mtf HUITMKI) MY T1IK mnn WWW NKWN HKIIVIOR Hlitli Vm i.T Ml PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, IPIS I 1 print m mwu, no mmri ENTHUSIASM FOR RODEO SPREADS fa UN6ELL VALLEY IN nttXKUIUMM II.NTK.ItM HTIIIXIJ-M0-M(Hm MAV IIHINU MJM. ftKHMKX HIOM AM. I'AHTM OK 1KlMNT CbM. J' Ferguson, wlui tin liuoii iptallsi several 'lx !' the vlrliiltr ol lloutu, rM,"t that thorn la rt islautlasm l tlmt section over It Kit' rodeo, which U to tiu glvan i lib dlr "'" IM "' Jl""'' "" y Hit rraaV, tlroli. Mik wrll known IgrttBM ol imp nun niMTn rancn, turtttrrii string uf linrira for llm fcif wprrss rf Mr, Orohi was dubious about on lirltf for Hi" rel) race, ! nlit till would have tin troiililo In rldlif up string of horses Hut cmM lal anything In tl riitinlr trttll(f tut Im 'I M tint liollxtn tlmt UcrtsouM bo room enough on Ihe fmttt litre In saddle IIipiii, as tlicy irt mtalnly mill" lUely. In tho iiffwi ram ll of tin horse arc uiM More the race, nml each till carry twenly-fhn pounds of mull. 11 tt rMrm will have In ilu In (bul'C l I" fulfil llin horses. TU people of t-aiiuell Valley lit but tkt they have a Iiiincli of run ttlM that can wk away from mot uftklif, and three eiitrle have al net; bwo made fur this rare from Until Valley, AMtkrr big feature that la ! Hctti to U secured for Klamath rtluiatlsf the rodeo lathe Hoo-ldm CfsrMtMtlon. Tho lloo-lloo'a c rt te lhr hern inmn limn thla rtf. 14 the local lumbermen will ukt in effort to net theme hem at tWIIaaof the rodeo, aa It will grtt If uiUt them In their entertainment f Its tliltnra, nml also woulil tin n ! drawlo rani fur th (oral affair. Tit lloo-lloo gathering will bring tVftol ISO promlmnt lumbermen of U rtt of tlm mail in Klamath WU,Md te a big advertisement tti ihU city ami county. ulh, which lina made n rapid nilvatRu In valuo allien ho purchanud It Hit lina toiiiplutod no pinna for hulldliii: on Ida iiroiwrty, hut will rmiialn hero mill may docldn to build little Inler Mr. I.nmli wan wry much plonaed III aeo Hid rnrrlit fall of aimw, im lii. roiillu that it iiiitnim iilvuty ut f, for alnck ami leflf rattle, Hi. anya that the itroiiKht In Callfnruln hna lnx'it it real hlnw in Hio rnttlr-men, ami Dial they will ho nmit.ri to net freil from otlmr lorrltnry. Ho Im- lioira that Klamnlli rouiity aluiulil tiwui: riiiiTivn c-ovvnrrH I.N IIKKI HXOW I.V NhllllAHKA United I'ren Borvlc I.IN(.'()I.N, N,., March IS. Hi- ernl imom an. In puraiilt of tlirn) conviita wlio parapet! from tlir. pn. teiiilnry hunt yeatorday aa tho of ii mutiny, nml vry thins polnta io iiuiir rapturo, hh tliero la eluhtepu Inrhia of anow, and all tralna have hi en tumble, to lonve tho city. It la hellnvod that tho fuiltlvea nro helliir ahnltnrpil liy frlonda either In thiiclty or thn auhurha HM'W.TM MUNITIONS ItKHPITK I'ltOIHIIITION I:A(II,i: I'ahh, Mnrch IS. General Orono anya that Im oipnrta to re Celo miinltloua deapltu I'rpaldent liifl'a iirohlhltlnu. It will he nocea- luive the hen! ropa Ihla year that It "nr,f"r Tu,",,", " l",,rl ,,,,, entlro lina known. McLAIN IS HELD TO GRUND JURY TWO OTIIUI AI.I.MlKliniOIIMi: TIUKVIM AT ItONAN.A V, llrl TrilNi:i OVKH TO Till: VKttf. Al, AITIItlltlTII'M border to prevent amiiKRllnir. Tho rebel troopa at Jtmlnot are uiithualnatli.' over (lenoral Oroico'a PiDilninntlon avutenrlnc Prealdent Madpro to ipath, aa well aa hla broth pra nml all hlxli fpdcral offltlala, If rnittiril. JUNIOR-SENIOR PARTYTOMORROW UHKAT I'HKI'AIUTIONH IIKI.VO MAIIK tVH KXTKIITAINMKNT OP Hrl.MOII I.MHhUt TMK HIUH ni;iiooi "4 to preparation ROAD IS WW DESCRIBED I'M vn mi iir imkh notijiiaxt mtitkix ion no.iit m.utw Mw.tMi iiiuirsi: ok iikmmt W rKTITIUV Tt county court thin mornlnc "Mtrtd a petition from n larjto ol farmrra below Midland ' nUMIthlriR n new road. The J sltd aa to itnrl In lownahlp " ". rinin to r,i.i n, .1. t,.i.u . '-. ni i.iv ,,1111 '". and run nortliWMtorly ." I'r"l'erty or I'. Hopklna !,i, ' ,ml f,'ll''li'K Hm mean. riH.oft10(lw,,r Klamnlli Uko, J"Ib lth tl, r,y roBI, , rEu tHt f"r""r "' "'" NKW Inn ik ' ' ' ' ' r '' K" MU wtrpiiirimneit with tin. Mid- rather hecullnr r r. r n... "r u that ii, nil........ , "W-timxl hv ."".:."" riri .ii. ' '"" I'wiy Mia rMtornra. whll , .....ond ,ir. HIT Alal.i.a .. " "- r1 th rniirt. Aatlatnnt CrixectitliiK Attorney (! J. KrTKiiann roturni'd laat cvcnlim from llnnanin, where he rpprrarutrd the atatn In the preliminary hearlna; of (leorKn Mrl.nln, who waa ilmrKed with tln Hied of n maro lulonnlna; In L. II. Wluuard of l.anell Valley. C (. Ilrower of Ihla rlty rppreaented the ilpfpnilnut. Thn rate waa tried before Juitlr of the I'raco J. O. Ilamakrr. and the arcueil man waa bound over to awall thn action of the nrand Jurv. and hla bonda plared In the autn of fl.uuo. p (tlll held In llonanrit but will be brought lo Ihla city In a few daya If bond la not ajlvrii. In tho fain of tho two men charged with ateallng horaea from Henry Jarkaon. Attorney rVrgtiann decided that aa tho rrlnm U allpgpd to lmn Iippii roninilltpd on tho Indian reser vation, It waa a mutter for the fpil- oral niithorlllea, and the two men will bo held In Jail at llnnania nwaltlnc thn arrival of tho United Htntea mar-thai. J'lhlktHmUu rame Into the city jpa ay with thirteen royolo acalna lo hla credit Ho procured Ihcae Ihla year, and ana that the coyolea are veiy numerous around tho country where he nildea. Ho deposited the aipa at thn clerk's office and re- whlrh la allowed for thorn FIREMEN WILL BE OUT T0N6H T Kiaborato preparation are being made for tho Junlor-Henlor party, which will take place tomorrow night at tho high achool. Thla affair bid fair to be one of thtjmoat ovtntful occaalon of the ituoa, and Judging from tho amount of latereat that la being created aveTfthlng poInU toward a moat enJoyaM evening. It la customary for the Junior claaa each year to teodor a banquet or parly to the graduating Senior ciaaa aome time before (the tnd of the Wiaitprm. The roots will be dec- lr Collins was unable lo nppear nt tho hlgti achool thla morning lo glvo hi promised lerturn with atoreopll- con view a, n he U aurTerlnR from a ri'ern cold mid hi nlon I In bad condition. wan present to b M. Btoui.ll .i". -7t tni , "' '") i-iiiuir oi un tin!'. . ' Hn" 'wticlaco,, when -"niira. hn ...i . Al tah.nsi. ' ""'" or inn uro- WM I... lf,. .1 9i . iiivrn no will to. "V"1'1"" nttond tho l.nnd NIIU Will b.. I -. . Ink,,.. -I'liiu nuoui tnroo lhlm0U,.l.,"r,, l'W'ornl enjoy- . . ". i, ten ii iiurMi.n... .... igi . . '- " ..' aiiiiu k. - .v.j unco III ii whll.. '"' MHUTK 1IKHK " A. Umi, .T. v... , Fitf v ,UI '" ,,,c c,y '""t ,lJJ"nnieIolc.f.l where i datw,- . M '" ,no wltor, and i om, . mu Kimatli Fall tni ii,. "B,nu fon hero h r.;im.M ""Inn tho Past flv "en... lnvcs,0 In conaldor- Jlai.rr,y' own. proper- ' .treot, between Hlith ,d iaaa aim n oi.,l ... -m matu ana Min RAILROADS NEAR A STANDSTILL ori-'it'iAM ahi: coMrKi.i.Kii 10 AIIAMHIX KKHIItTH TO HTAIII' TIIAIXH AM ItrlHfl.T OK AWTUli lll.lXIIIII t'r.lled I'ren Kcrvlre CIIICAdO, March in. The rail roil ds of tho Middle Wont arc prac tically at n MtauiUllll. Urban tralll: here I pnrnlyied n n result of tho worst billiard this winter. Kama. Velirnaku, pnrls of Oklahoma, llwii, ftlnnesotu and the Dakotna nro awtpt. Olllclnla of trnnacnntlnvnlnl tin. lmo abandoned all effort ti, trains, and aro endeavoring rollou tho Nlalled train and help Vie paa leniprs. Knatliounu train iiiiwaatcxn