Alt CAN A. M Foltowa' Balldlag. i iii. nM it AXUBfl SLOAN AMUMM title to eeuBty Mt elty sreaartr. 11 per traas ttr. Na saarge tw Hate or tax . T. KVTXBKO ALA, ANeraayatlsiii WkKe-Maddoa Blag 4J4. Klaasatk Falls, Ore. LJAT KXATT Balldlage a Specialty SOS-Ilt . Odd Felhwra Ml. AKTim B. WILMJf aAMlY D. MILI UT MABAM AND PHOT. TDOM Knrnri an CAIreesMe Cere corns, bunions and la- tMMUl. BtBM. TlBUM aa.'r from felling out la Art sreaiateat, aad a pema MU oaro far daadraf . Olve as aaH. Ha. MT KUaMta At. CS IBr KXTltKSS If von want your ituf moved aad Borad quick, get Raasbr's Baawesa ta do It Coraar Seveatfc aad Mala atraata fkaaa SIS oaa ooofROcx m, u ?M van aar klad at HALF. at taa OOMSTOCK U ft wa ajaalajsaaaC VaM laagald, waak, rua-dowaT iT Stoaseek "of? Just a t lair liver. Burdock Mttan tones liver and itomacb. digestion, purines the blood sate theater. Matinee dally, I: JO a. a. Breaieg. Irat performance, f:ll.vrtti E.E. Thompson Gtntnl Frefajat ud Transfer LetYCoricnatKok- erU S Wktaaore, Faoacl3ai WOOD FOR SALE Spring mmmmm Eatables We are going to hare Jaet whit yon want, recall fruits, Teget- ablcs and everytklng else tkat we caa get for oir cwtoMcra. Van Riper Bros. Phone 851 laatve Agaata for Otase A 1 Vans aa4 Ootees. WMBS YOV WANT riMTCLAM CLEAN, FRBSB GROCERIES and waat to be that jron ara getting 100 Mats' worth of goods ta ratam far every dollar spent, ga ta ta TheMooarch STAl'I.K AND. FANCY GROCERIES, FROTTS AND VEGETABLES of nil klada Phone 1081 IF Tou Are An Elk Mason Odd Fellow Knight of Pythias Eastern Star or Rebekah STOP!! Aad tea tba largest assortment of these emblems In solid gold aver received la Klamath Falls. SPINK, The Jeweler Opposite Coart Hoaac 323 Mala St. Don't forget to leave your Job and watch work with Billy Mastcn. He bss charge of this department. The best equip ped repair shop In Klamath Falls. FISHING TACKLE We have everything you need for that fishing trip: Hook, Una, rods, reels, baskets, etc. We rent tents, guns and camping outfits. THE GUN STOBE J. B. CBAaf Basel Phone HSS Jaceba Bek. W. O. BallTlt. Bdltor aad Proprietor J. M.-STOWKLL, City Bdltor THE EVENING HERALD PaMlaaed dally ascent daaday at 111 roarta Street Batsred at tke aaatoalaa at KlamaU Falts, Oregea. far traaaailsslaa ttrougn the malls as aaaaad elass Bubsorlptloa terms by mall to aay ad dress la Ua Calted BUtas: Oaa year fl.CC Oas moata .......a......... .aa KLAMATH FALLS. ORBOON SATURDAY, MARCH 10. ISIS If Von're Alive ToTheNeedofthe Momeot-"Bnild Now" and be happy the rest of your life. There's no satisfaction like that born of the knowl edge that you have a borne of your owa. And H you'll follow our advice and Balld Now, voir will always be satisfied that you exercised good judgment. We believe this after watching ths lumber market for years. Not In yeara have wa been able to offer such excellent grades for all classes of construction lumber of real quality. This Is not bargain counter lumber, for It has a fixed market value, but by keeping pace with the times and buying only from manufacturers who mill with the most Improved machinery wa have secured absolutely the best values our money could buy. If you're Interested we waat to figure with yea. lit: HASN'T DECIDED YKT OUR friend of the raornlnc paw. who takes It upon himself to answer all questions and do the link ing for Mayor Sanderson, has not de cided yet whether he will support Sanilcrson or not, and so he Is going to wait and see "whether the voters of this city will decide to continue the present form of so-called valder- manlc government for the city or will adopt a commission form of gov ernment." Hy the time this Is de cided a tnnyor will have been eleclod, and so "It will be a little late. Broth er, for you to pick your candidate." It Is not a question of 'support for Mr. Sanderson as an Individual, but of the Sanderson policy and his ad ministration. Mr. Evans has been here a long time now, at least three weeks, and from the assurance with which he speaks of other matters, which ho has learned by hearsay, he should be qualified to tell his readors what he thinks of the present finan cial condition of the city, and wheth er he believes It best to continue for two