The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 09, 1912, Image 1

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Alllflltllll ll(ll, dm , aVny W,,
'" fillliiK, KiikIInIi unKe wen, four
Mime nil IiIkIi ii h ltmnny' when ()(.r.
wiiny linil frr., trade, hut ulna. Our.
""'' l"i had prfilPilliin her waxen
Iihv.i been four Hun- ,K, ,,,
f l.'llKlniul In IHftB Hut nii-MKn
'"'" ' inrm labor In the United
of romiiiwrin, mid I. ii lot of H,",,m WB ". niul In Kuroni ami
baneful Influence It I to In, lotialil. '""""' Mima and South Ante
FFT GRANTS PAaa ""' '"' "wnl In Ii trl.-n ...f.llrM n,' '""I '"Kin""" to Kot .tnrtcl1
I-11 nuiioitlii(t, tho.o mil ),.i ho, iin, '" n,l,"l"'f". ImvliiK labored no Ion K
-...,. iilillflv U'llllTIIV .til.
LiBlt !' I'ln'1 ''""I llinlr
tkow of Klamath louniy mli
it the llouitim opera nou.'j
i alikt. ami IlkewNii met defeat.
I tkr r' ul' llni)illil flahl for
.. .. aL. ..........till... lltM fa...
MrftlMO IIH 'II"'III'H "I" i-in
iktr. iliokn aa 'atrnnger III .
I Itlti." t"
kit r t'anwi
luik uepopolnr i
t-, lilt. IUIMA F. .1. IIUAKK HI'KAKH
'io wi:u, atti.mikii ifKimsa
or .motiii.iim am otskhh ox
tliil.n to iiiiiiii lln niii.i ii i.hiiHt llin illniviiti(ni!oH of fren trmln
Ion wn nut adapted to tlm illuuitn of ' "" ,m '"' Ju,t " I"" "r Inbir.
Klamath I'nlla for u w.Mfiil T "" l,""""n" l,,Bn,M, ,'" ' Af.
Kruvilh tlm iti.v.iri.m r,rn """ '"''" wwl'l In. tinjllkt
nut i.inrnry i;iin nail a meetlnK
nt their now quarter which
tl lilted up, nnfl a lorgs
that mi Ioiik n II illwu rnpllnl fimn olhiirl "' Jalmn "" K"'" ""'' "ne.c,l'in 'ro wnv, thu lotturn of Or,
iiniuii wIhtiiH mlKlitlin liniinr mn.1 n ' "r""rl"""r',r,,iri,,nK A '" ,,',"," ' "roko, of whom tho
phi) til. An to llio.t liulimtrliM ..,lf."'"r r""1 ,,,rlrr r,,'','HI"" In wi-km In fI-tl of thli cointnunlty arc already
ii-porlliiK. It In nut JiiNt lo nriitivi ' V ' rmMy w""''l '". In )cnr '"'r uor thoroimh knowledge of
tdmu, iti r,n,, thri-Kli-nod by tnrlfT, "'' liroMonm of dally life worn
ll iiioIim Hip liiniiim of Hut utrnl
Hum aa Krtnlur tlmu Hint of tlm Hull.
u Itiil," two nmiliiitl thrrp ami li'l HUtrn Kovi'miiiPiit fioiu all niurrr-,
itot wr ifamoably l ronri'ili'il Intnl ali Carni-Kltt niliulu t lint no
.. it. miuiihiIhp tlitn nf Ihn nrifti I loiltfitr Im llinrn nm n,..l f.. ..........
ill RirT"".! ...... ... .... .... -.-. . ....... ..... ,,.-., ,ip, iiiijiiti- ... . 1 .. .