have not reported. Mr. V. J, llij'i Ih on train No. lf, which la ilullcd llfleen tnllca enat of Lincoln, Net). MITHI.N-O OVKItMMKKII TO MAKK Till: NKVKXTII AXXt'At KlltK- MAX'M DAXt'K TMK MIIKATKMT OK AM. Tonight I the night thaVthoy have all been looking forward to. Thla la the night when tho Klamath Fall Klro Department will give their lev etith annual dance at tho opera house. Thn bo) ham been planning and making nrrangemrnt for week, and arc now fully prepared for their big auccnaa. There will bo dancers by Hie hun dreds, and practically every bualneta man In the city ha helped In the good cauto by purchasing tickets, and moat or them win bo there either aa iliinrera or apcrtator. Tho White I'ellran orchestra will furnish tho music, and they hae prepared them selves for the occaalon, and will fur nlau aomo of tho latest music with a few special Irish aclectlons. Klahlng mid huntluK licenses were hVuod from tho clerk'H oltlco to tho rlllnwInR yesterday: V. J. i:vnn, II. Chnmbor, 1, Wat kins, Hubert nrlan and W, K. (lllbort. MIXKItH AXII OI'KHATOHH HTIMi IX COXKKnKXCK l.'ulted Praia Service LONDON, March 16. Premier Ac qulth Ii atlll In conference with the operator and the atrlklng miners. Tho aftorlng continue! to Increase 4,000,000 or more being affected by tho scarcity of food supplies as well u the ontlro absence of fuol for fam ily use, and the miners are becoming itramsly restless. COUKTOCK UKCKIVKH WORD OK HIM KATIIKIl'H DUTII otateu llnergT a and bunting, tho evergrPonOhaBsis; ieen procured by the boy amongjj A,. 7...D by tho hoy rrom theoreU on the Upper Lake. Thla Is laatefullr and nrtlatlcally, hung la (eitooo and ar cadea around theBom, and shows great skill anWllty on the part of the djttssJriT Ht. Patrlck'a Day U so close at hand It wa thouiht b manv thai If would bo quite proper and fitting to (no occaalon to have this a 8t. Pat rlck'a social. Consequently every ef fort I being made to stake the occa sion of that nature, j) The symbolic shamrock will be ef f.itlvely displayed everywbsre, even the Invitation carda being Inscribed on cardboard of such a design. A tery unique way of ckooslag part ners ha been originated. The nam of every one preseat will be written on tho stem of a leaf, aad the persoa holding the aate to K will be ea tltled to dlae with that persoa. rJaatea aad other rears ajaaa meot predominating at such fuac- tlona will be In rogue. ToaaU will not be uncommon throughout the repast, and It la et peeled that the respective presidents of both classes will respond to a toast. There Is no doubt that much frivolity and many Jokes will prevail on this auspicious occasion, since It Is of the nature of a good-Urn social, in which everyone Is eipected to take an active part. That thla will be one of tho moat enjoyable events of the season l assured. Colombia because the one thing upon which all the people of the Latin American nations are absolutely unit ed Is that thero shall be no alienation of national territory. No official In any Latin-American country could propose such a thing without an Immediate "recall" In the manner and by the means In such case made and provided In Central American states. And when they "re call" an official In moat of those coun tries the proceedings are likely to be such as to effectually prevent bis ever going back again. The presumption Is that as the Oer man people not only desire foreign markets, but take effective measures to secure tbem, some Oerman steam ship company Is negotiating for port facilities In Colombian harbors, Just aa they are negotiating at this port and all other Important porta on the east and west coasts of America where there Is likely to be Increase of