Hefato. 'M gUPPMKD RY THE mTKV rWW NEWf HERVICR KLAMATH FALL, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH IS, Itli $lje am f ' rmrnnnwi! MorjaMOMr I sitth Veer M0" VESSELS COLLIDE; SEVENTEEN LOST LIFEBOAT CAPSIZES twcAit nn:w I'M"" WIT" ()THf.',INMI,MMI IN IKII.II WlW IM)W.V WITH VKMMKI. rii4 1'fcn Herlre WXPOS. M"r !. Tim Orion Ul llr Oceana collided with the Oram lr Iki oft Kaat Fearse ,n 'N n,,,n,ln ""d ,itk Be hour l""'1 Tb poirncxrn of tho Oceana wire i.mortd r llfi-boate. A panic en eJ hrn the llfeboata were liiwerwl, iaJ the Urr crow foiilt with lh fUMM" ln " """" '" """" ,M1 oU. Officer Ihrrnlrnril III ehoot lU Utrara, ami order waa finally Uttered. Tim Aral boat waa over ,rw4J anil caII About fifteen Utnt'tf, moitly women, Were loat It (till trrlllrnt Tb Oceana carried IS.0O0.O0O In IIIMIIlim MI'HT IIANtl ciimrrnaffic M.V KHA.SVIBCO, March Hi. -Jiir Will" todny- aenleticeit John Rfrt lo hang (r the murder of IWeJamln llooilmau. The date for littlrcullnn a '! for May XI. CAIIH OK THANKH T ore box of Ihl city with to task II" public fur llio manner In fikh thy have, responded lo lb rn imu far aid. They alio wlih lo tUsk the Klamath Floral company lot Iht klnitneaa eltemteil them In loutlDK fluwnra. hVVKY WIN PROM IIAIIIIV ITDNKV. N B. V March IS. ha MeVey, tliu negro heavyweight, von the dllon over Jim Harry nf Cklraiu In a twenty-round gu Isal aiiht. Harry fought iilucklly. but vu outclauril II V Terrlll of Flelihnvr-Molcr Co, of Portland, In In Ihn rlty today on katlneia, Kotit, nml wn bound for llotnliny. Tim truaaurn anil cargo l a total Iom, Thu I'nnlimular-Orlntitnl omrlal admit that oven pnaaengnra art) inlaa- ItiR, but roftmo In give (tin namiM. Later limlon, March IB. Tim urvlcor of the Orcaua dliaater havo arrltotl, ami ilirlarn that from alitwn to nlvblrvn liarnnr prrlnlinl wbrn tba llfnboat waa capatioil through uvorrroftrilliiK. Many of llin aunrlvora am nrar a collapan, Moal of Ihn wo- mim worn ovnrcoata over tlmlr nljcht ilroaaM, all tho rnat of thrlr clotblnc bnlnx loat, Tho men am moat alt clad In tiajamaa. $7S,000,000 BOND ISSUE HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED Ttm PortUml Hallway, l.llil anil I'owrr oitiNiny Mabra lrrNira (luna for Heavy Imprtivrmrnta by trtlon of IMrrrlorn I'OIITI.ANK, March K.. At tbn tnoetliiK thla work Ihn board of ill roclnra of tho Portland Hallway, t.lKht and I'owrr company formally authorlmd a bond laaun of $75,000,. 000 to provldn for outatandlnr bonda ami ipciidlturra for Improvrmcnta In tho futum. Tho laauo will Iravn lll.ooo.nno for futuro Improvo monta At tho annual atockhoLlera' met Iiik tho following illmctora wcro re floflcil J. C. Alnawortb, A. C. lied ford. Clarence M. Clarkn, Herbert I.. Clark. Franklin I. Fuller, Frank lin T. flrimih. Frederick V. Ilolman, t.'harlaa N. Iliicglna, lltnaga 8. Jo. aolyn, William M. Udd, O'den Mllla. Frederick Htrauaa and Theodore- H. Wllllama. BUSINESS STOPS IN HONOR MAINE IMTTLKNIIir WHICH l C,UHi:i W.tlt WITH HI'AIN IH HUIIIF.H WITH flllKAT IIMP IS TIIK 'U)Hi NTHAITH "iltrt Prc.a Service HAVANA, Cuba, March 10. All nlnata la auapondod In thla city to r u a mark of honor to Ilia Pat tliahlp Maine, Tho governmnnt build l(a are all cloaed. Tho Malilo waa unit Ihla nfiuriioon In tho Florida '"'Hi nliiu mllca from llavan.i, ar Mupanlod by Amorlran wnrabli'u and " entire Cuban navy. Tho Amerl fn flag waa Hoatlng at tho mixthrad 4 Iho deck of tho vcaaol waa cover 4 with roaea when It