rfato. HVI'1'I.IKIt IIV TIIM EVENING RIWirtfM ,iill I'HKHM NKW8 HKItVIUM PRINT THE NEWS, NOT KLAMATH PALI, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH lit, IIII2 mht, ztenini. DEATH PENALTY IS METED TO FAILDER L WKES IT COOLLY .... .jit inn rvi'i'if. uiv a imm. - Tiov.tMMi:"'' hahtwi:.. Tv no which to take ,. Xutrl I'mibler was m nlou- Bor,li, the court riM'in was crowded, ltj ibt jirUnmr reined mi morn ,M ilr "" "" "' "'" l","l'1"' "" .tMlffJ I" '" ""' '"I'11' I'""1'1, -...I itrilml III it niiiri, iiv linn Bin ---- ynii tut Ink i' n ilium n by tint nulil nlmi in to llin polilti Hilary nf the alnttt nf Ort'KiHi. iiikI delivered by tho mild Miorlff In llm Hiiiirliili'iiili'iil thereof tnr ikim-uIIoii, drul Hint nu he. by Mini litem I'liiitlniil until tint anl iluy u Mny, l!M2, mi Mlilth iluy, mill tlnn iiml there, between llm hours nf it ii in iiml ii i in of Hit I il ilny, within tint Mirtiimiro nf unlit penitentiary, by tlin ailporllitomlelil, or oiiii of llm nrili'tm thereof, yiin he ImliKi'il Y Im neck until on ii r o cloud, nud mny ml havo in ! n ry on your mini " Itumi'itlnli'ly Hion i-nmliidlliK llm nnillliK of thn miiti'll JuilK" Hell Irni retired to ilmiiiliir m nml t ruwil In llm rniirlriiiim Im-kaii suri?- 'iik inward tliii ntnlrwny, with Knul. Ith (ompratlvo ie, nml smile I Id r, under guard of lleputy HlnrlfT km jw nivier, in lln mid!, on iiielr wn bark to Jiill lliumin'ii ncr l"i Aflor llm rrnwil Iiml led Hm court- -.1. I.. I.' I alii hlli rimluli I Ii I rmilii S?..ritmi Lm.iIiI.. I....!!..... .if 01 Ifil DCDIH " llllllllllll' '"IU' ... ..' ITiillllHII I HIIIIH'I) lllllllll-l III I, kit b4 t" Miitrnrn n inli 111.111 iminntii'ii prlnumr, remained in 4nlh. ind hU mire aliouk with emo-lllm ruiirtriiiim with tenr In hi eye, Ooa it k ill'l '" "" r,"' "'" "''"" '""il'iK In frlitnU I'lunlly he. tun, ii from a ilnruuieiil prepared nt left nml the court wn imply jIHlditlon br Court Hlrriiignipher letter Attorney Onolll ntl-nr-il .MRknant Whllo II) n't lock beforit Jinlgn lleiinnu III chamber IlilWtairt tlif time fur tlu pa niul naked to k'I nu i tleixlnu of Him- HI of MBlmrc llio nintlor n do-1 for iiinkliiu u iiiulliin fur n new trlnl in nu day, whlrh Krnnliil i.uihirii, Mli Hit t, MUrW i. ho Iiimu mi itiliuritii f ii rni ilium' Ivn'iui inlli-H miullioiil of Klmiiitt'i l:il!r I tnr Oli'iin. A fi'H Oiiyn Mini it mi iiilluii In ro IiIkvIii nn nun nil In Hm ilrrult lourt by Martin llrotliom minlmit Mliklir X Albrlitlit lu rrrnviT tin iroi.Tly in whlih they iIiiIiiiimI m,k minimi iiiiiJit tlii-lr ihntlfl iiiurlKnK" A writ Him m-curi'il by Nulnml tt. t'raiio, ri'iiniii'UlliiK tin' lilalntlrf, wlili h wan put In Hm hflmln of Htii-rlfT Wllllain II. Manic, hu will lake thu KiiihIm lulu lib) punin-iuilmi fur Martin Hriitlii.itH, iMimllni: Hut uuliomi of thu cami A biiml uiin furubilii'il by Mar tin llriitluTN lo Imli'iiinlfy Hu lofcinl ihiIh In rami llio milt trrmlliatcii fnior nbly fur Mlrklci- h Albrlcht It U iiiiilirnloocl Hint Mlrklur roll nt mi Carroll fur u in tlbicwnl of thu innttnr, nml Hint (.'nrrull Iiml nurrccl In uiift tbi former In tliln rlly on Moncln) Mlrklrr rninu lulu Klniuntli I'll tin from hln rnurli puriom'ly to miit Hni iirnKi'inrnt, but Carroll nim mil in Im found Id' Iiml drimrtrd