traffic following the opening of the canal. It la true that Germany has never accepted the Monroe doctrine as In ternational law, or aa constituting an International understanding. It la Improbable that she ever will. It Is slso Improbable that wantonly aad from ao adequate motive she will ever raise the Issue la a concrete form FIRST EXCURSION OUT OF LAKEVIEW admitted they will be requested aot to use the names of the prisoners ask Ing for parole. "Almost rwr conceivable story la told the board by convicts who be lieve they have cause entitling tbem to parole," said Attorney John T. Iogan of Portland, a member of the board who was here yesterday at tending a meeting. "There are hum orous situations and pathetic appeals made to the board. But the oae great cause for the Imprisonment of those men Is liquor. Talk about your ser mons I Just 'attend a meeting of the parole board." ELKS' RENO SPECIAL CLAM OV XnrfKRT aflJsCna BY LOCAL LOBOB TO BB OTRI. ATBO AT BBWO-aTOOT Off BOARB TUB MORXIlfO W. A. Potter of the Cudahy Pack ing company arrived In the city yes terday from Portland. CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS HERE IIOX. W. K. KLLM WILL ADDRBM A MKKTIXa AT THE COURT HOt'MK TOMORROW' NIGHT AT O'CLOCK TEACHERS MEET IN CENTRAL SCHOOL L. (I. L'omatock, proprietor of the t'omatock hotel, received tho sad news by wire this morning of the death of hi father, which occurred thla morning at McFarland, Kan. On Monday Mr. t'omatock received a tel- i urn m announcing that hi fathor had been seriously burned In n fire, but no particular of tho affair havo been received. The deceased wa "6 years of nge. Henry McMlller I a recent arrival In tho city from Lo Angolcs, who has dcrldpd lo locato here. J. V. Dyer I In thl city from Dor rla for business purposes. Wattenburg left ester day for North Yakima, Wash,, where alio wa 'called by the serious Illness of her mother, KLAMATH Mt'HIC FOR MKHKILL KIRK DAXCK The Knapp'a orchestra will Jour ney to Merrill thl afternoon, where they will play for the dance given by the fire boy of that city tonight. It I eipected that a large crowd will be on hand to attend the dance, and consequently preparation are being tnado to accommodate them. The dance will laat In all probability till the wee ma' hour of the morning, thus enabling everybody to have his All. OOLOMUIA WILL XOT MUX AXV HARROflH TO GBRMANY A cock-and-bull story comes from the Washington correspondent of a Philadelphia Journal to the effect that Colombia Is In the process of transferring to Germany "certain harbors" on the Atlantic coast, says the San Francisco Chronicle In a re cent editorial. t Is safe to say that neither Qer- mank nor Colombia Is contemplating anything of the sort, (lormany for the roaaon b Hes. w.-R. BHssrfi man for the second district, arrived In the city laat evening, and has been speeding the day meetlag the mem bers of the republican party. He ei pects to remain here until Sunday. Mr. Elll has acceeded to the wishes of bis friends In the new second dis trict, which now Includes Klamath and Lake counties, aad Is a candidate for the republican nomination for con ress for this district. For many yeara he haa been a prominent char acter In politics In Oregon and at Washington, having been on some of the most Important committees la the lower house. Arrangement have been made for a meeting at tho court bouse tomor row evening ct 8 o'clock, at which time Mr. Ellis will make a talk. This will be the first political meeting of Importance In the campaign. In Klsmath Falls, and everyone U In vited to attend. Democrat will be welcome, aa well as republican, aa It I Just possible that Mr. Elite will be the neat congressman