"v-,h.. i tefalix VI'I'MKI) IV THE rmtD l'WW WKWH SERVICE j KLAMATH PALI, OltKOON, WKDNKHDAV, MARCH J0, iVIII UrtH-r-''-1'70" Ibe pern no VBMIKO MIHVAnM niDR no rawit wot tost ITRONG ADVICE TO HIGH SCHOOL BOYS mi, i, to i'uevim: iu:vi:mii: w rin:i: hihaii iiii.i, pakhkhI AETHER AND WHAT HUM ihiaui: jivi:m phi- rTKI.K10llOVH.tTIHH L-Ortl'-NTl V Ol IMVN AN llrtKRWTIMI SI'IUKHT Lrt lr. K"' '' A l,r"k"' ",0 k4 &Mlcln nl ,","v","" """ wb Uolatf o iiiuru him... mm !- '" .. i .1..1., I .,Ulr In Oin illf. laBOin "ri"'" .ki.ktthuol IttU luuriiliiK In give .kittwlr! K Him look aa '"' ........ I MI..IV r k,Bf -nnnuri ..- ........ Irani thw) MUclaUB aim jknl It llh. TrjrlliK the silbjnft li ut lllaatfallona ntul example tl Jlfrrmt wlk of "fii Into tfk rpl r .tnti' trending, mm itiMHltl' toy Hut lm r- uly wintnl tn tV. end I" "l , ft wanted ti guide tlm nitu which may lif gathered ullJ him t '" J" wimre Nobor In lit In ttiU wurlil IUtt tsvre U (hatirn (or lilin to urt4 rlsht. ami Hint every boy f Mnealirre S'.i matter who MH'lont are In thla world do llmiomo nlm In low, aonm llttMCh. or n dritlnatlon that i to attain during hi walk i lll. It ! hu tiuirnt training kbtb loldlriK. utrp ami no auc- leu U attained without Hit v- Hn. liraVe aalil t tint alio liail llfct toy anil hi hnhlta, rlivlr- nti, capacity ami dlipoaltlon for nnn.and that tut waa llin moat Ulf ibl that aim liail oe- I ta ! Kith. Tim boy 'a In- lira man? more ttian that nf IsHm4 what that Influence la I to hi cm only l determined ittrrfilitudr o( the right ami I to which ho la dally tub It all would maatrr aelf- I It wal4 (arllltnln hla dcalre tUt which hi thought would Ut hcltrrtnrnt of liU char- to shown! by nn example n uclnt t'lynxt had "torn I tj l fair rnrhantrraa and IWUdiUulnr.l (rom thn temp- llch had prtmiited them Botn a like manner thn tiny tralM hit itandard of mnrala iiantcnt that ho Mould not W by temptation 1 doctor advocated I In. purau- ll rttcttlon ai thn oin. groat I'Mittf ronlrnl, mid II every- HW endow hliimtK with rlnht "JM. with thn inirn nml clean ltllf, hit woiil.l mil hti In fWtr to ii in ii on tlm rlitit atcaof llfiior Iho wroiiR. m' or llf, I. hal xo mo loltf to do. to llvn It tlio P UOW how. Wlinl will nnr MlWT The boya of till pre- ' WO IBBUMIClllR tl (oio of y m tin. wholo nation, T TICKET IN FIELD FOR CIT1 XAMK tickkt tint "WHOKiw roit Tin: -o.m. I v :u:ctio. at ui'w. Im ukT xit lBjhHllaMnc.nliiK Hie tbothik ' bo ""l'1-orto.l by the tltrti.. . v"my 'l lienor "Wlon n Klnmuth Kalla: i w'pVv' 'yr,,1,: ,0,lc' " iaili trcimuror, K. H. ,.!,, Klllt WttrU( Ihaav t, nc""mi Hocond lM i Hncan; "H'ncllmnn ITT' "fcn Auitndj councll- i far Mor"cl,nil. Th - ... mini wnr( W Kill. .. .. L" nndldMM nor to ItotoMnu. ,0 ,ICK0. nd thm I "" J"" 10 year. nml If ho U lii tlm rlxlil luith It a in not only innkn tlm Iivh t of mi linpri'i alon nt homo, hut Juat nn wull iihrimd. Thn IiIkIi achool atudniil of tlm iriM rut ilny U looktMl up to nn mi Kininiilo of whnt our futiiro xrmt mini nro r.n IllK to lit. If limy ail tluiliimihi'ii thn rlyht kind of atnndnrd now It dovi.l f)ia Into hla fill urn llfo, Thn iloclor HIuiIihI (ho worda of Mr. .Moody, "Chnrnctcr la what onn la In llio lark." Him anld Hint tlmrn wna n twirld of inoanliiK In IhU, mid tlm holn irohlem wna rriitorcd nround It la the hoy of thn prKrnt dny will ing to ataml hy whnt ho dona In hla ntory day llfn? la hn wlllliut to lot oilmra know Juat whnt lu la dnlni:? la he Mland thai hla hrat frlmid anould know hla vnry nctlim? (Mr IhoiiKhla muat lm audi that