f nun Ha- ilty Kiimln) i'VoiiIiir nt C 3d ISSUE PERMITS FOR BUILDINGS IIOOTIII.ACK HTAM, IIWIXMXO, I.IVI.Mi AKIIITION TO IIOL'HK AM) I'l.ATi: (ll.AHH IIIONT I'OH IIUtllCltHIIOI1 llulldliiK iirinltn wrro IkhucmI by tbn illy council Mundny nlclil nu fol low H. II. Duly, frnino ri'icldi.ncc, 32x42 fi'i't, nIx roonm, on lot 11, block 37, Klmt IIIrIi rcIiouI nililltlun, to coat I2,r,uu f J. W. Tyrrll, box 323, to rvplaco front of (). K. Ilnrbor Iioji at 024 Main Htriit, lh uuw onu of ilnto Klaim I) K Ktnlin, 12x12 font nddltlon fin IUIiik iiiriooH to rinlclcinco on lot n, block 31, IIIIUIilu addition, to o'rlurk for Han l-'riuirlm u. Mlrklrr thru riimiiilli'd hi ifiumcol. Htnliu &lr,'t ll'" llniri'tt, who took up Uu matter with lhi illalrlrt ntturui'y'N ultlrii, lilli lnUrO IQC HflT Pll I C(l Inimidlatily mrnrrd lli frliuliiul I MAKInCu AKt "III uKLLtU nrtiuu Mlildi rrmilliil In tin- nrnut or Cm mil kt4 i f loltitltr- by llir lull' II i (Mtlct Alluriiry llrll V uykrii tho inhnt kburltr n.'1'T 10 M. Tho rl"inT, In rlinrcc of ri!r Sbrrlfl Jniiic Wbridrr, hnd kroutlit to tlin 1'iiitrt room n knb Uforr tin' liuur ml, nml wnn 'ii ilth bin Kiinrd, limldn ltn Itill. To lil lift llin brother. tu I'tublrr, hIiIIk to III rlitlit puthi deputy abrrlrf On tho drp- jikitlS'i flflil m rminmd for Hm hom thn Jury had Matunlnv I'ftlllt djuil(rd Killlly of miirdnr ItU tntdnrrr. C M. Onrlll tiolnc t ittoniir. DUtiUt Atliirnny Kukriidlt nml alttttt Illilrlcl Atturnry ('linrlr IVfftion, rrprrm ntlnr tln nt itn lit luld tin riiurt rnlt, n wrrn kurillttornrji, drputy utirrlfU and ("ipipff ri-'rc-c nUtlir whrn lit Ikuon ilrppril (rum llm ruurt lUsttnat 10 13 n in, by th ruiirtf llock ltd Moncln! Hm briirh to paimt kttt. lUIUS riirrncii O Mnmnii nn- mtti (hit thn iiiurt n In nr- lue. md it onrn Jmlrn llriiiili nIiI I 4t tk hour a thu mm Dinl fur MWBtnrlnKiil Nnbrl Knuldrr. "Ili jou aii)lliliiK In liny hi-fnri' t0(lipi.nv nitrd hi honor. "It Ihe rniirt ploiin Tlmro U ix.lt that I timid ny on brbnlf i lu dtfrnclnnt nt thin Hum but lUt totibl inaVn Hm plain duty of raurt nuirr biirdi'iikiuni, nml )J would Im n iiHilllpllrntlon of i and rnattrr of my own npln Ud, at to llm Uttir. It would i, tadr Ihf law, ho proper for iiip (,fi All I rnu nay In mnrlualon Hit the court Ion, hut onn lmnl... !'lkt itatutury duty to prrform 1 M'lf of Ihr di frndnnt. nml for '"". I at till Htm., rnu only n ' durloc tho roiinm of IliU tinfor 'l rfofrrdlnic I llinuk tho roiirl "U'oiitty,niid fur iIoIiik Ml Hint nlfanr rnn do. iimtrr Hm inilaiirM ilmt luno Niirroiindrd "WMtthorourl " Tit rourt thru nnil n .....i.,..r.. i'.n.U" ,ollnw"K trnnarrlpt: 'vircuit Ciuirt of thn Hlntn of "rfon. for lb.. County of Klnm- ath. !ul"" OrfKon. IMnlnllff. "n IFauldor. Drfrndnnl. it .: . iuAtm'M of thin court l .." ,","," from ' court 'i ihe ahorirr of n.u ....,iv .. roani i. n " . rm..L ' ,4"iinH county, r0Mhrini ... . .. '. Hi.. , "..MiiiiiiMi, nun inni -niiy ,m, from (H ()U() CHURCH WISHES llil will Klvn Hm ntturimy prnrtlrnlly n limutli In whlrh to fnakr Hm motion,' but w bnvi. no ider! on Hm Irnim-I frr of Knuldir from thin rlty lo Ha Irin. n thl will In. .Ion., wltliln I In' I twrnly dm) iri'rrlbr.l by 't tin rourt. riKnrdln of mi) tlilriK whlrh iiiIkIiI J nrt n n tny In Hm