from this district, aad it la well for the people here to get acquainted with their representative. WORK OP PAROLK BOARD TO RRCKIVR PUBLIC BAL.KM, tiarcn id. For Jhe pur pose of giving the public sA idsa of the problems and the stfrles pre sented to the state prison parole board at Its meetings, mekbers of the board have decided to admit newspaper reporters at the afhetlng of the board to be held April 1, vldlng there la no objection to t Innovation on the part of Qoverno Weat. The matter will be presented hat she haa no use for a naval to the governor before the board's that part of lhe world, aad next meeting. It newspaper men are R C. Spink's Purchase on Spring Creek Approve; FIXK PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR LOCAL TRACHBBaV IXBTITDI HATTJRDAY FORENOON AND AFTERNOON A local teachers' Institute will be held tomorrow at the Central achool building. Patrons of the schools are Invited and urged to attend the ses sions. At the request of Couaty School Superintendent J. O. Swan, Dr. C. V. Fisher haa consented to de liver aa address on the care of chil dren's eyes in school. Hie address wUI begin at 1:10. This ie n tepie that all should be lateraeted In. aad It Is hoped that asaajr parents wlB he present nt that time. Following to the pregram: Foroasoa. eslaalng at It e'elesk Arithssetie tfr OraeePrena Connecting Link . . .Bessie Applognto Reeding Learn Bice "Bobby Shafto" Value of Local Institutes CD. Chorpenlng Questions aad Discussion .... Afternoon Beginning at 1:10: Care of Children's Eyes Dr. C. V. Fisher German Education. . .Addle Cornwall Topic selected '.Once Hewett Geography Ethel Gross Round Table (a) Spelling; (b) School Fair. All teachers and patrons are urged to attend. The Elks' Special, the tret ene slon oat of Lakevtew, left that eKy thla morning for Rene, with fertr Elks and their frlenee en beard. Nineteen of the party were Baby Elks, who have been elected to aMav bershlp la Klamath Falls Led Me. 1147, aad who will he laMiatod bf the Reao lodge. On aeeennt at the , eoadltioa of the roads between here aad Lakevtew at this seeeen ef Mm year permission waa granted by Mm local lodge to allow the new aas bers to be iaitiated at Rene. It la eipected that a little later In the rear another large claaa frees Lakerlew wiU eesae to Klamath PaMs to take the initiation here. KUaath Lodge ana twenty-ae members la Lakevtew and rtrtnitr. aad there are still about ten or ftfteea Elks there who belong to '-"ml lodge, but who will probably deamR to the Klaaeath led before tke tat of April. A large namber of Lake- view Elks have promised to eesae to Klaaaath Falls at the time of Mm rodeo la Jane, aad it to probable Mast n number ef nillliHi wfl Im bronght atong at that Usne. The new membera who west I Ukevtov thla aMrakag to tod at JlisM am: R. A. 1 Hsswy A- rnnn:Wa.- '9i faaaVr Vr --wr Hansen. P. O. s hint ream. B. ft stehaUak. B. R. Haaeen. Ooorsjs If. Beats. Jamee J. Judge. Harry ; or, A. H. Hamaterstey. Fred I mum a,, mecaiiy, Manuel w. j. Prondfeet. BenJ. Daly, J. J. Lyon, M. B. Riee end Bteor C. Akl- stros. W. Lair Thomnaen i P. CroasaUller are already of the local lodge. EMMITT SAYS NO MORE OFFICES AFTER BEING ELECTED TO OP- KICK ABOUT TWENTY TDO HK BELIEVES THAT HE MOLDS It. C. Spink of this city has Just been notified by Kdson Watson, tho auporlntcndont of tho Klamath In dian reservation, .that on February 28 tlio department of the Interior ap nrovod the sale of 160 acres of land on Spring Creek mado to Mr. Spink laat fall, rho iironorty la located half si mile abovo whoro Spring Creek empties In Wllllamion Wvor, and Joining and just above tho allotment on which It Is proposed to locate tue nan naicu