VI. s ffafo. MII'I'MKII V TIIK HVBNHfO ,,,, I'HKNH NKWM HWIIVIW print Tin news, not niion V(r-N. I. WW Hlilh KLAMATH PALM, OIIKUON, MONDAY, MAI II, 10111 Ik fteitig FAULDER IS GUILTY IN FIRST DEGREE nhle cipoiliiute in jiuIjIi,. mill ii K nil tho iiililrrsscs u Im fully prepared, will enable their boar in In gel n rlcnr Idea of llio Imiiii i Mi voted upon, 'ihu iiIiiii U followed 'y iinlvmlllvN In aovernl uf Hie ollmr tlllUK An (hu view of Ihitntiiili'iiU urn mi lllllMlllllI (IN lllllKI Of (III) poOJllo of tlltl ":::kuu diuduapv SPLENDID PLACE FOUR HOUR VERDICT kmtii lliit I'litiMir i'iibii nltko l.i.fnt.. ii, . liulillo U II... iiiiilliir of lliiiuir on lli. I,,!,1!"1' Hl'1''" "f "" '"'l""!"" I'i"llimli'(lii:xri ... III1II' llieiller. IllllUrClll Millie; ' of tiiilmit on Hid minima linve HI i. i glu Tux, Hoilallat. Woniiiii Suffrage. I 1'nft. Hint mini)' oilier hrnnd of clulii. ! Klnliinlli Indian Itosurvntlim It In ngiilnat llm federal lnit to hnto In- toxlcnnt on Hist rmurvit, mid It In .. . wti.iiii' lili'lt'l.T. '"""K1"! ''' I'"" Hniior which win oMiAIIIIKNI MAUI. H IIM .IUI.I. W1(i y tkTfM Ui h) wMKm ft(m 0 MlTSi'MH AXD WMK ''' i'litl Kliilinilli to Ihu Krlchauti k. Put- --TTi I lOI'Oll PIIAIWKH .11.11 "" ."linn in nun rmuii on niiuuny, jrw" ' iiMii:ituooi)H m:v i;si'Ain.iHii.Mi:.vr " in ppi.ica.v htitiKTiiiii: ih iia.mihomkly II ITI.'ll UP MISS 'M.'l.f'OKD Arillll IIONOIIS sm) nun; i.a i im fjjjlv of imiiilnr In ' lirm '! :.,- tho vcrdUl "i wit i ik.r.rfof NoIm'I 1', liroiighi In j .bout IS ' '" ,,,,,,tl"y- '"'"i t Ultn H IHU KIIKIHlTIIIK III" rtM(cr Juit four num. jii'iKw iii'nii k iKinou completing "l cluirge In .lualltIS o'clock II WtlSIV lllllitlli' .... it ahdi llioy notlllivt Itnllins CUteiKC . MofKM HIM Hliiv Hlnnl ihi tur i"'i "" Tl'" c'"""-,""1 fcik.l them (tint U they failed I" null trtJUl liy midnight Hi" lie 114 tot Uli li I'" dMurbod, li'U "ml ftafrrsN lu n niticiinifiit tutor in tilt lour to summon nun to n-ceivo U rttilt a little out hnlf nil hour tivu i Do llmv nit' sgiceiueiH n unhid until Hi" Judge rnolved fnilil rtricin H. H Hill llm miiiuuiirimcnt iJiW tooduilon of i Im Jurom. Tin lint for urnturli'sl liniiur. ill tlio Al Imiiy Unlv.'rnlty. Hhc icrnnily ocnt. (ilcil II mt ilm on (lie trmtn from Hint riimiioti' ll'KK HKiilit the Wlllnini'ttn Col. AUKU't 0, IUII, wlinn I'llllMlT MllOt l,otil (Irhhiirt, m hnulcil on liiliil lm iiikImk to Ihu ri'mrvntlon 'I'hn tuna ii I Im wnKiin nt tin' tlmu of irnmitl cri ChnrlcK (Imitrj, ilrlvor, Jim-iili "llwl") Himlti'l nin! Nolml Knulilcr. Oint liiclilrnt r.'ttunllm: tin' vcritlit i Ihu ram. wlilrli rniinnl n Krciit ili-nt f talk uroiinil ihn city )cntiiriliiy win ln toiiiiK of lh rouri room clock t nhout (mo inliiiitnt nftcr 13 Hutur-i Buy iiIkIiI. Tint roIi n t lint It unn' New Mali ll( 'Hr ImiiciI iii to Hut- loiicil In oritt'r to innki) tho lirlmtliiR uriluy nlulil were In Dan O'Comii'll. ll of tlu irillrl ni.cnr to Im IfRdl. l.Mnrrla O'Ciimii'll. W I.. WVIcli. C U. n tlio theory tlmt It might not lI.Miirry. Mmvln lllllon. It i: Hmltli. roiiKliI In on Hiimlny JiiiIki. Ileiuon i lluri Mnmiti. Albert I. I'leri"1 i: I,. Nn liiillitnniit nl Ihn iitory which U- Johlioii W II l.lltle anil J II I lllp Atnleil wmi wllliout nny foiinilntliiu ' mi wmi inn inline tiiminrlly pro liltea Hint n tenllct tuny be lironulit n on n li-Knl holliln) 'I'll nt till city linn Olio