rni It I mi' I dnrttood Hint Knul.lrr will MrlroumJ thn rhnuiin from llm uupl.ini'l rounly Jail. Uhrro hi Im uprlit r- ernl inuutb, tu llm l.tti-r iunrt. provldiil nl.tlm atntv prnal lntli- Hon. DurliiK tli" toriti of (lotrrmir V norordlnn to n rrrrut nnmiillirrnirii' Irfl bithlud by Ihr KiiMTIior wluui Im Irfl Hm Mtntit for n trip rant, Im will, for tho hi imfU of mnntrrrr run ilcinnrd to drntb, riiuimuti. Hmlr arnli'iirr tu 1 1 to linprlmiunirnt It i uudrratoiid Hint ho will tnnki thl cuudltlniinl on thrlr nirfplniiri. or n ntlpulntlnu lint tu npply fur n pardon lIlirlllK Hut tluin of I Ill'l r lolltllli'llli'lll TO MAKE CHANGES ClIlllsTIAN COXiltCfi.lTlOV Wll.li CM.AIKli: CIIIIICC. I'l'TTIMI iMMius in n:Ti:it ami ri.xi.vii lt.l.4-ONV 10 PROTECT 'LEGATION hlnlr nml Xnr m-iwiiairnt IK-ny 11ml .inliilor WMmiii Hiw Cnlliil for hobllrr lo fiiinnl .mrr Jinn llcMiliiinrti'r In Mrtlro w nu Plummy iiikui Aiiornry i.. iM a. r' i:iiioii niiimiitiiii iirrorn roir roitnrii n. 1 of wlilrli ho n formrrly tbr Irani II X' ndtlnrr. lo nak fur n prrmlt for Ibu'l VciirUHnu rhurrli lo Iniliilcn In ajf IIUIIEII III lllllll. llll'llllll nill'flMlIlCOT lllWIU CHARGE CARROLL WITH PRETENSE I4NMI. M.W ,ltlti:hTi:i I.N MN fii.nim-o, .i.i.koi:ii to mavi: avi: iui.it ' "IM: roit .MoitroA(ii:i iitori:iiTV John l. Cnrroll im urrmtrd c trrdny In Han Krnnrlaro on n rhnrRi' if ohlnlnliiK mom.) iiihIit fnlmi pri Iriiar. nml Sborlff William II, Harm will lraM thl rnlu: for Kmi Krnn rlaro to hrliiK llm nrruiu'd innii to thl fity. Nu of llm nrrcai n rcootv rd ymtrrdny by Allnnt DUlrlct At- (tiirimy Chnrlm J. rVrKUun, In trK- iirnm from Chlof of i-oiiro miiiiu in Dtl.r (loldrn (Into hninlct. I'hit rbnrRii nynlnat Cnrroll i.ruiMi biul of n trnmiiutlnu linnhlu lciii.1 ioronnl properly, inoaily fnrinlnu Implrmrnlii. It I nlli'Ki'il tnnt in Mured, 1UI0, Im Knon clinttrl nuiU fai.ii for $3, not) on thn miuirlal lo .Mnrlln llrothrm. who rondml I'm tiil'lMC mill In tbl city, nu.l t.m. lit Anrll, I9II, Im Irnnafnrrnl I do uno itiiu'rly to M. I'. Mlrklrr nml Wit Ham I,. AldKlrdt liy hill of mIo, Hu pi id) IiuIiik l.0?8.n. 'I'do d.im v.iihiltutd ! well known llm of Us of Klamathians in 'Frisco to Help Make "Oregon First" Event Big Tioi iiavr a uriui-n nppnra- Hon in a do for llm p.rinll, but atntrd Im Mould nmko unit lalrr. llm ihurrli I mi Ninth nlrit, Juat mirth of I'lnr, nnd hn two front door, mm on .'Itliir ldr. It la do Irid to do away with tdra.t nnd build n rrnlrr door, fix n balcony In- al.lo nnd I'Xt.nd Hm iliurcli on Hm M.t nidi', whlrh I Hut rear, about tttrnty Urt. STIIIKi: COMMITTCi: TAKIM I.SCIllLXHi: THAT'H ori:iiKi Unltud I'rru Barrla I.AWItllNCK. Mmi.. Mnrch IS Tim utrlkiT Niihriiiuuilttii! nt 1 1 '30 a, in, nrroplrd llio Iticrram.- Hint l'rrildrnt Wood of Hm Amorlrnu Wnulrii roinpnny offrrod. It la nu nouiirrd Hint tdr)' Knlnod virtually oi-r ttiliiK tdi.y ilriiinmlnl. I?" 