,i niklni tb-lr liowlim all HipMIuiioii !,,. I jM,., j mil m,(,W,i. . ' ."" "'" l"tlf,,"' "I'l" .w " from wronK. Htm aid It waa
twta4mlrr4 l hur llnllp.1 Hinl. .i, rail, for "" .1A"""' u,m r,n'1 Ml" Love'. '';' tl.lnK that mnd.Jthe char-
"" "" "i iinu, nnu ii ibpio weru
cultivated III tllo rlirlit dfiwtlnn li
,rllllll Ulilll.l n.l I... .......... -1 m- -
".....i, iiwi. I,,. iiiiiiiiii io qo
,. rlr" "" "'ll. It
would not b,. Jii.tlfl..,! In (r)nK t '" '""'"" ' '.npl frn trndp Of T '"'
itrow It .ri., owIiik to Hut .......i.,-. "",r lo-T"' P'T rptithnvn only their ,1,u,"l"'''
lln follown.l il.l. .in. '""" I" KiiRland Ihn day Inborn-'"'")' 'i,n
' ' " i'')M" II U j. i a . .it . t
proiiKiloii on aiii ' ''" '"'r ". nd In ".. u on nauti. jrno prln
a rnpllnl fioiu olliur . ,",,,M" lu"1 Jnl"n h Wt only one. 'l'"1 'turo wax thu letturo of Dr
aliolllliiu If we denim rlieniineaii. ni -lielnfill to the mothem and Vithor via
u admit the AhIMIp laborer Into C.',,0,, '
lloriiln The word "Amerlran" a. Mr"- lrko denlt with the aubject
wi(a RtAmU for value, nnd we ahould "f .hu.RirliiK of the Klrla and boya
rot rneapen II Miint iney uiiaht l.o nhlo to dlacern
i!H apirnirlalel) dec
Lei. th Irfl ulitp havlnx pmitiant
I tilt ltd whlln Hie rotor of the
ItMt, about on that tide, and Ihn
It il4 hatlnx tliiitc of ml and
kl. lb Kltliulli rotor The ln
tfUlrrt Uied till tide of Hie
hi la aaaiiinii io me loreKiunu
L'itMt baaiifi Hie iludenl lind
Ut alttartlte linlnna over (he
ii-ttliif to mil"' the nrraalim a
tliclf rrinlnilful of lilath i
lutMMbie iinu (lie iiirh irniHij
, id'r (InifKP A Wirt I, ildde.1
RW Hlrtf "' ll' orraalon by ill.
I'll liar within and without a
niln buy Dulled Hlnle .teel rail, for " ,"' w,m r,'n'1 Ml" '"vn
10 per Urn le..-nlmo.i o per lent """, "MeniporanetnnV ar.1
lc...thati Hill ran buy Hiem In Il.l "',,'l";: ""'" "f '" irmimenla of..
touiilry Captain, of Menm.l he "r'"' h M ".". H,,ofl "" "",l l,'
mid. admit that product, of our ...l ,"'""' Mn"1 '"'"'"Ti rr ' ihi'aper than here Kporl
III ll'll were 11.260,000,000, and he
nudeil If It ntniid. to rea.un Hint ttilni
wn i.lily iil)ii t m, enonnoin
Mimle lo piotect mi) Hint mil'
lint Mippoit Itudf -treatr n fnored
elM of nilllloualte who.e Hpntlli I.
ritre.t I'ell. Ilr.t vpenker on Hi
lleitnlhn aide, .aid I lie quealloil I not i
I' waitf have ndvnneeit n fn.t a'
(t'onilniied mi VnK, tj IIKATMl
prlrr. Hmialor (Iron;..
, tiiaiB ami wiimuii me opera " inn iroieriive inrlfT a. out
illkoul, prior to Hie Kulher wnirli impo.r. ..irli a duty .on for'
(4 Ik aadlrnre, and within nfter eliiit production n to let thu home
(tiki aaa tuemblail ninliufnrliirtr eilabllnh hi bu.lne.t
IttWare w madv up Inrxel) or ktep It koIiik after It eatabllah-
kkirawl .u.llt, bo) nnd alrla, nient If the tariff I. emrbltantly
I) fttkuilaatlr In )eltlni; for IkIi It hutild be redureU to eiual
lfM. (or Klamath, for the In-. ' illffmenre between value hern
anil abroad. The only Juatlflratlon
for a rhaiia-e In Hie tariff f lit .how
raala o the home Irani and for
lllfatriltaiiMk thing; In pii.ti
Taartlllnc ne pin ultra.
i faram orraalona and wa lent
I hBiwttia tut night by the
miUoaa of Prof K V llawley,
iMon hind to bnrk up Joavph
! la making tlm vurallat pro
IniUiof rnthiiilaam Hald I'ro.
tea u lurely tome proimlalon.