wrn tlmy to hn illotdl to (itlir.ru wo would tl.lt ho nahninrd of what wn any. OIimii llnraa In alircrh nml rlrnnnia of tlioiiRt aliould tin thn ninhltloii of fi ery IiIrIi arhool hoy, and hn ahoiitd work townrd thla aim, llnfrnln Iron tninplntlotia, Utinri. had riiinpniiy ila ilnln to do nnytlilnK of Immoral rlmr nrtrr nml It will lm prntty nur l.i fol low Hint nn uprlRht llfn will lm In Milled. The dortor roinplrtnd hir talk hy my. iik that aim would ntimti'i iny illtritlon which IlllKht hn IhtiniHVI to hnr. Aa n remit of Hit "ii Hint many of thn problem of tlm dally Hfn wrrn naknd her, and Mm l)rii!m MieHrrrd Hi cm to thn hnt nf I, CI idllty. RAGE FOR MAYOR STIRS INTEREST TU'K.NTV l'AHHK.VOKIW HURT AH TRAIN HITH HAD RAIL Untied I'roa Hnrtlrn ' WAHIIINdTON, .Mnrrli II.-In thoj Iioiiiii- todny thn ilfiiiorrnlle wnya nml, inciin fommitten pnnntiti.d tlm "Cx din Tn" hill, ili;tiiil to provide r.3,oU0,U00 ri.viniiii Hint will hn lout If fr. aiiKiir pnnacii. Tlm mport fnvora nn luromo tux, I""" '''"' "r-n nut inn niirvam Ooulita na to It con- TAIJiCI) ol' O.V TOK HTItKKTH alltulloiiiillly It nlloM hut fow (() i'i'nii whom. iiiriiliicN furm.il tri.OUui niiliiiiilly. IN MAV 'I'lin nfiintn lliiniicn roiiimltlio, hy I CAMHUATKH Altlj IIKIXO "I AT TIIH KMXTIOX I'Olt MA VOII ii voto of K to 0, ilccldnd to riort ml wraidy thn di icrnllr hoimo hill rn-J diiliiR (hi. ini-lnl arhi'duli' TEACHERS CHOSEN FOR HIGH SCHOOL1 COMMinEE WILL MAKE IIIIP TO LAWRENCE IntrMiRnllon I lit I In lili Ii) ('tin Rrraa of thn Trtlllr InililMry na In to ttinitlllon, Wlirtliir tlm Klrlhn la Knilnl or Si Unllrd I'rraa iVrtlra WAHHINflTON, l, C, Mnrrli H. Tlm home ruin rommlttrn I plan ntnR n trip to ljwrcnro to probn tlm enllro tvttlln Industry. Ilfirrirutn- tiro WIUoii, rhnlminn of thn Inbor rt'tmnlttrn, anld' "Thn acttlcmwit of thn atrlkn will not end thn ImoatlRn Hon, hut will nirrely rhntiRn It lltm of action." M'HATTQN BACK FROM SO. , HAD A I INK TIMK, HUT Till: Ol Vt.AU IK UOOO HXOl'tlll FOR HIM VIKITi:i Till: PANAMA I ANA I. No one hn n yut cntorixl llio raco for mnyor nxnlnit V. T, flnfadcraon, iiIHioukIi iliiltn u mimbor of namca of aultnblo moil hnvo bonti ruciitloned. It I Kfimrnlly uudoratood Hint Mr. HnndoriKiii will bo n cnndldatii for ro- ulnclluii, nlHioiiRli ha lia iriado no public nnnuiiiicemont to thla fjffect. With two li'iirli)rTnrii?ToT iTupon nnd with audi u wldu differ nc of ! opinion In rnRnrd to tho financial .policy of thn rlty, tho Indication are MMIII.V K.STIIti: I'ACUI.TV HAi!Ul Umro will bo moro Interei't taken m:i:.v hi:cnti:i i-oit A.voTHHir'!' u,1" v'":r" '" ';o cominc city oioc- .Hon than In any that hn be4n held VIIAIl AtlltK I'LTIIIi: THAlll.lfor year. j Clt Allllllll AmoiiR thu nninca meat lulled on Hid ttrcnt n aultnblo candidate for United I'reaa Bertlcft I'OUOIIKKKI'flIK, N. Y March 14 A broken rail wrecked the Twen tieth Century limited near hero yea terday morning early. Twenty pa aengor woro Injured, elevon orl- ouily. Klro cara went Into the rler and wcro threo-quarteri lubmerxed. Tho occupanta, many In their night clothet, wcro imprlionod In the Icy water until they broko wlndowa and Tbwlcd through. Women tore thalr JidcrgnrmentJi to mako bandage Tho fact that the cara wero of navy atoel la bettered to bo tbs only Ing preventing henry fatalities. Tlm Klmunth county high achool hoird nt II mcvtliiR till uock o li'itml tho. following Inatriirlor for nut yrnr W. K. Panght prlnclpnl, inn) or In addition to Mr. HanUeraon nro JudRO T. K. Nlrholna, It. A. Km mitt, Ituntnr