'Mr arrk.,1 i Q.. "Hit r inutiKuu Tenlnir, u, uin,.. ,. . i. , . innii uuiimuKi "" born l r..,A ... ...i ,,. oriucK inn mnimnnting uiom qulto 7 "' K'mald rail people, lo Whii. i. ",,u "'" Tnn n i'l'i. ' ni"1 Mra' ' v Wllllt. ' mm i.iuio Bltlti, Mr. nml Mra. A. Wlslmrd. Mr. nml Mrs. Tomplo (nro lloxlo Bdlvo), Mr. nnd Mm. Junior DnRgott, nml tdo ciirI- ncor J. 1). Cdurcli, who In In tdo rlly on railroad dunlno8n. Tbey will nil Join III mnkliiK tdo "OroKon Flrat" vll(ora a notnblo ono and will do tdolr part to sdow Hint KlatHath Fall Ii on tdo map. TUFT ALMOST STRUCK BY MEARIN6 TROUEYC AR MiiJnr Hull Cite Nlow Hlipul lo .Molormnii, Who I'nlU lo llocofl nlo rirblrnt nml iuirly lllln lllui (ii'U TrlniiiHtl, Vorlwll)' ( WABIIINdTON. Mnrcli 13. Tdcro U ii Wellington mrcct'Cnr motor- man who wlabc do had nut imrtakrn ho tdoroiiRlily of llm mnllRnnut In Htlnrt of dl trndo to mako peilofl irluiiM Jump by suddenly clmiRluR tho rohr. Tim ponton whom inotoriunn trim to nmko jui llio proaldrnt nf Hm lllillod SMtra. Tim Incident hnpiirnod on crwdrd Firtroutd Hi rod tdo otdop U Tuft wan out walking Willi Major Arrlilo llutl nnd two aocrotarYloo moil. Ho crouaoil nt n point Inu Flf toctild Htrrcl wdvro trntllo IiJ heavy. A cur wn npproncdlnK alowlylArcdlo Hull hold up dl hand for tluvar to Htop, and Tuft iitnrlod ntmiid Htiwly looklnir not to llm rlRdt o'r InftVl'lio car. how over, illil mt Htop. It 7 corded until llio fonder wiw within ilium t four foot of Taft. anil then tdo motormaii clnngoil din Ronif loudly to nmko tdo Bllk-dallod parly on tho truck Jump. Tiro party didn't Jump nnd llio mnlormnn applied td broke dnrd nnd droiiRdt dl car to n nUnd sllll. Tdo secret sorvlco men Immedlnlc ly boarded tdo car and Rftvo tdo mo torman n thorough nnd resounding itrcualiiR down that left him cold with fright. Kvory pnaacngor wore n drond grin. 4 t tM WASIIINUTON, I). C. Mnrcli 13. It nn anld ponltltoly at tho atato nnd niiTi' doiinriinrutK that no call hail Jroinr from Ambassador Wllaoti for , Amorlca.il marine to guard tho lega I Hon In llio City of Mexico, nor la ithrro nuy imch call anticipated. Theoretically, llioro would no no obatnclo tu Hie dlapatcd of marine lo orin n legation gunrd In Uio City of tfilro, provided a atato of abaoluto narrliy provnllod that threatened tho Ivra of Americana datMlelMd there. ut nurd action would not bo taken In llio ordinary rourae unleaa tno titular Rovornmont confeaaed lla In ability to afford protection to for- ulRtior. Ktnlo department dlapatcdc Indl rnlo that law-abiding citizen. In rludltiR forolKnera In Mexico, had been urged to arm and organize tdom- Hohe. It la pointed out Hint tdero I n InrRo dlaorderly element In Mex ico City which mny commit acta of niu1allm If tdo capital adould be i threatened by tho Inaurgenta, ncceaal- tatlng tho fiMlernl troopa leaving tuo rlty Hi engaga tho rebel. Many large ahlpnienta of arms con- tlinio to croiix the Mexican border fiom tdo United .State, according to illKpatclirK lo tdo war department from office along tdo line. Whllo It Is not doulitod that those arms are for the nao of rebel, going tdrougd tdo custom douao nt Jaurox ns tdey do. tdo army olllclal cannot aclzo tdem, became they nro coming In tno regular cdnnmtls of commerce. Curl Orny of tho Hill lines In Oregon regarding Hm mutter, but Mr. Hcrlg ho far decline to mnku n statement, "Tho nppenrnnen of tho surveying pnrty In tho field Is takon to Indicate imwevor that construction work Is to bo stnrted soon. It Is snld Hint tho preaont lino Is not entirely satisfac tory, and that tlin crow In tho flold nt present Is to ondonvor to find a more satisfactory