,..- She fuming Keloid. HlIl'I'MKI) IIY TUN EVENING NBWSPAPflM PRINT TUB NEWS, NOT HISTORY dkitkii rum" nkw" "itnviu" lMrtKVrr N". . KLAMATH PALM, OREGON, WEIINEHIIAV, MARCH 00, 1918 Price, Fir LOCAL ENTERED TWO HUNDRED HERE uw,HKim ANI MKIM.il a: nth (UMI'MIN THAT LUMIIKIt CON C:ltS KMPI.OVM GREEKS OVER mm.u. men CmiMrtM fueling ho been irotwJ snmng "'" laboring people of KUMth Kail on itcrounl of Ilia en trant Into t lt Held of a Una hum Wr of Otrrlt laborers, It U not klmwii itethr llirnr men came In on their Ota InltUlIrr seeking employment, orMhrrlli') 't Induced to coma Vir &f the liimtinr conrarm of thin Hrtlon. Tbfe are nlmut Corty ((reeks nt fbtpplncton, Although not over flf In irr employed Nt preaenl In tlio bIIU. It U iMi'il Hint IIiitk nr in Itfft SOO mil SJO tlrrk laborer In tUcltr it present, ami that mora are litlcJ In rrle. It U reported Hit nritlr :o mn to be rmploycu j Int I'niran liny Lumber rompaiiy Ulkflr loKCUiK camps ntnl around tlm III, but this roulil not bo confirmed, itintSntt to Ki't Ilia president, Mr. NMUnion, nn Ilia telephone wa un- lltCMtflll, Tte rompUlnt route from In local Uboflnf Mini, wlni claim that on no tout of tln tlri'ki tiring able to IWo tbMpr, liny nru nliln To work (or Um vases, mill tliua takn the Join hit Irom I lie local men. Home of ..., ,,u. ,r ,... ,..e... u,. , tUB.rcb.ut. mid bu.lne.. men re- "" ""..' "" "" "'"Agricultural college. In a bulletin ! tl,y .Ule l.ey receive very ",,, rllUled "lnlructlag the Young, WmII frum tlm operation of tho mlllln UlJlirj ,0 g,,, .. I 1.4 amp., for the rc.on thai the , f WcKoeTe'r rgM ,, l)0y,' Crteki iihiiiI very little money. ,,,.,.,,. ........ .... n...i tally. PAVEMENTS FOR OKUIXAM'i: I.NTIIODl'CKI) IX Till: U)t.ril. I Hit IWIIOVKMK.N'T or KspkVN.uir:. iiiioAii ami W.tl.l, STItl.l.TH Another atrp wan taken by thei MBtll laat night to urovlde for thei SPRINGS H'lCf of llrnail. Kaiilannds ami Walll'Hilckly mnnlfcat the apleudld manly )'ti, ttromidlhg tho blotk on Mtnthe White I'ellcan hotel aland. Tbla natter wna atarted laat llocem- if. but hail tint tiri.it pnmlitln,l. or (Mlt(, which U to coat ll3.HR.9ri. M providing fur llena again! the Property benefited, w pnod In Ita wconil rrailln,;, and on account of a notion of Councilman Whlto to ""nil the ordinance to provide for wwlilng ivp.uatn bid on the grad f. curbing nml atorm aower and 'lBf, final nrtlon wan deferred nn "ItUiiMt meeting of tho council, In M4r to determine If thla would bo n conflict win. notice already poat .. The nnlliinnce tirovldna for llin "apletlon of palng by July lit. i, 'r ","J"r")r t ' proper V ffct.d heoiIKi to tho 'KliimatI: "Hlopment and thn um anrln ""Ptny. otber nwnora nre K. A. ". fc. H. Hhevlln. N. Z. Stewart, W. W.LUti,r' J' v- M0lw. Jol T. .. nk M,M"'na and tho Miller 0tO com linn i- EPISCOPAL CHOIR WPARINGJASTER MUSIC Tha l-,.i ."! T" btanw """"i"1' cnotr, which naa " working ao imni for tha pat few Z. . ,,r('l"rl"ry for their Ka.ter "IC. anil 11,1... i .......... tin. il . "UYq ,0 inouainouiiy n their tin,,, to ho advancement hild?-mU.'.cul mov"t In thla city, loa' ?.' ro,10l In ho Odd Cel. bnlldlng Hunday nl.ht. A very iZ. V""lnB WM Md. . ",0 c"0,r "d their C' aml nl th0 conclusion of a Nkatki. '" reireanmenti wgre UI.iV .1 Vorjr oratt, and e.r- mo approval of gll prtMBt. LABOR FIELD BY GREEKS I OHM OP WIFE'S LOVE WINS CAPITALIST HI.7.VI, EUGENE, Ore., March 20 - I'or alienation of hi wife's affections, V. H, I'Unk hail been awarded 1 3.7 r.') damage from V, I', Mnmc, a well known retired cnpltnllat. I'Unk nurd for 110,000. On thn itntomont of detcctlvi hired several wceka ago by I'Unk irie,ul' which hna been recently organ ic atrh hi wife Hint thev hml found .l"''' nt "'" l'11' school among tho Mm. I'Unk and Meno In a room tn- ccthor thn pair worn arrcated, and I'Unk'i null for divorce followed. The pr'imltienrn of both parties linn at tracted much Mention to thn affair SOCIAL PURITYIS MOST IMPORTANT hANKAH