"' Ik cfali. limine HVI'I'MKI) HY THE t,NITH I'M"" NRWM """V"" siitheYar N. M" KLAMATH KAMA, OIIKflON, MONDAY1, IIAflCII IN, 10111 I I 1 irnmramnnnM ran id mra, nor awNMV PlPfe. Wtf9 Ossm) PELICAN BAY MILL BEGINS BUSINESS INCREASES PAYROLL OVKB OSK MUMMIED AM TUMI TV MUX KMI'LOVEIi IX MILL AM) WIMIIH IIV NEW LIIMIIMt (tWII'ANV v. Pelican Hay Lumber com. fUj'i mw milt nt Terminal City trlH out IU machinery IliU mornliiK. aaj tiperU '" b" running with (till force tomorrow For llin preaent the 111 HI rniplny a crew of about Iftr nun. but vy inn nr.i or juim u U pwttd I" ""' " ''" "' tiliclit Lift. The mill ha. capacity of tit ooo ri In twnnlr-fntir hour. iumi:hsi:ii itoiuicu yht l i'A.v.vot in: iir.MNiii:i HOI.'TII PAHAIHJNA, Cat.. March IS.! l Although hi! lonfe.iied (I,,, r,.j I'ory nf u train mill n hank. H. I..' tlniifl, fur year. rcpi-rind cltl-l "'ii oi houiii I'lmjitlfiiu, will nut i.jl . proiiecuted nirurillnic lo dlapntchco! uapecivii nun iti innal rnur iIii)n will roceiveii rrom Fergu. Falla, Minn bo required tit inakn tlm trip. T'.o illatrlct nttorniiy them IIiiiIn tint Wlilln Kin rrntv wrmJiitliiK liulli ill"' lntuti of llinltiitlniiM protect, on wagon. (Iiiiiik Warden Kliitny n. "Poland, who committed Ma crimen taken lo tliu IhiiiiI of tln laki- to In-;"!'" n ciy ) iiiiiik man ami iimbr viitllKiito recommendation, mmlo hy . ' llirnll of tlm deed, of Jo.nph lloil mill Oiiii club, rtHatUo to! liwie.. Copelahd ronffaaed to llm tint !! ilcel I iirci-Mary lo priiteht'lu,l,"'lX of Northern I'nrlllv trail i... . .. i. .. . . . ....i . .. .. i . . ... . r . mu eiinriiiiuniinu or "Yiilik.. ' Thl.'""'' " mmiiii minx nt .Miinrtil U nil elreptlonnlly Komi Kam r,Miiiii with tunny ixriilturlt N-n, uml U foiinii , only In one or two other plnie. Iii tin Wlftlll. ELLIS MAKES MANY FRIENDS HIS I'M IN TALK TO THE PEOPLE AT Till! COURT HOUSE MKKTH WITH FAVOR. t)V I GOODYEAR nUOBKR CO. HTARTH WEEKLY PAPER 'IIP LYNCH DIED LAST NIGHT WOMEN LEARN TO RUN AUTOMOBILES EASIE i AIII.K TINiVAL tha itji:vs at JkT '" y W ,T "w. topiq V XaMaWMH- acur woaf er tf"TJ... .. XV. . :iJTM lIlirJBLlV II. KlllATfuHMiliiln rntflhn I m 1,1 .... "Jsllzm:& ?rx.xir. l.i .41... U....nBji ,.J .lla l-c.tPJ11 fnlny mutmtK, aftci"llrtDf novjf lL Sw Inlk nt tliu court liount on flatwdty UnllHIUII rvJ flli'ivinliii;, in wlilch ho fplalnlr tatod " To keep abreait of the time and to acquaint IU many branch and employe with It proft-reu, work and nl mi, tho Ooodyctr Tire and Rubber company ha founded a weekly news paper, printed at Akron, Ohio, by the head of the advertising department, K J, llernlncton. Tho new tnatbtr I all relative to many branehe of the company, doing of It offlclali, and general of Intercut to the Oood- comment upon timely written by head of the varl- oarta proro ono of It moct val FOIRTEEN KNOWN DEAD IN EXPLOSION rrrtatn qultn a llltln rnitlliniifiil at JI'INIi: lti:KO IIMIIIVIIs WOllllj nut wiint woru hi uuillflcatldiu for , ... tin-(illlco do In i.eklnit. No unfavor Anoiillnuii. .MN. liiMrmlor. Win. nbln comment, were mido on the oth. ili ItriiMin lor Their Aplltmle'er rnmlldalc for thojofflce, but he the I'm I That The) Don't Think li"wed whnt liu vipcotod to bo ablo Tin) Kiion It All ,u ,l" '" Hi" Rroat Jew omplro of i-nMteni OreKon If ho ka. aucccful ..... tin bolne elected to conkrau. Ak thl " ' illWHIJ HI Hie KVIHTIII wn. U, rill,. flr, Vi , Ul.,.h ok ii:.Tii or riiii:.M ami IVKAI.TIIY niii:i:i' l. OK I.AKK COII.NTV JiiiIkii II. I.. IIi'Iiudii riTelteil ii le. rilinlic ineoanite thin iiiipiiiIiii; from Cree.l MrKenilri'ii of Uikelew, nil iioiiiiiIiik the dent nl mlilnlKlit Hun- day of I'lillllp l.ynrli, oimof tint prom liiiirr.l..n, Ivan, tl rat on of a ,,.,,, 10 knwcd)r of l0 Meilt motor or mucl. moro readily tl.un ,, tl,mcv ,,, thlunly ibown mrnL writ.