route, eliminating n largo number of sharp curves nnd heavy grades," A.NTIIII.U'ITK HTIIIKH MAY ro.MK FIIIHT OF .MONTH 0Hrnlon I'rrpaml to Itejecl Miner' llemiiniN, Allliougli Home of Them Secretly Admit That Inrroaseil Wgi Vr" leerrl United Press BarviM. NKW YOIIK, March 13, Anthra cite opcrntors nnd miners met secret ly. Tho operators nro prepared lo reject the minors' demands, explain ing why. Home operators admit prl ately Hint thoy should grant a gen eral Increase, but they did not admit that In tho written reply. The min ers may refuso to frame n reply, forc ing thu oporntors to olUicr renew no Rotlatlons. tnluntnrlly or facu n gen eral strike April 1st. Tho outlook Is bad. HEAD OF NURSERY IS VISITING HERE TIIOMAH TIIOMfttOX, rHKMDKXT OK AHIILAM) X)XCKIt, VIHITH KLAMATH VMAX OV IIUHI.NKSS FOIt MIS Kllt.M Thomas II. Thompson, president of tdo Asdland Nursery company, In corporated, Is In tho city on busineaa. Tho homo offlro of tho company la In Aahland, from whence Mr. Thomp aon comes. The development of the Klamath baaln agriculturally and hortlculturally, aa well na other ter ritory contiguous to It. is making trade for tho nursery line, which oc casinns Mr. Thompnon's call nt this lime. HILL LINE LINK BEING PLANNED r.KTKMilO.X .NOUTII or I TIOX HAH INiL FHOM MKHKOlin nrr roit coxxi:c HXUINKKIW WOIIK- item In tdo Mcd- IIOMII CAKKH MAY MKIIGK IK COt'XHKI. I'ltKVAIUS ' IUIm-h Trndoml liy l'reslilent of the Amerirnu WiHtlrn Company nt Ijiivrrnrt Accoptetl and Worker Claim Their I llio Victory BANDITS KILLED BY BRAVE MESSENGER not ho posHlblo to classify this area completely In less than ten years. Ah fast as ctaaatDeil tdo coal lands arc subject to entry undor tdo Mon dell act of Juno 22, 1910, and the coat listed for disposition undor the cent land laws at prices fixed by the ngcnU of thu government on a per ton basis. Dotnltcd figures contained In tdo American Wool company's offer aro announced. In somo Instances tde workers got 20 per cent Increases. An Incrcaso notlco will bo posted In tdo mills Friday. Tho settlement terms will probably bo applied to the ontlro tcxtllo Industry of Now Eng land and New York state, In which event 300,000 workers will bo af fected. Stirring scenes marked what probably was tho strike's closing meeting. Two tbouaand gathered In n dingy basement, singing "ivinter natlonalc." It Is understood Ettore Cllovanlnt will soon be released on hall. ItKAMKH AND MADDOX HACK II. It. Koamcs and Jamos A. Mad- dox liavo returned from a trip of sev eral weeks to Honolulu, where they had a delightful time. Mrs. Reamcs remained to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Jennings, In Honolulu, whllo Judgo and Mrs. WIII1U, who went on the trip, returned to San Francisco with Messrs. Rcamo and Maddox, 'will stay In that city for a few days. THOLKAXI) TURKS KILLED IX nF.XGHASI FIGHTIXG Tnlted 1'reat Seme ROME March 13. The war office nnnounccs that 1,000 Turks and Arabs wcro killed whllo fighting yes terday at Denghosl, In Tripoli- The Italian lot U twenty-nine killed and sixty-two wounded. The Italian com mandcr reports that he captured two Turkish positions after hard fighting, Stanley W. Pedro, Lou Wilson. Joseph Jackson, Herbert Rulx and Charlie Graham wcro brought down from