MI.MHTI.ll HAYH IT MIMES IMtHT. AM) t.lMIIIH KHCgi'K.ST AKMOUA1IO.V nr Itof, ,Mt GIIILH MANIIA1TAN, Kaua., March 20.. "Judged fro nitbn ataudpolnt of the fuliim uell'belng of the Aiiierlcnn people, aoclal purity la a liuiro Im portant Imuo than Itin Inrld or thei conaervallnn of natural rraourcea," W,Um A, JlcKeoHT. profe.ao.' ,,,,,,,, Bl , K,lMi ,, ....' ' ... n. H..1 n ... ...... .... n...... el frequent aa.ocUllon with the op Ipoaltn ex under proper re.trlcllnn.' ' 'The lino fence that acpnrntc tho eien at acliool and eUewhern la a rhameful aihertl.ement of our dual' atandard of morala," he rontlnuea "Women are not naturally any more .....m.i...i..i ii.... n.M. Ti.li. .Lit. h MI..'I1IIIIMVM .11,11, l.t.-l. ,H .w. i -- " - the Him fence; InculcntK the name de-Noith Dakota olectlon la tho greo of clearne.a of thought, apcoch'vole. The progre.alvo voto nf and conduct before boyi na before Hie glrla." I'aretilat Ignnrnnce and neglect con alllutn the firal contributing cntiao of the great prevalence nf the loclal evil, he laid. "Let American pnrenta rally to the great aoclal obligation of training their children for pure thinking a ig and e whl lean actual life, and the rnfi nd womanly guallllea Inherent In oil rdlnary human brenl," Athletic aporta, vlgoroi and il outdoor exerri.e o "imiri ih ileal and mental exutiernn of yr uth may find a wholeaomo nu nre recommended, "Tho long-atnndlng theory that ,ri Imv mint now hi 'wild oiltn' Icen aucceaifully controverted by ape- diillat," ay I'rofeaaor McKeever WAHHIIII'H KKgUKHTKI) FOIl KLKH" rOXVKXTlOX WA8IUNHTON, l. C. Murch 20. Itepieacntatlve llnwloy ha taken up with tho ecretary nf tho navy tho maltor of having n fleet of warhlpa at Portland during ho week of tho Klk' celobrntlon In July. Thl action wa on requeat of Har ry C. McAlllator, aecrotary. who aaked tho Oregon delegation to aecure crulaer and torpedo bont for the Kliu' celebration. LaFollette Beats United Pre Service irAiMlO. N. D.. March 20. The re turn from all eectlon of the tato to day Indicate that Hob La rolletten majority will be 10,000 over Taft and RooaaveH combined. HI plurality I eitlmated at from 16,000 to 10,000. Return! are coming In low, and It will probably bo leveral days beforo the complete voto n Known, moii oi tha vota racelvad U from tho CltlCI and town, and the rural vote I un known. Little Interest wa shown in Roth Roosevelt .NO COMMENT lilOM TAFT United I'reaa Service THKNTON, N. J Mnreh 20 I'rcs- i blent Tnfl rend Colonel Itooaovclt's (reply, which wan lamiod yostorday, lmt ilorlonnil to make rommnnt. Ho (conferred with Secretary Meyer. It J In believed Hint n wnr of bitter pcr ( aiftinlltlfi In coming. HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS PUN WALK TOW LAKE It In uipected Hint Hi ci now walking '''" w,l,c' ' known n the Eulonn Trlge, will tnkn ono of their wnlkn thin afternoon In thn direction of the MIIU nddltlon. Numerous walkn hae been idnnned by tho club for tho near future, and nlioulO tho weather per mit they will no doubt nojourn to further illitrlrtH. Having cliourn a chief and thren advUory membern from Iholr Irlbe, thuy aro now innk ItiR treuuoiin erfort to plnn a long walk to Crater l.nkc thin nummer after nchool lina let out for the term. Thin club U n novel fenturu In the high nchool, and llti Introiluctlon In the rhnot nliown u grent Intereit In being mnnlfeated on the part of thn morn liuliintrlmiK to beeoma better nciiinlnted with tho thlngn Hint nre going on about them, and learn In a great meniure whnt thin country nf fonU In the way of enjoyment and recreation. JOHNSON'SiVIEW OF DAKOTA VOTE HT.ITKK THAT TOTAL VOTK UK t'KIVKIl IIY LA KOLLKTTK AM) IIOOHKVKI.T HM'HKHKNTH I'HO (HIKHHIVKH United I'rea Hervica SACHAMKNTO, March 20. Oov- Jernor lllrnm John.on made the itate- mi tit Ittnt n algiilllrnnt thing of tho Tafi tho atnto la represented by tlm aum total of the tote for I Kollctto and lloo.evelt. Tho reactionary voto la