aanU. The win of ibo victim wore Inknn on rt tho crulaer North Carolina and wompanleil the Maine to tea. FIREMEN HAVE BIG SUCCESS itoYN ri.i:AHKi ino i.aht vioht AT TIIK HKVKNTH ANM'AI, riltKMAN'H 1IAXCK AT THU OFKIIA 1101'HK VIM.AH CHIKF OP HTAPP IM CAPTUIIKI) AND HHOT 'tatted I'reaa Hervle Kli I'AHO, Tei March 1. Cap tured by rnbela near Hanta Houlla Friday, Major Adana, Vlllaa' chief of ataff, waa shot by order of (lenerat Orotco, according to Chihuahua ad- vice. Adana had notified Oroico that If Villa captured htm he would bo otocuted. An eiodua of JaurM bogan thla morning, with no appar ent roaaon. AFTER MEMBERS OF ALLEN GAI I OHTV DKTKCTIVKH AND DOZKN Pi:i!IIIMTH TAKK TO MOUNTAINH AKTKH THK VIIMJIMA COUHT MIIHIIKHKItM tin lied Preaa Service llll,l,HVII.t.K, Va March !. Forty dotectlvr and a doien feudlita are aeeklng alitcen member of the Allen gang. The outlaw have cut all wire, and are bellovrd to be waiting In the mountain. Tho dead ao far are: Judge Mat- ale, Attorney Foater, Sheriff Webb, Hetty Ayera and Mr. Sid Allen. Juror Fowler I dying. Sid Allen waa captured yeaterday In hi mountain cabM after bla wife had been and he ' waa aatiemalr wounded. It I thought, however, that be will recover. Three Internal revenue officer who am familiar with lb lllue Ridge trail are guiding the Marcher. . SPECIAL MEETING OF JERICHO CLUB ALL MKMBRRS Of t) O. O. W. AND HKDKKAR LVODRRR INTRRBflT KD IN NRW VR1tT((HK, TO MKKT " " -"tm miffTTT "Raw r The final (Up M tM orgaalMtloa f nlgbt In' the club rooaa la tba baae- I Ik ment of tba 10. O. P. Tempi, whe J V. the IncortofwUM will bei Mthed a4 Mat to tb emalUL J nn. miin nit ntb AMRRICANM AND GERMANS OROANIZR FOR DBFKN8E OalUel Tnm RtrtlM MEXICO CITY, March t-Tb Americas and Oermaaa la tbla city have organlied to defend themaelve agalait aa outbreak. Madero baa Urted troop to Tamptco, where antl-Amerlcan demonatratlon bar occurred. The rebel fore I camped Ave mile from the palace, but ao at tack I eipected until General Orotco arrive. NO ME IEM1E ., . 01 COOT TAXES The date on which the rebate waa allowed on the payment of tbe county taiea expired yeaterday. Over 7t tocolpl were laauod, and there I noarly S00 addition to be written up for outalde partlet who eent their taie by mall. It I announced that tbe payment of tax tbla year hM been much alower than lait year, which would Indicate that money I a tittle acarce. Incorporate pjr wll d aa4 at to tba eapltaL Vltlllrl member of tba 044 Fellow order la meeting wltb a groat deal of com mendation, laanwah ka It la aapply Ing a much ne44'hutltaU Ja tbU city. All membara of tho ordor are welcom at all tkaoa lata room, and aa thoro an aoveral 4lffarat fcrm of wmaaataaaja to be 'fooad by which oae My' whllo away u Idle hour, tbe attoaaaac la Tory aat lafactory aad taottadlty ateroaolag. nowling, blUtar, pool aad card ere to bo foa4 tboro. whllo la tb reading room wilt bo foaa4 all tb lateat magaslao aadjpotiodleala aad the dally paper. i -The Imomaao kwomcat baa been divided Into foar raaam.' aad each furnlahed for tb PIQIM. fa tba bowling room aro tajroa two alloy, and the ar baar'tavvtr avealag. whllo la tba oar4 aajl blHIaH room can alway bo foawl a cboorfal t aajoylng themaolv p tbotr owa t- uractton. t Tb readlag room aa4 tb Ia4w titling room aro alaa wR patraalnl. and before toag wboa M waata to and aa 044 Follow wboa ho teat at horn or at work, all-that win a aoeoaaarr win ho a Uv to taw Jorteb Clab. '-.. STAR