-. frofe..or I. O. llorf.ly lllm wnl( ,VTMt and ,.roVBj mini. Inttriictor In tlm technical ln,. ..i. i ....i i,... ,., cIiiniI inalnlnlnH l.y tlm franklin n ,not de.lrnlilo rrprwentntlvo of nutomoMIe nt Byraci,,,.. N. V. .,,, ,,,, nl , ,., CBp,a l'rof.-.or Hoffman, hn. I.emi In-j Mo ,naio H(ronB ca for ,, irucilnic .ro..ecthe driver, of motor ,,, nr,, nIln co-opcratlon. and cm. for over ner-n )rnr.. and nay.: ntKll( ,, finly , ,,,,, wny ,,,, Komo one lin. trullifully .aid Hint n,. i.,. ,Mull. , l(inH tn..u ii. women will ndmlt wltl.imt nrRiimoiit l.(r(c,. ,M tl. county and In tho city. .11 lint tliev know millilni nf llm m... ri. . . ' . ... ..I, uu'i n -.-i ' im.mi' .; i. "H" " in.. .i"iii- ' " - no mniio mi promine. or wnal ho i are nowllneiit mid wrnlthy .luvp men of l.uke rlmiilcal detail, of the car. They tak MoutU do If elected further than that the H.r. county. ,,, ''Jt P free from prejudice. , ,lf Mn lime ,, of ,,,, olpcrl. y. Thee .xfr. Lynch I well knnwii HiroiiKli.j" '" ',"''" ""' ,',,,,, "" tlmt ,r would bo given to aecuro tho.e lUt plf- Hevrti rottaRe. for etn. flojrt k.VK already Ikwii rompleted, 111 Born .re to be roti.l rutted hy the toBpany. There I. nl.n room In the eMHIa( hiiuae lo nrcommodnlit from Ift; to irrrniy-flve men, hut morn tmnnod.tlim. will have to he fur ibkei hrn the mill begin, working iinU ibtft Ttiromi.uy now ha. xoo.nno feet Jlmtr In the Immiiu. near tlm mill ru4r to be Mrd Into lumber, and a lofftac rrrw of elxhty men hrt) In the wood, near . t .. .!-.. .. k . i. . nmi. imi.e on i-enrno iinr. inenei .'ir. i.iiiro is wen hoiiwu iiiroiiirnt XI trt rncxed Iii falling timber." out nil of l.nke county, nud ha. lonK,"", I'"'"'"" 'ni """ir KmjwieiiKo thing, needed by the people of bl ItlUltl ro.dn and getting ready In been prominently Identified with lhir",rr" "'" wl",", i"ibjis-t. and It Uldl.trlct. Ho aiuiorted that every man HI. b.ullnr to tho water, which I. .hrep Indunlry. He wa loiuldeMdi"" '"" u,," " "" prin-iof power mid Inltuoaco mu.t be a 1 llll'H. "It I. not heceit.nry fur n would-be driver to go to n nchool to learn how The irlnclile. can be rjettrJ lo tt.rt In about a week.. unite a wealthy man, being the own Tit ronp.ny h.. It. own railroad 'er of nbout d.otm ncre of land In nd bf iiglln. Hie Inc. from llm wiimli ' illlliin In hla lit.. ilnrW II.. un - tUUkr, where they are lowed In widower, hnlug n .on nnd daughter, 'I" ri" n rnr tk. alii by tle.mer. One engine and tMM togging car. now rnii.tltute u rtllro.il rijiilpmont. hut a tin KrQIItrt loader ha. been ordered IrM Ik rut, and I. riperted In ar- rltf kr .oon. Thl. will ho u.ed In Mltf tk log. on the rnr. from the potii. It It aelf propelling, and I. nt o tk railroad track, Ttt romp.ny rerehtly purchn.ed tUriftmrr Klntn.lh, which will bo W rirluihely by the company for nmrtylng freight lo the ramp, and for towing the log. down the lake. A boi factory I. to be erected In eoaaactlon with the aawmlll later In U. anion, but for the preaent all of u common have been contracted for ay th local trade, while the up. rr trade, wilt h .hipped lo the riU of the i:a.t. Tho entrance Ml comiiany In the lumber bul of Klatnnlh county will mean t (or Kl.ninlli r'alti. it m.i.u ! turn to the weekly pay roll, wk III benefit not only every MUM. m.n 111 tlm rllv l.nl tvlll .... J tk. market for the produrt. of liwir, HERO OF ELK N HUTJO PASTURE ot Iii Wagon., Hut Will He W He on Nlrlglia He "Thry Iteail, Thr Kml of Tlirlr Mraey 'WEPli, ore.. March 18. Crated MUtd on Wuirim. iinii.,1 i. ....... iMma, tho fHlnmiH Orevnn lieril ' ittrted from thl. plnco Batur- 'OrnlDg nil the In. I I... ,.f U...I. "II loiirn..v -... i.i ... ,. ' Mtilll jaiaauiia " ountry, Wyoming, to tho Hilly " In thl. county. Kor thirty " anlninln uin i... 1....1...1 ""lh mi " wagon.. Then whon ' "" It ton deep, tlm wngon. will ,g abandoned nnd th in.,.. to ,g,m, A -ro,.t hu been rimed on !..