ety. Spring Creek runs through the tract, and Mr. Spink will have a dou ble water frontage of a quarter of a u.lle. The Oregon Trunk survey rum very close to the land, while the Southern Pacific grade la Just across the river, so that this property will bo on both of the trunk lines. Further than stating that he pro posed to build blmsslt a, summer home there, Mr. Spink hna'' not defi nitely decided to Just what use he will put the property, but It to cer tain that It will. not lay leaf Idle, as It Is considered one of thn eheteeat pieces ot property on this Jhmous fishing stream. It ia Ideal Jpr dairy purposes, and would alsomake a grand resort, but its greatest value oould probably be attalaedfby cutting it up tor summer homds. If Mr. Sptak should decide to lo this It to hoped that he will live & preference to Klamath Falls purelssers, as It would be almost a crian to let the greater portion of thla lu property paM Into the hands of straJamrs, who would only come here torkort time each year to eatek treat. Editor Herald: Mention la made In your Issue of March 14th ot my name for the oMee of mayor, for which la general terms I thank you, but will say that at thla time I am not to be considered aa a candidate for mayor nor any other office. My time will be occupied In trying to make good roads the rec ord f any man ia Klamath county forJtaldtng office and being a candi date, having been elected school dl- tor six times, Justice of the peace times, representative to the state eglslature twice, state board of equalisation once, appointed aad served as postmaster one term each at Plevna and Klamath Falls. Oregon. Have been the regular nominee for sheriff and county Judge once each, aad defeated, which waa attributed to the lack ot sumcleat training in polit ical methods of tke present age. Mak ing altogether twenty-tkree tlaus. There are yet two oSjcm that I have la mlad before I retire, drat. governor ot Mlasouri, and last, min ister to Ireland, where I can rest In peace among friends nnd relatives tke remainder of ay days. Remembering that under no cir cumstances lam I n candidate for time, I am, years. A. BktMITT. mm a msm is i now am Floyd AMea, Reported Dead an Yea terday's Dispstehu, BtaM Alive, ami Authorities Pee Mas H Make Desperate Attssapt at Ualted Press Servtoo BARREN 8PR1NQ8. Va.. Marek II Scores of maahunters are searek ing the racassw of the Blae ridge for members of the Allen family aad their friends. Members of the Pew. ler. Faddls, Kane. Howlet. Marshal. aad Worrell families nave formed several posscsraad aa aome member f these families were wonaded tat e court house fight yesterday, It to red that a pitched battle will re- It should any of the varioua peaaea ertake the fugitives. Two companlM ot mllHla are wait- g to entrain for HlllsvUle. The Inhabltanta of Hllterille am. a state ot terror, owing to a ramer t the Allena nro eeteraUaed to ue Floyd Alice, who to danger- ously wounded, aad confined tat the Jail. The revised list of Ue dead and the wounded are: Judge Thornton Maasle, Preaeent- Ing Attorney Foster and Sheriff Law Webb. Wounded. Floyd Alton. Jur ors Faddls, Kane and Fowler aad spectators A. Howtott, Brace Marshall and Stuart Worrell. Detective Pells, who made the orig inal arrest of Floyd Allen and kia eea Victor, haa arrived on the seeae with twenty picked msa. Pells nays. "Bv- erytblag looks like trouble." . nailed HILLSVILUD. Va.. Marek Betty Ayres. It years eld. a for Floyd Allen, died today from a wound reserved yesterday from a tray ballet An unconfirmed report to cken- lated that a detective seat frer BsmV mead waa slain la a meeitaki pant wklle parwlac tke AJtoa c; I L-l iV-f- ,t .A .;y - i.!1 ff J?-,-, .