ATHLETE VISITING CITY IIROWN VNIVRHSITY MAN, WHO HAS TRIED CONCLUSIONS WITH RIO COIAEGHS OP THE EAST, MAY MAKE THIS HM HOME E44lo Pike, a Brown university waa aad all-'round athoteto. who U reeogalMd throughout tb Rat u oao of tbo beat athlete of tb proa- er.t day. I at preaeot la tbla city. Mr. 1Mb I quoted aa aaytag that hu bat engaged la maar athletic contost wltb Tale aad Harvard, aad wba It come to any Ha of aporta he doe aot hav to uko bla bat off to aay of thorn. H baa woa tbo admiration of tbo baaoball world by bu eoaalat ent worb on tb diamond, aad It I to be hoped that tb proper Mad of Inducement eta bo offorod to Mr. Pike to pertuad blm to remala la tbla city. Inch a maa would bo a Try aUal factor la forwardlag atbUtlea la tbU community. Raao- batl ta.hla partlcalar hobby. LA POIXETTE AFTER NORTH DAKOTA VOTE Catted RISMARCK. N. D.. March II. La Lotlott. aa aaaoaacod. oaatlaao ttumplag tbl Ut. Joha Raa. tbo trading Roovelt (peltbtador. la fol lowing La Follotto. A reor4 veto I eipected oa Taoadajr. HEAR PINE GROVE IRRIGATION PLEA nectlng U' tbe private offlce of tb eaator, alto wltb a door opening Into tbo hallway, but with ao alga a to tbo Ideality of tb occupaat. Big men from tb bom state who expect aad receive dltlnguUbd con IderatloD from the atetma aad utually make vlalU of a couplo of hour to busy senator who, they be lieve, bar abundant tlmo for tbo entertainment of friend, la many case rap oa tbe labelled door. Stran ger latrt4 la bill aad othor caller also Up oa tbo door to tb secretary' room. Regulars stalk Into tb prae of tbo ertarr without ceremoay. To remove tb Impreasto of oa eluslvenee that seeau to bo la tbo mind of pereon Just arrived la Waablagtoa aad to T laterraptloa In tb work of omploy obliged to rotpoad aororal seaatora bar ro sorted to tbo us of tga. Senator Dixon, of Montana, aa tb ploaeer la this reepect aad for yoar baa bad a big placard oa hk door. Inscribed: "Soaator Dixon' OHe. Walk la." Recently Soaator Martin, of Vir ginia, fell into line by Bailing oa hi door a card, four by six, bearing tb legend. "Walk la." Senator Chilton, of Wort Virginia, display a printed card, aeatly doe orated, which exhort tb wayfarer te: "Come la Without Knocking; aad Leav tb 8am Way." Otto Dyer la up from Dorrls to at tend torn business ooaeoralag tho moving picture maehlao which he I operating at Dorrls. BmmmmamsaitBaaBmmmmmmeB9si ill If SflU.lW IT lrft IWIraWlntt WM llfRv WASH1NOTON. March It. Dark, aombor, auhogaay door aad tho lm- poolag framo tharoof affording a- traaeo to tb roost of osaator la tho ornate marble oHco building, bar aa awesome effect upon tran ters unfamiliar with tb custom In calllag at that oHco. Each senator has two rooms, oa for hi Mcrotary aad tenogrepher tb door of which bear oa a bronxe plate a number aad bla nam. Cob- DECISION IS PUT OFF WEEKS COMPANY HERE ON MONDAY REMONSTRANCE HEAR TOhUY AND COTJRT WIIX RENRbbB tn DhKHHON NEXT gvATCRRAT MAJORITY NRCHSgART At t o'clock tbl aftaraoea waa tho Urn t for tho heartag of tho aU tloaa for the efoetioa of what la kaowa aa tb "Pla Grove IrrteaUoa Dutrkt," by a eoaaty eoart. A Urge aambor of the lead owner la tb vldalty of Plae Qrov war proa ent. aomo aa peUUeaer aad otnora a nmoaatraat. It I aeceeaary to hare a atajorRy of tho laad owaera aader tho profoa- 4 district a atgaora of tho aaUUoa. aad It waa 4weoror4 that bobm eight of tho lgara war aot lead owaera of record. Some of thma wars iwaaat purchaser, aad aomo were owaera of the property, bat tbo deed ware aot oa record la their aamo. For thla reasoa the couaty eoart poota4 Its dodsloa natll aoat Saturday, to give aa opportunity to the aotHleaara t aaenro the proper aambor of aaaaa of legal owaera. The court aanouaeod that R woaU hear remonstrance at thla time, aa request were tied by tho feUewhtf owaera for tho oadaotoa of their tends: Enterprise Laad aad Iareot- meat company, by c. w. isnsta. prosldeot. 