( onitor nln. 1,.. . ulk Inaldo win 1... iifi..i f.nm IM to runner- "IBcult n. tho flr.t ...r th. U. th. IabI a... . ... IU w' , ' "' twenty mile will be r ou, J U1 ,now already, 1 .! dl' n tho level, .ml It 1. kl t,"l" snow'. Drift pill ? "fauna mountain high In "fo 1110 fact that a crew Hhub."'. ' ""'!' " to break out road. It la who are now attending arhool In tlio city of Cork, Ireland, Mr. I.ynrh'. na tive land. The deren.ed wn. nbout IS year, of age. ' I.A KOM.KTTi: co.ntiim:.t ok .SOUTH DAKOTA VHTOItV leurned by rouaclentlou. atudy of the liiatiurtlon biMik. Inmieil by the varl 011. automobile manufacturer!, and Mitomnlillo denier, evn'where are glad to furnl.h eipvrlenred driver. In lu.iiuct novice.." lirogreHalvc, nnd .tatod that hn wa a progriv.lve In It. true meaning. Sim ply becauav nomo new fad might bo popular wa. no reaaon why a man ahould dlarard that Which had been proven to be boat, even though It wa a little old fnahloneiLj lulled I'rru Hervlro KA 11(10. N. 1).. March lor 1 4 Kollette .poku nt Mlnot thl. IS. Henn- morning nnd Devil, liko thl. after noun, 'lie .aid "I never felt better In my life, and I am confident that thl .lalo will endnr.e me for prealdent ' licit Tueaday. m r'ollettelte. a.aert that victory I. certain. BUSY DAY FOR THE PRESIDENT Henry Conn on Vl.lt Henry Conn arrived la.t evening from hi. homo nt Ho.eburg, for a 'week, vl.lt In Klamath Fall. Mr. Conn I. 11 brother of Mr. II. 8. (.rlgaby, nnd own. i-nnalderablo land In Klamath county. ILL BMIE WITH IKE CODLING UN I'AUTICH'ATIN IN SIIVC.V ..MKAIS IS O.Vi: IIW l HUSTON 4SOKS ! TO MOW HA.MCSHHIi: TOMOII- HOW MOItMNtJ HXI'K.IIT lltOM AtlltlCltl.THHAI. COI.I.i:(IK TO TOUt HOUTHKHV OIIMION THIH KUMMKIt IX TIIK INTKHKHT OK HOUTICI'l.TCIti: OltlKION AdlllCUl.Tt'ltAI. COI. I.KIIK, CorvnIIU, Or March 1S, In order lo Dud out Juat what I. the heat time to liiakn tint Mccoud .pray for tho control of the codling muth, I'rof. II. V. Wll.iin of the entomology department nf the Oregon Agricul tural College will make u lour of Fimtherii Oregon nnd other point, the coming .ummer. About two week, after tho flmt calyx .pray of tho apple tree ho plan, to vl.lt con .ecullvely Itiwehurg. Mcdford, Aah- land, Portland, Hood Itlver, Union, Ontario nnd thou A.tnrla and Coo. Hay. On Wodiicdny, March 20, I'rof. Wll.im .peak, nl ANlorln heroro tho fruit grower of that region, In com pany with Horticultural CoininU .loner A. Ov (loodrlrh of Ynmhlll, and will nt Hint Hum InveHtlgnte uny fruit pel. In tho dl.trlcl. "It l tho grcatNt help thnt any progrclvo farmer could pnn.lbly gel," any Chnrlc. Joliimon, Jr.. of North Inlot, of tho O. A. C dairy abort course, (Tolled Prcaa Hervteo II08TON, March IS. Prealdent Tail arrltiMl here nt 7 o'clock (IiIa morning, nud during tho dny pnrtlcl lulled In .even meal., n. follou.; Tlm party took hreakfn.t at the iloMou City Club, had 11 .erond break fail nt tho Hotel Komvr.et, nddre' the IcgUlntiiro nnd lind luncheon with tlm Pilgrim. Publicity Aaxoclntlon iiiinlu two review, of the Kvacuatlon Day parade, nud had dinner with tne Charitable Irl.h norlety, will be entertained by tho llo.lon Hank ntll corH ut dinner nt 9 o'clock nnd the llonloli Paper Mnunfnctuier. Ansool.i Hon nt another dinner nt 10 