years more the policy of conduct Ing tuo city's affairs which has been followed the past four years. Probably Mr. Sanderson's spokes man believes that If he caa keep this agitation over tho printing of the charter before the people long onougb be might prevent thorn from considering and finding objections In the charter Itself. Mr. Evans says that he secured the facta of the sub mission of bids from the city attor ney and the mayor, and "gave them forth as statcmeaU from these city officials." As these statements ap peared In the editorial columns of the Northwestern, without reference to these city officials, we do not know how this could bo correct, unless It Is assumed that the city attorney and mayor wrote the editorials them selves. It Is true that the commission form charter was prltned at this office, and no bids were asked for. The ad vocates of this chsrter were the ones who paid for the printing, so It was their own personal affair. In the case of the mayor's charter It Is dlf ferent, as the taxpayers of the city pay the bill." We contend that the city had no authority to pay for printing the mayor's chartor, as there Is nothing on the recordXto show that the mayor was authorised to draw up a charter, It was submitted to the council In the same manner as the commission charter, "by an Initiative petition. If the advocates and petitioners of the commission charter wero forced to pay for the printing, why should not Mr. Sanderson and the petitioners of his charter do the same? After Mr. Sanderson had prepared his charter, and on his own personnl Initiative gave a contract and bad the printing done, he had bis city attorney pre pare a resolution endorsing bis action and the city council passed It, a week or more after the expense has been Incurred. The council at that time authorised the mayor to secure bids for printing tbo charter, and he comes In and files a memoranda of his own based on a price given him two weeks previous, before he had any legal right to secure or consider a bid, ex cept In bis capacity as an Individual Any price given Mr. Manning or Mr Sanderson by the Herald was given 10 mem as inamauais, ana no memorandum of such price has any placo on the files of the city, as we never submitted a bid to the city for printing any charter. If the city council chooses to pass resolutions endorsing the actions of the mayor made without their order, It Is their business, but If the city offl dais have any memorandum or pa pers on file with any of their officers, purporting to bo a bid from us for printing Mayor Sandorson's charter, we wish to Inform them that It wai never made, and It has no place on the files. FIRST IHFANTRY fiOES 10 HAWAIIAN ISLANDS r CAMP WILL UK UT MILKS FROM HONOLULU COLONEL McUUN. NEGLK GOKH WITH T1IR IIKO IMRNT VANCOUVER) Wash., March 1. -Tho entire First Infantry, now sta tioned at Vancomer barracks, and consisting of about thlrty-flvc officers and families and 900 outlstwl men, wilt Mil from Pnrtlnml 011 May 7 or 8, on tho tranMrt Sheridan, direct Honolulu. Tho jiersoual offocts ww tut lomlitd onto barees at the gov ernment dock and sent to Portland, there to bo reloaded onto the Sheridan. The realment will temporarily bo housed In tents till quarters now nil der construction are completed, Ttio camn will bo twenty-seven miles from tho city of Honolulu, but will have a servlco of two trains a uay each way. The trip from Portland to nono- Saviife lets. Ltaker Ct Phone 1341 6th St. at S. P. track NOTICH OV DISSOLUTION All persons are hereby aotiaed that the partnership of W. H. Dolbeer aad W. P. McMillan has beea dissolved by mutual consent, W. P. MsMlllea retaining tba business. All outstand ing aeouats ara payable to tba under signed. 8-4-1 It W. P. msmillbn; ,..,.. ...ill mniilrn about olp.1tt days, 111111 win iv,"..- . ... -i.,.i in ttinnv hi tllO anU Will scorn " "-' , I....... Th First nfnutry lii traveling history which perhaps no 1 . 1.... imvln traveled around tho world. The roalment left New York February I. ! ana ar rived In Manila April St. cnniplc-t. ....i,.. i..i,rn.iv lii si ilnra. It touch ed Olbrallar. Malta. Columbu. Aden and Singapore en route, it "' nil May Id, ll0. 