ri'prcacntcd K tho total Taft vote. The tote In North Dakota ahowa tho wimloin of the Taft manngcr In de nying the people th right to voto upon their candidate for president." i:i.i XKW IIILLIAIID TJ On Inatructton from tho lodge thei tho houao committee of tho Klk Ctubl linx purchaiod a now 400 billiard tabic from tho llrumwlck Ilalko Col lender company, and tho aame ar rived today. It I bolng placed In the club room today, and will probably trial by tomorrow. ng tho member or inw-ana Lodge thoro arc a number of clever billiard player, nud they havo been nnxlnua to get n real good table, a the ono they aro now uilng hai been used quite a Utile, and I not qulto a llvo a tho boy would wlah. IIUILDIXO I'KHMITH Mr Ida Slater wa granted a per tilt to put In a glaa front on her building on Kaat Main atreet. A por mlt for the erection or a framo build ing 21(60, on lot 6 and "7, In block 9fl of Klamath addition, wa granted to Cha. R. and Cha. P. De Lap. Talt and in North Dakota the democratic prlmnrlc. Governor John Ilurko recelvod a small per cent of tho rural democratic vote. l,HUr Returns from 1,107 pre cinct show La Kollotte'a plurality to bo at leam 1R.00O. Tho returns give La Kollctto 31,169, Roosevelt 12,877, while Tiift'n eatlmntod total will be about 3,000. Dancing ovdry Wodnesdny and Sat urday night. Spark theator, Mnons orchestra. MAY REPRESENT TAFT AND TEDDY OOVKII.NOH JOII.NHO.N AXII GltAFT I'llOHKCUTOIt IIM.NKV IIHAI) IIOOHi:VKIr FOIICKH HAVI- AM) MrKI.M.KV KOIt TAW HAN KilANCIRCO, March 20 Thing political are watlng warm In tho (lolden Htate, and every effort I being put forth by tho leader of both aide of tho rcpubllcan.'party to gain every pOMlhlo advantage. Bhould tliu llooievolt ticket of dtTcgate for the republican national convention to bo held In Chicago Juno JSth ba iclecrril at tho prealdentlal prlmarlc In Call- fornla, tho four delegate at large will bo na folewa: HIRAM W.JOHNSON Uovernor Hiram W. Jobaaon. a mil itant progreaalvv, and a poaatble can didate for tho vice prcaldeatlal nomi nation. " llcprcacntatlvo William Kent, a itrong aupportor of Rooaevelt, and a firm bellovcr In congroai of tho "pro- greialve" pollclea. K t- FRANCIS J. HENEY Kruncl J. lienor, aialatant district ttorney In San Francisco during the raft prosecution. Cheater R. Howell, tne editor or mo Fresno Republican, and one of tho leaders of the Lincoln Rooiovett League which aucteeded In seating Johnson In the governor's chair. i. A. HATES Congressman E. A. Hayes to re garded as the loader of the Taft forces la California. He, with Judge MKlnlv nf I.na Anialaa. will. Bhould the Taft ticket bo elected, be two of tbe four delegate " urg rrost tnts sUt. H - ?" .rJFaiBBBa BBBkvVr ' iTbV sssrv BBbBbBVs'Il .bTJbMP" BflBsa. sBBBBvBvBa faBBvBr ' BBsrIBBsBBk BBBBsT 1 BwBitaTafS jF WB,'WfJ HPpO Jl i Yey $!it afj BWMKSiEKyAVTjSJC y W JBsSBBj BKjvXiaKi'& BSf Bi - bBBbB E ItKDMK.V TO MKKT The local lodge of lied men will hold tholr regular meeting tomorrow night In tho wct hall of the Odd Fel low building, at which time thero will be toam work and apodal bual no of Importance. All momber and vlaltlng brother are Invited to bo preient. IMPROVEMENT OF 00 tlTY THOROUGHFARES Councilman R. A. Alford caled tbe attontlon of the council to thefcondl- Hon of Conger avenue oppoilku the Telford and Weber property, whent there I a bad mud bole, wblcA he aiBortod, wa dangeroua and pracXJc- ally Impna.ablo for team. He ntat that O. A. Harrla had offered to fur iil.h cru.bed rock to make tbl flit for f 1.7G a yard. Tbe regular coat of cruahed rock I 12.50 a yard. Mr. Alford itated that be bclloved It would take about twenty yard to Piako the fill, and ho wn authorised to havo tho work done. To tbe itrcct committee wai re ferred the Job of filling a mud lole near tbe freight depot, which Inter fered with tho hauling of freight. The lommlttco wa alao Instructed to havo n pipe laid acroa Drldgo atrcct. on the wcat ildo, where a heavy