n'clorl;, nud tlm Yule Club will give him n din ner nt 10:30. Tho party will Rtirt for Now Hnmp.hlrp enrly tomorrow in'inilng. IT AGAfflST "FIIZ" John Taylor File an Actlota Agalaet Former Champloa for 1111,000, for Alleged Auault and Hlaader fat Two Hull CHICAao, March 18. The trouble between Dob Flttalmmon, former heavyweight champion, and John Taylor, the Unlvenlty of Chicago tu- dent, whom ho aaaaulted, took a new turn yeatcrday when Taylor filed two .ulta for 125,000 each agalnat the puglll.t. One lult I. brought on the ground of .lander and the other assault. Klttilmmoni, a few day ago, attack ed Taylor In the office of a theatrical agency after making accusation ngaln.t him Involving Mr. Flttalmmon. MII.I.IO.VAIHF. BREWER IIEMEVED A BUICIDK United Pre Service I'HICAOO, March IS. William O fielpp, millionaire head of the Belpp llrewlng company, wa found dead la bed thl morning, ahot la the had Tho police think' It was suicide, aa Mr. Selpp had been III for several months. Charch IipeoreeaeaU The congregations and atUndanta at the Grace M. E. church Sunday were rtry much pleased with th ap pearance of tho Interior of th church alnce the Improvements have been made. Th plaster on tho celling kad become loosened, and caused a great deal of annoyance, and this has been removed and replasUrod. Tho call ing and wall have been retlatod, and th Interior now presents a very agreeable appearance. . WILL PLAN TO DISPOSE OF LAND CONORESM WIIX HAVE TO PASS , MIX TO PROVIDE FOR SAI,E OF H. P. GRANT AFTER SUIT IS OVER U FOLLETTE SIZZLES TAFT UNO ROOSEVELT riHIU'lMT CAMPAHi.V KOH DKI.K i:Vi:it KNOWN IN NORTH DAKOTA IS NOW AT ITS VKItV HKIOIIT MANDAN, N. I).. March 18. Hot .hot for both Taft and Koo.cvelt for their fallura to rrlpplo tho tru.t In their formulatlvo period I. bcli.B poured out through thl ttato by Ten ntor I. a Follotto of Wlacon.ln In ,cr- Komil .peechc. which aro a feature of n cliilltiK light for tho Kepubll ran delegate., which I. nt It hclfitit Lit Kollette uindo two apccchc at Jniiiclown nnd one hero. Oonoral ly Lit Kollette I. nttnrklng both T.i and Itoo.ovelt on ground of tllr ftlluro to hit tho trust, and torc' vino tho tariff downward. The ifun- pnigii I. tho tlorcot tho atate Ilia. ver .een. Itooscvolt poakr. I:ire iloedltij: Into tho state and tlnilljt I'Vllotto men nro fighting hack tilth rnd nnll. STRIKING TEXTILE WORKERS RESUME r'lVK IIUXDRKD QUIT ONE HOUR AKTK.K WORK HTARTKD IN THE AMERICAN WOOLEN COMPA NY'8 MILL (Inlted Press Bervlos LAWRENCE, Mass., March 18. Thirty .thousand textile employes re umed work today. There waa no dl.ordcr. At the Washington mill, owned by the American Woolen Mill company, E00 workers quit an hour after work started, charging discrim ination. The differences are said to be of a minor nature. Returns From East Mr. and Mr. Fred Fleet have turned from a trip to Illinois, whei they spent tho winter, and left teda: for their home In Langell Valley. Mr Fleet I engaged In the atock bualni with hi father-in-law, H. A. Win- nard, near Lorella, the business Ing conducted under the firm name ol Wlnnard A Fleet. WA8HINOTON, March 18. What rhall be done regarding the railroad grant land for which the government f now aulng la a question which has b.en discussed to some extent by the Oregon representatives and onVlals of the department of Justice. It la probable that tho senators aad repre sentatives will begin soon to consider the form of a bill to be Introduced sfter It shall have been submitted to the attorney general. la a general way, although subject to revision aad amendment, the Mil 1 likely to ro- vlde: First That the suit brought by the attorney general Is raUled by congress aad declared to be ecatva- lent to forfeiture of the railroad's grant by congress. Second That the porsoae who bought railroad lands prior to April 10. 