1 arrived at Vancouver barracks June iw. " Ing nrr circle In all from rw York of more than 20,000 mllos. completely around tho world. i..i..i.1 (louden K. Mrdiinnlslo mill ptncllcally all tho officers now yilth tho regiment worn on umi toj- nuo. Tho ennsieu ,'omuiiiiri practically changed twice since mo regiment left New York, and at pres ent recruits are coming In from other posts to llll up the compsnles. It Is rumored at tho post today that the Twenty-first Infantry will ar rive here, and llio First Infantry will vacate Its quarters. Orders for puss ports have been Issued, Cheapest accident Insurance Dr. Thomas' Kcloctlo Oil. Stops the psln ami heals the wound. All druggists sell It. THF REASONABLE CARE OF YOUR WaTr.tT Win reealt la your wetrh'e good, iwoloaglag Its .lays of iiMfullism, What la reasonable caret An occasional visit t Jaweler who "knows how," An "otvailonal visit" means at least a yearly visit. To pat It off longer Is to pat It off too long. H ,,, nr,, not wedded f all lliwa eme epert, WK would like to put euntr of our good work uu that natih i.f Mr. Your natih deservea the heat treatment It rss get, and It I, what we oner ji:vi:i.t:it, 11. j. ,wiiw'ri$i H. V, WATOHl? IM'WTon, Political Announcements For Prostrating Attorney For District Attorney for Klamath aad Lake counties, Orogon, on ths Repubileaa ticket. JOHN IRWIN, subject to the primary nomination to be hall ea April If. llll. I hereby respectfully aaaoaaea my self a candidate for the repubileaa nomlnaUoa .for Prosecuting Attor ney for Klamath aad Lake coun ties, subject to tba will of the vot ers at the primary electloa to be bold oa the lth of April, llll. D. V. KUTKKNDALL. For County Treasurer I hereby announce snyslol as a candi date for the nomination for Treas urer of Klamath County on the Re publican ticket, subject to tho will of the people st prlmsry election to ha held oa April II, lilt. JAY MANNINO. I hereby aaaouace myself aa a candi date for the nomination tor Tree uMr at KUmatfc Countv oa the neaaoeratla- ticket, subject to Ua will of tba people at primary elee- tioa to aeia oa apni is, iais. O. 11. DAOOBTT. For Coruaer I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Coroner, subject to the will of the oisrs si the primary election to be n!d on April 11, 1911. KAItl WIIITI.OCK. WOOD WOOD ULOCK WOOD FROM THE BOX FACTORY FOUII-FOOT HODY AND UM1I WOOD OUT FROM I.IVK Tillage NIXTKKN INCH IIOIIV AND I.IMIt WtNlli IS aad ltttirh DRV HUH WtHMID g.K , n Delivered Anywhere In The City I.KAVK ORIIKIIM AT O.K. TIIANHFKIl OFFH'I; I'llll.lRtri OR ORk-OON H ARNICAS CO., SOS MAIN HT. I'llOHK t P. C. CARLSON -Mf J I hereby announce myself a caadldate for the Republican nomination for Coroner, subject to the will of the vi (era at the primary election to be held on April II. llll. B. R. WILLIS. For School Suprrlateadrat I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for County 8chool Superintendent of Klamath county on the Republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election to be held April II, llll. FUED PBTKIl-SON. I hereby aaaoaaea myself a caadldate for the nomlnaUoa for Assessor of Klamath couaty oa the Democratic ticket, subject to the will of the people at the primary election to be held on April II, llll. J. P. LEE. I hereby aanouaeo myself a candidate for the republican nomination for County Assessor, subject to the will of the voters at the primary elec tion to be held on April 19, 1912. It. C. COWLEY. I hereby annouaaa myself a candidate for tba Repaallcantnomlaatloa for BharlS of Klamath; county, subject, to tba will of taa voters at the pri mary al ;t!oa to be held April II.' lilt. OSCAJt L. CARTER. B. St. George Bishop hereby an t nounces himself as a( caadldato for Sheriff on tba Democratic ticket, subject to tbo action of tho voters at the primary election to be hold oa the 19th day of April, 1112. I hereby announce myself a caadl date for theaomlnatloa for sheriff , oa tho KcpubUcaa ticket, t subject to the will of. the; voters at the pri mary. elecUoi'to'be held on April . II, 1112. C. C.LOW. l'heroby annouacajmyselt a 'candidate for the nomlaatloa for 'Sheriff of on the Republieab ticket,1 subject to the will of thavoters at the pri mary electloa 'tobe bold 'on April 19, 19)3. B. B.fpRIOBBY; I bereby'aanouncemysclfia candidate for the Bomlaatlon for) sheriff on the Democratic ticket,' subject to the will of tba' voters at the pri mary election to be held on April 19. 