fill U being made, to permit of carrying water for Irrigation of lota from the government canal. PRIMARY BILL IS SKXATOIt CUMMINS' MKA8CRR WOULD KLIMIXATK LOCAL T0 L1TICAL OOXVKXTIOXK ALTO. OI-rrHKR WASHINGTON, D. C. March 20. Bcnator Cummin' of Iowa ha Intro duced In tho lenate a nation-wide prealdentlon primary bill, tho effect of which would be to do away with local, itate and national convention of tho varlou political partle. The plan of Sonator Cummins Is to have a "1inil wirlriT liilr fir next. O.VhILL RETURNS FROM FORTLAM) Attorney C. M. Onollt returned last evening from Portland, whither be wont In connection with the murder case of tho United Statea versus Wm. Judah Jim Knlkomlah, Indicted about amonth ago for the killing of Qulmbr Chlckashane. IThTal Indian reservation In this county. Attorney Onelll rep resents the prlioner, and United States Attorney John McCort and his three assistants tho federal end of the protecutlon. Tho case was set for hearing May 14th. Whllo In Portland Mr. Onelll met two Klamath Falls citizens, LouU Jacobs and George Johnson. He said It was raining heavily during the week be was there. Mr. Onelll would not say anything concerning his future action In the Faulder murder case. He said he bad not had time to give the matter any consideration. Mason's orchestra at the Sparks theator dance tonight. Modern Fire-Proot Be Erected W. 8. Slough has let the contract for the construction of a fire-proof store building on bis property on Main street,' between Fifth and Sixth streets. The building Is to be erect ed by R. E. Wattenburg, the contract or, and will have a frontage 'of thirty foet, and be ninety-four feet deep. It Is to be built one story high thla year, but the walls will be construct ed to carry two additional stories, which are to be added Uter. Ob INTRODUCED SAY PROGRESSIVES WILL HOLD POWER THINttH ItOOMINM AT AIXJOMA LUMI1KII PLAN! It. II. Hovey, who I In the city to day from the Algoma Lumber com pany plant on tbe upper lake, itated that everything I booming around tho now lawmltl town. Tho gang I buiy driving the piling for the new mill, and tbe old mill will be itarted up Monday to aaw tho timber. The company ba about forty men em ployed at preient, about ten of whom aro Oreeki. Mr. Hovey atate that tho Oreek are employed In unaklllej labor, and aro not uied on the chines. HAS BDYER FOR CITY BONDS FIRST TRUST AND HAVIXGH BANK OFFERS $1,630 PREMIUM FOR CITY HALL, FIRE AND OAR UAGE BONDS A communication was read last eve ning to the city council from the First Truit and Savings bank, offering to purchase tho 140,560 city ball. Are apparatus and garbage bonds at a premium of f 1,860. Tbe sale of the bonds are now being advertised, and bids will be opened on April 1st. Tho council took the position that they tould not dispose of4he bonds until the bids advertised for were opened. The charter' does not persett the sell Ing of bonds except the same be prop erly advertised. The mayor stated that lie had been given to understand thaflhe bank would submit a regular bid with tbe others to be opened April 1st. The communication from tbe bank follews: "In regard to the proposed Issue of Klamath Falls city hall. Are ap paratus and garbage stto bonds, amounting to 140,550, we desire to ascortaln If the bonds can be pur chased at once, and If so, we will pay t premium of $1,650, which Is 1500 In execs of the bid made by Ulen it Co. Thl oiler U good onty for Im mediate acceptance, and subject to ur attorney's opinion as to legality. For your Information, we will say that the fact that the city has ad- 'vkrtliod for sealed bids to be opened April 1st need, not militate against such an arrangement, as tho officials cnay on that date return tbe bids which they receive without opening, nd state that the bonds have been awarded to oursolves at a premium of f 1,50." FRANCE WILL CONTEST FOR DAVIS TENNIS CIT NEW YORK, March 20. France wilt be a contestant for International