1101, shall be permitted to, con fess Judgment of forfeiture and sale, and have preferential right for sis months to buy the same lands from the government nt f S.60 per acre. Third That no further suits shaU be brought against Innocent purchas er unless they be filed within one ear. Fourth That tho Si.000,000 acre of unsold Isnds shall, when the de cree of forfeiture la ratified by the tupreme court, be opened to actual settlers under the rules and retnla- Hons of the Interior department, which means the drawing system, also that no lands shall be disposed o through scrip applications. The state delegation will also prob ably discuss what shall be done In view of the adverse report by the rte- t artraent on Senator Bourne's Inno cent purchaser MIL MOST DEAD MANGLED EXPLOSION IN HSPKE LOCOMO TIVE SHOPS BLOWS aKHHBS 0fTO FRAGMENTS A WHOLB BODY NOT FOUND Carted SAN ANTONIO. Tea. March Ik A locomotive exploded la tho South ern Pacific yards thls.moralag, aad six wen were killed aad twenty m- lursa. The rooadbouse waa pletely wrecked. of Dead) SAN ANTONIO, Texas. March Ik r Fourteen aro kaowa to be dead la the explosion in the Southern PaMfie shops. Parts of bodies were blown several hundred feet Southern Pa cific oSclal admit that fourteen are killed. Other estimate place the dead at from twenty-five to thirty. The shopmen were meetly strike breaker. Tbecause Is unaacertalaed. but It lr charged that dynamite waa responsible. Moat of the dead are Lorrlbly mangled, aad probably aerer will be Identified. Fragments of the bodies were found blocks away. Not on whole body waa found. TURKISH FLEET MAY MIX WITH ITALIAN lnlted Proas Sorvlce CONSTANTINOPLE, March 18. Tho Turkish fleet I preparing for ac tion agalnat tho Italian aquadron ax- aembllng off Mltylone, fifty mile from tho entranco of tho Dardunolloii, Tho Turklau voaaol aro of an anti quated model, whllo Italy ha somo of tho most up-to-dsto war voaaol. in hsr navy. Prominent Men Ta on Benefits of Lyceum A very Interest Ing tnlk nnd dlicua- hIoii wn. luilulgctl ill huh morning. by rnnie Inlt11cntl.1l men nt tho high trliool, fur the puipo.o of acquainting tho .indent, with tlm fact of the until) of tho leeturo cour.o. Tho gentlemen i'i Captain O. C. Apple 4Mle, NYInou llmtiwovell and Attorney K L. Klllott, und tho question a to bother they oBlt to contluue tho pie.ent lyreum cour.o that ha. been Inking place ut tho oporu hotuo about onco every month, wn. bronchod for (ll.l'U.BlOII. It was hold Hint much bouofH wn. derived from thl ourc of lneru- Hon, In so much thnt tho student be en 1110 moro familiar with people who had visited many part of the world, and could bo well enlightened on many subject that (hey would not otherwlao have dono. In a town of this alto It I hard enough matter to got the right kind of speakers to come hero without a good sited bonus, and thl opportunity of hearing talented peoplo who are not only up In the walk of llfo, but can dispense with accuracy the real things that It hn been tliolr privilege to hear nnd see. Tho only way that these courses can bo maintained will bo for the stndenl to get all his friends and acquaint ances to attend thani. The much talked of lecture which the high school expected to have the pleasure of bearing Mr. Collins of the Episcopal church deliver was given this morning at the high school. The nubject that Mr. Collins took was nlong the lines of progression and activity of the ancient country of Kgypt. His