of tlio best MU Jcl,i Telfonl n kiiiiIiimIii if .m mUt pliarmnclcs almii; Hie loinl hlKb Mhuol liikt jeiir. In try- tho toat In ilvmotutrntoil by tho CUt- iiiicu II. IIH'llt III biillilliiK. Utnlvrwooil (ho Will to Tho itoro now ttstahllnli. rullcmi Hotel i cotmilt'to In wIhkiI, nml will tnkn her plnro with lovury detnll. Tho woodwork U tho the ic.t or tin, timn v.lii'11 they kooii jl.tut that money enn buy, mid tho dw Joimioy lo i In. Wlllfttnettii Vnlloy to orntloiu nro inmcthlna of real merit ST. PATRICK TEA LADIES' AID PLAN I UHIIHOIVMACCAIIUWTM wvi: UA.vri: Ariin. rmsT : Hi" Ijulli'K of Mf.cnh'i'K of lie , World nr iilnniilni: to rIvo n blc . . nut innounrcd Hint Wedtieadny nllnuroon tin. eveiiliiK of April Ut In; l.m., oiiM bit the tlnm for iut'lpuatou'ii operii hoiife Tim White jHU'Vlllt (HTCIIIMi Willi Ul riltnm on win roimrie.i innn ii'ellcmi Wrrlieitrn linn been ..curdl ara tho millet n niiliiiiiin'.'il jf'ir lh orinalnu mid Ihn Indie of (hi Suo 1'iuMiT biother of Hie irl-il'i'l'uUr tmlRn promlao onn or Ihn i'c uir, (irtctlmlly cllnael lolce lnKel mid beat ilanroi of i aenaou IIRM'tOD, """ - Itl. not ernnnll) known tlmt ow..rnTirn rnnil IIEVIPil lute i throt which h'nulder U nt-TUbllllLO inUffl IfltAluU KM lo Uu Hindu iiKnlimt lllttrlrl' .. , .,,. ,., luortiy 1,1. V KiDkcudoll nt. I A-l 1DD UC U API7HMA 10111. iiitiii Mitrlrt Attorney cimrl J i nmiiifc ill nnibwiin lunn ririin, tlmw repri'ontatlr of the In linmllcriilt. rerfiTt!cIoniilliif, an esicnllnl element, wrtilcli nliould bo 'found In nil drue ntorot, Is n clinrac- Icrlntlc iiromlni'iitly (ibaervt'il thruiiKb out tlio atore. Tho floor U of tho now type of In laid mnrblo. which nddii much nttmo Hon lo tho Keuornl nppaaranco of tho jiitorc Tho compounding room tins .nil (ho Illicit Additions of parnpher ,nnlla- to bo turd for medical pur- poten In fnct tho irtoro In complete In fiiTy respect, nnd ipenkn well for tho energy Hint U mnnlfeitlnR Ita.lf I In thin city. iiivrclnl Club, by working In cIom '((injunction with tho itata board of llkli nnd gamo commlittoneri, of Iublrli your Mr. Btono la a valuable iniwbrr, l In a position to bring thuiiimndK of dollarif Into Klamath county. Wo aro very much Interest ed In that pnrt of tho state, In propo. Kiitlng nnd keeping up tbo abundance of gnmo, but unless careful protection Ii Riven, nnd unless wo work along right lines, great numbera of people who como In on account of the rail road fncllltlca. will soon deplete the streams and kill off the largor game. "Tho co-operation of all true sportsmen Is asked In the matter of tbo six-Inch trout lair. The object of tlio law In to gtvo tho fish an oppor tunity to reproduce at teaat once be fore, thoy are kilted. The more sen ernlly this taw Is observed the bet ter tbo fishing will become, all other things being equal. "Duo notice will be given previous to tho data of any shipment, and a notice by letter or wire aent Immedl ntely before the shipment, telling you when to expect the same. Distribution gnerally begins In Mar and continues throughout the sum- mr nnd fall months. Tours very truly. WM. U. KINf.ET. "State Game Warden." II y K. g. Cattlon. chief clerk. BIG HIGHWAY FROM CALIFORNIA NORTH llterated, and a nickel will be the price of admission for the men for each dance. Tho women are welcome without price, df the difference of opinion continues It looks aa though people might be hired to dance, rather than hare to give up at the door. Dy the way, on account of the Fire men's dance on St. Patrick's eve, this arrangement will not go Into effect until Saturday. March lid. SUNDAY BROS i M)Vi:i,i Ai.Tiiii.N.viinx op .MP.vr ami iti:nti:sn.ui:vis, uii.i, in: (iivn.v On r lliiuilnil of Tliriu l.i'el nu Two Trnlit", nml lteH .Mnny Aria of Vl.ili'lire In lte.ll.