy bo a common thing to do so. Th manaKoment or town anairs, as well as the corruption nnd tho "graft" In municipal government, Is largely the mult of ths civic Indif ference or our cltliensnlp. The only remedy whero such conditions eslst Is tho awakening of civic pride amonl tho people. This must be done by some row uniclflah men and women who love their town too well to per mit It to bo mismanaged or 'to let It retrograde. The awakening of civic prldo will arouse civic responsibility, nnd this wilt beget civic patriotism. When thus aroused the cltltea will bo Inspired to do his share In the work ot civic betterment and Im provement. Private self-interest and the cow ardlco of thoso In authority are some times a hindrance lo the Improve ment of a town, flecause soma prom inent and .Influential citizen la Inter ested, those progressively Inclined aro Influenced or frightened Into In action. Common nuisances ar per mitted to remain undisturbed be cause some "leading citizen" prom by their existence, or would be forced to oxpond a few dollars If compelled to abate the same. Where the prop er clvlo spirit and pride predominate such things cannot be. Just as health I more contagious than disease, so civic pride la mora "catching" than civic neglect. Thla haa been proved time and again la place where a few cttlseaa with a goodly aupply of civic pride tat busy and began spreading th "Hwile' of planning aad working for ths Im provement of their home town, bom every wide-awake cltltea will feel that he ahould have a part la avery movement to bring about Ideal eon dltlon of living end working. When ever a largo portion of th aaasla of tho town are Imbued with thla spirit marvolous results will follow and sometlmea In a wonderfully short time, too. Co-operation la necessary In all work for ths upbuilding ot ths homo town, vsry town needs a civic i rlely, or an organisation of whatever name, that will take up civic work- not an organisation that will merely meet and talk and tell nhout what ought to be done, but nn association with members who will go to work and do thing, aad who will aet prac tical examples of what may be done for the betterment of ths town. ThU Is the kind of clvlo prlds tha u needed la svsry town where ths Peo ple bars growa Indifferent to tbvlr environment nnd have lost Interest In their civic affairs. If, aa some times happens, there ar already r-ev mil clvlo orgaalutlae, there U4utd be a union ot all forces and activities for ths promotion and betterment ot the town. While now and those who labor for ths betterment of communities and th upbuilding of towns ars dis couraged by the apparent Indiffer ence of tho mass of ctttssn aa re gards clvlo Improvement, there Is to day a atrong, Irresistible current of thought directed along lines of radi cal clvlo bettsrment, which ultlmats 1)' saint result la making onr Amer ican cities aad town what thoy ought to so ths bast la ths world. Bvsrjr truly patriotic citizen who love hla homo town aa wall aa hi country ahould hav a part la this great clvlo awakening which mean ao much for th future welfare of all ths potato. SCHOOL NHS ME OFFEREO FOR SMI County School Superintendent J. a. Swan announeea that there are several amall achool district bonds offered for sale. Ths bonds draw 6 per cent Interest, and on account of there being only a amall amount ot them It will probably be Impossible to Interest bond buyers, nnd thsy will have to be sold to Individual buyers who desire a amall, aafe Invsstmi Ths bonds wsrs Issusd by thrsf of the achool dtatrlcta for ths si of school houses. The amounts ot the bonds aro aa follews: District No. 40, at Dodd Hollow, I6S0 trtct No. II, at Swan Lake, and District No. St, at Malta, MARSHAL TAKES MEN TO PORTLAND FIVKFEDKBALl I FALLS t ONmssS FssOwI KLAMATM FALLS WELL Bat g&Ja"asasaMty OCT nfljds' ' arrtbe " aw tedifhat hla - .. u -y dreek la DDBtlr James H. Whseter toft A a.. Wfrt "" iw rniwii, aaiiae i Work as vvs " rrswaan caugea wtia aaWfgvf vcimw atauan ibi iwwerms ejvv hgyt- j white man. aad E. D. McNatr, a halt breed, both charged with stealing horses from Henry Jackson oa the Klamath Indian reservation. They were bound over to tho federal au thorities by ths United Bute com missioner at Bonanaa. Flnley Wil son, aa Indian, and Bob Sawyer, a half breed, ars charged with taking whiskey oa th reservation, aad Fort Summers, aa Umpqua half breed, Is charged with giving whiskey to aa Indian In Portland. Ths three latter wars ladlcted by ths federal grand Jury la Portland. SUIT AGAINST NAVIGATION A ault for 'ths foreclosure of a mortgags waa flltd today with ths county clsrk by Stone A Barrett for ths Ladd A Tllton bank vs. Klamath Lake Navigation company. Ths amount of tbo Judgment naked la approximately 111,000, being for notes glvsn nnd Interest and attor neys fee. Ths propsrty covsrsd by ths mortgags Is city propsrty la blocks IT and tl, and SHU of SW14 of asctloa t; NH of NWH. NWH ot NBU of seetloa tl, la towashlp 40 south, range t aast, Wlltomstts ms rldlaa; also tho stsamsr Klamath aad two freight barge, Not. I aad I. Tho stsamsr wu aald a. fsw week ago to satisfy taterstt due to tho plaintiff to tta EIRST OPEMTMM M KW Bucrnvn sunttm o'clock yesterday OraaT aa operated upon for appeadlcltla i the new Blackburn sanitarium. The operation waa performed by Dr. (le. H. Merryman, assisted by Dr. Tayior and Dr. Hunt. This Is ths drat o?r- atlon to take place la ths new h) Dounee to tal Mr. Gay'a temperature waa aad that th patient waa get ng nicely. Georga Bpareatorn earns (a from Bonanaa yesterday oa a business trip, returning to hla asms this afternoaa. 8. J. Ballsy, local Southera PaeUe agent, left this morning for Ashland to attend ths Loss and Damage com mittee "meeting, which convenes to morrow morning. Ho waa aceom rantsd.by Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. L. L. McDonald of Boaaasa arrlvsd last night for a short vllt with hsr mother, Mr. Nsts Otter beta ot ths Oregon house. O. T. McKsadrss earns la from Us Bay City last alght. ud toft thla af ternoon for Merrill with Ivaa Aaato- Remember ths ehleksa-sl dbuur at th library oa SatuNay ovsalag I Everything la fresh fruit at Ham- akr'a rOoeery aad aMrktt Cat towers, 44 Mala St Phsaa UI. -! in I J? w 4.4 .r3ft.' ! .-J,