Hnvldge, JudgoA. b. I.cavltt. Councilman (I. W. Aviiltn, IILL INCREASE MILL CAPACITY AIXK)MA Mlbb WIMi CUT 105,000 KEKT DAIbV COMMKXCK HAW INO TIMIIKIIH FOR HAMK HAT- URDAV ". ....: :.:,:.::" :. z: . n'p. w. a. ucieiii.. zj: ., : ;. " : ,::::: : "init. a. . Kidor. j. a. mo, . "" '7" " .',...'" It. ItenniM mid Judgo b. P. VI i.. ..niiinnii, iiiiiniuiii i. nun i.. iDin,'fi, ., . - ,, ., j i .,i. .. in, ... ,. ,i.i, ,111. Whlln nono of thoao manttoi hviii nil. i iiiniiiij, i.iiii-hi i.iiiii, ruin- i .. u . . .. . ., . ,, ., ., ... . , . . od hnvo in yet announced that ttv " i. . " ,;,-, "i """''would permit their nnmc to be cor . ...;. .i" nR"lum,r"' "'" aldercd for tho po.ltlon. It la erldeiil " Hint them will ho nlontr of materia Thnm la one poMllon -till to bo-f(,r th0 pcoplo to chooo from whel mn'ii, inni in irncni.r in iionieniir ri- (),,. rno come. rtui', now held by Mln Annn M. Tut-1 He, who hna nrroptcd n poalllon In Wiatcrn Oregon. Ml Kllnn Conrey' dm lined thn appointment to hnr prc- ent ponlllon for nnothnr year. i Tho board frel wry much pleated with tho present head of thn hlghl arhool, both on account of hla I'llUty! nnd thn fnct that ho I held In high I rrVaril by tho entlro atudent body, I and thua la nbto to maintain tho high- eat discipline and acciiro the greate.t tVAIt DKIMRTMKNT MAKRH lRKP. SEND TROOPS TO MEXICAN BORDER i : " rnautla. NOBLE MILDER TAKEN TO THE PFNITENTIARY AIIATIONN TO HKNI FOURTH INFANTIIV AN D.tl.b AVAIb- iii.i: f.WAMtv At onck I. Hovoy la down from the A! a Lumber company a noadquart era on tho Upper Lake. Ho aaya thai (Icorge C. Clark, the contractor, I buay driving the plica for the foun datlon for tho now saw mill. Tin company baa decided to enlarge th mill over tho plans Iflrst made, and' moro powor Is to bJ added, ao that the mill will haro a dally capacity of 125,000 feet for a ton-hour shift Tho mill will bo equipped with both band and gang saws. IHpWIRnllTrwhTcTr PoVsMaVswaBr the Algoma company, will be started In operation Satur day, and will cut the timbers for the new mill and for other buildings and residences.. As soon as this Is dona the otd ktil will be torn down. Work on tho residences has not coamtsseed as ret, as thera Is ocnrlderable enow trMvtBe grama, wnt-Hrmorn this goes off tho new mill town will become a busy place. ATTEMPT TO KILL VICTOR EMMANUEL CHAItLKH A. RAUM REOKNT IN CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY United Press BartlM SACRAMENTO, March 14 Father Charles A. Ramm was today appoint ed regent of tho state university, to succeed Father Torke, whose term has expired. Charles S. Wheeler waa reappointed as regent N. C. Hutch inson, a San Francisco mining Baa, waa appointed as a meat bar of the board o ftrustaea of the staU mining bureau, to succeed M. R. Zeans. HARRY LANE WOULD BK , UNITED STATES SENATOR Dr. Harry Lane, ex-mayor of Port land, baa announced hla decision to become a democratic candidate for United States senator. The decision came after a prevlou announcement that he would not enter the contest His change of mind, he aaya, la da to repeated demands fro mbls demo cratic friends. Hla entry makes three In the race on the democratic aide. The other two are Walter Pierce and Milton A. Miller. WAHIIINdTON. Marcli 14. Tho ,, ... war department announced today that .man hknti:n('i:ii to rkath rr.N..t'r'i'ftrnt,on8 ,,nvo ,,con n"ld0 10 ,cn1 ','..,. ...,,, .... Tfnvi-n ivi.