-.. Itemil lie, Willi I IN lo ("'Km ill a ii riucK, will nniu iiiu-lcl proRrmii mid refrchmiit li Itcraperacil, Tlio afternoon's plivuiu suit ktl s plitol bnndy diirlmt Urn fiMrM o( the trlnl teat Ihn acuse.1 bis mIM romn Into court In n de. Cntr uiixvl or nrme.1 wHi nine tifn mrrrtltloualy pnae lo him iinwh window or iIimit of tin Jnll, TU ion I do law) era hnd wna In it (Bill trip which nlA)s an I clin.i liy Utelr table. It Is undonitood Hint nf. trta trial cotumriiced thy lei.rned (IFiiiMtr'i itatrment, an Ihey turned Itdr.Ubl In order Hint they iilgtit nort tnrly lace him nl nil Hmi t. It I lilwrtM that Hie nccuaed mnn anlcll It Iht hearing of ono of the prlieiners' la tl Jail, "I'll gel both of tlioao little1 before till Is over " U trial la uiideiatood to Imve t the family of I'milder nbout SI,. HI, cr 1,000 pounds sturllm: which u inl from Auatrnlln for bH do. i w. The mm to tlio atnte ciiilM mil' . Wiriirtiodar, built Is mil liellovedi''''-"''' .MlnUlrr nl Pr' P.i.illul ntate b.-en na great ns Hint nf Ihn I Pnilc.t In Vunii Sill Knl Winn Me Wu. I'rnliahly Sl.OOfl una npent ,, ...r(Ill-as l.y iiii-niiiMil l.i I ly m secret ciiud to which the "l hid srreia, Tho ntnln Mlient Hnroreipert wltnrsaea, nllhnuRh Oil Tliurtdn) nflernooii tbo ladle of tho l'reab)lcrlaii uld urRiitilzntlou will hold n Kt. Patrick ten nt tho bdliiv uf Mrs. It. i:. WnltuiibiirK, 4 S3 1 WtuliliiKton alrfvt, nt whlcli u Mvr orferlliK will bo tho contribution. It I planned to hnvo n t lu of cuter j. lulnliu'iit sotiiuwhnt now lu this city for (hi silver 81, Patrick tea, utile U to Iu'rIii nt 3 o'clock, will hnvo YOUNG MEN'S CLUB TONIGHT IIOOMKIIK U.VWKHTAKK 1 Hi: OIKIAMZATION OP A V. M. ( . A. POIt KI-AMATII f'AI.LH I'uUcd Pieas Sfrviro NGIIAI.I.H, Aria. Mnrc'i 'i Two Wains from Iho west ronat of Mexico atrlvril today, brltiglnR more than n hundred Amcrlrnu-.MoxIcmi funltlica Tho rrritgce reporlrd mnny nri nf violence. liicludliiK tooting nnd burn. Ii.g. CHINA'S REPUBLIC FLAG NOT FLOWN IN RUSSIA i Pi'iiiinnt fritu l.egnllini ODIiv will be divided Into parts of tho pil Rrnm nnd part of tho lofresliincil ervtil nlternatvly, Inatend of 111 ghlny. nil of one nnd then nil of lot her. meeting has boon called for 8 o'clock tonight nt'thc? eoffrt homo by the llooater Club, which Is composed ol fifty or alxty nf ttm young men of tho city, Including student of the county high school. Members of tho club nro Intervated In tho urgntilanllun nf a Y. M. C. A. In Klamnth Tails, nnd It Is probnblu Hint cleps will be taken towasd iblr end nt the mowing tonlghlK Kffortsl TrnC Id gel tlio socretnry of A (onllul lultntlon It extended nil women, or whatever denomination, tlio stato association to visit this city to attend, b) tho commlltco which nnd complete tho organlrntlon ns soon jronilats of Mrs. It. C. Wuttenliurg, ns sufficient membership Is secured. ,Mrs. II. i:. Ilnien. Mrs. II (' Tel- All "of tho young men of tho city, ,fiird, Mrs J J. Hales and Mrs A 11. whether members of tho club or not, .l.herinore. are Invited to bo present nt tlio meet I - -., , ,.