I lr lhlred, the llatener wero
I U cll la rnlhuaed. and the
rta of the "yellri." were a vrrr
pUI addition to Hie enlotmnnt
Ika mains. Imth a. n preludn nnd
Roa look lick.
M Ik dnor after I'ruf. V, K.
91 Ud lOld thrill, nn. I hn
i. I Slubblerteld. t.a.tnr of ihn
krlll Prrali)ttirlnn rhiitrli. m.,1..
taroduetory remark, he poko
lUHunitnt made bi
' at Ihe hot omcu n. not ao
IBNHM It ni'cdiMl. I. ul I...
,(alh kIiimiI .1.1..
I" M a line on tho people and
-- ineep from I ho Koala.
"mii were In hi. nrcu.tonied
w . and kept hi. hearer
'Mrlai ih,.r. ,, ..,,.
1? ftt,,0- In imaiire them
J" '"''I' I'lli'teal In their
--MiiiBitl,r'iilU llonn.
Iik . "Rimniiuii anilllll
l"P Inward a terminal ubnn.
I Of thu hriil,lu.. .-.! ..
Iuu , - """.in mrin.
"" l III (Bll.hl.rk ...A
Ho It underatood thnl Ihe llnntype
operator on the llernld h. no et
tied nntlpathy toward waltr when
u.e.1 In It icultlmnto channel, inch
as for IrrlKatlun bath, cleanlnc
nnd other convenient nnd appropriate
purpoae. but when tho aald IllO
'Intrude. Itneir Into hi. Raiollno tank
fvlllrll r.lPfilalttfid II... iimI wilt. m.I.1.1.
Hoar ili-UwilKTAIlV OI.IVKII (ICTH I'IC.Ithii metnl for il.n mnohln- I. ...ii
TI'III'M NIIOU'l.N'd ,)t!.TUV,nn,1 r1l,p "eh mfnl to ai.umo the
.nnnn.inni. iiriihA.i.A. mmmamaiih .
Il'lllill il.n .... .... - hi'iicau;
" " "" '. w I trlbuteil lo a ml.or'a heart, a. hap
AT I.OH ANdKI.IX HIIOW tpened today, It came hi remark to
. laound, lomethlna; like I 1
Serretnry Caleb T Oliver of the ' 6I .s:r.,,MMn
Clmmbrr of Commcrcu I thu reclpl
mil flif fnrli l.l.l.i.n. a... La. L'l....
. ... ... ,...,, .....- ,,w, r.iik mam.
it. u 1.1.1. . . .. . i I
in, " nn ii uiu io on iiaru mr mnKinR
tnln one were brought up before the
Juda-o, who wanted tho re.t, but the
latter would not come. The boya ap
peared ent word to the other that
nobody had "anllched" on thtm, or
"Ujren them away," and for them to
coaa aVtid.
"TUty don't know you aa well a
we do, Judft-e," they declared.
"Teach the boya to play aa they
otiKht to, aa It'a the befflaafnK of the
work thoy are to do ta life," aald the
iip'akcr. "It will aare many eaaea In
court. The money that you put Into
pinyxround will not be heavy taia-
tlon that wotl proflt you aothlnf, but
will bo an Investment paylnc heavy
"Aa to the purity that ahould pre
vail In tho city, there ahould be ah.