140 acre; A. B. gfleer, is C. M. Adam, lit aeroa; oaao. Oray. IT acre; BUaa'K. Crowsoa Smith estate. 141 1 The i hi AO accident neeiirmrf IK, Qlil P'lton box factory Friday afternoon, """Ing in ti, leaking of rband J. Aa it wa nocoasary to send to " rranrliro lo roptaoo tho brokon J?"; ,l10 mill waa rloaed down unlit -uuaay, RTUIIN WITH HIH FAMILY .'' nr"fl. who reprossat tb "WblOr nillnn.nt.il. - .Ul. ....!. I . -""WU.IW ij UIP pouiiuil, n thla evening' train for Bat- jr I. Mr' nrd'' J -- mi do present during an oraTr- n which la to bo mado on hit fsjli - "n hi return to Klamath Fill " i bring his family with htm I" lummar. Tho Firemen' ball that took place laat night at the Houston opera houae proved t" bo a great aucceaa, both from tho financial aa well aa aociai alandpolnt. The boy cleared ome- Ihlng over I ICO. The decoration and othor thing that had been so kill- fully dlaplayed showed the atrenu- ou effort to which the committee had gono to rt'iako thla the leading otont of It kind of tbo aeaaon. Tho hall wa crowded to Its utmost capac ity, thero being omo doubt as to whether or not they would bo ablo to accommodate tho largo gathering. Nevertheless n good tlmo was onjoy ed by all, much to tho aallafactlon of everyone In being ablo to help the fire boys In this way. Whllo tho orchestra was out to auppor a achomo wa put Into action hen It wa ausieated that some views bo thrown on tho screen which should lllutralc the different nre ne nartments throughout the country end their origin. Three proved very Interesting, and holped to pna the tlmo till the musla should bo re sumed. Tho largo crowd which had gath ered for tho dance did not disband till tbe early hour began to creep on and fortell tho coming day. The utlc, which wa furnished ny me hltn Pollran orchestra renoeroa mc ioaslon complete In tho tact max rybody waa satUflod wllh the ro ta. A I oxpoctod, tn annual ce of the nro boy turned out to . . . A .! n UV a a arooo arawina ram, auu -w that thla waa the bett that they have ever had It something well worth commenting on. I tn pressi ve Talk Is G i yen Students by W. R. Ellis Friday afternoon the high achool had the pleasure of llctenlng to Jff. R. Kill, candidate for national rpr- aentatlve from the Second congres sional district of Oregon, In a brief but Interesting talk. He gave forth some good advice concerning the high school student especially aa to his future career and welfare, and the position that ho might occupy la the walks of life. Mr. Kills described hi early boyhood and tbe Influence which surrounded him at that ttm, and said that ha had tb opportunity of going to chool only four month while a youth, 'and that In the coun try. II wantd, to Impress the high school students with th fact that vrv few realise tbe Importance of training the mind. He tald that It not th man who eouia iw in heaviest load that counted la lite, but It was tbe man who waa able to Ig- r nut with hie brain that wouio mako the brightest mark. Few of ut como to think