- itiig tonight. ow limn routemplnlcil hiring f. Williamson of I'ortlnnd. Htetner ' Ike state Ininno ns)luni nl Halntii. ""I Pain of Kiigoun to rIvk nvldeiiro c Insaalty, "tether the defemo will mineiil the '(ormaVen motion for n new trlnl Pulled Proas Hervtce HI'. PlITCItHIIIJlUl. March II. -In. dlgliiiul piolcal has been sent by thu IChllieao lilllllaler In unil Hill Kill Ingnlnst tho nvtlon of tlio Kiisnlnn for rlgu officii In suggcstliiK Hint It would I id.. Iiionnortuiin to III' tho IluK of the W'M not bo ttarinil todny, n Attor-lii'iinlillc from tho legation staff until "'.. N.Onclll, counsel for Pmilder Iho now government Is nlllclnlly rec 7 M MMeinent to mnkn on tho sub. !"' l thl. lime. Hut tho ca.o has not undid un fur Hutie urn ri.i,,Vr.,...l ., i.w..... U - .- ."..vv,..m, ,. ,,a. rlhiion. uli I....I i ..i ... . -.... ...... ,m-vh n.iii.uviineil .) hnta for tho state, mu failed in u" ,0 cuu" I" Hiuu to ghu his Iva. mm'' hM '"" "ri-Htdl by Hlivrllf '"m II. Ham s on a bench war. t ImucU by Judgo llonry I,. Ilou. j ',l,lrt' Attorney Dull V. Kliy wall propoae ttitsl out Just why "Imh did i,t ,., , Klmimlli ' immediately when tlio auhpoomi wrved on him, which wwi ilom., , ' , rltl "'Inriiey said ilils ufU'C . in lilouty Uf ,1U ,,. .ft,lUl, , ' WHin on hauii .....I ,,1.,..,. i,iu .,.,!.! . "" - v..- oio wlliiess did not nppour ognlreil by Ihu Csar. B( ui Hlurdar. nl. i, . ii,.. .i.., i. !l',,rlct Au"fy Clmrlt-s J. Tor- th " r""('lll,,ll,K ,1,u nrKiiuiont ht w . "ar"os liua ..l'nn(id to l .nil co ""'' ""kl" hlm eimo tkosiii Ul H,,l,"0(,- "t vim m ho offered (ho man a personal 5'0,.0 bill, I'Mlaon would t.-.. ' "in mo subpoena wim l"d and .nr...i ......... -.... ... lra d. . "". wmcii inuon in i M"' t'0lwl" thlH llm Uekp !d ,ho bonc" warrant on Mulion was approhended. " propotition whlcli may UNIVERSITY BOYS TO TALK POLITICS HiiMoiw wii.i. oai.v i:pi:iti. r.N'ci: ix 1'iuii.ic hpkakixci hv TAKISO HTl'MP ll'UIXtl POM IXcl (MMPAH1.S Social lu Tho Uo'rutd KUdKNK, nMrch II.--Tho liiim suffering peoplo pormlltlng. tbo sen. Icr In (ho doimrtmunl of economics mid thuso Inking courses at (tin Unl- vorslly of Orogun In foronstcs. aro to Imvo somo practical oxporlcnco thl touring In defending publicly tlielr be llcfs on Iho luipnrlaiit Issues ot win day. Tlio plan as proposod by holloy I Johnson, couch or debating, la to form tho most rniinblo students Into teams and aond them out to dobato tho Ibbuos of Iho coming election before tho pooplo of tho stato. The plan, If followed, will give the students valu- VOP PAX ASSIST Till: IIAXW Tli no members of the Klamnth Pulls Military llnnd nro out of em- plo)tueut. It liiippeiiH Hint they nro thro of Iho moat vnluntilo men lu tho orgnnltallnu, nnd should they becomo dlacnurngod nnd leavo town tho band would bo badly crippled. II behoove1 em plo) em of tiny kind of labor In I Klnninlh Pall to encournge tlio band 'ki.i atii by giving emtiloym'ni where pntaiuiot ii II members. Auono needing n' liookKeeper nr help of nny kind will ' confer n favor nil the bnnd by nut If y lug the dlrcclor. Imiii Daniel, nil phono IS71, nr Allan Sloan, the sec ret nry. TROUT PROMISED ! BY COMMISSION COUNTY HKCOUXIKKD AS Till: IIAXXKIl SPOUT8MAX iii:sout (! Tin: statk lk TP.Il I'ltOM Pl.NI.KY START LIFE TOUR TWO COUPI.KH MAHKIKII HY