-iil"10 Firth Infnutry, now In Kansas, ALT WILL III. TtllM.ll "",, MI of ,,, naMo caValry to to Nrri;m.Ti;.Mii-;.vr ur inr; t1( STATU INSTITUTION Mrxlrnn border nt once. Fully ilKht Hioiianud troop nro to go. erln Jr i Wheelvi Thad Mrllntlou hna ret u rued fro Mi oxlcndcd trip to lnnama and Cell mil Atnerlru, whero ho went In com tinny with Alux Oavl. tho rnttlomnn Mr. Davl returned na fur n sun I'raiiclaro. nnd will reiunln In tiiv. City foj niton linn been Mwviil for n'lOtit two months, nnd hni trnveloJ .ihout 20,000 mile. From San rrnn- rlsco they went t No Orlc.m nnd Hum to Colon. Panama, whora rlKl days wore spent In InvcatlRntlnaatno work on the I'nnnma ranal.tr. Mc llntton ntatcn that tho engwocr and men In rlmrao of tho work lrero very acrommodatlng, nnd went Hpnald- trablo trnulilo In oxnlnlnlliR thiJLnrk to visitors. Rneclal excursion trn wero run several times n week, to glvo ovoryono an opportunity to sec tho great engineering feat being no compllahed by Iho United fltntea gov ornmonl. Ho states that during tho tlmo of his vlalt fully 1.000 vlnltor and sightseer woro nt tho canal. A stop waa mndo at Costa men in Central America, and from thore aide trips wero made Into the mountain country. They thoroughly enjoyed every portion of the trip, and Thad aaya that he bellevoa ho aaw every thing that waa to bo seen. Ho aayi that thoy wero thrown out of bed by an earthquake, and decided that II waa no country for boys, and so'atari- ed for homo. "I had a flno time," aald McIIatton. "but the flag looks good to ao, and the old rag la good enough for Thad." inputy II. Henry left on tho morning for Hnlem, having In cuatody Nobel Faultier, who was comlctcd of mur der of l.oul (ichlierl. and who wn enUiiccd Wrdnendny by Judgo II. L. Ileiinon to he hung on MnyjLr 'iilein riuifntJrflrrTnrTiirneil ii tho auperlnlendent of tho lenltentlnry for confinement. Hla nttorney, C. M. Onolll alio left on the morning trnln for thn north, nnd ho hn been given thirty day In which to file n motion for n new trial or In nppenl. Kven ahould no nppenl he taken, It la not probable that Fnul- or will bo executed on tho dnto set, a (Invornur Wot hna ao far extended In. dnto of all execution until after tho election In November, when tho people will have an opportunity to vote on tho question of nbollahlng rnnltnl nuuent. J. H. Hwnnaon has moved Into till new barber shop, which has Juat been llltled up In the blvornioro Hotel tnilldliia on Main utreet, nnd expects to have everything In readiness for tninliu' tomorrow. WARDEN AND 6UARDS KILLED II OUTBREAK rrtMiM lUdng Riulirtl to Nebnuka'a Slate IVnlUiitUry Tlirnugli Worst lllliianl In Year to Oell Mtlay of I'rlwmem LINCOLN. Neb.. March 14. In a mutiny at tho Nobraskn state penlten- Hurv thla afternoon warden Dele- lianty nnd thrco guards wero killed. Tho outbreak had been browing for months. Two companies of mllltla nro rush ing to tho penitentiary through the worst billiard In years. Thn mutlncors aro being hold In cell room by tho wall gards, armed with Wlncheators. No ono dares to iter tho yard until the arrival of the trVl"' hoo killed wcro Warden Dele- hfnty, (luards Hollman, Wagner and iiody, while Guard Dcebo Is suppoa- idly fatally wounded. ANOTHER STORY -OF RI0TIN HILLSVILLE UrWtol (Va.) Isiatch Olve Further Partlrulara Llat of Killed Num lHr Five, Including Two of the Juror nn llio Cae GOVERNORS ARE INVITED TO MEET IN,FTTAKD PORTLAND, March 14. W1U a view to organising a gereraera' eee greae In whleh tte ehlef eseentrrea of all commoawealtae west of tho Mte- stsalest aaall take art. W. Hoyt'of tfcsr sued Invitations to all heads of state In that