tho Agency to Journoy to Fort land yesterday to attend trials pend ing In tho federal court there. Judgo Short was in from his ranch Monday for supplies. CRACKS ONE ON HEAD THEN' TAKKfl DEAD MAN'S TOI, AND FATALLY OTHER WHO TACKLED KX I'HEHH CAR FOR LOOT United Fress Service SAN ANTONIO. Tel.. March 11. Express . Messenger Bam Trouadsll killed two robbers who were at tempting to rob a Southern Facile train. Tho robbers boarded the trala at Dryden. One robber covered the engineer and the other corered Trousdell. The messenger, while opening the mall sacks, caught the bandit o guard, Mixed a wooden mallet aid struck the robber on the head, kitt ing him instantly. Then he took the dead man' gun and shot the other robber dead. The train proceeded to Sanderson with the dead robbers aboard. TRIXIE FRIGANZA WEDS THEATRICAL MANAOUI Comedlemae Decides to Take esi Mat rimonlal Ranees With Mas Wise G aides Destinies of Cosspef askd Writes Ost Pa NEW YORK. March II. Trlito Friganxa, the comedienne, has be come the bride of Charles A. Goettler, a theatrical manager. The ceremoay was performed by the pastor of the Bath Beach Catholic church, of wfclek the actress has Ions been a member.. The romance Is one of the theater. Tho bride and bridegroom met whs both were members of the sages the atrical company one the prima lei-" ns. the other the person who the night's receipts with the of the local theater, who pays the sal aries every Tuesdsy, and who the passes. LEAI YEAR PROPOSAL IS OFFERED TO PEDAGOGUE INDIANAPOLIS. March 13. Ar guments havo begun on a motion to consolidate tho dynamiting cases. Chlof Counsel Harding of tho defenao I satisfied wltd Judgo Anderson's setting tde trial for October 1. Tho goemment wanted tdo trial arllor. According Con I Mall Tribune tde preliminary won't on tdo lino from Hint city onst- vrnrA' to connect with tho Hill lines . ..- ..... -n.t It.tml la till itl'l" comii-K " .- "-"-" . bit . a intM of fi.BOO acres iiniitt iiia iniAiw nnsiiwi .-. -- ----- -- -, iKllitiM ' """"" -V... .M -, We MILLION ACRES WITHDRAWNJROM ENTRY Anil I'nrlawllletl In Oregon Major ity Withheld on Account of Power Slim, Willi Conlileruble Amount of Oil IjiihIk nu Second in Extent. WASHINGTON. March 13. Ore gon still ban u total area of 273,043 ncres of public lands withdrawn from all form of entry nnd unclassified. or thl urea 3.521 acres nro with drawn on account of coal, 74,840 ere on nccount of power ltw, nnd 6.089 ncrces as reservoir ltcs. Tho Ual classifications and restoration o dnto havo been na follows. Soal and. 189,041 acres; power sites, STANSBIE WILL 60 TO FARM WORK THE FIFTH WAnD COUXC1LMA PLANS TO LEAVE SHORTLY AND TAKE UP WORK ON FOR MER K.MMITT RANCH Girl Who Sends It Says She Has More Money Than She Cam Isrrest, - Needs Hasbaad, and That Tsesehsr Is Too Timid With Girls MINNEAPOLIS, March U. The latut thing In leap year proposals has been received by B.B. Jackson, oaalatant superintendent of the pnb 11c schools. The letter Is signed by Sllna Wilson of St. Paul, and reeada: "You need a wife. "I need a husband. "You are too timid with the young ladles. "I bare more money than I can In vest." mv. It was or to put'd this connecting link across i. it..t.lcnn Hay. but tdo latest pub- Uslicd route will Ink