Itig bad allowed, nothlnf temporlaed,
nolhlna; winked at. Have everything
right and atralaht. Womanhood la
only aafo morally where mavhood la
aafo morally. You tnea are partic
ularly Intereated In thla becauee yon
are anilou for the Reed of year peo
ple, you who are rulera and leadkm
In your elty. '
"Now a to tecregatlon of view, t
would aay that there la oaly oae form
of It which I would approve. That
would be to aecrtaat all who eate
auch place, and keep them securely
apart from the reat of the elty. aad
then a Boon aa poealble pualth them
a severely aa It la poealble to do It."
although Rouada tried to overtake
him by aome clean (port lag.
When the gua waa Ired at the tin.
lah of the tweaty-fonr lapa Huaaaker
waa the tret maa to eroaa the upe.
lie had gained lead of two aid one-
half lapa, which he held to the Calth
of tha raee.
There waa a large erowd on hand
to wltaaaa the esdteaeat, aad cheer
after cheer west up ad each akaUr
forgH ahead of tb other at dlfi
The time waa 1:11, which U pret
good, eoatldetiag tha fact that neli
er of tha had aa opportunity
trabi properly for the coateat It
aaaaimd that a retara Batch wUI
enaated la the acar fatare. it tl
ta doao It will likely prove a drawln
Kvldeace la tha trial of Note
Faulder for the kllllmg of Lomla Oak
hart bavlag beea eoaapleted. today
waa apeat oa Ue argaateat for aad
agalaat tha coavtctloa of tl
maa, who fatally ehot tha i
for Xrickaoa A Petersoj
rovna wan imnito
Oa Baaday afteraooa at I o'clock
there will be hald a yoaag aaea'a
etlag la the baeeaaeat of the Math-
odlet church, i. B. Maaoa will be
amoag tboae who will addreaa the
meetlag. A cordial lavHatloa la u-
tended to all of tha mea of tha elty
to attead thla meetlag.
an urgent need It muat be n Jh1", for ','" ,an,l ,,- at l." An-i
and prnrllral t'linnge. To nhamlnn I !-- The aerrctary will take Hieml
Ihe tariff will not benefit the working, 'there when he Koe, They will how
man or annne elae The l.lternry
lllgeat of May A, 1911 quote from
Hi. i lindon Time Hint the Amerlrnn
wnrkliiRtiinn tin an liiimeii.n ndvnnt.
nite ovi-r hi llrltlah brother He ha
a Inrger timrgln otcr the ro.t of llv.
InK. II roat 20 cent, to make n rer.
tnln cotton In thla country n. ngaliMt
. renin III l.iiglnii.I. and other'sMX
......I...I ..v...l... .. ... u I ik..vlT'T
n.Hininii, i,iiiii,i , nil ni n MBW ln.
advantage, needing proeaefton, io
cut off the tnrtrr uam tic lo
of Ikli . " ivuhi, un learn
-- II MM IJ1.A. .. .. m
m. . .. ''" na ren,
'n 0 If Ml. ,ovo' nari nf
zsrjTL "'. -
la Ilii. ii "iiiiiik iriouin
ikaBl" r n(,r "no apirlt
?"ttr, and th ,.i ' ....
" rouali- Th . '
Shnr Ti. .Th.. ,"",,k.Cr,
'UdN.liii """ ,,,r,t
iJiJ, ," A. the taller read-
Uaaari. . ",""mni, Whl c
hm pTi ,wl" (:ox
f'- teat. .. ... ...
IrtliuiL. ftn",ntlve, waa
Lir-T"'. renmrkinif n..t .
" Ihe na., f .i. .....
M,ct, .t, ;,:,;
(Moan nJ "" coun,ry to
teaiit!; 0r" 'B"y. demo.
i that U 'fPor'a Weokly,
"Ultlth ' cani,l,l"t
Iwaaatloa can V., u w'y from
roihi.,"-' ""!""""
"an Inn. ' """ne
Lto"., "r"''
'l0ta " v,""i ia no
.. WBI-earnln !.. r...