territory to be here during the next floral fete. The purpose is to for ma get-together movement In the Interest of "See America First' and to see ir It U not possible to bring about a united plan whereby the Western states may secure more fa vorablo legislation than la possible under existing conditions. United Press Service nniSTOL, Va., March 14. Dis patches from Hlllsvlllo say that five wcro killed and four wero wounded In a riot started In the court room after a Jury had convicted Floyd Allen on tho charge of releasing pris oners from tho county Jail. Judge Thornton Masslo had Just sentenced Allen to three years Imprisonment when his friends opened Are, killing Judgo Masslo, Attorney Foster, Sher iff IUankcnshlp, Juror Douglas and another Juror. Dexter Goad, court rlcik, was fatally wounded and three spectatora also received serious wounds. Floyd Alton waa shot In the breast and killed Instantly. Tho prisoner's friends opened Are, klltlnk tho Judge. Sheriff Dlanken shlp and hla deputtea Immediately re turned the flro, killing Allen, Blank enshlp waa the next to fall, followed almost Immediately by Prosecuting Attorney Foster and Juror Douglas. Allen had been given a revolver by hla friends, and waa using It when killed. Tcations Point to Building Activity TEN-YKAR CONVICT COMMITS SUICIDE Jolted Press Berne SAN QUENTItf Calif., March 14. Dan King, aentenced for ton years rom Vallejo for assault, while being haved In the prison barber shop, lelird the 'wr from the barber and ut his throat, dln.; Instantly. with u few weeks of warm weath er It la oxpectod that the building boom will commence In Ktamatn Falls. "This Is going to be ono oi beat summers Klamath Falls has ever seen In the building line." H" -A. Harris, tho concrete nnd building contractor, today. Mr. Harris is in -, ,..v. wiiii iim buildings and iiiibu tuuiu " - -- Improvements being planned for this year, and this statemoni irum .. should bo good news to tho people of this city. Home of the buildings prnctlcally decided upon are the Meluaso build ing on Main street, between Fourth and Fifth r W. II. Mason, corner of Main and Sovonth; Crlsler & Wits, on Main between Fifth and Sixth, and W. 8. Slough on the proporty ad joining that of Crlsler ft Stilts. In addition to these It has been an nounced that a number of new bulM- Inga are to be erected near the White Pelican hotel. A good many new residences will be built during the summer, and there are a largo number of business blocks which are being contemplated, but the plana of which are not suffi ciently far enough along to give defi nite assurance of their construction. It la certain that the building activ ity will be very ueh greater thu last year. LECTURE BEFORE HIGH STUDENTS RKV. COLLINS WILL GRANT RE QUEST OF STUDENT BODY, AND WILL GIVE ILLUSTRATED LEC TURE FRIDAY Next Friday morning the high school students and faculty will have the opportunity of hearing the Rsv. Collins give a lecture and stereoptt con views In a room which has been specially prepared for the occasion. Mr. Collins has a reputation of being a lecturer of no small repute, and there Is no doubt that the lecture which he will give next Friday will not only prove Interesting, but also instructive as well. The apparatus used by Mr. Collins Is the very latest In every respect, being used by the best stereoptlcons in the business. The high school has been fortun ate In securing the services of Mr. Collins In this respect, and It Is as sured that the very best attention will be given to bis