KKV. (iKOIKlK II. KKrai-; AND WILL MAKK TIIK1U HOMK IN THIS ITY OF. UHTUO' A A V Two weddings yesterday started four youug peoplo In married life In this city, lloth ceremonies were per. formed by Itcv. George II. Keeae, pas tor of a race M. E. church. The mar- lago of- Mis Florence M. Foster, the aughter ot well known tarner of io Hound Lake region, to Herbert B. Lane, took place at, 10:30 a. m., at parsonage. SI Is Foster waa for- fly well known as a teacher In the math Kails city schools, withdraw. Inst year, to the regret of the au- orltles. Mr. McLane Is a rancher, located about six miles from the city In the direction ot Midland, la a grad uate ot Oregon Agricultural school at Corvallls and a creamery expert. Tho other wedding at which Rev. Keeso officiated wis at 9:30 o'clock last nlgbt, at tho residence of II. O. Wilson, on Jefferson street, on which occasion Miss May Nip pod ot Grants Pass becamo tho bride ot August Webber, a carpenter ot this city, tor mcrly of Grants Pass. Miss Nipper and her father came in from their homo city un last night's Southern Pa cific train tor tho wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Webber will make their home Id this city. fUfCKITswt SAO 1VBWS L. O. Comstock, proprietor of the Comstock hotel of this city, received the sad news this morning by wire from McFarland, Kans., announcing a frightful Injury to his father, aged 71 years, by Ire. Mr. Comstock may leave for Kansas on tonight's train. MM. ARE NOW OCT OF KBLTKR PAXKIlTnvm, PfPM LONDON, March 11. As result of her experience la Holloway prison. where she organised a hunger strike, Mrs. Pankhursts Is In the prison hos pital suffering with a serious case of bronchitis, the alleged result of con finement In a- damp anl solitary cell. Prison oBelala are silent, and It la be lieved the hunger strike continues. Authorities are resorting to force to handle the rampant ladles. The mamagement of the Pavilion skating rink has Inst secured a num. her of tre extinguishers far that re sort. ciiise conmniM b HI I RVHV HI HHHHnW AcuoaIe to Vice PrusHwt 4 Otsatrel OsMt. Majority OUssjgu Tfcaa Veto Palled Press Berries NANKINO. March 11. The na tional assembly approvd the sew eon- stttutlon. The assembly elects a pres ident, vice president, and controls the cabinet. A majority vote ot the as sembly Is suBeltnt to pass the law over the president's veto. WILD (JKKflKJiUt. TO NO ( P. Noel letiirncd Thursday from un extended tour of Southern Califor nia, lln visited l.os Angeles. Rnnln.Hcu: . .. ... I ......... .I.Ia. nt .1... C.I, III ' "It Tho follovvlug commuulcutlou hi bceu received by tlio Commercial H lu reply to their application for trout Worn tho stuto fish mid gamo eouimls- with Yesterday two flocks ot wild geese, probably 100 birds In each bunch flew over tho city In the direction of the Upper Lake, coming from below. It was about 11 a. m. It looks like n harbinger of a cer tain celebrated and Joyous period ot the year. Many a man who saw the era wished he hsd a gun and K a few. mm. STRIKE ED is nrrutnii close Wood AlKgee Tksc IsitesC Offer Im. creases Lowest PaM Workers IS Per cent and Sklalesl Ha4s Soeae. thJac Less, WMck May Be Accepted LAWRKNCC. Mass., March ll. It Is expected that the strike will end oa Wedensday. The strikers' sab-con- Ittee went to Boston for a tnal cos. rence with Wood and others. Wood leges that tho