" Prlao flat frgaj' tha
1 1, III U
inuy the
n rata n do.
n, while In
rajr nndi'i iroiec,""
wmkJ9.i00 TlinliaatV
THai mr
-. niiiKiunii ..
tanitard of Kurofe nnd
year of free trfd In
Krupp gun work nl K
citam of t7,000workti
tlm following nil
Hon Ihe Inrrea.e
cheapne of Hid free
Hon ron.lit. In the rheapne.t of hum
an dealt nnd blood.
HpeakltiK aerond on Ihe itttlnnMlvo
Ride wn Nell Allan, who quoted Hen
ry Clay a )Iiik It waa nuer ex
pooled to keep Ihe tariff on If an
Indiutry I ef .upporllng, nil rllit,
bill If not, the public .hoiihl not be
mnile lo rnrry It over. If the pro
duction rnntiot meet the condition
Hie rnpllnl put In It were 1'Wtor put
Into aomethlnic clue. Mnklmt ll.o tar
iff rnu.i'H log rolling, nnd mukiM run.
grca k place of barter. It rloe not
rnnan an Inrrenin of wnge lull doe
rauae IiIrIi price, for Ihe working,
man, Tho perreutngo of lucren) In
wnite In tho United Htnten under pro
lection tin been leu. than Hie per
ronlng!) of enrh Inrreii.e In KiiKland
under free trade. From 1835 to 1880
the percentage of Inrrenvo In KiiRllah
wage wan 00 2-3 per rent and In the
United Rlnte 43 per rent. Ilnpro
tected wage. In the United Stale
have InrreoRed relatively fnler from
1KD0 to 190.1 limn protected, oxriin
plea beliiK rarpenler 37 per cell
plumber 27 per rout, nnd pnlnlijp
29 per rent, nil unprotected, ngnl!
Iron worker 19 per rent nnd
chlnlRta 10 nor rent, protected. Yin
aonalo ndoptod the rnllrontla na
atandnrd example, nnd learned Hint
front 18BR In 1908 Ihn Inrrmao In
wage thorn waa 20 per rent nnd the
Incrcaio In living coat 00 por rent,
while Tlrnditreet, a rotlablo authority,
put tho Incroaaed roat of living from
1898 to 1910 nt 61,0 per cent .Dacon,
dreaa good, and ninny other ataplea
have Incroaaod faator In prlco, al
though protected, than In tho unpro
tected cnuntrlea.
Mlea Short, aecond negatlvo apeak.
er. aald wa do not depend on Henry
01a to adopt principle for u, Tha
ronrlitahel) the condition, of the
country of tho Klamath llailn, and
are calculated to attract tho home-aookora
W. II. Maaoa haa aaaouaced that
he will build a Ireproot building oa
tho northeaat corner of Mala aad
Seventh atrocte, where be awaa tha
real eetate. The upper loor la to
uatd for oBcea aad the grouad
for a atoreroom. While It
torted today that oae of tho 1
department atorea would move
location the owner of the atore could
not be reached to leara the facta.
The lot la 66 feet 8 Inchea oa Haiti.
uwing io ue work or puttlag a
mm eelllag aad aaaklag other repair
id araea afetbodlet eharch, of which
nr. Oeorge H. reeae la paator. the
only eervieee held la Ue adlftca to
morrow wUI bo those of the duaday
fchoot aad Bpwortb League, to be
held at tbo nana! hoara.
inalc la town at opera heaee
atarday Bight Daaea :.
Mr. aad Mra. rraak Aakvay ware
iKiu't forget the big dance at Hon,
ton' Saturday night.