this life of our to be .. ..Hon aa It really l. and eonse- qucnllytake things on tho nature of today ratner man lomorrow. -cation Is the essential factor that .kni.i h the aim of everybody. If we do not possess ourselve of th opportunity of acquiring the trala- Ing that is anoroeu now, w. by the wayside. Tb body I Ilk a machine. That I. w tak care of It and do the ining mat ww contervatlve ot energy w win bto to get more out of It la reUra. he dally life It repetteoiy '-- y many obstacle, and U 414. ot ... m overcome eomethlng that re quired mental aad physical Brirr W WOUld BOt BO IB iweiMv" - - With I tbe serious phase ot TONIGHT riff W. R. Rarne and J. D. Car roll ar expected to return miner thla avantno or tomorrow rrora bbb Fr.nc.tco. Sh.r.ff Rarne. jo.n.4 fSTStat Ut r n.nn firat" axcurtlonlsts la thaiuav to ""'. v.,,., ABanr. B.y City, and remained during thefi tertelnmeat. readily lite. Many of ut little (realise ths sao; rlflcea that our p.rata are. making every day for us. aad little do we realise how we determine la a great measure juat how wo aro talueaclag them. Mr. Eltt Intimated that th fact that everyone should msks all th beet of tho opportaalty ot helping the nrosTBaof th sweat state of Oregoa.'aad put her above tbe rest. H said that he 414 aot believe it wu ao otesatUl to trala the body so much aa It 4M'to trala th mlad. It a person was abt to est omo goal In his llae of life aad autre to ac complish that end, It wu a great deal mors hoaorable to hare .ocompllshsd It th.n .a .thtetlo contest. He gar aa Illustration which clearly ehowed the argument that ho tried to brief forth. la the high school aad ooi lege It waa the custom for tho ath lete to pick out th biggest aad strongest men for the dlKereat branch aad to compete la eoatoata. Why aot train tbe email maa who nosd. th physical traialag worse tb.a the bigger foltowT No, the maa who really nseded that physical training wu .llght4 aad loft to look for himself 'shlle the stronger oae acre tralasdiall th hardsr. Mr. RtUa has bad a grsat deal ot eiperUaee la han4Uag the hey aad the tralhlaf ot.him hie owa sphere. A result of this as, made kaowa from tu net taat as aaa beta director, prladaa), teacher sa4 eaher ot a boart of 4lreetoro ot aa eetftaur. tho hoy. It atrea a ehaaoa to 4o what ho feslrec,,wui .dJutt himself to elrevmetaaees aroua4 him and prepare for the bat tte of Ufa: but If aot wMo4 la tba right dlreetloa at the start, h I apt to go wroag. Every boy should hav tb Qualiaeatloaa of good, moral Uadlag aad grip th serious obli gation of hi welfare. Reputation aad character ar two things that stead out prominently la one'a Ufe, aad oa thee aloae oir position de pends. Mr. Ellis defined th mean tag of the two essential. He said that character la what w really ar and that reputatloa wu what other people say w are. It we muter the mall thing that present themselves, ws are la a hotter position to muter th greater problem of lit. Much cr4lt wu given thu hater of tho high school foaf the earnest effort which thy JM put forth, and especially to thf recent victories. Ho said that tbl school ought to feel Justly proud t bar lag sue. msatai ceisenu 'la too school aad should eaeourag u much u posslbl. Astds from debaters, Mr. Elite talked oa th sub ject of th horn. H adToeatstth home, u tbe highest Institutions th land, aad It should bo the am bttloa of every boy aad girl to strive to assist la th upbuilding of tbl In ctltutton. Mr. Elite