latest offer Increases is lowest paid workers' wages 11 r cent, tbo skilled workers getting smaller Increase. The subcommlt- will settle the strike It Wood can emonstrsto this. THROUGH HERE.PUN DOKKM MAN 8BBXS TO UmtKMT LOCAL IXFLUKNCK IN AN IM PHOVKMKNT WHICH WILL PRO MOTE KLAMATH BASIN O. K. Moore of Dorris, who Is a member of the organisation known as ths North Central Csllfomla Ooed Rosds Club, Is la ths city la the In terest of getting Klamath coaaty sad Eastern Oregon peopl's lalueaee to get lbs mala lino of the state high way built from Weed ttrosgh the Butte alley to the Klamath eesaty Use. The fathers of ths flaa bar presented ths stato highway eonmle stoa of California, fessa which H'.ey hope to get co-operatlea. They are aaxloua to get r,''i th assistance ot people of tho local dis trict to demonstrate that the aataral outlet of Northern California woald be through Klamath county aad Cra ter Lake to Eugene. The state of Cal ifornia baa authorises) aa appropite tlon of 118,000,000 for a mala liae highway through the state north aad south. It Is hoped to gt co-operatiea from tho stato of Oregon to with toe California, highway, i the same may bo extended to north through this section. According to Mr. Moore's meat, by eoastraetlag the through the Butte Valley section to tbo Ktemath coaaty llae aad Umbos oa north, east of the mosatala rssges. ths Slsklyons aad Cascades, that ths largest area of agrlcsltsral. laads woald bo serrsd aad bssssHsd. Ho ssssrts that tho lako hsd see- Uoa of Northsra CaUferala la the third larssst body of scrlenHaral load. la :tho stats of CaHferala. seat la raak to tho Sacrameato aad Baa Joaaala valleys. By following this eomrso ths route woald bo la teach with tho larg est grasp of fresh water lakes la ths Caltsd States, save the Groat Lakes la the Central states. It woald also pass through tho tart est Irrigation project la tbo United State, ths Klamatb-Callfomla aader- taking. This wonld also giro easy ae eeea to Crater Lake. which Is wltheat comparison, and unquestionably the greatest beauty spot oa the coast. From Grass Lake la Butte Valley to Odell Lake Is a stretch ot 300 miles, oa which the heaviest grade woald not exceed five-tenths ot ono per coat, a veritable race course for that die- could llnrlmiii ami other cities of tho South. llo nn tlieio was plenty of rain vvlillo ho was down tliero besides tlio cold breeze Hint llm farmer were o anxiously wlthlng for. JURY CASES MAY BE TAKEN UP NOW TWO ISSUES POII IlKI'OVKHY OP MOXP.V I.IKKLY TO UK IX Pill (PIT POPHT HKPOIIK MOTIOX DAY IS PIXKD .Indue, ileiuy I.. Ilensoil doe not expect lo Itx tho open doto for hear ing motions nnd smaller matters until Infr. Tlio probability Is Hint Hie two Jury ensetf, Lewis vs. Campbell ot al. and . . WlUon vs. Theodoro and Nulllo Nelson, both for tho recovery of money, will be taken up first. lUrelpt I .ickuoiv lodged of our nppllcatlon for 40,000 rainbow trout to ho released'ln" tlio wators of Four Mllo I.nko nnd 1,000,000 brook trout I be released In other public .waters of P mill county. The number ot trout o be assigned to all applicants, of com so, will depend upon tbo num ber or applications received and tho block available for distribution, but tho allotment to bo tmlgned to you will bo practically (ho number re- qtics(ed. ' "This department realties 'that Klamnth county Is the banner sports. I