'titv isii I'tii'VTV .aiiuivtBTita
TIOX WKM. RKPIIMK-VrKIl Ar ,lMH ?.nd ,06 f M aWtaalk, wkk
b .mall, one-atory frame bulldlag,
MKK-TtM! IIKI.I) AT CITV MALI, aaed aa a candy atore. occupying the
.BaBBaBBBBBBBBBYaain la ha
ah wwww mmmmmt ivfinrna
-M tmmm ir kv mummmmr. aa w .
f re- .u,,.. .u. . ....... . iittal
JI.. iaaa- mwtmmw iwwm ( nHlBI BMBUT w
B . -mM
m- iSfkfAaan . AP
Ml --"1
Harrr lliaaiei waa la tha at- n. Otbar
s.a a
. MaOay aapaac
aaroalag far laa
The Woman' Library Club wl.he
) Hit. mean lo expre.. lo II K,
Vltenliurg II thank, for Ihe hand
aouie ileik terenlly preaented In tho
public library It la tho friendship
and genero.lly or iiirh public aplrlted
cltlten thai hrno been thu create.!
r In building up uud maintain.
o hope the cltlien. who are not
In Ihe habit or vl.lllng Iho library
will lake oranlon to drop In and co
till hnmUnme piece of furniture, that
they may more fully apprerlato our
prldo In the Rplcndld gift.
l.8T ATaWrH'lllli M I.UTAl
I,. Klllolt of Iho Klmimlh l.y
eeftm coure, tni morning loruivuu n
ICKrnni from Klllaon & While, Holae,
del'.o, which haa canned Hin tnln of
Hie Kdwln Week company, wlitch In
(lintL Mr. nnd Mra, Weokr, uctoi
nml DlnKorx, and Mlaa l.ulo Smcliilr,
viullnlBto, to bo changed (lorn liiej
.liiv nlaht. March L. to UiMffla
lisht, Mrnchla Mr. Ttniott nw
.iohu V. Hoiiiton, Iho local hiaw .
KrlnuKC-i.. who advlacd him iliit tho
climiEe could ho readily made, n Hie
opcrn hou.n wna open for tho MondhV
The telegram lo Mr. Klllut; lead
aa follew:
"Weok company'a date witn ou
I March 18th. Tried to fix for the
16th, but cannot do o and glvo yon
connection that will be at nil tafe.
They are making good In great ihapo,
ao don't be afraid to advertlae atrong-If."
Dr. Kuima V. A. Drake .poke to a
therlnc of city and county official
I cither at city hall laat night,
ong her It.tcncra being Mayor Fred
nderton, 1'rcaldent Marlon Hank
tho council; Councllmon O. W.
Ite, Hiiasell A. Alford, Charlea
lowan and Cit) Attorney Horace
Mnunlng; Attorney Charle C,
Ilrowcr, Cnptnln J. W. Slemcn.
County Judgo William S. Wordcn,
County Commli.loner C. Uuy Mer
rill and Samuel T. Summer, Captain
J P. Leo, county as.eaaor; Rev. J. S.
Stubblefleld, paator f Llnkvllle Pro.
b)lerlnn church; Mounlcd Policeman
Chnrloa- C. Low, W. 8. Slough, Sam.
uel M. Kvan. and W. O. Smith.
Mr. Drake .poke of tho promleo of
the city, for which .lie believed there
wn. n great future, nnd remarked
Hint Iho.o pteaent wore looking for
ward lo It, She omphnsltcd tho fact
that now la tho time for tho city to
ahnpo ila Influence, for tho young by
eatnblUhlng playground for boya.
"I.ny out n doien of them, for that
will not bo too many," ahe urged.
What did San Pranrlico do right
ter the flro? That wonderful clt
wMch roto bo marveiouiiy after ita
grAt dliaatcr, bonded Itself for a
laid n for playground for Ita
boyl r ud girl. Tho city of Denver,
wllf Ila 230,000 Inhabitant, did not
nwalen to tho need of inch Inatltu
Hog until comparatively late, for It
I. Jnly four year ilnce she took tho
(tor up In onrneit, and provided
lncea for tho Juvenile to enjoy
themielve. If jnu will provide the
ncres.ary meana for tho young to
annuo themaelven they will not go to
badncaa. The larger pari of tho little
offense, which begin the child on a
career that may later become an un-
fortunate ono do not comtltute wick.
edneaa at all, but aro Juit the over
flow of boylthnesa. You can meet
thla overbow and guide It la a way
that will be free from harm."