subject was profusely Illustrated with slides on his lantern, and to say that they were very In structive can be Judged by the amount of Interest that the students display ed. Mr. Collins also touohed on the subject of the rise of Colon and Its pltce In this world of ours. On the whole, the lecture proved to be vory Interesting, u well aa taatraetfr. CONVICTS ilKE 600D PRESUKFNiniSOl Disappear la Blinding Savowstorsn aad No Trace of Them Has Yet Be Found Careful Invest bjatloa Has Bee Started by Governor LINCOLN. Neb.. March 18. When Convicts Taylor, Morley and Dowd slipped Into the blinding snowstorm last Thursday aad faded from sight, they seemed to have slipped Into a mysterious hiding place which may 1 ever be discovered. Not a trace has been found of the desperadMJ who shot and dynamited their way out of prison after the triple murder of War den Delehanty. hla deputy and oao of the ushers.. Governor Aldrlch has arrived, aad Is conducting an Investigation, which. It Is hoped, may disclose the means by which the friends ot the fugitives were able to slip the revolvers and ex plosives la to them. Trusties are be lieved to have aided, while some sus picion potato toward a prison, guard. All ex-convicts here who were re cently released have been arrested and questloaed. ThsoHeen refuse to make publlo the laformatloa they may have obtained. Two eoavlets, Bums nnd Riley, have been closely connected with the affair, aad are be lieved to have bean instrumental la smuggling tho weapons lato tho pris on, bat both have disappeared. Burns asssmpaaled a party at u Later (S p. m.) Tmeaty-eereB bodies have been recovered from the round house. Men nro still search lag the ruins In the belief that wore will be fonad. -eiHBia9BaaKsn.B9 cola "prlsoa reformers" to the 1 teatlary about two weeks ago, aad at that time smuggled some oajam lato tho prison. CON VICT CAPTTRBm AT LAS Later (1:10 p. m.)-Coraerd ta a barn between Qrstaa aad Seriaav flsld, the Sarpy county eoavlets. Oray. Dowd aad Morley, who slew the war den nnd two guards nt the peniten tiary, were captured after aa honra battle, ia which the posse fired from two sides. Oray and Dowd were kill ed and Morley was wouadsd aad Jay Blount captrued. A farmer was ac cldently hilled during the fight. OUTLAWS SURROUNDED BY DETECnCES IN DEVIL'S DEN HILLSVILhE. Va., March IS. Forty detectives are surrouadtng Devil's Den. where it U believed that Sid Allen aad his gsag of outlaws are entrenched. A cordon of detectives are closing In oa the stronghold, aad desperate fight Is expected. HOPES T8 GURY ITS HIST STATE If H Fill SOCIALMT PARTY CONFIDENT THAT THEY WILL KLHOT THEIR FIRST GOVERNOR IN NEVADA THIS YEAR CHICAGO, March II "The Soc ialist party expects this fall to carry Its first state. Wo are coafideat that Nevada will bo the first state to elect a Socialist governor aad lsfto- lature." This statement was made by Mor ris Hlllqult, acting chairman of the Socialist National Executive Commit tee. Four members ot the commit tee, Victor L. Berger. Job Harrtmaa. Alexander Irvine and Hlllqult, were present. Preliminary plans for the national coaveatlon were discussed and arrangements made for a aew educational campaign la various states. "There has been much unrest la Nevada," continued Hlllqult." aad tht large majority of tho werklac population Is looklag to the Social' Ut party to arias relief from exlet lag coadlUoaa." It was also anaounecd that re ports from tho retereadnm veto aa the place for hotdlag the HaMocul convention Indicate that R probably will be held ta iBdUaapoHs May II luteal ot at Oklaaema Ottr, tho? place first destded npea. ; V s . ii-V -,-vV