lawn tennis honors this yoar, having Jutt filed her challengo for the Davis cup with the Australian association. This means that the American team will receive a bye In the preliminary matches. The French challenge was uot sent until some time after the date fixed for the closing of the en tries, but in the past It has been the cua'oib to accept late challenges pro tiding there was no protest of any kind from the nations Interested. Dance tonight, Sparks theater. Building to by W. S. Slough struction will begin about April 1st. The building will have a nine-foot basement In the clear, which U to be constructed of concrete, with con crete Boor. The walls of the build ing above tha basssasnt will be of brick. All of the rear openings are to be of metal sash aad frassee, and tha windows will be of reinforced wire glass. Tha building Is to be thoroughly Are proof, and U to lie built for us as a grocery store. Tha leeeee has sot been made public LA FOLLETTE ELATED TEN DAYS WILL START WEST AND VISIT EVERY STATE i WHERE LAWS GIVE PEOPLE A I VOICE IN PRESIDENT CHICAGO, March 20. La FollstU tarted for Washington at 10:30, ac companied by Mrs. La Follette aid bis private secretary. MJaaNellle Dunn. He said: " t "I believe tbe real progressives will hold the balance of power at tha Chi cago convention against Taft aad Roosevelt That Is what I asa golag to right for. The balance of power dictating a really progressiva plat form will put tbe really progressive candidate upon It. The returns fresi North Dakota confirm my Impres sion, as I never saw people mere aroused. Thoso North Dskotaas un derstand the Issue. On my return to Washington I will spend ten days pre paring for a long speaking tour. "I will then start west, aad will visit every state where any sort of primary laws give the people the least voice In saying who will be the next iresldontlal nominee, and, quits aa Important, what will be contained la the next republican pUtforas. I will go to Nebraska flrst, then to Oregon and California, and them return to South Dakota. I will also visit Malae and Massachusetts. MRS. TAFT TWHTS AHBXB United Press Servlc NEW YORK. March 20 Mrs. Taft, while attending the wemem'a sadeav trial exposition, stumbled la alight ing from a wheel chair. She twisted her ankle .and suffered intense pais. BOND TO COVER PAVE DEFICIENCY ORDINANCE PASSED FOR IM PROVEMENT BONDS TO COVER WARRANTS FOR EXTRA WORK ON PAVING CONTRACT Tbe city council last evening passed an ordinance, with aa emergency cUuse, providing for the Issuing of $16,001.56 Improvement bonds, for the purpose of covering tbe deficiency In tbe paving contract for the work done last year on Main street from the bridge to Spring street, aad oa Spring street to tbe depot, aad oa Sixth street. A reassessment was made by the council last winter covering the cost of tbe extra work, and at that time city warrants were issued to cover the extra cost. The bonds authorised last night will be used to take up the war rants. The police judge was Instruct ed to advertise for bids for tbe sale of tbe bonds, tho same to be opened on the evening of April S2d. Fresh fruits and vegetables, the best in tbe warket, at Haataker'a Gro cery and Market, formerly tbe Fultea Market. lO-lt BASKETBALL TEAM HAVE THEIR PHOTOGRAPH TAKE! The high school basketball which has so meritoriously showed their worth at the games la whlea It has come out so victoriously thla past season, Journed to the photog raphers yesterday for the purpose of having a picture taken. It la expect ed to have the pictures ready for the "Boomer." which will be published at the end of thla term, aad It la thought that It would be a good Idea to get all the aggregations together as soon as possible aad nave pietmrea taken, so the cuts eaa be xaade Imme diately. The members of the team are as follews: Olea Oarrett (eap tain). Harry Meeasr, Leea Better, Harold largeaat aad Braeet Matt, k 4 I ;H '. L:i lVvi fc-V 4 f