talk. The' high school had the pleasure of listening to Mr. Collins some time past at the high school auditorium, and to say that he arroused the Interests of all the student body will be manifested by the fact that he has been request ed to appear beforet hem again, par ticularly with hla stereoptlcon ma chine. THREE SHOTS FIRED COMMANDER OF KINO'S CAVAL RY ESCORT IS WOUNDED BT BULLET KINO CONTnOTM ON HIS WAY TO WORMkTP United ROME, March 14. Aa atteasai was made today to sssssslnste KJm Victor Emmanuel II, white m has wsy to the Pantheon to attest me morial services la honor of tho birth day of bis father, King Humbert, who waa assassinated In 1100. Three shots were fired at the Use by Antonla D'Alba, an anarchist, om of the bullets seriously wnnadlag Major Langa, commanding tho ktags revelry escort- Only by the most treasons efforts on the psrt of the police and military prevented the lynching of D'Alba, who made no effort to escape. After the shooting the klag eea- tlnued on his wsy to the Pantheoa, and sat through mass, remaining ner- -ctly cool, and apparently net the) least excited over the attempt U re move blm. News of the attempted sesasslaa- tloa spread rapidly ere rtho city, and thousands hurried to tho Pantheon. cheering enthusiastically and grrlmg othsr evidence of unrestrained Joy at the king's escape. The king visited Major Laasja. nasi then returned to th qatrlaal, later visiting hi mother. Dowager Qasaa Margherlte. The pops gave a Uuaatagtrtati ef- vlee. thaaklag 04 terveaely krst ) sjsav sBsaBBjp a eaaan At (Ma ttaw at JswpasaM accomplices. King Victor Ems In Nsples la Kit. He succeeded to. the throne Jaly SO, 1100. as the re sult of the assasslnaUoB of his father. King Humbert. On October 14. IIM. he waa married to th Princess Mat ena, daughter of Prlace Nicholas C Montenegro. They have two daugh ters. Princess Tolanda Margherita and Princess Msfalda. ROOSEVELT'S PETITION FILED IN CAL1TORNL1 Baited SACRAMENTO, March 14 Col onel Roosevelt's nominating petlttoa complete was Sled with th secretary of state from the Fourth, fifth. Matt and partially from th Second aal Eleventh congressional districts. Ner other candidate has shown as yet H. S. Patterson of San Francisco has-been anointed by the state board of control to succeed Barry aa assist ant superintendent of accounts. The government at Constantinople hss published a meesage from Edhera I'asha, the Turkish commander la Tripoli, contradicting th Rome re ports declaring th Turks had suf fered ths loss ot mor thaa thous and man ia battle. It declares that tho Turks decisively defeated th Italians at Tobraek, aid that tte Ital ians test 1.000 asa. GARDEN PRODUCE ON URGE SCALE FIRST ENTRANCE OF JAPANBUI GARDENERS IN COUNTY ON UPPER KLAMATH LAKE WILL GROW CELERY Fifteen Japans arrived here yes terday in th charge ot Mr. J. Dong las from California, and will b takea to Doak's reach oa th Upper Lake. where thsy will be put to work to raise garden produce. Tho Japanese are noted as expert gardeners, and It was thought that it would be a good Idea to Import a number from down below and as If they eaa mako a success of it Celery, among other thtags, will be tried, and If tt prove successful, as R, la hoped, prorlsteas wlll be made to carry a th prdno- tloa oa a larg seal. W. C. Daltea ta ta the etty today from Twl Lake, atteadmg to twat asss. which taelidod a rlstt to th shsrtrs pe for the purpose of pay ing his toss. A lot at that good Iks seem to pwa to aav bnMaes la Klamath Falsi absat Tkaraaar S3'' -"i W w . V ir