1912. 8. L. WALKER. For Cona ty Clerk I hereby announce asyaelf a candidate for the nomlaatloa for Couaty Clerk oa tbo Raaukdlcaa.tlckat. aub Jeet to tbo will of JAe voters at .the primary election) to be bald April -II, llll. 0. By DB LAP, For Constable t hereby announce myself1 a candidate for tba nomlnaUoa on tba Repub lican ticket for Constable for Link Wile, district, subject to the will of the voters at tba primary election ,to ha held ga April II, llll. .JOHN O. SOHALLOOK. ' I hereby announce myself as a caadl date for Couaty School Superin tendent oa the Repubileaa ticket, subject to the will of tba voters at tba primary election to be held oa April II. llll. W. 8. 8LOUOII. 1 hereby announro myself a candi date for the nomination for County School Superintendent on tho Dem. ocratlc ticket subject to the will ot tho peoplo at the primary eltctlon to be hold on April 19, 1912. U. V. ALEXANDER. For Jostle of the prsiro I hereby announce myself a candidate for the Republican nomination for Justice of the Peace for Ltnkvllle precinct, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election to he held on April II, 1112. W. II, SHAW. I hereby declare myself a candldsto for tho nomination for Justlrn of the Peace on the Democratic ticket for l.lnkvlllo district, subject to the will of the voters at the primary election to be held on April 19, 1912. CHAS. 011AVK8. I horeby announce myself a-caadldate for nomination on tho Republican tlckot for Justice of the I'csco of l.lnkvllle Precinct, sublect to the will of the voters at the primary election to be held on April Vj, 1912. E. W. aOWRN. I iii.i-iiwii M II i.n. For Hial Hrnalor 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for tho office of State Sen ator In the Seventeenth Senatorial District, Including Klamath, Crook nnd Lake counties, on the Repub lican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the primaries to bo held on 19th day of April, 1912 W. LAIR THOMPSON. For County Commissioner- I hereby announce myself a candidate for the nomination for County Com. mlssloner on the Democratic, ticket, subject to the will of the voters it the primary electloa to be held of. April 19, 1911. JAMES R. DIXON. I horeby annource myself a candi date for cdunty commissioner on the Republican tlckot, subject to tho will of the pooplo nt tho pri mary election ,to ho hold on April 19,1912 JOHN HAQEI.8TEIN. Fur Htate Reprt'scntatlvo 1 horeby announco mjsoif as a candi date for the office of State Repre sentative In the Twenty-First Rep. resontstlve District, Including Like, Klamath, Crook and Orant coun ties, on tho Republican tlckot, sub ject to the will of tho voters at the primary eloctlon to be hold on April 11,1111. WBSLBY O. SMITH THE HELPING HAND You caa most surely 4014 upon In time of trouble li or bank account. Ilstur start to acquire a big 01m f depoelUag what )nu hsve In ths rtnt Trust and Havings Mint, y0i will find tho tiecrt.ltjr d uu. Ing Nifnro paying a (rest Is. Cflitlvo to sating Whio tr. bl routes what ton bstt b proientrd from frittering mj will make a rumforUbU WU ance. First Trust and Savings Bank ; rm tunsiit a a nasal A I I I I I, I I I' I I I I Kf.tMVTH 'AM. (tllR. I The World Motcs So Do We More. Baggage Passengers to and from all tralni and boats and give yon Quick Service Household-Heavy Freight I A Specialty Blacksmith Shop In Connectloi Are prepared to turn Mt all kiads of Fir Claia Work. Shoeing- special attentloa. 0. K. Transfer Go. Dy rhoae 871 NlgM Phone 873 Cheap Rates From ths EAST AND EUROPE In Effect March lit to April 15th, 1912 from rt Chicago ; 0.00 Omaha 25.00 St. Louii 32rZ iviusas iuy v --- New York so? New York 480 When from Europe. Corresnondinelv low ratea from all other pointl- Tickets telegraphed to passengers' without expem Money refunded If not uasd. For full particulars call or write SOUTHERN pAOI JAMES O'GARA, D. P. and P. A., 801 K St., Sacramento, tai S. J. BAILEY, Agent, Klamath Falls. LI l I j