Mr. Drake told of boya who played
under the railroad vladucta In Denver
agalnat whom were made complaint
lo the poltco Judge that they aent In
Are alarma, broke wlndowa of can,
and performed other mletaief. Oar-
corner. At the rear of thla atructure
I ilr. Maaon'B realdeace, which
front on Seventh atreet. The ground
ia valuable, and waa offered oa Jan
uary 31 at $150 per front foot.
Tho acttvltle In real eetate at the
corner Indicated have been notable
featurea of real catate bualneea thla
aprlng. Rlatlvea of J. A. Brockea-
brough bought the corner diagonally
opposite, occupied by atorea aad by
tne American houae, for 111,060,
while Mayor Fred T. Satderaon aold
another corner to Ed DuFault for a
price alleged to be cloae to 6100 a
front foot
The match race at tha akatlng rink
Init night proved to be aa Intereetlag
aa expected. The two coateetaata
Iran Rounda and Jaeae Huaaaktr,
wero prepared for action at o'clock.
and Manager Croaby announce that
the Judgea would be Tom Elliott. Al
bert McCoy and W. Hawihurat.
At the appointed hour tha racer
made their appearance to do battle on
Iho little rollera. A coin havlag been
fllppel, Jeeae Hunaaker aecurad the
lerlde poaltlon. At the crack of tha
platol Hunaaker took the land, aad
by dint of great exertion managed to
lend a few pacea ahead of hie adver
ary. At thla critical momaat, how
ever, an accident happened to Rouada'
akate, caualag blm to fall la tbo Irat
lap. Thla waa repeated la tho eecoad
lap, whoa ho waa again thrown to tho
floor. Ia tho meantime Huaaaker
kept hla ataady pace which ho aad
atartrd with, nnd It waa aooa ovtdeat
that ba bad a foot margia of lead
thronsaaat tao remaladar at laa vaoo.
Mr. aaat Unt. W.
to leave WedaMaday
rraaelaao, where thoy go with Ue
reat of Ue Klamath Falle aggrega
tloa of booster, to help cbooaa a alto
for Oregoa'a ospoatUM bulldlag
A. L. Mlcaaol, commoaly kaowa ia
tbo mayor of Dairy, la a local vtottor.
rraak Morgan aad family war In
from ML Hebron Friday to vkatt with
W. Davta of Traka. Calif.. U here
to toko a poaRiaa with Ue Falleaa
Bay Lumber oampaay.
A. L. MUbaei la ta Ue elty from
A. Ktaaey la a vMtor from Olaaa.
J. D. Hooper, the rancher from
Miller lalaad. waa la Uo elty Friday
for anppMea.
FOR kULE Beat rattaaraat ta Klam
ath Falle. Owaar baa other. Dual
neaa. and muat eell; a bargala. Ira
A. M. Cryatad at Baldwla bar. Mf
Klaautk Chapter No. II. R. A. M..
wUI coafer Ue Mark aad Paat Maater
degreoa Uka ovealng.
o maa la wboae
coaalderaUoa Uo fata of Fauldtr
reau waa Dtatrlet Attoraey IWI V.
Knykeadall. who rooMoi trs ca:.
from iu begtaalag, aad tt
clrcamataacfa ao he vtewcj thtai
from tha evidence offered.
Leadlag up to Uo teatlmoay whleh
waa of ered to prove Uo defendant In
sane, ho apoke of Dr. Howard Oar
rath, wltaeea for tho prooeeutloa, who
had Uo opportaalty of coatiaaed ob-
aervatloa of l-nlder up to wMala Ua
hour of the crime. Ha aald a aaaa
la dally coatact wtu' another bad a
pretty good fouadatloa for atatac aa
what waa tho mater wlU ate. Dr.