men's resort of tlio state, and It Is Iho desire ot this ofllro that n liberal supply ot botti gamo fish and birds may bo avatlnblo Mr distribution. In J that county. "Wo aro exceedingly glad that your Commercial Club has taken such an Interest In obtaining more game fish and birds to replenish that section of tho stato, since It will not only en courago thts department to work with renewed energy, but will be the means of awakening all your cltliens to the Importance of preserving and prnpogatlng our wild lite., Tour Com- The Stales supreme court has decided that homesteaders under the. timber and stone act cannot file a claim by proxy without making a per sonnl examination of tho land. NICKEL DANCE ON NEXT WEEK NKW HTYLF, OF CHARGING FOR ,) TKIlPSICHOItEAN DIVERSION AT HOVHTOX8 ON SATURDAY .NIGHTS Owing to changee of heart amoag some of the local musicians, the ar rangement for the Saturday night dances at the Houston opera house hnvo been altered. Hitherto ths ad mission (or those dtslrlng to "shake k leg" has been 60 cents. Hereafter, It Is aaasuassd, ths cipher will bo ob- BEATTY COMES TO GET. ACCUSED MAN i DEPUTY UNITED STATBI BHAL MAKBB ARRBST IN OASB OP BONAKSAN CHARGBD WITH FEDERAL VIOLATION Deputy United States Marshal Frank Beatty Is la ths city, having corns from Portland to make aa ar rest in a ease aar Bonaasa. Tho in cused man, William Beesett, against whom Is ths charge ot taklag liquor oa the Klamath ladlaa reservation, gars 1100 boad before Ualted lutes Commtsstoaer J. O. Hamaker, at Bo BMia. walriai a hearing. He will later bo summoaed to apopar at Port' laad, whers tho oass will bs tried la ths federal eotut. Ths InformaUon kialast hta was suds by a man tt .. .1 c- . The route la planned to roach wfcb- la tftsea mites ot Crater Lake Na tional Park, which la now comaara timely Inaccessible from this city, es pecially la tho winter, while at the same time the supertateadeat of tho big reserve, W. Frank Araat, aaakss his besdqusrters hers. Msdford aad tho Bogus River country aow hare a good route to the park, aad ths sew highway would make oae more well directed move toward popularising ths resort. Ths big highway Is planned to run to Eugene, tbua opening a largo, aad desirable territory to tho business ot that thriving city. To say that H wonld help this city and vicinity la a bustasss way Is stating the sass wHb tbs utmost conservatism. It Is salto possible thst whea.bullt It woald have a ttak to eoaaect It with Bead, where It would reach the road already con structed which runs up through tho Deschutes country. LAKE COUNTY FOR TAFT Monday evening Is the Urns for the organisation ot the Lake Coaaty Taft Club, and tho oaly fsar expressed Is that aa practically svery ons favors ths reaomtaatloa of ths Preatdeat that oaly a fsw of tho faith ful will bo present. It Is therefore earnestly requested that all who farer tho renomlnatton ot Presldest Taft bo present at ths court house aest Moa day OToalag aad show by their pres ence that they believe that the host Interests of tho eonatry saa best ho subserved by his ro-eleetlea. A sao- etal lariUtloa Is sctsadod U for It Is almost a foregoas i that ths right of suffrage will be ei teaded thsavat the seat olseuoa, la Orefoa. Ths brass baadwtllfaralsh musle for ths oeesaloa, watts bar of speakers will bo (a atteaoaaee. Labs Osaatf Basmlssr. fk . v.l UA.H -a "'3 M " ;