uoNBted himself u bo- lag plsusd to rtelt thla city and uld that he fouad some of ths best poo pi h had Tr met la hi lit right here among a. He uld ho wu am ply repaid for harlag come to tbl city, aa4 woul4 like to get better ao- ualate4 with th peoaw hero. Mr. Elite aaisasd an Tory latereer. lag talk by saylag that la U oat- took ot life auk for ta laeau u regard th home aad eltteeathlp, aad strtv to attala smaiag great u4 aeWe. FOVHTH ATTRACTION Of KLAM ATH LYOHOM BCREAC RAID TO BE THE REST THAT HAS YET APEAREB Tb Edwla R. Weeks compaay oa lioadaT avenlna will atertata th patrou ot tho Klamath Lyceum Bu reau eourae at the Hoastoa opera house. Tbl Is ths fourth attraction In ths course, sad Is said to xcell anything that hu yet been given. Edwla R. Week, th head or tne troupe. U aa Impersonator or aa ttoaat reputatloa. and hit Imperson ation of such promiaent men u Taft. Roosevelt. Bryan. LaFollette. Hughe u wU u of Dutch. Chlaosc aad othor raeUl ch.rscter. to said to raralsb cBtertelameat sufodeot for aa eaUre evening. Thar nr two ladle la th coi Dear. Mr. Wuk. who to a (killed muslelsn aad actre. aad Mis Lula Blaclatr. aa esotptloaally clvr vlo- iinlst. Ticket ar oa sal at the Doaboalere. byaarf- aatho woaM ho eawrhUaat. tend eoald beat ho rate pumslag puat. la th lud wr already tract with tho Halted mattoa urrle. The preposed Pla Oror Irrhaa Uoa dtetrlct eoTcra apprealmately 5,000 acne of laad. meat of wbJeh He above th government dReh. The toad would hav to bo osrr4 areas pumplag (tattou aad th water ee eurd from ue goremmMt trngor tloacaaal. r-BWf FRESNO STRONG FOR WILSON RAISIN CRY FtrUi Of uWFIOR ER8 OF THE NEW J ANDMVCHENTHIWABwIhll FLAYED BY SKLBOA1 ELLIS T0NI6HT Ex-CoBgrstamaa W. R. Elite, who la mahlng a tour of tho Secoad Con gTessloaal .district, will addrees the people ot Klamath Falls this aveatag at I o'clock at tho court house. All, without regard to sex or political uHllatlou nr heartily desired 'to at- d aad meet a distinguished cltteea ;e on his Irtt visit hi srmaa Lutheran Mrrlota will bo held at the library building at I p. i Sunday, by Rot. Ed During, from Portland. AH Qermau ar lavlted to attBd thla muting. MnHaat FRRRNO. Calif.. Marca li-aa city to full ot Wilson sapportera, a big dlgVo srrlvlBg treat tba south this morning, white ther.de!- gatlou have been arriving all. day. lut to arrive betas a biff aiaa UoaVrom th aortb. A balm meeting wUl bo hew to- alght. ileh wll be addressed by promlneaV demoeratlo Bakra free. U BteU Mahara'a Manatrol TonlgAt Th Mahara'a Mlutrsto. aa aggre gation ot II colored people, will ap- nur at Ue opera houu toaigat tomorrow alght Report from do th Ha are to the elect that they the most satertelalac company th road thla seasoa. Mr. Houstoa so ooeJdwt that Uoy will auk that he aaaouaou that aayoao w utlkSaA wll be atra their lauk oa roqaeat. tbla atati from tbe The detWatea are mneh at th atfkk atad last alght by tae Uhor Jtaaotl oa Wltooa .whJeh retolutlou aot to attead tb g toatght beeaus ot the syeuh mad by Wlteoa la 1101 attaeklag the principle ot organised labor. R. A. M. TONMhET KUmath Chapter No. II, Regal Arch Maun, mute ta regular eea Tocatloa tonight at Till ahary. Work la Put Muter degree. IwnXERECTHinLPiTvfl 'fc, iTInlM1JL" aromj Hary uneneaeaev. we wwmm i osileVt oa Ue eeraor at Mast aad Math IV bllttrute, aeat to the O. X. Traaafer J goepnumao. ana uhw taw mi m the wuther vUl pormK a wm r r oaoyaaagta tap roeMoa at a etrewi eww- - aw