Leo W. Chlltoa bad observed Ua maa
aad noticed noUlag parttenlarly
wroac about Fautder'a meatal eeadt
Uon. Fred Mortoy bad aald Faatder
appeared to worry, aad Ua district
attorney aald aay aaaa uader tbo Mao
dreamruaees weatd hava i
to worry about Tho fact, aa to
to by Mlaa Mamie Braadoa that laa
aaaa would Jump whoa toaohad. aar
roborated by J. a Carroll, waa set
aa straac. aa a aaaa
had krtled aaybody iliHr.
bad ohot hlmaolf, weald ha
to Jump whoa aUrOod. tt a
had a murdtrer'a eoaaalaaaa ho
weald Mkely Jamp farther Una fa tha
If Faalder had payihli
opUepay. avgaad tho dkftrlet attoraay.
tha eaoll bo bad la Jail aboat Chriat.
maa ttmo whteh had beea dimlbad
aa a tt waa epilepsy, aad If sat, ho
did not have It nt .Uo time of Uo
"Ho bad present two phyaMaaa
when he had this tt." aald Uo prose
cutor, "oae of whom had beea la reg
ular atteadaaeo oa blm, aad whom
yon might call hla owa physlelaa. aad
both of them agree Uat Uere wag ao
alga of paychlc epilepsy whatotor.
Dr. White aald that whoa be set Ban
ana ha would aire the priosaor a Ut
ile sedative, aad thoa ho wenM sat
aU right aaala. Ho simply aald the
maa waa nervosa, wHh ao aaaa of '
payehte epilepsy. We Utak K reason
able Uat a aaaa woaM not aw rasa
waatlag la Jan oa ale trial oa aaah a
eaargo aa this.
Jim Wheeler, who teak ears at
him. aald ho waa raving aad ealMac
for 'Jim.' calling for Wheeler. Wheel
er attsaded him la hla sapleed epilep
tic tt. In which state we hava
told a ealsrer wonld aot
anyone. Bnt whoa Wheeler reeebed
blm Faulder Immediately
tulet He recognised hla ke
Dm. White aad Merrymaa aatd they
saw ao algna of fever or epilepsy-, aad
Dr. Merrymaa regarded Us maa at
attat Press kharrtaa -
teraaya for TveHmos aad Clancy hare
asked Federal Judge Do Haven tor a
subpoena for MeMaalaal to testify
Moaday, whoa labor mea will resist
betas taken to Indianapolis for ar
raignment. Jadge Do Havea took aa-
dr advWemeat Ue regueet ef the
man. MeMaalaal la la Laa Aaseles.
' I
la Ue eases ef Oenaty Clerk Chaa.
R. Da Lap there haa been Bled a salt
by J. W. MeDeaoaga agaiaat Oeorgs
B. Hrt at ratt Klamath. The attar-
aay for laa atatattf ia Oesras H.
Trifsia at Ashland, waa elatma Uat
hey la dae hla oMeat, aad Ue Mil
waa Mat Hh aha ehJaet st.raeavar.
"They would aot sat oa the wltaaaa
stand Just to awear Uta maa lata paa
labmsat fns dafsaaa haa pat before
yon Uo oueetlon of Insanity la tha
hope of deladtag aome of yea. ta
each eaaea ne this aueh a eearae la re
gaidod aa a IstiUmate praetlce If
you tad thla maa killed Oebhtrt d.
Iiberatety aad wlU mallee, yea are
permitted to bring la a verdlet at
warder la the Irat degree; If wttheet
deliberation nnd with mallee, ant par-
poetly, you may brlag la a verdlet of.
murder la the aecond degree; If aay
other aort of kllltag aot JuetltaMe ar
eaenaable, yoa may tnd a verdlet tl
ausMlanghter. Conatder Ue maa'a
aetleaa before the kllllag. la Uraat
ealag to kill aay maa wha palaeaad
hi dag. aad later, whoa tha dec had
ra, aa he heUeved, palaeaad. la
threstealag that ha woaM kill laa
.' After he hat shot tha aaaa
he hade saedbye to his foHowa la the
eamp. hat aald ha weald Brat sa at
aat make ears Ue maa wag teat.
Mtat yea, ha thorn wast ap wtth aha
tatesllea 9t ahaaaaM maa wha aw