It north of Pitt and ncrvss tho Fort Klamnth country to u poi'nt nt or ncjwTtio Klnmntd Agency. fTtre woaiora pa CouncllmauAtlan Stansblo of the Fifth ward, whoso term in the city council expires In June, and who will not bo a candldato for re-election, nlans to move shortly to tho farm which do purchased somo tlmo ago. Tills plnco Is 2 3-4 miles west of the city, townrd Keno. nnd consists of 320 acres. Mr. Stansblo purchased tho plnco from Mr. Whttcomb, but originally It was tdo Robert A. Em mitt property, and Is best known In tho name of tho ox-postmaster. The now ownor expects to put In about 100 acres of wheat, oats and potatoes this season, and to plow about 120 acres, all told. AGAINST DOCTOR'S WORD LA FOLLKTTE STARTS OUT "The Pnolflo & Eastern railroad has n crow of mirvoyors nt work on tho nxtcnslon beyond Hutto Falls. It Is understood tlint tho party In charge of nn ongluoer who did tho groator part of the locating for the Hill lines ihrmirh Central Oregon and that the lino of tho cxtonslon Is to be relo- rntftd. "Dcfllulto Information aa to tne ex tension of the Pacific ft Eastern this summer cannot bo secured. It Is known that Chief Engineer Oerlt bu boon In cotjsuJtMlon with President invo bocn restored to tho public do- lunln from forest reserves. On July 2. 1910, 239,207 acres in tho former Mletx Indian reservation were wltd- rawn for classification In nddltlon to tdo nbovo withdrawals. Tdo foregoing figures nro mndo tdo subatnnco of a loiter from Acting Sec retary of tdo Interior Adams In re sponso to a congressional inquiry, and aro corroctod to January 31, 1912. Tdo prcsont rato of classification oi coal lands Is approximately lo.ou ooo acres nor annum. At this njfte tho withdrawals now outstanding, amounting to something over 7O.I00,- 000 acres, would bo classified ant. re tnred to entry In seven years lfno more was withdrawn. The actl: secretary estimates, however, that on account of further withdrawals It will W. from ness. E. McBrldo was In the city Grants Pass Monday on busl- tlnlted Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, March II. Accompanied by bis wife, Senator La Folletto left quietly yesterday against tho advice of bis physicians, and started for North Dakota. He take the stump to make charges that Col onel Roosevelt broke faith. The sen ator bos practically recovered. If hm health permits he may tour Nebraska and other Western states. Socretsry C. P. Stewart of the Klamath Falls Commercial Clnb, leaves this evening for a month's so journ In his old home, Chicago. B. L. Exell business. Real Colored Folks to Appear in Minstrelsy at Houston's Theater There will be genuine Senegamblan doings at the Houston opera bouse tor two nights when the minstrel company gets here, naturaay ana Sunday nights are the ones fixed for the performance by the Madara min strels, which Is a company made up t about a score of real colored folks delight In gamboling, perform- came to this city on - Ing various unique nets and maktag fun for the one who wishes to be e liuun issBjsasBjsf-snwwn au er the country, and has HrfermeA many of the leading eWes, art ly on the coast, but Is the slant. ne of the features which la to a de prominent la a 'TeiacTemmr' dlvertlsemsnt. rX"X 71 ..; Jv' 1 J Uy.